Can I Beat Terraria’s Calamity Mod ONLY Using Glitches?

Terraria has had a ton of glitches over the years but in the current update 1.4.4 point9 there’s so many different ones that you can actually beat the game only using them and not in a speedrun sense but where you can only use glitches like a boulder machine to beat the bosses and get your items through ones like the transmutation glitch and since I’ve already beaten the vanilla game with glitches and we’re still in the 1.4.4 update I decided to go ahead and make another glitch only playthrough but this time I wanted to do it in a mod I’ve never played or looked into too much before so that’s exactly what I do in this video just like the first playthrough once I made my player and got into my world the very first thing I did is set up a little house at spawn threw my copper sword on a slime to get the first town slime and then I opened my Calamity starter bag and got a few items but outside of the squirrel summoning weapon and the tools I just ignored the rest as I was going to be able to set up the transmutation glitch pretty soon after this I went to find the desert biome so I could set up the transmutation glitch which luckily happened to be pretty close to my spawn so after dying a few times trying to dig my way through the underground desert I finally found the ore I needed and even the bast statue after I got back home it was night so I just did some building to kill time but once it was day I started digging down to hopefully find a trap near my base and ended up finding one not too far down so I started setting up the transmutation glitch before going into multiplayer to actually do the glitch once I got back into the world I used a few wooden doors to get a terrablade a terraprisma grono Wings a lava bomb which I need for King Slime and finally a shell phone by this time it was night again and the two houses I built already had an NPC moved into them so I spent some time making another one and then I went over to the desert to make my King Slime setup so that way I could also use it for the desert Scourge the next thing I needed to work on getting was the bottomless bucket of Shimmer which you normally can only get after beating moonl Lord but we can use the aether’s naturally spawning Shimmer to eventually craft a marble door which is the door that gives you the Shimmer bucket in the transmutation glitch to do this I first needed to grab some Boreal wood from the snow biome and then I used that to make a boreal door which I used in the transmutation glitch to get a marble clock then I went over to the beach where my Aether biome is supposed to be and started digging I ended up running into an enchanted sword Shrine and after running into a life Crystal I eventually fell into the Aether biome which is when I shimmered the marble Glock after this I went back home crafted a marble door and then used that to get the Shimmer bucket I also used another Boreal door here to grab a platinum crown for King Slime and then I also used a Palm Door to get a meteorite door which allowed me to get the unobtainable god mode chest meaning I could finally go fight the first boss so I made my way to the desert boss setup placed my god mode chest and then started the fight because King Slime can only attack me using physical attacks which the god chest stops from hurting me I just have to sit there and wait while King Slime slowly bounces into the lava until it eventually dies which it does but I sadly didn’t get what I needed out of it which was the mount the god mode chest will stop you from attacking in almost every way but because it doesn’t take you off your Mount I can use them to damage bosses that try to attack me by rushing at me and the King Slime Mount is the easiest option for this so right as I was about to go back to spawn to work on another spawner I noticed I still had a king slime spawner so assuming I just got really lucky with a glitch I went ahead and spawned him in only to not get the mount again so as I was just about to go back to spawn I again noticed I still had a king slime spawner so I messaged a friend of mine to ask him what’s going on which is when he let me know that it’s just a normal part of Calamity which I found pretty neat so after that I kept spawning in King Slime stressfree until I eventually got the mount which took another two fights with him once I finally had the mount I was able to go fight the next boss I had to do which was Skeletron normally you don’t have to beat Skeletron to beat the game but because that’s the only way to get teleporters and other wire related stuff I needed to do it so after I got another God mode chest I used my shell phone to teleport to the other Beach and instead of teleporting to a normal Beach I ended up coming to a Calamity biome that I later came to learn was the sulfurous C but I was more focused on doing the dungeon stuff so I just kept on going right once I eventually ran into the dungeon I placed my god mode chest got on my slime Mount and talked to the old man to start the fight this one took a little bit longer than I expected but my Mount eventually took care of him allowing me to go into the dungeon to grab some doors and eventually find the mechanic and now that I had the mechanic I was finally able to set up the boulder glitch which will let us fight the Wall of Flesh now sadly just like last time I’m not able to explain how this glitch works since