today we’re upgrading baby Pokémon all the way into God Pokémon we’re each going to start off by picking one of these three eggs inside is a baby Pokémon and in order to attain more of these eggs we have to complete the challenges that these NPCs give us every time we complete a challenge we get another egg but we only have 30 minutes to get as many God Pokémon as possible and at the end we’re going to battle let’s do this all right arpus choose your egg uh I don’t know uh I want the purple one I’m taking the purple okay I’m going to take this cool looking one all right I’m hatching mine come on mine’s hatching please give me some good give me some good on I’m so nervous please oh I got a Riolu let’s go I will take a Riolu I got a baby Rayquaza no are you serious from my first and you should have picked the purple one are you serious one let’s go baby no way hey there little guy how you doing buddy okay I’m going to pick my first challenge to do good luck thanks okay guys there’s a bunch of different challenges here that we can pick from and every time we complete a challenge we get another egg hi Jack what challenge do you have for me kill your opponent I can do that I want to try to catch a mythical or a legendary Pokémon I think we can do that okay I have my weapon come here where is he oh he’s gone where did he go okay I I got to go get him come here Harish first things first let’s see if we can’t find ourselves a legend legendary Pokemon and here is one right at spawn we have I’m catching that yo well you’re distracted trying to beat me up I just got a legendary and I have my first challenge done well I just completed my challenge too I have my first egg easy peasy and boom just like that we completed Jack’s Challenge and we now have another baby Pokemon egg so after catching kierum of course we have another egg oh our second egg’s hatching I was trying to find another Pokémon that I can beat so we can level up our team okay boys now that we have a second egg let’s start leveling up our Riolu because these baby Pokemon are going to eventually evolve into some Godlike Pokemon and the best strategy to level Pokemon up is to catch highle Pokemon and this is perfect there’s level 59 AIS slash here and guys we have we have a 50 times multiplier on which is going to get our rolu um let’s just say quite a few levels here and we get an Elin from the egg okay that’s interesting we need to find something we can battle cuz we need to start leveling up the rest of our team so let’s take on this Weedle we got 600 exp not bad oh my gosh level 50 holy cow and there we go he evolves into Lucario but after that is when it’s going to get wild boys oh my gosh and I see a zom zenta right there if we just go ahead and catch that thing we’re going to get like an absurd amount of levels oh wait we can actually use the Kum that we caught what am I doing let’s go for Dragon pulse on this Porygon Z boom boom how much exp oh let’s go hi Zabo would you uh do me a favor and stay inside of this master ball for me that would be masterfully wonderful if we can beat this arus I feel like we’ll get so much experience come on kierum I need you to do it but guys look we now have a Lucario that’s for some reason still called real I don’t know why but he is leveling up like crazy right now let’s go this last dragon pul should do it come on yes Rus goes down let’s oh my look at all this exp we need to level up these Pokémon as fast as possible cuz we want them to reach their final upgrade oh my gosh guys I just caught a Blissey and Blissey gives the most XP out of any Pokemon and it gave me 434,000 XP what is that going to get our Lucario up to oh and just like that kierum out of all of our Pokemon is evolving I think a few of our Pokémon are going to evolve here but this will be our first legendary evolution and look at that we have white Kum here and El’s evolving too and no surprise there it evolves into an Electabuzz oh and there we go wait look at this our Lucario is evolving but as you guys know Lucario doesn’t evolve so let’s see what he’s actually evolving into Come on B something oh Mega Lucario yo dude that is so sick as you guys know the only way to get a Mega Lucario is to have a mega ring and put a mega stone on the Lucario but now he just evolves into it and I have a strange feeling this is not going to be his last evolution so while we’re waiting for an egg to still hatch let’s continue to level up our Lucario to see if he evolves again not bad at all though so far let’s see if we can’t get these final Evolutions before we try to do our next challenge come on kierum I believe in you dude having a white kierum is actually so sick I love that Pokemon but here we go come on Ray qu a kid getting those levels buddy Electabuzz I believe in you too and there we go oh my gosh Mega Lucario is level 100 and he is evolving come on boom let’s go a fusion Pokemon zorio that is what I’m talking about and at level 100 he gets his signature move Illusionist Masterpiece real quick actually let’s see what challenge might be easy complete a rainbow Pokemon team attch five fire types ooh let’s try and do that oh and our egg’s hatching our second egg is hatching come come on be something sick come on be something so cool be something so cool be something so cool baby ground are you serious that might be the coolest baby of all time oh here we go our first fire a shiny Volcanion