Minecraft, But Ores Are Super..

in this video I play in a Minecraft world full of super ores basically instead of normal ores filling up the world such as iron gold emeralds or even diamonds today they’re all super from Super coal to Super gold super diamonds and even super netherite every Super ore drops its own tier of op items that I’ll need to use in a 1V one battle at the end and the loser of this battle has to jump out of a plane in real life so watch until the end to see what happens all right am so if you lose you have to jump out of a plane at 15,000 ft I don’t want to do that well then you better win good luck goodbye all right so we are playing this in UHC mode which means we do not regenerate so I cannot take pointless damage whatsoever and I need to get some food right now but essentially we have a 30 minute period to go down into these caves and mine a bunch of super ores and EM is already getting an upgrade and if we lose we have to skydive in real life and I don’t know about you but I am terrified of height so I’m going to go ahead and do a hay bale mining session make myself a bunch of food bam also do a wood mining session and oh my goodness em has already lost four and 1 half hearts okay so she’s not doing as good as we thought we have to conserve those hearts remember it’s hardcore every heart matters we’ll go ahead and make a pickaxe and with this we will dig straight down and the first Super ore is going to be cold so I’m hoping we can find you know what instead of digging straight down it might actually be better to find a cave cuz that way we will get those ores early on and that way I actually don’t risk falling into lava so for once in my life guys I’m going to take the smart approach and you guys should leave a like if you agree with it right now let’s try and get to like 4,36 likes on this video and here we go a cave and what super ore is that it looks like coal and there’s another one right there so this is the first Super or there are tons of super coals all over the place and so this is the worst of all of them and I have no idea what it’s going to drop but I’m not expecting much there’s also a skeleton down there that I have to be kind of weary of I break oh my goodness what it just gave me iron from coal okay so super coal is kind of good so it drops gold iron beef I have enough iron now to make an iron pick which means I’m going to be able to mine super diamonds already so I’m going to go ahead it’s really not much though it’s like the same kind of stuff over and over again again it’s giving me food so there’s that but I already kind of took care of my food but with these three iron ingots I can now go ahead and make that iron pickaxe so we’ll keep this and I’m just going to throw a bunch of this trash out I don’t need it but I think I’ve gone through the entire rotation of stuff that you can get from a super coal I think that’s pretty much it although I do like the idea of getting you know food and more iron it’s not bad there’s more Super coal over here I just I guess I will break it as I go but now I want to find a super iron even though we’re already getting iron and there’s a skeleton remember guys it’s hardcore Hearts this is going to be big oh my goodness he took four Hearts away from me and in that same time M just made an iron pick and she’s regen some of her health so she’s going a lot better than I am and oh my goodness around the corner we have super iron okay so this is the second of the ores that I want to explore today obviously cuz I need the items to beat M in the final battle and this will drop a chest and iron this is also not that good but cooked food and wood so it’s a bit of an upgrade take you call this why not but really what we’re trying to get to is that super diamond the super gold all the good stuff and even super netherite cuz this is just not going to cut it I’m not getting anything but I will say I have 10 iron ingots which is enough well 11 now and some gold I can go ahead and make myself an iron chest plate and I guess that’s what mem used to gear herself up so she’s already found some super iron now I will take my Iron Pig and I will dig straight down to try and find more Super ores and if you already left like should now if you think I’m going to survive this and I did so if you left a like you’d be right wait did I did I survive it oh my gosh so I am getting some gold from these but it’s not nearly enough at the rate I’m losing health and I’ve almost got blown up by a creeper I don’t need you right now I’m at 3 and 1/2 Hearts there’s a m shaft chest here luckily with a golden apple in it and I am eating that right now it’s just more iron and more coal at least that’s enough iron to make more armor which I need but the way I’m playing right now it’s bad go Bango we’re almost fully kitted up and that’s more coal I’ve only seen iron and coal so far would like any other ore and there’s another M shaft chest and that looks like more Super iron oh my goodness unless the uh the more powerful ores drop oh is this super gold I think that might be super gold that’s different to this that’s a piece of super gold and that just dropped