the person who discovered it ethereal wants to make his own video on it but whenever he does make that video I’ll make sure to not only include it in the description of this video but also in the description of the original glitch playthrough regardless though I bought everything I needed for the glitch then went down to the underworld using my shell phone and finally made the glitch setup I planned on using for the Wall of Flesh Voodoo demons seem to spawn a lot more in Calamity so getting a voodoo doll wasn’t n hard at all in fact they’re so common that there were multiple times where my Tera Prisma killed a demon which then dropped their voodoo doll straight into lava making the Wall of Flesh spawn but each time it would spawn I quickly realized my setup wasn’t working as even after some slight variations to it the Wall of Flesh was just going by me too fast at this point I didn’t really know what to do since I had such an easy time on the wall of flesh in my glitch playthrough so I decided to try and use a new glitch on it this glitch allows your speed to quickly rise if you hover over the god mode chest while you’re on the B Mount And if you equip a jousting Lance when you do this you will be able to deal a ton of damage since the jousting Lance’s damage is decided by the speed of the player so I started by spending too long with the transmutation glitch to eventually get the beam out then I got the shadow jousting Lance from a wooden door and after that I went back down to the underworld to try the fight again but after a few tries I realized that for whatever reason the jousting Lance glitch wasn’t working on the wall of flesh so I went back to the drawing board and ended up landing on the idea to try and extend the platforms out to the point where they eventually despawn and then spawn the Wall of Flesh at the end of the platform so that way it’s getting hit by the boulders for longer so after touching up my platforms again I started the fight went back to my chest and then I waited and prayed my new setup would work and it did as I managed to beat the Wall of Flesh finally but right after my game crashed so after reloading the game I spawned him again and then was actually able to save the game after defeating him now the next thing I needed to do was the mechanical bosses and luckily since I already did a glitch playthrough once I didn’t have to spend the painstakingly long time figuring out a working setup so the first thing I did was go to my transmutation setup and used a honey door to get the bloody tiar and then went back down to the underworld to start remaking my Boulder setup we can beat all three mechanical bosses by using the boulder glitch we used on the wall of flesh but we will need to box them into a smaller area and we also need a bunny statue hooked up up to a timer which when turned on during a blood moon will slowly fill up the mob count forcing the mech bosses to spawn in missing parts of themselves I started with the boulder setup which took some work and after only a few deaths that was done with me adding in the bunny statue setup right in the middle right as I got done though my Terra Prisma ended up killing a Voodoo Demon which ended up spawning the Wall of Flesh so I decided to turn on my setup and sit in it until the the Wall of Flesh eventually despawned until I saw a Calamity event started in my world this was The Toxic downpour which happens in the sulfurous sea but by the time I got off my god mode chest died respawned and then teleported over to my sulfurous C it was sadly already gone so I just got back to working on the mech bosses instead before I actually fight any of the mech bosses I wanted to go ahead and max out my health since I knew it would help out a lot during those fights and the future ones as well but the only issue is that I can’t get a life Crystal through the transmutation glitch kind of instead of going for the Life Crystal item directly i instead had to use a palm door to get a repaired Life Crystal Boulder and then throw that into a pool of Shimmer to get a life Crystal once I had my single life Crystal I decided to use the duplication glitch where you place some items into a chest exit the world go back into the world grab the items out of the chest and finally close out of your game during the saving period which will save your inventory but not save the chest’s inventory meaning you still have the item in both inventories still so I did that enough to max out my health alongside some extras for future heart statues and then I got to work on the life Roots these were actually pretty easy to get with them appearing early on in the Boreal door Sprite sheet and once I had my single life Fruit I again used the duplication glitch I just went over to get enough to max out my health and now that I was finally done with my health stuff I was ready to fight the mech bosses so I got to work on Crafting their spawners and while my plan was to keep on using this glitch I ended up getting another toxic downpour event alongside Pirates invading so I decided to go do those real quick starting with the toxic downpour the toxic downpour wasn’t that bad at all and while I probably missed something since I’m going into Calamity mostly blind about what’s actually in the mod I just stood in one place while my terraprisma took care of all the enemies in the event once it was done I went around the area to see if any special items dropped