Why Scary DAME TU COSITA.EXE Called JJ and Mikey Family at Night – in Minecraft Maizen!

the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there’s a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby wa who that’s pretty scary I better be careful I hope I’m safe hm [Applause] oh that’s the doorbell who could it [Music] be oh Mikey JJ let me in what’s wrong there’s something weird with my house today I keep trying to take a nap but all these weird noises are keeping me up like what come look sure this is my house go in and look hm H it’s weird weird noises what could they be I can’t nap I don’t see anything strange huh really huh no way I can’t figure out what it is oh hang on Mikey yeah there’s something under your bed huh something’s lurking under there H it’s what hang on Mikey huh I think it’s the dangerous puppet from the news what that thing was under my bed the whole time yikes that’s freaky are we going to be eating seriously it’s going to eat us it’s okay Mikey we’re safe for now huh why look at it it’s harmless during the day huh it doesn’t attack during the day but at night it is attacks and eats people so we’re safe for now oh then JJ let’s beat it before nightfalls is that all yep actually I have some lava back at my house yeah let’s dump lava on the puppet to beat it oh good idea okay okay follow me let’s go all right all right Mikey got the lava use the lava to beat it to beat the puppet I’m so glad it’s all working out safely for us let’s beat it uh huh what where’ to go huh the puppet’s gone huh what now the puppet disappeared oh I’m scared seriously where did it disappear to where did it go you don’t think it went back to its own home do you that’s probably it right well we can’t be too careful at this point Mikey the puppet could still be lurking somewhere in the village oh we can’t underestimate it Mikey just in case let’s put up security cameras All Around The Village sure first let’s put one in your house one camera down I feel better already next up over here okay hey we’ll leave a security camera on this huge tree oh nice yep we can see the entire village with it that makes me feel safer still I’m scared can I stay at your house JJ oh sure you can Mikey thanks it’s night I guess it’s time to sleep actually Mikey H it’s still possible the puppet is in the village let’s check the security camera cameras before we sleep oh right let’s first check your house Mikey my house it looks just like it always does yep wonderful right it seems safe right huh h Huh the puppet was hiding in my closet what’s it doing huh what’s it trying to do what huh huh if I’d been sleeping at home I’d have been eating what maybe it was hunting you good thing you’re here oh oh the puppet left I’ll switch [Music] cameras uh what’s it doing what H the puppets at that villager’s house huh huh it’s ringing the doorbell huh oh what I think it’s hiding in the shadows Please Mr villager don’t open the door oh it opens hang on no no Mr villager that was bad the Villager was eaten to be eaten like that hold up huh the doorbell rang no way oh no no way the puppet is [Music] here let’s check the camera [Applause] no it’s the puppet and it’s lurking in the shadows if we go out there it’ll jump out and eat us hold on Mikey it’s here it’s right there he wants to eat us oh wait oh no it won’t stop ringing the doorbell what now hang in there Mikey it’s too dangerous here let’s take shelter in my secret basement let’s hide there over here just flick this to open it all right okay wa hurry Mikey hurry right [Music] here let’s wait here until morning Mikey it’s just too dangerous yeah okay Mikey it’s morning the puppet must have given up it only attacks at night right let’s check it out let’s go do you think it’s gone maybe H well I hope it’s gone is it safe be careful [Music] it’s gone what a relief great it’s gone still where’ the puppet go did it go back to your closet Mikey let’s check sure this is your house well is it in my house is it hiding well it seems to be gone no [Music] there it’s hiding in my [Music] closet it’s still here it’s hiding we’re out of options now what let’s set a trap we’re beating that puppet now we know it’s in there yeah let’s get ready make sure it doesn’t leave Mikey got it all right Mikey I’ve got everything we need to destroy destroy that puppet TNT iron bars here thanks all right it hasn’t left right nope it’s in the closet I’m on it there it is still there first yeah to keep it from escaping let’s do this mhm these iron bars will keep it inside nice okay now it’s trapped then what then we’ll place as much TNT as we can all over your house let’s do it all right wo okay as much TNT as we can fit put it everywhere sounds