okay bottles of enchanting which means enchantment table so I’m going to go ahead and use all that get eight levels but unless the super diamond or some of the super ores drop enchanted golden apples I might have like the only one that’s going to be in this battle cuz there’s no way she is going to find any and I am all of a sudden finding lots of this super Gold Everywhere which is good because it drops some pretty good stuff got to watch out for the zombie again I do have the Notch Apple so if I am in trouble can resort to that you know what I’m going to do I’m just going to quickly make a pair of iron boots iron sword and actually be prepped for this kind of stuff but yeah get out of here zombie and hello super gold what else do you drop gold apples okay they spam golden apples wait is it just all golden apples and gold and diamonds okay that’s the iron this is the gold obsidian okay the obsidian will help us get to the nether to get the super netherite which is I think the most powerful one I’m going to go ahead and eat this Golden Apple we need more Super gold or just any of that stuff really and is that super red stone I see right there okay hold on I need to see what super Redstone does I’m actually kind of curious I don’t expect it to be good I don’t expect it to be as good as gold but I expect it to be gosh that went through the lava and now I’m on fire no no no no no no no no no no no that was like the worst case scenario oh and that’s super lapis okay so we have super Redstone super lapis and super gold all in one spot let’s start mining these I’m going to get the super gold first I got another golden apple and Diamonds oh my goodness I’m going to die okay I’m at half a heart so I think I’m going to have to go ahead and use this Notch Apple I hate to have had to use it there but I was going to die literally and look at M and oh my goodness she just got ice bucket challenge so that means she’s getting lots of obsidian too dude super red stone drops diamonds and ender pearls that’s huge for combat that will allow me to teleport around and then here is super lapis and that’s a zombie bro I just healed up I don’t want anything to do with you right now super lapis drops gold blocks and iron blocks we’ll take all the gold we can I don’t have apples though that’s the only issue so I can’t actually make them into oh that’s just the iron again I can’t make them into anything yet but I do have the gold okay so at this point the only two ores I need left are super diamonds and super netherite but I can just mine the heck out of super gold honestly I like super lapis and Redstone if I could find more of those that’d be good it looks like I’m going to need to go even lower to get that diamond and I also have super lapis here which I will mine I mean I’m going to grab all this cuz look at the loot bro I mean this is insane wait a second what are these what are these it’s a super diamond okay wait what do these drop okay wo wo wo wo enchanted book enchanted book what is on the enchanted book looting enchantment level 1,000 okay okay so we have this we also have an anvil if I wanted to with the 14 levels I got from the uh bottles of enchanting I go ahead and combine these right now I now have a looting enchantment level a th000 sword so if I kill anything in the game I’m guaranteed the best drops basically because it’s 1,000 now what else does this drop is this another cool book efficiency Unbreaking level 1,000 wait a second with these diamonds we could make the ultimate pick right now diamond pick baby and oh my God gosh wait a second with all this power oh my goodness it’s like we literally have haste on our pick I can mine everywhere infinitely oh my good bro I just found a super Emerald it dropped a totem of undying I can hold that now with that in my hand I’m like pretty much unkillable well not really em is back up to nine hearts and I’m sure she’s probably got diamond armor by now but this is going to be oh and I just got diamond armor this is going to be a crazy fight at the end but also this pick is going to help me so much in finding a lot of these ores now this is like it’s like easy mode also super diamonds have dropped the best stuff so far no it’s an elytra yo give me that yo this is hype this is hype okay let me just break this another enchanted book what does this one have protection level 1,000 on my diamond chest plate yes wait do we even have enough XP for this we need four okay which one was the one that dropped those I think it was super gold which we can definitely find fine I mean this is so easy now oh my goodness but we are not going to have to worry about dying anymore that’s for sure I have a protection 1,000 chest piece with this protection I think even with three hearts we should be good but now we have to make our way to the nether so that we can get the super netherite 3 2 1 obsidian mining session oh my goodness all the obsidians gone and that’s 28 oh my goodness and into The Nether we go and she just saw that she also sees that I’m at 1 and a half hearts and she’s still at nine so I don’t think she’s that worried and oh my goodness they’re super quarts bro