and ended up finding a mechanical skull and worm meaning I didn’t have to keep on doing the transmutation glitch for The Souls of Night it’s also probably a good thing I went and blind for this as if I would have known I could get the mechanical spawners from it I would have been pretty mad when I missed it earlier after this I went back to spawn to take care of the Pirate Invasion and after dying one time I ended up taking them out alongside looting all of their Furniture drops in case I need to make a gold door in the future now that all of the events were done I got back to working on the mechanical bosses and since I already had two of the spawners by this point the only thing left for me to do was was wait until night to go and collect some lenses so once it was night I went out to the left of my base to look for demon eyes and instead of finding the very common enemy i instead ran into what I assumed was a Calamity version of the snow biome but I later found out was actually the astral infection regardless though I didn’t see anything of note in that biome other than new enemies so I kept on going until I reached the dungeon which is when I decided to go to the other end of the world and just sit and wait until the demon ice came to me this was going well but not too long into it I ended up having a mechanical eye Dro from an enemy while I was paying attention so after I picked it up I went back home and started getting ready for the mechanical boss fights once I was down in the Underworld I realized I was going to have a hard time noticing when the bunnies would reach the mob limit and stopped spawning so I moved the bunny statue setup outside of the building where I’d be standing after that I turned on my Boulders and Bunny statue waited until it was night used my bloody tear then waited until the bunnies weren’t spawning in anymore got on my b mount with Shadow justing lance out and finally started spawning in the bosses with the Destroyer but nothing happened because I somehow forgot that maxing out the mob limit stops the bosses from spawning in alog together so after repeating that process I waited until the mob count was in the mid 100 and then I spawned in the Destroyer this fight was probably the longest but once I found the right angle with the Lance it instantly died right after this I spawned in Skeletron Prime and while I did try to line my Lance up correctly one of his arms sended staying up on me regardless of where skeleton’s head went so after waiting until that arm was taken care of by The Boulders I was able to line up my Lance to hit the head instantly defeating it then to finish off the trio right after that I spawned in the twins which I defeated by lining up my Lance on each of them separately and now that the mech bosses were done the next boss I needed to beat was planta which is exactly what I got to work on I first went to the Jungle spent a bit of time trying to actually find a way underground before I eventually found a plera bulb and got to work on my setup for it because planta will just sit on you endlessly if you don’t move I can really only use the boulders slime Mount and the god mode chest to beat it so the first thing I made was the boulder setup above it then I placed my god mode chest directly under where the boulder spawned and finally I made a pathway down from the timer to an entry to the godm mode chest once everything was ready I broke the bulb and ran to my chest and quickly realized that my setup wasn’t working out as well as I thought so I ended up moving a bit so I could get my lance out which ended up being the trick that defeated plera now Golem was the last boss remaining before I could fight Moon Lord and since I was already in the underground jungle I decided to just go ahead and try to find the temple which ended up being somewhat close to where the planta bulb was I used a shimmer bucket to get in and once I was in the main room I started working on my setup my idea was just to use a god mode chest and the justing lens to hopefully instantly kill it so after I placed my god mode chest down I used the list cell I got from a chest and tried to get into my setup but I ended up dying pretty fast thinking it was just bad luck I decided to go back down there and try the exact same thing which is when I realized that every time Golem Stomps it made me stop holding my jousting Lance meaning to beat Golem I was sadly going to need to use the same method I did in the last playthrough so I went back to my base used a slime door to get a drill Mount so I could break the jungle temple wall and then I went back down to the temple and started making my setup after I cleared out the wall and the land beside it I started working on my Boulder setup and I placed a god mode chest on the ground directly below it once I finished making it but after doing a test run I realized I should probably move my god mode chest to the middle of the boulder box so that way Golem will hopefully get and stay under it so I made the box in the middle broke it down because I realized I used the Jungle Temple Block which I can’t break remade it and finally added a teleporter and God mode chest inside of it after this I made a hoik under the boulder box so I could get around the boulder fast but safely and with that working well after I had to redo it once since I misplaced the blocks I was ready for the fight so I turned on my machine went over to the