Baby Mikey and Baby JJ Survived The Tsunami Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)

huh now that’s a dream come true hey Mikey wake up you haven’t forgotten what we were going to do today have you huh I don’t get it we wanted to watch a new cartoon that’s on right now so let’s go watch TV our parents why is it so quiet here are they asleep well what can’t you see it looks like they’re asleep and we woke up before they did well that means we won’t disturb them so let’s go downstairs and watch TV yeah this cartoon is new and must very interesting breaking news there is an extremely dangerous situation as a huge wave is forming from the ocean and it means that all the nearest territories of our area are under the threat of a terrible and destructive tsunami oh know so whoever has the opportunity hurry up and pack all your things and leave as soon as possible because the situation is super dangerous and you shouldn’t mess with it because the consequences for you could be fatal oh my God no no way Mikey do you believe that huh you think this is some kind of joke or something I don’t think they’d make jokes like that on the news we have to tell our parents right away because we can’t just stand here hey parents wake up we’ve got a terrible situation here why are you so worried huh what happened the news said there’s a super huge tsunami coming our way the situation is dire and we need to do something I don’t understand are you sick or did you have a nightmare I’m not having a nightmare if you don’t believe me go and see for yourself what’s going on I’m seriously telling you that the situation is terrible well then if it’s so serious we’ll go to my Cottage in the village it’s just a bit far from here so yes that would be a great idea so let’s hurry up and pack all our stuff and let’s get out of here yes where’s our stuff you’re going to get our stuff right Jay we have to pack our own stuff what kind of stupid habits didn’t they teach you to live on your own I can’t believe this is true is it the end of the world or something let’s hurry up and not just stand there JJ and Mikey let’s put our stuff down too we have to hurry because the tsunami is really bad I think I have all my valuables I’m not all packed up yet so wait for me come on dad hurry up we have to leave as soon as possible because this is very serious don’t talk to him he knows what he’s doing JJ and Mikey what are you standing around for get in the car wait for my dad I don’t think he’s packed all his stuff yet so I have everything are you ready so if you’re ready let’s get in and go wait wait we forgot to put our stuff away we’ll be right there JJ hurry up we don’t have much time oh no hey what are you doing come back here now hey oh no no way what have they done and why are they doing this to us I can’t believe they forgot about us JJ hurry up and run toward the ocean we need to see if there’s a tsunami coming do you think we’ll get lucky and the tsunami will miss our area I’d like to to believe that but oh no it seems like the situation is bad the tsunami is almost here and sooner or later it will reach us Mikey we can’t just watch and wait for our fate we have to do something I’ve got something in mind let’s go see it I’ll tell you all about it but first it’s going to be something like strengthening our house huh why would we do that when a tsunami wave would just blow it away you’re wrong JJ if we reinforce the house and give it weight chances are it’ll stay on the surface and the tsunami will just go around it what oh really you really believe that uh what else are we supposed to do just sit around and wait to drown oh no JJ I don’t want to do that so grab whatever’s in the chest there’s a bunch of obsidian and iron my father wanted to build a bunker so I think we can use it now L how are we going to build it are we just going to put these blocks on the house or are we going to replace them yep we need to put more weight on the house so it can hold up under the tsunami pressure for as long as possible uh and there’s a flight potions it’s to make it easier for us to land here so grab it and get to work so come on over here I’ll break the flight potion and we can fly around the house and fix it up without a problem okay Mikey honestly I like your plan I couldn’t have thought of a better one yeah well what’s stopping us from building a bunker h a bunker I’m afraid we won’t have time to build it properly before the tsunami hits this Village plus I’m afraid the bunker could easily be flooded so no especially since I don’t know the blueprints for a well sealed bunker so I don’t want to build us a coffin well I understand you’ve decided to install obsidian blocks underneath why it’ll give the foundation of the house more weight and it’ll make it harder for the tsunami to move our house okay maybe you’re right but will we have enough more obsidian to completely reinforce our house uh I don’t know about that if we have enough it’ll be fine if we don’t it won’t I’m afraid to sit in the house when the tsunami is here are you sure we don’t have some other plan I’m afraid not if we reinforce our house it won’t be such a bad option to wait out the tsunami you know what Mikey I really like