good all right really fill it up all right okay I’m all out of TNT ni let’s get out of here Wait Up come out Mikey hang on okay now let’s use ladders to climb onto your house sure okay now Mikey yeah let’s dump this lava on your house and Light It Up sure ready okay 3 2 1 run run away far away well well what now [Music] oh W wo he’s exploding [Applause] wao we did it we defeated it yes woo we did it we stopped the puppet okay let’s get started today we’re playing hide-and seek the rules are simple if I could defeat the Ender Dragon without dying then I win if I can’t beat it then Mikey wins sounds fun so if your health goes down to zero then you lose that’s right I only have one question though do you mind if I use some of the equipment I have in storage sure what kind of equipment is it I’m already good to go oh you’ve got a sword I’ll just need a minute to grab my things from Storage thanks all right yes wo now this is something special I’ll put on my armor oh sounds nice here’s the helmet that looks so cool it’s glowing my eyes are flashing that’s insane I have a bunch of tools to choose from too wo my armor makes me move faster I should slow down what an amazing sword a shiny new bow here’s a pickaxe and a shovel what’s this an Axe and last but not least oh next up are some ender pearls what are these they look powerful then we have some endless stew to keep my health up perfect wo so this is my equipment awesome hey Mikey yeah how do I look wow cool that’s awesome can I use it sure it looks like a lot of fun what can it do I’ll show you are you ready yep let’s go begin woo Woo you’re too fast oh wow I have wings hang on come back one sec oh there’s a village really I’m here no way look behind you here Mikey you’re making me dizzy I might as well test out this bow sure it’s a bow battle I wonder who’s stronger I’m great with a bow wao check it out sweet what the no hey what was that this bow it’s so strong arrows rain down wherever my shot lands wow this is incredible no fair I guess flying is second nature to me this is nice still I should find that Village and prepare some food wow oh there it is now then time to see how powerful this hoe really is what nothing special oh well I guess this hoe is just a wao cool that’s pretty amazing it’s tilling can you harvest in one hit no not for big areas of crops but I’m going to till the entire Village I have a feeling the villagers are really going to appreciate it wo look how much of this I turned into Farmland that’s awesome what are you up to Mikey I’m far away from you that sounds suspicious a h wait where are you I hit you there huh that’s where you are I’ll get you what weapon is that boom no W check out my black hole what’s going on it’s everywhere what’s it doing it’s covering me is that it wao it launched me into the sky the black hole did all that wow what happened happened no it sucked up a pig these black holes are crazy what no way amazing it’s so strong woohoo all right it’s time to move on I’m going to try out the pickaxe this pickaxe is amazing no way wow it can clear a whole house in one hit sorry for destroying your homes villagers let me think I should probably gather some wood I’m going to use the axe wow wow I cleared the entire tree in one chop I should take this to the Jungle yes I finally made it to the Jungle oh I guess I don’t take any ball damage W check it out Mikey this axe is incredible it is even these giant jungle trees they go down in one hit W this rocks huh what’s going on Wow amazing I see something no way yes I can’t believe how much wood I have it’s more than I’ll ever need yes there’s Mikey I got you that’s not a very safe place to stand why why because of this hey no what how yes what was that oh I found a cave huh all thanks to you Mikey seriously huh I need to start looking for diamonds wao where am I this pickaxe rocks it’s insanely powerful check out how deep I’m getting uh-oh I broke through the Bedrock wait a second I can fly that could have been a disaster phew lucky me uh oh I found some diamonds I better grab them wait what’s going on first I need to make a platform to stand on next I’ll change this pickaxe back to normal mode if you look closely it says Fortune X in the description so it must be super duper lucky time to mine those diamonds and see what I get wo what’s up now I have two big piles of diamonds really I have 128 in total you’re kidding look at all the diamonds lucky yeah in that case I should find some obsidian so I can get to the nether is there any obsidian around here I just need to to keep digging until I see some oh I see lava there’s got to be obsidian nearby there’s water too I have an idea I need to smelt this iron