Dragon Tooth Hunting | Stardew Valley Stream #44

[Music] baby baby [Music] keep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now see see now [Music] [Music] is [Music] keep keep [Music] it’s [Music] [Music] It’s been a [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everyone welcome to pause the music can see what we’re doing I need to turn this up in my ears so I can’t hear it there we go let me know how the game is for you guys because I know sometimes study can be a little bit loud but yes welcome to the Stream I am low it’s lovely to have you all here we’re going to get into some comfort farming as I like to call it um we do have one or two jobs that we have to get done today hopefully we can do them um but it’s lovely to see you in chat Stefan uh I you seem very excited for the for the Star Stream which is wonderful so let’s get into oak wood and because we have a plan we’re not going to we’re not going to get straight into um sorting out the farm for winter I’m very quiet oh no I’m very quiet hang on oh no why am I very quiet hang on a second then give me one moment oh yeah that looks can you hear me now is that better have I got louder I know there’s a delay I’m hoping that’s all right I [Music] think can you hear me now no oh no why is that g like that let me wa turn again no why is that like that give me a moment cuz everything’s showing that it’s picking everything up that’s really loud I haven’t I haven’t changed anything as far as I know let’s drop this back to what it was let’s move right okay okay you hear the you hear me now let me have a look at my volume settings nothing should have changed that’s so bad where is my that’s all in [Music] 100 I don’t know how to fix that oh no why is that doing that I’m a little louder now okay right hang on then let me let me shut my window give me a sec right cuz there is noise going on outside so I did I dropped the gain so that hopefully you wouldn’t hear the sounds going outside but obviously then you can’t hear me is that better I’m a little louder shall we drop the if I drop the game down does that help is the game too loud that’s much better okay how’s the game sound cuz I obviously you want to be able to hear the the game you think that’s regular now okay I have really turned the the gain up so you may hear cats and things in the background which I hate that you hear that but that’s definitely that’s that is really really picking everything up okay I don’t know why that did that that’s fine I turn that up a little bit more hopefully that’s okay you might hear background noise cuz I’ve turned the gain up a lot but we’ll see I apologize if you can oh yeah that I’m really peeking now oh no right let me just drop that down a little bit and just move my mic back a little right are we good is that okay are we okay with that cuz I’m peeking into the red on streamlabs now so that I should be pretty decently loud if you guys can let me know that would be great I don’t like the fact that I’m like really peeking but anyway let me sit back get back to the position I’m in I’m wasting the hour of the day okay good good good good right okay yeah we should be okay now that was weird I don’t know don’t know what that was about um it may have been the fact that I did turn my gain down a little there’s people on the street that I I live that enjoy riding motorbikes and they be loud and annoying and you know to to check whether your motorbike is working you obviously have to ride it up and down the street that you live on you know a thousand times um just to make sure that it’s working properly you know so annoying I hate it so much right but anyway we have plans let’s get into uh our comfort farming so plan is main plan is uh firstly we need to actually they should be okay there we can get through I think if not I’ll have to chop them down it’s fine um first plan is to sell the wine and the beer but we’re going to go straight over to to um Ginger Island because I want to try and get the dragon more we need seven more of the dragon’s tooth tooths teeths I don’t even know how to say plural of this thing cuz it’s just a dragon tooth but we need seven more of them uh so then we can get our Obelisk because I am sick and tired of not having the ginger Island Obelisk on this farm and we need it anyway for Perfection obviously but yeah it’s it’s getting annoying having to go to the beach and then go to the fish shop and then get on a little boat instead of just hopping through the Obelisk and getting straight to where we need to be so we’re going to spend some time on Ginger Island for the first section of this stream and then if we can get the um if we can get [Music] the the stuff that we need if we can get the seven of these things that we need then we will head back to the farm and do some tidying up um and a little bit of like reorganizing and things so I think what we’ll do is we’ll do some tidying up here we also need to get some um fertilizer for these and then we could actually take away the sprinklers but for right now now that’s not a problem they can stay as they are just need them to grow so let’s just tidy up some things and we can grab the uh couple of bananas and mango we have a chest outside the volcano which has um some food in it I think it’s mainly cheese in all honesty so we can pop the let’s put the mango and the banana in there that’s fine so we have a little bit of extra food here as well what have we got in here nothing much okay that’s fine so we’ll also while we’re here we’ll go and see what Mr Keys um Mr Keys Quest is oh ay hi sorry I miss seeing you come in we have we were having mic issues um I hope hope you’re okay I hope all your cats are okay I hope ma is uh is doing okay uh after her Escapade over the weekend I was so worried for you right um oh that means we’d have to go to the school cabins again and I don’t think that is worth 10 gems so I think we’ll leave those this week let’s just check the Perfection so we’ve we’re almost there we have one more recipe to get we’ve got one more star drop to get we have the golden clot to get and an obelisk to get and that’s pretty much it which is great so we’re in the the the final stages of this farm for a Perfection which I’m hoping that when we reach that the 1.6 update will then be out and then we can start a new farm so let’s just go to i’ say what we’ll do cuz I don’t feel like there’s any much Point going into the um oh we’ll grab this stuff there’s any point going to the volcano right now um so we’ll go to the dig site and get that clear because that was a little bit of a mess you m to the vet today uh she oh she has a few issues she’s got three medicine injection a oh poor baby a oh I hope she’ll be better soon I don’t know these pets are such a worry at least though the the kittens are weaned right so at least she’s she’s not poly in and also like having to feed them as much now which is good I’m bless her do seem like the fever’s gone out oh that’s good poor kitty it’s always a worry when they’re poy cuz cats are often as well they’re very good at hiding it when there’s something wrong with them they kind of like take off on their own a lot of the times I know mine do they kind of like stick themselves on on on a bed and just like don’t want to be around anyone let’s clear this stuff out that’s better this was such a mess I haven’t cleared this for ages oh they’re not weaned oh okay so they’re not fully weaned oh but at least they they’ve got proper food to have so is she maybe isn’t feeling to feeding them as much they’re not going without I guess which is good right let’s see if this little guy has anything that we can get with anything that we have um know let’s get a load of these get some of this cuz we could do with where where is it there there’s oh we have 30 I think okay let’s go plant this stuff and then we can sell the other things that we’ve got let’s drink the coffee that I always forget to drink right sell things not those we can sell you and that and we’ll sell the ginger and the hand and all of this stuff okay uh where is my hoe there is my hole oh might make it quicker if we actually utilize the aridium hoe might it properly okay should reach don’t think that one will reach right so let’s get rid of that there and maybe that one will reach oh let’s try that actually is that maybe too far out oh no why did I think that was too far out okay there we go okay oh that one’s too far out never mind you can go you’re not that important and then we will plant the last one here there we go done right and we’re going to just throw the stuff that I have on me in this chest and we’re going to run to bed we’re going to we’re going to have an early night so then we can get straight into the uh the volcano tomorrow okay there we go right so up to the volcano uh we better check post okay Robin has had some wood that’s great we’ll just take that with us it’s fine we need it that’s for sure so that’s the other thing is we need to finish off like little