10 Idiots Vs Terraria’s Calamity Mod | EP. 4: Hard & Harder…

previously on 10 idiots most terrar is Calamity mod Darius your house might be corrupted just a little going to make [Music] a oh he s for me what the mother you sound like what the mother you get away from her about what the Travis Scott for me hello Persona wait this is a Persona character fathom swarmer what is that oh that’s a sea armor no tiki armor Tiki armor oh yeah how do I get that again isn’t that from the NPC though oh you just buy it from the witch easy ass yeah oh darus is here hop in darus we’re doing a solar eclipse right now oh my God run run B run run run run run what have I got so far wa what is I got a rogue weapon te Moon’s on again uh what the sigma also we can do Duke fishron oh that would be awesome we should Farm him summon thing which is better than what I have now but it’s just like I don’t want to use like valuable materials you know okay I’m going to use it then easy d gold yo what where am I bro get me out of here what the hell I want to kill fish Ron so bad bro I’m actually like itching for it wait do you guys ever kill the sand worm thing yeah I feel like today the goal should be desert Scourge no for some reason we didn’t spawn with that in the world oh yeah yeah all right ready show there he is the fish the fish the evil fish oh God I still have like the weakest potion in the game oh no wait he does like no damage by running into me hello I’m so strong dude he does like one heart per hit I’m go AG heal T heal heal heal heal oh heal 2% 1% and and get his ass get his ass yes there hell yeah a too easy too easy all right what we’re going to get oh I got the typhoon The Tempest staff two temper STS and the two temp temper staffs tsunami and oh I got tsunami that’s so good oh half mine’s back um L I should probably get the greater healing potions probably yeah we we’ll Farm the mech bosses tonight like a lot oh mantis claws who dude 300 damage D it say it says it’s just that shrimp okay hold on oh there’s another what bro be for real be for real what is the deal with the hive mine bro actual fan of us following us around like a stalker ow ow wait he’s hurting me a lot I’m about to die I’m about to head out oh oh uh uh it’s only you Ben can you TP uh three I have barely one heart a oh my God man just saved everything okay I’m going to go heal uh oh oh no no it’s gone some mechanical bosses while we wait uh I think I should scle f sigtigma oh I’ll do this oh oh my God she’ll be right she’ll be right she might be right oh never mind never mind scratch that where’s the nose where’s the nose help no okay oh no are they wait no they’re gone the Destroyer the Destroyer isn’t why is coming straight back why is it just head impressive what is happening what oh oh he back oh now now he’s F do you do I have no idea what to expect from this I’m sure we’ll be fine [Music] right oh wa um I’m going to heal oh my God this is this is certainly a boss that exists it’s almost half HP good heal again go go go I need to walk in to save the team what plague nuke barrage arm nuke somehow I keep dodging it never mind all right I’m going to heal I’m going to heal oh my God please no um oh god oh no D needs to TP as soon as possible no go oh my God no 6 seconds 6 seconds no unlucky damn again yeah I’ll try it again there go dar’s house is finally nice and healthy again all right let’s go I got like one more hit in me one more in me all right going to hop off to heal in maybe 15 seconds mhm 19% 18% come on let’s bring it home 8 7 six I need to heal we got it come on come on oh no it’s fine it’s fine heal if you need to I can I can take it from you no I’m fine I was just there start oh come on 0% come on yes hell yeah yes all right treasure bag pandemic a yo-yo disease joy stick o what are we even doing that boss for like what was that for it dropped like three items that I needed oh did you get any of them I got one I’m just going to buy the goodie bags oh we can do the um Pumpkin Moon now oh it needs ectoplasm okay we have to go to the dungeon why do I hear sio mode hold on what [Laughter] why is sio mode playing hello sun is down freezing cold that’s how you already know oh wait wait t uh can you teleport to me or someone can can someone teleport to me real quick cuz we can finally open the chests oh my God look at the paladins have oh dude is it even good in Calamity I have no idea we’ll we’ll take the stuff at that race let’s go is this what I think it is yes rainbow gun what what is that what Morning Star base wait that’s good for Darius it’s it’s a whip Paladin I do need the pal Paladin Shield I know that’s something I’ll definitely need I got the Paladin Shield what do you know bye-bye oh Kraken I remember that it’s not