NOOB vs PRO: BUS HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!

oh no they’re cornering us this is bad the zombies are breaking through they’re taking little nibbles off of me this is so scar I want to go a God uh guys we can’t keep this up much longer my sword and shield are almost broken mine too oh this is really bad we’re all going to die you’re right my Lord we really are all going to die oh my goodness we need to keep them away but my sword belly has any health left oh man this is freaking me too Milo and hey wait a minute I think the sun is rising and wait a minute Milo the zombies they’re retreating they scared this is great wait where are they going oh they’re going over to that cave in the hill I think we need to get out of here I can’t take this anymore you know what e is right we need to bail and I kind of think Milo should go out his base he what is that supp to me yeah I think we definitely need to leave but you shouldn’t let Milo go out first fight that’s so so mean we can’t leave on foot because then the zombies will catch up and there’s no way we can outrun a huge hord of zombies like that yeah that would be really bad oh man what can we even do well since there is nothing in all directions except for that road we need to build a bus house with room for everyone before the sun sets again and the zombies come back yeah we can totally build a school bus what a school bus no that’s ridiculous we need to build a Double Deca bus like the have in London no way I do not want to build that I want a school bus Milo we’re not doing a school bus and wait a minute you know what we need to build both buses I say we have a competition whoever’s bus works and is the best will be the winner oh yeah boy you know that’s going to be me no way Milo come on ey let’s go build a double DEA bus come on Fire Light we’re going to build the best school bus the world’s ever seen we need to start building our bus’s foundation and wheels this is about to be so good E I just know it we’re going to have a way better bus than Milo and Fire Light I can’t believe you guys are building a school bus we’re not going to school we’re running away from zombies that’s pretty different hey I can hear you talking smack over there buddy oh uh sorry Milo I don’t mean to talk smack we’re just trying to build a really good bus over here and hey I think it’s totally working we’re building the foundation to be really really strong it’s going to be such a good foundation because it’s the bottom floor of the entire bus building a double decker bus is really good because we have so many floors to put things on if you’re building a school bus there will only be like five different parts of your bus you can even include things in no way this school bus is going to be the major school bus because everyone knows they’re really tough what no they’re not Milo school buses are just normal buses they’re way less strong than a Double Deca bus because Double Deca buses need to be really strong imagine if it flips over because of how tall it is they’ve clearly designed them to make sure that if they flip over nothing bad will happen yeah but school buses are designed to get naughty kids to and from school and sometimes they do crazy stuff to the school bus so it needs to be really strong what why are they naughty kids Milo I think school buses are for everybody yeah they are but especially the naughty kids because they can be really rough on the bus yeah I guess that’s true I’m going to make sure that this area is the front of my bus now if every double-deck of bus looks pretty silly they have a little bit of an engine room in here where the driver can steer the bus and this time that driver is going to be me don’t worry ey I totally know how to drive a bus and I’m very good at it so we have nothing to worry about the drive section goes in slightly like this oh Yep this is looking great then we’ll just have a little window here and the entrance Zone can be in this place wow it already looks really really good we’ll make sure that we have a little entrance C over here that goes up and down the bus wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bus this cool before we need to remember to add in a window though otherwise the zombies might come flying through the front and they will totally be able to get through to us having a window is very important W this already looks really good now I’ll build the other window here and wao this is so crazy now we also need to make sure that we build the window on this side of the bus as well so that the driver who will still definitely be me can see out the window oh Yep this is perfect just look at that now we can also start making extra windows going along the side of the bus like this wow this is so good let’s make sure we add in all these windows it’s important that we have a really good view of wao Milo your school bus actually isn’t looking too bad yeah it’s really fantastic and also I wrote a song what Milo you wrote a song you’ve been doing that a lot lately you’re getting really good at it yeah just got a musical play wo okay Milo can I hear the song yeah ready yeah me and E are so ready to hear this okay ready 3 2 one the whales on the bus go round and round round and round round and round wait a minute Milo you didn’t write