NOOB vs PRO: GIRLS VS BOYS MODERN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

oh no guys all of our houses are destroyed where are we going to live now I don’t want to be out here in the middle of the night why don’t we just build new houses so we’re not homeless oh that’d be an awesome idea we could have an arcade and a superhero room and a music studio ew I don’t want to live with you twoo you’re stinky boys I’m going to build a girls only house and it’ll be the best house ever well then woodo and I will build a boys’s only house come on let’s build a music studio so we can make cool boys music you guys are never going to win because girls are better that’s what you think axie I can just use SL slash paste to spawn in an empty house for us boys to edit wait what that’s cheating m go this house is so big I’m literally stuck inside come on wudo we need to change this house to be our boys colors what I’m going to do is get some blue blocks some red blocks and of course I can’t forget your favorite color green let’s go green is the greatest boys color ever no Green’s a terrible color pink is the only good color are you serious sexy only girls like pink us boys love the color blue red and green and that’s why our house is going to be better and hey did you spawn in an empty house too no oh my goodness actually it doesn’t even matter if you have an empty house or not our house looks way more cool and modern what are you talking about your house looks yucky no it doesn’t axie the boys only live in the coolest mansions ever cuz we’re all super rich no you’re not Ludo you have like $2 um why did you have to expose me axie really she’s not wrong woodo you are kind of broke but don’t worry after we build this amazing house we’re going to be the richest boys in the world check it out I’m almost done changing all the blocks in this house and vooodo let’s just say it looks so awesome right now it looks fire m go no it doesn’t your house looks like a big ugly blob Maxi your house looks like a big pimple it’s all pink there’s no other colors we have all three colors come on wudo let’s start out with our boys music studio oh yeah I want to start my rap career wo wo we’re going to be able to make our own Boys music inside of this room while the girls are just going to be sitting down in their house doing nothing what do you mean no one’s going to be sitting down doing nothing we’re going to be sitting down doing awesome activities I know what awesome activities girls like doing they just spend all their time twiddling their hair what do you mean woodo I don’t even have any hair see I told you the girls have nothing to do with their time w w I’m going to make a music studio in my house and my music’s going to be way better than yours are you serious our music is going to be better axie look me and wudo already added two microphones which means both of us can be on the mic exactly can girls even rap of course girls can rap You Can’t Rap I know if you tried everyone’s ears would hurt well then I guess we’re going to need to have a rap battle axie exactly let me just get all of the different things that our DJ is going to need in order to make the beat I can get at the guitar just like this and wo woodo let’s put up a bunch of speakers too oh yeah you see boys like listening to Super Duper loud music so I need the biggest speakers possible to be put all over the place wo this is going to be so cool when we’re done I bet axi is going to be so jealous why would I be jealous of your stinky boy Music Room mine is so much better no it’s not actually look we’re pretty much done with our DJ area and voodo how about we make our first song bro oh yeah I’m so ready for this are you ready to have a little rap battle against axim yeah let’s do it I can already tell my ears are going to hurt I’m going to drop the beit and you’re going to go okay you’re going to rhyme with the word stinky ready 3 2 one go yo check it out it’s axi Anda a lot crew but yeah she’s really stinky living in the water smelling kind of freaky okay wo I think we should stop recording songs and we should move on to the next part of our house I really want it to be fun yeah you’re right why don’t we add a ninja room wo a ninja room where we can become ninjas that is so cool oh my goodness hey axie do you girls have a ninja room on your side I don’t think so well ew why would I have a ninja room I’m going to have a better room like a fashion studio wait what that is so boring ninjas are the coolest things in the world that’s exactly why we’re going to have all sorts of ninja armor and different things that we can use to become the ultimate ninjas that sounds super boring are you kidding me the boys love being ninjas what are you girls going to be huh huh they’re probably going to be little fairies and ninjas absolutely destroy fairies wao thanks for the idea I love fairies of course axi loves fairies cuz you know the one thing fairies are good at what are they good at wo doing nothing all day that is so messed up if you guys think boys are better than girls then comment boys right now I need to see as many boys comments as possible comment boys right now no comment girls actually no one’s going to comment girls let’s be honest what are you talking about all the girls are going to comment Girls huh we’ll see about that because after everyone sees our ninja area they’re definitely going to come in boys but rudo if we’re going to have a ninja areas we need some Target dummies we can beat up check it out I can just grab my katanas and slice these guys up hiya Haya why do we need those Target dummies