going to be good here but you call me no not a cracker a kraken like the mythical creature okay what is this scourge of the corruptor wa that’s surprisingly strong in my day we had them boys sorry what where did that come from oh I’m dead what that come out we had Fanboy what what did that mean Darius bro what’s a shield called ornate shield no I’m the one after that that I’m trying to make right now asgard’s fell that one yeah oh I can Ram dash that’s pretty [Music] cool yeah just just stra up join oh sh and character name wait have you never joined no I haven’t never joined oh oh my God find time bro no make make your character man I guess I’ll check the NPCs flipper diving helmet sweet there we go I’ve got the Arctic diving gear n thought it was a challenge for oh we’re all dead we di oh my god oh sh yeah and then tped me handled over that would be huge all Gotto all right that’s it mhm I’m not really sure what I’m looking for but I guess I’ll I don’t know [Music] oh oh um T yeah um something says in the warm Desert Sands what does that mean um I’m in a desert right now oh sh Wait what um what is it a predator oh no dream EDP EDP no T TT hold on let me give you everything they they didn’t have a bag oh Grand scale that’s that’s something I needed back to the ocean I go oh I found the or wait hold on oh let can go finally scor you oh no you’re in the depths remember sh whoa what the oh bro it touched me once and then it grabbed onto my head and Ked me what dude that squid was freaky as as hell freaky as hell holy glaze what okay holy glaze bro I’m just up were wolfing it out oh it’s like it’s growling at me stop you’re not doing that I’m going to kill this thing oh no the squid is back don’t you dare oh my God I I hate the squid no no I’m leaving I’m leaving never again bro I’m never going down there again wait what is this omous material activates Boss Rush mode what the hell is this why some what uh whoa um we just entered the fing Multiverse we’ll be fine we’ll be fine just in case uh tell your loved ones that you care about them a lot I feel like this is meant to be like an end game thing which I’ve unironically dis activated accidentally one shot we’re be executed bro firing squad nah win and and we already lost uh we just go through all of that King Slime we went through all that monologue these green ones are so strong all that Yap just for giant [ __ ] slime I think we’re going to put that in storage for a very long time and just scoria bar scoria bar oh my God I can make like everything now let’s go the fire Gauntlet oh my God about time oh we wait we still need to do the Pumpkin Moon plumpkin pumpkin bro I need to upgrade my pickaxe thing item what hello not forceful not ruthless hell whoa the hell are you J I don’t know actual Thor’s hammer marll item marel I love marel sounds like some like Rich English person trying to sound it’s how EXC pronounce Marvel chat chat chat chat is is this a Marvel yeah like B that’s how he says it bro morning Wood’s dead as hell morning wood Reddit will understand this one I’m chilling right now oh no no I’m about to die where us oh in Ohio JY is creatine C what are you saying not even English look at this I got the witch’s broom you got the UFO though you’re actually mogging me right now how much of the spooky wood do you guys have I have 36 I have 48 oh you have 48 okay we might be done let me just check so the glazing from the pump King is crazy dude he wants me so bad I have 63 here as well here go there hold on stay still put that on try that on for size datab bio oh no it is the dive rocket launcher all right let’s go good boy take time why is it playing sicko Mode still bro I swear to god dude he’s so much harder in this yeah he’s usually a cakewalk what what is happening oh no no don’t don’t attack the wrong one maybe he wanted that lunatic Al to smoke oh my god dude oh we’re doing so much more damage now yeah that is crazy the Buffs bro the Buffs oh just really really Dodge the dragon dragon’s the worst oh my God are you guys are both dead yeah oh sh I’m not going to L um I’m dead all right T darus it’s all on you T it’s all on you 10 seconds Legend bro we’ve got we’ve so got it we’ve got it come on zero come on yes okay finally H where do you guys go oh wait we need to do the the pillars don’t we yep I guess it’s pillow time yeah and we’re going to get looted yeah he’s got a tea darus oh what I’m flying huh I’m not trying to do this all right I’m not long for this world I fear me too oh okay he’s going to die oh God back in high school I used to jerk it with with my hands that’s true I don’t remember doing that no guy two has joined guy two is that is that lava I’m in what’s up just in time for Moon Lord all right let me TP home let’s see