down now that I have a bucket I can grab some water I still need to find a lava pool though I’ll check above ground woohoo wo it’s almost night time where can I find some lava oh I found some I’ll pour out my water W perfect now I’ll mine the obsidian hey guess what I discovered Mikey it looks like my armor is immune to Lava for real no way yes way that’s enough obsidian time for me to build my nether portal I’m going to make it as big as I can just wait and see yes the Portal’s finished here goes nothing [Music] all right my journey through the nether is underway first things first I need to find a nether fortress H there’s one right here now all I need to do is hunt down a couple of blazes nice hopefully they drop some blaze rods let’s see I can’t seem to find any what’s up Mikey H not much a blaze rods I finally found some yes those blazes are going down [Music] down hold on a sec did I just see Mikey down there I did you found me oh no this isn’t good what’s your plan run well I guess Mikey’s gone I’ll keep harvesting as many blaze rods as I can is that TNT yep I’m blowing up the blaze spawner oh wait I need that Mikey wa yes yes yes you destroyed it how could you hooray this is bad I did it how am I supposed to find any blazes now huh yes Mikey’s down you shot me what do I do about the broken Blaze spawner I can’t believe my plan worked oh blazes yes what this sword is really powerful what makes it so strong no way it says it has Infinity attack damage I could wipe out anything in just one hit not fair I have eight blaze rods look Enderman I need to take them out and grab their ender pearls there we go one hit really oh I got one wo I only have one the plan is simple collect ender pearls go to the end then slay the Ender Dragon what’s your plan Mikey you want to know what my plan is you’ll see huh yep that’s suspicious what are you trying to do this time my plan is Flawless uh-oh I found you aha huh here it goes what yes wait a sec yes yes yes are you summoning a Wither I am seriously it’ll destroy both of us it’s the only thing that can take you down wait you actually summoned it I don’t know if I can beat that this Wither’s coming for you no no yes time to summon some more I think I can beat it with a black hole really go wither Army go wait what I think I need to use the bow again Withers for the win wait Mikey slow down my B stopped working yes oh you summoned another one Withers attack uh-oh sty black hole get him why isn’t the Wither getting sucked into my black hole ha come on the withers are too strong what do I do no Withers attack it’s time to bring out my sword you can’t stop them one hit I’ll summon another one wao all right this black hole should take care of them [Music] now I’m making more that’s too many liers come on Save Me wo incredible let’s go bye-bye Withers they don’t stand a chance against me no way I exploded you blew yourself up Mikey a my black holes are working this is pointless yes I win seriously but my plan wao it’s still alive there those weren’t too bad H time to hunt down those Endermen yes those Endermen are going down only one ender pearl to go I almost have 12 already let’s do this thing once and for all uhoh yes that’s 12 you’re strong now then if I combine the blaze powder and the ender pearls I can follow whichever direction the eye ofender goes that’ll take me right to the end oh that way I better follow it hang on a sec TNT I missed uhoh Mikey I’ll get you you won’t survive this yes you missed me go black holes I dodged them wow that’s pretty impressive Dodge I fell good wait it’s raining arrows oh no oh man that was a close one thanks to you Mikey I don’t remember which direction to go yay my plan worked that way okay almost there let’s go I’ll try throwing another one around here go oh looks like the stronghold is underwater I better start digging woohoo silverfish that must mean I’m getting [Music] closer a sweet there it is it’s an underwater stronghold hang on a sec I hope I didn’t accidentally destroy the end portal I need to be careful where are are you Mikey oh I’m just killing time what okay yes where am I going to find the end portal I’ll keep looking oh Mikey you found me what’s up nothing where’s the end portal who knows wait don’t go in there where is it oh here uhoh I finally found it hang on hey stop my defense is really tough lava doesn’t hurt nope not at all seriously wao if all else fails I guess I’ll punch you stop it I need one more yes hey where’d You Go My Own lava burned me Mikey took himself out oh well here I go yes made it wo it’s time to face the end I’ll try using black holes to take down the Ender Dragon I’ll stop you before you can destroy the crystals I don’t