bits in the shed that we were doing I don’t think I I quite finished everything so we also have that to do as well right we’re going to take all of the cheese and we’ll take that as well um cuz we can eat the spicy eel before things eat us right okay right here we go so we are we’re after a run away we’re looking for the the lava like Monsters ideally because they have a chance to drop don’t jump don’t jump at me they have no go away go away thank you they have a chance to drop the uh a dragon’s tooth and um we also may find one um just like in in a in like a fossil sort of area as well but we’ll also get some more Cinder shards which is great cuz I don’t think we have barely any because we used them all uh when we were doing the enchanting with the tools and things so it’ll be good to get some more of those yep we’ll get take some wood this is great don’t jump at me I hate it when they do that get off me slimed me slime oh oh we might as well take that need oh there’s a chest there you can get across to that chest that would be good come on there we go thank you great here we go this is what we want come on come back here where I can hit you why you not give me a dragon tooth right okay see what’s in here a soul supper ring okay I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those before right oh go away okay next level I don’t have a farm totem on me so we’ll just have to be mindful of that as however far we go we will have to um come back or we just pass out those are the options okay we try and get our way back or we pass out that’s the that’s what we’re going to be doing come on I wish these guys dropped uh had a chance to drop a dragon’s tooth as well that would be wonderful why is so many stop blocking the way that was a rubbish level there’s nothing there okay oh I want you this is good okay come on then come come you’re coming at me we go this is a whole lot better now we’ve upgraded our sword oh we have buttons to press to get through here great amazing so let let’s go over here right there’s one button is that the button that we need is that yes let’s open the door that’s good let’s go I’m trying not to waste too much time because it’s very specific what we’re looking for no go up get away from me oh darn it right eat eat the cheesee low there we go right there’s nothing over that side okay there’s nothing there oh come on then oh there ah there’s two of you you sometime I feel like I play ping pong with these things sometimes or table oh yes that’s what we want go away run [Laughter] away that was good he hit him yeah do you guys know what that ping pong table tennis there we go that’s what I was trying to say right okay so we’re on we’re halfway don’t think we really need anything so let’s keep going forward good good good good good come here no come here come here please I need you oh I hate these ones give me a try no I don’t want a bone fragment from you oh yes okay so what we now have five there’s another one around there there’s another one around there there’s another one ah I need to get round no let me get to where I need to go thank you right quick go away from me I need to get to the dragon tooth there we go oh this is great do we have is there any more right there’s none over there doesn’t look to be right that’s the exit I do just want to oh why did you follow me is there any more over this way no it doesn’t look like it right okay so let’s head back to the door stop following me let’s go that is good um that was that was great you coming come at me come on don’t I hate them when they do that it’s so annoying nope there we go thank you right oh yes please take you right there’s the door let’s just have a quick run around here doesn’t look like there’s anything of worth here for us not what we’re looking for anyway so let’s carry onone we’re on seven and it’s 5:00 okay yeah we may just have to pass out which is fine just we fine right oh right ah come on then come back here and fight me thank you okay okay come on right nope don’t jump at me right there is nothing of worth that we need here okay so we get up we can get through here and then just straight to level 10 p and background we have a button here that we need to press so let’s do that okay that opens that not jumping at me so this takes this ow oh I totally forgot about those it’s fine we didn’t take that much damage it’s not a problem what Muppet I am I totally forgot about those there we go ow okay uh did I did I shut that by accident no we have another but another buttons down here I want to get the chest just for curiosity to see what is actually in it oh we have another soul saer okay um can we just go across there yes we [Music] can let me through there we go right we can come back out now that wasn’t bad I think that was how many did we get we got four so that’s seven so we only need three more so hopefully we will get those tomorrow so let’s head back to the farm here and will’ll throw all this stuff that we picked up into the chest in the house for now and we’ll go to sleep and then we’ll do that again see if we can speed our way through and get what we need while we’re going which should be wonderful cuz the sooner we get this done uh the sooner we can get back to the farm and getting the things that we need so I’m going to put those in there there we go and then let’s just we’re going to go to bed early lulo has had a tough day so she uh she she needs to be in bed okay feels like it’s raining here today or snow raining we can also clear the farm um when we have finished doing what we’re doing as well so we can get all of that sold right we off to the volcano again and’s see if we can do what we need to do is the game sound all right for you guys I know we had a moment sorting out my mic but is the game sound okay you hear that okay it’s not too low cuz I can turn that up if need be um right [Music] okay thank you oh no no no no stop that’s just ridiculous okay let’s go right oh good come here you no come back um I I need to talk to you about something come here thank you yes thank you we’ve just got what we need we’ve just got what we need we’ve just got what we need I’m so excited I can’t get through this rock yes is there any extras no okay we’re not looking for extras we got what we need we got what we need we got what we need run low run I can’t believe that that’s great okay so first task is done that’s just that’s great I’m so happy about that right so let’s go gather up things I’ll pop this food back in here we got four we have three at home so we’ve actually got one spare wonderful we did it yay uh let’s go to the farm come on little parrents let’s go okay right so so let’s grab all of our things we’ll come back here cuz not everything’s grown so we’ll come back here towards the end of the week and harvest everything so let’s can actually empty this chest if we have room for everything I don’t think we do oh maybe [Music] may we we already have one of those I don’t need two so we can bend that one that’s fine it’s not like you going to combine the same ring is it so this is great we’ll go and put these home I’ll leave that chest there though right let’s get back to the farm oh it’s snowing should make sense it’s winter right right so let’s throw some stuff oh we got inventory is full though let’s get rid of some things first I don’t know why I went in that chest it’s not that chest I was looking for there we go get rid of all that right um I’m going to put these in there and this is all going to be sold you sell our diamonds that needs to go um no press a there we go uh right so a little bat friend can go there that’s fine right okay so we’re going to run we’ll pick this up as well cuz we can want to sell those and the Diamonds are going to be sold right and we actually need to go into here and we will pop away those we need to put that on our fishing rod even though we don’t really fish anymore it’s fine let’s pick this up and let’s grab our things right we just need to double check the space that this Obelisk is going make sure there’s nothing here yeah it’s going in here so there’s nothing there blocking the way so let’s just run through here we’re going to rearrange all of that um crop area let’s go see the wizard about an obelisk oh come on oh we’ll take you we can sell you okay so up into here come on hello sir I’ll speak to you cuz it’s uh rude not to cuz we’re coming into your house so we have to say hello um so we have that one we have that one we have that one this is the one that we need we’re going to be back to 3 mil but it’s fine so there we go this should be fine here it looks like it’s level with everything that’s good let’s go Y Cool done right let’s go what else have we got going on that we need to we’ve got things to go let’s actually we could do some deforestation while we’re here so let’s do that cuz we need the wood so we may as well we could do with spending uh a couple of days in the [Music] mines see if we can get any more of the Frozen geod cuz