The BEST Terraria Mod we have ALL BEEN WANTING!

this is one of the greatest terrario mods that I myself have never played it has some of the sickest Boss Designs I’ve ever seen from a terrario mod so let’s hop in game and check out just how crazy this mod is we are here checking out an older terrario mod from Team mother 1.3 I’m kind of hyped to check this out it’s ult tranium Ultra anium Ultra anus now this is a mod though that people always show love to but I really don’t remember playing it a single time maybe this was just a mod that was always showing up and I just never clicked on it that happens a couple of times in mods but I really don’t remember anything about this mod but I’m very excited to check it out obviously we’re in ogt mod letter oh my God look at this biome this is sick and then I believe there’s another new structure over here too what is this little some something I have no idea what the hell this is yeah ult tranium let’s get into it I’m excited again haven’t really touched it don’t know much about it but the first boss from this mod is this little dude right here Zephyr squid this has to be an ocean boss it has to be boom there’s the squid so you start with a bait and you got to Fish It Up sort of like the doke hold up music bumping this music sounds so peaceful this not sound like terrar music but we got this Zephyr squid in terms of sprite all the alanium Sprites look pretty good we got to remember this is older team mod loader modding era so the boss fights might not be as intense as nowadays but I can still respect a good boss with decent attacks and variety and from what I’m seeing here for a boss you’re supposed to fight po post brain I think post eater area not bad and the music is bumping I can’t can’t lie I’m trying to get jiggy to this music do we have any other attacks though and or phases or does it just speed up like most Terr bosses as its Health goes down that’s what it looks like so let’s head on to the next which is a post skeleton boss I believe only two prehard mode bosses a majority of this content is in post moonl Lord which is very nice I do like me some post moonlord content next boss from this mod Glacier on Glacier on sounds like a Pokemon hey my boy pulling up okay we got a little ice dragon here you can never go wrong with dragon SL wyvern in any game honestly oh hello my boy got a banger this sounds insanely loud I’m going have to lower it up sorry it sounds so loud to me I got to put it down yeah what do we got in terms of attacks we got the bumping music he’s got a little ice spikes he has a little ice breathy shout out too and he does a little Dash towards us is that all though from our boy Glacier on where’s this health bar his health bar kind of disappeared hold up phase two what you about to do okay he brings in the blizzard bring in more of his element does he get a little bit crazier okay he’s got some more attacks he love to see it post Skeletron boss so I expect it to be kind of tough cuz post Skeletron that’s pretty much what Wall of Flesh deerclops I guess deerclops doesn’t really deserve to be your post skelet underne that area if I’m being honest but oh my boy got the big tornado hold up something like a ice version of yarn from the Calamity mod set of fire tornado we got ice but I think we have seen everything from this B boss is got a good variety of attacks especially for pre hard mode but it is time we enter and see the hard mode bosses the next boss is called dread and we have to fight it at night time this is a prech boss so a prech boss you fight it at night time I came over here to its biome just because I think you can fight it anywhere though let’s bring in dread what you got for us whoa that boy spinning hold up I kind of want to turn on let me turn on the brightness a little bit okay that didn’t help at all it’s still an insanely dark fight they set on Wiki that this boss is similar to planta I don’t think planta shoots Flames at us so I don’t know if I can see the similarities other than it’s slowly floating towards us it’s got crazy attacks so far that little flamethrower spazmatism type of attack is kind of insane so far I’m seeing like five six seven attacks even from this one boss kind of insane and it’s still showing more okay I see you dread I respect it this might be my favorite one so far he just looks really cool really intimidating I like the uh effects and the glowing on it like it’s pretty nice in terms of Ambience and just the theme this red Vivid color in the darkness pretty sick looking especially the Flames but as we do more damage to dread here does the fight get any harder or does it stay around the same it’s looking like it stays about the same but it has so many attacks that like it really doesn’t matter maybe there’s a phase two nope there we go dread though easily my favorite let’s keep it going to the next hard mode boss which is zanis I think we also fight this boss at night let’s bring him in damn 63,000 health Health this is after plantas when you’re supposed to fight him okay I like how he makes the little background purple he’s a little bit tinier he’s on the smaller scale in terms of the other in recent bosses who’ve just been pretty massive I think at decent size he’s not that small actually the music again bumping all the music from this mod has been great hopefully none of it’s copyrighted oh I like this attack this attack looks sick and is