I Pretended to be a NOOB in Minecraft, Then USED //DISASTER!

I’m going to pretend to be a noob in a build battle against my friends woodo and axie but little do they know I can use sl/ disaster I can turn this fire into a huge meteor wo this looks so cool hey we’re about to start oh no I have to make this thing disappear before I get caught uh oh we decided we’re going to build natural dis disasters and I’m building with woodo for this Build Challenge that’s okay axie I can easily win this build battle by myself sure you can your bills have been so newbie recently yeah good luck you’ll need it my friends have no idea what I have planned my natural disaster builds are going to be awesome they really think I’m a Noob but I’m going to build an entire zombie apocalypse ooh a zombie apocalypse sounds like a great idea hey you can’t just steal my ideas too late oh my gosh so can play that game what I’m going to do is turn this entire wall into oneway glass that way I can see what my friends are building and saying all I have to do is a single command and boom check it out I can literally see their side side I wonder what they’re saying right now check this out axie we’re going to build the greatest abandoned hospital where our zombie apocalypse will be it’s going to be so cool we can have multiple floors with zombies everywhere oh my gosh this is going to already be 10 times better than what poopy Mongo’s building seriously what’s been up with this build recently anyway oh my gosh I’ve been pretending to be a new recently around my friends just so I can cheat in this Build Challenge it seems to be working as they’re talking so much trash about me hey Woodle we need to make sure this build is super scary what should I make the floors make it something that’ll make the entire building look abandoned they really think their hospital is going to be better than my zombie apocalypse well that’s where they’re wrong because I have all my zombies lined up over here and all I need to do is SL SL disaster and wo check it out it worked all of the zombies got turned into huge statues and they look so creepy what in the world if my friends saw these they would be freaking out but they think I’m a Noob so they probably think I’m building just two zombies hey how’s your build looking so far well voodo I actually placed down two small zombies and I’m going to build them an entire house two small zombies in a little zombie house you heard that axie we’re going to have way more than two zombies I can’t believe you’re such a noob hey I’m not a noob guys I’m trying my best look I’m even going to give these zombies a water bucket a water bucket what is that supposed to do yeah that’s such a bad building idea You’ become such a noob we’re going to win this challenge no time you’re right you guys are so much better than me but I’m going to still try anyways who knows I may still be the top winner of this bill challenge N I think you should just give up and call it a day mono me and axi are just too good at building oh my gosh my friends are so confident I’m doing such a good job at pretending to be a noob I can’t wait to see their reaction to my zombie statues though what I can do is make this area look creepier than it already is on top of all the zombies that I have I should build an entire graveyard that way my friends are super duper scared whenever they come here let me just grab some gravestones over here and I’m going to put a bunch of them all over the place hey axie look at these super scary trees I’m putting down these will surely make poop his pants oh yeah easily that guy’s such a scaredy cat hey guys I heard you do you really think I’m that big of a scaredy cat duh obviously well just because I’m scared of dogs and cats doesn’t mean I’m scared of trees okay you’re totally scared of trees I could probably walk up behind you with a goofy smile on my face and you’d still be scared and poop your PS oh my gosh wudo you know exactly how to prank me and you know exactly how bad I am at building how did you become so good at the game in the first Place well I teamed up with my favorite Axel axie and she helped me yep I’m the best builder ever oh my goodness I don’t know if I can ever reach your guys’s level of building my build looks so newbie and so trash compared to your build yeah it’s true but wait how do you know what our build looks like oh I actually don’t know how your build looks like woodo how could a noob like me ever spy on you I’m too scared to get caught that’s right you’re such a noob oh my goodness my friends are still making fun of me which is perfect because not only am I going to have a huge zombie apocal I’m also going to add a giant skeleton statue behind it do you guys see the skeleton over here everyone hit the Subscribe button right now if you want it to be super duper gigantic I just need to do SL slash disaster did it work and oh my gosh so many people subscrib that a bunch of giant skeletons spawned in look at these skeletons over here they’re literally three times the size of the zombies that I have down there and they look so crazy not only is there one of them or two of them but there’s three of them I wonder what my friends are going to think of this manga what do you sound so excited about did you add a third zombie no I’m actually not excited guys I’m super sad I’m not making that much progress with my build I bet your build is way better than minees right now A are you going