[Music] there you are I’ve been calling for you where did you go oh you want to show me something hey my castle my friend who did this oh no no no my poor minions they got squashed by these wait a minute Souls I haven’t had these in a while but still where are these things come from anyway I got to get to the bottom of this let’s see where uh let’s go up here to investigate a little oh oo I can see everything but I can’t see who did this let’s see everything looks normal but oh they’re jumping out of the sky again what why are there so many oh did they drop any Souls oh yummy but still where did these things come from in the first place where are the huh what is that dude I told you to fix the roller coaster what uh I did come on did you see how much further those villagers went it was awesome oh my they’re not supposed to die on the ride the damn invisible this is a cival what what my Island I can’t believe this this doesn’t look anything like it will track the undead no imagination I just I can’t deal with how far did that one go oh man it went completely up that you trying to kill people on the ride whatever Zan get out here whatever I’m coming another one of those things got it here well at least he lived and there goes the Villager he killed my minion come on we’re not going to make any emeralds at this rate guys all right now what is going on with a coaster Pierce what did you do oh just you wait oh it’s so good idiots rigged the coaster to kill people myties cannot believe these players coming over to take over my Banshee Island on top of that this place looks like it’ll attract the living I want the dead huh wait I think I have an idea I still can’t believe I didn’t notice humans building here they could have built a little bit better it’s kind of nice but still oh my gosh you idiots rig this thing to launch people off the top I can’t even rrap my head around any of this because it’s so Advanced right because it’s so dumb Zane how’s it going huh okay I think I’ve got the launch ready and go there go there you go there you go if I could I would oh oh my gosh Come on is Ain you’re supposed to fix that maybe not you better not get my house are you two even going to help huh what oh oh uh yeah you’re doing great guys keep up the good work thanks oh you guys are wonderful I love you Z we can’t trust him okay let me give it another shot I think I can do this you know I’ve been thinking Pier since you broke BR this maybe you should be the one that fix this oh yes fix fix not break actually I think you may be right about that hey Pierce go get in Oh I like that idea yes yes yes yes yes of course test it right [Music] now let’s go I think this rid is out of order you better hope it doesn’t kill you go go go go go go go go go woo wait what’s going on you fix itok what’s going on there oh oh I don’t think you fixed it dude you don’t want to set up up and the way I didn’t mean oh he’s dead wait how didd he die um guys what happened I wish I could tell you man what should we be asking you twoo what you do to the ride oh hello boys wait but what are you what what is this thing hello I’m a Banshee an omen of death I’m here to collect your souls like this H excuse me dude arrows don’t work against ghosts I panic what do you want from me oh my God I can’t I can’t want anybody here no effect on me cute lady listen I didn’t do anything here the roller coaster go go go your build was bad to begin with time to call some more Destruction for Souls wonderful I could do this all day I have so many amazing powers and I’m ready to get revenge all right let’s see I get to live in a castle and have my minions wait hang on hang you said that big awesome castle is yours maybe I mean I lived there so I guess it’s mine for sure what what oh I’m just talking to miss big death lady about her castle you know just being neighborly and I want that treasure Excuse me give me the treasure no way chance um I I I I could just look at it later hey guys look what I found some more these things stuck in oh no you don’t you’re not with anyone come here you no got dead are mine on the now is not the time to be killing those things N I got nothing better to do and hey wait wait wait what’s that hold on it’s another one I got this one I wouldn’t do that you can’t believe this stop hitting the ghost us out your friends are going to scare off all our customers and because your dumb Friends were broke St away your customers this was my Island first besides you’re launching your customers to death we didn’t all do that okay it was just a select two idiots from our group that did it you guys better run why for himself where do we go where do we go bye this might be fun if I prank him a little don’t follow me say this is my hiding spot there we go say you IDI you’ll let her right here go she’s right outside we know we can’t see her what we doing I don’t know they’re scared all right let’s see let’s just uh see how this