Giving myself a WEEK to Beat Terraria Infernum.

infernum terraria’s most grueling mod this mod is not for your average player it takes a person with dedication to sit down while not moving and fight the same boss for 8 hours straight and yes this actually happened and for this run I made it my objective to beat this mod with the worst class in Calamity the Rogue class while other classes like Summoner and Mage get massive damage outputs we get stupid little tiny stealth strikes which honest to God suck so this just adds another element to the 80 hours of pain I went through and no joke I think I probably lost around 8 lbs recording this I gave myself about a week and a half to do it and so that pretty much means I had to starve myself to get this done we are finally in hard mode and this enters a new era of my infernum playthrough not only will I have to worry about vanilla bosses being a little bit tougher but I also have to worry about the mass array of new bosses with some crazy attack patterns but before we fight our first hardore boss we could take a little break and see what hard mode really has to offer at the beginning and one of the nicest first upgrades going into hard mode is going to be the demon heart which if you didn’t know grants you an extra accessory slot and of course the pone Hammer but something that’s different in infernum than base Terraria is that the hard mode ores are locked behind the bosses so of course you get the basic first level of hard mode ores after just killing the Wall of Flesh and you get more more after each mechanical boss you kill but there’s about two more things I want to do before we actually get started in hard mode and that is clean up the rest of preh hard mode by bosses such as the hive mind which you can actually fight them in a crimson World cuz there’ll be a little corruption floating island so I head over to the island also collecting Souls of Flight because our first major accessory is also going to be the fairy wings which I think you know why extra health I do start the high mind fight and I actually do kill him in two attempts so he wasn’t that hard and our second little side boss is the torch God you don’t have to do this one at all but I just like to see that 100% completion so I get a little tiny Arena build out I die a few times but I eventually do get it and I get that torch God’s favor and so now we can actually start to get into hard mode stuff and our first goal is to craft this new hard mode weapon called the iore spear which is pretty much just a fast firing Javelin but when I use my stealth strike with it it sticks to the enemies and poisons them over a little bit of time so it’s it’s a pretty good weapon to get right off the start and detailed by its name the iore spear that means I do have to go to the underground crimson and fight iore stickers so I head off to the left and on my way to the underground crimson I come across something that I completely missed my whole snow biome changed into a a whole new biome which at the time I didn’t know what it was and after a few minutes I figure out it’s actually called the astral biome and this new biome brings a whole new set of enemies items and this is actually where I’ll get my first hard mode armor but we’ll worry about that when it comes time I do end up making it to the underground crimson and I spend a good amount of time farming as much I core stickers as I can and thankfully I do get it to drop and boom we have our first hard mode weapon and now back to the Titan heart armor so in order to get this armor you have to defeat astral Titans in the astral biome they’re kind of a pain in the ass to spawn but I do eventually get the Titan Hearts needed to craft the armor and oh boy we look hella snazzy what the [ __ ] is wrong with me but we are ready to fight our first hard mode boss so I head to the underground Hollow pick up a little gelatin Crystal and I end up just using my old arena for the desert scorge and we start our first attempt on the queen slime but going into the fight it was nothing like what I was expecting I think this is where infernum really kicks into overdrive because while I’m fighting Queen slime she shoots out these little crystals and then ends up trying to slam on you and then does this weird little laser shooty thing which is just an incredible amount for my brain to understand and then right before I die she shoots this big old beam of light down which absolutely shreds me and at this moment I don’t even know what to do and about two attempts later I do get her down to her second phase and she does this really cool attack pattern that is very easy to like Dodge I guess but I still end up dying on that attempt but after many attempts of practicing both of her phases I do eventually get it [Music] down but now that we’re done with Queen slime there are no breaks just yet we are moving straight straight into cryogen so I head over to the now Astro biome and try to farm as much Frozen enemies as I can because they’ll drop an Essence that I need to craft the cryogen key in order to summon cryogen so I kill kill kill and I eventually do make the cryogen spawn and we get started on our first attempt and let me just say cryogen had to be the worst boss I’ve fought so far he took me well over 50 gosh damn attempts to beat and now I’m not really going to explain his phases because all his phases are pretty much similar you just have to dodge a [ __ ] ton of projectiles so getting the timing is incredibly important in this boss fight but after around the 25 attempt Mark I do decide to make my Arena and actual Arena I get it all placed out and then about 25ish more attempts I do get a good attempt then [Music] [Music] and now that we’re done with cryogen I can craft a new rogue weapon called the Kelvin Catalyst and you need like four or so different weapons from cryogen but I’m lazy and I didn’t feel like spending a [ __ ] ton more of attempts just to try to get another treasure bag so I spent a whole night farming up the E cthulu and then just bought his treasure bags and then eventually crafted the Kelvin Catalyst and now the crazy thing about this weapon specifically is that it spawns five ey Stars each and end up doing around 50% more of the base damage to enemies and this is where it gets extra good now when performing a stealth strike with it it will cause the weapon to stay in the position of the enemy and do loads of damage so it’s really freaking good but before we fight our first set of the mechanical bosses I do set out and get some of the new hard mode ore that way I can get a better pickaxe and an Axe and I do craft them up but now we’re ready to fight the twins and now going into this fight I thought these bosses were going to be super super difficult the boss fight pretty much just consisted of dodging chaos flames and reizer Laser and to be honest the boss fight was pretty cool [Music] and now that our first set of mechanical bosses are defeated we have a new set of ore unlocked but before I do that I end up getting a solar eclipse and this was my first solar eclipse of this playthrough and to be honest with the weapon I had it was super freaking easy and so I venture to the underground collecting as much as I can and crafting myself a new set of pickaxes and axe but we aren’t done with our boss spree yet I have about three or four more bosses until I’m actually able to relax and our next one on the list is the Aquatic scorge so I make my way over to the sufc Sea get a very nice Arena builtup and start my first attempt at him but something seemed really really weird and it turned out he was enraged now back when I played this about a year ago you were able to fight the Aquatic scorge on land and I did not know that so I had to take time out of the way to build a big old arena under the water and then I gave it my actual first attempt and now for his first phase it really wasn’t that terrible it was just a lot of circling around him dodging his knives and dodging these little I don’t even know what to call himn coming down from above you and it does take me a few attempts to get used to but I finally do end up reaching his second phase and nothing’s really special about this phase either he just gets really fast and starts dodging at you and then a few more attempts go by and I get this really really cool boss fight during a blood Mir [Music] [Music] [Music] and now that the Aquatic Scourge is defeated it unlocks the tier 2 event to the acid rain and I do actually get a pirate map dropped from one of these enemies so as soon as the acid rain event ends I start the Pirate Invasion don’t get really anything crazy do destroy a Flying Dutchman and of course we get the pirate Captain NPC but before we start our next boss the Destroyer there is one teeny tiny thing I want to do before then and that is go and increase our health so I pop a Spelunky potion head to the jungle and quite quickly get all the life Roots I need and since there’s really nothing else for me to do I sleep through the rest of the day and it’s time to fight our second mechos going into the first attempt it really wasn’t all that bad in his first phase it was just a lot of making sure I don’t get hit by him and little orbs that shootout and I honestly kick through it pretty easily and same with the second phase only big difference is he got a little bit faster and there was now a laser grid but as soon as I got him into his third phase I got smacked up and died and after a few more attempts of getting knocked around I decided I’d try to make a different Rogue weapon called the Blazing star and it throws up to three stars but when performing a stal strike with it it will cause all of the stars to stack and be thrown at once and it will do a [ __ ] ton of damage in order to craft this you do have to head down to the crack and farm this new material called essence of Havoc it’s kind of a pain but it’s whatever and then after crafting this new rogue weapon up I tested on the Destroyer and it it shreds him for a little bit but I still die a good like 20 more times and then I go back to the Kelvin Catalyst and then unexpected to me I spend around another 25 attempts fighting him and he was by far the hardest boss I fought so far which is kind of unexpected but after getting time to learn his move set all of his phases we came out on top [Music] [Music] n [Music] and then I figured for the shiggles of it I might as well go ahead and fight Skeletron Prime and believe it or not I beat him in two attempts which is freaking insane and his boss fight pretty much just consists of running left to right and so without further Ado here’s my God attemp [Music] [Music] [Music] and after defeating Skeletron Prime you do get a pretty cool cut scene with some weird ass alien looking [ __ ] I don’t know who it is but yay we did it and it was so crazy to me that I beat him in two attempts that I wanted to try him again just to make sure that I didn’t get Super Lucky and I ended up beating him pretty much again so yeah skeleton Prime is easy when playing as Rogue but that now completes all of the mechanical bosses and we do get hollowed bars and there’s actually one new type of ore that spawns when you kill them that I had completely forgotten about and it’s the cryic ore and we can actually use this ore to make some pretty nifty new weapons and some new armor and you can actually find cryic ore