alter and used my cell and then ran back to the god mode chest while I also tried the jousting Lance glitch again but it didn’t work so instead I just had to wait as Golem was slowly defeated by Pink Boulders now you might be thinking that since Golem is done I just follow the trend of this video so far and beat the last vanilla Terraria boss Moon Lord and then start on the Calamity bosses but you would be wrong as I’m actually pretty lazy so instead of dealing the crazy amount of work and time that goes into making the moon Lord setup I had to do in the last playthrough I decided to start working on the Calamity bosses that I’ve missed up until this point and this sadly also means I had to finally stop my blind part of this run and start looking up what bosses there were and how to spawn them after browsing through calamity’s Wiki I ended up deciding that the first boss I was going to try and fight would be crabulon since its crafting recipes seemed really easy to make the first thing I had to do was find a mushroom biome so I went out and started pouring Shimmer over myself to E easily move through the ground and after only dying once I ended up finding what I was looking for once I was here I got the mushrooms I needed and then went over to the corruption biome in front of the dungeon to craft the decapita Sprout which is the crabulon spawner now although I didn’t know what to expect from these bosses I did know that almost all my setups would most likely need a god mode chest and I could use a single boss spawner as many times as I needed without having to get a new one so I decided that I would just get a god mode chest get on it with my slime Mount And if that didn’t work plan out from there so after I got my new God Mode chest I went back down to the mushroom biome started the crabulon fight and ended up beating it extremely fast so fast that I actually did it another time just to see what happened as it caught me off guard but it turned out the spores being emitted from my spor sack were still able to spawn even while I’m on the go mode chest the next boss I decided to try and beat was the slime God since it also had a semi-easy crafting recipe the first thing I had to do was get 40 blighted gel from eonian Blight slimes which just so happened to spawn where my King Slime setup was so I just went there and sat for a while until I eventually had enough gel from either the spores or lava killing the slimes after this I went back over to the corruption biome by by the dungeon used some bombs to grab some evanstone blocks and then went to the altar above me to actually make the overloaded sludge which was the slime God spawner just like last time though I didn’t have any idea of what to expect from this boss I did play a Minecraft mod that added Calamity to it and slime God was in that but I knew I couldn’t rely on that so I was just going to go with the same plan I had for grabon and since I already had the King Slime setup made I just decided to do it there this fight was pretty easy with a mix of my slime Mount and spores so I decided to spawn it in some more just like I did with the last boss but on my third round it ended up being able to knock me off my god mode chest somehow so after getting back onto it and eventually beating the boss I decided to go ahead and move on to the next boss at this point I was running out of pre moonlord Calamity bosses that were easy to spawn in but luckily I managed to find one right before the end of the list which was the ravager to spawn it in I would need to craft the death whistle and the only things in its crafting recipe I was missing were a hard mode Anvil and 15 solar tablet fragments so I used a glass door to get a mithil pickaxe threw that into the Shimmer and then used the mithil bars I got from that to craft a mythal Anvil and after that I went down to the jungle temple to quickly get the solar tablet fragments I needed and then went back home to craft the death whistle and just like the last boss I decided to fight it in my King Slime Arena so that’s exactly what I did expecting an easy fight but instead I ended up dying pretty fast into the fight because of the ravagers projectiles and this happened multiple times so I knew I had to change up my plan and originally thought I’d have to go through the long process of building a boulder machine but then then I remembered the jousting Lance glitch so I decided that I’d give it a shot on it before making the boulder machine this time I spawned the boss just to the left of the setup before running back to it hopping on my Mount getting my jousting lance out and hoping for the best once the ravager got to me the josting Lance ended up taking out a good chunk of its Health further than when the projectile spawned in last time so I assumed they were going to start spawning soon but they never did so I just slowly and I mean very slowly took out the ravager health with my spores until it was eventually dead and given the fact this boss was actually slightly challenging for more and that I couldn’t easily craft any of the other spawners I decided to work on my moonlord setup so that way I could fight the post moonlord Calamity bosses for the cultist and moonlord I knew that my setup would have to be made in a very specific way so that way I can constantly be far enough away that they can’t damage me but also close enough so they don’t despawn and since last playthrough it took me so