also pretty unique to see he also had like a barrier on the outside when he was doing that attack so maybe you can’t pass that barrier while fighting him he does seem to have a lot of health so I might have to pull out a better weapon or put some armor on let me put some armor on boom right here while he’s doing this attack what if I pass the barrier oh I literally can’t I thought it was going to be something where you get like a debuff if you pass it no you literally just can’t pass it but in terms of attacks it’s pretty cool it’s got some cool stuff I I still like the other dude better dread hold up what’s going on here we got like these two tornadoes who my boy brought in some homies caught some backup on us so he’s got some apparation kind of remind me of how uh Supreme cow will bring in her brothers well my game froze for a second there did you see that they got some cool attacks though the the little apparation he brought in and it seems like we actually have to kill them okay we have killed the appari back to fighting zenanas himself thems zenanas zenis I still don’t know but I’m assuming we have seen pretty much everything maybe a couple new attacks here but it was a pretty cool fight pretty unique has some type of things that i’ I haven’t seen too much before but with those hard mode bosses dead that means everything else from this point is post Moon Lord bosses and I am very excited cuz also I heard that one of these bosses is pretty big and with me doing that giant or the biggest bosses in modded Terraria SL Terraria video I’m kind of excited to see just how big it is hey yo pause all right so the next two bosses here are from this little thing right here look at this we get the ancient nature Relic and ancient hell Relic and these both make the next boss spawner yes sir I’m excited let’s check these ones out I think I’m going to go back to to the biome over here cuz I like this biome let’s bring him in though we got ultum wao did he just fart this dude looks kind of sick though I like the green I’m messing with the green I kind of really like the theme of this mod the dark colors and then they got the little bright vivid colors to go along that sort of their palette I mess with it there’s something about it just looks good yeah first post mood Lord boss I probably should use the tone now right the only problem is this the OG Tom and I’m kind of scared that my insta killer do something Danger let’s see though okay we’re good I didn’t do that much damage only 76,000 a second so far pretty tame attacks for being a post Moon Lord boss I expect these to ramp up like crazy as the fight goes on maybe mix for a more fun challenge doing both at once if you can even do both at once hold up my boy getting into that stage two you Mak some interesting noises but still in terms of attack it’s kind of light it’s not so crazy it’s not so turn up as I thought it was going to be I do like the sound effects and the noises that’s actually a nice touch oh here we go here we go that’s what I’m expecting to see more of especially as we enter the post Moon Lord era but I think we have seen pretty much everything that this boss has to offer probably so let us finish it off hold up phase three oh we got a death animation oh my boy definitely has a phase three hold up he’s bringing in a couple of new attacks here kind of dangerous too these are the type of attacks I was expecting the whole fight this is sort of his last ditch effort attack that he shoots out before he dies let’s finish him though see you later ultum and with Ultram dead we go straight into to the next one can I even go straight into the next one can only be used in the Underworld oh hold up my bad my bad boom we got ignotum so this is like pretty much the underworld version of the boss we just fought the noises are exactly the same as the last boss but I really like him so I can’t hate sounds like some a Crash Bandicoot boss or character would make in terms of attacks low key kind of similar just like slightly different just like lava themed I guess and more explosive so let’s go straight into the second phase here maybe honestly straight into the third phase but let’s see let’s see what kind of crazy stuff this one might have okay it’s got another similar attack to the previous boss that’s really all I’m seeing let’s bring it into this little last ditch effort phase does a little circle of fireballs kind of similar to the circular attack that the other one did but I think we pretty much seen enough right oh wait here we go here we go little extra extra this is the real last ditch effort phase okay little bit more dangerous than the other one he got a couple more projectiles a little bit harder to dodge especially if you don’t have a big arena but we’ve seen it all on to the last two big boys of this mod the hell it is time to have a rematch with Dread but this time it’s known as absolute dread I like the idea of a rematch with the boss sounds kind of sick oh here we go now I see the plara comparisons is actually got some hooks on it so I believe it just starts off as its normal dread form but then as we do damage it goes into its absolute dread form now the question is what do I attack is it really the hooks that I attack okay so we got to actually damage and kill the hooks that it uses very interesting I haven’t seen that or if at all in mod Terraria but let’s do it let’s take out all these Hooks