to cry poop your pants maybe yeah wo I might just cry and poop my pants but if I do cry and poop my pants please don’t make fun of me okay yeah he won’t make fun of you at all baby yeah oh oh my goodness while my friends are down there calling me a noob look at what I’m doing to these skeletons I’m turning these skeletons into golden skeletons and they look so cool in this form there’s no way I’m going to lose the bill challenge now exie our Hospital’s looking so good manga doesn’t have a chance against us I know look how scary it’s becoming we’re so good at building my friends still think they’re going to win the Build Challenge so on top of the Giant zombie apocalypse that I have over here what I’m going to do is spawn in a bunch of zombie mobs all over the place and these zombie mobs look so scary I need to put a roof over them so they don’t burn to the sunlight we’re almost done with our build and doesn’t it look so amazing axie it looks awesome I’m just adding in the zombies now oh gosh wo my friends are adding in their zombies but I’m also adding in myom zombies look there’s a zombie Turtle over here I wonder how scared wudo is going to be whenever he sees this thing hey we’re almost done with our build I bet you’re still building cuz you’re a noob and you’re trash are you serious okay you know what I’ve let my friends talk up until now but I’m getting kind of annoyed so what I’m going to do is go over there and prank them a little bit so they get a little taste of their own medicine check it out out this is supposed to be their Hospital over here and I’m assuming it’s supposed to look run down but what if I just reversed everything that this hospital is right now and make it look super clean instead I just need to select these two blocks over here and set it all to quarts just like that then I can just replace all of the deep slay in my hand to be golden blocks over here and boom check it out their Hospital looks a lot better already but to add on to everything that I just did I’m going to remove all of the zombies and scary mobs inside of their hospital and I’m going to make it all peaceful mobs instead um little did you just change the walls to Gold no why would I do that this is supposed to be an abandoned zombie apocalypse Hospital not a fancy Golden One hey guys it’s sounds like you’re having trouble over there are you really okay I don’t know something SU suspicious is going on wait look wo all of our mobs are disappearing hey what it’s seems like my friends are finally realizing this is awesome come on I’m going to spawn in some normal mobs instead let me just get some chickens and some cows over here and now their hospital is full of normal mobs and it isn’t a disaster at all which means they’re going to lose the pill challenge what the heck would where did these chickens and cows come from I have no idea they’re not scary at all oh no this place doesn’t look like anything now yeah we’re not going to win in this build challenge with this weird thing we need to build something way better like a wildfire that’s a great idea what could possibly go wrong with a wildfire come on let’s set everything a blaze wait what my friends are working on an entire new build and they’re making it a wildfire I think I can make a way better fire build than them so come on let me just quickly drink some milk just like that and now I’m back to normal which means I can work on my next disaster build too let me just get some magma blocks just like this hey we’re already working on our second build don’t tell me you’re still stuck on your first well vooodo I’m still placing down the zombies for my zombie acop are you guys sure you’re working on your second build oh yeah we’re sure our first build is super awesome oh my goodness you know what I need to work on a second build too then wait what but you only have two zombies so far you can’t move on yet exactly B you guys are right I don’t know how I’m going to win this Build Challenge I really need luck on my side yeah but you I don’t have any luck sorry a boohoo I’m so sad my friends are pretending to be sad for me this is so funny If Only They saw what was on my side already and what they’re going to see next is probably going to freak them out even more because this little tiny volcano is going to turn into the biggest thing of all time if you guys think this giant volcano is going to make me win against my friends that comment winner right now oh my gosh I better get 1 th000 comments saying winner come on all I need to do is just do SL slash disaster like this and oh my goodness this is the biggest volcano I’ve ever seen in my life it is literally so huge that it’s bigger than the skeletons I spawned in earlier how small are the zombies compared to this volcano and wo look the zombies don’t even reach the bottom of the volcano what are my going to think when they see this build Manga why are you screaming there’s no way your build is good at all yeah are you screaming cuz you’re realizing that you’re never going to get a chance to beat us yeah guys I’m just screaming because I’m so scared of losing the Build Challenge and the one zombie that I spawned in actually is super scary and I poop my pants already e no wonder I smell that doodoo coming from all the way over here no way my friends actually believe that what I need to do is actually build something over here to prove to them that I’m actually a good Builder so what I’m going to do is