goes on the Bri side every those ghost are afraid of bumper cars right what’s going on I thought you was all talk they’re [Music] Hur look at those bumper cars a I turn their bumper cars into ghouly cars okay made it back to the Vault all right let’s add some Souls I’ve gathered into my vet and see where things go at H let’s see are these around here there we go oh look at you minions so cute I love the Undead Okay let’s see now that I’m not bothered I should be able to bring these little guys outside come on I need people to patrol the castle just in case those humans come back this way through the portal there we go a look at you all oh you’re so cute such cute things to die for see I told you guys there was a castle wow how did you even find this place probably but he wasn’t helping us build anything oh so finding a big ruined Castle packed with treasure isn’t helping no it isn’t at all we’re building a theme park not a castle you idiot oh they didn’t get the hint dare they they’re getting on my last nerves hey wait for me come on oh look at this place yeah dude look at all the stuff we can use for our theme park this is great Ian whatever I need to convince them to leave a different way I guess let’s see there we go St put a stupid scary castles wait uh hello hi there uh what’s what you got there huh whoa uh Hey gu guys check this out think an AR said just challenged me to a dance off you are hearing the stuff you’re saying before you say it right wait no no I’m serious wow actually it’s pretty good at is this armor booves no stop the music kill it kill it wait Did you see me did you see the armor attacked me guys H you want about Pierce it’s just an armor sent it’s not going to hurt you if no one’s inside of it whatever Ain did you find anything over here oh dude there’s nothing over that way this is kind of fun having them around for scaring of course something weird is going on I Don’t Think We’re Alone wait wait a second is it that ghost lady oh it’s just a wait did did you say ghost lady Pierce okay F ghost ghost get me out of here get me out dude just one ghost all right and you’re not even going the right way to get out of here excuse me it’s a bit here oh she’s here of course you for could take on one ghost so you admit it right what about more than one more than one oh I don’t like this oh I think we made a mistake I’m no no you guys are seriously chickening out no we’re not what okay I tried to think of a better phrase but we are chickening out that pans is going to keep killing us if we don’t oh is a cute ghost girl going to be a little bit too much for you guys is she going to kill you sounds like you’re all just a little bit oh no no no no no don’t you say it oh I’m going to say it you guys are a little bit chcken no you know Aaron when you put it like that Pierce get out of the boat already go wait hang on we’re not really going to take ‘s boat instead no don’t take mine oh all right here I’m looking to First you killed my pets then you build this now you’re going to leave it for me to tear down completely you all now have some work to do actually I have an idea why don’t we make a certain deal well I don’t know if I want to make a deal with a ghost girl well you boys want to run an amusement park right yeah fine but I want the perfect spooky island and um who would pay us to come here which means you guys are actually going to help me achieve my dream of turning this park into a park for the undead got it we can make some adjustments to it could work all right but how do we know you’re not just going to turn around and kill us when we’re done and what kind of adjustments are we doing I don’t know why don’t you show me some of your best scary Park ideas and we can go from there oh this looks pretty good all right hey gohost girl we’re finished oh yeah yeah yeah let’s see show me what you got oh oh me me okay so uh this needs to be a scary park right so what’s better than a haunted house but go on follow me as I guide you to the scariest place of all school no oh you may think those are bats but those are books wow scary BS and the teacher oh no he’s going to give us a book report oh wait what’s even wor sended teacher if you follow me behold the principal oh it’s a zombie how cute yeah he’s super scared that’s actually pretty good oh kind of looks like oh thank you this is pretty good I actually was pretty scared but I think I got something way scarier scarier you say yeah come on I’ll introduce you to the ultimate House of Horror oh come here come here come here this is a flower garden now get ready for this all right now come on not in but be careful for what blink once and they’ll destroy you um oh my gosh dude dude we’ve talked about this the butterflies just make sure you stay perfectly still they can smell fear oh okay follow me if you want a real scare right this way uh nice try Pierce thanks ooh Now Behold nice uh-huh uh-huh you like it um wait what