Mikey and JJ Built a House inside Zombie’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)

yeah come on Mikey try hitting that ring and see what you can do I’ve already beaten You by a few points you really think you can beat me give me the ball over here and I’ll show you what the real game is all about you come over here and take it from me I see you’re a little weak you could use a little more practice Mikey you think too much of yourself in your game you’re not such a great player anymore oh no it looks like it’s starting to rain the weather’s gone bad again what oh my God what happened to the nut he turned into a zombie oh no oh my God nub are you alive he’s really turned into a zombie hey what are you doing calm down you can’t throw Dynamite around like that do you hear what I’m telling you he looks like he’s serious we got to do something about him we can’t just stand by and watch him like this hey you last warning I said stop it now or I’ll have to destroy you oh my God it’s too late Mikey get down uhoh [Music] a oh my god oh no huh hey Mikey are you alive in there oh my God this is just a freaky situation hey Mikey get up looks like we got a serious problem huh I thought it was all a dream but oh no looks like that homie who was a nub is still out there oh no and our house it looks like it’s destroyed from downstairs what do we do now now I’ve got an idea we have to destroy the nub are you out of your mind he’s our friend we can’t just take him down what first let’s find what’s in the chest downstairs we need to gather all the supplies and wait what do you suggest we do with the nub he’s already turned into a zombie he’s no longer human so what he can be cured I don’t want to destroy him knowing that he can be cured and then maybe he’ll become a normal person oh okay I see that there are supplies here I think we’re going to need it to rebuild the house yes we can build for example a new house inside the zombie hand as there are reduction potions here what what how could you come up with such a crazy idea Y what kind of crazy idea is that uh think about it if we build a house inside the zombie we could probably find the reason why the nub turned into a monster and cure him inside huh sure that sounds really crazy Mikey I don’t even know how such a weird idea could work uh well we could at least try so what do you say are you in okay come on like I have a choice let’s see the inside of a zombie house hand but it looks like it’s run off somewhere don’t you think it could be dangerous now we’ll catch him and then we’ll figure out how to build a house inside but we have to catch him first Jesus this idea just doesn’t make any sense at all I’m not surprised Mikey came up with it at least we can try to do it so let’s go JJ oh H look JJ the the zombies seem to be causing a little chaos in the village so let’s get a move on oh no it looks like it’s really angry and has decided to wreak havoc here in the village Mikey I don’t get it how do you want to get inside that zombie how is that possible I’ll give you some ender pearls and we’ll just teleport into his body I don’t know where exactly we’ll end up but Jesus I can’t believe what’s happening right now it’s just like it’s crazy honestly yeah I agree with you JJ so let’s get moving let’s get into inside that zombie woohoo it’s horrible I don’t even know why I got into this well JJ we’ve taken the first step and we’re inside the body of a zombie or rather a nub who’s turned into a zombie yeah that’s cool but what is this place I mean what’s that weird body part uh it looks like a well I can see the bone here there’s some vessels which means it’s a limb of some kind maybe it’s an arm Mikey am I right in thinking that you want to build a house here and you want to cure the zombies by some miracle uh kind of but if we can make this work it’ll be awesome but I’d like to build a house here Jesus build a house inside a zombie’s arm I don’t know who thought of that I can’t understand it and I never will oh my God Mikey myy what the hell is that why are there so many micro zombies Jay I think I broke a zombie bone for nothing that’s where the micro zombies came from well then let’s destroy them we can’t just stand by and watch them yeah JJ I’m telling you even though we’re inside the zombie AR it’s pretty dangerous in here yeah I’ve noticed that there are some other enemies here who aren’t happy that we’re here do you still want to build a house here or have you decided to we can build a house here as a temporary shelter I’d like to heal the nub and turn him into a human but we need to figure out how to do that and if we can do that that would be wonderful oh okay I guess we don’t really have much of a choice so let’s go with your plan then uh look JJ I’ve noticed something uh I need your help I want you to create chests and doors okay no problem what do you have in mind you want to build a house here right well yes look at this place it’s a perfect area to build a temporary house here so to speak okay I hear you and we’ll live in it well we don’t have a place to live anyway so maybe we will we’ll have to live here but that’s