build my own lava bedroom that way I have a place to stay at in this volcano and my friends are going to be super duper jealous I just need to make the entire floor and walls out of magma and I can start making my bed with Red Blocks because red is the best color of all time oh mango we’re almost done with our second build are you almost done with your first one yet wow you guys are moving really quick are your builds even that big um yeah our second build is the size of a whole Forest wait what that sounds gigantic I wonder what a forest would look next to a giant volcano guys well we’re not going to find out because if you’re building a volcano it’s definitely super tiny it’s going to be miniature hey I’m building my volcano and I’m making a 10×10 there’s no way you guys can build a giant volcano than the one I have oh no axi who’s going to tell this guy that his build is absolutely terrible uh we are your build is terrible guys stop making fun of me just because I’ve been bad at building recently doesn’t mean I can’t just start learning and be really good at building ahuh you can never become good at building you’ve already proven you’re a noob remember last week when you built your house out of dirt oh my goodness I can’t believe you still remember that axi I really wanted you to forget and then you put toilets everywhere you’re so bad embarrassing little do axi and woodo know I was doing that on purpose so they believe I was a noob and now I’m building giant volcanoes with my cheating commands there you’re going to be so shocked so I just need to continue building this amazing bedroom over here what I’m going to do next is have a Giant entertainment system with a huge TV where I can relax and watch all my videos while getting a super sick view of the volcano Monga what are you even making your volcano out of I bet it’s dirt yeah I bet it’s a water volcano he’s d dumb to know what’s in a real volcano axi hey water volcano is actually a really cool idea woodo no one’s done it before yeah for a reason exactly of course a noob like this guy would think a water volcano is a good idea no it’s not my friends really think I’m building a water volcano bro my volcano has more lava than they’ve ever seen in their entire life hey woodo we’re basically done with our build right what if we just end the Build Challenge now and Destroy oh yeah that would be a great idea I wish we could just stop everything and declare that we are the winners oh no I can’t let my friends end the Build Challenge yet I’m not even done with my build and I bet I can use SL slash disaster a couple more times so what I need to do is have them extend the time hey guys can you please not end the Build Challenge right now I really need more time a the little newbie Builder Wants More Time axie it doesn’t hurt to give him more what is he going to do beat us oh my gosh thank you so much guys you don’t know how much this means I really really need as much time as I can guess just to make sure my builds are super good that’s okay having more time just means we can laugh at you more when your builds are bad exactly okay can you guys make one promise whenever you come to my side don’t laugh too hard okay yeah don’t laugh too hard oh gosh this is going to be hard you’re going to have to put tape over my mouth if you don’t want me to laugh well I really don’t want you to laugh so hard because it’s going to hurt my feelings I want you to be shocked and super duper surprised when you see my build okay I bet we’ll be surprised you always find more ways to be even more newbie than we thought yeah you’re right but a just do me a favor okay act as if you saw a lion that’s how scared you should be oh he yeah lions are pretty scary but there’s no way your build as lions little does axi know I’m spawning in a bunch of lions all over my entire volcano island and I’m also going to spawn in T-Rexes hey the only way we’d be shocked with your build is if it had a toilet and if it were super stinky are you serious my build isn’t going to be stinky woodo stop saying that so many times times who’s going to tell him axi that he’s trash I think you should know by now that he’s terrible at building I can’t wait for my friends to come over to this island and get totally freaked out by these giant dinosaurs over here I bet wudo is going to be holding in all his poop and he’s going to poop his pants hey you don’t have much time so you better hurry up are you serious I just asked woodo for way more time and he’s still bugging me you know what I’ve had enough of this guy what I need to do is go over to their side and show them who’s boss again that way I can buy myself some more time and also so they can get what they deserve let me just look over here and what in the world this is their definition of a wildfire our fire is massive it’s going to burn the whole universe oh my gosh xie we better do something about this like blow it up even more you know what I think the only way I can get rid of their fire and make it the opposite of a fire is Splash a bunch of water all over the place that way there won’t be any more fire wo nothing could ruin this build it’s so cool and what is it raining axie are you putting water on the Wildfire you’re not supposed to do that I’m not doing that you’re doing no wo stop it no you called the fire department didn’t you you’re trying to get me to lose the bill challenge so I look dumb to huh you’re trying to frame me you want