we we still have one thing missing from the museum that you can only get in Frozen geod G GE GE can’t speak Frozen geod oh goodness so we could uh we could go do that so yeah we will uh we’ll get some of these trees chopped down there we go so we’ll do that and then let’s head back to the farm with what we’ve got that we can put away CH those trees so fast I know I love my super fast ax it’s amazing it’s uh it’s it’s definitely speedier than what we’re doing at the moment on the expanded Farm that’s for sure with our little slow axes and barely any energy why am I going in there yeah that I love I love the super fast axe it’s wonderful can’t believe how much effort he takes a shot yeah I know right it’s just H it’s painful it’s absolutely painful how slow and also I tell what else is is frustrating uh is the Frozen levels with only um like a like your first pickaxe or a a copper pickaxe that is really painful those rocks take so much effort yeah it’s uh it’s not fun okay so let’s head back in here and we’ll pop the word we’ve now gone to about 200 mean we as we all know it doesn’t last very long um right and uh dragon tooth can live in here that’s good the rest of this we can sell oh we need to go put the row in the um in The Preserve chars but the rest we can sell I’m going to sell the bomb as well it’s not like we need it necessarily so let’s do this there we go is that the only one yeah okay good right let’s let’s go head to the mine and see if we can get any Frozen geod we’ll do that for the next sort of day in a bit I guess and then we’ll grab this forage stuff as well while we’re at it our spicy eel is lasting us what seems like forever which is great we’re running so fast um I think we did 50 right and then down it might help if we have go go away H this sword is amazing ch right oh okay might as well sort of grab everything oh no you don’t want to be you don’t don’t mess with me nope I would have let you all live if you’d have left me alone learn your lesson next time okay you’re not going to leave me alone either so you can go there we go let’s do this no don’t jump at me and you’re not going to leave me alone either so you can have to go oh there we go see I guess now I should swap one of my rings out to the Slime charmer when I’m down in here here so they wouldn’t bother me but that’s just extra work and remembering it’s more remembering I think is the issue than uh than actually doing it I don’t really ever use the Slime charmer ring I just deal with the slimes and I’ve never bothered with the uh slime Hutch either there I have I’ve had it which Farm did I have it on did I get it on my Hilltop farm and my perfection Farm maybe I may have done and then got rid of it because that Hilltop Farm space is at a premium on that farm um there’s just yes great this is good there’s just not a lot of real estate on that farm at all so to add in a slime Hutch which is a pretty big building was a lot but yeah I I’m sure I did cuz I think I I get the the Slime eggs and things now from the Slime so I I even um hatched some slimes in town for a little bit and until I decided to get rid of them that was quite fun they like wandering around annoying The Villages it was great all you guys you have to go I’m sorry go away go away leave me alone thank you oh why why why do you have to come and annoy me I’m just minding my business there’s so many ladders now which ones do we go down oh my word there’s so many ladders there’s too many choices not that they skip levels or anything I mean wouldn’t that be something if the ladders worked like the holes in school caverns and depending on which ladder you go down depends on how many levels you go down that would be quite cool if that was a thing itch on my nose okay right okay I think we’re just going to go down here okay we got any yeah Stones here what time are we on it’s 9:00 p.m. in game okay that’s fine right so let’s carry on up this way come on we could do with some more Frozen GEOS please oh no hit the rock please thank you right let’s go where oh the lad is all the way back up the top okay next level go away sir now ow no how dare you touch me is it not a good look day is this is second level where the bats are coming to harass me no no no no no no the only benefit to you guys being around and me having to deal with you is I may get another butterfly touch that is it no no leave me alone thank you I said leave me alone no the purple mist is over why are you still coming why are you still coming infestation is done go home I’ll let you be here cuz you’re already living out here it’s fine your friends needed to go they should not have no why why why are you coming at me again how ridiculous right well I’m leaving cuz it’s midnight anyway so that was crazy oh look our little gravel path is turned into no cuz that makes sense being inside the mine right oh no I love this game it’s great right we have five Frozen goots we’re going to sell that um we’ll sell that too sell those things and those things we don’t need the creep at doll right okay um maybe we just go to bed it’s fine we can clear our pockets tomorrow and then we’ll do another day in the mine I’m going to wake up with less energy it’s fine though we’ve got like maximum almost so that’s good get some money yeah let’s uh we’ll do some more mining hello creepy child in my bedroom right hi Sebastian uh I haven’t really spoken to you yet so we’re not having slime no if you want to go play with slime go to the MS right let’s head into here and pop all of the things away we did get some wood so we can put that in there get anything for there yes we did things for there and then things for there okay perfect right so let’s just go and head straight into the mine do you know I didn’t even I didn’t pick up any food to go into the mine so unprepared it’s fine we managed okay we have our cool Infinity Blade we don’t need no food in these mines Lil low is nice and brave Lil low is um going to grab some cheese and life Elixir cuz you can guarantee now I’ve said it I will die right oh oh I didn’t see you there no okay let’s do this come on let’s see how many more we get so we we’re starting on five we’ll do another full day in the mine and just see how far we can get down and uh how how many of these GE that we can find and then on Friday we’ll do some um farming stuff cuz we have neglected the animals oh is there a stone there there is a stone there yeah we’ve neglected animals we need to check on them and get all their stuff and then we can oh hello great this will not give us what we need so let’s um ignore all the stones we deal with the Slime cuz they won’t leave us alone no thank you no no no no thank you do you have nope why there we go okay right yeah we’ll um we’ll do some we’ll do some farming work for the last few days days and um we’ll see what else needs to be finished off in that shed that we were working on last stream I think it’s pretty much done I think we just needed uh some more of the um plant the the pots I think and all the Hops I think we might have needed as well I think that was what was missing as well so we can we can grab those things don’t run away from fine I’ll get you when I get up here see now you come back down no ow you can’t hit things with a pickaxe it’s not as effective here we go come on up up dude thank you oh right we haven’t actually found any more GEOS yet right you’re the last one here you have to go okay let’s go down this ladder over here oh hello go no we hit ghost with with swords see far better than the tool that you were trying to use right let’s do this geod would be wonderful please need to find them thank you that’s our first one and we’ve already this is our fourth level and we’ve just got one any Stones down here yep this way there we go oh no stop okay I was playing uh the demo for I popped this in the Discord actually um but I was playing the demo for uh fields of mystery it’s so good you the demo is only three ingame days and I think I don’t think it’s on demo anymore it was only available for a limited time on Steam I think that time is now done I think it might have been like ending today I think but it’s really good but what’s interesting is there’s there’s a there’s definitely been a a a staru inspiration like behind that game for sure cuz there’s um there’s little things that Stu has that that game has like uh you stay up until 2:00 a.m. H when it gets to midnight it tells you that maybe you should be heading home now and uh what else was there that I remember thinking oh this is very very staru I can’t remember now oh there’s a shipping bin uh that you can that you can like put the things that you want to sell in and there’s someone one of the NPCs tells you this and then says that they are going to come and pick it up but they’re not like M so it isn’t like May Lewis coming to like RoR shipping bin at night but yeah there’s an NPC that actually says like if you want to sell you can sell things by your shipping bin and I’ll come