everything about this place I like the way this iron block looks it’s got to be able to withstand a tsunami uh well it’s not a 100% chance we’ll survive but oh no I didn’t think anything could happen to us well if it’s not that bad maybe we’ll run away uh yeah what do we do now if we run away from here we’ll be in a much worse situation than this at least here we have a shelter that could in theory save us all right I’ll still hope we survive imagine we’re on a pirate ship in the middle of a stormy ocean we’re in a similar situation huh that’s funny but what’s interesting is that the villagers around here aren’t worried about it at all it’s like they don’t even know what’s going on here uh maybe they do maybe we should warn them all but we can hardly help them because we could use the help at least we can warn them all there’s still time for them to build something for them eles hey guys the situation in the village is terrible because there are tunami coming here here you go and take this we don’t have time to help you so go ahead and make your own fortifications jeez guys thank you so much because we knew that t nuami was coming but before you brought us these materials we didn’t even have anything on us so thank you so much for helping us you knew the tsunami was coming and you didn’t even try to get out of here why because this is our home and if it’s our destiny to drown in the tsunami then so be it thank you again for your help that’s a strange thought in point of view but let’s just see what’s going on with that tsunami because I have a feeling something’s wrong and it could be right next door Oh no you’re right JJ the tsunami is going to be here soon so let’s get back to the house yeah yeah we don’t have time to make any changes so we’ll just have to make do with what we have it’s going to be okay the most important thing is not to panic I think we’ll survived we’ve been through worse everything’s going to be all right I’m going to believe that we’re going to survive so don’t worry buddy [Music] unfortunately it turns out that the tsunami may have destroyed the village after all a lot of people just disappeared and their houses too but what happened to our characters JJ and Mikey their house was still intact and Mikey’s plan worked but ah oh my God my head oh no what what’s wrong Mikey hey Mikey are you alive come on get up quickly my friend oh my God we did it JJ I’m glad and I congratulate you but my body hurts and I can’t seem to get up Mikey yeah me too it’s like our legs are broken what do we do now uh hurry up and crawl to the potion stand where we got the potions there’s got to be a healing potion there oh no Mikey I just can’t believe that we did it we survived uh yeah that’s great except we got hurt a little bit the closet fell on us so hard it broke our legs and knocked us out we’re going to drink a potion and then we’ll feel much better and then we’ll figure out what to do next I can’t figure it out there’s a lot of water but I can’t hear that wave does that mean the wave has passed maybe it did come on JJ you’re going to drink the potion and you’re going to feel a lot better come on JJ look at me I’m standing here and I can move around so hurry up and drink the potion cool Mikey what can I say we’re probably very lucky that we’re okay and we’re well we survived didn’t we uh yeah but I think we’re going to have to find a way to get to the surface the only other option is to try through that window it looks like there’s water coming out of it yes but it’s all flooded it’s like this whole place just turned into a sea uh yeah I agree and how lucky we are that my plan kind of worked I didn’t think it would help at all but I didn’t want to tell you there are no houses it seems like we’re the only ones left in the village I don’t know but we could look for some survivors to see if they’re okay there’s sharks in here oh no Mikey look out buddy get in the house if there’s so many sharks out there we’re going to have to figure out a way to fight them we can’t just stand here forever it’s not so safe here anymore let’s beat this monster hey JJ get the water out of here so you can destroy the shark go ahead and try to put more blocks in and then there’ll be a lot less water great advice Mikey thanks for telling me that because I really didn’t realize well now we’re going to destroy the shark for sure oh my god there must be a lot of sharks like that monster out there what are we supposed to do now I don’t know Mikey but we should destroy this monster first yeah I agree with you Jesus I can’t believe there’s a shark in our house it’ll be gone soon and we can get out of here in peace I keep thinking about what we’re going to do next we can’t live here now right what do we do now Jay we could take a look around because yes I agree that we can’t stay here sooner or later there’s going to be more water I’m afraid that no one will be able to neutralize the residual water and it’ll just get worse oh that’s terrible hey Mikey what the hell are you doing what are you doing I want to see what’s waiting for us on the surface maybe we can build a raft and get out of here hey I see a house over there and it’s probably the same house the villagers fortified