I Got THE BEST START In Minecraft 1.21 Survival! (Episode 1)

I can’t believe it the day is finally here Minecraft 1.21 is out now I’m so happy about this guys but uh my world well it’s probably not feeling exactly the same because I just deleted over 90% of it Lads laddies lovers Bess it’s time for you to Buckle in and sit back get comfy tap that like button because welcome to Minecraft 1.21 guide stranded in the brand new unknown Mysterious World with nothing more than a mere SP glass today it’s about time we hit the ground running over the course of today’s episode we’re going to reintroduce ourselves to this Grand Mysterious World establish a couple of goals catch up reminiscent Nostalgia all of the business you know how it goes today I would like to set a little challenge I don’t know if it’s too ambitious for us 3,000 likes on this episode right here helping me out real quick it’s 399 and I mean it it brings a smile to my face brand new world or at least we’re treating it like this inside of this world stranded with nothing for Minecraft 1.21 I’ve gone ahead and locked all of my gear every single single piece of it behind a a pay wall okay okay so actually not a pay wall what I meant to say is I locked my gear away and we have to reestablish ourselves today we’re treating it like an episode one we need our boost in order before we can do anything that’s going to mean bed food shelter those are the specifics on the menu today and oh boy I’ve got so many ideas look at this Branch new cave oh that’s crazy looking now if you’re new here hi welcome how you doing this is the Minecraft guide this is a series in which we basically play Minecraft but like do a little bit of tutorials each episode is going to have a theme on something whether that’s a farm a campfire uh getting reestablished yeah loaded baked into every single episode of some kind of cool tip trick or many tips and tricks Sky Tower I chrisen you Sky Tower you’re beautiful bed food shelter the first thing is any good lad needs in a Minecraft world I’m looking for sheep I sheep I found you I’m looking for sheep and well well well would you take a look at that the true ticket the cream of the crop for a Minecraft bed the red flower all right so right off the bat I’m so sorry about this the first 1.21 change we see it right here these sheep don’t freak out for very long they run around for like 2 seconds now instead of four I’m sorry about this please pleas no don’t don’t make eye contact that makes it harder my soul my heart friend stop looking looking monster what am I doing I’m sorry and so like that the Pinnacle of the food pyramid that I am about halfway through day number one the third sheep of the day that right there my friends is going to unlock US beds all right my beautiful friends so cats out of the bag this series right here is not technically brand new in fact before this episode proceeding it we’ve got a total of 78 episodes the very first chunk of the series is basically chapter 1 then after we beat the Ender Dragon we have chapter 2 which is all of the other 1.20 sub today we kick off chapter 3 I don’t know if any of you guys are going to remember it but this is kind of like what we did in Minecraft guide 3 so here’s the catch everything that we have in this world I did not delete it or at least like the important stuff however I’ve gone ahead and locked all that stuff behind a couple of different requirements we’re going to talk about each requirement kind of as we need to talk about each requirement basically long story short today we unlock a bed by crafting a bed we unlock well we don’t really unlock anything we just you know don’t have to fight our way through the Relentless and merciless nighttime so next up on our list today we need to find ourself a good source of food this early in the game something like a cow Farm I mean it’s a dream it would be beautiful but instead I was thinking you see we spawned right inside of a beautiful Tiger Biome oh who well well well what in the world is going on here that’s a monstrosity or something in said being in this brand new world what I was thinking for a day number one food one of my favorite foods for a day number one food of course salmon we have that in the river but maybe a little bit more efficient we need to find the berries okay so berries berries one of my favorite day Number One Foods as soon as I can find a new source of food that is relatively decently sustainable ooh oh wa I don’t remember that I don’t I don’t think I ever seen that in my life oh that’s so cool I never got around to it by the time the next update that anyways if I can find a little bit of food I will better be able to sustain myself find a little bit of food I can replant in near starter house number two but there’s a catch aha so once I find wild food you know just something like this right here all of my other food is now unlocked inside of the world not the Farms but the food but I figured to maybe make today’s episode a little bit more enticing and spicy we would not just run and pick up a stack of cooked steak inside of a chest instead what we’ll do is all of the unlocks that we unlock in one episode say today they actually unlock next episode that’ll mean for today’s adventure we’re throwing it back like the caveman did sweet berries it is M you delicious for the entire episode and red bed it is for the entire episode so with all of that all said good and done the only final requirement I need to really start to thrive inside of my world is a little bit of shelter for our little Sweet Soul our chunk of home sweet home I want to go big this time so I figured I would begin my episode with a tiny bit of research here looking at of course none other than the best Minecraft starter house of all time though all of these beautiful houses with the Deep slate on the top the eight frame cabin yeah they’re all like really nice and beautiful and after all I’m only looking for a small dose of inspiration I want to come up with my own thing H just none of these are really cutting it for 1.21 and now let’s not get it mixed up as to where we actually are we’re inside of the Minecraft guide world it’s not like I’m stranded here with nothing in the entire world at all but this whole area is themed for Minecraft 1.20 and what fun would it be for me to squat inside of some old man’s abandoned cabin over there there’s a whole ton of stuff to check out here by the way channel members get world downloads of the series about every 10 or so episodes including one last episode but we need to start somewhere fresh however running back and forth like a gemini or something at the same time we don’t need to start in the middle of nowhere that wouldn’t really make any sense we’ve got a lot going for us including a lot of Unfinished Loose Ends going for us as well including a farm that is currently payall and so like the day one Warrior that I am the son it sets Minecraft 1.21 first day the easiest one in the world it’s behind us in the dust and in the past bright and early the next morning I figured it’s about time we hit the ground running with no more than three planks to my name one wooden axx and a couple of trees well I figured there’s only one thing we could do tree [Music] choel all right now