and pick it up for you and like give you the money I was like oh that’s very that’s very stue um but where it differs is it’s it’s definitely more RPG um I would say than this there’s um the demo gives hints of um uh a the world having a a whole story to it and law and things um there’s one thing that features in it that Stu definitely doesn’t have that I was very excited about which I’m not going to spoil for anyone in case you guys want to check it out but I I’ve been F I can’t remember how I came across it I’ve been following uh the developers Instagram for a while watching um them like add things to the game and and and develop it and and like show off certain features of the game which has been really fun watching and uh so to now get to play it it was great I really enjoyed it um I do have to say it doesn’t it didn’t have or doesn’t have a controller um as like an option so I was using keyboard so that took a a mouse that took a little bit of getting used to um so when I play Stu expanded on my PC I hook up one of my Xbox controllers cuz ow and I I just find that easier um and it’s the same with one of two other other the games that I have been playing on the PC as well they have um controller compatibility that’s the word I couldn’t remember before and uh so that’s one thing I I did get used to it and as as the sort of the time I was playing through I kind of got the you know I was getting back into that like keyboard and mouse thing that I used to do very well um when I played a lot more PC than uh console games in the Years Gone by but yeah I would I would love for full release to maybe have controller compatibility I think that would be great ow it probably just make things a little bit easier I guess in some ways but yeah definitely one to watch for I think it full releases the beginning of August and I think I think it’ll be definitely when I’ll be adding to my steam library for sure to play and then the other one I’ve been playing I actually played originally on it’s not a demo it’s just very like early game like game preview I guess um was little witch in the woods and that is adorable that’s actually become a comfort game for me um when I just you know maybe I don’t want to be on the console now I can actually play that on PC see they’ve taken it from Game Pass you can’t get it on Game Pass anymore on the Xbox which I was really sad about but the um the steam game preview version has more content to it the the devs have updated the steam version the PC version a whole lot more than they did the console version of that game so I uh I decided to get it and I’ve been playing that a little bit and it’s just like it’s just so good it’s so adorable the music’s lovely um you play as as Ellie she’s a little witch and uh she has a talking hat called Virgil who is the snarkiest just best talking herever um and she ends up staying in this little village and she has you have to like um like make like different like magic cies and stuff to um like help the villagers out and things and I you go around like collecting stuff and there’s there’s a little bit of a story and things to the game but all of the NPCs are wonderful my favorite is little fox who is just the best he’s like this little kid and he just like jumps around and skips around everywhere and he’s just yeah he’s great how have we burned through my energy already mind you I don’t often hit every single Rock when I come down here I haven’t really been doing that we’ve been Monster hunting mainly time are we on in real life it’s only 8 oh let me just clear these off the we go cool um NOP where was the ladder there no go down the ladder please thank you right got some time to get through this level okay let’s get rid of you so yeah I I definitely if you want in some cozy Comfort gaming definitely recommend that one as well uh and then the other one that I tried just I I didn’t try it for a really long time um I just kind of did the first little bit that it was showing me um I guess kind of I don’t know if I call it a tutorial cuz it didn’t really it didn’t feel tutori in any way it was just kind of like here’s the options off you go kind of thing and that was Tiny Glade um I can remember that being I don’t know if it was oh I’ve seen I remember seeing the game trailer for that ages ago and I can’t remember whe whether it was a whether it’s a Nintendo Direct or like the Indie direct that they do or it was like the wholesome games direct like the wholesome games like showcase kind of thing um but tany Glade is basically just you are given a little Glade um an empty field and there’s a outline of where you can build and it just gives you these options of like little building and towers and pathing and walls and you just build that’s all you do and you can um ow and you can change the color of the things and yeah it’s just the music’s really relaxing the game is really relaxing the game sounds are are really nice when you’re like placing all the things down and adjusting the sze with them and everything and that felt pretty nice playing that with like cuz I was on again uh just like keyboard and mouse with that and he wasn’t too bad uh to play that way um the uh we want the bus stop the camera is could be a little bit um not finicky but just getting used to turning the camera and zooming in and out um just I think it would take a little bit of it took a little bit of practice for myself anyway um it might not for you guys um but yeah just like adjusting that slightly I justes took a little bit of of doing but I really liked that as well so that one I can’t remember when the um I can’t remember when the full release of that is I’m not sure I don’t know if it has a date um but that is definitely one to watch as well and I put that in Discord as well I also posted a little picture of my first attempt my little building I did a tower and a little building attached to it and a wall and then just filled the rest of the area with flowers I’m just going to have a drink of tea right so we got 15 geod if you guys have anything else that you are playing on Steam let me know because I am I very much want to explore more PC games um when I have the time to play them I’m you know I’m happy to like wish list things and then like get around to them uh in time so with those two being in demo it wasn’t too bad I could just like quickly jump on and just play like the few little short demo that they they were offering um so that didn’t take too much time and um I think with fields of mystery it actually says that you can even though you play through the 3 days you can carry on you can go back into the game you can start a new file if you wanted to but you would still only get those like first three days um but yeah so you could go into that and then I don’t know do different things um I pretty much try to to to do everything um I did a couple of like the little requests like a little request board uh so I did that and um I did I tried out the fishing I tried out the mining as well uh and there’s combat so like Stu the the mines have little monsters in them um so yeah I I did a little bit of the combat with that which was quite cool um there’s a a pretty nice uh character customization as well and for the demo there was still a lot of nice options which was good and um yeah so I was I I I I feel like I I got a good feel for that game and it’s definitely something I’m going to be picking up when it’s out properly right let’s get these things on okay um oh we need to shut the doors on the barn have to keep our animals Co warm there we go hi guys okay um let good excuse me thank you oh yeah I love you I love you little chicken excuse me please no don’t eat the right we’ve looked at you hello guys yeah I might move the auto Pressa inside maybe though I only have one for over here let’s shut this Barn Door hi everybody miss me do you remember me no there we go right um okay and then we have another piece of wool there do we have anything in the chest yeah let’s take this out out cu what I might do is just sell the rest yeah yeah we’ll just sell the the leftovers I think with this not been in there for a couple of days we’ve had um a nice amount buildup so we can do things let’s take this down a Sebastian pile down to like 20 there we go he does not we do we do not need to be carrying like 50 OD eggs for him there’s no need at all right so let’s quickly run into here before we go and say hello to the Ducks and we need to go to Gunther as well um yeah right we need hops in here so we need 12 Hops and there’s our pickle tea leaves wonderful um actually let’s take I’ll take that out as well yeah I like how this has turned out it’s a nice little cozy shed so let’s go to Pierre and then to Gunther let’s drink some coffee so we can go fast there we go run little low run or we could go do no we not Guna we have to go to Clint oh Clint’s not around it’s Friday annoying little man right let’s just run to Pier then and go and get the Hops that we need so we