long I decided to just use the exact setup I did in my last playthrough which was a large box that had a ton of Boulder machines to deal the damage teleporters and hoes to handle the movement a small house in the middle so I could set my spawn to it and finally a Blood Moon bunny statue setup which will stop the pillars from being able to spawn in allowing me to skip straight to moonl Lord I also knew that there was a strong chance I’d be using this setup for the Post Moon Lord Calamity bosses so I decided to add some more stuff to it like adding honey to all the hoes alongside enough heart lamps and a bewitching table to make sure I could get their Buffs throughout the entire setup in the middle of this process I also went ahead and used a mushroom door in the transmutation glitch to get the rod of Harmony which made getting in and out of the setup a lot easier once everything was finally done though I was getting ready to start turning everything on for the fights but a martian Invasion ended up happening so I just turned on the boulders and let them slowly take care of the invasion and once it was fully defeated I went back to preparing for the fights by first turning on everything that was needed waiting until night to use a bloody tear and then went down to the dungeon and killed the cultist to start the fight compared to last time this fight was a lot easier mainly because I wasn’t stuck stuck at 100 health and I also didn’t have to deal with the trial and error process of making my setup correct but even with that in mind my first attempt ended up taking too long and the blood moon stopped so I restarted and started the fight earlier in the day which ended up being the trick that helped me win the fight immediately after this though because I had the blood moon bunny glitch going on the pillars weren’t able to spawn and instead Moon Lord started to spawn so I just kept going along the hoink teleporter loop I made until Moon Lord finally spawned and once he did the fight was kind of like the cultist fight where it was easier compared to the last glitch playthrough since I had more health and had the right setup on the first try and while it did end up taking a while eventually The Boulders took out moonl Lord meaning the only bosses we had left were Calamity ones after this I went back home placed down my newly obtained Loot and then went to the Calamity Wiki to find out how to actually beat the mod since I’ve seemingly missed almost everything up until this point I found out that to fight the last boss Supreme calamitus that I would need to fight the dragon Folly then yaron and finally calamitus so to make the spawner for the dragon Folly I needed solar fragments which I was luckily able to get through the transmutation glitch using an ebonwood door and life Alloys which dropped from the ravager so once I got done getting all of the solar fragments I needed I went over to my King Slime arena in the corrupted desert and started farming the ravager the same way I beat him the first time which was by using the jousting Lance glitch alongside my spores but even after dying once I still wasn’t getting the drop I needed so I went back to double check the wiki to see if I missed anything which is when I realized that the ravager will only drop the geod once Providence is beat and to even be able to spawn her in I needed to beat the profane Guardians so that’s what I depressingly got started on the profane Guardian spawner is called the profane Shard and while I can easily transmute the luminite bars the Unholy Essence only drops from the special Calamity enemies in the Hallow so I went there and started waiting for them to spawn once I had enough of the essence though I went to go and get the illuminite bars I needed which I got by getting a shadewood door through the transmutation glitch and then using that door in the same glitch five times after I crafted the spawner I decided it would be a good idea to do a test run on it to see if I can notice any ways my glitches can beat this boss and since it could only spawn in the underworld or the Hallow I had to do it in the Underworld since I don’t have a setup in the hall yet once I got down there and died a few times I noticed that the main thing with this boss seemed to be the enemies that would spawn alongside it and the projectiles they would shoot so I thought my moonl Lord setup would be the perfect setup for this boss but that would mean I’d have to turn it into hallow first to do this I needed the steampunker alongside a good bit of money so I first made a few houses until I eventually got the steampunker to move in and then I used the crystal duplication glitch to get the money which only requires you to make this setup and then when you try to place a crystal shard in the open block it’ll duplicate after I had the money I bought the C contaminator from her and then to get the Hallow solution from her I had to go build a house in the Hallow biome and then after she moved in there she started selling the solution I needed after I turned the area under my moonl Lord setup into the Hallow I was finally ready to fight the Guardians so I turned on the setup made it a blood moon and turned on the bunny statue and then once the bunnies filled up all the mob slots I went and killed a floating enemy stuck outside my setup and as soon as it died I spawned in the guardian and shell found my way back into the setup this plan worked out