okay yo what does this drop potions no way okay I didn’t even know there was super quarts I was coming here for the super netherite there’s more ores in the nether I’ll activate speed it oh my goodness she is in the Nether and she has full diamond Enchanted armor she’s actually more strong than I am I need to get the heck out of here what am I doing bro here we are oh my goodness with my looting a th000 sword I wonder if I kill a Wither skeleton will I get the Wither heads and should I spawn the wither during the final battle that could be a play I actually really don’t even know why I wanted to come to a fortress I guess they have good loot in here for some reason I came to the Nether and I came to the Fortress because that’s what I would normally do when I come to the nether but I was looking for netherite so I have to actually dig down into the caves but because we’re here now I do want to test that Wither Skeleton thing all right here you guys are oh I killed one and he did not drop the Wither skull did this guy no they just drop a lot of everything else oh my gosh there are wither skulls here yo yo yo yo two of them that’s how rare these are look how much of every other item there are I got two okay well now that I have two I might as well get a third and surprise her in this battle oh gosh she’s like what are you doing Grazer yes I got it grab some of this I think you only need like four five wa piglin hello there boom so we have the materials to spawn an actual live with during this battle good bro what in the world that is netherite super netherite let’s mine it waa it dropped a netherite chest plate and netherite armor and there’s enchanted golden apples and enchantment tables I have five enchant how am I going to die in this fight wait there’s netherite armor now I might as well take this it’s a full set cover me in debris oh my goodness now em is going to be like he’s on to something she’s freaking out in the chat right now so go ahead and put netherite here and here because I already have those crazy enchants on the others and that’s going to be better than any normal netherite armor so we’ll just have that and we’ll break this and that dropped a bunch of Spawn eggs uh do I want spawn eggs are these going to be like any use what kind of Spawn eggs zombie and zombie villager wither could be good a wither skeleton anyway but I’ve broken them all now so I think we’re just about ready to fight I just got to get back to the Overworld safe and sound there’s lava everywhere time time all right guys so it’s time that I go in fighter and remember if I lose this battle I have to jump out of a real life airplane so wish me luck all righty M this fight will determine which one of us has to go skydiving and I really don’t want to I am terrified of heights I think it’s going to be you and go all right what are you going to do what are you going to do oh you know what I forgot to enchant my bow what am I doing okay why are you just charging towards me if I had to guess you have protection a th000 on all those armor pieces because I got it too I might and it wasn’t fun but I have a lot of enchanted golden apples so I can use those against you and I also have a pretty good sword oh my gosh how did you get out of here leave and you have a totem too okay that means that you can die okay one second I might have to pull a little trick out of my sleeve here momento and L the Wither the heck all right wait where did you go where is that coming from why am I spawning it on me where did you go what no no no no no no I don’t want the Wither on me m get back here no now I see it I see it uh wither over here hello oh he’s just beefing the Iron Golem ah oh my gosh what did you just hit me with I don’t know I just be me my tot on dying right away whatever you just used killed me in one hit I Can’t Go near you I didn’t think it was going to do that I’m going to need this wither why are we fighting in a village where all the Wither cares about is all the villagers wait where did you go um oh my gosh I’m going to have to jump out of a plane I really don’t want to do this um just can you like SL kill where are you I don’t I’m going to kill the Wither oh you’re at the W wait can you kill the Wither in one you killed the Wither in one hit what what should I do with this n wait what’s on your sword did you get sharpness a th thousand I didn’t get that one let me see hold on I did I’m launching a wither skeleton your way oh my goodness you got me whil I was in my inventory that was sneaky you have a sharpness a thousand and I have a Wither I’m just going to have to like hope and PR that you don’t hit me like don’t don’t do you have another one you’re just toying with me wait you were toying with me at the beginning there that’s all you were doing and why are you attacking me go away I spawn you to get hurt no no stay away stay away Stay Stay Away stay away stay away what what are they even doing to you okay you have lost at least two hearts no bro there’s just no way now I have to jump from an airplane you have a parachute [Music]

Minecraft, But Ores Are Super..

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