Having a CRAZY FAN GIRL Family in Minecraft!

today we’re having babies with our girlfriends OHS which girlfriend are you going to be with well obviously I’m going to be with CR my gosh why is Emily here because me and you are meant to be together it’s our destiny it is not our destiny Emily we’re going to be having a family with a baby and I’m not having a baby with you obviously I’m not saying like I like Crystal but it’s probably going to be Crystal right say cuz we’re the best couple and you’re not even his babes haha take that Emily that is true Emily you are not my babes then explain why our kid looks like me and you and not like Crystal are you serious right now what is she talking about my kid does not look like you Emily let’s go see what omy poo junor looks like bow oh no what what hey D where is me and Mommy Emily’s Family Home a in the chest go back who was it who was it no SS you cheated on crystal what no no no okay why is my baby SS and Emily uh hi Crystal what’s up so who was it um how do I tell you this so you don’t get mad look I’m not sure how babes but my kid is with Emily and not with you unhand me you crazy Beast I’m a mother you need to back up babies you actually cheated with me with this EG she’s not an EG really Crystal relax now you’re defending her I’m sorry but it looks like my kid is with Emily today I’m sorry babes I didn’t think I’ll have to do this but we’re breaking up I’m going on Heather’s side what what do you mean we’re breaking up you can’t just break up with me like that we’re not even dating well you cheated on me with hair Ms you’re a bad person first you break my heart now you break crystals what what are you talking about Crystal it’s probably just a glitch no I know exactly what it is okay well uh Emily how do I make crystal feel better you don’t have to make her feel better you have to build our house cuz our kid wanted it don’t you want to make our kid feel happy oh yeah you’re right our kid did say that they wanted a family house we have to keep the mom and dad together me and Lily have our kids so I’m about to make an awesome Family House what really yeah we’re in a happy relationship we’re going to make our house the best what well Luke Alexa you guys have problems just like me and Emily right no we’re fine we’re going to make an awesome family house jelly boy what not jelly well Heather and Crystal they’re not even together we’re together in the fact that we don’t like you anymore so let’s make an awesome Family House what well me and Emily’s Family House is going to be the best right Emily we’re going to make it so big and our kid is going to love it yes and it hope that we’re actually in love um okay but come on we have to hurry up we don’t want to have the worst house on the Block we want it to be the best one we already started on our wall you have nothing built loser Crystal’s talking come on Emily before I didn’t really like you but now we got to lock in and look at this we could use mangroove and high fade look at this it’s like double woods and it’s pink and blue yes this is our perfect dream gold house color all right can you not be weird Emily actually you know what you can be weird cuz guess what me and Crystal aren’t even together anymore so I don’t I don’t even care I I literally don’t even care at all oh gosh I took over Crystal look at this w i don’t care what Chris you don’t care she just smooched me are you serious so w he broke up oh no Heather I don’t need to hear okay whatever guys I already hear you guys making random sound effects cuz I literally don’t even care I’m just working on making my house even right Emily yes we have to keep everything together and wait why is Crystal Loki going crazy slow down Crystal I’m faster than you cuz I’m a better Builder and and I’m in a better life you just that I’m actually doing good and I’m getting over I breakup luk she’s getting over me dude oh no bro you lost your crazy fan girl well I have a new one and Emily is you’re all right right Emily you’re a cool person right you’re not a weirdo uh I can’t believe I have you to myself all right all right all right stop being weird but wait Emily the wer lowkey coming together really really snazzle check it out I’m going to make the frame out of light blue and then you can make the inside pink won’t that look so swag yes our kid is going to love it so much I know our kid is going to be the coolest one in the block whenever there’s Sports at school he’s going to destroy Roxy and Lily’s kid cuz they’re not athletic like ours what did you say my kid is going to be so much stronger than you not happening Roxy your kid is going to be weak I’m going to be feeding my kid protein shakes so he’s going to have massive muscles yeah we’re going to have D1 babies oh all right Emily stop being weird seriously that’s like I don’t know how I feel about having kids with you Emily I’m not going to it’s too late did you not already see our Junior yeah I guess you’re right but I want him to be super strong and hold up the house is loky looking awesome and since I want to be a responsible parrot he’s not allowed to have any phones and he’s not allowed to have any TV he has to work out all day no our kid is going to enjoy Tik Tok all day he’s going to be an influencer what he’s not going to be an influencer he’s going to be super athletic to be the coolest kid in class and smoke Luke’s kid as well no way my kid’s going to be doing high endurance training that means running for a long time yeah yeah yeah whatever you say come on Emily we need to put a bench press in the living room instead of a couch what no that’s mean too bad look there’s going to be the bench so it’s like a super soft bed then we got to put the bar and I’m going to put some heavy weights on it he’s going to be so jacked no no no he needs cameras he needs phones he needs all the fun stuff what you could do whatever you want on this side of the house Emily I’m going to do whatever I on this side of the house and we’re going to let our kid decide what he wants to be a influencer or an awesome cool kid he’s going to want to be a Tik tocker cuz everyone wants to be a Tik tocker or a YouTuber yeah yeah sure and lowkey Miss Crystal cuz normally Crystal wouldn’t argue with me she would just be like yes babe that looks so good and then I would build it and then she would like it a lot but now we have to deal with Emily and I think she only wants me because she wants our kid to be a social media kid I can’t wait to get all these likes and subscribers did you just turn your head into a camera Emily yes I have to capture every moment oh my God a bab do you miss me yet well kind of yeah too bad I don’t care come on Heather what you don’t miss me at all Heather has Crystal been talking about me uh yeah talking a lot of trash in fact she thinks you’re pretty small what oh no no no okay now I’m locked in before I was actually sad now I don’t care I literally don’t care I’m only make what is that I’m not even