really well as not only did it not spawn in the boss’s extra enemies but those enemies apparently also made up its health so once the boss did spawn in its Health was already missing a pretty good chunk the fight was going super well until I accidentally switched my shell phone to the ocean which made the boss despawn after I used it expecting to go back to the base in the middle of the setup so I had to do it again and aside from making sure I was careful with my shell phone this time I also ended up finding out that the guardian would get stuck in one area if I stopped going through the hoes once I reached a specific set of teleporters so after sitting in there for a while the boulders finally killed the guardian which dropped the boss spawner for Providence now luckily for me Providence can only spawn in the Hallow or the underworld and is meant to be spawned during the day and I was already in the Hallow during the day so I just decided to go ahead and try to fight it once and make my plan from there luckily though I just used the exact same plan I had for the last boss which was sitting on the two teleporters to get the boss stuck in the middle and while it did take about 40 minutes eventually Providence died to the boulders finally putting me to where I thought I was progression wise after I beat Moon Lord after that it was finally time to go back to the ravager and I just went ahead and used the same strategy I’ve used on him every time until my spores eventually took him out giving me the necromantic geode I needed now this geode is how I can get the life Alloys I needed to craft the dragon Folly spawner but it only has a chance to give me them alongside various other items so to get around this I just used the duplication glitch I used earlier in this playthrough to get about 50 of them which which gave me more than enough life Alloys and now that I had those alongside the solar fragments I got through the transmutation glitch I was finally able to craft the dragon Folly spawner unlike the other bosses so far the dragon Folly can only be spawned in the jungle meaning I couldn’t use any of the past setups I made for it because of this I decided to just grab a God mode chest and head over to the jungle and just see what the dragon Folly was like before making a massive setup for it surprisingly the little setup I made actually ended up beating it and it dropped more than enough eilan feathers which was the last item I needed to craft the spawner for one of calamity’s Final Bosses yaron so after I got home I went ahead and made that spawner and then went over to my King’s slime setup to test this boss out since it wasn’t biome locked this fight slightly caught me off guard as it had a lot of projectiles but outside of that I didn’t really notice anything that my moon Lord setup wouldn’t be able to handle so after eventually dying that’s exactly where I went after turning on everything inside the setup I spawned in yaron and I went for the specific pair teleporters that I was able to trap the guardian and Providence between hoping for another easy win like most of the Calamity bosses so far but it ended up killing me pretty fast thinking its AI was more like Moon Lord to where it could actually catch up to me I decided to try the fight again just going through the full teleporter Loop in the setup as that’s how I was able to beat moonlord but after dying multiple times doing this I knew this option wasn’t going to work either so I was going to have to make a totally new plan or what I was really fearing another setup normally this wouldn’t be that big of a deal but because it took me multiple days straight to figure out the moonlord setup I was really worried a gon specific setup would end up taking even longer since I don’t know anything about it because I’m lazy I decided to try out one more glitch before even putting thought into what I could do for yaron specifically I know that yaron’s main attacks were projectiles which I could actually stop from spawning in if I first shoot out 1,000 flares since that 1,000 projectiles are the max amount of projectiles allowed in the game at once one of the issues with the though is that it will stop my Boulders and spores from spawning in two since they are both considered projectiles so my plan for damaging the boss was going to be using the Slime Mount while being on a god mode chest so after shooting all the flares I started the fight and realized almost immediately that there was no way I was going to be able to deal enough damage through the mount before the flares despawn so I started thinking about other options I could could quickly do which is when I landed on the jousting Lance glitch this ended up working extremely well and while at first it was doing massive amounts of damage not too long into the fight yaron ended up hovering right beside me which allowed my jousting Lance to hit him enough to defeat him now some of you probably know the problem I’m about to run into but unlike what I thought based on the Calamity Wiki to be able to craft the final boss’s spawner I needed to beat another boss so I could craft the cosmic Anvil with that boss being the devour of gods so I got to work on Crafting its spawner this item was called The Cosmic worm and it actually has two different crafting recipes but I decided to go with the one using luminit since I already had some but this meant I also had to go down to the dungeon and