Raiding Our First Trial Chamber! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let’s Play [Ep.96]

hello everyone my name is pixel Rifts and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you’re all having a good day today’s is a very exciting one we’re going to go out in search of one of the major features that’s been added in the tricky trials update in 1.21 we’re going to go looking for a trial chamber we’re going to start over here with my cartographer villager who has not been traded with all that much which is a good thing because if we trade up with a cartographer to a higher level of their profession then going to potentially sell us a map that will lead us to our first trial chamber and I think this is a really good place for people to start if they have already explored their world a little bit if they’re trading with villages and want to get a nice easy heads up for exactly where their first trial chamber is going to be I’m going to break down a little bit of glass into glass panes that’s a pretty solid trade for the Cartographer to have and there we go a trial Explorer map becomes available from this journeyman cartographer let’s trade a few more emeralds so we’ve got enough to buy one of those oh then need a compass not an empty map that’s my bad so this cartographer will sell us a trial Explorer map fortunately for me as I’ve walked away they’ve increased the discount even more so we can take a look at this for the first time and of course this is going to look like it’s fairly far away we’re going to be heading Northwest for this one it’s somewhere out in that direction and hopefully is not inside the area that we decided to preserve when we trimmed down the chunks of this world because otherwise this trial chamber location might actually be a false positive because it would generate there if the world was a fresh one and the villagers will know that but they won’t know that I have trimmed the chunks of the world and left this area preserved fortunately though it does seem to be taking us a decent distance from my spawn point and the chunks loading like this in the distance is a very good sign that we are loading new terrain again so I think we’re outside of the radius that I saved around my spawn area in fact we’re headed down river into the Savannah Biome over here it looks like and I’m fairly confident that a trial chamber will be underneath here although if it’s underneath this mountain there might be a deep dark nearby and we know of a few ways that we can get down into the ground around here there are plenty of caves and gullies in this mountain bit of an Earthworks going on so let’s see if we can get a good oh gosh this cave is full of mobs the local caves actually seem to be relatively shallow around here so let’s try staircasing down to this one and see what happens we’ve just started hitting deep slate and the map seems to indicate that we should be right on top of this structure about now so what I’m looking for is some new blocks that were added in this update we are hoping to find tough bricks much like finding stone bricks to indicate the stronghold tough bricks are a sign that you’re digging down into a trial chamber and in the subtitles there I can see trial spawners crackling so it seems like we are in the right place I just have to find a way into the structure from here and there we have it the tough bricks are right here now unfortunately there isn’t a really easy way of finding the exact entrance to a trial chamber or if there is I have not discovered it yet there certainly doesn’t seem to be an intended way to get in as part of the game we are just going to bust through a wall and we’re going to find actually that there are a couple of other new blocks in here alongside the tough bricks this is a copper bulb we’ll do an episode all about those in future they’re going to be one of my favorite new blocks but in the meantime we’ll bust on in here and see where we’re at we get an advancement for getting in here Minecraft trials Edition and from this point we need to be on our toes because trial Chambers are really intended as an expansion to something like mob spawner dungeons in a huge way these are combat challenges and so I’ve come equipped with my best gear and if you’re starting a fresh work and looking for a trial chamber you probably want to get geared up with at least Diamond gear if not fully enchanted diamond gear before you take one of these on at least if you want to survive and you don’t want too much of a challenge now obviously on the way down here my inventory has got clogged up with a lot of different stuff so we’re going to throw a lot of that into a shulker box we’re going to throw in the blocks that we got from digging into the trial chamber as well and then we’re going to grab two more shulker boxes from my ender chest and I’m going to use these for two very different types of loot first of all we dug directly through next to some decorated pots some pretty plain looking pots actually there might be decorations on the other s side but these are items that you can smash using tools to acquire useful items as you go through the area so there’s some iron ingots in here there’s some arrows obviously a lot of bricks from the fact that we broke down the pot in the first place and I’m going to put stuff like this into one of the shulker boxes so that we can see what kind of loot we acquired as we traveled through the trial chamber breaking the pots we might also throw in some of the loot that you will find in barrels around here although a lot of these are designed to help you navigate the dungeon there’re a scaffolding to reach higher levels if you lack any ladders or blocks to pillar up with and hanging signs can even be used to indicate which way something is inside the trial chamber so that you can sign post to yourself maybe where you’ve been or which entrance leads to a spawner that you want to find later I might tuck all of that stuff into this shulker box as well the other shulker box here is going to be reserved for different kinds of loot whether that’s mob drops or rewards that we will get from completing trial spawners and I’ll be able to explore what that means in a second but this crackling sound around the corner can only mean one thing there is a trial spawner nearby and it looks like this one is actually spawning slimes who there we go got instantly attacked by one of them and we’re going to be claiming a few slime balls from this one it looks like so trial spawners are like regular monster spawners but with a couple of major differences first of all light does not affect them in any way they’re affected exclusively by line of sight to the players so as long as a player is