I’ll make even better Target Dummies Wait a second you just gave me an idea are you saying our Target should be the girls over there exactly so what I’m going to do is grab a bunch of dummies and put axe’s head on it wait what that’s such a good idea now we have our Real Enemy that us ninjas need to take down hey I’m not your enemy I’m cooler than than you anyway so you could never take me down look at her stubby little arms V check it out I’m also adding shurikens and different katanas we should be able to use oh my gosh shurikens and katas are like the coolest thing ever I feel like an anime character H yeah look us ninjas even have elemental powers check this out bro boom Oh my gosh that is so fire that you burned all of our items oh no woodo put them back quickly or else A’s house is going to be better than ours the boys are just too powerful my house is already better feel free to put whatever you want in your house are you serious axie your house looks the same as before well our house already has two things inside of it these are like the best rooms in the world but woodo I just had an amazing idea how about we put on our ninja gear and we go prank axi as Ninjas Oh my gosh that would be a great idea and then we can expose her for being a boring girl here put this armor on quickly now I look like a mass ninja and she won’t ever be able to tell who I am so all we need to do is just go out here let me grab a grappling hook so woodo what we can do is grapple onto the top of her house and just go up like this oh my gosh this is the coolest boy spy mission ever I bet the girls don’t even know how to spy on anything exactly look I see axi down there what if she doing right now I’m making the best sleepover tent ever we’re going to have so much fun having sleepovers and I mean my Imaginary Friends bro this house looks so boring what do girls even do at sleepovers I think we need to set up some traps for them let’s do it woodo we look like such cool nin right now what I’m going to do is set up the ultimate trap it’s going to be some TNT and some pressure plates but what I need you to do is stay up here and keep watch okay wait what no I want to join the action no voodo you’re going to keep watch I’m going to do it and you’re going to let me know if she can see me let me just grapple to the top like this and then go down and woodo I’m down here I’m going to place on the TNT just like this and I’m going to Grapple back up a that was the lamest trap ever she can obviously see its DND D woodo girls aren’t that smart trust me she won’t be able to see wait a second is this TNT in my house how did this get here she’s not that dumb hold on a second I have a way better idea of a trap we can set up wait a second voodo is that a fart bomb let’s just say things are going to get a little stinky for the girls I just have to step on this pressure plate and bombs way wait what is that oh my gosh I guess that burrito Aid is really getting to my stomach oh my goodness wood this is so perfect that was an amazing prank but we need to go back to our house because we’re missing a boy’s only sleepover we can’t let the girls have a sleepover wudo you’re right but let me just grapple here it oh gosh I failed um guys did anything weird happen at your place and wait who is that is that a ninja in my house it’s a ninja h no buo you can’t fight her we need to get out of here come on let’s go back to our house stay out ninjas this is a girl’s only house and you were clearly boys I’m a girl ninja I’m coming back no wo you need to stay here come on we need to focus on our sleepover us boys clearly have the better sleepovers and we need to prove that so let me just get some grass over here and I’m going to set the whole floor to Grass wait what boys don’t sleep on grass manga what is this of course they don’t sleep on grass wudo this is so we can build a camping area us boys love to go out and Camp so we’re going to have a custom sleepover area that the girls would never be able to think of oh yeah the girls are always trying to stay super pretty but us boys like to get dirty and messy I like to get dirty and messy my favorite thing ever is mud oh gosh ax is a little bit of an exception hey are you listening to what we’re building don’t tell me you’re copying us axie why would I copy you you guys are stinky and bad at building hey we’re not stinky or bad you better take that back before we come over there and destroy that girl house no and just to prove it to you I’m going to add some anti-boy things to my house wait what she’s adding anti-boy things she’s probably just going to add a bunch of Barbie dolls in the front who cares about those things oh you’re right wudo that shouldn’t scare us boys come on let me put up some cool paintings for this room and these paintings are going to be kind of scary these paintings are so lame hold on I’ll show you what the boys really like wait what what type of painting are you talking about well I’m going to show you the coolest hardest painting of all time it’s a cute little Pony um wo this is something the girls would have we can’t have this on our wall oh my gosh what are you talking about that was fire oh the boys love cute ponies woodo I don’t like cute ponies I like ninjas fast cars and sports and wait a second speaking about sports woodo we should have a sports room inside of our house a sport Sports room okay what sports do boys like to play bro we play all sorts of different Sports basketball soccer running I can think of so many oh yeah you know what girls are really good at doing in sports mango what is it twiddling hair I