JJ and Mikey HIDE From Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 MONSTERS in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen

huh how long was I out and where am I this looks like a train and the other passengers they’re asleep too huh oh Mikey’s here too hey Mikey wait what was that noise huh he just killed a villager this is bad he’s coming this way we need to get out of here and fast come on Mikey wake up he’s not waking up what do I do I don’t have much time I may have to wake him up by force Mikey come on you have to wake up hey what was that for o you’re so mean JJ I was having such a nice dream now’s not the time Mikey we have to get out of here here what are you talking about look what is that thing let’s get out of here now all right hurry run away oh no the door is sealed off with iron bars there’s nowhere to run seriously what are we going to do uh uh oh there’s a chest maybe this will help us oh it’s just some loaves of bread it’s no good Mikey there was nothing useful in there at all all uh-oh we’re out of time what it’s all over for us we can’t give up come on think wait what we’re back in our home this must have been a dream but it felt so real oh no stop it sounds like Mikey’s having a nightmare I’ll wake up up go away huh h Huh what’s that noise H the glass windows all shattered oh no Mikey this is bad the windows are all broken quickly we need to block them all off before it gets inside hey Mikey grab wood use the wood to fill in the windows block them off hurry up oh nice phew is this enough I think we should be okay now they’re all blocked up I’m scared it didn’t get inside the house right all clear Mikey that person definitely intends to attack us I’m scared let’s stay put we can keep quiet for now let’s make a run for it in the morning mhm sounds like a plan hold up huh the doorbell rang no way oh no no way the puppet is here let’s check the [Music] camera no it’s the puppet and it’s lurking in the shadows if we go out there it’ll jump out and eat us hold on Mikey it’s here it’s right there he wants to eat us oh wait oh no it won’t stop ringing the doorbell what now hang in there Mikey it’s too dangerous here let’s take shelter in my secret basement let’s hide there over here just flick this to open it all right hurry Mikey hurry right [Music] here let’s wait here until morning Mikey it’s just too dangerous hey Mikey why were you screaming sh hang on this is bad this is bad no what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh no not there or there oh that’s right I put a secret door here okay phew somehow I managed to hide this is terrible that strange person broke into our house and then Mikey disappeared that strange person must have kidnapped him oh what am I supposed to do now huhuh this is bad did he break in let’s check the security camera save me this guy’s crazy just do what he says please why are you doing this hey stop that that hurts please not the cookies anything but my snacks oh that’s just cruel why are you doing this oh it’s worse than I thought Mikey’s being tormented in there I need to act fast huh let’s see so if I can take him out with a sniper rifle then problem solved okay I just need to sneak up oh there’s a window I’ll use it to line up the shot I can’t let the criminal see me out here let’s get set up among the trees nice and stealthy and find the perfect position okay I think this is my best bet there he is I can covertly take out the criminal from here carefully line up the shot okay he’s in my sights I can do this I just have to huh no Mikey get out of the way that was way too close come on buddy move just a bit more okay here here we go yeah hold on this time for sure please don’t get in the way again there I’ve got you this time 3 2 what Mikey this is really stressful Mikey is moving around way too much I don’t know which one of them I’d hit it’s way too risky I need to find another way to save him I’m going to need my laptop for this if if I can get the computer close enough to the house I may be able to hack into the explosives and disarm them but to get that close without being seen a camouflage suit would come in handy a set of leather armor and some green Dy should do the trick there that’s a full suit let’s see how the camouflage looks m not bad now I can lie down and blend in seamlessly with the grass see I’m basically invisible let’s give this a try first I have to sneak past the police all right the green Dy matches the grass nicely so I’m well hidden even if he looks outside I doubt he’ll even see me I need to get really close to hack the explosives just a little closer yikes I didn’t think he’d come outside it seems he hasn’t noticed me still I won’t move when he looks my way just a bit closer oh he’s so close I’m almost within hacking range I’m still hidden this is so tense but I think it’ll work come on oh no I’ve been seen abort he’s shooting at me I have to get out out of here get to cover tactical Retreat sheesh [Music] a oh what’s going on now the criminal is on top of the house my demands are clear $1 million within 5 minutes or boom huh did I just hear that right I have 5 minutes to save Mikey or he’ll be caught in the explosion along with the criminal what well what am I going to do oh I’ve got it an idea just came to me we’re going to try a new approach check this out it’s a drill I can use this drill to dig a tunnel all the way to Mikey’s house and get him out of there before it’s too late the criminal won’t notice it from the roof it’s genius I’ll start behind the house all right let’s use this drill to save Mikey now now we’re getting somewhere man this thing is heavy there now to leave a ladder so I can get back out perfect at this depth I should be able to dig my way over without getting the criminals attention hold tight Mikey I’m