Hermitcraft 10: Episode 18 – BIG PLANS

at the end of the previous hcraft episode I noticed that my structural chickens had died now this was incredibly upsetting not because my chickens suffocated to death inside of a block which I’m sure was incredibly painful but because I thought I had done all of the calculations correctly I thought that structural chickens would be enough to hold up this structure you may remember I briefly considered a structural sheep but I deemed that to be too overpowered but clearly I’ve made a mistake this chicken’s looking on in Fit Don’t Put Me In The Wall well sadly mate it will be too late because the structure has already failed my base has fallen down to the ground now I know what you’re thinking this doesn’t make any sense surely if the structural chickens were holding up this part of the structure this would be the part to fail and you’d be right that is weird but thankfully this thing is collapsed in a slightly more aesthetically pleasing way and I got to say I actually kind of like it I kind of like the dankly chains I kind of like this thing being down here I wonder if we can make a feature of it we can make it all overgrown we could maybe build a path into it I can still keep some chests inside of here but I think before we do any of that there’s some business to attend to you see the old entrance to my base it’s something that I haven’t used for a little while now ever since getting the elytra I’ve just flown in but I think for Old Time sake given that we’ll never be able to do it again I think I should pay a visit to the Llama it has been a very long time since I’ve done this and I’m I’m kind of nervous mainly because I have 324 levels but the deed is now done I am down here I have no way to get out let’s do this buddy it’s been fun you’ve been the best llama anyone could hope for and that death message is still the best death message I think you could possibly get in Minecraft so long buddy so long right now let’s get to work today’s hcraft episode is going to be about sorting all of the things that I need to sort thing number one is go clearing out my post box goodness gracious me oh dear I’ve got a mission possible book that’s chuffle still haven’t hit anyone with the chuffle yet I’ve got an imperial transmission goodness gracious good news I’ve got me coming online all right e though I know I haven’t been playing that much over the past few days if you don’t have to make an announcement about it some fresh perple got a potato of Lies I’ve got another ad we’ve got a 1 egg equals 2 egg situation teren stay off the server another food item a bunch of redstone components which I do appreciate a bunch of stamps and finally a notification about a meeting sometime tonight but it definitely it’s definitely not now well just like my regular email inbox 90% of that was complete spam and the remaining 10% I’ve left too late to be actionable so let’s move on to the next thing on the agenda big rolls I need to investigate this a little bit further because I mean there is so much going on in here that I feel like I was overwhelmed firstly I can’t help but feel like this is Magic Mountain stuff there’s also snails in here I’ve been infiltrated by the snails the robber I don’t even know what to do with but you know I’ve been I’ve been looking around in here I can’t help but feel like a diamond or for sell Four Diamonds four diamonds for two ores sounds like a good deal almost too good of a deal like maybe Ron’s has turned into a bit of a a laundramat I think I’m going to have to get into a bathtub for this one aren’t I so if you have money that you want cleaning up let’s say it’s it’s money that has Origins that you don’t necessarily want people to know about then you run it through a legitimate business for example a failing technology store and then that gives your money a legitimate reason to exist uh it’s not necessarily legal but if Big Ron’s cool with it I’m cool with it to just going to do a bit of a buy now pay later sort of deal here this is going to be incredibly satisfying why am I getting so unlucky this system doesn’t work if I don’t get lucky 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 oh that’s weird looks like I’ve got a handful of diamonds left over well you know what I’m feeling like buying today I think I might just buy everything in the shop big Ron is having a big sale day today big runs big deals big Diamonds oh this time it looks like I’ve been left with a fairly decent amount I mean look at this wait am I trouble now like I just did the thing I’ve been putting this on big Ron the whole time but now I’m the one that’s profited I’m going to deposit them at Willy’s Woodyard for safekeeping and if anyone asks uh it was him but let’s actually talk about big Rons quickly I’ve spent the past few weeks designing merchandise for Big Ron’s technology store which seems like a ridiculous sentence to say it’s just been a really fun project for me and to finish off the project I actually wanted to shoot some commercials for big runs that was actually my plan for last week but a bunch of the props didn’t arrive so you’ve got that to look forward to to in the future I can’t wait now it’s time to crack on with some very serious business and for probably the first time in my entire life I actually been that seriously this week is going to be called hermitcraft week