MILO and CHIP Village vs COCA COLA FLOOD in Minecraft

my family is in big trouble this Coca-Cola can is about to explode and flood our village in fizzy hot Cola can we build a secure Village in time to save our families why do we always manage to find trouble chip this giant can of CLK and Mentos is going to flood our village where did these things even come from who even has a giant can of Mentos in Coca-Cola I don’t know but we need to stop building right now yeah look Milo our families are in these villages we need to protect them and we only have 10 minutes to build something secure enough to save them oh man I’ll do anything to protect my family so we got to get going and do something really clever yeah come on let’s go first I’m going to need to grab some Sponge just like this it’s very important that we grab it to make sure that we can dry up all the Coca-Cola that will spill out and we also need sand sand has lots of holes inside and whenever I’m at the beach the water always flows over the sand and totally gets lost inside that will definitely help protect against the wave of Coca-Cola and Mentos H I need to St putting down all of this sand everywhere otherwise it just won’t work very well well chip you’re never going to guess what my first defense is what’s your special defense mil well it’s the cobwebs the cobwebs Milo that’s not going to help against Coca-Cola and it’s not going to help against the Mentos Milo cobwebs get destroyed by something as weak as a water are you really sure that they’re going to be able to survive cocacola yeah trust me I want to the cobweb school and they said that Coca-Cola was defeated by them what Milo that’s because they’re the cobweb School of course they’re going to say that they’re the best they just lie what you’re telling me that the cob school is Liars yeah Milo and that’s even if it’s real are you sure you went to the cobweb school and you didn’t just walk into a spiderweb somewhere that would be so funny but not CH I definitely did go to the cobweb school and my teacher was Mr sput Mr sput who is that I’ve never heard of him before for Mr spole the spider spole the spider oh I think I have heard of him Milo is this the same spider that tried to bite you yeah he was a little bit mean to me actually Milo that wasn’t a teacher that was a spider you caught outside and tried to bring in oh boy you better not still be playing with spiders okay well maybe I’m just a little bit confused but I’m pretty confident that I’m going to be able to protect my village with these cob I don’t know Milo cobwebs aren’t going to work as well as sand look I’m lining the entire outside of my village with these sand blocks I’m putting them around the pathways because that is the most important area to keep clear of the Coca-Cola these path blocks go slightly downwards so the Coca-Cola would definitely pull around them if it got the chance I’m not going to let that happen though this sand placing is going so well I’m almost done then I can start placing down the sponge which will hopefully be really helpful yeah well I don’t like sand because I don’t like it on my face Milo that doesn’t matter when we’re about to be destroyed by Coca-Cola yeah well I don’t even know how this situation happened it’s very confusing for me yeah somebody was clearly very thirsty because they needed such a big Coca-Cola can and why did they need MOS maybe they had really bad breath and needed to freshen it up um wait a second actually wait what is it Milo I just realized something what did you realize come on spit it out you can tell me are you sure you won’t get mad at me well I can’t promise anything but I’ll try my best well I think I might have loaded this online what Milo you ordered this online yeah but I pretty much can’t remember but I might have done it and then I also ordered dementos oh my gosh Milo that’s insane and why did you order it so that they’d be put above each other like this and wait why did you order so much well my friend jip jip and I we’re going to have a big party oh my goodness jip jip again Milo jip jip is getting you into all sorts of crazy Shenanigans I think he’s a bad influence on you oh I didn’t know it would be this big yeah Milo it says so on the website but oh that’s right you can’t read numbers and jip chip is just your snowman friend you were the one that taught him how to read and uh-oh that certainly is not going well right now because Milo now we only have a couple more minutes to protect our families from the C and Mentos oh man and when that Mentos trops you know what happens yeah I definitely do Coca-Cola and Mentos go so fizzy when they drop and mix together even just one single Mentos inside a Coca-Cola bottle can cause the whole thing to go Kaboom they pretty much explode it’s like a chemical reaction wow yeah it actually is Milo I’m surprised you know that that’s very impressive yeah well I know a lot of scientifical things yeah I’m sure you do but Milo one thing is certain Coca-Cola plus Village equals destruction so we need to get going on our defenses look I’ve almost finished placing these final few blocks of sand my wife and my kid are waiting so patiently right now they are my most important family so I really hope I can protect them yeah and my family is here as well I want to protect down the mar wait Milo who in your family is here well my wife and my baby a that’s so sweet don’t let anything bad happen to them Milo all right I’ve placed lots of sand around my village now it is time I need to stop placing down some Sponge Towers I’ll place them down just like this wo these are really really big I’m actually going to make them into giant sponge cubes that way they will absorb so much water just like a real sponge wood and guess what what is it Milo I’m doing the sponge Towers yeah wait what Milo you’re copying me although you know what if we both manage to survive this evil Coca-Cola flood I think that’ll be totally fine I’d actually be really happy if we both survived together Milo yeah then we can eat the pancakes together uh yeah wait who’s making pancakes after a giant flood of Coca-Cola I’ll make some celebration pancakes wait a minute Milo you can cook since when we’re only pancakes oh only pancakes yeah I guess that makes sense you love candy but also bird seeds wait a minute Milo these AR going to be normal pancakes right um yeah of course not they’re going to have the bird seeds in them oh Milo I don’t want bird seed pancakes and neither is my baby he only eats really sweet things like cookies well he can learn to like the bird eat pancakes thank you very much oh my goodness Milo how would you feel if I cooked you a pancake made out of cookies I know you don’t like them that much yeah I pretty much wouldn’t eat it yeah that’s how I feel about bird seeds cuz I’m not a bird well you could be we just need to survive this Coca-Cola flood and by the looks of that Mentos can we don’t have a lot more time I’m just going to place down a couple more of these sponge Towers then I’ll need to make some sort of Bunker or something yeah the Bunker’s actually a good idea but I’m personally not going to be doing it what Milo you’re not building a bunker are you sure that sounds like a terrible idea well you’re a terrible idea hey Milo that’s really mean yeah I said it didn’t I yeah you did but Milo I know I’m actually a great idea and I’m not even an idea anyway I’m a person and I have lots of great ideas every day oh I don’t really know