that song that’s a really famous One um no I did write it what Milo I know you’re lying I’ve heard that song since I was little I am not fing hey Milo don’t destroy my bus I’m working hard on this hey you need to stop being such a menace Milo if you keep breaking my bus it might not work working hard or hard be working uh I’m working very hard and so is E look he just placed all the windows wow this area is going to be so wellmade now I also definitely need to make Wheels that’s a pretty important part of this bus we cannot forget if we forget the wheels the bus might not work and that would be a disaster that is not what you want in a zombie apocalypse I’ll add one more smooth Stone in the center of the wheel and hey this is looking good now I’ll make sure we add a wheel at the back as well oh yeah this is going to be such a good bus and wait a a minute oh no this part of the bus is not thick enough I’m going to add more smooth Stone here and deliver a little bit less over on this side Yep this is looking way better I can’t believe this isn’t what we had before now I’m going to add more smooth Stone up the back here and oh yeah now the bus looks like it’s actually going the correct way CH what is it Milo mil it’s being weird oh what’s new Milo isn’t he always being weird yeah he just bed before ew that’s gross I can’t believe you do that you better be careful it might be loud and stinky enough to make the zombies realize where here oh man far you got to stop yeah you totally do don’t worry Milo I’m sure he’ll totally stop and wait a minute I’ve built this wheel too far back let me push it a little bit forward just like that oh yeah this is looking way better and I also forgot to make it round imagine trying to drive a bus with square Wheels only a crazy person would try and do that except oh uh Milo I’m sorry I didn’t realize you guys had Square Wheels well thanks a lot chip that was actually pretty word sorry Milo but um are you sure that the square wheels will actually work I don’t know it seems like the kind of thing that totally wouldn’t well they are going to work because I know the math what math Milo everybody knows that having Square Wheels is way worse than having round ones um who say Milo every single rule about math oh boy I’m a little worried are you sure that this will work Milo because I do not think it will yeah I’m really sure because I know everything you we just don’t know okay Milo I guess you do know everything all right well I’m also going to add a little staircase to the side of this bus because every bus has stairs that way people can get on top of it hey this looks great now I also need to use yellow stained glass panes to make some little mirrors on the side of the bus I’ll also use some leas like this and I’ll even just swap the leas upside down this way it looks like real mirrors on the side of the bus so we can see exactly where we’re going it’s really important that we can otherwise things could go really bad and hey I decided great idea I’m going to add glowstone to the front of the bus like this this way we’ll be able to see no matter what direction we need to go in I can also add sea lanterns because it even has the word c in the name that is so perfect I’m even going to make the headlights a little bit smaller like that and then I’ll make these super duper bright ones really big wo this is looking pretty good actually I quite like this bus design a lot now that we’ve made a really good foundation area we need to start making some little rooms I think we’re going to need a little driving room for the driver to make sure that we can stay safe and keep driving separate to any zombies that might break in then we also need a little entrance area to welcome any survivors we find into the bus we also will need a kitchen and I think the kitchen can go right over here wow that’s a great area for a kitchen we should also probably have a dining room I’m going to put it right next to the kitchen that way it just matches I think also at the back of the bus we’ll have a little toilet area here which will be so funny and then all the rest of this bus can be a big life library that way we will never get bored I think I’m going to start with the driving area let’s grab some stairs and I think some smooth quartz stairs are perfect for this we’ll put them upside down just like this and wao that looks great next we’ll also grab some more levers to make sure we add some driving controls just like this we’ll grab some Redstone comparators repeaters and some Redstone torches this way it’ll have actual controls that we can adjust as we like wo just look at that I better make sure I don’t accidentally turn this thing on although it’s not too wor in just yet I’m also going to add a little Stone chair here because stone is really tough It’s a super strong material that will help make sure we are not in any danger of accidentally breaking our chair I like this area a lot but there’s still more we can do I also need to add a chest over here H we’ll need to add some emergency fuel in there I think coal and charcoal will be absolutely perfect oh yeah this is so great we’ll add a bunch of coal and a bunch of charcoal this way if the bus breaks down we can just throw some coal in the engine and get it going again now I also will