need what was it 12 we need 12 hops so we’ll do that okay so let’s head in here hi p um where are the Hops so one two okay perfect don’t think there’s anything else that we need from him cuz I don’t think he no he doesn’t sell any of the like the special like retaining stuff so we need to make some more of that like the water retaining soil fertilizer thing whatever it’s called I think I’ve just given it a longer name than what it actually has but yeah we could do with some of that cuz we need to take some to Ginger Island um right we’re going down here I don’t know what to do about my cauliflower guys I was trying to decide whether or not to keep the cauliflower or not or to get rid of it and only have the giant pumpkins or the other option is to let go of why there we go but just watching kegs it’s fine is to let go of um at least one or two of the giant pump pins and then try for the melons next summer that’s the other option and then we at least have one of each giant uh crop cuz I don’t think there’s any any others I don’t think I think it’s I think it’s just cauliflower melon and pumpkin right so we could always get rid of the two down here and then plant melons down here in summer and see if we get a giant one what I do is is just basically I wouldn’t pick them I just leave them where they are and just see if we get them but that’s the that’s the other option maybe I’m a little bit undecided on what to do um I’m going to sell this stuff uh sell the big old tea leaves so gross um and let’s put the wheat away into here and then we have things for the other the other shed and then I I think what we’ll do is we’ll make a start on because we can’t go and see um Clint cuz he’s slacking off his I remember rightly Fridays is his day that he goes to the community center to stalk Emily essentially uh we checked in there didn’t we yeah okay right so let’s make a start on clearing everything in here first I think what I’d like to do is make this have uh crop beds that have aridium sprinklers so we we make them a little bit make them bigger and then like reposition the um oh come on we reposition the jumo Hut as well so I think that’s that’s kind of what we’re going to do here so we can Mark out the um Mark out the the the like crop bed sizes and then sort of take it from from there okay so yeah I just thought we could need to move the things in there clear all this out the way cuz I think I want to reclaim this area back and not have it for crops but I think MoneyWise I think we’re doing okay um you know we have ginger island is bringing in a decent amount we have a lot of ancient fruit that we’re getting wine from um so I think I don’t necessarily feel like we need all this space for crops so let’s just tidy up oh no the Train the Train the Train the Train the train train the train we need to go check on our on our fence pole quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick run we need to go see what happens with our fence pole run little low run we should have just been stood here waiting is it is it there oh oh I think it’s gone oh it’s still there I’m sorry if that was really loud no the train can go through a fence pole how how how how how how how is that possible how look ready it’s still there well we didn’t break the train maybe we should just leave it there it’s just like totally random we’ll just yeah let’s just leave that there there we go now we know what happens if you put fence post onto the railway line [Music] nothing I’m glad we made it up there in time though oh no no no no get rid of the little Diggy spot thank you right and tidy up there we go okay let’s grab this yeah right I honestly was expecting it to be destroyed I’m quite uh shook as I would say that it’s not it didn’t break it we’re going to move this we’re going to move the chest as well but we just we don’t have the room for the things inside or we might have maybe no not everything that’s okay we can pick up all this stuff yeah I think we’re going to take the fence and move it along but I want to Mark out how many crop beds we’re going to have I think what we’ll do tomorrow is we’ll run to Robins I real I had that thought when it was getting too close to actually go cuz she would be at work um but yeah I think we’ll nip to robins and move the jumo Hut we can just pop it anywhere um for the time being and then move it again where we’ve settled like on the space um that it’s going to go in because they’re not I only have one and they’re not picking everything because of where I’ve placed it um they don’t come right over to this end but they don’t reach over here and they they don’t make it all the way down the bottom um so I’d have to get another one which I don’t really want to do I just I like having the one but um I think I think if we pull the take off that end bit and just make it a little bit smaller but have the crop beds be bigger I think that would work well so let’s put all of this stuff got two of those and all of this can go in here too um we’ll not put those away in there let’s drink some coffee then we can run down and grab this chest and the lot of the stuff in it there we go and take you and you perfect come on it’s like wait for me I’m coming slinks into your pocket right so let’s go in here and pop this stuff and that and that oh and the we’ll put the floor in in the I can go in there cuz I I would like to try and if we got room have still like it look pretty pry with some paths would be great um let’s put these sprinklers away not in here cuz that’s not where they live um I think I do usually keep them in the chest that is with all the crops there oh oh These are going to be done we’ll have to do this tomorrow right there we go and let’s take these oh do oh no the Ancien sees it’s fine I’m not picking them yet I’m waiting till everything’s ready but we have four heridium sprinklers I think so that’s good okay and then let us run into here and pop the things away that we can put away and then sell the crystal fruit and then we’ll head to bed we’ll sort out why sheds tomorrow oh it’s getting late we’re on our way to bed we’re going we’re going I think I may have energy deficit tomorrow which sounds just like real life when I’ve done things you know I should actually be drinking water really shouldn’t I before any of you shout at me okay let’s go um right so let’s deal with let’s actually check the greenhouse first yeah right we’re going to pick the ancient fruit let’s water our res seeds cuz otherwise these are not going to grow if we don’t water them I should get some of the water retaining soil fertilizer stuff things whatever it is on on that as well um the name for that just keeps getting longer it’s really not what it’s called I should just make a pile of it really shouldn’t I it’s not something I’ve ever really used I have to say but it would come in handy for those pots there there we go so we pick this this will come in handy for when we clear our wine sheds cuz I think the other one should be ready as well I’m hoping let’s go get all of our ancient fruit so we’ll do this we’ll sort the the the wine out and then we’ll go to Clint and then we’ll go to Gunther hopefully with the missing um mineral thing that we need and then we’ll get our star drop and it’ll be our final star drop and we’ll also have the achievement for finishing off The Collection Museum these are things I manifesting it may not happen but I am I I I want them to happen so let’s let’s hope that that’s what’s going to happen we’re going to get the little ghost crystal thing which whatever it’s called and we are going to finish the museum today and we’re going to get our final star drop today and then we’ll get our achievement today I think that will be our second to last achievement I think or our last achievement I can’t remember what we’re missing off the top of my head okay now we have spaces in the cellar for things so we need to check that oh I need to shut the Ducks um little door I did not put things in the outside keg why didn’t you guys remind find me you know I forget there we go yeah we need to go and say hello to the Ducks Let’s uh Wes okay let’s grab the ancient fruit out of here and let’s fill them and pick up let’s let’s try it this way let’s try and do the efficient thing and just hope that I don’t miss any cuz I sometimes find that I might miss some when I do it this way I think I’ve got every everyone so far oh no yeah see missed okay that all look that’s good come on yep they all look like the full okay oh so what I thought our uh our hops shed needs our little Brewery shed oh there’s one missing here um is a Juke box I think I’ve got all of the other I think I’ve got everything else though right yes we need a juke box in there I feel like that shed needs to be uh needs to have um the uh Moonlight jellies being played in it because it isn’t just it’s like a little hop shed with like our Brewery shed but it’s also a very cozy shed cuz of how we made it it’s not like the The Keg shed that