what the word idea means Milo I know that’s not true you say it to me all the time hey get out of my way hey Milo I’m not in your way except hey what are you doing with my kid your baby’s walking around and he’s going to disturb the peace what Milo my baby’s not even saying anything he’s just getting in his last little steps of exploring before the entire Village he loves is flooded yeah well if I see him over here messing with my CBS I’m going to be very upset Milo don’t be mean look your family is welcome to visit anytime I’m happy to have them over well theyd rather not Milo stop being so mean well I’m just very stressed out right now and I guess that’s just how I feel yeah that makes a lot of sense I’m pretty stressed too but Milo don’t worry if we’re nice to each other we can get through anything just like how I’m about to build an iron block bunker this way it will keep out all of the Coca-Cola don’t worry everybody this bunker is about to be done so well we don’t have a lot of time so I need to make it quick wait a minute speaking of building things quickly Milo what are you doing right now just blowing everything up what Milo why would you do that hey is that TNT katus yeah it’s TNT over right Milo why are you blowing up your village well it’s just part of my plan why Milo can you explain I don’t get it well I’m going to put the water inside here and lava and some of them and it’s going to help me defend against the Coca-Cola oh okay I guess that makes a lot of sense actually yeah that’s right genius Milo I’m going to build my bunker right in the middle of the village it’s going to have a bunch of iron blocks because those are so secure I’m also going to build it at ground level because that way there will be no pillars or things that could topple over in the force of the Coca-Cola explosion I think building it at ground level is a good idea because whenever there’s a flood getting in tall buildings can be dangerous because they might collapse I really don’t want that to happen to my Village that would be terrible all right this is going pretty good I’m placing down these iron blocks just like this and wa this is looking really nice actually I think we may need to have some sort of iron fence though this way we’ll be able to see out although wait a minute if I use fence blocks then oh no the Coca-Cola will be able to flow through the gaps that will not do I cannot have fence blocks inside my base that won’t work at all instead I’m going to need to grab some reinforced tinted glass just like this this is really sturdy stuff it is really strong wo that looks so cool it also makes the outside world look darker hey this kind of reminds me of the color of Coca-Cola that’s a little bit scary because we’re currently facing off against a giant Coca-Cola and Mentos bottle but hey I’m sure it’ll be totally fine this glass is looking really cool soon I’ll need to make an entrance and I think I’ll make it on this side that’s because this side is really far away from the Coca-Cola can if I built the entrance on the side facing the Coca-Cola can then oh boy the Coca-Cola would probably flow inside through the open door that would be a massive mess up I would not want to make that mistake now I need to grab an iron door so that I can actually put it down on this side I’ll also grab a lever as well well that way we can place down something to turn it on and off with we’ll place the iron door down here just like that now the lever can go here on the outside but they’ll also need to go on in the inside that way we can actually shut this down from the inside when we need to it makes it a lot more safe I’m also going to grab some polished deep slate for the floor I’ll get rid of these iron doors and replace them with these new ones these ones look way better now that we have a super secure deep slate floor this way none of the Coca-Cola will seep up through any of the grass in the dirt grass and dirt let stuff leak through all the time it can be really annoying but luckily it will not happen inside my base no way it’ll be way too secure inside this is about to be so perfect I just need to place down these final few deep slates Milo if you’re not building a bunker what are you doing right now well I’m trying to protect the village as best I can because if the village goes then I go yeah but Milo what are you actually building for it well I’m building the pits that are going to Triple the Coca-Cola mask oh my gosh Milo you’re still building pits in wait a minute are you filling them with lava I didn’t realize you were talking about that earlier yeah of course it’s the lava oh my goodness Milo why would lava help against a Coca-Cola and Mentos flood well I don’t really know but it’ll probably just burn it up which is the best case scenario uh Milo lava doesn’t burn up Liquid it actually just makes the lava turn into obsidian well that could be good what Milo how could that be good well I just think it would be good why don’t you mind you run business okay sorry Milo I did not mean to upset you like that okay instead of trying to figure out whatever it is you’re doing I’m going to make some beds here here we’ll have some orange beds over here for my family like this okay there’s only three people in my family so I only need to place down three beds each bed can also be a double because that way we each get lots of space now for every single bed I will add a double chest wao this makes us have a lot of storage actually I think for my baby we’ll just give him a little chest because he is so little he doesn’t need a lot of storage like like me and my wife do all right now we’ll also need to grab some crafting tables and put them on the other side like this wao this looks great now we’ll also need to grab some Farmland it’s pretty important that we do not let any of the Coca-Cola flood in here okay this is looking good now I need to grab a water bucket I really hope the water manages to stay clean if Coca-Cola Gets in the water then the entire Farm will become poisoned I do not want that because we’re about to use these seeds to grow into wheat which we will then use to make our wonderful cookies oh yeah this look looks so good it’s going to need to be a nice little farm because this whole bunker is pretty small we don’t have a lot of time to build it before we totally run out of time and hey this is looking really good I’m just going to need to put some bookshelves down like this okay this will have to be all we can make for now I don’t know when that Mentos is dropping but I know it is very soon Milo how’s your oh no this looks terrible why are you adding water inside Milo because CH it’s just the other thing that I’m going to use because I know the science oh Milo I really do hope you somehow know what you’re doing I’m not 100% sure but you know what I trust you hey baby come over here hey what’s he doing here come on we need to get into the bunkus so I can keep building safely yeah because if this guy keeps hanging out over here I’m going to get pretty annoyed oh my gosh chip junor what are you doing oh no this is bad this is really bad now that my family is safe inside I need to get building a big wall on the outside this will help protect us against the Mentos and the coke as long as we can build this wall up really really tall we should be totally fine against the Mentos except oh no Milo one of the Mentos just fell into the Coca-Cola can chip are you seeing what I’m seeing yeah I totally am and oh no Milo