nearby they are going to be spawning mobs until eventually the player has killed enough of the mobs that they spawned at which point the trial spawner will burn out and it will drop a couple of items you can tell that a trial spawner is burned out from the fact that it doesn’t have any Flames or anything indicating inside what type of mob it’s going to spawn there will be smoke particles arising from the top and during the process of taking out these mobs it will spit out an item like this a trial key trial keys can be used to unlock vaults throughout the D dungeon and those are going to be our primary source of the more interesting loot that doesn’t just come from Mob drops or pots that we break along the way and the trial spawner is now on cool down for a pretty long period of time allowing us to explore the Dungeon without concerns that this one is going to light up again you’ll also notice that on the floor around the trial spawner are blocks that indicate the type of mob you can expect it to spawn and directly above us right here you can see more Moss blocks which indicates that this trial spawner above us is probably going to generate some more slimes let’s take a Peak around the corners here as well we’ll probably find a couple of other spawners littered throughout the corridors along with a couple of traps you’ll notice there’s some trip wies here either side of a dispenser that’s going to fire some arrows at us if we run down this Corridor so I’m going to grab those just so we don’t get shot along the way we’ll break a few more of these decorated pots and I’m not going to highlight every time I do that in the video but at the end of this we’re going to take a look at the contents of our decorated pot shulker box and we’re going to see how much loot we have accumulated just from breaking these jars although I will highlight that the one I just broke has dropped a new Pottery shirt this is the flow Pottery shirt only available in trial Chambers there is I believe one other Pottery shirt that we can get from here so we’ll be on the lookout for that as well and keep your eyes peeled as you break these pots because that one contained a trial key that’s going to be really useful to have and I’m going to leave this in the pot loot box for now but obviously if we encounter some more vaults that need opening we might dip back into that a little later so from this room we actually have a couple of different directions we can travel but no sooner do we get up the stairs than the spawner behind us kicks into life having spotted that the player is in the vicinity and has started to spawn slimes so I better find a way up there so I can take care of these slimes before they take care of themselves anyway there are ladders in the corners here that’ll get us up to the next floor there’s a few pots we can break and another trial spawner is waiting for us this one looks like it’s spawning regular skeletons though indicated by the bone blocks in the floor so we’ll let some of the skeletons shoot each other here and there as they are prone to doing but obviously my priority is going to be blocking with my shield and taking down the spawner until it can eject some loot for us and that’s another trial key in the bag I’m also going to walk over and break this pot because that contains another one of the exclusive Pottery shirts you’ll find in a trial chamber there’s another skeleton spawn around the corner and they are mixing with the slimes over here obviously the skeletons are going to shoot some of their neighbors every so often so maybe I’ll concentrate on taking out the slimes first a little bit of strategy required though and it looks like this trial spawner the one that we got the slime spawning from has ejected a little bit of food for us and that’s a way that you can progress through these trial Chambers if you come in without too much gear if you’re trying to locate one of these structures in the early game then at least you can be reassured that some of the spawners will drop a little food for you at the stage that we are at right now though it’s not really going to be all that useful to us that one dropped us a potion of swiftness all right so I’ll drop the baked potatoes and the potion of swiftness in there and I might dig out another shelter box that we can store some of the mob drop in because all of this slime is actually going to be fairly useful on our way around the trial chamber it might even be worth looking out for potential Secrets because if we dig through this wall here you can see there’s a cavity thanks to the new copper grate block that allows you to see through it in here we’ve actually found one of the vaults one of the basically prize boxes that you can unlock once you have a trial key the mouth of the Vault will open like this to indicate that you haven’t opened it yet and leaving room for the key it’s also showcasing a few of the items that you can hope to acquire by opening one of these vaults with a key but we’ll come back to this a little bit later for now I’m going to LEAP down into the water so that we can be relatively safe landing we’ll take out these last baby slimes that spawned from The Trial spawner and I’m going to try and run around until I can find the room that I’m fairly certain is intended to be the entrance chamber of these trial Chambers this place is pretty expansive though it’s a large one so I’m going to try my best to Circle back and find where I think the entrance is which might actually be over there yeah I think this room might be it the entrance Chambers vary slightly now they didn’t vary as much in the snapshots but a few things have changed this is actually as much of an exploration video for me as it is a tutorial for you folks but yeah downstairs in this we have something that looks a little bit like a vault door this is really intended to be the entrance chamber but as you can see there’s not really a whole lot behind it looks like it goes out into an abandoned M shaft so maybe you’d find your way in through this room if you got lucky exploring that M shaft but as you come up here there’ll be a couple of early game loot chests so we can take a quick look at this that’s got some arrows and a wooden axe in you might be able to upgrade your tools as you go through here picking up the iron from the decorated pots and everything and it’s got a tree here so you can grab some wood which is going to be really handy if you don’t have any on you you can make chests with that or barrels or whatever to store some items in if your inventory starts to get clogged or you can use the W to create tools as you go that’s not the only thing in here though because if I dig up through this pillar to the next floor you’ll