definitely need a nice welcome area and I think this bus is looking a little red right now even though red is the official color of the double deck of buses I really think you could use a bit of orange red kind of just reminds me of Fire Light who’s a little bit crazy hey Milo what’s it like building with Fire Light well it’s okay because he’s actually pretty nice once you get to know him whoa what wow that’s amazing Milo you’ve come a long way I remember when you said you’d never forgive him for what he did to you yeah I know I did say that but actually he’s actually kind of cool wow that’s really awesome I’m so happy to hear it me and E stream are getting along so well cuz we’re building such an amazing bus it’s going really good over here Milo we’re even building the entrance room which is going to have custom sofas and A really lovely atmosphere yeah I’m going to be honest I’m pretty jealous that you got to build with you stream because I’m a really big fan of him CH yeah you totally are you probably the biggest e I stream fan I know but hey it’s okay Milo whoa hey that’s not okay get away from the window we’re trying to build here why why stream my name’s Milo oh my gosh Milo don’t be scary you’re being a crazy Fanboy oh I’m not I just want to hang out with him oh my goodness uh Milo uh I don’t know what’s happening there’s glowstone being placed on the glass for some reason it’s covering the window so you can’t see why not do you guys need help uh yeah we need help but the only way for you to help us is to go over in the school bus we’ve hidden something there that will let you help us but you just need to find out what okay I’m going to find it hey F do you see anything funny around here okay e they’re currently looking to see what they can help us with but actually I just said that so Milo would leave now we have time to build the rest of our bus we need to remember we are competing with Milo and fight in order to have the best bus luckily I think we’re totally winning there look our second room which is the entrance area will look so cool I’m also going to grab some blue compet but so that we can have some of your colors in here too it won’t just be orange and it won’t be a light blow which is Milo’s color see how different that is yeah I think this dark blue looks awesome we should also have a couple cabinets as well H I think Acacia cabinets are absolutely perfect wow look at that we’ll also grab some flower pots and I think we need some corn flowers for your blue color and some orange tulips hey these are about to look so cool we’ll put the cornflour here and the orange tulip there and wo that looks so good wow this bus really is definitely ours now H there’s still more we can add I bet we can add another cabinet over here oh no we can’t this is the entrance oh we also definitely need to add in a door I think a mangrove door is definitely the right way to go W just look at that that looks great it also Blends in very nicely with the sides so the zombies with their terrible eyesight are way less likely to see it perfect now we can also add Mangrove doors going into each of these different sides this looks so cool but there’s still more we can do I’m going to grab some smooth quartz slabs and place them just like this this way they’ll frame the door in a really nice way I’m going to move this Cornflower but don’t worry ey I’m going to place it down somewhere else we’ll place it right over here this way we can have flower pots in different areas of this room wo that looks so cool so cool in fact that I’m going to add this quartz to this door as well wo this makes this room look so much nicer I really like this room a lot there’s so many things we’ve added but we also definitely need a roof I’m going to add some Mangrove stairs and also some Mangrove slabs that’s because I really want the roof to be made out of red that way it’ll definitely look like the inside of an actual double DEA bus this is about to be so cool there we go we’ll place the wood like this then I’ll add more slabs on the inside just like this I’ll also make sure that we place one upside down like this and hey I can even grab a lantern we’ll put the lantern hanging from the ceiling just like this wait I broke the Labs oh boy thinking about all these zombies has got me totally terrified this room is now looking so good it’s a great entrance room now H I think we need to make the kitchens and the dining rooms first we need to make sure we build this wall up pretty tall there we go this is going to be the bathroom area so we need to separate it from the kitchen quite well otherwise the kitchen might smell a little bit bad sometimes hey this is looking really good I’ll make sure we put the door at the end like this wo this is looking so good in order to make this kitchen I think we need a bunch of kitchen cabinets wow there are so many I think the orange one is definitely the best choice we can also add a couple blue ones although uh-oh there’s none of the blue colors that’s your favorite ey only this light blue stuff I guess this warped stuff is a little dark H let’s see if it works first we’ll need to grab some proper kitchen drawers and wait a minute e I’ve just found something really good here we can add blue on the bottom and then the shelves and the cabinets can be