just like we did what does that mean that they survived uh yeah I think so and if they did survive they can help us wait a minute help us do what we wanted to go somewhere didn’t we uh we have a couple of options either we sail away from here and live on the streets with no roof over our heads or or we try to round up some survivors to make this place look normal so we can live here again wa are all these houses supposed to be rebuilt is that even possible I don’t get it but we have a boat now which means it’s relatively safe to travel by water well that’s cool what do we do now we’re going to head in that direction to see if there are any surviving villagers uh yes JJ our job is to get to that house and we’re probably going to do it through the roof oh okay go on then but be careful there aren’t any sharks near us cuz it would be bad if they saw us Let’s go swim over there God I can’t believe this is where we used to walk and now it’s all turned into some kind of seabed no one thought such a tragedy could happen here just a huge tsunami that swept everything in its path and swept it into the water someday someone will be able to explore this underwater city or Village that it is okay let’s try to crawl inside this house because it looks like uh I’m going to hope someone survived in here cuz we could use some more hands to figure out what to do next do you really want to re build this place I don’t even know how realistic that idea is well what’s stopping us from trying come on JJ I think there’s someone out there I can’t believe you survived but how well just like you we advised you to reinforce the building okay I’m glad you survived because a lot of people end up at the bottom of the ocean unfortunately and I have something for you maybe it’ll help you in some way in the future can help us what are you talking about huh if you want to help come on we could use the extra hands huh bows and arrows well that’s really good so we’re going to need it uh if you don’t mind we’ll be on our way good luck to you guys we’ll stay here and figure out what to do next yeah okay so Mikey any thoughts ah with these weapons we can try to shoot all the sharks and then we’ll have an easier time figuring out what to do with the whole place yeah Mikey you’re right and it seems like it’s gotten a little dangerous around here let’s do this we’ll shoot from the roof it’s the safest place to shoot from you better watch my back Mikey I’m going to try to get in the boat and shoot them from up here ah Jay they’re not so easy to hit anymore how do you do it you have to shoot ahead aim a little farther than the shark is swimming the arrow is slower than the shark so yeah it’s very hard to hit them but fighting underwater is not an option because they’re much stronger than we are JJ that’s a very dangerous idea maybe we should come up here huh well how are we going to take out the Sharks we need to do something about them because they’re going to be a huge problem for us well it looks like we’ve destroyed all the sharks and it’s safe for now but we have to figure out what to do next so any ideas how we can restore everything here guys there is a house at the bottom and in it lived a scientist who could help us pump out the water here huh are you serious now if it’s true we’re going to save her now uh hurry up JJ swim down that’s right pump out the water down here and then maybe this whole place will come back to life and be just like it was before the tsunami it it be nice if it actually worked but in order to pump out the water you’d have to build a pump and it would have to be incredibly huge hey is this the scientist who can help us we’re here to save you oh thank you for not leaving me here yes I can help I can build a pump that will pump all the water out of here and then the village will be like it used to be well then if that’s true let’s get get to work if you need help you tell us looks like we’re all set and we’ve finally been able to build that pump to pump out all the water and get our village back yes I’ve done the wiring and if everyone’s ready you can start it up and then soon we’ll finally have our house yes great I hope it all works and nothing bad happens it’s too late to think JJ cuz I got the generator running is the pump working let’s check it out all of the pump’s power is active which means it’s working we’ll be getting water here soon so keep a close eye on it yes I can see that I see what we got it looks like there’s water collecting which means the process is well underway now we just have to wait until there’s no water in here and then we’ll finally get rid of the tsunami alt together and we can use the water that collects here as a reservoir for our needs maybe even recycle the water great job guys it looks like the reservoir is filling up and now there’s no more water here we got rid of the tsunami and got our village back yeah but there’s still a lot of work to be done to rebuild the houses we have to start from scratch well that’s for another time I’m glad we did it so now it’s time for us to go downstairs

Baby Mikey and Baby JJ Survived The Tsunami Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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