we’ve just been in um it’s pretty and nice and it looks great so it would be nice if we had some cozy music going on in there and I feel like that might be the way to go so we could make a juke box as well all right so we’ve got starfruit wine actually I think we’ll just sell that so let’s get this in here okay yep those are done there is that everything I think everything’s full again everything’s full again right okay so now we need to go see Clint about some geod I’m really hoping he’s working please be working and sell all this stuff let’s go uh we’ll take the mine cart it’s a little bit quicker so we’re going to town let go see Mr Clint hello sir oh Louis is here collecting his taxes like the Sheriff of Nottingham okay not what we need nope definitely not what we need nope that’s a Fairy Stone right yep nope nope come on ghost crystal we’re manifesting it nope nope nope nope come on no not the first duplicate oh come on please give me a ghost crystal why is this why is this been a struggle why why why [Music] no so annoying I hate it don’t no we’ve not got anything else in there right let’s head back to the farm cuz we’re not going to see Guna let’s go and put these away cuz I’m not sure if I actually have an opal in stock like in like put away I’m not sure so we want to make sure we have at least one of everything just in case we need it or well two of everything let’s say so then we always have one haed away like little dragons that we are see like we we don’t need we can sell some of this we can definitely sell a load of that we’ll leave that though cuz it will build back up again over time so it’s not really a big deal selling a load of stuff and it gives us a boost in our monies oh no no no we want at least two oh no did it again why I cannot count two one one right let’s go sell sell the things we have multiple of um yeah I didn’t check on that so and all of these okay let’s make sure that we have there we go yeah so we could sell that uh one two one two one there oh we’ve got like nine of these oh no so we could sell seven four of those three of those since we only have like one of those nope NE no middle chest please yeah we’ve only we’ve now got two of those that’s good okay I think that’s fine to do I’m not necessarily needing any of these it’s not like I have to gift any away so that’s fine um right so let’s go and do a little bit of farm layout let’s grab the aridium sprinklers just so we can mark them out where are they there we have four of them oh I oh I need to go see Robin about moving the jumo Hut drink the stop hitting the tea saplings and drink the coffee thank you let’s go and see Robin I’m hoping she’s there okay don’t get distracted by things we have to go get Robin to move a jimo for us in here yes uh construct farm buildings we want to move a building let’s go all the way over here and down there we go right so we be needing to move it somewhere um how about in here that’ll do you can chill out there for now it’s fine okay let’s run home just I needed it just out of the way so we can Mark out the uh crop beds that we’re going to be having from um in Spring um and I think we should get a nice amount so let start there with one oh no may I wouldn’t mind like a little path along the front top of here so maybe yeah so one two three four five and then we do another row of five and then the sprinkler sits no put it down though the sprinkler sits there like that and then we do should be able to do yeah there we go another row of five there okay so how would this work out if we did then a five and a five one two and then a sprinkler and then that there you hear that’s my cat bear with me one moment right okay um right and then another row of five and another row of five see then this leaves an awkward space though the only way of doing it maybe is if we did One two 3 four and then five like this so let’s just tidy this up for a minute and work something out a little bit different I don’t really that’s all nicely situated I don’t want to have to move that [Music] um so let’s hit that and then we want another one there and then that there I know these are all going to disappear we actually let’s let’s grab some path and what we can do is we can put some paing down over what we’ve what we’re doing and that’ll just help keep things marked out um so we can try and figure out how to make this look like oh it won’t let me do it that’s fine though when it disappears we can do that that’s fine I forgot you couldn’t do that right so that would be there like that oh okay so one two three one two and then that would be a quality sprinkler oh that’s going to is that not going to be and then that would be a quality sprinkler oh no I don’t know if I like how this is going the thing is is like I want it passs in amongst all of this lot but I I don’t know if that’s feasible or not the only other thing to do is to move this over one and just have this as a single a single path down I kind of like the double though oh I’m really not sure I’m not sure at all uh just give me one moment okay um so one two three four five I don’t care can we actually fit oh no maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe we do this and we do take this down to one and we do the same here because then I’m going to move it over but just for double checking that this fits how I want it oh whatever yeah so that would be like that and then the the fence would come along here so this line would come out and then it would be here instead so then that would be no put the sprinkler down I keep pressing Y and then that would go like that and then that would be the same there maybe we don’t have a path maybe we don’t have paths it just maybe we just need it to function and just have the path along the front I’m going to run to bed and then we’ll carry on figuring this out in the morning okay just B in one second guys okay right I’m going to take my cardigan off as well I’m really warm that is the main difference because I’ve the PC is run it’s not obviously overheating but it definitely runs warmer than the laptops and because there’s cars and things and noise outside I can’t have my window open I might have to start setting up my little fan um oh it’s the fishing contest tomorrow oh well this is our last day I think no that would oh no we’re not doing no okay we’re for some reason um we uh I’ve got through the days quicker so we’re going to uh play some extra days we’ll just play till I don’t know like when do we normally play till like half Nish 9 half N I don’t know we’ll get through this and we’ll get through this day and see how I’m see how I’m feeling um right so yeah maybe we don’t let’s mark this out without paths or we do pass around the edges so we do that like that and then that one would be where the sprinkler goes okay and then let’s just tidy this up a little bit just so we can see what we’re doing a little better so then this so that’s the one two there one two three four five there okay cuz we also have to make room for the jumo h so that will move over here [Music] right to there yeah so that sprinkler would sit there like that and then see we we also we may have a we’d have a chance of why my serious just decided he’s going to uh listen in on the stream which why oh oh maybe we then have paths here and do it this way so 1 2 3 four and five to there that needs to move in over one right counted that right I think I’ve counted that right and then so that would be another one there and then maybe we make this five a little spot for the J know how wide is the gimino H let me let me look it up where is the wiki let’s just have a look uh jino okay so jumo Hut there we go right so it’s a 3X two I have one two no we we want that down one don’t we really or do we put it like that no maybe we take it down one or we sit it in the middle of maybe that the way to go maybe that’s the the way my brain will process this a lot better take it down another one so it they sit in the middle no that’s not going to work is it no oh I hate this so if the jimo hook goes there and then this would then be our next crop bed like that I don’t know if I like that so far down maybe maybe it would be better if the G over Hook was up one cuz then we’ve got I don’t really want I don’t want to block it but then at least we’ve got space to put the um like the little seed maker we have a couple of seed makers in a chest do you think they’d be okay in front of the gyo H I’m not sure oh I don’t know what do you guys think think do you think that will work okay I feel like that might be okay and then we just we’d have a path going along here and down this Edge we won’t we wouldn’t have a path here though down this side because this would be fence and this would be fence or we scrap having the jumo Hut with them doing anything with them working and we just leave them where they are in the little Wilderness Area is a decorative Hut I have that on my Hilltop Farm cuz I don’t have a crop field on my Hilltop Farm all my crops