there we go that is a fire and water type view and fenin there’s our second let’s go back to the quests and take on another challenge to collect another Pokémon egg oh here we go Cinder Ras our shiny one too I know C is not going to be happy about about that he loves Cinder but that is three fire types out of five what dream and techno are here dream what’s your challenge craft a golden apple that actually seems pretty hard m a diamond that also seems pretty hard dirt boy please give me something easy give me something easy Farm 64 dirt I’m hungry okay challenge accepted I’ll do this one oh and I see the forth we’ve been getting a lot of starter Pokémon wait oh no I was going to say did we catch three starter Pokemon but they have to be from the same generation for the challenge nevertheless we have one final fire type Pokémon to catch just one oh there we go skull villain a fire in grass type there we go securing our fifth fire type and of course that gives us our next Pokemon egg which is very exciting but there we go now we have a pickaxe so we can get some Stone to craft ourselves a stone shovel which is going to make getting dirt much much quicker I think baby Ray quaz is evolving yes it is so finally we get our hand on the adult Ray quaza let’s go baby I am so happy we have this Pokémon it’s one last Pokemon we have to worry about sidey having and there we go here is the stone shovel let’s try to get ourselves 64 DT we got to go as fast as possible because I know arpus is doing these challenges really quickly as well what am I at 22 W I’m at 22 already actually that was that’s pretty good that’s that’s pretty good come on let’s get this 64 quick come on come on come on 45 46 47 48 49 can I get 50 can I get 50 52 can I get 51 boom 64 that is entire stack of dirt oh come on dude white Kum is so close to level 100 I think I see a walking wake down here right yeah come on let me battle you too white kierum is level 100 not bad at all all right and he’s evolving what will white kierum evolve into oh no way we have gum which is a fusion Pokemon between riam Zam and kierum the original dragon that is so good for our team oh boy I have a present for you here is your entire stack of dirt my friend enjoy that enjoy that buddy my dirt yummy here’s some gross egg I found ohom let’s C thank you dir boy and our next egg is hatching here too dude what is even going on oh my gosh come on what’s it going to be got to be trash please be trash please be trash it’s not going to be trash though dud I feel it’s stanky I hear it I smell the stank no stop it’s not good I think you’re smelling yourself bro because I myselfy let’s go baby on top of that Mr you want to tell me what this challenge is right here you want to just you know what does Ash Ketchum say when you talk to oh get a Pokemon level 100 no arus I did that already too but I didn’t know it was a challenge look what I have y oh you snooze you lose Mr sorry dang it so you have another egg now too my condolences oh my goodness okay well good luck getting the rest of your egg and the rest of your Pokemon to level 100 good luck gosh dang it that guy is always one step ahead of me are you kidding me just like that we get another egg which will hopefully be amazing but what challenge should we start working on maybe catch a mythical catch a Pokémon that’s taller than 10t catch a shiny Pokémon maybe that would be good let’s try to look for a shiny oh wait my egg’s hatching already wait that’s not good the quicker that they hatch normally the worst Pokemon they actually are and it’s a dirt Boy Egg I got a magb I got you know what actually I love magb I I I I don’t even know why I pretend like I was upset about that because mag lowkey is kind of awesome okay let’s use our zororo to just start destroying other Pokemon that should get Magby and our baby Groudon like a ridiculous amount of levels here we go yo look at this look at all the levels that they’re getting cuz this way we won’t get too sidetracked while we’re trying to level up the rest of our Pokémon oh there we go Magby is evolving come on dude oh he evolves in Magmar first duhh but there we go now we have a Magmar dude I feel like that the final evolution of this thing is going to be insane I don’t know why have a feeling hello stack attacka goodbye stack attacka boom baby ooh and real quick too let’s see how much our signature move Elemental obliteration does to arus I am very curious he just one shot it I mean I know we’re level 100 but that’s an arus oh and here we go baby Groudon is evolving now this one is pretty obvious what he’s going to evolve into of course it’s going to be a Groudon and baby l Lugia is evolving please what are we o I mean I’m not not going to say I was surprised we have a normal Lugia evolving from the baby Lugia let’s go look at how beautiful this Pokemon is and the thing is it’s still going to evolve again I don’t know how it’s supposed to evolve again though because that thing is freaking awesome already do we get ourselves a normal Lugia but we just completed this goal as well arus we only have 20 minutes left so make sure you’re you’re ahead of time here to get your entire team to their God level Pokemon I think I’m pretty ahead I think I’m pretty ahead think I have much to worry about right now I’m not going to lie but I appreciate the heads up I really do oh wa ground On’s evolving ground On’s evolving