coming for you I think it’s this way no that’s not good now what do I do I managed to dig straight into a lava pool this wasn’t in my plan I guess I’ll block it off and try digging around it we’ll just make a slight detour H I think that should be far enough good now let’s get back on course next stop Mikey’s [Music] house I’m pretty sure this is the right spot there’s not much time so let’s check the surface going up I’ll just make a pillar with cobblestone that’s good enough there is that that’s the house all right but I’m not quite in the right spot I guess I drilled a little too far clocks ticking yikes there’s the criminal you have 2 minutes to provide the money this is bad he’s going to see me what do I do I got to hide back into the tunnel that was way too close I can’t believe it he almost saw me that would have been bad well I guess the tunnel should be actually in this area okay these wood blocks are the wall which means I should Tunnel right here I’ve got it this time just a little bit longer Mikey hopefully he isn’t standing directly in the path of my drill I should be careful luckily this drill can go one block at a time time there’s the surface I can see the inside of Mikey’s house yes I think this is going to work here’s a ladder so Mikey doesn’t have to jump let’s do this okay where’s Mikey he’s not on the bed huh there he is it’s all over I don’t have a million dollars I’m too young to die I hope JJ lives a long happy life for both of us oh hey Mikey hey keep it [Music] down you scared me he’s going to hear you you’ve come to rescue me thank you JJ of course I did buddy come on I dug us a tunnel Let’s Escape yeah come on right down here coming today is not my day to die let’s get out of here mhm which way there’s only one way come on what it’s behind me watch out oh no go just keep running master you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming run run come on hurry go it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes now it’s closed phew okay let’s go up to the second floor all right we’re safe huh it’s the ghost huh no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell it won’t stop it’s still after us but whatever happens don’t answer mhm it’s getting dark yeah we’ll survive you’re right the ghost is persistent seriously [Music] it’s morning the Sun is up huh huh huh huh it’s leaving did it give up oh I wonder why weird oh huh huh it’s gone it went back to the cave it’s gone that’s good it gave up on us wait it’s too soon to relax huh well the ghost might come for us again tonight you might be right let’s set up anti- ghost security good [Music] idea today I’m going to hang out with Mikey but he already has a visitor who is that oh wo huh wo oh you’re really giving me these delicious apples thank you so much she gave them something wow these look great who is that person she’s acting suspicious what was that I’ll follow her [Music] seriously who is this lady no I got to hide [Music] H did I just see that she was a witch the entire time this is bad I need to stop Mikey oh wait Mikey no don’t eat them yum y y Yum Yum Yum Yum what delici delous apples Mikey did you eat the apples oh hey JJ a nice person just came over and gave me some apples did you want some too I’m too late those were poisoned apples huh what are you talking about your friend is actually a witch that’s not possible she was so kind besid Ides if these were poisoned don’t you think they would have taken effect by now huh huh they really were poison huh look at your body what are you talking about there’s nothing wrong what are those I’m turning purple Mikey we need an antidote I’m Too Young To Die JJ JJ find a way to cure me help please let’s find the witch she has the Cure let’s go she ran off into the forest [Music] hurry she went in this direction but where I don’t know I don’t see the witch anywhere we’ve got to find her quickly and get that antidote oh but where H yeah it’s her huh it’s the [Music] witch you tricked Mikey into eating poison apples give us the cure cough it up she’s making a run for it Mikey after her don’t let her get away hurry wa up we can’t cure you if she gets away oh no we have to get the antidote and cure my poison please run faster come back here hey give us the antidote stop running away from us don’t loser huh the path split which way did she go JJ we lost her what do we do oh H I’m not sure let’s try the right really okay where did that witch go I hope we find her h Huh wait huh huh it’s a dead end seriously what do we do oh but the witch isn’t here at the dead end that means oh JJ the witch didn’t go right she went left let’s go come on JJ uh wait Mikey there’s a button here huh what let’s push it it’s a secret entrance w the witch might be inside mhm Mikey there’s the witch oh come back hurry Mikey hey give us the antidote stop running wait up stop almost there there’s nowhere to run hand it over we’re not leaving without the Cure mhm huh huh no way the witch is crossing the broken bridge What the witch fell into the canyon there’s lava down there wao no way she melted in the lava we’re in trouble why if she fell into the lava uhhuh then your antidote fell into the lava too what no way but then what do we do now no way JJ it can’t end like this oh let’s think all right huh Mikey there’s a pharmacy in town uhhuh let’s see if they have the antidote ow that’s a good idea let’s go check the pharmacy then [Music] okay Mikey mhm here’s the pharmacy wow it’s a nice one mhm they must have medicine for your poison let’s go inside all right hello do you have any antidotes ouch OU h Huh stop he’s calling me a purple spotted freak ouch stop that Mikey he he told me to get out oh Mikey how could you do that to him you should be ashamed of yourself give me every antidote you [Music] have hey oh he was so