it’s launching smaller chunks of the Mentos out over here and uh-oh this is really really bad that’s BL up oh no it launched a bunch of explosive Mentos into our defenses in oh no my poor wife and my poor kid they were in the bunker but oh wow it’s been totally destroyed this is really awful look I’m inside and there are items all over the floor a chip you need to get him right now why Milo what’s going on there’s stuff spilling out of the can you’re right Milo I think Coca-Cola that’s fizzy with Mentos bubbles is spilling out of the can right now oh look it’s all weird and fluffy it’s probably going to destroy everything yeah this looks terrible oh no Milo I think we might be in a lot of trouble if that reaches our Villages it’ll totally destroy everything oh man it’s nearly reaching the bottom oh no wao Milo a massive wall of it is now spreading oh no we need to protect our families I’m stuck in the cobweb oh no oh no Milo I got to get inside my house chip this is really scary this is terrible oh no oh no I need to quickly Bridge upwards come on this has to work and oh my goodness I just missed that giant flood of Coca-Cola chip this is crazy I didn’t think the Mentos was going to drop so soon neither did I but Milo only one Mentos dropped that means there’s a lot more that needs to still come out of that packet and a lot more fizzing and flooding that’s about to happen we need to rebuild our defenses they were totally not good enough and it destroyed both of our Villages okay chip I think I’ve got a little bit of a plan come over with me to the top of the can okay sure Milo I’m liking the sound of this if there’s anything we can do to stop this Coca-Cola flood we can totally do it together I think we’re got to plug it up I know it’s not going to last very long but for now it might work oh yeah good idea Milo I’ll use deep slate because it is way stronger than just regular concrete now hopefully all of this Coca-Cola should start to drain and we can get started on building phase two of our defenses yeah let’s do it wow Milo that plug really worked now all the Coca-Cola is drained from my Village but oh boy I still need to fill in all of these craters and I think I know the exact right block to fill them in with rather than using any OD block I’m going to use diamond blocks because that will give me a lot more protection against any future Coca-Cola than just dirwood but I have a really good idea myself wait really oh what’s your idea Milo well I’m not telling you but I’m going to turn my craters into something amazing oh okay I’m excited to see what it is if we can both survive the next round of Coca-Cola I will be so excited Milo most Mentos packets have a lot more than one inside so we need to be prepared for anything to come out of there yeah we have to break protected everyone in the village as well as our families I don’t think there’s anybody left in my Village it’s only me and my family Milo but I’m still going to protect them they will not die to the Coca-Cola anytime soon yeah boy we’re going to save the day okay now the ground is looking a lot better I really like the diamonds a lot more than the grass but oh boy my entire Village’s buildings were destroyed now I need to do the very thing I didn’t get a chance to do I’m going to build a giant wall all the way around the edge of my Village it’s going to need to be huge I tried building one just around the bunker earlier but that didn’t stop anything maybe if I can build it around my entire Village then it’ll be strong enough I guess we’ll just have to wait and see come on this really needs to work these sponges also did nothing I have no idea why they were not helpful but I’m going to keep them around just in case the next round of Coca-Cola is somehow affected by them I really hope this works Milo if this doesn’t work I don’t know what I’ll do because my families will probably be lost to the Coca-Cola well I know what you could do wait really what could I do Milo you could come over to my place and hang out in my new cool area wait a cool area Milo I hope you don’t mean cool like Coca-Cola right yeah not like Coca-Cola but pretty much I’m just making a huge pool with a tikki bar what Milo why are you making a tikki bar Milo how is that meant to help against a giant Coca-Cola flood well I’m not telling you my secret plan what if they serve Coca-Cola at the Tiki restaurant well that would actually be pretty bad but I’m going to ban that yeah okay that makes a lot of sense I would not want anybody selling Coca-Cola inside my Village while we’re trying to survive a Coca-Cola flood and Mentos is also banned inside my Village too yeah same here no one will be able to get any Mentos or any Coke over my outside wall it’s made out of iron and it’s pretty thin right now but I’m about to make it really thick then it will protect against absolutely everything this is about to goes so well this is just one of a bunch of new defenses I’m about to add to make my Village indestructible oh yeah boy that’s going to sound really good wo this wall is looking so secure right now but now I need to make the whole thing way thicker then we can start putting some really interesting things on it these things will help us stop the Giant Wave of Coca-Cola it’s about to be really useful CH what is it Mila I used to call Coca-Cola R Rolla when I was a baby what caola Milo why on Earth would you say that well I just got confused about the name what what did you get confused between because the last time I checked there is no beverage called Roa Rola well maybe I’m going to make the beverage called roola uh I don’t know if now is the best time to do that Milo are you sure you want to be starting your own soda when this one is about to hit us with a giant tidal wave yeah actually that’s really TR I think I should just focus on building my TIY bar uh yeah Milo why are you doing that by the way are you sure it’s the best option and not to build a super secure base instead well first of all the Tiki Bar can flirt and second of all don’t you think everyone should be able to have fun while all the Coca-Cola is going everywhere yeah I guess and floating is not a bad idea actually Milo if it can float then maybe it will be able to float on over the Coca-Cola wave that’ll be pretty cool although wait a minute Milo floating in Coca-Cola with Mentos is a lot more difficult than floating in regular Coca-Cola the stuff has way more bubbles it can bubble up and around anything floating on it and it’s also kind of an acid you do know it dissolves some right Milo a man I actually didn’t know that yeah you better make sure that if you do make a tiki bar it is made out of some really strong materials like iron or diamond oh bamboo what Milo no you can’t make it out of bamboo Bamboo is nowhere near as strong as netherite iron or diamond and wait a minute Milo even if you made it out of those blocks they would not float it can either be floating or it can be strong it can’t be both well tip I don’t want to hear negativity what Milo it’s not negativity it’s a warning I really want you and your family to survive otherwise both our villages will be destroyed again that is yeah well the first time was pretty crazy and who knows what’s going to happen the second time yeah Milo that plug was really useful to get rid of all the Coca-Cola but hey if that Coca-Cola can unleashes the flood again it will explode because it’s been kept inside for so long you know when you first open a bottle