again I don’t have any hair Woodle okay well guess what axie I bet you’re best sport is twiddling your Axel ears then I do like twiddling my Axel ears see I told you all girls are the same voodo forget the girls look at this super duper cool basketball court that we have bro I have some basketballs right there and I have the baskets on top and wo we just made our first basket this was a three-pointer let’s go I’m going to call this the Patrick Stadium wait what you’re going to name it after Patrick Star Patrick Star is so awesome I bet the girls I have a mascot exactly look this is SpongeBob I have a mascot and it’s called myself wait what ax that is so lame no it’s not you’re lame oh my goodness I’m not going to let you get away with calling me lame axie and because of that I’m going to build the ultimate soccer goalpost so me and wudo can play soccer while you girls are dancing in your sleepover uh nobody likes soccer are you serious everyone watching the video probably likes soccer if you guys like playing sports then hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting so close to a million subscribers subscribe right now no subscribe if you think girls are cooler and you don’t like soccer because soccer’s a stinky sport oh my goodness wo look I just added my soccer net now not only can we play basketball but we can also play soccer but I’m going to add something else on top of that do you see these Target blocks over here bro yeah what about them well these blocks are going to be for our archery class no way the boys get to do archery that is so cool but Maro I have something even cooler than archery check out this picture of me standing in front of my mansion with my super cool super cars wuro that is not you and even if it was you that’s like the 50-year-old version of you you don’t look that old I’m not old it’s just me being a cool Turtle I mean if you say so wudo come on we really need to focus on our Sports we have soccer basketball target practice but there’s one more thing we need to have that the girls definitely don’t have voodo what’s that well voodo us boys love to horse ride a horse ride oh my gosh I love riding riding horses but wait a second isn’t riding horses a girl thing to do they love riding ponies and unicorns no voodo ponies and unicorns aren’t the same thing as Horses all right fine then we need to have the coolest and fastest horses there could be don’t worry voodo I’m already on that check it out I’m making a horse track around our entire house that way us boys will have the biggest horse tracks and we can have the coolest horses while the girls have little fishes they’re going to have fish and ponies hey no we’re not we have something you boys will never have which is a restaurant ha wait what you guys have food well us boys can survive like 3 million years without food right wudo um why would you want to do that when you can eat delicious food instead yeah whatever axie just because you have good food doesn’t mean we’re going to go over there to the girl’s house and live with you well you should H you know what ax is really starting to bother me maybe we should go over and see if her food is actually good come on rudo let’s go check it out and wait a second there’s a sign outside that says girls only ew hey guys is that you huh I hope you read the sign because you’re not going to be allowed in here in a minute million years hold on we need to set up a disguise check this out now I look like a poor innocent Axel girl that wants to get leted so let’s try again hello anyone at the door it’s a girl um what that’s a painting this is not a painting I’m an exellent girl and I really need somewhere to stay okay then you can come outside if you can walk through the door come on woodo this is never going to work we need to actually look like girls if we want to get in there oh yeah that’s a good point we better dress up right now and boom buo now I look like a princess and you look like an axel instead of a turtle come on this will definitely work hello we’re here for the girls house hello it’s me the poor little Axel wait what it’s a couple of girls welcome in totally not boys yes oh my goodness this house looks so nice I love being a girl oh my gosh now that we’re girls we should do a bunch of girl things in this house what girls things can we do little Axel we actually want to eat all the food you have do you have girly food here or what well I was going to take you into my fashion room but if you want some food you can come into my nature fairy tale Cafe and eat some of my grand food oh my gosh what is that ew wo this food looks disgusting I knew girls didn’t eat good stuff bro that looks like girl poop ew um why did your voice just change um what are you talking about I was just twiddling my hair you don’t have any hair oh I was twiddling her hair forget about the food how about we just see the fashion show you were talking about come on guys this is where we can have fashion shows I have all the most fashionable outfits right here and a bunch of chairs to sit in oh no voodo this is way too boring I can’t do this anymore oh you’re right Marco I can’t take this anymore where are you going my girlfriends um we’re going to do our hair twiddling somewhere else yeah we’re done being girls for now come on voodo we need to go back to our house the food that Maxi had in her house was so bad we need to build a way better place for food so come on let’s go over here but first I need to take off this outfit right now and there you go we’re back to normal but woodo what do you think our food restaurant should look like ooh