think I need to destroy them why cuz I’ll beat it in one hit if you don’t break the End crystals the Ender Dragon will heal yep I’m coming after you JJ I need to beat it before it heals look at my damage the Ender Dragon is hard to beat you’re right maybe I’ll use a black hole what circling back now’s my chance are you kidding slow down you’re winning too fast oh the Ender Dragon got sucked in this is bad hold up stop it w I did it do I still have a chance the Ender Dragon disappeared how am I supposed to slay it now I won how this sword should work really our bows too wow all the arrows are bouncing back what it’s deflecting them for real this guy’s tough yeah wo can you beat it let’s see if these black holes do anything good idea it’s not getting pulled in just hit it with your sword I’ll try hit it in the air wo I can’t believe we Beed it so easily wo cool w we did it Mikey we beat the entire game of Minecraft to sum it all up we used the best Best Equipment to speedrun the game if you had fun make sure to like And subscribe bye thanks for watching all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the sun comes up huh we’re not allowed out until morning that’s weird I want to go home what just because of a curfew I went through all this trouble finding a cheap Resort don’t leave now seriously oh man I guess I’ll stay but what happens after Sundown why the curf you hey look over here yeah wow cool this is a high dive wo it’s so tall let’s climb yeah I think this is the tallest one I’ve been on it’s crazy wow look how high we are it’ll take a while to reach the top wao oh wow nice we’re here amazing w wow just look at the view yeah so that’s where we jump off yep let’s try if you fall that’ll be a long climb back up totally oh I made it you got this Mikey careful don’t fall I made it nice so high it’s amazing can you really dive from up here this Resort is awesome yeah it’s great I’m glad we came okay I’m first wo wo so cool come on the water’s perfect here I go yay jump wo wo that high dive is a lot of fun wow this place is the best I want to jump again yeah me too campfire so toasty and the meat is yummy I’m really glad we’re here oh Mikey look we have to hurry back the sun’s almost down but I want to relax a little longer by the fire I’m still hungry it’s so nice being near the ocean uh Mikey aren’t we cutting it a little close huh really um look it’s fine huh just a little longer come on but what about the curfew I have a bad feeling about this a well I guess you’re right let’s head home yeah let’s go it’s already dark wao hold on what huh you see that it’s like there’s someone standing there right H who is that maybe another visitor yeah let’s go say hi hey how are you ow wao hey he hit me wait Mikey oh JJ help look at it Mikey that’s a spectre no run Retreat to the house oh it’s following us no why me stop JJ hurry okay get in it’s coming no I’ll shut the door I see him hang on what it’s following our movements really yes are you hiding I knew it Mikey huh this place is haunted just look at the Spectre outside oh yeah like he’s waiting just outside the door for us Mikey man you think he can break in I’ll hold the door let’s keep it shut I’m counting on you Mikey keep that thing out got it yikes scary this is really bad Mikey we’re trapped it’s morning huh where is it did the Spectre really disappear That’s good I’ve been holding the door all night I didn’t sleep hold on it might still be outside huh it’s gone right open wow what a relief that’s better you were up all night holding the door but I was too scared to sleep yeah I’m exhausted you saved us but our vacation is over yeah the two of us are going to secure this place and deal with that Spectre let’s get him all right let’s start with a trap I want to catch that awful thing let’s do it and pour lava all over it good idea I doubt even a spectre can survive swimming in lava I feel good about this security system don’t you or maybe First Security System huh huh the first one why would we need more if there’s only one Spectre we didn’t sleep last night and I’m exhausted JJ come on a Mikey you sure it’s fine well that’s true we didn’t sleep last night right let’s take a nap yeah we need to rest to catch the Spectre huh oh it’s dark out we overslept oh man wake up Mikey Mikey huh oh what’s wrong the Spectre uh Mikey it’s night time we need to check outside for the Spectre oops I fell okay let’s take a look let’s go all right are you ready 3 2 1 open it’s there in the same spot as last night can it see you I’ll lead it over Mikey okay got to get closer hey you go no it’s fast but I’m okay go Mikey in get in close it right in its face nice I see it let’s drop in the pit okay if