of Coca-Cola for the first time and it fizzes everywhere exactly the pressure really builds up inside and oh man now I’m feeling scared yeah I’m pretty scared too but don’t worry Milo I have a pretty good idea I need to grab some dispenses and start putting them inside this wall that is because these dispenses are about to unleash one of my main defenses against this flood they are about to start attacking the flood back at itself and I’m going to put something inside that normally you put in things Milo ah what could that be the bad seeds no Milo I’m actually not doing bad seeds I’m putting snowballs in these dispenses snowballs oh my gosh that is such a good idea yeah normally I would not want to do snowballs and we’d have to defend against zombies or something so I would put arrows but because we are defending against a flood of cocacola which is kind of like water I’m going to shoot snow at it that is because I want to turn it into a frozen Coke then maybe it will actually slow down to a complete Halt and it won’t destroy my Village yum yum one thing about me is I love Frozen cook yeah me too and I especially love it if it keeps my family safe from an oncoming Coca-Cola flood yeah that’s a really good idea actually I might put some snowman around here yeah that’s a great idea too Milo I will not put snowman because I don’t want to have to worry about them but I think this is a great idea anyway next because Coca-Cola is really bubbly I’m going to add some more defenses around my base that try to use that to our advantage I’m going to place a bunch of Soul Sand around my wall this way when the Coca-Cola runs into it maybe instead of creating a bubble colum the Soul Sand will create some sort of bubbly effect that turns the Coca-Cola into air then I won’t have to worry about any of it reaching my base or my family I want the bubles yeah me too normally I love Bubbles but this time normal Coca-Cola bubbles are a little dangerous especially when they’re the size of my head and coming to destroy my Village yeah that’s a really crazy thing to even think about yeah that’s actually what causes Coca-Cola and Mentos to explode the Mentos makes lots of bubbles really quickly and then Kaboom the whole thing explodes but maybe if I can get all the bubbles out really quick before it reaches my base then it will turn back into regular Coke and will stop flooding everywhere yeah you could get the bubbles exactly get those bubbles on out of here this is about to work really well in hey maybe I can even light some soul fires as well yeah that’s a great idea it might even evaporate any of the extra Coca-Cola this means it’s just one extra defense to protect my family from the evil flood attack oh wait I accidentally started placing down some polished deep slates that’s not exactly what I meant to put down here by putting down some soul fire instead we give this a way more protected feel oh yeah this is going to look so good Milo how’s your Tiki Bar coming along yeah it’s fantastic and I’m just putting down some snack right now wao yeah I can see the bamboo oh boy I’m a little worried you decided to still use the bamboo even after I let you know that it’s going to get dissolved by the Coca-Cola CH I got a question oh sure Milo what’s the question do you pre blueberry muffins chocolate muffins or sweet berry muffins oh that’s a really good question I do like blueberries a lot but I also really love sweet berry muffins although I have to say my absolute favorite is chocolate muffins because they kind of remind me of chocolate chips cookies okay that’s good I’m going to put some chocolate muffins here for you and then if you come and hang out on my Tikki bar you can eat them oh thanks Milo that’s really nice but uh when would I hang out in your Tiki ba um when I’m pretty much saving you from the Coca-Cola wait a minute Milo why would you save me unless hey do you think my Village is going to be destroyed well yes why would you think that Milo there’s no way it’ll possibly get destroyed yeah that’s what you like to think yeah Milo it’s what Everyone likes to think nobody wants to think that Village is about to get destroyed by a giant Coca-Cola and Mentos flood well they might not want to think about it but it’s pretty much true well it’s not true for my base Milo my base is really going to survive this Coca-Cola flood these are not the only defenses I’m going to make I’m going to make sure every single defense I could possibly add is done and that way I will have every chance of surviving this Coca-Cola flood there’s no way it’ll get me and my family will definitely be very thankful yeah your family probably will be thankful but I’m also going to have a thankful family because I’m surviving too yeah maybe we can both survive that would be so nice if we both survived together then we’ll both live happily ever after away from any more Coca-Cola flooding our houses yeah next time I would be building my house near a big coat can Milo we didn’t build it next to a coat can you ordered it remember yeah well that is actually very true I guess I W been doing any more online shopping yeah no that would be really bad after what happened with the Coca-Cola and the mentors I do not trust it at all imagine you tried to order a little birthday cake and it came as a giant cake that was amazazing side that would be really funny yeah funny for you maybe but Milo you’d probably make me come through the cake with you cuz you’d be too scared to go through it on your own and oh boy I’d probably get frosting all over my eyes oh that would be so funny I would call you the cake man what the cake man my Lord that’s so mean I’m not the Cake Man I’m the super duper great man yeah and your dreams I actually did have a dream about being a really great man it’s called waking up every day and being super duper awesome yeah that was a good one Chi thanks Milo yeah I’m really proud of my jokes they’re super duper funny but oh boy I don’t know if I’ll be in the mood to joke if this Coca-Cola destroys my whole village and my family I will not be wanting to make any good jokes then I’ll just be really sad okay this fir wall is looking really good firewalls are actually a type of defense for computers Milo but now I’m transforming it into something that can protect me from this Coca-Cola flood oh yeah I know what it’s about the firewall wait really how do you know about that Milo because I used to be a computer programmer whoa Milo I did not know that about you um don’t you need to be really really smart to do computer programs yeah I am really really smart what wow I did not know that that is very impressive Milo what sort of stuff did you make well pretty much a snake game wo you made the famous snake game yeah that was all me wao wait a minute Milo that’s not true the snake game’s older than you are I actually pranked you oh my gosh Milo you’re such a liar oh my goodness okay well if you need any space to stay in my Village when Yos totally gets flooded you’re totally welcome to I’m going to make a huge storage area so that everyone can stay inside I’m actually going to make it in the area where I first tried to make the wall going around my base it definitely would not have been big enough for a wall but a storage area oh yeah it can totally be big enough for that I really actually really excited for you to come and check out my Tikki ball when you’re ready uh yeah I so would be ready wait a minute Milo is it ready now no not quite yet oh