over in the underground snow biome and so that was my next objective and as soon as I get there I start mining as much as I can and then finally we have a new set of armor crafted the dayus armor but it’s now the time to fight our next boss and this one is the brimstone Elemental and before we can fight her I do have to craft her summon which requires me to go back down to the crack and mine this stuff called infernal suit I don’t know how to pronounce it and then I use this to make Unholy cores and then we can finally make her summon the charged Idol and since I technically already have an arena down there in the Underworld that reaches over to her biome we don’t got to worry about any of that and so I go ahead and I summon her in [Music] [Music] [Music] and I was starting to question if infernum was really that difficult because I’ve pretty much just fought two easy bosses back to back and I mean to be fair all you had to do was just Dodger skulls pretty much the entire time and I was feeling pretty good so I went ahead and did the stupid dungeon defender I still don’t even know what it’s called that way I could mark off the ogre and we get it pretty easily once again and man we are cooking on these bosses but we’re not done yet but I went straight into fighting the calamus clone and forget what I said about the past two bosses being easy this boss absolutely wrecked my ass and this was such a jumping skill because I was having to worry about so many projectiles all over my screen I didn’t know how to dodge her little teleportation thing and then even going into her second phase she does this little swirly thing which wasn’t too terrible to dodge but man that second stage she spawns two of these enemies that I had no idea how to like counter at first but it did eventually get easy when I figured it out and to be honest they didn’t have that much health at all but man that Final Phase kicked into overdrive it was once again a [ __ ] ton of projectiles but finally after like 2 hours of fighting I get a pretty good attempt [Music] [Music] and I know we’re kind of stopping without any breaks right now but there is literally nothing else for me to do other than to fight bosses so of course we’re going to move on to the next one and that is planta but thankfully she already has an arena kind of built in the underground jungle so I don’t really have to do too much work but before I do start my first fight I do destroy this little Bridge because I realize it’s made out of rope and I can easily get stuck on that when I’m fighting her so I do not want to do that and then with nothing else to do I break one of her big F PL ter bulbs and we get down with our first attempt and to be honest it was a pretty shitty first attempt I don’t know if I got stabbed or if I hit one of our fart clouds but we did die and this was another Super difficult boss for me again taking around 2 hours and probably somewhere near 60 to 70 attempts it was horrible and she does this little thing where she almost turns into like a piece of pizza that’s what I’m going to use for it and you have to get to that position before she shoots out and the other horrible thing is when she plays Force square with you and you’re TR trapped in a little tiny box and it’s just it’s a whole mess and also the amount of flower petals around the map is insane she is a boss I don’t ever want to have to fight again but after triy on air and many many attempts I finally get a good attempt in [Music] and now that we’re done with planta we can finally take a little chill pill for a little bit this is pretty much opened up a whole new section for unlocking new weapons new armor and even some new health upgrades and speaking of the new armor we can get this crazy cool looking armor called the umill armor which requires solar veils to craft and the only way you can get those is during an eclipse and so I go ahead I start up an eclipse I farm what I need and we can craft ourselves the new set and this armor is by far the coolest looking Rogue armor in this entire mod I mean just look at it it’s sweet and succulent and then now Health upgrades so the good thing about Calamity SL infernum is you can go past like 500 health using like three or so permanent Health upgrades and after defeating planta we unlock our first one called the blood orange I do craft it up and we are sitting at a whopping 525 Health it isn’t a lot but that extra 25 could save us in the long run and with the new armor weapons and health upgrades I figured why not go fight the next boss but I make it to the beach set up a quick little house and I’m pretty sure her name is Anita or something and then of course you got crocogator the Leviathan in order to spawn this boss you do have to sit in the water and wait till she pretty much pops up be like a little question mark and then I begin my first attempt and now her section of the fight is super super easy it’s just a lot of dodging these like weird little Spike things and then her blasting some dub step at you not really dub step but you know what I mean and that’s pretty much the easiest part of the fight but then you get big boy you know me I’m not the best at Terraria and this boss killed me tops probably like 50 times or something like that and the worst thing about him is when he dashes at you and he shoots out these little fart bubbles or something but God he is is awful he was so awful to the point where I just quit and fought the next boss astram orus don’t bully me I really don’t know how to say some of these names but this is the first boss you fight in the astral biome and to be honest I really enjoyed his boss fight even though I died probably another 50 times as well in his