ooh I can’t wait to go to GameStop I just stole my daddy’s credit card and I’m going to get so many roox oh yeah there’s going to be so awesome okay I just got to walk all the way down this street oh hi Johnny what the heck Becky were you just hiding in a bush yeah why were you hiding in a bush Becky cuz I was waiting for you silly let’s go on a date no no no no back up away from me Becky I’m going to GameStop right now to get robox yo back away no you don’t want to play video games let’s let’s go for a walk on the beach it’ll be so romantic e I’m not going to walk in the beach with you Becky you’re weird you were literally stalking me from a bush why not we need to be together forever Becky no get away from me right now or or I’ll call the police on you yeah all right fine but can I at least show you my new toy wait what you have a new toy yeah look at it what the heck is that it’s like a Nerf gun here you want to see how it works um no I don’t want you to shoot me with a Nerf gun hey what are you doing why you pointing that at me no oh gosh what happened to me oh my God so cute what is this hi why am I trapped in the cage Becky let me out yes we finally got him girls wooo we got Johnny y Becky you better explain to me right now what is going on here why am I trapped in a cage and why is there so many girls we all wanted to take you on a date at the same time and when we all met each other we came up with this awesome plan to just trap you forever well this is not really that awesome Becky let me out you’re going to go to jail for this we love you Johnny we’re so happy to have you here who is that girl Clara hi this is the first ever meeting of the we love Johnny fan club what the heck we all met at school and we all love you well I don’t love you she’ll let me out You’ got Stella she’s like the new girl and she’s really rich and we got Clara who’s like she’s like the goody goodie of the group okay Becky what about this one staring at me with a knife in her hand oh yeah uh she won’t tell us her name and she won’t get rid of her knife but she definitely loves you um okay that’s a little weird and of course you know me me number one girly loving you every day of my life actually Becky you wish you were the number one girly but you’ll never be Stella we don’t have time to argue about this we have to just get ready for our date with Johnny oh my gosh a date well who’s going to go on a date with me first oh me me I want to go on a date with him first actually it’s going to be me no you guys we had a strict schedule I’m supposed to go on a date first oh seems like you guys can’t figure it out looks like I just can’t go on a date with any of you then no you’re going to stay there Johnny we’re we’re just going to figure this out and then uh I’m going to make you the best chocolate cake ever how do you know that’s my favorite dessert cuz I’ve studied you what the heck what is going on let me out of this stupid box someone help me Johnny you’re never getting out of there cuz we love you well guys I’m getting kind of hungry in here is there any food I’m going to die oh oh I’m going to make him food I’ll make him food and then then I’ll come back up and feed you oh she looks like that my favorite fan girl so far because she’s actually making me food well johnmy actually I can like buy your own restaurant so I don’t need to make you food ooh that sounds actually really good but guys what about a toilet I need to go pee PE poo poo and there’s no toilet in here all right Johnny fine if I let you out a little bit will you just go to the bathroom and then just get ready for our date yes exactly Becky I need to get ready for the date so I you got to let me out of here all right Johnny I trust you cuz you’re the most wonderful trustworthy person in the world yep yep trust me Becky trust me let me out now yes yes I’m free I’m free all right just go right to the bathroom and then we’ll be ready okay uh where’s the bathroom at Becky um it’s right down there okay I’ll be right back up guys yep I’ll be right back up I got to find a way to escape this place I’m going all the way down hope you don’t see me what is this what is this a portal oh my goodness this could be the way to escape I’m going to run through it Johnny I have the best food ever made ever you’re going to love me so uh guys where did Johnny Go Becky let him go to the bathroom and he’s not back yet he’ll be right back Becky it’s been like 25 minutes he’s like definitely gone you guys talking about H let me just see uh he’s not over here um Johnny Johnny wait he said he was going to the bathroom clearly he’s not in here so I bet he escaped no no this is awful uh-oh mysterious girl’s going down to the basement guys who left the portal open Becky we talked about this what I wanted to take Johnny in there for our date oh no he must have ran in well guess what now we have to go running in after him and catch him again all right well if you all help me it’ll go much quicker well when I catch him we’re not we’re not sharing him yes we are we have to work together well like actually no matter who catches him we all know that he’s going to pick me I’m the richest one here duh what I’m the the smarticle one girls girls we cannot fight each other we have to just go and get him okay let’s band together and go through this portal yeah whoa where am I what world am I in now wait read me what does this say there’s a book in here let’s see what it says if you have any chance of escaping this crazy fan girl world