find there’s also a vault on the second floor on the sort of mezzanine of this area and so we can potentially come back with a trial key later and open that up for some rewards in fact you know we’ve got the keys we might as well do that now because the trial spawners are going to refresh allowing us the opportunity to get more trial keys but you can only open a vault once so we might as well do this systematically get that advancement under lock and key and watch as the Vault spits out a few different items some pretty useful ones if you’re new to the dungeon but it’s a power one bow and a handful of arrows plus some arrows of poison which might be useful dealing with some more difficult mobs I’m going to leave these in here for now but frankly that’s not the best loot to be starting out with let’s step back down into the trial chamber and start taking it on room by room though this area in here looks like it’s got a couple of murals almost to either side there’s a spiral there and there’s a few spiral patterns you’ll find throughout the rest of the dungeon this also looks a little bit like an angry Breeze which is a the mob we’ll expect to encounter a little bit later on so we got some skeletons spawning from this trial Spawner in the center here we’re going to take out as many of those as necessary to open up that trial spawner and collect the loot and that’s all done that’s going to pop out some more potatoes for us and close up again well I’ll break the pots around the outside here hoping that we can maybe get hands on another trial key from those and a barrel here is going to give us some tough blocks and a stone ax I’ll be popping all of those in the miscellaneous shulker box we’ll head up this ladder to the second floor and see if there are any more spawners we can activate and receive the rewards Yep this one looks like it’s got a slime spawner and you’ll also notice that there are doors leading off into different areas of the trial chamber so depending on which kind of generation you get you might find that these things are pretty expansive once you enter them and that’s one of the reasons I recommend only looking for these trial Chambers once you’ve got geared up a little bit you’ve got some decent armor a good weapon and a decent supply of food you will of course get a few pieces of food from the chamber itself but that’s not always going to be enough to save you in in fact if you’re the kind of player who brings a bed with you on longdistance trips it’s probably a good idea to set your spawn somewhere inside the dungeon just in case you end up dying on the way it’d be a real pain to come all the way back here to get your stuff and bear in mind that a trial spawner will not be considered complete until you’ve killed all of the mobs that it generated in the case of the slimes you just have to take out the first type of slime that it spawns and the baby slimes are not necessarily going to be a concern but in this case I’ve had to make sure I kill those last few skeletons before these trial spawners will pop open and eject their Rewards or in this case bread and potatoes at least they’re making sure I get a decent diet I’m going to drop those in the trial rewards box and we’re going to open up this Vault that was behind one of the spawners let’s see what we got oh that’s actually something new for us oh and some golden carrots that’s nice to top up my current Supply we have a new Banner pattern this is the gusta Banner pattern so there’s a lot of exclusive loots you can find in these including enchantments Banner patterns armor Trims and the pottery shirts that we’ve already been Gathering there’s a third level to this room as we come up here we can end up walking on this kind of catwalk made of copper grates and from this point we can see a couple of things we can see that there are doorways leading off to either direction on multiple levels so we’re going to have to find a way of marking which ones of those we have been through we can also from a distance see this while this looks a little bit like a vault Block it’s a little different it’s decorated with some red glazed terra cotta to either side there are red candles either side of it and this will not open if we go near it with a truck key instead an ominous key has to be acquired and we’ll talk about how we acquire those in the next episode because we’re going to be spending a couple of episodes here at this trial chamber figuring out all the mechanics I’m actually now going to bust out a fourth shulker box and this is going to be the mob drops one since we’re going to have a lot of those from exploring this trial chamber and I might even consider a fifth one to get rid of all of the blocks as well inventory management is going to be a big deal in trial Chambers because you end up acquiring a lot of items if you’re going around breaking abs absolutely everything so I’m actually going to dash back through here to the shulker box I left by the way I got in and we’re going to add all of the blocks into this box which should hopefully give us a little bit more room to think one useful tip as you’re exploring these is that the copper bulbs actually oxidize and get dimmer as they go through the different levels of oxidation this trial chamber will probably have generated with a few of them waxed but in this case you might be able to Simply tap on them with an axe although it looks like you can’t do that holding a shield in your hand anymore so yeah if we click on this a couple of times it’s actually going to get us the advancement lighten up and as you tap on it to scrape the oxidation off it will also lighten up the area around you making it a little easier to see where you’ve been and while this won’t affect mob spawns inside of the trial chamber it will at least be a little bit easier for you to see what’s going on I think we’re going to tackle the side rooms of this one from the top down and I’m going to break the copper doors as I go through them just to make sure that we know we’ve been through these areas I do something similar whenever I visit a strong hold I usually take out the iron doors to prove that I’ve already been through this area now there’s a chest right here at the entrance to this one and it looks like it doesn’t have anything in so this is apparently intentional on the part of the developers King B doogs clarified on Twitter that these chests are really there for you to dump excess items in if you need to do a bit of inventory management so while I’ve done that with the shulker boxes here we can obviously leave some of the doors that we’re collecting in these chests if we don’t plan on using them and as we step on through into this room we’ll notice a couple of things