first phase is just making sure to dodge the things he shoots out and then he’ll eventually jump up in the air and slam down so it wasn’t that terrible and even going into the second stage it’s just that same stuff multiplied by three on top of him shooting shooting rockets and stuff at you and even on his last phase multiply It Again by another three and you have a crazy Final Phase [Music] [Music] and after defeating ashm orus I was feeling pretty confident so I went back to fighting where I left off on the Leviathan and aita once again just swooping through the an heat apart but spending loads of time trying to fight the Leviathan but after around only 10 attempts I do learn how to dodge some of them and let’s just say I’m clean with it [Music] [Music] I unfortunately didn’t get anything good out of his treasure bag like the community and I’m like 100% sure there was a rogue weapon in there too that I needed and I did not feel like going back and fighting him again so I just continued on and decided to head to the Jungle because our next boss is Gollum and I do set up a bed next to the temple and get through that God awful temple with all those lizards absolutely horrendous and then I finally make it to his boss room set up a platform but unbeknownst you can’t even Place Platforms in there cuz he just breaks him anyway but man his boss fight was cool as [ __ ] even though it took me around like a day and a half to beat him his fight was just completely different than a lot of the other bosses I’ve foughten so far I mean he’s shooting his hands at you his head’s popping off and shooting down at you while lasers come down he’s slamming on you it’s just it’s different and I like it especially compared to the regular Golem and even at one point he makes these walls come out and you kind of got to play like a moving game with it at first it was difficult to understand it took me quite a lot of attempts to even figure out how to get through it perfectly but his boss fight was just so ultimately goated [Music] and now after defeating Gollum it does open up a new wide range of stuff for us to get pretty much just how anything progression wise goes in this game before we fight a certain amount of bosses I do want to get the hydrothermic armor which does require me to go into the abyss which I have pretty much yet to go into it all during this playthrough so this was all going to be new to me and we’re also going to need the subduction slicer and the Duke’s decapitator but in order to get that of course we’ll have to fight Duke fishron and now before we do fight any I wanted to spend some time doing the events especially the Halloween Christmas all that jazz so I quickly go ahead just start him up get through them pretty easy I’m pretty sure no one wants to see it but it’s pretty much the same and I figured I might as well go ahead and build another house because I still only have like two to three pylon system set up which honestly to my surprise looks pretty good but now it’s time to take on the abyss and on our journey down here we are looking for scoria ore this is the ore that is used in crafting the hydrothermic armor and I think you have to go to level two or level three of the Abyss so it’s not super terrible and I ended up getting it pretty easily and also fighting this new enemy type called the squid but my journey does come to an end pretty soon soon as I do die to a heat vent but thankfully I did get all that scoria and we are able to make hydrothermic armor and to be honest it looks pretty ugly but it does provide us with more defense and better Rogue damage and I also forgot to mention we can craft another Health upgrade called the miracle fruit this once again gives us another 25 Health added onto our base but we were ready for our next boss fight and of course that’s dookie boy and I’m not going to explain how you spawn him cuz everybody should know how you spawn him idiots but yeah I head to the ocean reill him on in and this fight honestly wasn’t that terrible I learned pretty quickly that you can just dodge into him to avoid him actually hitting you and it only took me around three attempts to actually beat him the only Parts you have to really worry about is when he shoots Bubbles at you throws up tornadoes which at some points can be a little Annoying and then has sharks that shoot up from the ground and then at his halfway mark he kind of goes Super Saiyan on you I just had to keep making sure I was dodging into him and things were looking pretty solid I do thankfully get the Duke decapitator off the first bag which was very nice didn’t have to fight him again didn’t have to buy any treasure bags but upon testing this weapon out it’s pretty [ __ ] so I don’t even end up really using it that much but I do think now is a good time to do another event of course the Martian Madness event cuz there’s one thing I specifically want out of there and that is the cosmic car key which thankfully I do get it to drop by flying saucer pretty quick and now it was time for one of the hardest bosses I think I’ve ever fought so far during this playthrough the plaguebringer Goliath I did end up fighting this boss in the same place as where I fought plant Tera at but holy good googly moly I had an immense amount of trouble fighting this boss and he ended up taking me around 80 attempts but going into his boss fight especially his first phase I was having to worry about him dashing at me occasionally shooting these rockets and then playing this game where I pretty much have to break out of prison is what it feels like but I was always always dying and I felt like I wasn’t doing enough damage at all it was tough and it just made me think into the future