okay sorry then I guess I won’t come check it out now instead I’ll keep making this giant Warehouse it’s about to have enough storage to keep everything inside even other buildings in the village although I’m not going to keep the other buildings in here just yet this storage Tower needs to be so good and I think on the very top I’m even going to make a giant real big chest it’s going to fit fit really well being next to the giant Coca-Cola can and Mentos bottle the bigger I can make this thing the more it will stick out and the more storage we’ll have inside that way I can keep lots of items that will help us survive this flood maybe some kind of raft or oh I know a water breathing potion station that way if the Coca-Cola levels get way too high we’ll be able to dive underneath them and survive that way we will not drown I’m chip I got to tell you something sure Myer what do you need to tell me well it’s just about chip chips onl order Milo what was jip Chip’s online order well he just wants you a n at on the website it said it was a normal Coke of can a normal Coke of can Milo that must be why it’s so big you’re meant to order a can of Coke not the other way round not that’s I didn’t even think about that it’s okay Milo don’t worry now we know now we also know that we need to make these defenses really strong we need to make secure Villages not Village secures do you at least know that one Milo yeah now is making fun of me yeah I kind of am but you Mak it a little too easy Milo when you order Coke of cans oh my goodness you need to stop trusting jip jip he’s kind of insane yeah he is really crazy yeah he’s the craziest but wao I’m about to build a giant chest on top of this structure it’s about to be my huge storage area and it’s going to keep all of my items really safe I need to make sure I build this in the same dimensions as a chest it needs to be about a square shape otherwise it will look really weird like a weird file cabinet or some sort of folder that’s not what I want to make at all I’m making a chest here I just need to make sure I wrap this brown terra cotta all the way around like that boom hey this is looking really good it already looks like the square shape I wanted it to now I need to add some terracotta on the inside like this oh wow it’s a little bit orange actually H I think this will totally work still though this will be a really goodlooking chest every chest has a little bit of a brown layer at the very bottom it kind of has an outline it makes it look really cool and very and it stands out really well the next few layers kind of go inside a little but this is about to look so good I just know it I can put so many things in here especially water breathing potions those will be the most useful come on come on this is looking so good oh wow look at that I’ve already completed the first layer now I need to make this thing pretty tall if it’s going to be a real chest oh look at that now I need to make sure Brown terracotta goes around the outside and here I just need to build a little chest roof of course I need to grab some gold blocks so that we can make the chests latch that is what will keep the chest way more secure than it ever could have been otherwise we’ll build the latch just like this on the inside middle and wo now once I make the front of this chest we’re going to see a really cool Glimpse as to how it’ll properly look this is looking really good so far now before I look at the whole thing at once we need to grab some brown terra cotta blocks like this and just place them on the inside this is about to be the most Pro chest I have ever seen and the most Pro chest ever made all right only a couple more blocks to place and boom waa this looks uh kind of lopsided what how did I do this oh no this is really embarrassing let me move this slightly more to the middle like that and oh yeah that looks way better now it looks like a proper giant chest a chip what is it Milo I’m not even joking right now I think I just saw the Mentos package Shake Wait what oh no Milo that means the Mentos packet is getting closer and closer to releasing all of the Mentos into the coke that means we need to work a lot quicker in getting both of our Villages secure and ready M I think I need your help what okay Milo do you need my help right now yeah I need you to come check my Tiki B really quickly okay I’m right over there Milo don’t worry I’ll be there in a second okay I’m here now Milo what is it you need help with well I want you to inspect my Tiki Bar and tell me if it’s secure okay um Milo this is Tiki time wow this is really well spelled actually good job yeah thanks a lot I’ve been working on it okay this is Milo’s tiky Bo you also spell that right wow I’m so impressed and this is fantastic Milo that is not how you say fantastic oh man I didn’t know how to spell that one W Milo this is also not how you say let’s celebrate this says let’s Cate oh yeah that’s actually what it does say and I meant to say that what Milo that’s insane oh my goodness and THS up Milo this is really bad and where’s any of your defenses well you see this is my defense because it’s just going to float on top of the Coca-Cola Milo floating isn’t a defense and neither a blueberry muffins Milo this can’t be all you’ve done against the giant Coca-Cola flood well I didn’t want you to come here and be negative Milo you asked me to come here and help oh my goodness Milo I do not think your Tiki has a good chance of surviving even though it looks really nice even with the flowers on the roof flowers aren’t going to stop a giant flood but I thought you were going to see really nice things and make me feel better oh my goodness no Milo I’m so sorry y build could get you and your entire Village destroyed you’re going to need to make it more secure in some way at least if you want to survive okay fine wow now that my chest is officially complete I can go inside and start placing down ladders to get up to the storage area that is because once we climb up these ladders we will eventually reach the water breathing potion corrupting section this is about to be so Advanced I can’t wait to see this thing in action now I’ll need to place down a bunch of iron blocks here that way we’ll be able to actually be secure and have a nice floor all right now once these iron blocks are placed down we will be able to start placing down our water breathing potions it’s also important that I built this thing so high up because otherwise oh boy we could be in serious trouble with the flood I’m going to need to grab down some smooth quad stads just like this and then we can put Brewing stands on top then I’ll also need to have some real chests because we are inside a giant chest after all then over here I’ll just need to grab some barrels wa this is so cool but H this is just stuff for making regular water breathing potions these aren’t going to make very good ones I will need nether water as well oh boy this is so difficult I should have grown some nether water on the outside section when I had the chance and was placing all that Soul Sand oh boy now I’m in a bit of a rush this could be really bad I’ll place down some more trap doors and Milo if you’re already seeing that Mentos can shake I do not know how much more time I have so I better really hurry yeah you better hurry up and you better get some good ideas yeah don’t worry I’ve got some really good ideas that I can’t tell you about Milo but just trust me they are so epic okay these