JJ Hide Inside Golem To Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)

so what’s Mikey going to do here aha there you are my friend it looks like he’s building something and it looks like a Golem yeah it looks like a Golem but ah I’ve got something H I don’t have enough pumpkin to fully build a Golem and now no one’s working to sell me a pumpkin H well then I’ll go wake up the villagers come on Mikey go away cuz I’ve got something interesting in mind I’m going to prank Mikey tonight and the best part is that it’s not going to be a simple prank it’s going to be I want to become a Golem I can see that the Golem is not fully built and I have a lever that I can use to open up the blocks and just go inside yeah it’s going to be a little cramped but when Mikey builds the Golem I can control it and therefore he won’t even be able to undermine it and I’ll prank him in the meantime okay I think I got in here somehow now we just have to wait for Mikey to get here ah there’s so little space it’s like I’m in a coffin but when Mikey finishes the Golem there’ll be a lot more space so I finally managed to get the pumpkin no one could squeeze it out of me so I had to steal it yeah it’s not the best deed and I did a terrible thing but my Golem is more important because I want so much to build it and now I’m going to create a new friend to serve me and help me it’s just one step away that’s it all right I finally created you you’re finally going to help me like everyone else huh huh oh huh why is he so red isn’t he supposed to be different he must be special to be this red let’s see what he can do so my new friend as you can see I’m your maker so I’m hoping you’ll be a great assistant to me you and I are going to create a farm and grow a lot of vegetables to sell and make a lot of money uh but first Golem come here you see that zombie over there I want to see what you can do so your job is to destroy the zombie go ahead Golem I’m going to go get some rest it’s getting late you wait for me here Mikey can’t hear me when I talk because I can turn off the Golems what’s that a microphone hey zombies freeze I don’t want to attack you I want you to attack Mikey so get in there and kick his Doors Down go buddy yeah all right I think he understands what I’m saying and that’s good when I talk Mikey won’t be able to hear me because I turned off the microphone but oh my God oh my God oh my God what the hell is that are you out of your mind hey Golem what are you standing there for I told you to destroy the zombie why’d you let him in here oh good then I’ll destroy it myself and what kind of security guard are you if you can’t even handle a zombie there’s a voice function if I turn it on Mikey can hear me and not my voice but the gollum’s voice what are you standing there you could at least help me out a little or are you just stupid and don’t know what I’m asking you for I understand but I’m not going to do anything you tell me to do because I’m going to prank you uh that’s a little weird because I was counting on you to protect me but you’re just a useless piece of walking iron or maybe I’m wrong and you’ve got something else interesting to show me right so it’s the gollem I’ve been thinking of something because you’re not going to stand outside all the time and I’m not letting you in my house what a greedy bug you are Mikey well that’s how I see it I’m going to make a cage for you you’re going to sit here you might even be comfortable sleeping here I just don’t know how Golems sleep or where they live so huh he’s building a cage for me I mean for a Golem and I don’t know if that’s a sign of kindness and respect or mockery it’s more like a dog enclosure than a Golem I don’t know how a tank like that could fit in there H I don’t even know if there’s room for you what do you think Golem oh yeah I forgot Golems can’t talk I thought you could well actually I can turn on the voice button anytime and Mikey can hear me but right now he can’t hear me so I can talk safe and secretly uh uh uh uh well I actually like the look of it I don’t know about the Golem but we’ve got to bait him somehow I’m going to throw some iron bars hey Golem come here I’ll pretend to fall for his trick so I don’t arouse suspicion I’m the dumb Golem who fell for that trap and Mikey’s going to lock me up right oh great now you’re going to sit here while I sleep so you can’t run anywhere and tomorrow you and I will decide what we’re going to do next maybe I can reprogram you somehow what how does Mikey know those words what’s it do huh Mikey said he’s going to bed now well then that’s a great idea for another prank on him but I got to get out of here first Mikey doesn’t realize that I can just break the barriers and get out of here I’m going to do just that but about the prank what would I do when Mikey’s asleep maybe create a lava puddle around him nope I want this prank to be outside and maybe Mikey would be scared when he wakes up and and he’s afraid of heights so that might help me now that’s great but what did I have in mind to scare Mikey well I want to exploit his fear of heights that means I could make Mikey wake up somewhere in the sky