AAA wo this way it looks like the kitchen that is perfect for us oh yeah this is so epic I like this as well we’ve made such a good kitchen but there’s more we can do I think we need to grab a kitchen sink and of course we need to make this one blue just like your favorite color wow look we can even have two and I think we also definitely need some fridges I know we both love to eat all the food we can keep in the fridge so the fridges can go there wo this is looking so epic right now we also should probably grab a stove that way will be able to cook things what’s a kitchen for if you can’t even cook in it wow this kitchen is looking so epic right now but there’s a little more we need to do as well I think we can push these cabinets one block down that way we’ll actually have enough space to add some Mangrove stairs above it that way this kitchen will have a roof too otherwise we would not have enough space to be inside and let me grab some slabs to start filling in this roof oh yeah this is so good we go so quickly when we work as a team like this now we’ll also definitely need a lantern to put in the middle so I’ll just grab one over here and wait a minute you already did it that’s amazing this is so cool let’s also grab some carpets except H we had blue carpets in this room so I think we should totally grab orange carpets for this one wow this is so great we’ve made a great kitchen but I think there’s even more what’s a good kitchen without a great dining table I’m going to get some dining Acacia chairs and some dining wared chairs this way both of our favorite colors can be here and hm I think we can also have a really cool deep slate dining table this looks really intense like something that really belongs in a zombie apocalypse the more strong our bus is the better we have a chance at surviving wao this dining table looks awesome wow you look so cool sitting in the seat and hey so do I this is epic we can totally sit at the dining table anytime we want but I think it also needs some decorations I’ll just add one little flower pot with a Cornflower on it just like that hey this looks great now we can move on to making the little bathroom H there is no door in this bathroom but if I break this wall we can add a mangrove door just like this boom now on the inside we can put a little toilet this is going to be so silly to have I think the toilet can be here this way when you go to the toilet you get a really nice view and I also should probably put another sink in here H I think this sink can be a c just like that we’ll also add a double sink in here as well just in case people need to wash their hands twice that is extra clean I also think having a mirror is a great idea because then we can see our reflection and it’ll be really nice not to mention we should also probably grab some toilet paper otherwise nobody would be able to wipe and that would be a massive disaster let’s also just add some Mangrove stairs to the roof of this bathroom like that and wow we already did it that’s so crazy now for our final build that we will make we need to make a library this way we will never get bored while on the run from these zombies maybe we can even have books on how to properly drive a bus I’m going to grab some bookshelves like this and then we’ll start adding them in rows I think having a bookshelf here is perfect and then we can have another one on this side wow this library is like a maze this means it’ll be really good for hiding from the zombies we can also have some raing Corners like this and wao this looks so good I think the carpet in this room can be half blue and half orange that way it has both of our colors wow this looks so cool I’ll give two blue carpets and one orange I’m feeling pretty generous so I’m totally fine with it now I’m also going to add some more mangr slabs in hey what are you doing you oh my goodness what’s on the back of here best bus property of Chip and ey stream no zombies yeah it totally is the best bus and no zombies are allowed anywhere near this is so cool look e we only have to place a couple more slabs here then we just have to build the roof at the very front of this bus and wo we’ve already made the first floor this is insane we can make so many different levels in this bus although hm here I think we should leave a little bit of space this will be the area that we used to go up to level two level two and three of our bus are going to have even crazier things we better get building them before the zombies come back come on we got this help me Milo what’s wrong oh no ey we need to go over and help Milo and Fire Light right now oh no Milo I bet the zombies are here this is terrible don’t worry we’re coming to save you and Milo what’s even happening right now me and fight got stuck on the to the Sea what Milo you’re just under trap doors do you want me to help you get out yes please okay all you have to do is open them like this and look I can even help fite as well W that really worked wow thanks chip you’re welcome Milo oh wow your bus is looking um certainly very interesting yeah while you’re here I could show you around a little bit yeah sure um why do you have a bunch of lettuce well these are the numbers to show the kids how to do the math Milo this isn’t numbers these are lettuce this is the alphabet