going to talk about it I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care let me just set all this to some iron underscore blocks like that boom yeah this is fire and wait I could put a TV over here and it could be like a cool show cuz he only gets to watch TV if he works out so let’s put some Kung Fu on nah Luke no BS my kid going to be jacked bro yes sir we can have our boys train together I know so I have my bench press over here and this is 1,000 but he has to eat ready to be able to do all these workouts right crystal bro I’m sorry you’re starting to feel bad cuz you don’t have your girlfriend anymore can you be my girlfriend ly not like literally my girlfriend like I just want something to dog to cuz Emily’s weird what no I’m just very cute no what is all this it says read this I love my parents Emily and SS I want to be a Tik Tok star like my mommy are you giving our kids a script to read off of yes and they’re going to cry when I tell them to cry cuz crying is good for views Luke oh my God Luke you’re my girlfriend now come on bro you’re my girlfriend come on dude what what the what is that how did you just grow what how do you have hair I’m a Blondy now yeah oh my gosh well I need someone to talk to LY so over here I have the TV and the bench press do you think it would be a good idea if I put healthy snacks and sometimes cookies for our kid huh yeah kids love nutrition let’s go all right let’s grab some plates Luke okay so here I’ll put 1 2 3 4 over here now babes I Miss Crystal bro come no I can’t do this I retire I can’t be no wait just be my friend and oh gosh everyone’s base is looking so good luk and Alexa house is huge her kid is going to be so awesome and Roxy and Lily’s place is that a giant mansion with a pool yes sir oh man their kids are going to be cooling no way Crystal and Heather you girls are getting along as well yes Siri I don’t need you all right fine well I better get along with Emily I’ll just try my best to like her so Emily what type of food should we put over here we could come to a compromise it could be half food that you like and have food that I like I saw on Tik Tok that french fries are in oh my gosh yeah sure you could put some I’m going put a protein shake over here like that and I’ll give him an occasional snack so I’ll grab broki a cookie so let me grab a cookie and I’ll put the cookie over here and these two could be for you ooh french fries are lowkey busting so you could do that after his workout then we need one more over here cookies and milk oh yeah nice so after eat the cookies there’s more cookies so this is actually a pretty balanced diet you have the protein shake for muscles cookie to gain some weight cuz you need to gain weight to get muscles and then milk to wash it down awesome so this workout room is looking really good how’s the Tik Tok room coming along uh it’s coming along really good I’m trying to find some props wait Loki we should make the floor green screen too cuz with green screens you can make the background anything that’s what the YouTubers be having yes we could put him in like a big concert cuz he’s a big star oh yeah yeah the background could be anything we want but what prop should we use we need something to make the videos cool H wait maybe like a table oh oh he could do like spicy Challenge videos oh my gosh she has like mukbangs oh yes yes yes yes yes he could be eating on the camera uh ooh stuffed Chili Peppers people are going to like to see that mhm he’s going to have so many views and fame well not I don’t really care about that I mean it would just be fun to do YouTube I’ve always wanted to be a YouTuber but okay we got Hot Chili Peppers now what El should we give him maybe like something delicioso right yeah let’s get him some hot dogs what hot ooh that’s a w okay and now the Tik Tok room is looking pretty good and we also have the workout room and you know what Emily’s not too bad I just need to come to like the middle ground with her so Emily I say we now make the floor over here I’ll make it out of your pink blocks all right oh my gosh you’re being so accommodating I love you please don’t do that Emily please don’t do that that’s super sus only Crystal’s actually you know I don’t even care Crystal listen oh my gosh oh my gosh I need to put this everywhere wait what you took a photo oh God wait don’t draw everybody don’t draw everybody everyone look my hubby finally kissed me oh gosh this isn’t good this isn’t good oh my goodness this is so embarrassing it’s fine I don’t even care wait what you actually don’t care Crystal wait let me see the photo really quick uh em oh my gosh are you putting it you’re putting in front of our house really we have to celebrate this moment forever oh my wa I didn’t even know you can make it that big oh my gosh congratulations what you’re not jealous at all crystal uh no wait a minute did she just take the photo down or was that a glitch that was just a glitch I put it back up no worries okay looks like she had foot in steel all right anyways ly are you building your house bro I think Crystal might have actually broke it she might be actually jealous I don’t know she seems like she’s doing good it doesn’t matter cuz I’m lowkey getting along with Emily and I want our house to be really cool so come on Emily let’s make the second floor this could be where our kid has an awesome bedroom and I know what you’re going to say it’s going to be great for Tik Tok but it’s also going to be great cuz he’s going to have a giant awesome bedroom yeah we can make it seem like the most awesome kid place ever yes oh my gosh wa that’s actually fire I agree with you on that part let’s give him the coolest gaming setup and a giant race car bed and and awesome posters all around and high quality headsets and like five monitors so we can play all day yeah what color should we make the walls it needs to be something super duper vibrant and bright o how about some magenta ooh magenta yes that would be such a cool background come on let’s do it right over here this could be his room so we can make go all around oh wait a minute Emily you know how to use the magic guanda yeah I learned it from you H oh thank you you know what Emily’s not that wait did you just replace it what wow I thought the concrete would look much better that’s very very impressive actually Emily I’m very proud of you but we must make the room super duper lit cuz people’s progresses are going crazy and we can’t have the lamest kid on the Block that would make us losers yeah we have to have the most popular cool and attractive kids o yes yes they’re going to MOG everyone cuz they be mewing okay so I say we give him first a race car bed oh yes every kid dreams of having one I know right okay check it out check it out check it out this is the basis of it and I’m making it a red car how does this look so far it’s starting off uh little promising okay wait wait check it out check it out boom boom Wheels you see the wheels right mhm