first of all there are two vaults right here here in front of me but on the next level up that might be where we encounter our trial spawners so I’m going to take down a few blocks of the pillars here and we’re actually going to use those to build a little staircase up because we definitely want access to this next floor and as you can see it continues upwards in a kind of zigzag formation there are some dispensers around here as well with fire charges and snowballs so if those get activated by a stray Arrow we’re potentially going to have other projectiles to deal with and with a few of these skeletons in here dealt with I’m hoping that this trial chamber pops out yes another trial key perfect so we can use that to activate one of the vaults down below let’s see what this one’s going to pop out for us some emeralds some honey bottles and oh that looks like an extra shield yeah kind of a half broken shield but that’s good because my shield is half broken and we can combine those two to fully repair it again honey is good for curing poison which is great in case the skeletons are shooting poisoned arrows there are new variants of skeletons that will appear in these trial Chambers and we’ll actually encounter more of those if we return to a swamp biome in the near future because the bogged have been added to this update as a skeleton variant there’s another chest in this Al Cove That’s Another Empty one so we could always drop off stuff like the half broken bows that we don’t really need and it looks like there are two trial spawners on the next level as well so that could get pretty hectic pretty quickly if they are both spawning skeletons that’s another trial key for us I’m going to take that down to the other Vault immediately just so we can kind of work through this systematically however you’ll notice that once you’ve acquired the loot from a vault it will no longer open up whenever you go near it with a trial key and while it’s smoking from the top to indicate sort of like a trial spawner that it is burnt out vaults can only be opened once per player so this vault is effectively useless to us from this point onwards which always seems like a bit of a shame when you’re playing in single player but this system actually allows for loot to be instanced per player when it comes to multiplayer servers let’s see what this one’s going to pop out for us oh we got a diamond from that one and another bow this is probably going to be a low level enchant once again yet we get power one but that is our first diamond that we’ve gotten from this which is always nice to see and let’s see what happens when we activate two of these things at once yep the skeletons are going to go to war there we go that’s what I was hoping for yeah honestly if you get the right angle on some of these skeletons and encourage them to fight each other you can pretty much just sit back and let them do the work a lot of the time but as before remember that all of the skeletons will need to die in order for you to complete these two trial spawners and get the loot from inside that’s almost the case with this one though we should just need to take out one more skeleton each judging by the Rhythm that we found with the previous trial spawners and yep that one’s dropped a trial key perfect that’s going to go for the vault and that one’s dropped us some bread all right well let’s open this up and see what we get some more arrows some more emeralds and that’s it okay a little disappointing loot Wise from that one but I think the ominous Vault are really the ones that we want to be opening and we’ll tackle those once again in the next episode we’re going to move on from this room leaving the door destroyed let’s see if there are any other exits or entrances from this upper level you’ll usually find them ringed in Copper blocks like this so it’s usually a good idea to look out for those unfortunately this one looks like it’s generated against a wall and there really aren’t any exits back here it’s not like a one block thin wall that’s going to lead us through to another part of the trial chamber looks like we are all done there but there is another door on the opposite side there and I can’t get to that from the walkway I was on previously so we’re going to have to hop down and find another way to get up here probably by pillaring that’s where the scaffolding that you get in the barrels is going to come in handy as well let’s break this door and see what’s up the spiral staircase up another Spiral staircase we are oh we’re in a little Al Cove area there is another trial spawner here and that one’s just generating straight up zombies it looks like judging by the Moy Cobblestone defeated that trial spawner and it looks like we might actually have come up into a different room that we might access another way because I’m not certain this is meant to lead into this room that way it might be a fluke of generation that’s led to that but this room has a lot of different spawners in it including over here a breeze spawner these are a brand new mob for this update they kind of res resemble the blaze in terms of both what they look like and what they drop as we defeat this one which is throwing us around you’ll see that they drop a breeze rod and another trial key pops out of the trial spawner once we have defeated them looks like we’re going to have a lot of zombies flooding in on us here though cuz a couple of spawners around the outside here have just flickered into life the zombie horde is following me and I imagine some of these will also be capable of generating reinforcements obviously it makes sense to stay relatively near the trial spawner so that we know it’s popped out some loot as you can see over there we don’t want these trial keys to despawn cuz they’re actually pretty valuable that one seems to have popped out some roasted chicken and there’s a geode right here that seems to have generated into part of the trial chamber that’s kind of cool looking but also potentially a little Annoying if it’s blocked off some of the structure however it has provided me with a staircase down to the basement floor of this area where it looks like there are a couple of vaults and once again a couple of chests in which we can store any loose items so let’s open up this Vault see what we get and oh oh that’s the prize we were hoping for friends oh and we got a little extra from this one as well so let’s take a look at what we’ve got here that is a bolt armor trim pattern that is one of the exclusive armor trims you can get from a trial chamber a couple of wind charges which you can actually also acquire from breaking down Breeze rods so it’s a good thing that we have some of those already we got some