and besides it’s missing a lot of letters the last letter in the alphabet is Zed not Q oh I don’t really know what the numers are so yeah I just forgot oh my goodness Milo and wait a minute why is there a treasure map on the floor well of course so we can find the treasures Milo why do you have a telescope oh boy and what is a snow room well I’ll show you that later I don’t want you to see it now because it’s not bloody oh okay and wait Milo where’s your engine um well I don’t have an engine you don’t have an engine Milo how will your bus go except wait a minute uh-oh ey we don’t have an engine either oh no this is really bad yeah but pretty much I don’t know how to build an engine oh Milo I want your bus to be able to go even if we are competing H you know what I’m going to offer to help you Milo do you want any help building an engine no what Milo why don’t you want any help I really can help you we do never need any help chip not ever ever ever this is the pro Bild so you need to leave what this isn’t the pro build this is the new build I’ll show you Pro except ship huh you need to see this the zombies they have destroyed everything oh boy let’s check exactly how things are okay this Village is looking pretty good I can’t believe ey set up all these cameras and all these Villages this one is looking very normal and I’m not noticing anything wrong it is abandoned though oh boy this zombie apocalypse is really taking its tall let me check the other cameras as well wao wait a minute there is So Many Zombies here this Village is overrun it’s also a lot more abandoned and is that lava oh no these zombies are learning how to use blocks this is really bad I bet some really talented Builders used to live in this Village and were then turned into zombies H poor people this is so sad oh no there is still one more camera I can check oh no oh my goodness Milo Village number three is totally destroyed e stream fire light we are in a lot of danger there are so many zombies here the houses have also been completely shattered oh now I’m totally freaking out this is bad and it’s also a snowy biome so we know that the zombies can survive in any climate no matter how hot or how cold it gets the zombies will live through this means the only way we can survive is by building buses and going on the Run permanently we just need to make sure our buses are well defended and wait a minute I forgotten to add defenses to the bus and wait a minute it’s already midday that means it’s pretty close to night time which is when the zombies are going to get us again exactly oh boy we better get building come on ey we got this we’ve got to make the next level of our bus which is going to be so well defended there is no way the zombies could ever possibly get us come on fire we got to build some defenses oh yeah we’re about to build the best defenses ever we’ll also make the bus a little bit rounded to make it way more aerodynamic that way it can glide through the skies the this is going to be really good I can just feel it all right it is defenses time I think we need to build our engine right here at the front of this bus Yep this is perfect next we’ll add in some mechanical mixes it’s very important that we build these correctly wao just look at that this looks amazing now we’ll need to add in a little gear here and we’ll add some mechanical mixes to the other side this is what’s going to make the engine really turn now we need to add a little creative motor like this and we need to set the speed to maximum wait that’s way too high oh my gosh we need to get it the perfect speed right in the middle oh yep that is perfect now these mechanical mixes are really going we also need to add in a bunch of different wheels and gears like this oh yep that looks perfect now the engine should really start turning but there is more we need to add we need to add encased fans here these will be like exhaust fans so that when the engine overheats it will be able to release some of its energy all right this is looking really good now I just need to add in another little gear here and we should be able to get this engine really going wo look at that isn’t this perfect the engine is now fully looking epic we also need to add a little top section to this engine look it Clips right into the mechanical mixes these little metal bits will hold it in place just like Staples would on a piece of paper except these are a lot stronger than a piece of paper oh wow this is so epic it needs to be held in place properly though I’m going to add some more deep slate on the sides like this then I’ll add one more piece of deep slide over here oh yeah this engine is now fully ready to work wow not now that we’ve done that we need to add some actual proper defenses up here we also should probably make a little bit of a ladder we’ll make sure that these engine fans are pretty slow not too slow but slow enough that we can actually climb up this ladder to the Second Story just like that now we’ll make the entrance over here and we can even replace this with uh oh wait no we can’t we’ll need to break these two glass blocks and the concrete and have slabs now instead hey this looks epic we can also get rid of these concrete blocks because they’re covered by concrete below wo this will really make the Second