it’s coming along together the back the front like that okay now um H we should use some glass panes for the front over here check that out hold up I see it do you see it yeah it’s starting to look like an awesome sports car I know and then we should give him light blue and pink beds yes yes cuz he’s a mixture of both of us I know boom and boom awesome sauce so now he has the bed on the inside and we can make it so he enters from the back so we’ll leave this completely open this is so cool I love it so much so now brosi has an awesome bed and over here could be a super dope gaming setup so we’re going to need some tables and I’m going to make them black tables actually so a contrast with the floor oh yes we can make him a gaming YouTuber as well oo he can have a gaming channel where he plays Minecraft and Roblox sometimes that’s actually fire okay so we have his giant table and I made it an L table so now we need some monitors yes we have to get him the best quality gaming setup get the coolest one you see all right I’m looking I’m looking let’s see what should we oh wait wait I know I know I know I know I know know check this out we could use these these are like the crazy paintings check out that’s one monitor that could be two Monitor and that could be three monitors that’s dope right yes it actually looks so cool I know wait are you recording everything you know what normally I would put Emily down for this but I’ll just go with there what’s going on YouTube today I’m G to be vlogging my son’s brand new setup yeah yeah and we’re giving him a very cool room everyone check it out yeah it’s super lit check it out we’re two little monkeys dring on the bed yo y Emily you getting lit to this uh yeah I wish someone can come and take a picture of us real quick yo luk can you take a flick of us get us flicked up broki yes sir I got you guys you’re probably looking like gos right now yeah low key Emily’s not too crazy you just got to get past her craziness and then she’s kind of cool cheese oh you guys look so cute thank you slide that over wait we should put a photo of me and you Emily in our kid’s house yes so our kid know that we had a loving relationship yeah put in the back of the car there you go I’m going to keep working on bro setup let me grab a chair and I’ll put it over here I’ll give bro a picture so it’s like your colors and my colors Boop right over here in the middle then bro needs a keyboard what can we use for a keyboard that would look awesome ooh wait what if I use this keypad can I make it facing Noe I can’t I thought I was smart for that is it RGB no it’s not RGB I’m trying to find them that looks like a keyboard do you see anything how about this right here what where right where what is whoa wait that’s a whole computer setup hold up wait this is dope yeah yeah so this could be the Central Computer station that controls all the monitors oh yes now he has the triple monitor set up quadruple I I don’t went to the side I’m going to put a second chair this could be like where he actually does his homework and then here could be where he has his YouTube channel this is actually tremendous I know and wait check it out boom I’mma put a c wait what did I just put the camera on my head that’s not what I wanted to do at all oh my gosh look at you you’re just like me oh no this is mad sauce uh I’m going to add this camera over here and Emily stop twitting with me what are you doing we have to get all the angles we’re vlogging our whole life dude we literally have cameras on our head hold up SS are you getting along with Emily what’s happening uh I don’t know I guess she’s kind of cool but just sometimes she’s weird but you just got to get past that but we’re making a pretty dope house the gaming room is looking lit look at the camera so he can record himself okay I’m going to pretend like I’m a YouTuber okay okay this is really embarrassing I’ve never spoken to people on YouTube em how do I do this what do I do what’s the first line you just have to start off confident okay confident oh okay hi everyone my name is SS and um this is my first YouTube video uh today we’re going to play Minecraft ah it’s so hard Emily you try it let’s see if you’re any good at it I’m actually professional talking in front of the camera look at this hey y’all it’s your girl Emily and today we’re going to be showing you our family look it’s omy that’s my hubby he’s so handsome right and we have a kid coming he’s going to be so cute Emily you are professional how do you do okay can we take these cameras off he looks very silly but how do you do it so well it’s because I’m a Tik tocker I have to be look and I dance in front of the camera too are you serious hit oh W wait let me let me let me try it now okay hello everyone welcome to my brand new video my name is SS and I’m ins my son’s brand new room son when you watch this this is going to be your bed me and Emily put a lot of hard work and look that’s me and her swag out how was that Emily was that good was that was that good recording that is much better thank you all right so now we have our son’s room and wait people that watch Family Videos they want to see the parents room too we should have an awesome super big bedroom yes we can have it right next to our child and wait we should make it like it attaches off of our house so our house looks very very modern check this out Emily look at this new design that I’m adding over here look the room could literally be hanging off the side oh my gosh I love a man who could work construction thank you Emily I appreciate it wait are you vlogging right now I lowkey want to Vlog yeah I’ll keep vlogging and if you insist all right yo what’s good YouTube it’s your boy omy poo we F to be building some construction right now me and Emily what’s good y check it out I’m setting up the walls over here and then I’m about to put it down so it has support beams uh yes I’m getting all these angles yes sir babes what are you doing right now I’m recording a YouTube video I mean I mean um SS what are you doing oh I didn’t even realize you call me babes it’s cuz you always call me babes I never hear you saying SS but I’m recording a video with Emily what’s good YouTube it’s your boy omy poo we going to be building it’s lowkey a lot funner than it looks I just had to give her a chance to do it wait are you saying that you enjoy being with Emily she’s not that bad actually you just need to get past for being CHR I don’t really care I don’t care oh okay um that’s weird don’t talk to me all right I won’t talk to you oh she definitely cares but s my kid is going to have a way better life than yours wait a minute are you guys building a basketball court right now yes sir and some sple that is so awesome Emily don’t worry guys me and Emily’s skin is going to be way cooler first we’re just working on her bedroom so come on Emily let’s run this up I made the platform and what should we do the walls out of let’s make it out of something shiny