it’s in the right spot it’ll fall down once we pull the lever I hope so it should be standing right in front of our door care to do the honors really please do 3 2 1 got it it fell right into our trap let’s lock it in yes wow got him we caught it yeah now I’ll push the button wo is working if the lava works we won’t have to worry about the Speer anymore we actually beat it yep we won that was easy totally all right the resort should be peaceful again we beat the Spectre nice awesome yay what’s wrong wait no way no I see them it’s not just me it’s not a hallucination how how is this real uh the they it can’t be wait where man suddenly we’re surrounded by a swarm of specters but are we completely trapped in here what do we do I thought there was only one is this the end for us no it can’t be why is there anything we can do what else is there it search the house for anything we can use do it ready yep okay here goes bummer no look behind you w what is that no way it opened up a secret passage it looks dangerous I don’t trust it what if there are more spe hold on Mikey this might be our last chance to escape otherwise we’re doomed I guess there’s no way we can fight them but what’s down there I’ll take my chances careful I’ll be okay I promise let’s see oh is it safe huh mushrooms what is all of this oh wow look full sets of diamond armor can you believe it awesome check it out huh I think it’s a rocket launcher no way awesome plus there’s a pickaxe oh some bread and ammo for the rocket launcher I think we’re ready to take on these specters let’s get them yep wait sup you can’t leave through the front door that’s what they’re expecting that’s true they’re out there waiting for us we can’t go this way is is there any other way out I don’t know oh hold on H I have an idea the chimney oh we could make it to the roof through the chimney really careful yeah there’s even a ladder in here huh I’m climbing up all right oh yeah come on up okay here I come good you made it now what where are they what the specters oh I see them oh Mike there are so many look I’m going to blast them with a rocket really of course I’m going to slay them all here I go wish me luck [Music] Mikey look at the crowd following me I don’t want to blow up the house though I’ll Lan here ready on oh I got blasted too oh wow we had so much fun today now that the specters are gone let’s enjoy the sunset with some barbecue so relaxing mhm this is delicious yeah wow it’s wonderful totally how nice it tastes great I love barbecues let’s get started we’re playing speedrunner versus Hunter the rules are simple see this Stone idle if I can destroy it then I win but I can’t destroy it without a diamond pickaxe mhm that’s right JJ if Mikey defeats me before I destroy it he wins yeah oh but Mikey this time I’ve been training for this I’ve learned how to use various techniques so do you mind if I use them today oh you trained sure use your techniques in that case I’ll change into my training outfit isn’t it cool so cool what kind of techniques can you use well for example this kind wo whoosh huh yep what a surprise that’s amazing just like this wo I can make tornadoes amazing still is that all I was just floating here seems pretty weak sure you can use your techniques looks like I’ll be the one who wins this round okay start whenever you want I’m all ready to go awesome since I have Mikey’s permission to use techniques I’m ready I’ll use this one I’ll use the air jump technique it’s a jump without fall damage are you ready yeah whenever you’re ready all right okay ready start super jump what huh and then no way Incredible Cool huh I’ll catch up to you soon I’ll be right there this is incredible I can use a variety of techniques like this H Mikey’s closer than I thought cool jumping power shoot shoot shoot but I still caught up I’m going to get you okay again h wao Huh okay I’m in the trees I bet Mikey can’t climb up here he’s in the trees but I can stack blocks to climb up after you aha I’ll catch up and stop you what he’s still coming here I come Mikey’s coming to get you still I’ll keep coming no matter what technique you use yeah win seriously what was that wow what a Surpise surprise wait there and again You’ blasted me away take this ouch this is the air cannon technique hey I can defend no from a distance take this no now’s my chance to use super jumps I thought I had you JJ come back here to escape woohoo here I go I won’t let you now put some distance between us you won’t get away like so though ha not too shabby all right oh this mountain looks like it has something good on top time for another Super Jump W oh a village perfect and it even has a farm I’ll Harvest these carrots just