Story look absolutely epic now I think the first area definitely needs to be a gear up section this area will let us equip armor and be seriously epic first we’ll need some dispensers all right I think these dispensers will work perfectly we’ll need to put different pieces of armor inside them I think of course every piece of our armor needs to be netherite because that is the most strong let’s make sure we grab every different one we can all right this dispenser can have a bunch of helmets and this one can have a bunch of chest plates yeah that looks so good wee stop it wait a minute Milo what’s going on pretty much me and fight are fighting wa Milo why does you have bus look like a puffer fish again how do you keep building puffer fish yeah well that’s just the swords to kill the Zombies but there’s a bigger issue swords what swords wait Milo what’s the bigger issue’s trying to break my headlights cuz he thinks it should be a Frog Light instead of Glon um actually the Frog lights do look pretty good but guys you can’t be fighting you need to work together to make sure you can build a bus to survive the zombies and wait a minute Milo why is there a telescope there um that was just because I was watching ey stream Milo you’re such a creepy fan you can’t keep watching ey stream pretty soon I’m going to build a bunch of mirrors on the side of the bus so that it just reflects the light back at you so you can’t see us well I’d still find a way to look at him because I’m his biggest fan and he’s awesome and I want to make YouTube like him Milo that’s so creepy and hey we do do that Milo you got to leave you ice stream alone fine I’ll leave him alone but far’s really annoying me hey it looks like he won the headlight War Milo you got to build something other than just headlights if you spend all day focusing on the headlights you wouldn’t have any time to make the rest of your bus defended fine I guess I can build some kind of contraption yeah or Windows Milo you still haven’t added Windows to your bus oh yeah I don’t really want to do that what Milo why not windows are really important for staying safe just like this armor section is C that window oh my gosh okay e stream we know Milo is completely insane but we don’t have to be we can be the Smart Ones making sure that our bus is good enough to keep not just us safe but him and Fire Light too I don’t know what he’s planning with these heavy golden things he calls swords but they just look like slabs to me I think if he tries to drive his bus it’ll be way too heavy it’s a classic Noob mistake we need to make sure we leave enough room for them on our bus too so we’ll need a lot of armor we’ll also need to grab netherite swords because knowing my he will not have prepared any defenses we’ll put swords inside this dispenser and then in this one we can have pickaxes that way we’ll be able to use any tool we want and of course we need to grab some levers as well that is because we’ll be able to activate any one of these dispenses at any moment if we want one piece of Arma boom we just have to open it and wow every single one on that side activates that’s great we’ll actually make sure we do that for everyone this is perfect but there is more we need to do before we build the rest of this armor and defenses room we need to build up the windows a little bit bigger that is because if we don’t have prople walls and Windows on this section we’ll be totally exposed these zombies are very smart they destroyed entire Villages which should be really safe that means we just need to make sure they can’t climb up onto our bus or do anything else crazy like that there’s a reason these zombies were strong enough to cause an apocalypse and it’s because they’re the most terrifying type of zombie ever the important thing is the back of our bus should look really really good it’s pretty important otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see out of it we need an area of the bus that we can aim and use different weapons from that way we’ll be able to take on any enemy especially zombies all right now that we’ve made that we need to make some windows properly I’m going to grab some light blue stained glass paines and start adding them to the sides like this oh yeah this looks great if you do that on that side we’ll be able to get these windows done so quickly wao this is going so well I bet Milo and fight really could use some windows I still can’t believe Milo chose not to have any windows on his bus and I can’t believe fight agreed they’re so crazy they actually work together really well oh boy e you need to make sure you don’t let Milo be super crazy and like an insane fan towards you that would just be so creepy and I just know it would drive you crazy hey look this bus is looking great we need to remember to make the front though even though we’ve put the engine in it I still think it’s a great area to have a huge amount of a view from all right this is looking good now we can add some gloss panes in it’s important to use the same gloss pain we used earlier otherwise the color might look really different and it might look really silly I’ll add more glass panes like this hey this is going really well now we can add the glass panes at the front of the bus here and we’ll just add some up the top and wao