like Emerald blocks oh my gosh we got bread like that all right let’s do it Emerald blocks this house doesn’t really have a color scheme but I’m liking how it’s just super cool and Rich and oh yeah YouTubers always have insane houses it does not even make sense sometimes yeah like mentions I know right all right come on let’s do it and you know how to use the magical wand can you just set some walls over here fast all right check this out I’m actually a profession all right I’m watching I’m going to give you 7 Seconds 7 6 5 4 3 to oh my gosh you did it with two whole seconds yep that’s all I needed W and wait we need to make a little entrance over here so I just breaking over wait no but we need way to get to our room without going to our son’s room that’s sus yeah let’s add a second entrance wait what if we just added some ladders over here and it could be like the only way to enter is from the outside oh and then em we can make a YouTube video and we could title it my mom and dad made a treehouse bedroom that’s W video idea yes you’re getting the spirit yes sir okay okay now we got to put some windows cuz I want to see our neighbors to make sure their builds aren’t as good as ours hey Luke is your build better than ours yes Siri me and Alexa are cooking well Roxy is your build better than ours yes sir me and Lily are making sple all right well well Heather crystal is your build better than ours yes Shi we already finished our living room and our kitchen oh gosh Emily they’re actually popping off no matter come on let’s put some glass over here so we have view of everyone yay we get to see our competition oh yeah yeah Boop and then we go around Boop bo bo Boop and yo this is looking snazzy now for our room we need it to have a really cool feature about it so people watch videos on our bedroom how about bunk beds oh yo parents with bug beds I’ve never seen that before cuz old people be nervous about going up ladders yeah but we kept our child Spirits M wait wait wait start recording start recording I got this I know how to do the intro I think I got the hang of this ready Emily ready ready ready ready I’m already filming what’s going on YouTube today me and my wife Emily are going to make the biggest bunk beds ever yeah just because we’re old doesn’t mean we don’t know how to have fun exactly so first I’m going to start off with my wife Emily’s and check it I’m making literally half of the room into a bunk bed boop boop all the way over here now I’m going to do mine right above her so I can do two blocks up and then put it just like this check it out it’s super duper high and right now I’m just temporarily putting ones underneath so then I could destroy it later on so it could be a full block above her yeah look guys I’m breaking it already yes sir and Boop and Boop and then we could just put these over here like that and boom double Buck bets is done Boop I ended it Emily that was really cool right yes we’re going to upload that and it’s going to go viral I know and wait right over here we can add some letters yo no this is heater look I’m putting ladders over here Emily so we could easily access it our son is going to have so much fun playing in our room and what if we added something for our son to do in here I got a new title I made my bedroom into a ball pit oh my gosh that is actually crazy I know right and hold up I think that there’s a ball pit oh my gosh okay okay start the video start the video ready ready ready yep we’re filming today me and my wife Emily are going to make our son for his zeroth birthday a ball pit he’s going to be born later today so that’s going to be a zeroth birthday so check it out boom ball pit and since he’s our awesome son we’re going to give him a double ball pit right Emily yeah he could go ball hopping anywhere yes sir ski thank you guys for watching like comment subscribe oop oh my gosh Emily we’re goats yes we’re going to be the best YouTuber couple family ever I know and then now we’re up over here hm we need to make cont tent outside Roxy already has a basketball court what’s another sport that people like to watch that we can make videos about how about football wa yes I built a football field in my house that is so viral right oh my gosh I can’t believe how much of a YouTuber you’re becoming I don’t know bro this is lowkey fun Luke I’m having a lot of fun with Emily is that a bad thing uh yeah kind of Crystal’s going to go crazy well I don’t think so I don’t think she cares so you know what I’m just going to move on from my past life from being babes with Crystal now I’m with Emily Emily you have permission to call me babes now I’ve been waiting for this moment babes buaka babe Junior okay what that’s fine whatever at least we’re having fun so this is going to be the football field over here just like that and we have to do like the white lines to show all of the area so Emily can you please fill it all in with lime I need to grab some white wool yep I’m a magic W Queen oh all right hit it and I’m going to put the lines in between right over here like this so all these lines represent 10 yards yep and once you get into the end Zone that’s a touchdown yes sir ski I’m going crazy with it y y y y y y yeah all the way down here then let’s go all the way down over here Emily help a brother out put them every two blocks please okay I’m going use the magical wand no way Jose you could do it faster than me clicking with my fingers I’m going so fast you you you oh no that was crazy Emily you’re actually himothy for that no Kappa yep thanks for fitting in that last block no problemo now boom we have it here so Emily now we need something that we could use as a football what’s an item we could throw super duper to somebody how about we use to bow and arrow and if it hits you it counts as a catch dude that’s actually so smart oh my gosh okay okay go in game mode survival Emily and I’m going to try and throw it you and you have to try and catch the arrow oh my gosh I dropped that go in survival mode silly okay get Emily over there get it get it over there are you trying yes are you trying you have to run to get it switch a rule right now Emily I wish show you have a pro Des it let me go in game mode survival and watch and learn I’m born ready I’m I’m born ready come on come on come on do your best do your best what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up where’s it going to go where’s it going to go I only need one try okay really Emily you just eat it off the field oh gosh let me try again got it that was a high one try it again try it again okay okay this is so much fun I know right okay okay no it’s too high okay how about that one it’s perfect oh I missed it sorry again again I got you I got you hi hi oh gosh H too much too much too much too much I think we should make the field bigger low key right cuz a lot of them are going too much yeah we need more space all right I got you I’m going just use the magic one first pause over here you start doing