How I Ruined IShowSpeed’s Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

joining ISRO speed’s Minecraft server would bring me on a journey of betrayal anger hacking exploiting and death but it all began when I saw these ridiculous prices I mean who look’s going to spend over $100 on a chance at getting an airplane H but anyway I knew the server had to be put to an end and that’s when I crafted the plan plan one completely ruined the economy with a duplication glitch plan two crash the server Horizon style and Plan Three kill everyone repeatedly so they never ever want to play again but after logging on the server something crazy [Music] happened oh what the Yeah so it turned out that a group of people named the void wanted me dead but I had to continue with my plan so I escaped the spawn and started exploring the world yes finally land oh people have actually been this what the oh B I’m 4,000 blocks out and people have been here no way and after exploring the world I found a nice looking place for a base and started to learn more about the server I’m going to make my base inside the [Music] mountain I’m going test a sniper out on me what there’s snipers there’s vehicles are invincible and not dropped from inventory P what is money how do I get money what the what is this server and after making a basic base I began collecting materials an iron block what the what are these veins I’ve got like nearly a stack of iron oh wait maybe I can sell it can get some easy money I then sold some of the iron and even found diamonds yes but then something strange would happen [Music] what what the [ __ ] was that sound it’s not mine I hear [Music] someone no I swear to God I hear someone oh my God someone’s there I swear to God someone’s there oh I’m dead oh I’m [ __ ] dumb oh hey oh okay buddy yo chill chill chill what are you doing yot this is much better than a screenshot okay [ __ ] bro N I must have had like ESP or something what the [ __ ] and I’m too scared to click respawn as soon as I click respawn I’m done as soon as I click respawn I’m dead right no okay I’m chilling bro they really just oh my my God I actually just got like [ __ ] robbed of everything what the heching bro what they were actually waiting there they were waiting there the northwest side bro if he sees me where is he why do he say where is he on the island what yeah I’m on the I’m on the North what where is he where is he he’s say where is he y all right all right buddy you got to tell me how how are you finding me huh de map what oh oh that makes more sense yeah so it turned out that the server had a map broadcasting your every move to anyone so after disabling it I decided that I would need a new base and that’s when I made my way to Africa yeah that’s where they’ve got the most diamonds diamonds I don’t think is that realistic bro I’m going to Africa I’m going to your Homeland usually people are running their opposite okay where do I need to go for the most diamonds it’s Sierra Leon [Music] right this guy is really going to Sierra Leon bro can you can you can you search how far Sierra Leon is please it’s like in the bottom of the hook of Africa if you know what I mean so after making it to sier Leon I would find something quite interesting wait hold on how much does it cost to buy diamonds cost 1K to buy 16 diamonds 1K for 16 diamonds that’s 16 okay 1K okay tools 200 to sell a diamond pickaxe H that’s right the math ain’t quite mathing but to perform this dupe I would need $1,000 so I began mining gold to sell but while I was looking for a cave of my friend an unforeseen event occurred run [Music] quick I don’t know you about I could just did you die too I just got banned what you got banned yeah I I got banned from the server and and for what you may be asking well for being a deadly hacker of course but after getting unbanned I tested out the exploit and even found a better one okay okay so we got 1.2k do I have wood okay I got wood and if I do Shar I go ores I buy 16 diamonds got 16 diamonds now I make five pickaxes and I do SL shop I go to tools middle M Buton sell all for 1,000 and I’ve still got a diamond left and one what the bro oh my God I’m actually a genius so I actually think I found a better dup so if you go shop buy the diamonds and now I put them all here 17 I sell that for [Music] 1.5k hold on and now I’ve got oh my God y they really [ __ ] up this one so after exploiting the glitch and Gathering some Diamond loot I headed off for the night but upon waking up I found that the exploit was patched and not only that wait hold on a minute how [Music] the are you kidding me bro how they always like [Music] bro are you serious right now are you bro I actually got so now my b have been raided and the only way of me getting loot was gone so that’s when I called some friends and came up with the plan to find the end now you might be wondering why I want to go to the end and that’s because it’s easy to get endgame loot exp and ender pearls and why ender pearls well because they sell for a lot we have an Ender Farm I could be making thousands with these and continue with my plan okay so what’s the game plan what’s the game plan well first we need to find the the end and um I know I know a guy who knows where the end thing you know that Glades guy he knows where it is but if I ask ask him where it is he’s going to know that like I want to go there so he’s going to probably make a trap or something or actually there probably already is a trap when you go there wait can’t you buy BL patter I think so yeah yeah and pears you could just like you could just find in a it’s pretty easy I guess we could how do you know that there’s a because I heard like the end sound you know when like people enter the end it makes like a sound right no no when people like lit up the end okay then that makes the sound oh cuz you can just open the end and not go through it’s worth it to find out so let me let me buy the let me buy the stuff how do I use the right cck so BR what happened oh it’s that way it’s north guys does anyone have to do that like triangle thing where you like throw throw one and then like you throw another one and then bang you got the exact coordinates but we’re not n no we’re we’re not n yet n after crossing the whole world we made it to Antarctica the world border why is this not wait a minute why can’t I all right I think we’re in it doesn’t let me move forward oh we that’s the end of the world we made it to the end of the world okay so how do we someone throw the Eye of Ender should I throw the eye yeah oh wait should I it yeah yep okay guys I’m back kidding me I have a plan I’m going to buy us some more ender pearls and we can see if we can glitch out okay let me let me try cuz then you can TP to me if it if it works let’s see if this works oh oh it’s kind of just infinitely there now so it turned out the stronghold to the end wasn’t past the border and instead was when no one expected it oh wait oh it’s just this map this is yeah know wait this is the Florida are you kidding me that the stronghold was in Florida this entire time I actually kidding me what are you are you for real right now oh there’s