to fight l oh my gosh my friends are freaking out little do they know it’s just me placing down a bunch of water with my water wand over here I just need to continue placing down a bunch of water just like this and why don’t I spawn in some sea creatures too just to make my friends even more mad come on let’s get some turtles over here and I’m going to spawn them all over the place wait wood what are those over here um wait what why are there Turtles falling out the sky that’s so weird so you did do this you just wanted to make a habitat for your turtle family you don’t care about the Build Challenge what are you talking about I didn’t spawn those things in uh maybe they just came from the beach because they saw a lot of water no woodo I’m never building with you again after this no aie I’m sorry well if you’re truly sorry then we need to build another build quickly because there’s no way we can win with this against then let’s build something even better axie we need to build a huge earthquake in a big city that’s the only way we’ll win you’re right let’s start right away wait what my friends are already moving on to their next build and they’re going to build an earthquake in a city if they have that then they could possibly win the Build Challenge I can’t let them win what I need to do is build an even bigger ruined City and use slash disaster to make it even more cool we have this giant volcano over here but having a giant City would literally absolutely destroy my friends so what I need to do is get some quartz blocks over here here and I actually need to build some buildings these buildings are not going to be normal buildings half of them are going to be crashed and half of them are going to be normal hey Woodle we have to make sure this building is actually the best thing ever otherwise we might lose to a new I can’t lose to a noob not like this hey why are you guys freaking out over there is everything okay no everything is not okay we had some uh setbacks let’s just call it that but we’re trying our best to get to the top again wait voodo does that mean you’re going to lose the Build Challenge uh no we’re not going to lose we’re definitely still going to beat you even though bad things happened well I don’t know how you guys are going to win when I’m already moving on to my third build your first two builds are probably super newbie yeah we don’t need to worry about that guy you’ll never need to wor worry about me my builds won’t ever be as good as yours that’s right what were we even worried about actually really believes I’m telling the truth what I need to do is get some flint and Steels real quick and I also need to get some TNT I need to blow up this mini city as much as I can to make it look disastrous and then what I can do is use SL SL disaster to make it look even crazier come on let me just put this fire all over the place then I’ll use that TNT and I’ll even make a huge crack in the ground to simulate an earthquake wo this is going to look so awesome and all I need to do to make it bigger is you SL slash disaster wait a second it actually worked take a look at this giant ruined City it looks so crazy hold on I need to go over here real quick and grab a car so I can drive through the entire city to see what it looks like on the ground let me just place down this car over here and wo take a look at this guys I bet my friends are literally going to cry when they see this build oh my gosh wo our build is the best ever manga’s build is going to be so newbie we’ve basically won exactly this earthquake looks bananas wo my friends really think they’re going to win with their build well little do they know I have literally the world’s crazy ruined build over here there’s this building cra crashing into the other building there’s fighter jets hitting a building over here then we have this building growing really old we also have a massive earthquake on the ground but I bet we can make this build look even crazier all I need to do is go into the menu real quick and get these weapons right here these weapons are going to make it so I can put fire all over the entire city and it’s going to look even more destroyed than it already does oh we’re basically done with our entire build the build time’s going to be over in 5 seconds oh my goodness I wonder how I’m going to win this Build Challenge guys my build is so newbie compared to your guys’s finally you’ve admitted that you’re trash at building huh now come over here so we can destroy you just give me one more second guys I really need all the time I can get okay yeah yeah fine but only five 5 more seconds come on I need to use this fire all over these buildings just like this and now it’s making my and now it’s making this city look even crazier but to add on what I can do is just make some huge explosions all over the city using some TNT and this is probably going to freak my friends out when they see a giant explosion so come on let me just use that TNT right there and while that’s blowing up I can actually get a dynamite over here and this dynamite my it’s going to blow everything up so let me just use this all over the place just like this mango time is up stop being such a noob okay fine guys I’m heading over to your side right now stop rushing me finally you’re coming over that took forever oh gosh quickly I need to set the walls back to where they were so whenever my friends come over to this side they don’t see the