and let’s see what happens to the fight do we got to hit it directly now what happens doing a little something oh my God imagine if planta did that terrifying so now this is absolute dread a bigger scarier more intimidating version of the regular dread hold up the music is bumping got a vibe to the music for a bit he is he spitting blood at me yo look how red it is maybe I should have been fighting him up in the sky because fighting him in that biome is insanely dark this music going crazy though this drop better be crazy hold listen listen okay I see him yeah let’s do some damage to Absolute dread here it’s got a lot of attacks just brings back the fire attack which I mess with the Sprite itself is is awesome bro this thing just looks sick definitely given like uh what’s it called what is cthulu something horror you know what I’m talking about those type of scary creatures by HP Lovecraft it seems like it’s going to be a tough fight it’s a very agile mobile boss with a bunch of projectiles so it’s definitely going to be hard let’s do some damage though do you got any crazy attacks to show off before we take you out doesn’t look like it it looks like it cycled through a majority of the attacks so I think it’s time to take out absolute dread wait what in the hell attached a giant ball to us that exploded into a bunch of smaller projectiles I see absolute dread has been defeated again I think dread is my favorite boss we are in the dark ass biome now to fight this next boss we actually have to do an event and fight a mini boss in it and that activates the final boss so we’re going to pop the dark resonator and look at that the Abyssal Armageddon has begun this is visually probably one of the coolest biomes I’ve been in minus like Starlight River biomes oh my God what is that something summoning Abyssal wraith that’s just a regular enemy that just spawned in yeah look at all these demons and nasty creatures that are coming to attack me this is terrifying I’m Legit getting jumped out here so we are waiting for a certain mini boss to spawn from this aka the mine flare I don’t know if I got to do damage to some of the enemies for it to spawn or if it’s just a completely random spawn who knows I think I’m going just bring it in manually at this point though Boom the m flare looks terrifying let’s see the type of moves it has it is a mini boss but this is a respectable mini boss because it’s a post moonlord one on a post moonlord event is going to have a lot of health and damage but upon us defeating this dude this will allow us to take on the final boss that is in this mod and I’m kind of excited I need to see this final boss I think my favorite thing this mod does is the little like screams and Roars that you hear I don’t know if I recorded it I might have to like get a clip of it but there was nice little roaring then the messages in chat will pop up it’s kind of [Music] sick crazy very very terrifying let’s do some damage though M flare is just a mini boss we probably seen all of his attacks already so let’s take it out the darkness thickens uh-oh uh-oh who’s about to pull up on us bro okay I’ve been sit here for a minute waiting for the uh big boy boss to spawn in it just hasn’t been spawning in I don’t know how many enemies I had to kill but I killed a lot like two banners worth so I’m going to bring it in manually myself let’s do it arabus has a walking damn it’s a big ass worm hold up it just keeps going where’s the end of it there it is people said this thing was huge or this is some boss when this mod was huge he ain’t that big damn he is terrifying though you guys know how I feel about my worm bosses though I’m not a big fan but if this worm has enough unique stuffff you know something cool enough then I’m fine with it being a worm boss you just got to show me a little something in terms of looks though I’m messing with it it passes the looks test everything in this mod passes the looks test now the question is can I just hit this thing anywhere it seems like I can hit it anywhere but does it potentially take more damage on the tail the mouth I don’t know what is that that he’s doing oh that’s his little tell for the dash okay let’s do some damage I’m kind of scared to grab it and damage it cuz I don’t want to do that wait maybe that was supposed to happen I didn’t do anything dumb it’s supposed to do this phase two oh my God my boy coming out of the portal like he’s dog devour of gods type beat what else he got for us this definitely the most intimidating scary boss so far in this mod easily reminds me of like the uh what’s what’s the name of the giant weird worm from Calamity the underwater one primordial worm something like that or even something from uh subnotica which pretty much what that worm boss is based on but yeah in in terms of uh just how scary this boss is it marks off the list I don’t know about the attack so far oh here we go we got a couple of different attacks it’s honestly hard I’m I’m pretty rough on a worm boss at this point cuz I seen so many bro but this one is slowly starting to get there some of these attacks I’m seeing now yeah is definitely starting to get there the more attacks I see the more I mess with the heavy but I think we’ve seen a lot of it I think it’s time for us to get AIS up out of here now the question is what am I supposed to hit I can’t even hit it what am I supposed to hit now is it the little like