Brewing stands are looking really good on this wall like that but now I need to actually put water breathing potions in them wo they had this crazy blue color it kind of reminds me of you a little bit Milo wo this is so cool my favorite color is BL oh yeah I can definitely tell you do not try and hide it at all Milo yeah that’s right I want everyone to know yeah you definitely do but hey look this water breathing potion totally works if I do this you can see the I have the potion effect it makes it really useful but I don’t want to waste all my potions I’m going to quickly drink this milk bucket to clear the effect now I just need to add some of these water breathing potions to a couple of these Brewing stands I don’t want to add it to every single one because what if the Brewing stands fall over and smash everywhere uh-oh just like I did there I keep wasting so many of these potions if I keep wasting them like this oh boy we might run out quicker than I thought we would that would be a real disaster now I’ll just put the rest of these water breathing potions in this chest that way in case these other Brewing stands run out this one will still be fine and I also think we should grab some turtle shell helmets that is because these can really help you breathe underwater if we have a chest full of them this way me and my family will have as much as we need to survive if we ever need to go diving and to help us do some serious research I will grab some bookshelves and just put them on the wall here this way we will never run out of anything to learn and we can always get smarter and smarter and make sure that we’re super duper safe speaking of super duper safe there’s something I’ve wanted to build for a while that will definitely help make my entire Village very very safe I’ll need to make it out of netherite though that is the only block strong enough to do exactly what I want to do right now I’ll need to place the netherite in a little bit of an X shape back here then I’ll need to place more neite just up here like this it’s important that I get this shape exactly right otherwise this build will fall over and cause my entire family to die in the Coca-Cola chip what are you even doing don’t worry Milo you’ll see very very soon I’m going to need to make this really steady because I am actually building a really big crane this crane will be very very useful later on right now it doesn’t really do anything because it’s just sort of a scaffold but once I manage to make this thing complete oh boy it’s about to do something so useful let me place a bunch more netherite blocks going up really really high these ones will have to be pretty tall yep I think this is definitely tall enough it needs to be very tall because otherwise it will drown in the Coca-Cola flood all right now that I’ve built up this High I need to make sure the crane sticks out to the side that is a very important part of this crane it also needs to go directly over my house this crane will need to reach down and raise the entire Village off the ground that is really important I can’t wait to see if this thing will really work I’ve never built a crane like this before I built a couple smaller Towers but never a tower that can lift an entire Village I’m going to need to make this crane really really strong if I do not make this crane the strongest I’ve ever built it will not be able to lift the village and my entire family will become victims to the Coca-Cola flood that would be so sad I would probably never forgive myself that’s why I’m making it out of netherite netherite is so strong it’ll be able to lift this whole village up with no problem at all I need to use netherite for every single po of this crane if I miss even one bit it won’t be strong enough and the whole thing will go toppling down that would be really embarrassing the only thing I expect to go toppling down at the moment is is your Tikki bar Milo he that’s really rude what hey it’s not rude at all Milo oh my goodness I’m just a little bit worried about your Tikki bar are you 100% sure that it will be able to save your entire family yeah I’m 100% sure because it’s really secure oh okay I didn’t know that it was Secure that must be good then Milo as long as it’s a secure Tikki bar although wait a minute Milo what does a secure Tiki even mean well I added some dispenses at the top that have lot of breeding arrows in them oh hey that’s actually a pretty good idea Milo but wait a minute sorry did you say potions or arrows I said arrows Milo why would you have water breathing arrows in there who’s that for it’s for me if I’m running around and I need some water breathing uh Milo you do realize that arrows cause damage right yeah but it’s fine because I’m really strong Milo if you need to get shot by an arrow every single time you want water breathing I don’t know if you’ll be able to do that won’t you just start taking lots and lots of damage that’s actually a really good point wait M should just replace it with the portions uh yeah you probably should oh no Milo if that’s how secure your Tiki Bar is I’m a little bit worried about your whole village besides how are you going to fit your whole family onto one little floaty um well they’re standing here and it’s walking uh yeah Milo that’s because there’s not a Coca-Cola flood yet once that flood happens it’s going to get a lot more cramped on there and you guys are going to have to spend ages trying to wait out the flood I guess that’s really true but chip I need to tell you something oh sure what do you need to tell me Milo I tried to do your water breathing portion idea but it’s actually blast you I’m going to tell you why yeah Milo I would really like you to tell me why so that I might be able to tell you something to help well because you can’t fit as many potions as you could arrows uh yeah but that’s because they don’t stack as high Milo it’s a small price to pay for not getting shot with arrows every time you want to breathe no I’m not for me I’m going with my original idea oh my goodness Milo I helped you and now you’re putting me the arrows back yeah pretty much oh that’s a terrible idea I’m really worried for how your base is going to go Milo but you know what I can’t let it get me down I need to be excited because my base is about to go really really well I’m building stairs on the side of this crane that will give it a bunch of security and a bunch of stability it’s about to look so cool I just need to place these final few and wao only a couple more and I’m done this is about to be so cool Milo I don’t think you’ll have ever seen a crane quite like this yeah it’s going to be fantastic I’m really excited to see it but also I ly don’t think it’s going to work what why don’t you think it’s going to work Milo it’s too complicated too complicated Milo all of the best plans ever are the most complicated ones like my plan here wo look the crane already looks epic hey if the rest of this crane looks as epic as the start of it does oh wow I’m not even going to have to worry this crane is going to lift my entire Village so high into the sky that the Coca-Cola flood will not even be able to reach it it might be able to be hit by a couple of those exploding Mentos though that might be really bad oh boy I sure hope that doesn’t happen that would be a disaster and even bigger disaster than just a Coca-Cola flood by itself imagine if one of the exploding mentors just went shooting at your Crane and knocked it over uh that would