oneway glass let me just do this Command right here and boom it’s back to normal which means I can just go over to their side hey guys can you show me your build already finally mono let’s show you our super abandoned Hospital wait a second this Hospital doesn’t look that abandoned it’s made out of gold there’s a nice giant Hospital sign and there’s also some friendly mobs inside I thought you guys were building a zombie a copx we are what are you talking about these are zombie chickens yeah exactly it’s a hospital so they all got better again plus there’s no way you know the difference between a ruined hospital and a normal one you’re a noob you’re right ax I could never tell if your build was bad or not since mine are probably horrible come on what is this over here this is our uh tsunami yeah yeah before I actually ruined it no you ruined it l take responsibility a tsunami from what I heard you guys were making a wildfire what happened to that um nothing happened to that you heard nothing anyway come over and look at our best build wait what is this supposed to be a ruined City this looks so awesome compared to my third build my third build is literally so poopy and there’s literally nothing there guys a is that so yeah voodo look at your one you have fire everywhere you have destroyed buildings a bunch of different holes on the ground and wait is this even a tree on the ground that’s right I’m so good at building I even put in small details like that wo I can’t believe you thought of that there’s even cars crashed everywhere you guys have thought a lot about your build and there’s two of you how the world can a single person like me win guys it’s okay to be a noob we promised we wouldn’t laugh that much come on show us your builds oh gosh I’m afraid to show you guys but my first build is just giant zombie acop over here what in the world this is a huge zombie apocalypse how in the world did you build this well guys I really just took my time building one zombie at a time you see I built this zombie first then the second one then the third one and then the fourth one oh my gosh but uh you just copy pasted them you just spent all your time on one and then you cheated this isn’t that impressive no I didn’t cheat axie I built this all by hand just because I’m a Noob doesn’t mean you can make fun of me even with my good build come on I have more than that check it out I even have giant skeleton armies oh my gosh these skeletons look massive I’m so scared right now don’t be scared wuro a noob like me built them there’s no way a pro like you should be scared no I’m really scared I can’t believe you built these how did you build this entire Island too yeah I’ve been taking building lessons since you guys were calling me noobs and I decided to build all these skeletons and I also built this amazing Island over here guys this isn’t just a normal Island it has a giant volcano check it out this volcano is erupting soon and there’s Fire coming out and the entire island is being infiltrated with dinosaurs dinosaurs dinosaurs well at least there’s no Lions actually there’s also Lions down here too oh my gosh this is too scary what do we do don’t be too scared guys I already told you this is a noob’s build it can’t be that scary look I even Built My Own lava bedroom over here so I can just relax on top of the volcano but the volcano’s going to erupt and it’s going to destroy you it’s not actually going to erupt woodo I’m the one that built it silly are you sure you built it you didn’t pay a bunch of tiny mice to build it or something that sounds ridiculous axie why would I cheat like that come on guys you really have to believe me I have another build on top of this too you know you do how did you have time to build this and another build well that’s because I’ve just been practicing and doing my homework if you guys fly over here you’ll see my giant ruined City but guys don’t just look at the giant ruin City we should just ride through the entire thing with these cars What in the world there is absolutely no way you built all of this not after your thir house and your toilets everywhere something’s not adding up oh come on you guys just underestimated me I definitely built this look at all the different ruined buildings crashing into each other are you guys impressed or am I still a noob M go tell me right now what did you use to spawn all these building like this I spawned them in with my hand how else could I build them wudo no you didn’t even if you were going to building no person can put down this many blocks in that short of a time tell us the truth right now okay fine guys I guess I’ll tell you the truth for the past week I’ve been pretending to be a noob wait what this whole week you were faking it that’s right I was just pretending and placing down giant toilets and stuff so you guys would think I’m a giant Noob and it all led to this Build Challenge where I cheated using sl/ disaster to spawn in all these giant amazing builds oh yeah well I’m going to cause a disaster just for you and it’s called the woodo AI explosion wao stop ruining my build guys thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed did watch another video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo pretends to be a noob then uses //DISASTER! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. winer❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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