for the next move I’m going to pull out of the bag I don’t know if this is going to be a little bit controversial but I’ve done a lot of hard thinking and thating the beauty of not starting an entirely brand new world is having things inside of the world to maybe give you a little bit of starter supplies combine those small amount of starter supplies with the memory of how painful it was to use wood tools to chop down just this small Grove over here and I was thinking I’ve got maybe just about the perfect combination of 1.21 things good location perfect use for none other than our home site home today oh and if you disagree with this move right here well no big deal all you need to do simple grab a time machine go back in time talk to me about what I’m about to do convinced me otherwise that maybe it’s not the coolest move to do in the world and well then this episode will be entire different for you so in allout 1.21 fashion I think the only way that we could build a starter house inside of this update is going to be incorporate the two brand new beautiful blocks inside of the update first things first tough we’re going to need to come in with tough inside of this build it’ll look really really good what I want to do here is a starter house that’s a simple shape maybe what we could do here is make this of course an odd that’s four what if we maybe went five six seven we could do seven like that then over here I’ll do five maybe on this side of the build just kind of winging it right here we can cut this thing straight back I’ll move this weird wooden block out of the way when I’m not talking M turn the thing right here and go over this way then maybe this thing could pop out like one block past do like whatever line it up with that part of the build right there and voila we’ve got ourselves a blueprint H now for brand new tools I didn’t really exactly know how to go about doing this like maybe we start with the wooden tools we move down we find Stone we go back up to the surface we turn that stone into well more Stone we go back down into the cave system and take a little bit of a look around I see copper over there perfect a timing for 1.21 but iron I mine said Iron pick up said Iron and voila just like that I’ve made my grind from the start all the way back up to iron three pieces of iron right there theoretically that’s a pickaxe right we’ve now successfully ground our way right back up to the tool set that we worked so hard to work our way out of in the last update all right so learning to build with tough inside of a Minecraft 1.21 I mean no pun intended at all genuinely I promise that might be a little bit tough I don’t know how this combination is really going to work I’ve never tried this before but I was thinking maybe to break the bricks up at the bottom a little bit I mean I guess you could come in here with like stone bricks they’re pretty much a perfect match match made in heaven but at the same time what if we did like maybe like uh mainly tough bricks with like a little bit of tough sprinkled in there maybe this building is like old and not wretched because that sounds a little harsh but like you know old and hey also I don’t know if you noticed over here but in the background I decided to go ahead and set up a small little food farm this should hopefully sustain me for today’s episode I definitely need to put like a cover on that thing though that is so [Music] painful Spruce Wood the stuff is by far still years later Minecraft’s most beautiful wood type I also got like a stack of it from chopping on the forest dark oak wood wood the stuff is beautiful and I think combine it with copper and tough it might be fire all right so hear me out here I was doing a little bit of thinking uh kind of like in my absence from the Minecraft guide World wondering about how I would jump back into this brand new update and build and you know try and make something that looks more beautiful than ever before and this is kind of what I’ve cooked up what if it maybe we do like a border right here with the Spruce Wood touching the tough bricks that could be really cool then we’re going to turn a corner and I want to keep this border consistent but I don’t want to like make get really square and pop out and everything like that so maybe we turn the corner something like that then eventually I hit another spot where I want to have like solid blocks like that so I do the logs and I strip the logs make them look like that then I do that down there then I go ahead and go this up here this would I think theoretically continer it all the way in and this will pop out like that I jump down here and continue that out something like that may maybe so we start to get like a little bit of a log situation going on you see what I’m doing mhm then up top with this dark oak wood ooh we get steamy we get romantic we put dark oak logs right there then we take this wooden axe that I still didn’t make a better one of and strip all of those logs oh yes maybe I’ll be able to work out some kind of way to like Bend this around the corner start wrapping it around the build I think for my vision right here I want to have a whole ton of windows so maybe like the bigger the window the better maybe even a full sun room over here that could be kind of cool but I don’t know I sounds like music keeps creeping in and getting louder and louder and louder which means it’s time for a time [Music] lapse well well well a little bit of time later and I would like to welcome you warmly to my crib behind the now upgrade of farms we’ll see a lot of strong and bold framework going on it’s pretty cool welcome to my front door eventually it’ll be copper we walk right into the humble AB Bo the Mansion itself and then we’ve got a window there a window there window there I just need the pains no big deal over here we got a big window around this newly lifted romantic Farm let out it’s kind of cool over here centered perfectly I was imagining a fireplace that could be pretty cool but a home is not a home until you have a bed inside of that home oh that was so sweet I also went ahead and made a stone cutter so I could make the most beautiful or one of the most beautiful new copper blocks but I’m going to need more see so a couple of things first things first glass panes I figured lots and lots of Windows on this building that’s going to be cool after all we’re probably eventually going to start seeing it a little bit more from far away I’ve got some questions for you in a minute but we’ll get to those in a minute I don’t really know what’s going on over here on this wall so I can’t really fully fill it in quite yet but I also figured leave it open with like slabs in here that could make it look even more interesting but I can’t wait any longer I need to get chiseled to tough and a lot of it I also was thinking maybe a little bit of deep slate tiles could look pretty cool too now brighten early the next morning we’re probably going to be up there quite a bit so maybe a temporary staircase two roof lines because we have two separate sides of the building roof line in number one the simple one I figured deep slate slabs right over here or tiles whatever you want to call them maybe double them up make it look a little bit thicker and