the lines though okay and I’ll make it go all the way down this way and set it to some SL slash set lime like that boom our football field is so snazzy yo I think now we could actually have 100 yards since we going to have so many white lines yep I’m going crazy with it all right cool and I’m going to set up a chest over here with the bow and arrows so we don’t have to just use creative mode every time so let me put a chest on this side and then a chest on this side and then let’s grab a bow and let’s put a bajillion bows in here boop boop boop and then on this side we could add a bajillion arrows so let’s grab the arrows and go perfect and did you finish all the lines emalia yep it’s all good nice and wait we should put a border since a lot of people are going to be playing here we don’t want people to slip and fall off the world right that would be terrible yeah they would like fall to their deal I know okay I’m going to set the first pause over here second pause all the way down this way and then I’m going to set it to some SL SL set fence wait wait no Oak underscore fences B okay SL undo I meant to do SL walls yeah I can’t believe you messed it up bab Boop got it all right now let’s attempt it everyone Emily you ready to throw it yep I’m going to go crazy all right I’m in game mode survival now okay okay let’s do this come on come on anywhere you do it I’m get it boom okay I think I need some speed this would make it so much more fun such effect give ms’s cool speed and I’ll give it for 10 seconds speed five all right I got my cleats on go oh oh oh I’m catching I’m catching it no cap I’m catching it ah no I was so close get this one okay the speed actually helps so much oh no that would have been a touchdown Okay go again go again wait my speed right now that one that one I need more speed I’ll give it for 1,000 seconds go you got this one babes I got it I got it and ah got it let’s go I’m becoming an athlete get the touchdown oh wait touchdown touchdown let’s go we’re the best couple ever I know oh I’m cadging all of these with ease oh I missed oh the hard ones are so hard to catch cuz I have no time to react come on you got this stop got it it bounced off me so that counts as a catch this game is so much fun right yeah we’re actually popping off I know and we should make it so there’s an easier way to get speed so I can just do/ give omz po a command blocking ton then in ch I’ll just grab the command I was using and I’ll make it for the nearest player so I can make it say at R which means nearest player so now when you step on this pressure plate like that it should automatically give you the speed mhm it works football is officially complete I know we can make so many videos here and there’s cameras so we could watch it back n Roxy are you adding more things outside yes sir I’m adding soccer wo nice and what about you luky what are you adding to your place at school so we could copy we’re adding an outdoor farm an outdoor farm you’re baing bro let me take a peep where’s the farm is it this thing over here yeah it’s this little thing in the front oh that’s actually cool one I just got an idea from Alexa and Luke yo yo yo yo yo yo yo think of this idea Emily me and my wife built our kid for his zeroth birthday a go-kart track oh my gosh he would love it so much and that would make a fire video let’s do it I love the way you think all right we can make it over here oh we can put in my bedroom cuz those are a lot of videos I built like a secret room my bedroom we can make it say I built a secret go-kart room in my bedroom yes that would actually go crazy all right so I made over here the little area and I’m going to make such a big black area so we can race it let’s go and actually em to go to that building Emily I might to set the first pause all the way out here look at how much room we have to go Carta oh my gosh this is an epic track I know and then I’m going to make it go all the way down here and I’m going to set it to some black bow this is lit and now we have to make it with some yellow wool so we have lines to follow in the race oh my gosh there’s going to be rules too yeah okay look I’ll do the outside you do the inside Emily so check it out it’s going to be like that all the way and then just make it inside so it follows my lines so there’s enough room so two people could race at the same time okay all right I’m going to copy your moves thank you let’s go down over here and then we could have like a little spinny curvy thingy and then we can go this way then add another spinning curve over here then we can make it go down for a little straight path like that but then throwing a curve last second over here how are you doing Emily are you following easily yep I’m popping off W Emily W Emily then I’ll make it go over here and no bro this is fire Luke I actually have a go-kart racing ring in my place dude shees that’s actually crazy your kids are going to pop off I know and wa this is fire nice I’m going keep following it and then I’ll make it go down this way over here like that then turn it this way for a little cool spinny turny thingy and then we can make it go all the way down here and I’ll make it connect so you can do multiple laps you can do first one and 30 laps wins oh my gosh we’re going to go crazy I know so let me go over here and then like that I could just connect it over here boom now it’s connected Emily and all I have to do is oh gosh I have to follow my own path so I can connect with you luckily I’m a professional at building don’t worry Emily I’m pulling up I’m pulling up I’m popping off too wait oh gosh I went too deep in I went too deep in it should be this way oh gosh hi connected yay we met up perfectly now we should add some boosters on the track right yeah those are called the speed thingies right uh dash panels dash panels so whenever there’s like a straightaway we can just add Boop dash dash dash then we could do another one over here dash dash dash dash then we could do one wait this one should have more of like a middle section so you have to do a w drift to get through Nally this is going to be a tight squeeze I think we should extend it a little bit right yep go ahead all right I’m going to make it go all the way around here so you actually have room to do a w drifting s so let’s go this way then we can go this way and then we can boop boop okay Emily can you fill up the floor all with some black wool please I already set the outlining all right let me go crazy thank you and let me grab some more Dash boosters and I could throw one H maybe over here would be cool so you could go that way then we could throw one finally over here so you could hit this way let’s go now Emily we should add the carts and we can make it so that we have a blue card for me and you want to race me to test it out yes of course I’mma beat you no way yes way let’s do this three 2 1 go I’m out here Emily oh yeah SC oh oh hey hey CR oh gosh oh gosh I’m not out of it yet I crashed