and wait a minute ey what is it oh no is something happening right now and hey a present was this you that left it for me no oh I think I know who might have left this present what does it say it says to ey uh-oh ey I’m going to read this before you get it just to make sure there’s nothing creepy in here from a certain someone all right this says from Milow oh it’s from Milo to e y stream and Y is spelled like the word y hi ey I am sorry for looking at you in the telescope what oh the telescope H Milo’s so crazy sometimes he says he won’t be doing that again please give me signature Milo you apologized to ey and you asked him for an autograph in the same book well what did you expect me to do to say sorry and then just apologize you can’t say I’m sorry give me a signature that’s just crazy but I really want his signature maybe if you act all normal and once we survive this zombie apocalypse if your bus can even survive he might be kind enough to give you a signature in the very end oh yeah boy all right good luck Milo oh my gosh e Milo is losing his mind if Milo survives will you give him a signature in the very end just to make sure he stays happy oh yeah are you deciding about it I guess we’ll figure it out at some point don’t worry e if you don’t want to give him a signature that’s okay too because our bus is looking so epic we’ll be able to give Myer the greatest reward of all survival all right now that we’ve made the window areas we can start adding some weapons in I’m going to add some chests in here although I don’t know if chests will be enough these look so primitive H we need to add some shulka boxes and I think red blue and orange shulka boxes will be perfect this way it has the colors of a double deck of bus as well as our colors as well wo just look at that we’ll add some on this side and then we’ll add the same on the other side as well just look at that now we can also make sure we add some bows inside and crossbows as well we can also add some arrows in too oh yeah this is about to go so well there are so many epic arrows we can use we can add freezing arrows and we can even add bouncing arrows this way the arrows will bounce around once we fire them that means the arrows have a much higher chance of hitting a bunch of zombies this is so good I’ll add bouncing arrows spectral arrows as well as a freezing Arrow inside this chest I’m also going to add more bouncing arrows cuz I really don’t want to forget about those now we’ll add some crossbows in this chest as well and hm we’ll need some more I think we will definitely need a shield and we will also need a water bucket each this way we’ll be able to use the water any way we want to block away the zombies water is also good for breaking fall damage and we are in the middle of a desert after all we might need this water to make sure we don’t accidentally die of thirst I’m going to place more of these Sher boxes here because these ones the ones that are full of materials perfect I’ll also replace these top Shuler boxes with these ones as well and boom we now have a fully functioning Arma and weapons section all we will need to do is to run up here and quickly equip Arma and weapons and what’s fight doing oh my goodness he’s making the golden slabs even longer this is crazy ey I don’t think that bus is going to work at all we need to make our bus extra perfect so that it can save everybody let’s also make sure we keep adding roofs every single room we add things to needs to have a roof otherwise the zombies might be able to jump in if these zombies have infected the entire rest of the world they might have infected a couple Sky divers and a couple helicopter Pilots oh boy that would be terrible they would be able to jump right over onto our bus and get inside that is why it’s very important that we add in doors here and a roof as well okay these doors are looking great let’s also make sure we add doors here too and wa this is looking perfect now before we place any more doors down it is very important that we build some extra other rooms this next room we need to build is going to be pretty intense I think we need to give it a lot of room this room is about to be a redstone machine room it will help defend our bus from different sides this is about to go so crazy all right these Redstone Machines need to be perfect the first Redstone machine we will need to put in this section of our super amazing bus will be some Arrow dispensers these Arrow dispensers will launch arrows everywhere we travel it’s going to be pretty insane watching them fly my you and fight better Ste clear of our bus for a while otherwise you may just get hit by our Flying Arrow dispensers yeah well that’s fine I don’t like your bus anyway because it is bad juju bad juju Milo our bus is awesome and you know what we’re also adding a bunch of other things like even adding some ACAA trap doors with fire burning and Milo why does this say l because you’re taking the L we are not taking the L Milo the only L we’re taking is taking our leave up on out of here when the zombies come to attack us I don’t know if you guys will be able to do the same since I don’t know what happens if you guys aren’t able to move our parkour is getting bigger and better every second wao really okay wait what did you just say parkour Milo