oh yeah right I could or I don’t want Mikey to wake up right now so I have an idea I’m going to take his bed with Mikey in it and then I’m going to build a pillar of cobblestones over the top of it so Mikey’s at a great height and then I’ll just leave him there and jump down I don’t take any damage from the fall so it’ll be safe for me but Mikey he’s going to be in trouble because he’s going to have to jump down from here like that he can’t survive and he’ll be sleeping on this bed all the time he’s going to have to figure out something to stop that Loop so in a way this prank is going to be a bit of a puzzle for Mikey we’ll see how he figures out a way to get out of it because I think it’s going to take him a long time and yet look at this I think I’m all set and ready to go to the guy what I have to do do is just leave Mikey here and wait for him to wake up I’m going to stand right here and look at him so go for it I think this is going to be a really cool prank I’ll remind you that Mikey can’t hear me right now but I’ll put my voice on and try to wake him up hey you wake up it’s me JJ your friend come on Mikey wake up I want to play with you it’s your friend JJ huh somebody called me I feel like it was JJ oh no oh my God what the hell is that ah how am I supposed to get out of here now oh my god oh no I’m going to try to jump I can’t believe I’m even here ouch Mikey you’re such a loser you’ll never make it no matter how hard you try hey Golem what are you standing there for why don’t you just help [Music] me not so fast Mikey I’m not just going to let you jump down here he doesn’t even realize that the Golem he built isn’t really a Golem huh oh Mikey you’re not going to make it if you keep doing that there I go again that’s right I’ve got an idea I can do that yeah I can jump off a little bit and put blocks of rock underneath me whoa Mikey that’s a genius plan I thought you didn’t have the brains to figure it out with moves like this yeah cool yeah so Golem you see what I can do that’s pretty cool huh hey Golem now tell me please did you see someone who could do that and what do you want me to say it’s too early to talk to you ah I have a sneaking suspicion there’s something wrong with you you don’t look like a Golem you look like some kind of what it’s like you’re being controlled by some evil spirit and possessed demonically or maybe you set me up I’m going to show you something hey Mikey you don’t have to fight me because I’m much stronger than you and you’re about to find out okay okay okay Golem enough he’s a lot stronger than I thought he was so I can’t take it huh I don’t know what Mikey’s up to it’s like he wants something from me or to do something to me hey I don’t know what Mikey wants to do so let’s hear what he has to say so it’s the Golem I’m sick of your suspicious games maybe you’re not even who you really are ha Woo is he starting to realize I’m inside the Golem no way uh this Golem is freaky weird and I have to do something about it or it’s not going to let me rest so here’s what I’ve come up with if I spawned you I’m going to destroy you I’m going to upload it right here huh where Joe oh wait Mikey’s building something he’s probably building some kind of trap for me and he really thinks the Golem won’t notice and just fall in here we go I’ve already built the pit and now the Golem’s done there’s no way he’s getting out of there this Golem is weird and could be super dangerous so it’s time to get rid of it once and for all not so fast Mikey I’m going to make you fall in there let this be a lesson to you let this be your Bad Karma hey you how did you do that and are you out of your mind wo that’s genius I could push him right in there and he’d fall too no no no no no way Mikey I’m not going to let you just push me in there you’re not going to make it no matter how hard you try hey where you going stop right there God that Golem is too smart steal a bunch of diamonds he hid in his chest huh hey you who said you could go in there get out of my house right now yeah Mikey I will I’ll leave with your diamonds and you won’t even know it I’m going to lure him in somehow like an iron he’ll see the iron and fall right into the hole huh Mikey I’ll play by your rules but not the way you want me to I’m not just going to go in there hey golem look at all that iron in there come on friend get in there and get them it’s all yours so go ahead and get it yeah yeah I’m going to trick Mikey and see how he reacts go Golem go ahead hey I don’t understand what you’re doing hey why are you jumping I told you to go over there what are you doing you took my diamonds and threw them out here are you out of your mind I don’t understand what’s wrong with you I’ll show you what’s wrong with me let’s see how you’re going to get out of here because you don’t have another option oh no what did you do hey get me out of here right now I think said let me out no Mikey there’s nowhere to go and there’s no way to escape so you’ve only got one option go get some lava Mikey come on buddy it’s time for your bath I hope Mikey realizes that the worse he does the worse fate treats him I want him to think about it