you must collect the four plushies only then will you be able to escape through the Grand portal here is a map to show you where to go good luck what that’s it oh my goodness it looks like I need to get to all these different places and collect all these plushies well it looks like the first plush is in this direction so I’m just going to run this way and I should probably start collecting some wood and food cuz I’m in survival mode and I do not want to die I’m just going to run all the way in this direction oh my gosh where’s Johnny at he’s got to be around here somewhere oh no I left this here for our date he must be doing this oh my gosh what did it say Becky there were four Plushies that he had to collect and we were going to go on a romantic walk to collect them oh my gosh Becky you’re so stupid that’s why I’m the smarticle one oh no we got to find him before he finds those plushies you basically just give him a key to escape well not if we stop him we got to use our girl power well you’re lucky I’m so smart Becky because I gave us trackers and now we can track Johnny wherever he goes wa that’s so smart good job Clara well when we trapped in the first time I put a tracker in him so now we can go wherever he goes well ladies you know what we need to do let’s go find Johnny like right now let’s go get him oh yeah I’m getting so much materials I do need to find some food though ooh and maybe some iron but I see something up here that I’ve never seen before in Minecraft wait what is this oh my God is that a Lucky Block wait it’s a fan girl lucky block has Becky’s face on it o I need to open it up and test my luck please be good please be good ooh I got a bunch of leather armor that’s actually not bad wait is there another lucky block up here yes I think I see another one oh gosh if this is bad then I need to get ready to run okay here we go here we go oh oh TNT TNT is really good that is actually going to be very useful and another one there’s actually so many Lucky Blocks okay please be good please be good wow I got a bunch of doggies oh my gosh oh my goodness I have a wolf pack now this will protect me from any monsters in the night all right come here Mr doggies we need to go mess up some cows and get some food oh yeah this is awesome wait what the heck hey hey Stella what are you doing here listen here Johnny I really just need you to come back with me okay no no no no no back up for me hey what are you guys all doing here I’m trying to escape hi boo boo bear can I uh can I go on a DAT with you now Clara no get away now what why because I’m just going to take Johnny with me and you’re going to go home well I want him now come here hey hey guys you know if you hit me all these dogs are going to come after you I’m not going to hit hit you I’m just going to pick you up and take you home with me hey I’ll hit you get her get her get her Johnny let’s just go home okay I want to put you back in that cage help me help me hey none of you are getting Johnny but me no I’m going to take him get away for me right now come here get away come back here Johnny do something my dogs are not seeing me oh God oh God she’s got the knife I’m running this way I’ll see you guys later no come back no get away from me you guys are weird guys I’m going to have to kill you if you come near me I just want to give you one big smooch ew not on my watch I’m the only one that should be smooching all right you guys are talking way too much you know what that CL he’s hitting me I love you too much I love you too much no no see you later Becky see you later Clara oh hey Stella ah Johnny if you keep hitting me you’re going to hear from my daddy’s lawyer oh yeah I don’t care about your daddy’s lawyer hey yeah die oh look question mark girl come over here yeah good job you’re really hitting me you’re doing a lot of damage here yeah you’re terrible ow yeah die all right I think that took care of that problem all I need to do is just find these plushies and then go home but these fan girls are making it so difficult I think I need to upgrade all of my armor and all my weapons to Stone ooh or maybe even iron ooh is that another Lucky Block I see yes yes yes yes please be something good all my lucky blocks have been really lucky so here we go what a baby Johnny what the heck this is so weird he got a bunch of armor on ooh and a stone pickaxe wait that’s actually pretty good wait any he had a Johnny head okay that’s kind of creepy I don’t know what I could use this for all right let’s just continue this way maybe I could find a quick cave and get some iron ooh this cave looks really good Johnny Johnny oh gosh no no no no no no what are you guys doing back don’t run away don’t run away I have a present for you what’s the present no I have a present for him hey I have what what what is that in your hand it’s a diamond sword my daddy bought oh Stella give it to me give it to me I want to kill you with it I have a blue robin I don’t care about that Clara how I’m the smartlist one Johnny I will give you the diamond hero sword if you pick me over all of the other girls no come on dogs run run run run we can’t trust them Johnny hey why you raising your voice at me just get back here wait what is this I found a tower ooh it’s like a Pillager Tower oh this could be super good yes yes yes yes I think there’s Loot on the top of this thing I’ll see you guys later I’m going to the top of the tower yes I got a bunch of carrot um this kind of poop this is kind of poop o another lucky block