ground evolving guys oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my my my my God oh my God oh my God oh my my God what is he evolving into that is not any ordinary Groudon that is a Primal Groudon just like that we have two eggs in our party to hatch not bad at all let’s just see what we can hatch them into I see one of them is already starting to break so come on I’m just going to keep going straight and just hopefully hopefully it starts to hatch and there we go come on baby we have two more spots on our team to fill up this could be huge oh wait a baby zachian uh I’m pretty sure that’s going to help that is a pretty good Pokemon all right I’m going to level Magmortar up to level 100 and hope that he evolves into something crazy and then I’m going to go do another challenge to collect another baby Pokémon egg let’s see if there’s any Pokemon here that would give me a lot of XP and our final egg is hatching come on please please please please I don’t even want to look at what’s going to be I don’t want to look I’m so nervous this is our final Pokémon it’s got to be good what’s it going to be baby Kyogre yeah I will take that thank you very much okay and just like that we have a full team of six Pokemon time to level them up oo Cobalion that should do the trick I we only need one more level for our Magmortar to evolve and groudon’s getting good levels Magmortar then there we go mag Mor’s evolving oh my what does he evolve into what does he get evolve into please be something crazy give me like a really overpowered Fusion fire Pokémon and that is exactly what it did lucky for us there’s actually a ton of legendary Pokémon around here so if we’re able to beat them that’ll secure us a lot of exp early on which is amazing bro we just got an armor Reds look at this thing and just like that our Rayquaza is evolving I know it says baby Rayquaza but make no mistake this is a fully a grown adult Rayquaza and what he evolve it ooh we get ourselves a ray y that is actually so sick I’ve never used this thing in battle so I really hope it’s super strong it looks like it is but let’s go back to the questing area and accept another challenge catch a mythical Pokemon I think I can do that pretty easy okay okay okay thankfully this groud Ona go down pretty easily there we go yep it does and we’re slowly but surely getting zashi and kogre up to par it’s going to take a second but mythical Pokemon mythical Pokemon mythical Pokemon mythical Pokemon that could be like a Mew it could be an arus it could be a Victini I believe it could be um a dark cry we just killed our one chance at another egg but we have two Pokémon evolving zachian and then Kyogre you can see Kyogre in the back he’s like please dude just let me evolve you got to wait your turn and there we go baby zachian is now a zachian hey dude look what I got I got him a gear to body let’s go now give me my next egg just like that we have a Kyogre as well so the team is coming together I am still very curious what electivire is going to evolve into at level 100 though I’m so excited to see oh wait guys I just realized something too boom baby I just got another egg oh hey RPS I just got another egg dude I think you’re going to be in big time trouble another egg I mean it’s going to need to be a little stronger than an egg yeah but we still have 15 minutes and that is more than enough time for me to get this pokot all the way up to level 100 I mean I could just stop right now if I wanted um you know 15 minutes sounds like a lot of time I could you know go the bathroom I could do my laundry go ahead dude be my guest be my guest be my guest well I actually need to rush a little bit I got to catch up I think all right see you let’s check out these challenges though they’re all Minecraft though and I suck at Minecraft creft golden apple see I don’t even know how to do that Mr Beast build the best looking Pikachu statue Farm netherite craft a wooden pickaxe wait I can do that though I can do that oh wait Groudon is evolving hold on hold on hold on oh oh baby look at this thing we just got ourselves a grow Chomp that learn the move terrestrial Revolt it’s signature move at level 100 hello Mr tree I I just need this for a second I just need to borrow this for a moment I will bring it back trust me boom give me the planks okay give me that boom uh oh let’s make a stick uh we we need this one let’s go we made a wooden pickaxe oh my God I am the best Minecraft player ever sorry police man but it’s been done dude my team is so sick I can stare at it all day but unfortunately we don’t have all day to stare at it and I guess while we wait for our egg to hatch let’s go back and accept another Quest and just like that we now have our sixth Pokémon I’m so glad I realized geam wasn’t actually on the team cuz it was from a kierum that we caught and we just kept leveling up to 100 to level up our other stuff but here we go oh my gosh this Groudon would be amazing to take on let me just do that close combat b b and let’s see any would have anything easy Farm neite oh my God that sounds so hard um how about you catch a fish okay how about you catch three starter Pokémon from the same generation guys it seems like arpus has been doing all of these challenges so quickly that there’s not many left this guy though has a challenge that’s catch a Pokemon taller than 10 ft I think I can do that well then our sixth and