is what the huh oh it’s a fancy Pizza slicer yeah you like it Pizza let me see if I can are you all you okay bud you were saying my pizza I can’t your arm wor I got it it’s fine it’s fine okay oh my gosh guys none of this is scary at all all right fine I got one last thing hopefully it’ll impress you I had to fix a roller coaster anyway so I thought I’d make it a little bit more dangerous o wow and here it is oh I see it I made the Co are too dangerous huh it’s dangerous it’s not deadly pears it’s okay I guess this is perfect the undead will love this oh we got a blade and a fire ring and there’s oh it’s dark and spooky and everything wonderful yeah I put a lot of work into it look a customer how’s it going um oh hello sir hello oh look at that oh there’s more a wait are these guys going to pay though oh I’m so glad I decided not to slaughter you guys same what was that nothing nothing nothing don’t worry about it wait what did we just get money oh you did out I think we just got paid what hang on yeah me too but this isn’t money o hey we’re rich oh my goodness wait I I don’t think this is making us rich this is even better than I thought I’m not sure I can spend this it’s not even real money what the heck it’s Souls just give it to me no uh a home sweet home wow this place really sucks still no offense to you ghost girl wow thanks well actually don’t don’t listen to him I love the whole evil Undead Queen thing you got going on here it’s great it’s great plus it’s delightfully Gastly hope you like this place wait until you see what I’m about to show you though yeah where are we going remember joked touch a thing got it oh right oh yeah of course get your treasure you will get your treasure when I get mine understood yeah yeah I treasure treasure yeah don’t worry about the skeleton it’s fine don’t yeah okay normally I just go through the walls but you can’t do that lie down where um let me try let me try no uh you know what I have this button here so I could just there we go now you should be able to get down five how far down does this go see you down there I’m ready for Treasure okay so now we have to put the souls in the back wait Vault mhm come here this way let’s see I have all these HS there we go perfect all right give me the rest please oh yeah the wait uh hang on I told Ian to get him Ian what what I am not your bag boy I made Pierce get him Pierce yep he did and I completely forgot so wonderful yeah now no no no wait wait wait wait wait what let’s just go back and what’s this wait no no no no no no is it treasure you doing what the heck is that thing bad for him good for me oh oh no no no okay okay help let’s just go back to the mum par Park and get some more come on home sweet wao what the wait the park who did this where saying don’t tell me you did this I thought we were all on board hey don’t look at me I was starting to get into this place it was growing on me besides I was with you it couldn’t have been me wait it could have been any of us we’re just the castle yeah wait we were all together who was it then what the what the he is that thing Barbie what is that get back here oh that thing’s ugly come here a weird baby what is this thing so fast go kill it through the fire is he throwing Dodge him and kill it oh come here the hole missed it but don’t break it it won’t help trust me a got it did you got him yeah little Gremlin nice okay wait where did that thing even come from the nasty little trickster things don’t worry about it they’re thieves that uh-oh oh no no no what’s wrong that is sound good uh wait wait what’s going on out with it what is it okay wait where did you guys say you left the souls act well I put them in a chest in the kitchen for safekeeping okay oh no oh no no no no no no no what what what are you freaking out about oh great don’t tell me they turned into those things um it’s gone oh well no it was this chest yeah the one that pierced was supposed to get what um well the souls were useless anyway so what does it matter mhm what they were clearly important for something Zane yeah obviously see this is why you should never leave me in charge of anything I don’t took it so now that you’re responsible for that you’re going to help me get him back understood oh all right let’s see those little things must be around here somewhere oh okay look on the bright side if you hadn’t missed that spawner we wouldn’t get to walk through this nasty swamp excuse me Z I wouldn’t you’re the ones who started this in the first place so I don’t want to hear remember they like to uh eat people so be careful oh I’m sure it’s fine it’s no problem hey look what there’s bats It’s Just Bats what is it wait why should we be afraid of it’s a bat trap duh they’re just bats the thing is back wait what oh oh I’m so creepy oh wonderful oh this is not a good sign what are the best doing are you right it’s not a good side oh no no no no no no no no no good luck guys take this