grow on um Ginger Island maybe that’s the way to go maybe we make a little a little area for our gumos just to chill out in they won’t ever come out unless we have crops near where they can Harvest but maybe we do that and then in this middle bit we can put the we can put a the put this put a path down we can obviously like change the look of this path we can swap it out and do the mix path that we that we like doing and have around we can do that and then down here that is going to be this is all going to be fencing along this bottom so maybe we just do that kind of like that and then I think that’s okay what do you guys think are we are we happy with this and it doesn’t have to be like spectacular or anything I mean I would like it to be it kind of annoys me that we’ve got a gap on this side the only thing we could do is bring the fence down which would give us more room on that side I guess cuz we don’t really have haven’t got the room to move the shed over one maybe we move this maybe we move the fence down one cuz that kind of annoys me I guess and then we could instead of having a gap in the middle maybe we move oh I don’t know oh why why am I so indecisive I feel like I’ve got decision anxiety with a video game that’s ridiculous right it doesn’t matter right we’re going to leave it like that it will it will all disappear which is fine um I was going to put pathing down but we’re going to get um we’ll leave that path how it is is we’ll leave that how it is we’re going to grab um we need two more aridium sprinklers so we’re going to make those I need to make decisions here so let’s do that and while we’re here let’s have a look and find this as well so we need I think let’s make let’s make 30 we can do 38 so let’s make 30 cuz I think I need 20 for ganger Island but we’ll do 30 just to be on the safe side and then fence I need hardwood fence do I have any left over no so we need to make some of that as well so let’s make like what 50 I think should should be okay for what we need I’m hoping okay so let’s pop this down here and then that can be a gap out there that works quite nicely okay and then we could also have a a gap there I guess think then like that right and then I can’t remember which way around I placed these so we’re just losing all of the things okay let’s just we’re going to get rid of this fence here okay and then we’ll pop that in there so that’s our little way into here and then we also have a way out there okay I think I think that’s okay um and then we can maybe what we do for now is we tidy up this fence here we’ll move that light up the top just so we have oh we’ve got a got a hidden torch there let’s get rid of that okay this is kind of like a little Wilderness Area there’s so many uh mushroom trees coming here that I cannot bring myself to tear them down cuz I love the mushroom trees so much um but we need to pop down just a couple of bits of fencing let’s actually we could pop this in this corner over here that’ be good cuz that then this place is pretty much all this up which is good and then let’s just finish off with that there like that that’s fine um and then we could we could even do something with I don’t know something else here but put something another cabin or move the jumo Hut from where it is and bring them up here they’re not going to get in they’re not going to go in here to harvest which I’m not bothered about to be honest cuz if I can get giant crops in this space then that would be wonderful um cuz then I could always move them from the other side of the farm um or maybe just like leave a couple of the pumpkins and then try and get like the other giant crops here cuz they will they will grow in the in the space here so maybe that’s the that’s the way to go to do this that’ be quite good um and then yeah we can figure out something here bring the gumos up plant some more trees around and just have this is like a Wilderness Area because it is a it is the forest farm that we’re playing on I would like to try and keep the forest element to this Farm is why I’ve just let the trees do their thing um I was going to throw this stuff into here for now we’ll set up the chest and all the things say hello to the dog at least at least speak to the dog right the husband of and the kids not so much but we’ll talk to the dog we’ll pet the dog right okay so I think what we might do phone show me the time I think what we might do is we’ll play through this day uh we’ll run over to Ginger Island I’ll put all the stuff away you go do whatever you’re doing Sebastian it’s fine so let’s let’s grab the chest and those and this and then as much of this stuff as we can carry that is going away oh hang on a minute we go and then even we’re not going to the festival today we don’t need to go to the Festival um let’s just throw some things in here as we go past oh good we have stuff to sell okay and then in here oh we want we want a chest P though okay that’s good so that so let’s run back to the chest of the begin top of the farm and see if we can now grab the rest of the things I’m hoping now we freed up some space there we go right and then we can put the path in the torch away we can we should be able to grab the diamonds as well if I do that we’ll just retake that back out um why do I not have room for the did I put the fence elsewhere and I’ve made yeah [Music] sure why not oops uh right we have that to go away in there okay right we’ll get the diamonds after let’s let’s finish this so we’re going to place our chest here and we’ll pop these down just in case we need them and then the rest of this stuff not that let’s go into Jinger island with us those can all go there and then we’re going to put our little Dapper looking oh let’s moo him over so he’s actually um aligned with the sprinkler there we go right that will do I think that looks okay I know obviously like the there’s patches now that we’ve tilt that are disappearing it’s fine that’s cool I think that’s okay I’m happy with that oh now you give me a dragon tooth little sting race don’t eat the [Music] row right we’re going to put these things away um nearest shipping bin is here okay so let’s now run to Ginger Island and we can go and clear that farm everything should be grown that we can pick yeah perfect so let’s do this oh do you know what I should make retaining soil fertilizer water stuff for the coffee that would be good we’ll just move it so it’s in a proper bed I guess that you know that is also an option right let’s pick all of this stuff oh come on here we go and we don’t need to keep any of this we’ll just sell it all get all of our monies cuz we spent a million today we need to be getting that back but needs must I guess we need the Obelisk right Mr key demands it I want Mr key demands m key obviously gets oh we can check his specials board he should have a new uh a new Quest on the board so we can see what that is as well um but what I’ll probably do is play the rest of this week off stream I don’t I hate doing like over a week or not quite a week I like to try and do like a Sunday to Sunday on stream it’s just the fact that we kind of we went to bed a couple of times early so we got do some days a little bit faster wasn’t planning for that it’s just the way it worked out uh so that’s why we’re doing the extra day but yeah I think I’ll probably uh do the um do the rest of this week off stream cuz it’ll just basically I won’t do any decorating or anything like that it will just be um grabbing as many Frozen de in the mines as possible I think um I won’t even assess them if I can do that and get a pile of them then we can open them all on stream and see if we finally get what we need cuz that would be wonderful has some more ancient fruit which is great why have I missed one there you missed picking one L there we go right let’s grab the rest of these and then what we’re going to do is put our uh water retaining soil fertilizer stuff whatever hyper Deluxe things the stuff in the blue packet with the water drop on it we’re going to put that on the the beans and the grapes so then we can remove the uh sprinklers cuz what I might do is maybe over this side um is make a bed and maybe we move the the coffee or something or I don’t know plant more things star fruit or something we have nowhere to put star fruit um so we could we could chop these these this down and make it into a star fruit spot I guess so let’s do this so the idium sprinkers will come in handy there we go that one there yeah I thought we only needed 20 but it’s good to have some extras right so let’s get those sold we’re keeping all of the ancient fruit are you all ready to be picked you are this is good so we’ll just let this um this all die down as well and go see what the little uh little bird has for sale cuz we can exchange things with tower root oh we might as well grab oh weeds go away let’s get the banana and the mango uh we could do some deforestation as well here some of these trees have grown back so we could do