down here please don’t be bad can I share the love with you no get away from me yes yes yes it’s a love potion it’s a love potion what the heck why do I have love potions oo guys look this one’s a hate potion take that yeah you like that Johnny love me take that Clara oh my gosh it says it gives you luck it gives you luck oh another Lucky Block go go go go go ooh a bunch of food perfect I’ll see you later guys hey Johnny come I’m back here I just want to shoot you with my love arrows what the heck no Becky why would I want to get shot by that I’m back I don’t want any of your love please keep it far away from me all right oh gosh I need to look at the map I’m going literally the opposite direction oh my goodness these Fang girls are making this challenge so hard okay I need to go this way this way ooh I need to make a boat that’ll make this go so much faster yes yes yes this is a good idea oh God cla’s coming cla’s coming go go go no I just miss you see you later I’m going across this Pond Johnny come back here hey stop shooting arrows at me what the heck I’m shooting my love arrows are barely missing me calm down oh God oh God it’s question mark girl go this way go this way okay there we go break this boat come on now I need to run run run run ooh I’m getting close to the first plushy it says it’s right on top of that t to wait what the heck is that Becky up there oh my goodness what are they doing up there how’ they get in front of me oh heck no stupid seagull you’re in my way I’m waiting for Johnny I need to get a better sword also I’m going to use some of these overpowered potions on myself wait a minute did that just make me invisible no way this is perfect I’m going to be able to sneak right around them oh my goodness this is going to be so funny okay the dogs are kind of ruining it though sit everyone all the dogs must sit wait I got a horse okay I’m going in with the horse no the horse doesn’t swim okay I’ll be back horse oh yeah I’m going in stealth mode right now this is so awesome all right I’m just going to go in this direction where the heck are they I know I saw one of them up here oh my God it’s Becky it’s Becky yeah hey what was that yes yes yes go all the way to the top all the way to the top no ooh it’s this girl ah take that yes there’s a chest up here I got a bunch of food there we go and check this out it’s a plushy I got the dog plushy okay quick now time to escape oh my God Becky’s back what’s going on a carrot a floating carrot no Take that Becky another one down here H come here ah you like that yeah yeah I’m invisible as a floating sword H take that you can’t hit me let’s go I’m so good at this game all right now let’s go back across this Pond and then we got to to get back to this horse that’s one out of the four plushies completed that was way too easy all right Mr horse you got to get back on land for me yes jump jump jump come on get up get up get up nope this horse is too fat stop acting like my daddy and get up there yes I did it all right come on Mr doggies you guys are going to follow meing horse going into the water ooh this is going to be so fast to get to the next plushy this horse is actually insanely fast go go go go go ooh we’re getting super close to the next place plushy we just got to go all the way down this way we just got to follow this little island all the way down and then the next plushy will appear I just got to watch out for some fan girls o and I also need to get more food come here Mr Cow hey stop running away from me take that yeah you like that you like that let’s go I’m getting super duper close now I think I got to go on top of this mountain hi Johnny we see you where are you guys um obviously we’re by the plushy oh my goodness hey we wanted to apologize we wanted to apologize and say we’re really sorry and we think you’re the hottest boy ever what the heck well that’s a bad apology we just want to give you hugs hugs and kisses no I don’t want hugs and kisses I just want that plushy so I can escape and never see you guys ever again okay back up I’ll shoot no you don’t even know how to shoot yeah ow what the heck ow hit me right in my face excuse me Clara did you just like shoot Johnny yeah cuz I want to show him how much I love him and I just I just want to come on with me that is not allowed what the heck Stella you just killed her um did you want her to kill you no but are you going to kill me um actually no see the thing is is I know that you’re going to pick me over all of the other girls so why don’t you just take this plushy and take this sword too what oh my gosh you’re going to actually give me that sword um obviously I’m so much better than those other girls Stella give it to me give it to me yes let’s go you just gave me a hero sword um well yeah and I got this Axel plushy let’s go so like when we return home just make sure to pick me all right well uh I’ll send you home early um there we go stop Hing me yeah sella yeah I didn’t even like her now she gave me a free sword and I got a free plushy this is so easy they’re so bad at playing this I’m going to be able to go home in like 5 seconds away this going I’m going to use another Love Potion too oh yeah now got a health boost and regeneration where’ my horsey go though horsey no I think my horsey ran away oh I found himo that was a close one hey Mr horsey I’m going have to put you on a Lea soon stop running away hey stop running come back here right now Mr horsey he’s so fast he’s actually so fast all right I got you