Gifting Monster Musk & Trying it out Ourselves – Stardew Valley Journey to Krobus Episode 70

hello everyone welcome back to journey to kobus it is exciting it’s Sunday we’re going to have gusts of wind tomorrow and ooh the spirits are mildly perturbed with us and we got a glazed yam recipe all right looks like we got a couple things to harvest here this morning which is fantastic we’ll get that all done lots of cranberries that means some C in our pocket and oh my goodness do we ever need it now being that it’s Sunday I think the gifts reset so we’ll be able to craft some monster musk and hand it over to kovis and see what he has to say about it I am so excited all right oh my goodness so much stuff I like that it’s all over the place because we planted in such chaos it’s fall we got to get as much money as we can going into winter what can I say all right Luna good morning would you like some water in your bowl ooh ancient fruit wine it’s blue that’s pretty cool okay so we going to throw that one in the shipping bin and we’ll get rid of some of the this other stuff here okay now we needed to get some tea leaves I think oh we have nothing going in our cigs okay um let’s do a grape oh did we not run this down oh right we couldn’t get into the forest yet that’s what was going on uh let’s do some Crystal fruit too throw this in our cakes for a minute don’t know why I kept the Cranberries in our inventory let’s go take care of that all right here we go okay we are done with the watering can let’s go check on our animals oh chicken Escape I really need to fence you guys in they’re just happy to be everywhere oh come back here [Music] cow now where is oh there’s our little dinosaur it’s going to say he is hiding on us or she I [Music] suppose and how are we doing for eggs today fantastic what did we have going on for Quest nothing too serious some times it is hard to remember okay we do need to hold on to the milk because it is a community center thing so we’ll just throw those in there now we better put the milk pil with the watering can or I’m not going to be able to find it okay we’ll get that all shipped and yeah let’s check on our gifting perfect it’s reset we’re good to go what do we need for our monster Musk okay it should be hiding down at the bottom here fantastic 30 bat wings and 30 slime do we have it all here oh ho we can craft so much okay let’s just do a couple here and we’ll throw that into the chest okay I’m pumped we are going to give kobis the monster musk I am way too excited for this but it’s all good grab our Oak resin oops might as well pick up the chestnut since it’s just hanging around all right kobis we are coming you are going to absolutely love our gift I just know it good feeling all around good morning Pam oh thought you was headed to the doctor for a minute there 35 Stone we can handle that no problem oh I’m so excited for tomorrow we’ll get a new Quest on the big bulletin board it’s so exciting okay kobis here we come here we go here we go monster musk for kobus here we go and I used it a gift of lovely perfume oh pip I’m blushing but you probably can’t notice a that is so cute sorry I’m still a little wary of humans my shop is still open to you however all right so we accidentally doused ourselves with some monster musk but we also gave some to kobis so all in all pretty good win oh why don’t we check out how well this monster mus Works let’s head off to the mines we do need to get some Stone anyway so why not good thing we made some extra Clint are you still working on our axe I think you are yes you are okay to the mines here we go um let’s do level 40 we have hit the monster or the skull Cavern enough now that uh We’ve cut into our supplies just a little bit oh my goodness this might be really good for getting us some extra coal with the dust Sprites they have definitely come out to play but that is what the Monster musk is supposed to do so that is pretty exciting yeah we’re going to have to use this all the time when we come down here for iron ore make sure we grab some regular Stone too I love that we have the counter now I think that is fantastic oh even have a ladder hello Little D Sprites I still think they’re absolutely adorable there we go here we come now this is what we needed with that Prismatic slime hey look that one’s kind of changed in colors a little bit at least when it moved now we only get to see the Prismatic slime when we have the quest selected but still pretty [Music] cool yep I am absolutely loving this I don’t think I would want to uh have the monster musk on when we went into the skull Cavern cuz I feel like there’s enough enemies in in there that are a high enough level that we would be pretty brutally slaughtered but you never know maybe one day we’ll get brave enough and give it a go I could totally see us getting knocked out though maybe after we’ve gone to Ginger Island and we’ve upgraded our weapons fully maybe that’s when we’ll be totally Brave and we’ll give it a go oh yeah look at all those dust plates now this would be also good for going to like levels what is it like 15 to 30 where you can get a bunch of the bug meat that would work really well too I bet we would see a lot of bugs and get a whole bunch of bug meat right off the bat such a good item like it wasn’t something that I had even started using until very recently and then I found out how good it was and I’m like I should have been using this way sooner it is so good for grinding like just think how much quicker you could get all of those slimes for the Slime charmer ring using this stuff fantastic the monster Slayer goals are suddenly like so much easier with this we’re having a pretty good day in the mines I would say almost have 50 iron ore always a bonus seeing lots of slimes and little dust Sprites so oh look at them all oh and a staircase appears oh more staircases wow okay what is it 3:00 p.m. we might have to quickly head out and see Robin quickly so we can finish off this Quest and then we can just dive right back in and continue collecting our resources cuz I don’t know about you guys but it’s been kind of fun going in the skull Cavern we haven’t come close to making it to level 100 yet but I’m sure we will just a matter of oo infested floor just a matter of getting