as I was starting to get hungry I find these carrots Yep this is pretty lucky a village in a place like this h is there anything else around here well at least I found food huh go huh what he saw me almost there how’d you get here Mikey yes shoot I caught up to you oh I’m here to stop you see there’s nowhere to run this is bad it’s a steep drop here he really has me cornered you can give up no oh I’m fine Mikey how you see H I can do this Zoom huh no way all right seriously huh what happened wait up I’m coming for you awesome a see I used a technique to walk through the air it uses fire to give me a boost huh really if I use this wo I can zoom right through the air I’ll catch you I can reach all sorts of places oh a cave all right I’ll enter it to find some diamonds once I find diamonds I can make a diamond pickaxe smash the stone idle and win so far so good since it’s going so well there’s no need to worry why did I say that hang on this is bad zombies are attacking me shoot I let my guard down that’s a crazy number of zombies I guess I’m out of options it’s time to use this technique this fire technique can destroy them all take that it launches fire from every part of my body to destroy them with a massive Fireball all right H I beat the zombies I guess you are Your Own Worst Enemy I should be more careful now a shoot woohoo Mikey found me you won’t get away oops I’ll corner you run as fast as I can making a break for it I need diamonds after him I need to fight back huh with this bring it on well can you get close Mikey it’s no use huh that won’t work what it has no effect I have a shield uh-oh nothing Fireball wo the that’s fine I brought water you’re kidding this is bad shoot just a little more I need a new technique wo like this you won’t get away that should seal him off I’ve got you okay you can’t get away with my shield I’m ready for anything wo what no way yes I made a wall for now let’s keep making more I thought I had you I can use this technique to make walls all right now I need to escape to a deeper Place wait up oh how about another wall right here too many walls awesome run away I think I’ve lost Mikey for now I got them off my trail for the time being now I need to find those diamonds without a diamond pickaxe I can’t hang on are those die diamonds woohoo I found diamonds but what should I do about all that lava let’s go lower I’ll dig my way down [Music] okay wow they really were diamonds nice in that case I’ll use a water technique check this out now with this huh maybe a little [Music] lower now I can use this ball of water watch this this way I don’t have to touch the lava just touch the water to the lava like so and it all turns into stone or obsidian all right not bad it worked thanks to the water technique I made a bridge of stone and obsidian not not too shabby and now I’ll dig up these diamonds there are a lot of them here awesome how many are there wo I found 11 diamonds which means I’ll line up some sticks with the diamonds yes I successfully made a diamond pickaxe all I have to do now is destroy the stone Idol which means it’s time to leave the cave and go and smash it no Mikey’s here he’s going to catch me I’m definitely catching you got to get up those stairs I’m coming got to destroy the stone idle almost there I have my diamond pickaxe wait it takes time to destroy the stone idle I guess I don’t have a choice W I need to take my key on I’m going to stop you your attacks won’t work I’ve got a shield I got you you think so let’s fight sure huh I’ll Attack when you attack Mikey all right yes now yeah seriously all right ah that hurt come on I used wind power to blow Mikey away and since Mikey blew away it’s time to destroy this I have to smash this before Mikey makes it back up here woohoo I broke it ah no yes yes yes Mikey look you broke it I destroyed the stone Idol I lost but that was fun if you enjoyed today’s video please like And subscribe bye for now thanks bye-bye see you next time okay I’ve got some big news today I acquired the power to turn into a ghost poof I told you cool huh check it out I’m totally see-through now here’s the plan I’m going to use my new ability to give Mikey a scare or two when I transform into a ghost Mikey won’t be able to see or hear me still I wonder will Mikey really not not all right I’m still in human mode this is where Mikey lives I’m going to knock on his door and call out for him hey Mikey it’s me JJ come outside and hang out okay that’s enough ghost mode activated now he can’t see me how’s he going to react H H that’s weird I could have sworn I heard JJ is he hiding I bet he is but where hm maybe this way huh is he going to figure it out maybe he can sense me where