orbs flug around it dude I cannot even keep up with this thing it’s legit doing donuts on us what am I supposed to hit the little balls next to its face that okay yeah that’s definitely what I’m supposed to hit Dam it’s kind of hard to hit I can’t even grab I’m having trouble grabbing his balls I have defeated all the balls now let’s finish the boss off hold up it keeps on hiding in this portal it’s making it tough to finish it off maybe that’s a little bit of like a DPS thing that you can’t just insta kill it it runs away in his portal but there we go arabus is dead that might be my favorite one next to dread but I really do like Dread so I don’t know the darkness Fades and finally we have killed all the bosses in this mod now let’s quickly go ahead and run through everything else because this video is probably already long enough we got the little biome down here now I believe there’s certain sections of buing you’re not supposed to be able to enter until hard mode and then there’s some that you can explore in Pre hard mode but in terms of looks I mess with it it’s got a very cool theme this whole mod just has a cool theme and I like that there is a couple of different variations in the cave like this weird purple glowing mushroom M let us quickly go through some of the weapons and armor sets here I guess really just Breeze through the arm set just get a nice little look at the visuals I got no complaints in terms of the Sprite works from this mod they look great especially for its time and era okay the team Aller 1.3 era but now let’s just start grabbing some random weapons and see what’s popping we got summon weapons all right what do you summon little tiny ball what you mean is that blood dripper H okay little tiny uh Drippler that we spawned in boom I got a weapon from arabus Nill hold up my boy MOG what does this do okay so spawns in these little tiny projectiles that slowly home in around the area mess with it it’s cool what else we got ray gun hold up Call of Duty Ray Gun it doesn’t make the you know the noise I’m talking about that’s a developer item though so it don’t even matter honestly let’s just do this we’re going to organize by weapons and I’m going just grab some of the coolest weapons from the mod some of the coolest and hard hitting we got a yo-yo whoa I like that that’s actually sick take notes vanilla Terraria yo-yos can do things what about this what’s the summon okay so we get our own little arabus I mess with that I like when uh you get summons from bosses and it’s pretty much a smaller version of the boss like is that not a perfect idea that should be done every time we got the death raise which is a little what is this range weapon cool little range weapon definitely different doesn’t just shoot like straight line projectiles we got a I don’t even know eldrich disc so some Boomerang type weapons staff of horror it’s pretty basic hellzone wait that’s a Fargo mod weapon I think Fargo trying to sneak its way into this mod review we got uh this the Sol orb staff that throws we got a book paranoia the weapons are cool I got no complaints they they’re what you would expect from this area of Terraria it’s kind of hard to compare them to like modern day Terraria weapons because modern day Terraria weapons for mods even vanilla game are kind of crazy like they’ve definitely upped the level up so much that it’s probably going to be hard to compete especially especially if you’re an older mod like this yeah shout out everyone that has worked on The alrania Mod I don’t know if it’s coming out again or not for t- mod 1.4.4 cuz every time I do a video checking out older mods like this and I question if the mod is being updated to the recent version everyone just always says yes it’s either yes is being worked on or like there’s ideas of being worked on so I don’t know hopefully we see some of these mods from these older team mod loader stuff and we’ll see them in the current te- mod loader era I don’t know but from people that are telling me the comments every video for this series they’re like yeah it’s coming so hopefully this is one of them that’s also coming pause but make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you guys don’t miss future videos especially in this series make sure to leave comments tell me what other mods you want me to check out in this old 1.3 T mod loader series I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good one

Why have I never played this AMAZING Terraria Mod??

Ultranium –

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  1. It sucks that this mod was canceled before 1.4 TML, but i really liked this mod, and it even influenced some things in my personal projects

  2. Hey I would like to say here man this project has been long abandoned. It is never coming back or being ported by the original dev team anyways. Its fun having a look back on it but its successor Spooky mod we feel as a dev team is infinitely better as a modding project.

    Ultranium is the stepping stone that lead to spooky mod.

    We wouldn't be where we are without this project but also some things we just move on from to pursue better things!

  3. This was actually made by the Spooky mod devs, and even tho it's cancelled, it's cool how you can see this creepy looking concepts from Ultranium were like the birth of what we would eventually see in Spooky mod.

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