arrows of poison but we also got an ominous bottle of bad Omen 2 so this has changed up a mechanic that was present in previous versions of Minecraft bad Omen was the effect that you could usually get by killing a Pillager Captain one of the banner wearing ones that you would find on Pillager patrols or outside of Pillager outposts now every time you kill one of those you will receive an ominous bottle that can give you the bad Omen effect if you drink it instead of automatically receiving the bad Omen effect which makes a couple of major changes to the way Pillager raids work first of all Pillager raids are now going to be voluntary things oh we got the new music disc as well incredible all right let’s grab some of this stuff and it looks like the rest of that is stuff we’re already familiar with but yes Pillager raids are going to be voluntary no more accidentally acquiring bad Omen and then walking into your body’s base you’re going to be doing it very deliberately if that is the case but these bad Omen bottles also have an effect on trial Chambers if you drink one while you’re in here the trial spawners will actually change into ominous spawners and that’s how you get hold of the ominous trial keys so we’re going to be saving this bad Omen bottle for the next episode where we’re going to be activating that and seeing how the ominous trials change up the experience of trial Chambers in the meantime we’re going to put the music disc and the armor trim here in our loot box I’m also going to throw the wind charges in there and we’ll put the breeze rods in there even though they count as mob drops because I consider those pretty valuable loot from The Trial Chambers and they also break down into the wind charges that we’ll be acquiring that way anyway have we got anything else down here on this floor it looks like a series of corridors more than anything and yeah there’s a few places where we can actually jump up the copper grates here onto the next level so a little parkour challenge that’ll take you up to the area where the monsters will be spawning and I’m still on the lookout for any areas like this where an ominous Vault might appear behind one of these copper Great Walls a little bit hidden but it’s right there if you know where to look looks like the rest of this area doesn’t have a whole lot left for us though so I’m going to go back the way I came but I will Mark as much of this as I can with a couple of torches or whatever just to ensure that it’s obvious we have been here as you can tell we are just getting started exploring the structure and I’m being very thorough for the purposes of this tutorial but there are some areas in which it might just dead end or you might find that there are a couple of chambers that look pretty similar to each other but since these are procedurally generated structures you might find that one trial chamber looks very different to the next so you’ll have some fun exploring the different variations on them and seeing what else you can dig up we’re finally done with the entrance Corridor though so let’s move on to the next area and this stair case actually leads up to a little mezzanine floor where if we open this door you’ll find a few beds that you can sleep in and a barrel that will contain a few more supplies I think areas like this are really intended for multiplayer servers where players can set their spawn here and decide to go out and loot the dungeon we’ve also got an ominous Vault over there so we’ll make sure that we can grab that next episode and once again I’m using the torches on the left trick to make sure that we find the right way back if we’re headed towards the entrance room but we’ll also need to remember where I came into this area which I’m pretty sure was through an area on the right over here and as you can see the trial spawn down there has actually now refreshed so it will be spawning slimes again if we run past it that’s really my fault I’ve been kind of over thorough explaining each of these different aspects of the area but we’ll walk into this room and fight a few slimes since that seems to be what the room is spawning we’ve got another empty chest there in case we need to drop off a bit more of our Loot and having cut all of these slimes down to size that trial spawn has just popped out a piece of chicken for us we’ll break the pots in the corners just in case any of them have a trial key because we are now at a deficit we have this vault in the corner here here but I do not have a trial key to open it so perhaps we can look down a level and see if there’s another spawner down here there’s also another Vault it looks like and this just dead ends I don’t think there’s going to be another room through there so nope that looks like that’s it we have a couple of vaults that we cannot open because we need to go back and potentially fight some of these trial spawners again in order to generate another vault key this trial chamber is actually getting us a ton of slime so this wouldn’t be bad if we wanted to set up an early game slime farm and oh wait I just realized I did get a trial key from one of those pots so let’s come back over here and open the vault I think we’ll go for this one first what’s this one going to get us probably nothing too exciting from the looks of things yep a couple more wind charges oh and another golden carrot all right that’s all going in the loot box where as you can see we have about a half a stack of poisoned arrows now we got a decent amount of wind charges as well I’ll try and remember that we have a vault still to open in this room but we can come back through here later instead we’ll move back on to the room that we first came through and we’ll go up the stairs or up the ladders rather to see if there are any upstairs rooms looks like we’ve at least got a couple of skeleton spawners we can do again and that’s popped out another vault key fantastic let’s backtrack one second and open the other vault at least once we’ve done this we can declare this room finished and not have to worry about coming back in here we got another armor trim from that one and some bonus iron as well not too bad that’s two bolt armor trims to our name and we’ll throw the iron in there since it was a vault reward the skeletons are using some pillar strats it’s a 2V1 right now with the armored skeleton going up against both of the regular skeletons oh the armored skeleton loses unbelievable mostly trying to stay out of the firing line so I don’t run out of food during this that’s another trial key for us though and I’m fairly certain there was a vault in this room that I hadn’t quite unlocked yet and a bonus one just in case we find another Vault where was that Vault before was it