is he nope he really can’t see me or even hear me when I’m in ghost mode he doesn’t have a clue I knocked on his door but H that just confused him did I imagine JJ’s voice maybe whatever I’m going to go over to his house he’s going where okay well I guess I’ll follow him in ghost mode of course here but what does he want to do hey JJ come out and play hello JJ can you hear me oh Mikey wants to hang out but I’m already here as a ghost so I can’t answer the door what’s he going to do hello maybe you’ll just go home JJ come on what’ll he do H wait a second H I know yes of course that’s it JJ must be sound asleep that’s why he’s not answering it’s up to me to wake him up I’m going in he let himself in because he thinks I’m snoozing hm he’s not home after all I am actually where could he have gone H I’m right here buddy you just can’t see me huh what’s Mikey going to do now go looking for me [Music] huh cake yummy cake Oh I thought he caught me for a second there but he just spotted my cake he wouldn’t eat it without my permission Woody I mean it’s mine I love cake but this one’s JJ’s it wouldn’t be right for me to eat it h but if I only took one bite he wouldn’t notice right what how would he know I mean he’s nowhere to be seen he would never find out I would actually is he really going to do it he’s making sure I’m not around okay I think the coast is clear one bite that’s the stuff another one it’s so good no my cake there are two whole slices missing from it one last tiny bite he’ll never know wow half of it is gone delish he actually ate my cake he doesn’t know what he’s missing is he back yet oh I’ve been here the whole time I want to give Mikey a spook while he’s looking for me I’m going to transform ghost mode off there back to normal he should be able to see me now Mikey Mikey one more couldn’t hurt oh GJ hey hi howdy how do you do hi what are you doing here me oh nothing at all just visiting you ate my cake didn’t you Mikey huh well maybe a little bit of it but but I’m sorry it’s okay since you apologized I’ll let you have the rest of it really a thanks cake is my [Music] favorite now that was funny I think I’m going to keep using my ghost powers on Mikey surprising him is I went ahead and now I’m at Mikey’s Farm it’s pretty big I want to set up a trap before he gets here he even has a chest with lots of seeds inside huh there are a few places around here where Mikey hasn’t tilled the soil yet I’d like to use these to set a good trap right I know what to make if the soil gets tilled let’s have it activate the Trap that I have in mind now to dig here and I’ll set an observer under here I’ll set something else up over here let’s let’s dig everything out around [Music] here okay I’ve now made a wide open space underneath Mikey’s Farm here right beneath Mikey’s Farm I’ll completely fill this space full of TNT [Music] finished now if someone tills the soil here it’ll send a signal down to the TNT I’ve stuffed down below and it’ll set off a huge explosion to give Mikey a chance I’ll place the sign that says do not plow now to go invisible and wait for Mikey to show up oh Mikey’s made it to the farm another day of hard work grow lots of food Harvest lots of crops and eat until my belly is full all right h Huh what’s this there’s a sign on my farm do not plow danger what does that mean how could my farm be dangerous there’s nothing wrong with my farm oh I need to plow that soil over there there should be a hoe inside of my chest okay I’ll plow here and then I think I’ll plant some wheat a little of this all right oh here too I’m growing so much food I can’t wait to harvest it let’s plow this too just like this H I need to plow over there too okay here too next [Music] up what what’s going on ouch something caused a massive explosion how is that possible no way could it have been oh no Mikey must have figured me out this time my farm was struck by lightning I guess I should be grateful that I was struck by lightning and survived Mikey still doesn’t have a clue that I’ve been pranking it I’ve been digging so much but I can’t seem to find diamonds anywhere it looks like Mikey is searching for diamonds so I think I’ll set a trap where he can’t see it I think I’ll make it over here where there’s a large Ravine I see water down there I’ll place a huge vein of diamond ore here to lure Mikey over and I’ll put lava over [Music] here this trap will use diamonds to lure Mikey towards the lava so we’ll fall in still even if he falls into the lava and catches fire there’s water down below he can put out the fire with that on the other hand that gives me a great idea Mikey will be so hot and desperate for water that he’ll probably try to jump in like