final egg is hatching come on baby we need something crazy here something crazy and it’s a PanAm I have no idea what this is going to turn into so let’s hope that it just evolves fast oh wow pansam what legendary Pokemon could that turn into I have no idea give me like an onyx give me like a uh riam um Dragonite come on come on come on come on cesa that’s it dude this thing is like 35 ft do come on Boom well we’re at least going to find out the first evolution right now so come on Pancham what you going to be there a dark and fighting type Pokémon so maybe something in that direction oh oh there there’s another do you see the Cub Fu behind it they’re Brothers oh and our egg is hatching perfect timing let’s go come on what is it going to be what is it going to be what is it going to be what is it going to be what is it going to be baby evelt yo okay look at this thing oh my gosh he is adorable but guys we have no time to waste let’s go redeem our other egg and riant is level 100 which is amazing we’re going to get our signature move here soaring slash there we go on top of that I think raan’s about to evolve and yes it is holy crap hey there we go we got our egg thank you sir pleasure doing business now boys it is time to level up our baby evelt obviously is going to evolve into a regular evelt but we all know it’s going to get crazyer than that here we go we just found a Rayquaza as well let’s just uh terrestrial Revolt now it is a ground type move so you guys are probably like dude it’s not going to hit it Dr Type move well um actually it does because that is the really cool ability of his signature move is that even though it’s a ground type move it still can hit flying type Pokemon what’s it going to be Ray crosa is here wow an unexpected but amazing Evolution I cannot believe that electivire is level 100 I cannot wait to see what this evolves into what’s it going to be oh that is awesome a Mara Ora which is Mewtwo and Zera Ora fused together of course an electric type just like electivire boom and there we go baby baby Evol is evolving let’s go dude now we have ourselves a fully grown regular evelt this thing is sick boom and it looks like our egg is also hatching so by the time this guy gets to a pretty high level we should be hatching our next Pokémon as well oh I see zachian about to evolve like let’s go dude what’s it going to be oh kyogre’s going to do it too oh he has leveled up to Crown form zachian which is just a stronger version of zachian Kyogre has evolved into Primal Kyogre that is so sick dude and there we go it’s happening it’s hatching what is it going to be please be something sick please be something crazy give me the money Aon I mean that evolves into aggon event ually which is a really sick Pokémon and that puts us even closer to our goal come on we can take out the celesa can’t we we can take out the celesa yep get it out of here and there we go Aon is evolving into a Lon then into an agon but Lugia is finally evolving it is time to see what this is going to turn into come on Lugia W baby we have iron torrent AKA future form Lugia that is just so sick dude yes yes oh EV belal is evolving yo oh my gosh dude what the heck is he going to evolve whoa oh my gosh we got ourselves an iron nightmare future form of EV belto we don’t have much time left so let’s try to get at least one more Quest done so we can get a full team of Pokemon catch three starter Pokemon of the same generation I think that that is probably the easiest of the challenges left so let’s see if we can do zachian is now level 100 so let’s see what Crown zachian will evolve into I’ve got a pretty good feeling about this one I mean it doesn’t get much worse than zachian and it he gets a ton better zashi is is here let’s go and not only that but Kyogre is evolving too ooh swamp ogre is here Swamper and Kyogre fused together one of the fast Fusion Pokemon oh and boom baby there is the rowet completing all three of the Generation 6 starter Pokemon which means after I catch this thing I can go redeem another egg which leaves us with our final two Pokemon to evolve hopefully this one Snorlax will maybe get us there no one more Pokemon come on who’s the victim hello evil Professor I have all three Generation 6 starter Pokémon it’s time to give me another egg arus we only have 5 minutes left I hope your team is looking strong because my team is kind of crazy I’m not going to lie all I need is one more Pokemon to evolve Mr siren and my team is ready oh gosh okay I’m going to need a little bit more than that I think you definitely are you going to want to think of a strategy for this one trust me and we’re level 100 and we’re evolving I got to go an agard let’s go learning gigaton volcano an insanely strong move and guys now we only need one more po Pokémon on our team and we should be ready to go but we only have 2 minutes to do so come on dude we got to go fast let’s get our final evolution for the team U what you going to turn into buddy we have Ray Shu and our egg is hatching perfect timing let’s go baby gutina are you serious oh my goodness okay okay okay let’s try to get this thing to level 100 as fast as possible Cobalion you’re about to eat my Smack come on come on oh my God she’s getting so many levels oh my God she’s getting so many levels this is awesome this is like the best day ever yes she’s evolving let’s go baby gutina he should realistically just