back get him get him stand back I’ve got this okay I’m standing back now sorry give me a second okay don’t mess with the bats please okay let’s uh oh wait hold on what I know there’s nor for Minecraft but these are in a cave okay ESP special cave so be careful look if we just move slow I’m sure it’ll be F yeah I saw that coming The Edge careful careful careful I did it place sucks too at least some can listen come on over here wait a minute oh what they have a king yeah obviously there got to be a big one I’m the queen of the Banshees obviously so they have one too okay well let’s just get this over with then get him kill him and oh they’re graits got and they’re dropping Souls yeah take those your blast on it on me you soul okay wait oh hey I’ve got some Souls did you just take damage I thought you were Inc constructible old sword gold is your weakness isn’t it what no besides aren’t explosions and dying your weakness I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah I saw it coming okay so now that the boys are busy the souls go in and oh it’s fil o wait where’s the upgrade I was supposed to get something cool oh ooh what’s that let’s oh no it’s horrible with all the eyes and the teeth and the biting no it’s got my leg half help us be for you so many tentacles The [Music] [Laughter] Agony and the Oscar goes to us for tricking a banse what yeah yeah yeah that’s you Pi she knows she knows oh let me out oh what’s the matter can’t ghost through these gold bars see oh why what am I always saying gold is the most useful ore yeah don’t get ahead of yourself all right guys I went everywhere around I didn’t wait what the heck is going on where did you even get all this gold oh we took it from the powered rails of your roller coaster Z said you wouldn’t mind Pierce I told you not to say that oh my God I’m going to kill you all shut it just let me out of here we had a deal yeah a deal that we’d get you souls and we’d get some trasure only funny thing about that we ain’t seen no treasure so we figured let’s just take over yeah well there you go there’s a treasure pay can I get out now please oh I got it uh no no I know there’s more with this came from we’re going down to the Vault let’s see you know what you guys are truly the real monsters here you decided to come to my Island wreck my house and hurt my ghosties hey wait we didn’t all oh no no no Aaron Aaron I want you to listen to me very carefully cuz I’m only going to say this once Ian is right what the you take that back look she got everything that she wanted and we got nothing are you in or out treasure treasure yeah well let’s go treasure fine wow guess it’s like that huh let’s see oh oh there you are uh can you help me out here not go to sleep oh now I’m stuck in here forever that cat’s never going to wake up oh well oh well what the hey you’re back yeah of course I am I’m not want to stab someone in the back plus I trust you and when we’re done you’re going to owe me oh well why did you follow them if you weren’t stealing my treasure oh it was a distraction oh okay the Top’s open so you can I guess you must can’t be useful anyways I wanted to get them caught off guard so I can hear them scream a that guess was dead on all right you take the stairs and I’ll go right down all right yeah yeah got it let’s see where those guys are at those meanies they’re not here H let’s see if I can use this power to oh o I did get a new power nice wait did something happen or ah I can’t wait to try this out I don’t know what it does where’ the boys go though did you see him down here anywhere I have no idea but they probably went to that portal knowing them all right let me try this out okay where there they are all right boys oh boy huh who’s in that it’s time to try my power what power new power oh my oh what is this oh I’m so scared I’m stuck to Ian and Pierce it wait that does kind of suck but I still thought it’d be more scary this is nothing that is fun I can s out the world underneath them I guess I’m have a final power oh you’re you’re not going to throw me in there right want to go back to the park with me uh no woo die fun

She’s got a KILLER singing voice…
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. Okay wait..hear me out but what if there was a video like- “One bunny on a wolf only island” like I haven’t seen much bunny videos-😦

  2. Is it me or does that crown look very similar to the crown in a Mario game and due to the similarity with the crown I can see a copyright inside you can't really just take a crown from Mario game and expect me not to notice I am literally done Mario fan and the memorial fan which means I will know if you take something from Mario or not so watch out because you might get a copyright strike and I'm warning you now

  3. Hffuensdbsjynemwncms, rkxnc și, de xnzewrmm 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  4. 💜love aph:0
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