farm a few different Calamity enemies to hopefully get some necroplasm being disappointed that I had to unexpectedly fit in another boss to this playthrough right before the end I decided to just bring a god mode chest down to the dungeon and sit there until I eventually got my first little bit of necroplasm which I quickly went and duplicated as I’m not going to spend more time on this boss than I have to then it turned out I only had 19 luminite bars so I duplicated those as well and finally to craft the last item needed for the cosmic worm I need 10 of every lunar fra fragment from the pillars but instead of going through the trouble of fighting the cultist the pillars and moon Lord I just used a wooden door in the transmutation glitch to get a Celestial sigil and finally shimmered that to get the fragments I needed after this I obviously went ahead and made the cosmic worm and then went to go test out the boss in the king slime spawner but it ended up killing me almost instantly with its projectiles so I automatically assumed that I was going to have to do the same setup I did for yaron so I made my way over to the dungeon turned on everything in the machine shot out the 1,000 flares and started doing the jousting Lance glitch on the Devourer of gods over and over which surprisingly ended up working extremely well with the only issue being me having to figure out where the dropped items were now that I had the cosmic bars the only item I was missing for the cosmic Anvil was the exodium cluster which I could find in the sky and combine using a pickaxe with over 225 power this sadly meant I would have to replace my trusty copper pickaxe by getting a stardust pickaxe which I got by using a skywar door in the transmutation glitch once I had that I got on top of my setup and started flying in the air looking for a specific planet toid that I needed and luckily I didn’t have to search far as I flew straight into one right after I started my search so after I got that I only had one remaining item holding me back from being able to craft the cosmic Anvil which were the 12 Galactica singularities just like last time I needed this item I decided to just Shimmer a Celestial sigil that I got through the transmutation glitch and just use the fragments that I got from that to craft the singularities once I had all 12 of them made I went to go make the cosmic Anvil which I was able to accomplish after only getting confused once with the cosmic Anvil scratched off my checklist there was only one more item I needed to craft before I can fight the final boss which was its spawner called the altar of the accursed I luckily already had one of the items needed to craft it but the other two were something that I was going to have to go and hunt down starting with the brimstone slag for this I had to find the brimstone cck biome which apparently spawned in the Underworld on the same side that the dungeon is on so that’s where I headed off to and I ended up finding it pretty fast thanks to my wings and Rod of Harmony the ground in this biome is actually the item I needed so I just started digging down until I reached the bottom then I teleported back home the other item I needed to go out and find was some oric ore which the wiki said was in the cavern Lair so that’s where I went looking first I ended up finding two other Calamity ores but not the oric ore so I decided to go down to the underworld and start going up a cave that connected to it but while I was looking for a cave I ended up getting quite literally blown away when I accidentally flew on some aric ore in the Underworld after realizing that the ore is what’s making me bounce I got beside it and tried to mine it only to realize that it’s not doing anything so I begrudgingly went back to the wiki which is when I learned I needed to craft the blossom pickaxe to be able to mine aric or luckily though one of the two ores that I found while looking for the aric or ended up being what I needed to make the pickaxe which was UI blue more I only had enough to make three out of the seven bars I needed so after duplicating the stack to get enough I crafted the pickaxe went back down to the underworld and mined The Arc deposit I found that only gave me 35 out of the 60 I needed so I went ahead and duplicated them and then went over to the cosmic Anvil to finally craft the final boss’s summoning item after I had it I realized it was something I was meant to place instead of just use so I went over to my moon Lord setup to place it as I assumed that’s where I’d be doing the fight at with a major sigh of relief thinking that this playthrough is about to be over I tried to rightclick the alter to see what the boss was like but nothing happened and after taking a look at the wiki I found out that I not only had to get a special item in my inventory to get the alter to work but I also had to beat another boss to get that item this boss was calamitous clone and luckily it summoning item had a really easy crafting recipe but really that’s only because I already happened to have the only Calamity item in the recipe just needed to duplicate it and the other was 10 hellstone which I got easily by shimmering the drill Mount that I got solely for Golem after I made the summoning item I went over to my moon Lord setup turned on everything in it and started waiting for nighttime so I could spawn calamitus clone the first thing I did once the fight started was go