a little bit uh you know what Golem it’s time to end all these games I’m going to put on some diamond armor and see what you think stop right there I’ve had enough of you I’m done with you because you’re becoming a serious threat to me oh oh oh oh it seems that Mikey is angry and now he wants to destroy me even more time to run I said freeze Golem who the hell do you think you are that you can mock me like this and then just run away you’ll never make it I said stand still I’ll catch up with you sooner or later Mikey’s right I can’t keep running like this I got to do something about him because he won’t leave me alone hey you you dirty piece of metal I said you’re done because you’re starting to piss me off let’s find Here and Now I want to end this right now I realized you’re too smart to be a Golem I don’t know who you are but I knew right away there was something wrong with you and you seem to enjoy mocking me so I’m going to take you down because I created you and you’re a serious threat to me so you have nowhere to run my friend this is your end jeez I’ve never seen Mikey so aggressive it seems like the Golem really messed with him but I got to stop him somehow because we can’t run like this forever it’s time to come up with something new D I’ve thought of something I know there’s a little Cliff here and it’s very deep well I can jump up there and I won’t get hurt because I don’t get any damage from the fall but Mikey does well he’s going to be out of luck at least so I think that’s a great plan hey you talking head come here quick come on jump for [Music] me well you got what you deserve now what how you going to get up now Mikey you feel y stinking Golem it’s all your fault it’s your fault I’m here it’s your fault I can’t get up now it’s your fault God why did I create you what have I done how can I get rid of me stop you filthy creature you horrible piece of iron I said stop you must obey me blah blah blah blah I don’t owe you anything Mikey it seems like the pranking has turned a little bit into some kind of hate I kind of feel sorry for Mikey but the thing is I don’t even know why he’s getting so aggressive because he used to be so calm about these pranks okay here’s the deal I’ve been working on something for a while now and it turns out this house is going to belong to me now yes and yes it’s another prank cuz I have a feeling Mikey’s going to come back here he’s going to get his revenge on me and I’ll be here waiting for him I’m not going to hide from him I want him to know it’s been me all along whoa I see that Maya keeps some items in his house I I could use those resources to build up a little defense against Mikey although he’s in such a state now that he can’t even fight me although I’m wondering if I did the right thing by leaving him in that cave in ah I don’t know but the fault is definitely not me and stubbornness and desire for Revenge that is Mikey’s own fault for giving into his emotions however I still have time to put here a little bit of objects it can protect the house well it’s not not what I thought it would be but it looks pretty good to me well I’ve got time to do something else around here I’m sure Mikey will get here sooner or later not today of course but I’ll have time to live here for a while so I think it’s time to get some rest great I’m glad I got to prank Mikey hey there seems to be someone in there oh my God it’s a person how did you get here uh I fell I was chasing a Golem and I just fell in here he led me into a trap who a Golem trap what kind of Golem is that special Golem that builds traps huh what’s that noise that filthy piece of metal took my house from me he abused me and most importantly he enjoyed it so let’s get together guys and Destroy This vile Golem oops I think I’m in trouble but I’m going to try to scare them all I’m going to try to turn on my voice and scare them so bad they’ll all run away or at least try to everybody get out of here so I don’t see you or I’ll eat you all go away I told you get out of here oh my god oh no where’d you go what the hell is that a talking Golem stop Golem I didn’t know you were so smart I’m sorry I wanted to destroy you let’s fix this and start living together huh that’s a good idea I could tell Mikey all about it after he helps me build my room uh look now this is is going to be your new place what do you think hey Golem you can talk can’t you so tell me what you think about all this huh it’s probably time to tell Mikey what’s been going on all this time cuz this prank has gone on long enough hey Mikey I have something to tell you huh how do you know my name I did not tell you my name Mikey all this time it was me your friend JJ I was in your Golem and I was always pranking you oh come on that can’t be right what the hell did you do I’m sorry Mikey for messing with you like that I was just trying to mess with you but it turned into you wanting to get rid of me

JJ Hide Inside Golem To Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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  1. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

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