someone in here there’s a there’s a full n in here oh shoot I found aely they him what y wait Glade like knew me somehow glad is here he’s the guy I need to kill oh is he yeah I’m going to do slash home hold on SL home I’m getting a tro out of here I think oh my bro why are the Bas been raided but I got I got to go I’ll be back in like an hour go grind for a bit and then when everyone’s back on we’ll go we’ll go like really far away in the end and we’ll try to make a um we’ll try to make an end farm so then we can just sell the ender pearls make a crap ton and then get like gaps and stuff so after waiting some hours I escaped the end on my alt account to stop other players from killing me oh why are they seeing that end um I’m wondering if we should just hack to get all the way far out to get elytras I’m just going to use different with different anti sheets right you got to they have B so we have to use a client that has a special bypass for the antiche they use we figure we got to figure out which antiche we have now I would need to fly out thousands of blocks to prevent my base from being found but the server had a decent anti sheet that prevented flying and I would need to know which one to find the bypass and after literal hours of testing I found out that the anti- sheet was Grim an anti- sheet with no fly bypasses and this meant that I had to walk thousands of blocks without cheating or did it so to set my home here and make a boat now I’m going to place [Music] the who oh it works it’s working yes but after hours of flying to find an End Island my friend made a pretty good points it’s I think they disabled structure spawning yeah oh yeah I think they did you know because I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure there’s like no villagers in like the actual world you can’t find them what oh my God what the [ __ ] are the chances what the [ __ ] are the chances bro what the we’re just talking about it right I’m just about to leave and give up right I’m just about to leave and bro how long is 2 hours 2 hours trying to find and there’s no ship oh there’s a ship there’s a ship the way the way so then I looted the end booat granting me an elytra meaning I can now fly with ease I then also began the building of my end farm which which uh definitely wasn’t a waste of time in any way let’s see if it works I wrong I think this is where I [Music] die oh my God so I need a roof I think that’s done [Music] we might have a problem with the armor stand do I need it all right I don’t think I need the armor stand now I just got to wait for these guys to to to spawn uh uh I do it right did I do it right I don’t think I did it right you guys yeah so it turned out the Enderman Farm didn’t work most likely because of the server Ender distance so then I made the decision to get my friends on to help me build an advanced farm that should hopefully work oh I got kicked what’ you get kicked for your connection to main one encounter a problem oh hey how here [Music] BR how is someone there what the [ __ ] wa someone die here happened someone get B bro how’s someone here got dropped how someone you guys got dropped I was kicked got dropped wait what’s going on wait what this so respawn and try to kill bro who did that who W this guy I’m dead bro how did this guy get here okay just found it bro no way this guy found it wait Did you guys turn off wait did you guys turn off like the uh map thingy oh my God yeah who who would have fought the din map killed me again and now I needed to make an entire new base and start from the beginning but guess what I I I think I found a dup okay wait wait wait wait everyone look at this SL shop we go to ores we buy a stack of lapis it gives you that much for $20 and we go back no way and we sell it for 200 what is that D dog we I found a d we found a d guys we got way let’s go bro let’s go easy easy they’re so stupid no cuz when you look at them they they did it wrong when you buy lapis look how much lapis you get look look and that’s only for $20 look 800 $800 La for $20 then you go to dies right shift you get [Music] 200 that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s so crazy oh my God that’s right baby Ito is a genius but now that a new dup had been found we began building an Ender Farm but while I was busy doing that my friend said that they had a surprise for me so you can t to me now Okay so oh okay first thing first come down here okay so first thing first we got mending and uning yep that’s your horse that’s that’s mine no it’s mine oh [ __ ] sake so we got those and then we follow us up here this is the best part are you ready for this look at me are you ready are you sure you’re ready yep infinite money bro we we already got that infinite money infinite money we never have to kill any man all money right there Mano yeah but what about the XP so I can sell this job how much do we get from this then do we sell it mops oh [ __ ] wait that’s good uh you guys are finally useful W I’ve been having to discover all these things myself would make around a million an hour holy [ __ ] yo you can buy exp bottles from some can you I need I need um yeah you could buy XP BS yeah we need him then get him make him I don’t know how it works go make him the guy bro we just need we just need make him yeah so they ended up finding another exploit with the store since string could be sold for $75 per stack and we had infinite of it but after grinding X getting never right I was ready to kill come here [Applause] craft no FR my come here stupid [Music] frog come here little B he [ __ ] drowned and now you may be wondering why I didn’t kill void and it’s because turns out duping is not allowed also make sure to buy my Fe cloak clean

How I Ruined IShowSpeed’s Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

In this video, I abused an exploit on IShowSpeed’s Minecraft server to duplicate infinite money and completely take over the server. A special thanks to everyone who helped with this video, including Penguival, Kingitis, ActuallyFrosty, AquaX2, Astrovisor, Zeptic, JaegerBomb and anyone else seen within the video.

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  1. The Endermen farm didn’t work cause you were next to outer end islands that had endermen spawned on it you normally do it out from the main island where no end island is loaded in

  2. Servers like these, (especially like showspeeds's server being kinda flop,) kinda make sense why he would put such pricy stuff for kids to buy, as its just another generic server that's trying to be somewhat profitable it costs a lot just to keep the server up so I'm not very surprised especailly cause Ishowspeed doesnt have basically much say over what's happening with his server.. Not really defending Ishowspeed just saying what I think? 🤷‍♂️

  3. A server like this is not really in controll of Ishowspeed and its very costly to keep a server afloat especailly cause its a generic server so of course they are gonna make it a pay to win server? Maybe if he invested more money and unlike Vikstar he had no idea what he was getting into..

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