to SK ah these turns are so hard I’m like stuck everywhere M move out of the way hold up hold up I’m getting through I’m going to through yes s okay oh okay you really have to be good at dri I’m not Baka buns and O I’m coming through Emily oh yeah that was smart good job okay let me go this way then let me go this way and spin the blog no Emily are you smoking me right now yes I beat you on lap number one no okay okay lap number one is yours but I’m coming back and I’ve learned how to drift better now drifted oh yeah it’s all about it’s literally all about the drift if you’re good at drifting you’re that guy and oh yeah good job breaking those blocks too thank you I haven’t drifted once bum boy what Ain’t No Way well I’m drifting now skirt I slipped off oh W excuse me I’m breaking these blocks over here I’m breaking these blocks let’s go skir I’m beating you on lap back here oh no excuse me Emily excuse me oh oh oh oh oh let’s go lap two is mine oh my gosh I’mma beat you on the last lap not happening cuz I already have such a w head what did you just squeeze through yes I’m popping off H not for long skirt let’s go and then over here just do a quick little oh move out of the way ah I’m smoking you get that blue butt over here I’m smoking you I’m smoking you no you’re not let’s go that’s me sorry Emily and we can make the starting line over here so let’s make it black and white all right let me break these cars real quick thank you and I’m just going to grab some white blocks like this and that was a fun race right I actually smoked yeah in your dreams yeah I was low key close but okay let’s put our cars behind the starting line just like this over here and boom now our son’s going to have go-karting and football and a gaming room and a race car TV I’m building an awesome pool on the roof X babes what an awesome pool on the roof Emily that would makees such good content let’s do it hi Luke are you seeing how awesome my build’s coming along dude dude your son is actually about to have the lyest life ever I know right cuz he a YouTuber kid bro that’s like the most goated kid to be all right Emily um we should make a giant roof over here and we should use quartz yeah that’s a perfect block for a pool I know wait start recording start recording I’m going to make the video title I built a secret swimming room in my son’s bedroom that is a fire click bait oh my gosh we’re literally content machines I’m like that Jordan guy Jordan matter all right today I’m going to build my son omy poo Jr a secret swimming pool in his bedroom but what he doesn’t know is well he doesn’t know anything cuz he’s not alive yet but he’s going to love it so let’s do it Emily oh my gosh babes you’re getting so good at this thank you that was a very fire intro check it out I’m making the top so big so we have so much room on wo are you are you ready for this genius I’m going to use the side of the racetrack as Foundation point so it can hold up the structure ra my gosh babes I can’t believe it you’re like the best at everything yes sir this is easy pickings for a brother like me I’m going set first pause over here fly early over here and then set it to some smooth underscore quartz like that boom and now any part of the track we can let’s use it as support beams and even over here since there’s no actual track here this is easy for support yeah just so it doesn’t fall over mhm let’s put put some here and yo this is super duper oopo poop duper swag baby now we have this set and we need it to be the most lyest pool party ever and we need easy access to it so we should make the access from outside the house just like how the bedroom is like a treehouse yeah let’s go up there with a trampoline oh I was about to say stairs but trampoline is way cooler people would love watching that so I could put trampolines over here and this could be super duper big leading on the outside just like that Emily is this looking swaggy yep let’s see if it’s enough all right I’m not getting any boost bro I need even more tramps let’s put over here Bow Bow Bow Bow and then let’s go over here Bow Bow Bow bowow Bow and then BW bow bow BW bow bow and then yo yo come on give me some boost oh yeah I’m getting a I’m getting a oh let’s go I did it no we must make this the coolest pool party ever so Emily pull out the camera pull out the camera first guys we want our son to have the coolest swimming pool ever so we have to make the outlining of it but it’s not just going to be one color it’s going to be a rainbow of colors since this is a fun place yes our kid is going to love that so much oh I’m like was that a good take that I do a good job at doing that intro yes you are the best YouTuber ever hubby let’s go I’ve always wanted to be a YouTuber actually that’s like my childhood dream but now I have the base of it and now guys we’re going to have to add the water of course so this is pure water from Ocean and now let’s fill it all the way up just like that boom but guys this is looking super duper boring we need some colors in this John so there’s an easy command that I could replace with random colors all we have to do is set the first paw over here second pause over here then do slash slash walls and we have to do the percentage of the blocks you want so Emily you got first dibs what do you want the first color to be of course magenta ooh wait is magenta your color or pink I’m in between I like them both okay so I could do 25% magenta then I could do 25% pink then I could do 25% LightCore blue then I could do 25% cyan for no reason no no reason in particular and wait uh uh wait wait wait why is it not working uh uh uh why is it not working you forgot the commas in between honey thank you I appreciate it oh yeah yeah you’re right you’re right it’s the commas now the command boom okay it’s still not working it’s still not working put the percentage backwards yeah I just realized that now wait now it should work yeah yeah the command is showing properly now yo you actually know what you’re talking about girly pops so let me go over here wait ah it’s so hard to type in between the lines I got to delete the old one put the new one delete the old one over here and then put the new one yo it actually worked it actually worked now if I do the same over here and then I replace SL walls with SL SL set peep it up boom Oh my gosh this is so cool Emily right yeah this is such an epic pool I know it has all the colors of the raino our kid is going to love it and you know what he’s going to love even more a diving board yes spawn that John in okay wait check it out I’m going to make it so he could trampoline up to the diving board then he could jump to the diving board so let’s put the trampolines over here and let’s make it get super duper wide okay let’s go over here just like that and let’s see how much air we get yo yo Emily I’m getting air Emily I’m getting air come on update the viewers uh guys we’re getting so much air right now was that good yeah come on let’s jump