now we need to go all the way up here all right so we need to go in this direction Johnny Johnny come back here oh heck no oh no no no no Becky get away from me I’m trying to collect iron I need to shoot you with my Cupid Arrow no hey what the heck make you fall in love with me ow oh my God oh my God I got to get on my horse get on my horse get on my horse direct H do you love me yet no I actually hate you more now what there’s no way come here ha ha take that ow ow stop it you’re making me miss my love arrows get them doggies get them oh yeah you can’t hit me you can’t hit me no no no let’s go got you Becky you’re going to have to try harder next time oo I think I’m getting close oh no what the heck I just fell oh my goodness oh God this horse is stuck all right Mr horsey I’m going to have to abandon you I need to continue my journey without you you’re too slow and you’re too fat I think we’re getting close to the third plushy I just need to go into here a little bit wait what the heck hey Clara what are you doing up there Johnny this is the last draw you need to give us those plushies right now you can’t escape oh yeah well uh how about I open up this Lucky Block right underneath you no you can’t do that what is that oh oh my God I got a frame Johnny photo what the heck ha hit you with it how about that oh gosh oh gosh he’s going to kill me hey why are you trying to trap me what is this hey stop it we want to show you our love we want to show you our love oh God TNT watch out this thing is awesome I think this is like a sword of some sort wait this is the coolest thing ever even though it’s a little weird cuz it’s a picture of me it’s still kind of cool o another Lucky Block oh what the heck it’s a giant zombie oh no no no no no no no I am not not even touching you Mr giant zombie I’m just going to get this plush and I’m just going to keep moving on to the next one where’s the plush at where’s the plush at ooh it’s a bear plush I have three plushies and I need one more and of course it’s like the furthest one away from me it’s all the way over here but if I can get into this River and then use a boat to go all the way down I’ll be right next to the plushy okay that’s what I need to do o it looks like I need to make another boat as well all right just going to place this down there we go and now I just need to follow this River all all the way down this is super easy and then I’m going to win I’m going be the best winner in the world Johnny you are not getting that plushy where are you where are you hey hey hey hey Becky stop it hey what the heck are you doing I need to stop you we’re supposed to be on a date right now no we are not going on a date and I’m getting that last plushy and I’m escaping and there’s nothing you can do about it I can shoot you with my love arrows E I broke your boat no that’s not fair that’s actually not fair yes wait Becky Becky I actually have something for you you do uh yeah it’s a it’s a framed photo of me since you like me so much wao what an amazing gift that was so thoughtful oh yeah Becky look take a take a little look at it take that it hurts oh yeah take my frame photo oh that took care of that problem but now I got to make another boat oh my goodness she’s so annoying all right now let’s continue to this last and final plushy it says that it’s right over this little mountain all right so we’re just going to go all the way up to here and I’m going to break this boat just in case I need to go back in the water oh no this is not good I also need some food there any cows nearby oh cows Piggies yes a piggy a piggy die oh yeah wait what charred meat wait can I eat this no I think I just charred the meat and put it on fire ooh a Lucky Block I can get some food from this oh my gosh golden apples golden apples wait that was actually so lucky okay I’m going to eat two of them this should pull me over yes yes yes and I have extra hearts that was actually so lucky okay now I need to go this direction to get to the last and final plushy oh gosh hopefully there’s no fan girls over here oh no I see them it’s Stella Stella what are you doing well Becky told me that if I didn’t stand here she was going to shave my head well move out of the way or I’m going to have to kill you with this sword again no I don’t think that’s going to happen really you don’t think I’m going to kill you well you shouldn’t all right let me just grab this real real quick let’s see if you stop me oh yeah you really did stop me than wow really you hit me with your fist did you want me to try to kill you yeah do it let’s see what you can do good luck wow you’re doing a lot of damage wow let me show you something take that oh I’m shooting arrows I’m shooting arrows that was sick all right now I have all four plushies now all I need to do is go all the way up here to the magic portal oh my goodness this this looks so cool and it looks like there’s a bridge right here I can cross okay so let’s start traveling up this way yes I’m getting super close to this bridge yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness this looks crazy look at those trees oh god what the heck Clara how do you guys have diamond armor uh let’s just say we’ve been having some fun mining together oh no and this one has a diamond horse okay guys back away from me no you you back away from us cuz you’re going to stay here forever I need to go across that bridge like can escape so move out of the way don’t make me shoot you I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it