behind one of these walls yes this one this is the one I haven’t unlocked yet let’s give this one a try spin the wheel no ammies no ammies no ammies we got another ominous bottle from that another half-broken shield and a few emeralds as well that’s not terrible I think we’ll probably repair The Shield one more time and let’s see if we can use this trial key in another vault in the next area oh this one just leads up to a supply chest which has a decent bow if you’re still in the early game doesn’t look like we have any more doors on this level but I wonder if we can get up to the next level and see if there are any more exits from this Corridor level aha yes there’s one up here let’s break the Copper Door and see where the spiral staircase leads once again this looks like another zigzag room and we can pop in and claim the first Vault right away with the key I already had once again we have a chest right here in case we need to drop anything off but I’m going to stash some of this stuff in here before we carry on up the structure and see what we can get from the skeletons at the top another key that’s good stuff we’ll get the other Vault done oh that one dropped off another music disc and some more wind charges okay that’s all unique loot very good stuff uh-oh we got some lava coming into this one got to be a little bit more careful of that maybe I should drop a water bucket over here before more skeletons spawn and push me into this I will say we actually got lucky with this trial chamber because the skeletons all seem to be basic ones the bogged with their poison arrows are a lot more difficult to handle that’s another trial key will quickly grab the vault at the top here while all the skeletons are fighting each other that’s some more iron some more wind charges another Shield that was it it looks like well just by standing still there I took a fair amount of damage blame the fact that I’m wearing a lra for that one little bit of roast chicken out of that one let’s see if there’s one more skeleton down here whom I haven’t killed nope it was just going to spawn one more okay that should be the last one from that spawner as well and thankfully we get another trial key great stuff yeah judging by the amount of arrows sticking out of me I should probably switch to my netherite chest plate so let me dig that out of the Ender Chest it’s not like I’m doing any flying in here anyway there we go some protection for I’ll keep the elytra on me just in case but that will be super handy to have and let’s see if I can remember which loot we got from the vaults and the trial spawners I’m not looting any of the dispensers as I go but those will have arrows and Fire charges occasional buckets of water in so if you feel like that’s worthwhile loot feel free to raid those as well but for now we’ll consider this room done we’ll only need to return if we need to farm a few more trial keys from The Trial spawners and in the meantime it looks like that level is taken care of too and we’ll hop back into the water down here to continue our progress through this area we’ve got one slime spawner down here that’s word back into life obviously a few of these spawners are refreshing because I’m taking my time going through here but you might actually want to adopt more of a smash and grab approach to these see if you can speedrun your way through them and complete the entire dungeon before these trial spawners have a chance to refresh one thing I will note is that around the back here in this little watery pool we have a couple of useful secrets back down here we have an ominous trial Vault and in this we should have a diamond an iron block and a cake and that’s always in that chest for whatever reason the loot I’m pretty sure is identical each time so we can eat a couple of slices of cake for a little bit of extra health and keep the iron block and the diamond both of which I will consider part of the loot from chests and barrels and pots and other things so I’ll pop both of those into this Shel box along with the other stuff now progressing on into the next area there’s another chest at the entrance that you can use to store a few things and it looks this might be the last room in our trial chamber there’s another skeleton spawner here but this room at least feels a little bit more complex there’s a different layout to it we’ve got spawners on the top level here that one we’ve taken care of there are ways to get down here there are magma blocks on the ground and there’s the central fountain that if you activate the dispenser just produces a ton of water and flushes enemies out from around here oh we got a breeze in here as well and the breezes projectile has just set off that dispenser so I’m now having a hard time getting around here myself with all of this water defe eating a couple of breezes though gets us another trial key and we can take a quick look around for where those zombies are coming from there’s even a baby zombie over here for which I’m actually kind of thankful that the water is present and it looks like the zombie spawner is down here underneath the bridge so that’s going to activate in a second and that’s going to pop out another trial key for us excellent another chest in the corner is just going to be another empty one and there should be at least one vault in this room there’s one up in that corner there next to an ominous Vault so once again we should look into those ominous trials a little bit later looks like we got a second Vault over there as well so I’m going to deactivate this fountain in the center we’ll keep the bucket of water and make sure that this isn’t going to distract us anymore and then we can use that to ascend to the next level like so we’ll pop a trial key into this Vault and see what we get some iron and a bow there’s only two items from that one huh interesting and let’s see if we can get over to the other side of this unlock this Vault with one of our remaining two trial keys that Nets us another armor trim oh and some armor maybe to put it on let’s see what we’ve got Protection One okay nothing too exciting but certainly worth your time if you are fresh into these things with very little gear and I don’t know if it’s still the case but around the corner here yep looks like we do have another Vault right here so that’s all of our trial Keys used up once again we’ll get a couple of the usual rewards from this some iron and some emeralds is not terrible but still also not great and it looks like that might have been the final room for us to explore here in this trial chamber these rooms can have multiple entrances and exits though they’re designed to be kind of modular and connect to each other especially where they’ve got these