in all right wait no no no we have to make it so reaches to the diving board which could be right over here and the only way to get to the floating diving board is by using the trampolin that’s actually like a double trick I know all right now give it a shot Emily jump on and then jump to the trampol diving board you got this all right come on Bounce Bounce come on and we no and do a trick on it yo no that was so cool Emily we have the coolest pool ever our son is going to love this joh yes it actually looks so good but we should add some things up here so it’s more like a party oh floaty floaty floaty we should add a floaty duck how do you feel about that that would go so hard I know right check it out boom floaty over here and then we got to give him like a duck face how do we give brosi duck face um get some lips like like that wait wait I’m on to something I’m on to something check it out check it out button button floaty that’s heat oh my gosh I love it so much me too okay so we have a floaty over here and we need some benches here so people could chill out and a DJ booth I’mma Be The DJ you build the tables okay okay I got you all right let me make the DJ booth right up over here and I can be like and I know the perfect person for this yo luk can you be my DJ brosi yeah I got you how much you going to pay me uh I’ll pay you one high five all right bet and O Emily what are you adding over here what are these headsets yep and big speakers yo so this is perfect for the DJ so I can go and Luke I’m going to add some controls for you so I’m going to put some levers all around so you can control the speakers so I’ll put one here here control Booth panel panel panel oh yeah so you be like that’s he all right let’s start adding the tables Emily you put some over here and I’ll put some over here and with chairs okay oh my gosh we’re actually going to have the house where we throw all the parties yeah and I’m about to make it a bunch of different colors I’m about to make the one over here lime and then I’ll make another one right next to it out of ooh how about some yellow tables that would look super duper heat let’s grab these boop boop boop boop and then I could add some over here throw some over there Emily I’m about to grab some chairs actually all I’m grabbing some pink tables okay nice in let me get these and I could put some yellow seats in the lime then pink over here and then I could put pink and yellow on these and O nice pink tables here throw some more over here I got you okay boom boom nice job I’ll get some orange orange would look snazzy too much pink bro too much pink you don’t want to spam one color It’s never enough pink oh my gosh you really like pink but now need to add some more chairs so let me grab some chairs and I’m going to get it in some random colors I’m going to get some light blue magenta and even some C we could throw in magenta magenta then we could throw in light blue over here then we could throw in modern chair boom oh yeah that is looking super swag this a whole party up here bro yes this is actually the most lit place ever I know and hold up everyone’s place looks awesome this is so cool dad who’s at the door wait a minute is that who I think it is Luke did you have a kid for oh my gosh dude no way isn’t he gorgeous wao this is for sure kid he has a Alexa is here and your face this is so cool Roxy peep him bro peep him hey guys is this Uncle yeah I’m Uncle ohes this is Uncle Roxy that’s Heather what’s up and is this your house dude yep check it out all this is mine I haven’t got an Armory whoa we’re going to be raing this place to see if you’re the coolest kid on the Block what do you got in here bro what you got in here give is that a yo a gun he a gun yes sir b b b oh my gosh hide hide behind okay you need to calm down wait a minute what the what is this over here is this a toilet seat that you could drive yes sir it goes crazy whoa that’s fire dude and is this where you eat your food Lukie Junior uh yeah I love eating a lots of food that’s how you get big oo and what’s this over here oh that that’s my little pet dog house pet dog house what I don’t see a dog in here uh yeah it’s you sit down what I’m not okay Luke how is your song that how is he that strong he just picked me up and threw me how did he just do that dude how did he just do that I told you he’d be in the gym now let’s check the backyard it’s lit oh all right let’s peep it bro uh what is that why is there pizza monsters oh sorry I had a stomach ache oh okay and wa you guys have a whole Farm area with all these awesome pets yeah these are all my pets they left me waa I’ve never seen Moes in Minecraft or kangaro That’s So Dope yes sir I made it happen for my son wow you’re a goat dude you’re a goat oh my gosh Roxy come with me I need to give a rating what are you feeling RI this place is actually kind of fire right yeah I think like a 8.5 is good an 8.5 oh my gosh but it’s not better than my side pull up all right let’s see about this Lily what’s good bro hi Roxy and wa this place looks so modern on the outside did you guys have a kid for real for real that whoa Luke look at this it’s like a weird mesh of Lily and Roxy this is weird bro wa he’s kind of adorable yeah he is adorable hi hi Lily Junior what do you like to do in your house can you give us a I like to far and Far and poop okay sounds like Roxy’s kid do you have a tour to give us little one yes sir here’s my cake I’m going to eat it all who did your mom make the wait hey he’s eating all the cake is this safe how’s eating there some more little one what oh my gosh Lily is a mom that be giving her kid all the unhealthy junk food okay you’re not allow to eat anymore as your uncle I’m refuse hey hey come here what are you doing hey put me down sorry all right there you go and can you give us a tour instead of just munching on stuff show us around the house bro I’m very interested all right fine follow me oh okay let’s see where do I go first so here’s my girl carts what your Gokarts this is sick y I’m swerving on Ed joh on bro nice and wo you have a backyard dude yes sir here’s my pool let’s go inside all right let’s play Marco Polo I’mma close my eyes I’mma close my eyes you guys have to say where you are Marco Polo I see you I see C caught you I caught the kid Roxy your kid sucks dude he’s not good at anything oh yeah well he’s good at sp sp let’s play spff waa all right let’s do this guys Roxy can we get some shovels that are op here’s some netherite all right I’m going to Game Mode survival pull up if you’re going to play I’m ready Lily you’re going to get killed first I got my eyes on you on you no I got my eyes on you yeah and I got my eyes on LY too all right ready guys three 2 1 go get theid I’m get the oh gosh sorry Luke are you serious Heather just killed Luke that’s against the law wait the server’s lagging oh my what just happened are you serious it’s just me and the kid come here come oh got it Rock are you serious right now bro