because I am going to absolutely smash out the park and I’m going to make serious progress on that area I’m committing to it I really want to get this area done and I’m going to achieve that by making a really solid framework to work from I want to get everything worked out I want to know where all of the builds are going to go so I can see how they’re going to fit together then I can work cut on various different concept arts and things wherever necessary and then we can actually get some blocks being placed I have really enjoyed the artist’s approach that I’ve been taking recently you know I like to imagine me making a hermitcraft episode as like an artist walking down their Garden to their Studio every now and again and doing some some painting and then going back to the house that’s kind of how I view it not saying that I’m an artist by any stretch of the imagination but that’s kind of the way I view it it’s like that super intrinsically motivated episodes only placing blocks when the inspiration strikes but right now I need a little bit I need a little bit of of commitment bit of accountability I suppose and I’m ridiculously excited for it so I’m going to get the ball rolling by buying a whole bunch of wool what sort of wool colors do I want this is there’s a lot of pressure it feels like a lot of pressure from all of these I’ve never felt so watched on any purchase that I make it feels like if I make any decision right now I’m just going to be judged by all of them right let’s get some cyan wool that seems good does it does it seem good then some orange wool that also seems smart and finally some green wool okay I would say we are in business time to start placing down some wool so this area here is going to be the boulder Bros zone now to be honest with you uh it’s not actually going to be that tall the way that I imagine this is almost piles of rocks something like that how does that look in proportion with the rest of the build I feel like yeah that actually looks kind of cool it fits in nicely it’s got a good progression that’s cool oh I really like that actually I really like that I want to build it now so I’ve got Rock Storage I’ve got red stone storage and I’ve got wood storage I guess next up is probably food storage now I kind of have an idea for this in that I almost want it to be like a farmhouse that has an outside storage silo or some form of storage set so it’ll be something like this yeah okay that’s that’s the first part now I have to remember the database is going to be going down here it’s where I’m storing all of my redstone contraptions probably on that piece of wall there I mean it’s a pretty chunky Redstone build but I think it will fit there so then if I have a bunch of Farmland wrapping around in this direction and finishing off somewhere over here I think that will look super cool combined with a building hanging over the edge here so this is going to be one of our first overhanging buildings that’s mainly pointing in this direction as opposed to this direction I I don’t want them all to be facing the same way way that feels way too linear so hopefully something like this is that high enough I mean I kind of want it to be slightly smaller than Willies probably similar to Ron’s and I’m sure I’ll add in some dangly supports and bits as well how are we feeling here I’m really curious to see what this looks like yeah okay okay I think I think we actually need to increase the height of this green one I think that needs to be like a tall and skinny build oh it’s kind of difficult working out proportions and things isn’t it yeah oh but then it it kind of matches up too much with Willies maybe it needs to be a little bit taller I think it needs to be between Willies and this one I almost think we need a little something here as well and I wonder if I could almost do like a power supply for the database so this is where the pipes and the electrical supplies run out maybe something like that I mean I know the big Rons has actually got an electrical lamp post so it could be cool if we hook up a lot of these things to some form of I don’t know sub station that could be a nice way to integrate the bottom half of the base with the top half of the base because right now they are a little bit disconnected so I kind of like that idea yes I would say these changes are making big differences that’s great this is great I’m feeling really really happy right now how does it feel on the ground level too I mean that’s nice this is cool I like the fact that we’re having to walk through things I think I’m going to put a pathway through all of the the wheat and things and I like to imagine that the farm owner hates the fact that people keep walking through his crops but then everybody does regardless now in terms of what this build is going to be I was in two minds I was either going to make it the farmer’s house or I’m going to make it the miscellaneous items house now the reason why I like the idea of this being the miscellaneous items shop is because that is the sort of shop that would be hanging over the edge right the idea that this place is gradually filling up more and more with junk I want this to be like a crazy antique shop you know the sorts of antique shops that you walk into and they are just flaw to ceiling like everything is just stacked up on top of one another you wonder how anyone buys