chests there’s always a chance that there might be a corridor over here but it looks like that one has not generated and that’s not an accident that’s not an error in generation that’s just how these things go because sometimes you’ll find these things connected in all sorts of different ways and different directions but no I don’t see any more entrances and exits from the lower level here so I think we’ve actually explored the entire trial chamber well let’s go back to the area where we came in let’s go back to this little spot behind here we actually found a a really great place to come in where we didn’t activate the spawners right away and let’s take a look at all of the loot that we’ve acquired as a result of raiding this chamber I’m going to ignore this Shel box with all of the blocks although you might want to come here four copper blocks copper bulbs some of the new copper grates and the doors and trap doors that have been added along with some tough bricks as well you could tear down this entire structure and you’d probably have more copper than you would get from going mining or farming Copper from the Dr for quite a while at least the tough bricks are really interesting building blocks too we’ll look at those in a future episode for now let’s turn our attention to the loot we’ve acquired as we raided the trial chamber first of all we have a decent amount of mob drops I’ve been collecting arrows and shoving those in here as I go we also get those from The Trial spawners occasionally you’ll get them from vaults as well and that’s really designed to top up your ammunition if you’re coming in here as a fresh player with no builtup supply of gear we got a ton of slime from this actually from taking on those slime spawners a couple of times we have enough to build like half a stack of slime blocks that could really be a boon in the early game before you set up a proper slime farm anywhere or if you haven’t located a swamp yet if you found a trial chamber chances are with a few slime spawners you could get a pretty healthy slime farm going because the majority of the enemies in here have been skeletons we also have a few stacks of Bones that’s tons of bone meal to set up an early farm possibly with a carrot that the zombie dropped we got a few arrows a few loose bows and some rotten flesh from the zombies in the dungeon as well on the other side of here we have the loot that we got from the pots chests barrels that kind of thing I’m not certain that I broke 100% of them there might be a couple that I missed in a room here or there but we have two new Pottery shs the flow and gusta both of which seems to represent the breeze and the element of wind tons of bricks from the other faces of the decorated pots that were not decorated we got a couple of stone tools and Scaffolding and bamboo blocks and signs along with some tough blocks from some of the barrels that are around here that were really designed to give you tools that you can use to navigate the trial chamber however you want to and then finally on the more precious side over here we got the block of iron and the diamond from that chest behind the watery staircase we also have a bunch of emeralds that we got from those pots naturally a lot of those chests and pots will have arrows in so that you can keep your ammunition topped up kind of ironic really considering the breeze is like the iconic Mob of the trial Chambers and we can’t use arrows against them projectiles don’t really work they bounce off the force field of wind that it has the last thing we want to check out is the loot that we got from the vaults and trial spawners and I’ll try and separate this out into a few different categories here so I think this is more or less what we’re looking at here the the top row is just like food and tools that will help you get through the trial chamber we’ve also got some poison arrows which lends a little bit of a useful status effect here and there if you want to equip those and we got Shields and armor and stuff like that even a potion of swiftness which you could drink as you travel through the trial chamber and that might help you get out of some sticky situations here and there on the opposite side we have the precious materials some of which can be acquired elsewhere you’ve got some Diamond emerald and iron from those vaults and of course the breeze Rod which is a mob drop but we’re counting it here because of the wind charges that it can break down into if I craft this in my crafting interface one of those breaks down into four wind charges and we’ll look at what they do a little bit later but we want to keep some Breeze rods around because they’re also a crafting ingredient once we’re able to acquire the new weapon that was added in this update the mace but those are going to be unique to these dungeons for now you cannot find Breeze rods or wind charges anywhere else in the game they are exclusively dropped by vaults and by the breeze so we’re going to keep hold of those and make sure that we know where the spawners are in this trial chamber because we will be revisiting those in future to acquire a lot more of them in the center here I’ve got what I’m considering the Collectibles from these vaults the things that are not immediately useful to the player but things which are obviously going to provide cosmetic rewards and little collectible items we have two copies of the precipice music disc there are two other music discs that we could find in these trial Chambers but I think they are acquired through ominous vaults as opposed to the regular kind of vaults so we’ll look out for those in a future episode we’ve also got the gusta Banner pattern and the bolt armor trim which we have three copies of from unlocking vaults in this trial chamber and the ominous vaults will give us a chance at another armor trim and I believe another Banner pattern as well finally the key to getting hold of those ominous vaults we have ominous bottles which will give us the bad Omen 2 status effect and there are multiple levels of bad Omen 1 through five which were previously acquired by killing up to five Pillager captains to acquire different levels of bad omen now they’re going to be dropped randomly from vaults and ominous vaults and they’re going to give you different levels between 1 and five you’ll also get different levels from the Pillager captains I believe as well so in the next episode we are going to be sticking around in this Vault drinking one of those ominous bottles and seeing what happens and what loot we can acquire from the ominous vaults in here but for now I think that’s been quite enough action for one day thank you so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now [Music]