all right then don’t shoot me and just let me cross the bridge take that oh my goodness really this oh I have a fishing rod what fish you out no I’m going to have to come over there and get you ah cobweb cobweb get trapped all right I’ll see you guys later no no this is not fair this is not fair away from me I just have a sword I can break through these in like two hits have to make AIG no get away from me I’m just going to block this all up all right just going to go past here oh gosh see you guys later bye no Take that fishing rod fishing rod hey stop trying to trap me you’re not going to get me it’s so annoying on the bridge we got him on the bridge we cornered him oh wow you guys really cornered me a take that to the face oh you are you’re hopeless I don’t even know that girl she doesn’t talk what are you trying to do come here no bye see you later yes I did it I crossed the bridge now I just got to find this portal I think it’s all the way up on top of this mountain oh my goodness I’m going to have to climb so high these four plushies better allow me to escape this place cuz I never want to come back here again especially not with these crazy fan girls what the heck am I looking at it looks like a giant portal oh gosh and a lot of crazy fan girls wo this place is crazy looking that’s definitely where I need to go to escape this place before I do that let’s see what I get from these other three love potions what the heck yes more golden apples and a cake oh that was perfect I’m going to have so much health I’m literally never going to die okay it’s time to eat this enchanted golden apple go go go oh fan girls fan girls what are you doing doing over there finally my husband’s arrived he’s not your husband Clara yes he is he’s mine guys stop fighting stop fighting are you going to allow me to escape or not we have to just get him he’s going to try to escape through the portal no I’m not I’m not trying to escape anywhere whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m going to hug him I’m going to hug him okay really guys we need to do this no you can’t go up there get him ow oh my goodness no building allowed you guys are so annoying we’re taking you home just like stop running all right let me just grab this I almost grabbed him come here guys get away for me right now come here sugar Boo ow e don’t call me sugar me I almost got him no I didn’t mean to obviously I got him I got him oh let me out let me out come here I’m going to give you a big old bear hug ow who just shot me it’s Becky I’m trying to get Johnny I’ll see you later where he go he was just here a second ago the compass is say is he’s this way are you guys having a hard time finding me um obviously where did you go all right just going to make that there we go guys let’s just say I went into the floor you actually went into the floor like that’s such a smarticle idea I would do that too wait this place looks different than everything else it’s wood he’s definitely down there obviously you guys are idiots well I was someone that noticed it no it was my idea to dig down um what is this supposed to be was what oh my God it’s Johnny he’s so cute I’m just going to give him a big old smooch Clara you are so stupid that is not Johnny wait he’s up here you guys he’s up here no I’m not I’m nowhere guys are getting tricked oh no place plushy yes I need to place place the plushies on all four of these and then the portal will appear hey oh my God oh my God you turned into me oh my God kill it kill it kill it I need to kill it Johnny I have a bone to pick with you hey chill oh my goodness you hit me so far yeah I fought it with my daddy’s credit card I’m going to have to kill you okay um you can’t kill me if you can’t hit me yeah I’m throwing eggs at you you like that come here Stella oh my gosh oh my gosh take this stop shooting me that’s really mean oh bye Stella Becky you’re last oh no is it just me and you Johnny hey that’s weird means I’m going to kill you Becky I’m going to kill you yeah I did it I killed all the fan girls now all I need to do is place these plushies down and then I win okay I’m going to place a plushy down there Place one here and finally I need to place the last plushy right here wo the portal actually worked let’s go I did it and now all I need to do is escape and then no more fan girls will ever mess with me ever again by Fang girl world yes I did it I made it back into the regular world that was a close one I almost got stuck in there forever but now I think I could finally go to GameStop and get my roox let’s go Johnny we finally found you what oh my God what are you guys doing here I’m back here Johnny you can’t escape us get away from me if you guys made it to the end of this video and want to help save me everyone leave a like and hit subscribe see you guys in the next video we love you Johnny

Today, Johnny has to escape all his Crazy Fangirls in Minecraft! Will he be able to out run them in this Minecraft Speedrun? Watch until the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. Johnny Johnny bro you're in creative mode you can you could have just broke that fence or cage and you can just broke the glass got a water bucket jumped out the window and clutch and then go to speed potion

  2. Johnny ignore them don't do a speed run with them you should just run home tell your dad and then your dad will literally just called 911 so I'll be arrested wait that's not going to work

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