anything from there there’s just entire rooms of chairs and entire rooms of just board games I actually went to one yesterday funny enough and there was there was a basket that was filled with just various limbs of dolls yeah I was horrified as well so I want to capture some of that energy with this build here and I like the idea that it’s just gradually expanded off the edge of the cliff so I guess that settles it then so this is the miscellaneous items this is just going to be Farmer’s house/ storage then I guess we can tax them onto the side maybe and I definitely think I can get all of these builds done this week quite easily I mean I do need to do all the concept art and things but I think I can pull it off now I’m thinking what else does one need to store like what else needs its own category I would say valuables I like the idea of having a bank lots of people have said that I look like I work in a bank so I guess it’s about time that I build one for myself and I kind of Imagine This looking almost like the flat iron building in New York it’s going to be on a corner here it’s going to wrap around use lots of those like sandst birchy Goldy blocks you know it just needs to look expensive by the way I have no idea what Zeda is doing I would feel incredibly bad if this is not something that he’s working on and he’s actually in serious Peril but uh I think he’s exploded about 25 times this is the problem with ZF he does so much weird stuff that if he actually ever was in trouble and he was in a death Loop no one would save him otherwise what do we think do we think similar size to Willies I feel like that’s probably a good idea I think that will balance off the build well let’s have a think let’s have a think how does that look I feel like that’s a good spot I don’t know if it is oh I think it oh I think it messes with the balance a little bit there’s still one more build to go on the end there so maybe that could help things but I don’t know I don’t know maybe oh I don’t know I think the best move is to keep working on it keep adding in the buildings and then adjust I’m also going to start planning out the top layer this is far off into the future but it’s worth thinking about now this really big build at the end here is going to be the scientific research facility every small town needs a scientific research facility and this is going to be a big industrial looking build I’m also going to hang it over the edge but there’s going to be structural supports underneath it this is this is like a big deal because you know I’ve got some scientific research that I want to do I’ve started noticing some things on the hermitcraft server that have me a little bit concerned I’m not 100% certain what they are just yet and I’m not going to be talking about them until I can prove it but I’m starting to get a little bit worried so this building is going to be very important in the near future because if I can’t get something work out soon then I think it’s going to be too late right these proportions look pretty good I think this actually needs to be a little bit taller and now I’m going to start working on the next layer and that is going to involve some serious soil removal I think about here is where I want to end it because we’re going to also have some parts of the scientific research facilities split between two levels so it’s going to kind of come up like this yeah something like that looks pretty good and it was at this point grian asked me for some help hello oh my go oh oh you’re all right oh no now I’m not okay why I was so loud hold on what’s happened to my audio I don’t understand I don’t understand computers I don’t think right okay follow me if you if you follow me I’ll be able to take you to the iron farm is 43 Rockets going to cut it oh I’ve got 37 so I hope so all right here we go I want you to not don’t do it yeah but when I say I want you to breathe out all of your air right okay like so you’ve got nothing left mhm and then then I’ll tell you to do something all right okay you ready so breathe breathe it all out get it all out now [Laughter] scream ow ow I think you just injured [Laughter] me so here we are oh gosh you know what I don’t know why I actually let you don’t fall down the hole I shouldn’t let you near these things right okay this is the iron farm slime Farm’s underneath it I don’t know if there’s actually any iron currently in the iron farm I need a bunch of chains and they’re so expensive they are really expensive I mean yeah though there’s there’s not much okay I’m going to have to wait here for a while and yeah question your life of choices maybe maybe find some other people to do the no air scream I’m stressed because I don’t understand why I’m so successful oh no oh no I’m so wealthy with all these diamonds boohoo do you know do you know who’s not buying any red sand anyone do you know who’s buying mushroom no one yeah but what about what what shop did we make together we haven’t made it it’s the W shop the W shop I forgot about that we need to do the warts no I don’t know I don’t know if I can deal with another Super SU uccessful shop this is a problem right yeah we’re always going to be running out of them I’ll just wait here for ever yeah okay enjoy your chains see you later that was the wrong direction and we’re in a group we’re in a group it’s even more Awkward oh no right now I have to