NARUTO Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

let’s get started today we’re playing speedrunner versus Hunter the rules are simple yeah if I destroy this Stone Idol I win yep however I’ll need a diamond pickaxe to destroy it h but if Mikey slays me before I destroy it then Mikey wins okay Also Mikey yeah I have a request for you what Mikey today I’m going to be a real Naruto I will have different cool abilities like super speed and I will also have a lot of ninja weapons and as always you will have to stop me you can use any means to do this ready start I’m coming this way yes not good don’t go we’ll stop you from sling the Ender Dragon and win this they’re chasing me Mikey’s on my tail take JJ down uh hang on I’m getting this watermelon huh you’re fast at running away but that’s okay I can still see you I’m coming up right behind you he jumped off huh is he in the water he is after him what is it I found something good here something good all right yay I discovered a village look pigs I should stock up on more food something other than meat I’ll grab this wheat stacked over here those hay bales had a whole lot of weed in them with this much I’ll have plenty of food now I’ll turn it into bread this will only take a minute I’ll build a crafting table then unpack the wheat then I can use it immediately all right I have 21 loads things are coming along all right next up I’ll chop down some trees for wood huh hang on a second H I think it just look at this did my weapon evolve no way I’m going to try firing it here goes nothing wao no way hold on is this for real it’s so much more powerful could this crazy bow evolve even more man it’s totally overpowered well it’s good for me so I guess I shouldn’t complain great I’m back in the village to get some more exploring done the Bose Evolution has me in a good mood H hang on what’s that huh this can’t be right these are enchanted why are there golden apples lying around wow there’s practically a whole bushel of them these are the best items in the game wo this feels weird to me I think they’re leading to a house something’s rotten about these golden apples is there something suspicious in that house did Mikey do this maybe all right I’m going in let’s see what’s inside H oh what’s in here wo these are pretty nice take a look I got iron leggings that’s fantastic next I’ll need to find some ore the best place to look for ore would be a cave I’ll check out this cave down here it’s still super dangerous to explore a cave with only two hearts so I better be extra careful shh uh-oh this is bad I better run away for now I can’t go any further into this cave with a skeleton blocking the way I’ll head back to the village and return once I’ve unlocked another heart but for now I just want a regular cave oh here’s one I can even see an iron deposit inside I should mine it right away iron is really important yes then I’ll go to the nether H yes yes wao Mikey did you lose any help I did plus I have no long range attacks this is my chance I’m in trouble I have the advantage what do I do I guess I should keep on mining for iron for Now quickly uh hey Mikey you want to hear what my plan is do you what well hold on uh-oh I fell off the cliff I’m at the bottom I got you wo you’re mine how am I going to get out of this this is my chance to fight you let’s see my skills I can change to my battle form then slowly climb up a on second thought that might not work so well uh-oh I’m going to lose Mikey the balls in my court I’m getting out of here wait those might be useful oh this is excellent what is hang on a second this form is too slow so I’m changing it I can Ambush Mikey from here oh here he comes where are you JJ are you over here now’s my chance what’s this go go go go hey what’s this now the creeper is coming after me yes go get him fine I guess I’ll just drop you in the lava then Mikey wait a sec no no don’t do it hey settle down Mikey no way stop oh well put me down JJ that’s enough this should do it you can still shoot me yep still can that’s not good hey huh all right finally yes got you you threw me in I sure did that was a close one Mikey I didn’t think you could attack me while I was carrying you I have an idea I’ll stand on this stack why should I hunt for a cave when I can just make my own aim down and wo uh-oh again wow not bad it’s kind of out of control though I’m going to try harder higher this time okay fire I’m going to aim around there yeah just like that I’ll carve out a cave then go down and collect all the diamonds and gold I can carry man this is great I never thought I’d be able to make my own cave all right it’s turning into a massive Cavern down there almost a ravine once all the fires go out I’ll go down and gather all the loot that’s dropped I wonder how much it’ll be probably a ton I can’t wait all right now the fires are out I want to go down there and check out my loot I need to be careful just keep building a little more and jump wo huh no way hey this is incredible oh check out all these diamonds look at the gold too wow this is unbelievable I’m too focused on collecting all the good stuff to focus on them oh what’s that there’s a bunch of coal ores lying all over the place that’s awesome I’ll make torches so I can see what I’m doing better oh there was a lot more hiding in the dark if I collect all of this I’ll be filthy stinking Rich I’ll have my very own treasure Trove of goodies my bow was the reason all of this was possible all right I think I’ve gotten almost all of it not bad I’ve gathered more than enough oops missed some I’d hate for it to go to waste let’s see 66 diamonds and a ton of gold ore over 100 blocks of it that’s insane I’m going to smelt all of the gold then I want out of this creepy dark Cavern it’s going to take a while to smelt all of this I’ll place a few furnaces on the wall here yep all right cool so now I’ll load them up with coal toss in the ores and get this show on the road once I have enough gold the Ender Dragon should be a piece of cake I’ll explain my plan a little later it’s a good one for now I’m just going to sit back and relax by the furnace until the gold Gold’s done cooking all right all my gold is finally done smelting that took a while everything’s going according to plan I’ll explain it all later I also cooked all the meat since the furnaces were going anyway not a bad haul in this cave I got 118 gold ingots and a bunch of diamonds this is awesome even better than expected all right here we are I’m standing beside