then do a simple roof line that is like essentially slabs stepping all the way up to the Pinnacle the Pinnacle of the roof and maybe it ends like something right here I do something cool hanging off of it so I keep it nice and flat and then I step back down onto the other hand and I think I want this other roof to sit a little higher so maybe we take that out and start it here on the other hand we do the craziest patterned Block in the world this new one and I do like one of those roofs it gets like real steep real quick and kind of like Peaks up at the top and then you already know you already know exactly what I’m going to put all over the rest of the top of this room oh if I can pull it off it’ll be beautiful all right so now with a little bit of that out of the way I’d like to talk about my plans going farther into Minecraft 1.21 inside of this world the most immediate goal is 1.21 as quick as possible I’m all about the trial Chambers the idea of the mace sounds so enticing you know all of that type of stuff before we can jump into all of that there are a few more setup things that we’re going to need to do to unlock other things in the world but just keep it in mind we’ll come back to it later this area that we’re building the starter house at right now we’re not necessarily going to stay over here but my big question for you is we’re going to set up say maybe next episode some kind of farm next would it be more cool after we build this house and unlock all of our other buildings to go back over to our main Hub the place that we will mainly be saying in 1.21 and build the farm over there or do I continue to expand this side of the river where this house is today with like more builds like do I build the farm thing that I want to set up over here or at the main base I kind of have a direction I’m leaning but i’ love to hear what you guys want to see so drop it down [Music] below wow and so today’s build has been progressing quite steadily where we’re at right now in the project today we’re so close to being finished on the inside we have a big large wide open room on the top I did a copper roof and did a lot of like detailing work up there you know one thing that I never realized is how quickly I’m going to burn through materials all of the tough that I brought over here for this build here today I mean I’m like almost all the way out of it I never would have thought that I would have used like four Stacks entire stacks of it for this little house copper though oh yeah no big deal there’s so much copper not a problem so on the inside of the house I sort of have all this wood framing work going on and to finish it all off and make it look solid I figured even more beams and now over on the outside of the build we have this little dock situation that’s kind of perfect you can roll right up to the build I have a small roll coming in here I figure we come in here and to make the road be a little bit wider wind the road up he it’s a little harsh looking but wind it up right over this way wrap it around and then boom smack dab over to the front door the front porch a good build is never finished until you decorate around the build decorate around the build today berries all righty so a couple final touches for today’s build At Last At Last I think it’s time we do it the very first chest of Minecraft 1.21 the floor is looking a little awkward let’s swap that maybe a shulker box we just just leave it there how dare I I forget one glass pane there we go it’s wonderful I’m not saying it’s my favorite wood type in the world but it does match copper pretty much perfectly yeah how about some fences up here too a cool idea for the fireplace I want to keep it nice small and compact we have the fire coming through the smoke maybe we could use that in our design we put some signs right there they look coppery then you get the smoke peeking through a tiny bit then maybe after that to sort of finish up the whole mantle situation a couple staircases I and here we continue this chimney straight on up out of the building now up top in here I want to make it look a little more cool so maybe a little bit of trim work like some molding wherever applicable and maybe an extra support cutting right up and we just leave this all open I think it’ll be fine an extra double chest they’re always beautiful a cool cut copper block right here because I mean it’s 1.21 I mean now look we’ve got to do it we need a chandelier or just some kind of small light hanging in here above the fireplace too ooh that’s romantic and look on the opposite of the the build we’ve got to do it to a little bit of lanterns right there oh I should have brought raw copper and piled it on the ground right over here that would have looked so good maybe on the front of the build Lantern and then actually a torch and a torch lately I’ve kind of Fallen back in love with the torch for the longest time I hated them thought they looked like amate hour over here but but you know I think you could use them Tastefully in a build and really spice it up all right so for our starter house today I mean it’s a little Bare Bones right it’s wide and open but it’s fine working with what we have here there is one one final big Grand Finale that I need to get into this build or at least maybe a couple over here inside the crafting table the copper ingots we slap them down we get copper trap doors I need even more four copper trap doors I’m going to need to come back in and honeycomb all of this stuff but to finish off the grand fireplace today check that out I mean it’s a really compact fireplace but I think it looks pretty nice cool little build hacks and tricks going on another thing I could totally use in here is a little bit of carpet or something maybe like some orange carpet to be honest but I also need a front door on the building of course there’s only one kind of front door we could do I also uh figured we need an entrance mat and because they won’t do it I’ll do it myself copper slabs small little table to utilize the space and well just like that I I think we’ve done it a starter house for Minecraft 1.21 the very final thing that we can do today is Judge it for ourselves though from afar we jump in the boat we turn around slowly dramatically Sail Away pause I freeze and rotate rotate realize I want want to go farther pause again rotate rotate and oh it’s beautiful oh it’s wonderful the tough mansion with the copper on the top oh the Abode home away from home I should have put a lantern over there yeah that is it’s not bad that’s a nice home sweet home and so friends that brings us to the end of the debut of the Minecraft 1.21 Saga thank you all so much for checking out today’s episode I hope you enjoyed it I would like to s a huge thank you to my patrons ground crazy May Medical Boomstick fire dragon 19 cm and Nick C for helping make content like this possible if you want early access to these guide episodes every episode every time check on my patreon there’s a link below I can’t wait to see where Minecraft 1.21 is going to take us next because oh boy I’ve got some really cool big plans but but wow I kind of can’t believe in at last the Zombie Farm only like a year later it’s finally complete I’ll see you tomorrow guys goodbye by [Music]