crazy we might as well live in a cave build a house there and it’ll be much safer much safer in a cave than here that’s ridiculous yes why is it funny if it’s true I just don’t understand why you chose the zombie to cure it and after we cure it maybe we can build a new house somewhere else ah okay what if we can’t cure the zombie we don’t even know how to do it what then we have to destroy it huh I have no idea I can’t see into the future we’ll make decisions depending on what our situations are okay I can see that we could put walls like this in here and then maybe it’ll be really cozy yeah I’m telling you it’s going to be cool it just needs a little organizing and then it’ll be great all right I was just wondering what it would look like well I’ve got some more furniture and it’ll look like it was our house well Jay come here I want to show you something who Mikey this place really does look quite inviting that’s what I’m telling you we’ve got everything we need for a com a life there’s beds there’s an oven there’s food speaking of food and water how are we supposed to get food if there’s nothing inside a zombie huh good question then maybe we’ll find some kind of food stash I don’t know how you can count on a miracle all the time my body hurts and I don’t even know what’s happening to me it’s just awful I started to feel like I was out of this world and my body felt heavy and uncontrollable and where are J J and Mikey I don’t even know what I’m doing here God I just can’t control my body it’s like my brain has disappeared and I can’t feel anything what’s so strange is happening to me huh it can’t be have I turned into a zombie and my arm what the hell is that it looks like there’s something in my hand that looks like a house I don’t like it so I have to get rid of it somehow maybe that’s why I’m a Zombie but then how can I talk do I still have a shred of humanity left in me me I can’t control my body I mean I’m having a hard time it’s like the virus is consuming more and more of my Consciousness lava I’m going to burn my hand but why no you don’t have to do that think what we can do here to make life more comfortable well let’s just look around and think about it oh my God Mikey look out it looks like there’s lava in here oh my God where did it come from I can’t figure out why there’s more and more lava I have a sneaking susp that the zombie drowned in the lava and that’s why there’s so much of it uh what does that mean that we’re going to melt that we’re just going to drown in a pile of lava Maybe I’m Wrong Mikey and someone just spilled lava on him whatever let’s just get this place cleaned up as fast as we can haha okay then let’s just try to neutralize everything in here oh no GJ look in that part of the room looks like there’s a lot of lava in there too ah don’t panic Mikey we’ll neutralize it and the lava will disappear look how well the boulders are doing uh yeah I noticed it’s amazing actually you know what JJ you and I are really good at this I have a sneaking suspicion that something weird is going on with the zombie I don’t even know what’s wrong with him the lava stopped there’s no more lava it’s like no one’s pouring lava on him anymore and we’re still here which means the zombie still alive right uh you and I need to put up a defense of water and ice because at any moment the lava could come back oh yeah I think I know what you’re trying to do you just want to put a bunch of ice in here uh yeah it’ll protect the lava from spreading all over the place and you think that’s going to work you think ice can stop lava it’s something compared to if there was nothing here oh and one more thing uh in order to keep the ice here permanently we’d have to pour a lot of water on it you have buckets I gave you yeah Mikey I hear you I hear you do well let’s give it a try I hope your plan works and next time there won’t be so much lava uh and I’ll hope so but now we have to make sure the water doesn’t flood our so-called house yeah Mikey I’ve got an idea we can put some cobblestone in here and the water won’t seep into our house great it’s looking good so far and we have time to think about what to do next yeah you’re right we need to come up with a new plan we can’t just sit here forever we either have to do something about the zombies or something could happen here again oh oh no no no no it can’t be I didn’t do it I don’t want to be a zombie but I can’t even control my body feels like I’m just flying around in my head and my body like I don’t even control it oh no for some reason I want to break my arm a zombie wants to break its arm the zombie’s breaking his arm to make himself feel better I can’t live like this anymore I don’t want to be a zombie I want to go back to JJ and Mikey stop hitting my arm stop it you you shouldn’t have done that you stupid zombie huh besides what’s that weird sound like a river in here huh oh no hey Mikey looks like we’re having a little trouble again Mikey wake up huh Jay what is it again what is this liquid and where did it come from Something red it’s like a zombie got hit or hit itself uh what does that mean that the zombie is alive