be terrible because this crane is about to have my entire Village hanging from it I will need to make some sort of Dome or something that I can lift my entire Village up with though yeah that’s probably a good idea I also need to make some more struct Al beams on the inside of my crane it needs to be very tough if it’s going to carry the whole village so I think this will totally work all right look at that perfect now I can place the last few pieces of deep slate just through here this will be all I need to start making the actual mechanism that will lift up my whole base it’s going to be a real tough one to get going but you know what I have a feeling this is definitely going to work first I’m going to need to put this engine in here then we’re going to need to place some really big spinning wheels on this thing wo this already looks so cool just look at that thing spin now I’m going to need to add a little bit of a shaft in here then I can add another one of these wheels oh boy it does not like that it actually broke when I tried it h this looks way better now in here I will need to put a rope pulley wo just look at that this is already looking so good now I need to push this machine one block backwards and I can add something called a gear shift now this looks pretty normal but when you apply any sort of redstone to it it will actually swap the direction that the speed is going in see if I use this lever it will actually start reaching down the Crane’s rope I don’t want it to go down too far though we’re going to save this for when we need to save The Village at the last second otherwise the Rope will be exposed and it could be destroyed by the burst in cocacola or the flying Mentos instead of having a lever here which I would need to be up here to use I’m going to use a redstone link this way we can just put it down and have a link all the way down there I’ll need to grab some proper items though I’ll need to make sure we put redstone in these little item slots here and then we can activate this Redstone controller this is about to look so good now I have this crazy remote and if I press this button wo look it really does come down that is so epic but if I let go it instantly comes back up this is so cool I can’t believe this at all I need to make sure we set this spinning to a little bit quicker though otherwise getting down to save my entire Village will be so slow that basically the entire flood destroys everything first oh yeah that is looking really good perfect let’s send that machine back up there and finish working on the body of this crane we need to add just some final few support beams and then the crane will be ready Milo have you added anything to your Tiki B since you put those water breathing arrows back no pretty much just sitting and having a snack on my boiled cream treats what Milo what is a boiled cream treat oh is that the snack you always put down yeah pretty much my favorite Milo you can’t eat boiled cream treats and think everything’s okay the Coca-Cola flood is still coming in from the looks of it your Tiki Bar does not look like it could handle it Mom you can oh my gosh Milo really oh this is so bad don’t worry Milo I’m going to make sure my crane is so good it can lift up my Village and you can even stay there as well if you need safety no I’m very confident about this whole thing Milo but you’re usually confident about these things and they never work oh yeah well I don’t want to hear the yapping anymore oh my gosh okay if my talking is yapping then I better stop it but Milo I just want to let you know I’m really worried okay once I start placing down the rest of these staircases my crane will be really really sturdy and it should be good enough to lift my whole village up but I don’t know I haven’t added anything linking my whole village together my Village is kind of just a bunch of buildings together inside a wall I don’t know if this Crane’s going to be able to lift it up or if they’ll all just go flopping around H once I make this crane I’m going to need to do something to make sure every single building in my Village is properly linked otherwise thingss could go pretty badly for me and my family I just want to protect yeah I really just want to protect them yeah Milo how’s your family doing how is baby Milo going through all of this he’s really good he’s actually just playing games and eating muffins what Milo your family is Chill my family is worrying along with me because we’re all worried we won’t make it well you don’t have to worry I can always help you if you need it oh Milo that sounds like a recipe for the saasa um M like a recipe for deliciousness Milo a recipe for deliciousness is cooking you can’t cook your way through this flood I so can oh boy I’m really worried now I need to grab some light gr concrete and attach it to the back of this crane as well these will act as really heavy weights to make sure that no matter how much of my Village I lift up it still will not be enough to topple this crane over cranes do topple over sometimes it’s very rare but it can happen that’s why I need to make sure that mine is very strong strong enough to even survive picking up a whole village while Coca-Cola floods around it okay this Crane’s looking good I just need to make sure the entire part of it is exactly as well done as this side come on let’s go wo look at that the entire crane is now complete this should totally be ready to lift up my entire build whenever I need to at any moment this is so cool now I just need to make sure my entire build is linked together really well oh no I didn’t even fix this build earlier this could have been a really big disaster if any more menos had fallen into the Coca-Cola oh wow I also need to grab my iron doors and put them right back here oh no the levers were even destroyed this could have been really bad don’t worry family I’m here to save everybody as usual now I’m going to link up every single piece of my base with netherite that’s right once I use this block it will all be really well stuck together I’ll need to pay extra special close attention though to these parts the parts that were destroyed in the first attack oh boy there’s so much of it and I don’t think my cookie will ever recover it looks like the cookies had a few bites taken out of it and this time it was not by me I’ll place down the rest of my orange concrete and I’ll also place down the rest of my orange wool just like this I should also probably place down the glass here too that’s right I can’t forget any block we need to place down every single block exactly as it’s meant to be oh yeah that looks great now we’ll place down a bunch more wool here and oh no I broke that extra block of the cookie I’m destroying my own thing oh boy how am I going to survive a giant Coca-Cola flood if I can’t even stop myself from breaking my house that’s a question I’ll need to answer later because first I need to answer the question of how do I tie every single building together with netherite and luckily I think I’ve got a pretty good answer to that one I’ll need to get rid of some of these sponge blocks just like this it’s very important that I do that because otherwise I won’t be able to walk around I need to be able to look and see exactly where the Coca-Cola flood is if I’m not able to get this Coca-Cola flood going I don’t think I’ll be able to make anybody survive oh that would be so sad I would really miss my family and I’d feel really bad if I was the