what we can do with the vortex frags I’m stuck in the he was stuck down there look like ninja God damn have you ever played Teraria before like ever no never played this game spect yeah we definitely need spect to arm for lava everything else is bad how do we get Spector BS we need Chlor Chlor I think we need we have a Chlor basm we need way more ectoplasm yeah how many Life Crystals does he need to be Max 15 did did he have Calamity before he joined no before this take this take this take this take this take this and take this let’s find lava some hecto plasm The Ten Commandments shake for newon PayPal Mastercard pza and ax there you go hey lava check this out yeah um going to kill me no no no no no no put these on whoa Spectre Mas yeah just put it on yeah wait how does lava has more Health than Darius wa that’s why he’s dying I had no idea oh my God okay wait how many red hearts you have darus how many are you missing there should be two full bars one just one okay Bam Bam use all those oh [ __ ] oh oh my God I’m fighting there go dead as hell it’s so easy okay I’m at the pillow tap in who is playing with the worm you know that’s against the rules wait what bye-bye that was so easy wow you have Riz because you are the group group leader or are you the group leader because you have Riz what are you yapping about hello Tik Tok heavens and the earth I alone am the sigma bro what are you saying okay light work yippee okay something malicious is brewing what do you mean by that we have 1 minute we have 1 minute until it appears oh my God okay there he is there he is oh my god oh this is Sans if he was from Ohio wait that’s actually true that’s a good point Sans from Ohio dude his health is so huge oh I’m so dead wait inant oh my god oh what does it mean when he like latches some to you what means he’s sucking you Dr oh my God glory of God my house not my house the house Behold The Glory of a sigma male first hand’s almost dead come on fellas oh oh God get it wait it it healed hello it it just came back all right a it’s only you oh my God oh my God I’m about I’m about to die help stop uhoh is it just me it’s just me ah oh oh my God the spawn camping is crazy okay uh new plan just go for his head don’t go for his hands his hands will immediately respawn just like Thanos [Laughter] you should have gone for the head well that’s actually true that’s actually a good point oh stop bro T you might want to go NSE it’s me it’s just me oh no oh no that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good hhhh please please yes run run oh my God oh my God it’s it’s only you two it’s only you two whoa that’s not good about to die bro see no it’s it’s on lava it’s on darus and lava hide run guys you’re doing great you’re doing great oh my God no you did it you did it all good okay that’s it that’s it we have we have his heart now is it bugging why are the hands respawning like nonstop I have no idea they not meant to [Music] respawn put all your like solar St in the chest in the chest hey lava yeah what you doing I’m digging blocks digging blocks I’m goinging to get blocks what do you want what do you want you over those are they’re like like glowy pink fragments or whatever they’re called they’re like Nea fragments those yeah those fragments yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just hand over those I made it there yeah oh oh one One Singular FR yeah I only have one that’s all you got from from all of that yeah I got a hard megaphone though wow Moon Lord rain Victoria this time but we will win the war no that’s not how it goes Moon Moon Lord won the battle but we will win the war big shout out to my tier 2 supporters on patreon ash miles and Ocha

subscribe w/ the bell thingy for Episode 5 😈

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‼️ if you need to be caught up to speed – we have to beat the game in a week. this is day 4!

0:00 – ep 3 recap
0:39 – planning,,
1:25 – glitches 🙁
2:24 – hive mind??
5:51 – dungeonn 🙂
6:59 – crafting stuff
7:49 – The Abyss…
9:25 – BOSS RUSH..?
10:18 – more crafting
10:25 – Pumpkin Moon
12:37 – PILLARS
13:07 – Lava JOINS
14:39 – teaching lava the method
15:15 – MOON LORD
17:19 – well THAT just happened!
17:56 – *meeeow*
18:05 – outro

I LOVE TERRARIA MODS!!! THE TERRARIA CALAMITY MOD! This isn’t a terraria 100 day challenge, nor an infernum or thorium playthrough. Nor is it terraria master mode, it is 10 idiots vs terraria calamity mod.

#terraria #calamity


  1. Three points to make:
    1: increase your health with blood orange and miracle fruit
    2: biome blade is useful and upgradable at this point
    3: make sure you upgrade all weapons as much as possible and don’t let them slack behind

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