a giant lava spring that I found deep underground since I have the blaze Hearts I won’t take damage from the lava no matter what my plan is to wait here for a while until Mikey finds me when he does he might try to push me in but the jok’s on him I’m secretly going to prank him he’ll be so confused why I’m not taking any damage I just need to wait a little longer you’ll be here any minute [Music] what it’s Mikey huh he’s here JJ’s standing by the lava come on what’s going on H wait this looks like a good opportunity for me I can sneak up behind him push him into the lava and win hang on a sec closer he hasn’t noticed me now’s my chance I’ve got you now perfect huh how on Earth are you still alive JJ this is where I reveal the truth huh look at me why I’m okay really yep it’s all part of a prank I gained a blaze heart now fire damage doesn’t work on me I’m going to clear this path and trap you there hang on don’t do this too late I’m trapped I’m going to put some blocks down here so I can escape huh bye no there leaving yep wait Mikey wait there I’m headed to the nether see you oh man no I better get rid of these blocks hey all right this will buy me some time good luck JJ I need to get to the Ender Dragon before you stop me come on all right this is my chance H I’ll go search a certain somewhere okay JJ hasn’t reached his goal yet so let’s get him before that happens H I can’t seem to find one how far have you gone H oh I found what I was looking for woohoo all right what what did you find so now right here it goes like this huh what are you doing [Music] okay Mikey I just found something very important okay these go like this what what’s so important all right and now what are you doing all right oh I’m barely out of the portal and a ghast is already trying to attack me it doesn’t stand a chance wao wow there’s something you don’t see every day one shotting a gas oops that’s not good the next thing to do is find a nether fortress and slay the blazes oh I found one if I hunt the blazes inside they’ll drop blaze rods which are really important fortresses are convoluted so I’m going to smash through with my bow I was just going to blow up parts of the Fortress but I destroyed too much I’ll start hunting oh a blaze I’m going to use my bow as a melee weapon nice any rods buddy no oh more blazes sick what is it all right up here could it be oh there it is awesome nice now I just need to keep collecting these would you happen to be in a nether fortress well that’s hard to say hang on there’s another Fortress Yeah it spawned behind me you must be here yeah hang on I’m sure he went into this nether fortress we’re invading it there are signs he was here now to move around a bit we’ve arrived in the nether fortress wa where are you JJ all right now I’ll use this for a little something I guess I’ll do it here H Mikey where are you now I came to the nether fortress and got lost oh hold on I just found some amazing treasure I can use this to upgrade my equipment no way are you Looting the treasures from The Fortress it’s so I can keep you from slaying the end Dragon I’ll take this to upgrade my equipment no way I wanted to loot that huh does that mean you haven’t come to the nether fortress JJ must not be here after him my ultimate Hunters here we go this way we’re on your Trail huh H Mikey oh wait huh where’d you go JJ oh hang on there’s your crafting table ouch yes I did it you fell for it Mikey what was that woohoo now Mikey won’t be coming after me for a while a JJ got us so now my hunters and I have to upgrade our equipment again so before Mikey and the others get here let’s collect those things all right uh let’s see oh here’s the spot what are you looking for I was just looking for something that’ll help me collect some important items Mikey what could that be oops hang on there are a lot of them spawning [Music] ouch [Music] okay all right [Music] ow okay now if I do this they won’t be able to fly away this will make it easier to take them down okay all [Music] right I should try to gather extra just in case okay well this might be enough all right I’m going to use these blaze rods to craft Eyes of Ender now first I need to break the blaze rods down into blaze powder then I can combine them with ender pearls to make Eyes of Ender then throw them into the air huh where’d it go oh over there if I follow the Eyes of Ender they’ll show me where the end portal is let’s go [Music] who H H it should be around here somewhere and the end portal is down there too once I find it I can reach the Ender Dragon you know I don’t feel like digging around for the portal so I’ll blast my way [Music] down energy blast I’ll use these to dig the hole phew wa look at that it worked I’ll drop down this to get inside so what do we have here here I come there’s Mikey H oh that surprised me but here this is the place I can’t believe it this is the end portal awesome now I just need to fill those slots with Eyes of Ender like this and now the end portal is open perfect I’m definitely going to slay the Ender Dragon and win let’s [Music] go oh wow I’m here at the end and there’s the Ender Dragon let’s go there you are JJ oh it’s Mikey wait I won’t let you win I’ll protect the dragon sheesh that’s going to be tough I need to slay the ender dragon as fast as possible I’ll fight the dragon hand to hand no you can’t kill it I’ll fight it head [Music] on oh yes I got a hit on it no and now wait another one yeah yes what I win seriously I beat it woohoo no I did it I beat the Ender Dragon not fair I won’t let you near this place wow you even built a wall around it I’m getting serious now we’ll see go I missed I’m not done yet that’s bad close one okay not good that’s really scary I’m taking you down with Fireballs where’d you go oh you got me all right awesome I shot you come on out JJ a wall the wall uh-oh oops that didn’t work this is tough yeah I see it now the TNT aim for the wall hey yes I’m in oh no yeah no take this fire spread and that I can take it how why Mikey yes I broke it hey I smashed it I [Music] lost no I win to sum it up we burned everything to the ground but I managed to smash the stone idle before I burned to a crisp hey I almost had you in the end if you enjoyed today’s video please like And subscribe thanks thank you wo cool bye for now bye-bye oh wow JJ

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: NARUTO Speedrunner vs Hunter : JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

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