reason we did survive this Coca-Cola flood I’m trying so hard to make sure everybody can survive it I need to make sure I try even harder otherwise we won’t make it and it’ll all be my fault once I tie every single building in the village together with this netherite we will need to be ready for the Coca-Cola flood gates to open at any moment that Mentos is looking very shaky above the Coca-Cola if we’re not careful it could explode right under our noses we’re not going to let that happen though we are going to be very careful and keep a very close eye on it to make sure it cannot do anything that we do not know we just got to make sure we place as much of this netherite as possible although we don’t want to make it too heavy uh-oh if our build is way too heavy then it will not work to be lifted up by the crane the crane will probably fall onto it uh-oh we have to make sure we do not let that happen that would be the biggest disaster ever okay this should be the final few pieces of netherite to place inside this area of my base oh boy once I place all this down I’m going to be very nervous that the Coca-Cola can is about to start exploding and wait a minute Milo what are you doing I’m just doing my part your part Milo why are you throwing bottles into my Village because I’m throwing the water breathing on your village to protect it Milo you’re just wasting the Potions you’re just smashing them into the floor um you do realize they need to actually hit a person to work see like that one you just threw n it’s working on the sponges uh Milo that’s not how this works the sponges eat liquids not potions oh fine if you don’t want my help wait a minute Milo is that how you’ve been giving water breathing to every single person in your family yes thank you very much Milo that’s not actually giving them water breathing Potions you’re just smashing the bottles away well it’s working for me oh my goodness Milo it actually isn’t I could see that you had no potion effects then the only person that did was me whatever oh my goodness that’s insane I can’t believe Milo thinks that throwing bottles on the ground is how you get your family water breathing oh my goodness this is insane I need to make one ultimate Redstone Contraption I’ll make it right over here this Redstone Contraption will hide the ultimate secret weapon against this Coca-Cola flood I will only use it as a last resort though I need to make sure I do not use it lightly because it could cause some serious damage to me and my family okay I will need to keep it locked inside this Redstone box and I will also need to keep it a secret so I can’t tell anybody what it is not even Milo okay now the box is very secure I think my entire base is ready this could either go really really badly or really really good Milo how is your base looking I’m ready over here oh my goodness me too all right everybody get your families inside it is time to wait inside your secret secure bunkers and make sure we are ready for whatever that evil Mentos bottle has in store for us come on let’s get safety my family is safe and sound inside my super secure Village base how’s yours Milo yeah and I just built a box around my family wow that’s great now they should be really safe folks oh no when that happens Milo the Mentos has fallen into the Coca-Cola can oh no chip this is crazy this is terrible oh no it’s fizzing everywhere Coca-Cola is reaching all around this is really bad Milo a man that looks crazy and a chip look it’s flooding you’re right Milo it is flooding this is terrible wow Coca-Cola is spreading absolutely everywhere I’ve got my sword ready to protect my family and also all of my OAS oh no it’s getting inside my base H that’s it I need to use my crane to get us out of here um chip not going to lie we are surrounded by Coca-Cola right now you’re right Milo we really are this is terrible it’s totally fizzing up and oh my gosh if my crane could come here a little quicker okay I think it’s reached me Milo I need to get out of here and also chip one other thing what is it Milo this Coca-Cola looks a lot more evil and darker than the last one yeah you’re right right Milo this looks a lot more menacing oh no this is bad this is really bad and wait a minute why is my crane not working oh my goodness Milo it’s working my house is raising up off the ground except wait a minute why is only the middle of my house being raised oh chip that looks like a disaster oh no this is terrible the crane is not working at all hey come back down you missed a spot oh man ship what are you going to do and hang on a second chip are you seeing what I’m saying I don’t know my little I’m trying to mash all the buttons but it’s not working oh this is so bad and wait Milo what’s happening right now there’s another wave of cocacola coming wo a lot of it is being absorbed by your sponges but it is not enough this is terrible oh man I don’t even know what to do right now oh my goodness Milo I think my family could be in danger okay luckily they still seem to be safe but oh boy my lever they got destroyed hang in their family oh my goodness how do I get out of here chip you better get them on top of your house before the Coca-Cola goes another level higher you’re right come on wait I need to break some of these blocks okay come on maybe I can break it before the next level of Coca-Cola arrives this will be a close one though I don’t know if I can do it okay I have four blocks to help get us out wait a minute why isn’t this working the lever will not activate on the iron door I think I know how to fix this but it’s going to be tricky all right I’ll need to make sure I have a little bit of space here like that all right family don’t worry I’ll get us out of here I’ll get us out of here no problem a chip what is it Milo Coca-Cola’s getting even more oh no this isn’t working family please get out of there get out of there oh no chip my TIY bar is completely in on dated wa oh my goodness Milo I managed to duck under the wave but that could have been really bad you know what I need to quickly swim to the roofs of one of these houses K this is such a bad situation we were not prepared for this no we weren’t I thought I was but my crane just lifted my house up out of here this is terrible Milo I’m running out of space to go I’m going to need some saving over here my family is stuck oh my gosh me too and my bubble columns are just bubbling up the Coca-Cola not that we need any more of that Che B’s getting higher oh you know what I need to quickly run over and use my last resort I really hope it’s not too late all right it is time to use this thing I did it Milo I did it except wao that was a really bright flash of light and hey why is everything desert ship what was your final plan well it was some sort of Coca-Cola draining bomb except uh my wife and my baby are looking a little different Milo CH why is my family skeletons wait a minute um Milo I’m sure there’s an explanation for all of this come here right now oh no sorry Milo I did not mean to do that to your family I’m going to get you no stay away stay away how dare you I’m sorry

A COCA COLA FLOOD is Heading right for Milo and Chip’s village! Can they protect it and save their families?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. It is mentos with a O not mentos with a o
    👇like if you agree tipe yum coke in a lil commet
    👇if you love lego and every day want to get a new lego set

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