I think it should be superar themed wow cars are the coolest things ever and us boys love cars so what we can do is make this entire restaurant a huge car restaurant all I need to do is remove all these books over here because boys don’t read only girls do that I bet girls like to read little books and stories on cute things um I don’t really know how to read guys oh gosh you’re an exception axie you never learned how to read yeah I know because I’m an axel well some axelos know how to read you’re just the only one who doesn’t hey that’s not nice oh my goodness voodo what car is that you just added I don’t even know what it’s called that’s how cool it is dude you need to add a Lamborghini what in the world is this it’s a cool car no we don’t add a Lamborghini us boys love Lamborghinis and Ferraris oo I’m going to add a bunch you guys should add a pink car wait what why in the world would we do that that’s something you girls would do our cars are going to be all black because that’s what Batman has okay if you’re happy with being super lame then I guess that’s fine hey we’re not lame you better take that back I’m not taking anything back oh my goodness wudo I’ve had enough of axi we need to make sure this room is way cooler than anything she can build look I’m going to put a bunch of traffic cones over here because that’s what you usually on the road and what I’m going to do is make some roads inside of the restaurant that way it seems like you can go from one place to another by driving a car are you serious that’s so cool exactly wudo no one else has a restaurant like this I know the girls definitely don’t I literally have a restaurant I told you actually that is not a restaurant that’s a pooper on it literally doesn’t have any good food inside yes it does it is the best axelo food ever are you serious woodo let’s not listen to her anymore I think she’s going crazy what I need to do is add our car over here just like this and now we can use this car to go to the different parts of the restaurant over here and the types of food we’re going to have is going to be the best food ever AKA burgers and McDonald’s burgers and McDonald’s let’s go that sounds terrible I have better things axie you literally had a bunch of baloney for us to eat there’s no way you had anything better wait what do you mean for you to eat um nothing oh my gosh wo I almost let her know that we were in her house stop trying to expose us interesting guys well anyway since you have no idea what I have to eat you can’t judge me well guess what axie it doesn’t matter cuz we don’t need to judge you our restaurant is pretty much done and it looks absolutely amazing I mean look at this thing woodo I don’t think anyone has a better restaurant than us it is so fire no mine is way better I bet yours isn’t even decorated at all actually there are so many different decorations around but woodo forget the restaurant it’s time to move on to our next room where us boys will be able to use use all sorts of different things to make robots robots oh my gosh are you telling me that’s going to be cooler than this Turtle driving a Ferrari wait what rudo that turtle looks so cool I’m going to drive the Lamborghini and the Porsche GT3 RS and hey what kind of car is that oh that’s your car are you serious I don’t drive this woodo I only drive the best of the best AK gave the Lamborghini over here but forget about cars we’re now moving on to robots woodo robots yes oh my gosh I want to have my own AI robot that’ll clean up my room and do my laundry and make me food oh my goodness that is the world’s best idea woodo come on I’m going to add all sorts of different equipment that we’re going to use to make these robots bro wo oh my gosh are these NASA workbenches only boys are smart enough to make robots exactly the girls have no idea that’s not true it’s just that girls don’t want to make robots cuz they’re super lame wait you’re telling me that girls don’t want to make a hair twiddling robot to twiddle their hair for them for the last time girls don’t just twiddle their hair and some girls don’t have hair well you definitely don’t have hair so you’re the only girl that doesn’t have hair oh yeah girls are super interesting and super different from each other unlike boys who are all the same and boring oh my goodness ax boys are not boring if boys were boring then there would be no comments about boys in the comments but everyone watching the video definitely is commenting boys right now no they’re not and I’ll prove it to you in this video’s out okay whatever it doesn’t even matter because guess what our robotics room is pretty much done and it looks so awesome I love it I can’t wait to make my own robot yeah but woodo let’s add one more thing that will make the girls an axi super duper jealous come on we should have our own gaming room over here a gaming room let’s go I’m going to add a giant screen up here mango so we can watch YouTube videos while we eat oh my goodness I’m going to add a bunch of different PCS and laptops for us to use are you really making a gaming room that’s kind of cool but my last build is going to be way more awesome no way axie our gaming room has the world’s best PCS in it and these computers are going to be able to run Minecraft Roblox and any other games you want to play well I can already run those things so I don’t need a PC hey no you can’t look over here woodo this area looks so cool but I want you to decorate the walls on the floor next okay you got it I’m going to make it nice and rainbowy wait what woodo make it nice and blue blue bro gaming rooms are always