Minecraft Guide returns and is updated to Minecraft 1.21! In this episode (which is kinda episode 1, also episode 79 of the whole series still trying to figure that part out) we head back into our world, start fresh, and get to building!

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The Minecraft Guide is a tutorial let’s play series in minecraft 1.21 survival hard mode. In this Minecraft lets play series we build tons of farms, explore the world, and more while talking minecraft tips and tricks.

Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment a project you’d like to see!


  1. I'm late to say this but, your on hermitcraft now! Grian has built your creeper farm in his base. Next we'll be seeing you on the season intro.

  2. If anyone is wondering what program he used to delete his chunks, it’s called MCA Selector

    The program updates your world live, so there’s no undoing most of changes you’ll make. Be sure to back up your world before messing around with it!

  3. I would like to see you build a new base at that cool looking mountain near your starter base or build a base out of your stronghold.

  4. Wattles, my name is Alex. I am no cap one of your biggest fans. Your survivals guides are awesome, entertaining, and wholesome. Please keep up the content creation.

    I do have one complaint, my friend, if you will allow me, and it is thus:

    I wish you made more videos more often for the survival guides.

    God bless you bro.

  5. I just did this!! literally using ur last videos around hte last update about using mca selector!!!

    (I actually went from 1.20.4 experimental to 1.20.6 then back to 1.20.1 for distant horizons mod and ruined the structures and then back to 1.20.6 to repair the structures but they were in completely different spots so I actually used the trial chamber chunks from a fresh copy of the seed from 1.20.3 experimental and then also combined the new trial chamber chunks from 1.20.6 experimental and then cut out my world's chunks from the 1.20.1 and combined them all and pasted them onto a fresh 1.20.6 experimental build so the world data would have the experiments with villager trading and stuff (I actually accidentally reverted villager trades for a while so now I have a couple of the old OP villagers and I feel cheaty about it) and THEN 3 days later minecraft updated (but the villager trades are still experimental so I guess I still have that)

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