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.21 – the Tricky Trials Update!

In today’s video we find our first Trial Chamber thanks to a map from a Cartographer villager. You might stumble into these structures online, but a Journeyman Cartographer can sell you a map straight to it!

Once we’re in the Trial Chamber, we go through room by room smashing Decorated Pots for loot, taking on the challenge of Trial Spawners, acquiring Trial Keys and opening Vaults. We collect precious items, a new banner pattern, new armour trim, and a new music disc!
We have our first encounter with the Breeze, a new mob which attacks using the element of wind. Wind charges knock back the player with powerful force, but once defeated, the Breeze Rods it drops can be broken down into wind charges for players to use!
At the end of the experience, I compare the loot we got from pots and chests, mob drops, and Vaults – but we’re saving our first attempt at Ominous Trials and Ominous Vaults for the next episode.

Along the way I discover a new approach to slime farming, watch a lot of skeletons fight each other, and discover some Vault locations I didn’t even know were a thing!

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time!
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GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #TrialChamber


  1. I went through a trial chamber in a new Skyblock world and it was lucrative for someone just starting their world. I got armor and tools and a ton of decorating blocks. I don’t know if I would have found it as fun if I was fully decked out already. I think the best item in here is all the copper and new copper block as well as all the tuff. But the loot itself is okay (if you’re already well advanced into the game). Again I had a lot of fun because I went in with nothing to lose.

  2. I went through a trial chamber on a new save with only Iron Armor
    I'm not the best at PvE, so I died about 10 times, my iron armor almost completely broke, but I found the experience exploring it quite enjoyable. Decent loot, cool mechanics, and challenging combat. Honestly loving the trial chamber, will be on the lookout for more. Also a great source for copper for those who don't like grinding for a lot of it!

  3. I wish the vaults weren’t once per player, maybe limit it to once per mc day, or maybe once per mc week? But having something be completely useless after using it once (in single player) just seems wasteful.

  4. Fun tidbits from my visits to 3 trial chambers:
    – Got my first trident! I didn’t know they could generate there, full durability too.
    – Lots of emeralds from pots. Helps fund buying more maps to find more trial chambers
    – Creator music box is pretty common in pots. I have 4 all from pots
    – still no heavy core 🙁 it’s the only loot item I don’t have. I don’t know if it’s worth it to explore more chambers since I have everything else

  5. Are you planning on having an episode spotlighting the new potions that can be created with Slime Blocks, Breeze Rods and Cobwebs? It really seems to be the part of the update that most people are overlooking.

  6. One really important detail my girlfriend and I discovered is that you have some control over what items you get out of the vaults. If you watch the items rotate in the vault you get whatever item is in the picture when you click the vault with your key. Kind of like those old arcade games where you have to have good reaction time / timing.

  7. I understand the concept of each vault having unique loot for each player, but I do wish there was a way to allow for a vault to reset for a player, either by a super long cooldown (so it encourages exploring other trial chambers instead of camping one) or maybe something to do with higher level ominous trials?

  8. so i was getting terrible luck with these like more of my OMINOUS trial spawners gave fricking baked potatoes and golden carrots than they gave keys, but one night 2 or 3 days ago i somehow got 2 heavy cores from the same chamber. terrible rng to literal dream luck. but idk i got silence from my first ancient city chest in that world.

  9. Great video as always. I can’t wait to check out a trail chamber now! They seem a little less scary now that I know what to expect! 😊

  10. Trial Chambers are by far the coolest implementation of procedural generation in Minecraft to date. While the variations in other structures help them not all look identical, Trial Chambers turn into interesting and unique mazes.

  11. The vaults not regenerating is really stupid. Especially when you consider how weak the loot is. Why revisit a trial chamber if the spawners produce even less enticing drops?
    Knowing Mojang, finding a new chamber will be even more dumb than their idea of a villager trade rebalance.
    "It encourages exploration!"
    It encourages mods or churn.

  12. For Father's Day, my wife and kiddo took on a trial chamber with me (our first) and it was awesome!! Lots of good loot and several deaths, but mostly just fun. Our trial map took us to the "entrance", which was more like a tunnel that opened directly into a deep slate wall. We didn't have a room like yours, nor a room with a tree. Still need to go back and do an ominous run and explore a few different ones to see more generation and such.

    One question for you (or whoever knows), once you buy a map, how do you get more that point to different trial chamber locations?

  13. I can’t wait to find one in my world! I’m debating trying to find one organically via exploration or getting a map from my cartographer villager. Probably the latter cause I’m impatient. Thanks for the guide thru the chamber! 😊

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