sneak attacked me that was insane but wait what else do you have over here what is this we’re going to play some soccer what soccer I talk the race but there’s soccer in here wa how do you do this it’s a slime and we have knockback sticks up yes sir and you have to hit the slime in the go I’m going to guard it let’s go boom bro I just got him easy you’re not him Broski yes sir H your celebration hey no he got it yo stop camping hey Roxy you can’t help your kid you can’t help your hey you can’t help your kid he Roxy get him I got it look guys all right I’ll try and defend now try and score on me but I’ll just let you know I’m a really good goalie Roxy all right let’s see about that what all right try it again try it again no okay try it again this is a giant one how is he so good all right I’m not playing soccer I’m playing this it looks like it’s a go-kart I’m hopping in let’s see what to do here do I have to go down yes sir super fun and really hard you just died on the first jump no one saw that move out of the way Heather you’re trash you’re trash beep beep just about you just got mged wait are those boosters Roxy on this this is insane bro should have lined himself up right get out the way little kid oh no I made it I made it D wait does this just lead to nothing Roxy yeah you just fall but let’s play some basketball no way you made basketball where’s your basketball Hoopa over here oh you want to go little bro all right give me the balls give me the balls I’m about to smoke your what is that slide me one of those right now dude who all right I’m going to attempt it so do I just like yo yo look there’s actual balls in this dude this is awesome oh my gosh hold up here you go here look Roxy Hoops buckets n buckets yeah I’m call you Brian DK nah bro actually Kobe W okay this is so cool and there’s a lot of things to play here Roxy I’m giving this place a 9 out of 10 let’s go but next up is Heather and Crystal’s place I wonder how they could had a kid we adopted her what wao that’s really trippy it’s like Heather hair and like Crystal outfit what uh that is weird hello Heather Junior do you understand words yeah Google Papa oh my gosh wa that’s so cool and is this your house little one yes come check inside wo it says welcome home what what do you have a stack of fridge what is this Heather this is all my food this is where I get my Good Eats wow tacos pizza garlic chicken okay Roxy yo oh oh my God oh my what are you doing get out get out of my house you’re kicked out you’re kicked out Roxy just got kicked out sorry bro this this is yummy though good thing I got the food this is good all right see dude give me more of a tour please okay now come check upstairs o all right I’ll check upstairs what’s this over here Heather Junior this is our little playroom and our bedroom wa nice you guys have to sign in the purple beds and what is this why is there lime over here what the what is that uh this is for Luke and Alexa what oh so you guys have a room to hold up it kind of looks like a flower yes it is silly oh that’s super cool and what is this is this your clothes yeah I have different combinations ew look don’t look at what I just saw look away oh my gosh that is disgusting that is disgusting that is disgusting what what don’t look don’t even say anything do what is this over here girls this is our balcony wo nice and it leads to some stairs over here where does this lead to go up all right I’m going up and what is this is this another bedroom Yep this is me and Heather’s bedroom oh that makes sense it’s super cool and ooh you guys have bouncy balls yep but that’s not it come under here what the what is this wo a secret room underneath this is so cool this this where you guys have movie Nights yeah and where we get away from the kid for a little while to take a break o that’s smart uh and wait a minute wa is this a giant pool yes sir skin it has awesome LED lights above what that’s sick that’s very sick and you guys have a giant ball pit yes Siri that’s fire and is this basketball yes sir you want to play yeah we already know that I’m the go at basketball but that was an airball you didn’t see that boom buckets n that was in that was in buckets no buckets yeah buckets whoa Heather junior is low nice with it though I’m not going to cap nice all right I’m going to give this place like a s out of 10 this was not too shabby now it’s my turn guys everyone pull up to our side yeah this is my personal favorite build yeah cuz it’s me and yours Emily duh let’s see your kid already already all right I’m getting in let me just spot it uh what in the plot twist ly peep what oh no Gosh guys uh uh the kid turned into crystals kid wa Emily I don’t like you anymore bye no we had so much going on together let’s go back with Crystal Crystal look it’s our kid it must have been a mistake in the beginning we’re back together yesi I’m sorry for breaking up with you yeah me too and hi Crystal Junior how are you doing today I’m doing so good how about you I’m doing great bro check out your crib it’s like half YouTuber half like workout and I just realized you’re a girl so are you able to bench that much wait uh girl is super strong too watch this uh okay let’s see wa waa Roxy she’s lowy stronger than you dude let me see you do this what move out the way let me show you how it’s done no no all right Luke let’s see if you got what it takes bro of course I can I’m strong bro farted ew and then we have like a little recording area over here if you want to do videos then you can come upstairs with some trampolines and as you can see we have a giant pool party some football and then over here a go-kart RAC track your bedroom with the race car three monor setup and also my bedroom with the ball pit and is L let’s have a pool party oh yes and Emily’s not around so now back with uh what is that uh why is there TNT above us who did that you dare mess with me you’re going to pay for this Emily chill don’t do it Emily don’t do it no wait that’s not going to work it’s not going to work oh yeah Che is going to L the server that’s not going to reach the bottom row is in set Emily you’re crazy I don’t care anymore this is what you get for cheating on me well guess what I don’t think anything is going to happen to our build oh oh wait Roxy nothing happened we’re all good bull party time oh my gosh I’m actually such a noob for those let’s go and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are having a CRAZY FAN GIRL FAMILY in Minecraft!


  1. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬omz what is this crystal is only your bab emily's loser loser loser loser

  2. ᴏᴍɢ ᴅɪᴅ ᴏᴍᴢ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴋɪss ᴇᴍɪʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜ sᴀʏ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ sʜᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴀᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀʀʀʏ ᴇᴍɪʟʏ

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