awkwardly leave a group I’ll fade out I’ll Fade Out naturally Fade Out naturally hang on I’ll adjust my okay see you later bye grien I can’t quite believe I’ve left grien in charge of some of my favorite Farms but hopefully they’ll be okay I’ll be honest this is a little bit laborious but this is something that has to be done I’ve also been thinking a lot about how I want this area to work out and I think I do want a farmer’s house and I want it to be on a layer that’s almost between the two layers I think that’s a good way to transition things yes yes 100% yes this is starting to f feel really really good I am so glad I did this this is this has been like the most invaluable thing I can now see very clearly this project is weirdly becoming very very expensive it’s because I have to buy all of the wool in bulk all of my laundered profits from Big Rons are gone right so I’ve extended that build a little bit and I’ve also added this thing in as well I’m going to work out what those are going to be soon now I’m kind of experimenting with something I like the idea of there being a communication Tower here this is all going to be hooked up with the database and all of the wiring and things and I have some far-fetched future plans let’s say how does this feel oh it’s actually quite cool yeah that is actually quite cool so that building over there that is an extension of the scientific research facility and I think I’m also going to add another Tower over there I actually can’t tell you how much fun I’m having I love being in the concept phase I just think it’s so cool this has got me so excited okay I think that’s good I think that’s a about the right height yes and we now have a town planned out everything is in place we have got Boulder Bros we have got a little substation we’ve got farmer storage a farmer’s house we’ve got miscellaneous items a bank more electrical substation stuff a scientific research facility the extension of a scientific research facility two big power antennas communication Towers whatever you want to call them then over here we have got the deoda for the communication towers and finally we’ve got Mumbo Jumbo’s house my house uh this is going to be mine because I have never had a house in a base before think about it every single season of hermitcraft I can’t name a single time where I’ve actually had like a base a place where I sleep I’ve never had one my bases have always been these big Monumental structures with no home and my bed is just kind of chucked somewhere so I want my house to be here and it’s going to be filled with all my personal items and things it’s going to be lovely I like to think this is my childhood home like I’ve lived in this place for years I’m friends with everyone in the area big Ron is my uncle’s cousin or something I like this plan it feels homely already so I have got a lot I mean a lot of building to do over the next few weeks goodness gracious me I’m going to set myself a goal I’m going to set myself a goal September by September all of these builds need to be done and the forest the forest down the front as well yeah I’ve said it gosh I actually can’t wait I’m going to start drawing up some business cards and some concept arts and some posters as we speak but before I do that there’s something I have to do my gold shop is out of stock for the 6,000th time I honestly I’m overflowing with diamonds and also to top it all off my iron farm my iron shop is also fully out of stock I’m making too much money oh let’s just take a look oh yeah oh oh great oh I’m so happy everything has sold I hate my life hermit if you’re watching this stop it stop buying my stuff please hopefully this gets to message out I don’t think I’ve got much sympathy from Pearl but gems on my side all right well I guess this is my next few days of existence I hope you enjoyed and I’ll catch you in the next one see you

In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10, Mumbo builds up all the wire frames for the future builds in the Hermitcraft Survival Multiplayer Minecraft mega base. Having struggled with building inspiration and some filming setbacks, we are back on the Hermitcraft server for some big Minecraft building action. This lays the groundwork for the next few months of Hermitcraft base building!

Big Rons merch coming soon.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. I think you're right that the bank puts it slightly off balance. If the bank was where the farm was (city center which makes worldbuilding sense) the balance would be better. Bit controversial, but I think the farm should be at the bottom level on the left near the river. Farms are located on the outskirts of towns and near water/fertile land, it would also help connect the different levels which you wanted more of, by having a building at the bottom.

  2. lmaooooooooooooo Mumbo explaining Money Laundering as laundry in Hermitcraft season 10 is not something I knew I needed today yet here we are, such good vibes, gave me some of the best chuckles

  3. You're most definitely an artist mumbo, you're exercising creativity. And recently, storytelling! Art itself is very flexible, and I think the process of creating something from the ground up is most defining in art. Though ultimately, its you who chooses the titles you're most comfortable with. :3 <3

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