or not I don’t know but we definitely need to get rid of this liquid Mikey I don’t think we have much time have you figured out a cure for the zombies yet uh I don’t know JJ I’ve been thinking about it all this time but I can’t think of anything interesting I don’t even know what to say is bad Mikey then we won’t be able to live here much longer if this keeps up I don’t know what to say maybe building a house here was a bad idea so it’s not too late to change your mind and go back to the surface so what do you think uh we spent all our resources on this house and then what do we do we don’t have a home other than this one what the hell is that Mikey did you see that uh if we’re in the arm it looks like a fracture and a very bad one at that someone broke a zombie’s arm pretty badly and left it like this don’t you think it’s strange that someone’s constantly abusing a zombie and leaving it alive could it mean that the zombie is torturing itself it’s possible right I get it my Consciousness is trapped in the zombie’s body and his body is my nub body so that lightning bolt turned me into a zombie but my Consciousness is still there for some reason and my arm itches like there’s something in it I can’t stand the pain and I want to get rid of it but what do I do I have to do something I’ve got an idea I have to stick my hand in the spiders I want the spiders to get in there and maybe I’ll feel better oh no what a stupid idea why do I have to be in a zombie body spiders there they are the spiders Lair I’m going to stick my hand in there so they can crawl in and eat whoever’s in there I don’t feel any pain anyway I don’t feel anything just a constant itching it’s like there’s something in my arm but I can’t control my body and I can’t feel it then why do I feel the itch or maybe I’m just crazy it’s going to help me now if it doesn’t I’m going to have to take one last step but I don’t even know if I should do that huh so far so quiet and calm it’s a little suspicious don’t you think uh yeah you’re right I don’t like this kind of quiet something must be happening right now this place is starting to scare me oh my God Mikey look out ah it’s spiders yeah I know they’re spiders but jeez where did they come from and what do they want with us I have no idea how they got inside the zombies either there’s obviously something wrong upstairs and we have no idea what it is what are you talking about JJ I’m saying I’m starting to dislike this whole thing and it’s getting super creepy I think we should get out of here uh what about curing the zombies I don’t want to lose the Nubs we already lost him I’m afraid we can’t do anything to the zombie and we can’t cure him uh what’s down there JJ what the hell is that nothing good is there Mikey h Huh spiders again that doesn’t mean anything good because they’re going to be here soon the battle is imminent I’ve got an idea there are traps in the chests so we could use them against the spiders how about that yes I think it would be a good idea to create some kind of Defense here so we can and fend off the spiders uh how long can this go on for we’re not going to be fighting here all the time I don’t know how long this can go on Mikey but what I do know is that we’re in danger now and we need to prepare and then I think after that it’s time to get out of here because I’m afraid we’re not going to last much longer wao that sounded pretty creepy to be honest JJ yeah Mikey I know that but it’s true you can’t live here no matter how much we want to there’s always problems lava liquids and now spiders what’s missing is the zombies we met at the beginning maybe you’re right JJ I think we should leave too but not until we finish the battle after the battle it will be time for us to go out and find out what’s going on with the zombies I can’t take it anymore because my arm just won’t let me rest I have to get rid of it and go far away I’ll go far away so no one here can see me and accept the fact that I’ve become a piece of rotting meat with a human consciousness in its body I may be gone soon because I’ll go out like a candle in the shadows but I have no other choice I can’t take it anymore so it’s time for me to go maybe I’ll have a new beginning well JJ we managed to repel another spider attack so I guess there’s nothing more for us to do here yeah Mikey I totally agree with you it’s time to get out at the very least we need to figure out what happened to the zombies I’ve already accepted the fact that we lost him I don’t even know what I was thinking when I suggested this idea to you hey I don’t get it where did the zombie go huh M say that’s kind of weird huh he’s nowhere to be found but wow I can see his hand right here and that’s where our house is uh someone cut off a zombie’s arm and left it here does that mean we’re safe to live there you know what Mikey after what we’ve been through with you I think the idea of building a house in a cave isn’t so creepy after all and it sounds like a resort to me [Music]

Mikey and JJ Built a House inside Zombie’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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