to the specific teleporters that were able to trap the bosses between them and that worked really well up until we got to the second half of its Health as then it spawned three other enemies that were able to easily catch up on me standing still on the teleporters so I just went back to the little base and got on the GMO chest until the boulders took care of those enemies after they were taken out I went back down to those teleporters to get it stuck again and this time it worked out great up until the last little bit of Health where it just stopped taking damage because it moved to a new area so I went back to the base to go back to the god mode chest and the boss ended up dying not too long after this now that I had the ashes of Calamity I could finally use the altar to spawn in the final boss the Supreme witch calamitus and since I was already at the moonlord setup with everything turned on I decided to just go ahead and spawn it in but all that happened was an orb appearing on top of the Altar and nothing else after asking my my friends who played Calamity and all of them saying they’d never seen this before I realized it might be because the boulders are taking up a large chunk of the 1,000 projectile limit so my plan was to have the boulders turned off while I spawn it in then after it spawns quickly turn on the boulders and rush back home but this didn’t work either as it spawned projectiles that I think I was meant to dodge but I just kept dying to I thought that I could possibly avoid the projectiles by jumping into the teleporter loop after I spawned it in and turned on the boulders which did work actually it worked really well as it seemed like it just completely skipped the projectile phase of the fight but the phase was also a problem as there was a giant worm that only took one damage per Boulder and it seemed like I needed to take it out before I could actually start dealing damage to the main boss so I let myself die and then did the entire process again but this time I did it with my blood moon bunny statue glitch to hopefully stop the worm from spawning in with the blood moon glitch I was correct in the fact that it would stop the worm from spawning in but the boss just stood in one spot before eventually disappearing so I knew that not only did it need to have a certain amount of projectile slots open but also mob slots so my next plan was to have the worm spawn in and this time used the the justing Lance glitch on it which didn’t work at all so I teleported out of the setup to see if there was anything else I was missing and ended up finding some floating hearts that could take damage which is when I realized I needed to first beat the floating hearts then the worm and then I could attack the main boss so to keep in line with the playthrough I decided to extend the middle part of my setup so that way the boulders could hit the hearts alongside a new teleporter that has the sole purpose of allowing me to quickly reach the now far away timer which turns on the boulder machines this almost worked out perfectly but the boulders weren’t able to hit two of the hearts so after I died again I made it to where I could easily get to and take out those two hearts myself with those changes made the next fight I did actually got down to one Health and for a slim Blissful second I thought I had beaten it but instead it SP SP a massive projectile beside me that killed me almost instantly so it was back to the drawing board once again I decided to just see if I could wait out this black hole like projectile while being stuck in that specific pair of teleporters so that’s what I did the next fight and it actually ended up working and what I didn’t realize at the time is that because I got it to one Health so fast once it reached it it had to go through all of its freeze chat popup so as I sat in the teleporter thinking about how I was going to overcome this roadblock I ended up beating the boss meaning I finally beat Calamity only using glitches and that wraps up this playthrough originally I wanted to have this video out a week or two ago but I underestimated how long Calamity would actually take to finish but hopefully now that I know Calamity it won’t take me nearly as long if I make another playthrough on it this is also so my first playthrough that is on a fullon Content mod so let me know in the comments if you want to see me make more playthroughs on Calamity or other big content mods thanks for sticking to the end be sure to like And subscribe for more Terraria videos like this in the future and as always make sure to have a wonderful day [Music]

Calamity is one of the most, if not, the most popular mod for Terraria at the moment, but since the current version of Terraria ( arguably the most useful glitches comapred to past updates, like being able to get any item, god mode, and even damage things. And since I already know that I can beat the vanilla version of the game only using these glitches, I also wanted to see if we could do it on calamity as well.

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  1. Bro's bout to die more then I died during my whole time playing terraria. (Also make a video about trying Dead Cells please.)

  2. Real fans remember when it was still called "Can I beat Terraria"s Calamity Mod ONLY Using Glitches?"
    Reply and use " as an apostrophe to redeem yourself if you don't.

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