all of our supplies and waiting for that right kind of luck day oh my goodness look at all the slimes and this is why I’m too scared to go into skull Cavern like this oh you guys will have to let me know if any of you are brave enough to venture into skull Cavern with the monster musk on I’d be very intrigued to hear about your experience and what it was like okay couple more slimes to go oh there we go oh right we were going to go see Robin That’s how easily I forget like we had an infested floor I could have just turned around right there and I was like no look at all the slimes shouldn’t go down any more ladders that’s what happens we got a new floor and it’s like look at all the slimes and the dust Sprites how can we leave this floor now okay here we go Robin we are coming yeah such a handy item it’d be kind of funny if all of the other villagers actually commented on us wearing it I think that would be hilarious hey looks like you got the stone I asked for thank you are you satisfied with the new barn I’m sure you’ll raise some very happy Livestock in there okay gathered Stone all done yeah I I think it would be totally funny if the villagers made comments or even had like little um emoticons above their head for just like gross confused like what is that smell I think that would be [Laughter] hilarious they’re just like stay away from me you smell terrible did you bath in a bucket of I don’t know bug meat you stopped at willly shop and had a bath in that funky container he says the smell lasts for a week oh yeah I love this monster musk and the best part about it is going into floors like this like we get bats and slime so being able to craft more of it like not an issue at all it’s just one of those things I could just keep on gifting yeah slime charmer ring would make it a little less scary to go into the skull Cavern with the monster musk on I think because that would be fewer enemies that could hurt you would make it a a little more manageable I think I was kind of scared we were going to have to wait until Monday in order to give that to kobos but I’m so pumped we got to do it it’s so cool getting to see him say something different when you give him a specialized gift I’ll have to see if there’s um more gifts like that that we can give him or he’ll say something different that’s kind of cool oh I see you slime you blend in with the rocks like camouflage on this floor part chameleon getting quite a bit of Jade too that’s pretty good okay wow we already got 100 iron ore like this has been such o oh we are going to have to stop over and get our priz for that because that will give us extra loot which means we might have to suck it up and craft the idium band what do we have for ring selected oh my goodness we don’t even have a large magnet ring that would explain a couple things I totally thought we had a full-size one but I guess we don’t just the just the glow ring all right little dust spr come here you know what why don’t we go okay I went down the stairs that’s always a mistake distraction I feel like a dog when it sees a squirrel everything else just disappears out of its brain and it’s just like oh cuz I was going to say we could go get the ring and put it on and then come back in here and then we would get even more loot which would be fantastic okay usually it takes quite a bit to get all of those dust sprats but you know we’ve been doing pretty good we’ve been grinding a little bit on these floors 36 coal that’s not bad okay we’re not going to go down there we’re actually going to leave go down a full and then suddenly I won’t come out okay and we do have to give this blade a try we’re really going to have to do that at some point here soon what is that a house plant oh that’s kind of neat okay don’t think there’s too much that we really need to leave here just give it a quick go leave some of the supplies in there and then we’ll be able to craft some monster musk on the go in case we forget to bring some with us I think that’s something we’re just going to have to constantly put on when we come in here now all right how are we doing let’s check the board ooh so we need less than 400 slime that’s pretty exciting void Spirits yeah we still need well 50 is not well less than 50 actually doggies oh my goodness usually that’s like one of the first ones I get uh rock crabs over halfway there yeah the mummies take a bit of doing pepper Rex yeah we need a lot of those and serpents I’m surprised there’s not more serpents on that okay ah the burglar’s ring love it okay that’s all we’ll grab for right now and let’s head out so we’ll get home and I think we’ll actually maybe we should grab those uh solar Essence we do need them for oh maybe we don’t have enough I have a feeling that we need 50 of the Void Essence and 50 of the solar Essence in order to craft the aridium band we’ll check it out nonetheless and then that’ll give us some bonus attack too and why I am walking home I have no idea completely forgot we have the mine carts unlocked oh look at that artifact spot oh we got some more coal the walk home was suddenly worth it it’s getting late okay what do we have in our chest [Music] here okay okay good we have enough of that uh we need some aridium bars and our soul or void Essence there wonderful so yeah 50 of each let’s craft that put all of our goodies away we have to see if our house plant will fit I’m kind of excited okay rings so we’re just going to swap these out there we go that will make venturing so much more fun I am very excited to give it a test okay yep I know it’s getting late put our hazelnuts in here and anything else we can just try to get rid of keep the oak resin in our inventory so maybe I’ll remember to craft ourselves some more kegs you never know it could happen and let’s see what our house plant looks like we’ll just stick it right over here there we go all right off to bed we go wow we made quite a bit of money today that is fantastic of course a lot of that was ancient fruit wine fantastic I love that you can actually see the color now that’s such a beautiful touch all right everyone thank you all so much for watching and I will see you next time

Stardew Valley Let’s Play on unlocking and befriending Krobus.

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