evolve into gutina right like that’s that obvious one but uh the not so obvious one is H what’s coming next look at this thing dude he’s so sick honestly I don’t even need him to evolve he is so cool already and he’s already insanely strong but he’s going to get insanely cooler and insanely stronger oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she’s evolving oh my gosh she’s evolving oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh gutin is evolving what is he going to evolve into we only have 1 minute left boys we don’t have that much time oh gutina origin form yo are you serious dude that is so crazy that is one of the scariest looking Pokemon I have ever seen in my entire life come on let’s get him to level 100 boys come on let’s go and we did it oh my God he’s level 100 oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I can’t believe we did it time is literally like at 1 second right now come on come on come on whoa is that a guitar it is a guitar yo is’s learning the move underworld Awakening let’s go look at how epic this is right when the time is running out as well well now boys it is time to battle arpus let’s see if we can win arpus it is time to battle I’m leading off with my first ever Pokemon My Baby R your first ever oh my God it’s so it’s evolved now look at him he’s came so far too bad I got to shut him down right here yeah okay dude we’ll see about that buddy we’ll see about that buddy he’s got me he got me confused I’ll tell you that oh oh like a cut I I volt switched i v he got out of there yeah I was scared I was a little scared I’m going to be honest scared of yourself that’s sorry you got to you might have to talk to the therapist about that I just got confused cuz I didn’t know who was who and then my brain turn into a pretzel when it turns into a pretel I panic and run away and so that’s what I did but anyway B baby ground this should do a lot of damage anyway psycho cut yeah okay that’s going to do nothing and you’re in immune I have levitate why do you have oh because Mewtwo I guess can levitate I had no idea I had no idea I did not know you would levitate bro oh my gosh that is crazy well you got a free hit off this one still should scadu you into another dimension yep I guess I should have clicked that on the first turn but I didn’t know dude I didn’t know I didn’t know um okay what do I go out into do I go into my strong Fusion or my really strong Fusion or good question oh my Paradox this Pokemon is I I got this to 100 and it didn’t involve to gidon please don’t have levitate that’s all I’m saying if you don’t have levitate dude you might be sent to a new dimension oh oh what 3.7% HP oh I live too it SP doesn’t kill that thing stinks bro oh my gosh oh no PO oh no poger is here oh no he’s here I know intimidating this is a very very scary Pokemon I do not like that thing at all there we go we get an ice beam off perfect I’m just going to go here ooh and what I’m going to do arpus is wait this has me scared I have no idea what you’re going to do um I don’t think I’ll kill but I’ll do a lot boom okay I’ll take that I’ll take that I will take that I will take that close combat that did a lot of damage I’m in the red now hello I think this Pokemon should do exactly that it should be just a Teensy wey f it should be should pretty good now the question oh my gosh outrage locks himself into outrage dude dang I wish I had something for that I wish I had something for that he pulls out the I do most overpowered Fusion I think ever okay does does a bit more thankfully we are able to hang on and we can get a tiny bit of damage off before we go down you did great I will take that I will take that I’m okay with that because that Pokemon is so scary yeah we’re just trading poke we just keep trading back and forth know bro this is a really good battle so far I’m going to go out into this guy Ru this is a Pokemon I’ve never used before so I’m pretty ex wait what are you laughing at wait what is funny wait what is funny my screen it’s just a pink it’s just pink and black squares well on my screen it’s freaking awesome and on my screen it’s about to destroy you I’m going to click close combat then F no let’s go dude I I bet that Pokemon looks so cool I really wish I got this D it is really really cool but it’s not that cool that it’s so slow and that you’re faster than it and if you’re faster than this ganar as well it might be ggs I really need to go first here please might be the draconic strike comes through and takes down the gett let’s what a good battle that was GG Mr yeah that was close very close if you guys enjoyed that and want to watch another awesome Pixelmon video make sure to leave a like and click right here

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  1. yoy suird commented 2 idea for 2 fushoin pokemon on your We RANDOMIZED Our STARTERS To Get GOD POKEMON In MINECRAFT! here. were the fushion pokemon plz replaay with a mabey atleast fushion pokmon a fushon between green ninja mega/ battle mode and arceus it will be green ninja body with the cooler of arceus and we cant forget and bout the water wheel on the back it will be made out of arceus ring it typeing should be water and psychic or waater and normal plz add this fushion and then next 1 is the first fushion with zamazaenta it fushoin with evaltl
    plz add 1 of thesse 2

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