when I have to fight the devour of gods I didn’t know if I could do it but after attempt after attempt of me dying constantly to the same things the far clouds the missiles the little minions he throws at you I do try a new strategy which some of you might think is cheesy but I bring in the rod of Discord and this thing helped me a lot during the little Prison Break mini game he throws up for me I would have to just destroy the first one and then switch to my rou of Discord and teleport out but it still wasn’t enough I just wasn’t doing enough damage but that wasn’t until I decided to try out that one weapon I said was super [ __ ] earlier the Duke decapitator I don’t know why I tried it I think I was just angry and out of options but holy crap the stealth strike and the Damage that it comes with absolutely shredded the boss and I was feeling horrible because I just wasted 2 and 1/2 hours of my life when I could have just used a weapon that I’ve had in my inventory the whole time [Music] but for all you future Rogue players out there especially on infernum use the duk’s decapitator trust me it will save your life and maybe a few broken controllers monitor desk you know what I mean but even after that headache of a fight I just had I decided why not just fight the ravager and believe it or not I beat him first try which was honestly the kind of Serotonin boost I needed right now and I pretty much used the same weapon the Duke’s decapitator it would stop his arms from flying out which was a big help for him and did still a massive amount of damage and then of course dodging his fleshy meat walls but we do thankfully beat [Music] him and I figured why not for this shits and giggles I’ll fight the Empress of light but I mean look at this move set I spent five attempts doing this gave up right after that she can wait until I’m done with the game but we are now in the final stretch of hard mode we just have the lunatic cultist Asam deuce the pillars and then of course the man the myth the legend himself moonl Lord and at this point I was ready to be done with hard mode I wanted to fight the post moonl Lord bosses so bad so I didn’t even care about grinding for anything at the moment I don’t even think there was anything for me to grind for but I went straight in to the lunatic ctist fight and to be fair The Lunatic cultist boss fight was pretty cool we were just dodging orange orbs and some pretty cool lightning strikes and you know the man is Doctor Strange himself I still die a few times because you know that’s that’s just who I am I I die a lot in this playthrough and even on a second stage he does this really cool like pattern attack I don’t know what to call it but he’s honestly no match for me and I get him down and dead really quickly and of course the pillar spawn but there was one tiny little boss we had to fight before Moon Lord astram deuce in order to spawn this bad boy there’s a little monolith thing over in the astral biome that requires Titan Hearts I don’t know if you remember earlier in the video when I talked about it and it does this really cool Spawn animation when you do spawn him in it’s pretty sick and you start his boss fight by him pretty much dashing at you and then shooting meteors at you and then it’s a lot of a circular motion you have to do on him he does end up doing this really cool Orange Line stuff where he’ll teleport shoot out very very fancy and you do also have to incorporate dodging into him which will be helpful later on down the line I won’t spoil it for now and he does occasionally launch which I assume to be like some sort of Sun at you which first off is pretty pretty sick and then the dude someone of black hole that you have to spin around and Visually he is the coolest boss I’ve think I’ve found so far [Music] [Music] and upon defeating astram Deuce you can now mine the astral ore which I do use to make a new weapon called the Radiant Star it’s a pretty sick Rogue weapon it’s pretty much a buffed up crystalline way back in the beginning but with nothing else left to do I go to each pillar destroy them and we get our first attempt on with the moon [Music] Lord and oh yeah he makes his own arena for you which completely [ __ ] up my first attempt and forget what I said about play leg Brer being the hardest boss I’ve fought so far during this playthrough the moon Lord was absolutely [ __ ] terrible the more attempts I put in I still could not understand how to dodge a lot of his stuff and even with the Rogue weapons I had I had to switch out a lot just to figure out which one did the right amount of damage it was just horrible and this boss took me around 200 attempts in over two nights of playing him and I even had some of my good friends like wild L mayo and I’m CER join up just to see me struggle with this boss all right puty all right all right yikes I’ve went through every [ __ ] like weapon that is like good bro too maybe you just need to get better but thankfully after 200 deaths I finally get a good attempt [Music] I [Music] but now we were done with hard mode and of course the next thing is post Moon Lord bosses but I do hope you guys enjoyed if you made it to the end Please Subscribe and heck maybe even like the video or something but thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next one Deuces [ __ ]

#terraria #gaming #steam #youtubegaming #youtubeshorts #shorts #terrariamobile

This is part (2/3) of the infernum playthrough, I tackle on hardmode and try to see if it is really that difficult…

Giving myself a WEEK to Beat Terraria Infernum.

Music in Video
Queen Slime:
The Twins:
Aquatic Scourge:
The Destroyer:
Skeletron Prime:


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