mean to me JJ well I bought everything they had let’s go home and try these medicines thank you I hope one of these will cure my poisoning yeah I really hope one of these will help you yeah huh what are they doing at my house huh oh there’s so many huh H what no Mikey it’s going to explode run huh are you kidding me my house wao it was destroyed why is everyone being so mean to me what did I do I think it’s because of your purple spots but why would they pick on me for that oh they think it’s a disease that will spread huh that’s why they’re ganging up on you to run you out of the village but that’s so cruel which is why we need to cure you as soon as possible uh come to my house to try the antidotes one of them has to work yeah you’re right let’s go to your house let’s get you fixed up h Huh huh wait JJ look they’re hitting that pig yeah hey pick on someone your own size stop it oh huh the villagers ran off for some reason yes wo they probably saw your purple spots and got scared off huh oh so that’s why it’s kind of sad but I’m glad I was able to save the pig everyone stopped bullying and ran away that’s great Mikey you saved the pig mhm are you okay little piggy Poor Pig more importantly you need to take this medicine let’s go I’d almost forgotten let’s go to your house come on Mikey hurry Mikey let’s try every antidote from the pharmacy all right thank you if we’re lucky one of them will be the Cure H all right I’ll be really glad when these purple spots are long gone I hope this works huh it’s not good this antidote did nothing all right next one this will work no that’s it I’m going to take them all in one go are you sure that’s a good idea oh I’m sure it’ll be fine I have to take them all well am I cured huh the purple spots aren’t disappearing no these antidotes can’t cure the witch’s poison JJ I’m I’m starting to feel weak I think I need to lay down Mikey oh no I guess I’m a goner JJ for my last request I want you to have all my diamonds I’m not giving up I’m going to research [Music] this this is it if anything can save Mikey this can wake up Mikey o please oh no Mikey’s too weak from the poison I’m not giving up according to my research Mikey can be cured with the kiss of a girl who loves him now I just need to find someone who cares for him H there must be someone out there yes I found my mi’s true love she’ll give him a nice big kiss hey wake up I brought a girl to save you if a girl who truly loves you kisses you then that kiss should cure the witch’s poison here she [Music] is the little piggy you saved was a girl well [Music] huh H oh huh oh Mikey JJ I’m alive wo huh my body the poison is gone well thank you JJ it’s all thanks to this pig really thank you little piggy [Music] today we’ve come to see a fortune teller who’s never wrong oh let’s get our fortunes told you do it too JJ I think I’ll pass I don’t want to end up with bad luck H you’re just a scaredy cat JJ well I’m having my fortune told bring on the good luck three 2 1 what terrible luck you’re kidding did J it says I have terrible luck terrible luck mhm what do I do Mikey don’t feel bad H this just isn’t my day h no use dwelling on it I should try to raise my spirits by looking for diamonds or something yeah diamonds will make you feel better I’m definitely going to find some all right Mikey we found a cave yep we have how about we search around here yeah let’s look for diamonds let’s find them I guess I’ll dig over here sounds good well I’ll be over here just keep digging I really hope we find some diamonds M we’ll definitely find some let’s keep digging Mikey keep digging I want those diamonds we haven’t found any diamonds at all hm nothing so far Mikey we’ve dug so far already but haven’t found any diamonds none at all oh Mikey huh I found a diamond no way wo show me show me I’ll use my iron pickaxe oh wo nice nice nice we found just one diamond maybe luck really isn’t on my side today Mikey do you want to try digging in my section huh if there was one Diamond here there’s a high chance there may be more nearby oh are you sure JJ sure Mikey woohoo thank you oh but JJ hold on it doesn’t seem like there’s anything in my section nah that’s fine H I hope you find some diamonds Mikey yeah I’ll dig in your section and find some diamonds I hope you do all right might as well start here no way huh Mikey Mikey fell into the lava how bad must Mikey’s luck be to fall into lava I guess that fortune teller really is always right ever since my fortune predicted terrible luck I’ve been so unlucky I need to be careful mhm be careful I’ll keep digging where you were digging earlier oh be careful I was just digging over there so something unlucky might happen I’ll be careful mhm wa what what is this place are you okay JJ it’s amazing I landed in a room full of diamonds huh come here Mikey let’s split these diamonds wo diamonds all around Mikey wow wow wow you really split them with me woohoo thanks you

JJ and Mikey HIDE From Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 MONSTERS in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.
Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial
Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo known for their entertaining and innovative content. From epic challenges like the 100-day challenge to hilarious pranks and monster encounters, their videos never fail to captivate audiences. With JJ’s strategic prowess and Mikey’s witty humor, they tackle obstacles in their security base and beyond, showcasing their teamwork and friendship. Whether you’re a fan of Minecraft or simply enjoy quality entertainment, Maizen and Mikey’s collaboration is a must-watch for all gaming enthusiasts.


  1. I love your videos so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much

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