that as well while we’re here and just have a chill Ginger Island day to finish off right so [Music] um I don’t feel like either of those are and I could try and do the and do that but I really don’t want to do that no maybe we leave it for a week but we now should have on here obelis is now at four four 4 for four which is good um and everything else so we’re getting there we have what one two three things left which is great so yeah let’s do some deforestation our super fast ax yet again we get all of the wood we need but what we’ll do is we won’t stay here we’ll hop back um to the farm maybe when we’ve cleared all of the trees and then we can put all the things away cuz if you’ve been here for a while you will know that I do not like leaving random stuff in my pockets it’s just a thing I can’t help it it’s the way my brain works don’t go in the water I need you we go let’s grab this okay and let’s go and see if any more trees are growing around the area um oh this’s let’s drink coffee that might actually that might might help speed us up we need to pick up the uh the sprinklers as well we can take take those we go actually we could go and throw one up by the uh the the beehives we don’t necessarily need an redeemed sprinkler up here we could just use uh one of the standard ones but just having a sprinkler up here will be very helpful because we’re growing a fairy Rose and it’s not growing because we’re not watering it makes sense right you have to water things to make them grow uh let’s go to the volcano and work our way down okay uh get our super fast Axe and get chopping and we will no let’s tidy up after ourselves okay back to our axe got anything here I’m going to leave all of this I’m just after trees and we can stop by uh our little bird friend along the way oh I’ll tell you there’s somewhere I want to go let’s just go here first so you still got little okay that’s fine apparently there’s a secret here somewhere I don’t where Where is the secret where is the secret supposed to be a secret here somewhere where I saw this on in someone had done this on Instagram they were they were like there’s a secret here have you found it and I’m like nope where how do we how do we get it though how do we get it is anyone does anyone found this nope or do we maybe it’s here maybe this is what is there we go we just got a foliage print yay that’s Ace I have not found that oh no no I’m stuck I can’t get out there we go panic I couldn’t get out that’s cool I like that and I like the the picture we found a secret okay thank you person on Instagram whose uh account name I completely am blanking on can we put that somewhere in here shall we let’s let’s pick that up it looks so pretty there we go right let’s go home back to the cold um let me water you dog you have been watered okay need to pick up that stuff nothing for there okay we got like 400 nothing oh something’s for there okay we’ll pick this stuff up right what have we got in here that needs to go in the shed oh the little leaves they need to go in there okay and then this oh hang on the dragon tooth we’re putting in here aren’t we and the Diamonds have being sold and what we will do we’ll go into here and the aridium sprinklers that we have spare can go in there that can go in the other chest we’ve got outside um we need to put the the ancient fruit in there we have coffee for here um that goes in there the rest of those tarot root we can sell the honey we’re going to sell so let’s do that so we’re going to sell those along with that and then the fertilizer we have oh we need to turn this chest green cuz it’s the a little crop chest so I like to make them green it’s also my favorite color I would make them all green if I you know didn’t want to know exactly what’s in them by color coordinating them or color coding them I should say but they are color coordinated to some extent they I feel like they do much let’s do this and sell these things here and then the last thing things to go where they need to be are the ancient fruit down here they go in this chest that matches the color of the ancient fruit cuz that’s how I do things let’s grab this let’s drink some coffee and we’ll go and grab all the other stuff out of the other uh animal no I’m not going to pick that cuz it means I’ll have to go back into the chest into the shed sorry not the chest um I want to yeah they can go okay right and I think I’m just no I know he’s sleeping I’m I don’t I I’m not trying to wake anyone I just I just want things we’re going to sell everything okay and oh sell all of that did I I don’t think I shut the door on the um on the Ducks shed did I that’s that and then we’ll sell I me need a cloth that’s the only reason the only reason why I I’m not selling the wool oh no no no no let’s sell you this time close thank you right we’re going to run all the way back around and um shut the door on the on the Ducks because well the the Cold’s being let in there and that’s not good oh and uh you need to go okay and do you know what we’re going to do CU I’m not going back into that shed we’re going to do that and then we’re going to put that in there like that and we’ll say hello to the children hello child hello can I oh did I you guys aren speaking to me okay you’re talking to me excuse me excuse me Watson right and then we’re going to bed and that’s it guys so we did an extra day cuz we went to bed a little early for a couple of days so we maned to fit in an extra day um but I feel like we’ve kind of accomplished what we needed to get done we finished off the um the brewery shed the little hops shed cuz we needed some extra hops we got those and put those in we managed to get the dragon tooth teeths I don’t know florals I don’t know it the item is a dragon tooth we needed seven more we got seven more basically so we now have all of our obelisks which is wonderful and uh we rearranged the little crop area on the farm so that has been done and uh yeah just done some extra little bits so I feel like the last couple of times we’ve played on this Farm we’ve been pretty productive which is good um so we are getting there we basically have one more recipe that we need to do um and what else the golden clock and then there’s one more thing for the museum that we are trying to find so yeah those are like the last three things and then we will have Perfection which will be wonderful and then maybe if 1.6 isn’t out by that point cuz we still we need 7 mil i’ like 7 mil would would mean then we we have enough to pay for the clock and some change which would be great so that’s essentially what we’re now doing we just have to earn money um and while we’re doing that we can also decorate some spaces we can know we have another a little area now that we can maybe think of something to do whether we put fish ponds there or do something pretty I’d like to maybe do something pretty I think it’ be quite nice um but yeah we will be back on the farm on Monday following Monday um doing some jobs and things decorating probably mining opening geod doing all of that good stuff um but I will be back with you all on Wednesday we we’re going to be playing Mano we’re going to carry on with mano’s Night Market I almost said Garden nope that’s not what it’s called um so yeah we’ll be back on Wednesday with that in the meantime if you want to uh catch up with me there’s links in the description to my socials and also the Discord server that I have it’s also pinned to the chat if you want to come join that you’re more than welcome uh to do that we have a book club and um you know we just chat about games and things and what’s going on um so yeah if you want to come and join that you can do so and um I think that’s pretty much everything thank you so much for joining me uh this evening for a little while I know you could be doing all sorts of anything else but you’ve chosen to spend a little bit of time hanging out with me and I really do appreciate that and uh don’t forget if you are here for the first time if you enjoyed the stream um you can hit the like button that would really really help me out and also if you want to see more for myself I stream three times a week um and upload a couple of shorts as well within in the week um I do videos on occasion but I my main content is streaming so if you like that kind of thing um then please do go ahead and subscribe and then you’ll be notified when I am live or when I upload a a short or the rare video and uh that would be wonderful come join our Co little family and uh but yeah until then I will see you on Wednesday please take care enjoy the rest of your day whatever you’re doing be safe have a good day tomorrow and I will catch you up catch up with you all then okay guys bye [Music] [Music] the wallall [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music]

Welcome! Let’s hang out and cosy game. 🦊

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Stay Safe. Play Cosy Games.

Lo 🦊

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