super RGB you’re making me wonder are you really one of the boys of course I’m a boy wudo look I added our favorite boy thing to do which is play FNAF arcade oh my gosh that’s like the boy’s best game ever exactly the girls definitely don’t have a game like this why would you want to play FNAF it’s super boring and it’s not even that scary oh yeah axi what would you do if I spawned in Freddy Fazbear inside of your girl house huh um I would kick him out because he’s not a girl exactly it sounds like you’re a little scared axi no I’m not scared at all well that’s just what you’re saying but voodo guess what I think with this last room done we are pretty much complete with our boy’s house and wo it looks so awesome come on let’s go show it off to axie over here hey axie we’re here to show you the boys house Boys Boys Boys well if you want to show me your house then you have to take a look at my hamsters first wait what but girls have hamsters of course they’re super cuddly and they can be kind of scary wo I have to admit these hamsters are actually kind of cute what don’t say that the boys are only supposed to like dogs and dragons that breathe fire oh gosh you’re right a I don’t like these hamsters I like dragons um okay well you’re lost I bet you don’t have anything better than this well I you have a bathroom right by the door where you can poop and then you can wash your hands in this pool this is awesome wait what she’s trying to trick us woodo girls don’t actually poop oh yeah you’re right girls don’t poop axi show us the rest of the house right now you’re trying to trick us um okay well I have my sleepover area with all my Axel friends then I have my music room over here and I have my amazing f Fountain wait what you have a water fountain and a music room interesting what in the world is this oh gosh this is the restaurant with the super bad food get out of here quick what do you mean super bad food this is where you can experience nature and eat some delicious Axel food yeah yeah whatever axie I think we already saw the fashion room over here so I don’t want to see that and this garage just has a bunch of pink cars and e come on axie it’s time for you to see the boy’s house hey MCO look at this souvenir I got from the girls house W take that off that’s not what you’re supposed to wear well woodo you look awesome you should wear that every day I think the boy should wear this as a swimsuit now come on axie I’ll show you how much cooler the boys are check out our wrap Studio come on wudo I’m going to drop a beat and you can make a song 3 2 1 oh yeah oh yeah a a lot of stink oh yeah boys are better than girls yeah like 50% of what you said was oh yeah and that didn’t even rhyme cuz you’re probably going to fart in here get out hey what do you mean oh whatever what is this this is our ninja room where we train to be ninjas we can take our shurikens and our katas and beat up these Target dummies and also our main enemy girls wait a second is this my head yeah you’re the only girl we know I’m going to beat you up hey we’re not going to beat up this girl we’re going to practice giving her a hug guys if I’m the only girl you know then you really know nothing about girls at all yes we do you girls are stinky that’s why we built an entire second floor inside of our house where us boys have our own sleepover okay this is actually kind of cool but what do you do with this fire do you have any marshmallows to roast axie you have never heard about our boys time stories oh my gosh when it’s like 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. us boys talk about the craziest stories but we can’t tell you about them because you’re not a boy they’re probably boring stories about fishing and trains and stuff hey how did you know oh my gosh you boys are so predictable what is this this is just a random fish tank that came with the house oh okay I guess that’s cool then check this out though axie this is our basketball court where us boys play sports there’s also a soccer area and oh we can’t forget about the gaming room I could beat you at every sport here plus video games that’s just not true axi when I play games I’m at least the top 10 best player of all time that is so not true you you liar whatever follow us to our final room over here where we have our car restaurant this is better than anything the girls can ever make wait a second this restaurant doesn’t even have any good food yes it does it has McDonald’s burgers and fries and that’s all the boys need okay well how much does it cost to buy it it’ll cost you about H $5 billion for girls yeah cuz we tax the girl girls differently oh my gosh your house is terrible I’m getting out of here I hate this place hey we didn’t even show you our robotics room I bet it’s stinky and boring oh my goodness well whatever axi me and wudo are going to stay in our boy’s house and we’re going to have the best of times Well I’m going to stay in my girls house and I think everyone will comment below that the girls house is the better one well I’m going to blow up the girls house sexy bye wait thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch a video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye guys by

Mongo and Wudo have to compete in a GIRLS vs BOYS build challenge! Who builds the best GIrls vs Boys house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Girls rule 👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰👩🏽‍🦰💕💕💕💕💕💕

  2. 🦿🦾🦿🦾🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️💤💤💤💤💤💤😠😡🤬😤💩💩💩💩💩🤖🤖🤖👽👽👾🌚👾💀☠️👹👺🎃🙀😿😾😺😸😹😻😼😽❤️🧡💛💥⭐🌟💨

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