this you’ll want to put the fire out here but I think I’ll replace the water with something else all right I’ve trapped it so that when Mikey attempts to dive into the water he’ll smash into these blocks of lapis lazle now it’s time for me there’s Mikey I can’t seem to find diamonds anywhere huh hang on he saw them are you kidding me there are so many diamonds over here amazing wo ouch what’s this it’s so hot hold on oh there’s a big puddle of water down there I can save myself if I jump in woohoo h Booyah Mikey fell for it ouch what on Earth happened to me just now I was sure there was a puddle of water here huh what is this there’s no way uh-oh he must have figured out that I’ve been pranking him hang on this is incredible there are so many blocks of lapis lazle here it’s like a mountain of treasure woohoo a Mikey looks so happy he has absolutely no idea this was another one of my elaborate pranks look at him go wow it’s gotten late today just flew by check out the rain h Huh what’s that sound uh oh Mikey it’s a breaking news alert let’s turn on the TV and see what’s going on apparently there’s been a string of robberies nearby and the thief is super dangerous robberies huh I hope it’s okay uh I got to go home there’s something I forgot to do bye thanks for having me a not the rain wait Mikey what’s wrong you left in such a hurry I wonder what the matter is I should switch to ghost mode and tail him in secret [Music] there now I can find out why he left in such a big rush without raising suspicion I hope it’s safe H what’s he so worked up about I have to know got to hurry why you so stressed out buddy H hello who’s he looking for all clear this is so curious okay doesn’t seem like anyone’s looking to think there’s a thief on the loose I have to make sure it’s safe no what Mikey has a secret passage I’ve got to see what’s down there huh all right Nobody’s around time to go into my super secret hideout I doubt a thief would make this far but still I have to check pH I was sure that Splash would give me away I can’t believe Mikey has a secret hideout he never told me I’m totally stunned good I’m not being followed phew still in the clear this passage is so long and he doesn’t have a clue that I’m tailing him all thanks to ghost mode huh I’m here and I’m the only person in the world who can get through my security system what is this place that burglar doesn’t stand a chance H how is he going to get across the lava I hope it’s safe huh whoa I never would have guessed Mikey had this in his basement a chest wonder what’s inside it what are you trying to to keep safe Mikey I think the coast is clear here goes oh good it’s still here My Precious Diamond I’m so happy it didn’t get stolen oh that is a very precious treasure no wonder Mike’s been so worried it feels amazing to know that it’s safe I don’t it it must be such a relief you’re so pretty he really loves it my precious H who is that ow what’s going on it’s the thief are you here to rob me ow hey this is bad how’d you get in this is really bad it’s the thief from the news and he’s here to steal Mikey’s diamond he must have been following him in secret I have to save Mikey before it’s too late and I am just the thing I’ll use this rocket launcher to slay the thief just have to wait for there to be enough distance between them I don’t want to hurt Mikey now huh oh yeah there we go that took care of him what just happened whatever I can’t complain My Precious Diamond is safe and sound okay time to transform Mikey hey buddy are you all right huh how did you get in here JJ well to make a long story short I’ve been using my ghost Powers today to become completely invisible oh I’ve been following you all evening believe it or not and I’m the one who took care of that miserable Thief thank you so much I get to keep my beautiful Diamond because of you no problem huh wait a sec why can you turn into a ghost in the first place are you

Why Scary DAME TU COSITA.EXE Called JJ and Mikey Family at Night – in Minecraft Maizen!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : @Maizen

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  1. The only way I could be sure is to have the money for a car wash or something and I would have a lot more to pay off my mortgage than the house I live on is the one that you bought and the other house that you have a 😢car 😢repair and maintenance costs have gone down so I don’t have any more to worry guys it’s a lot more expensive to fix and the house has to go down the drain so it’s not a good thing to 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  2. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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