what parkour are you building well it’s just a parkour on the roof you wouldn’t know anything about it what Milo I wouldn’t know anything about it because building parkour on the roof is a terrible idea why would you do that because it’s a defense okay mind you have business oh my goodness Milo I’m so worried right now H you know what I don’t have time to focus on how crazy you are look we need to add some fire to the back of our bus and I think this looks perfect look it looks like these dispensers are shooting fire but soon they actually will be we are going to add some Fireballs to this dispenser here this way the fire charge will shoot downwards wo this is about to be seriously epic we need to make sure we do the same on the other side though we can’t miss some of these fire dispensers otherwise it will not work properly and our bus will be totally uneven all right we’ll add more trap doors to this side we need to make sure we place the trap doors very carefully otherwise the fireball dispensers could be at risk of being attacked by the zombies all right this is looking pretty good but we need to add fbls to this dispenser as well just like that and oh yeah this is looking so good we just have to make sure we add some fire fences too wow our bus will definitely work this is so epic but there’s even more we can add now that we’ve added a crazy weapon section we need to make sure we add some controls so that we can actually operate these things we need to be able to properly do this we’ll add some levers in here and some controls to the wall this wall can be full of leav as well and we need to do the same on the other side yep that’s very important now we also need some chests as well these chests will help us store any extra material we have like extra Fire charges or extra arrows it will be very useful and we can even have spectral arrows as well that way in case we need to do any sort of changing of what types of arrows we use we’ll be able to up upgrade to a much more powerful one I don’t know if it’ll be the right thing to do straight away though because we need to conserve our arrows there’s only so many things we can hold here and wow this room’s looking epic but we need to add a little bit more Redstone I’m going to add some redstone blocks to the very center that way we will not run out of power wo this looks so cool let’s add even more to these sides and hey now that we’ve added that we need to change these stairs a little bit we’ll add a bunch more stairs around the center that can wrap around these redstone blocks this will look very cool and we even add a little bit more slabs like this hey this looks so great now let’s start placing in our stairs boom we can put them like this and wait I’ll just get rid of that one so we can place them all the way around like this oh this is about to look so cool now I’m going to go down and Milo this parkour if you drive your bus won’t those floating blocks just fly away no cuz I’m going to connect them with something later oh my goodness Milo you can’t have parkour on a bus there’s a reason nobody’s done that before yeah and the reason is cuz they’re not smart like me Milo oh my goodness you’re insane this is so crazy how are you ever meant to get ey streams autograph if you don’t even survive the zombie attack well because I Will Survive and also me and Fire Light are best friends now what wow that happened very quickly I’m glad you guys are best friends I just hope this friendship can last yeah it’s going to last longer than our friendship what Milo we’ve been friends for so long yeah but not anymore oh Milo that’s really mean are you sure I’m positive oh Milo you were sending me text messages earlier saying how great of friends we are yeah but I take it all back I deleted the messages now no you didn’t Milo it’s okay don’t worry I know we’ll still be friends you just got a lot in your system right now since you’re a bit upset that your bus is not looking too good don’t worry if we need to me and E stream will definitely save you guys that’s actually really nice thanks Milo don’t worry we’ll always be nice to you if you ever need help now we can add a couple extra dispenses on the back that way just in case we need to add anything else we totally can wo these look really cool let’s add some fire fences to these ones as well this way our super cool bus looks really charged up wow I can’t believe we’re building something so epic ey we’ve never built something together before but the very first thing we’re building is this and it looks so cool wow now that we’ve made some epic engines on the back it is time to make sure this could be a proper shooting area we need to add some sofas in here so that we can relax in case we ever get hit oh Yep this is going to be perfect although hm ey stream I think there’s something else we definitely need to add I cannot tell Milo or Fire Light about it because they will lose their minds we are going to add secret beds in this back room this way in case we need to sleep we can but it won’t just be our beds we’re adding we’re also going to add Beds For Milo and Fire Light that way if we need to save them we can we can’t tell them about it though Milo will lose his mind and he’ll probably freak out because he’s such a big fan of you and he would love a sleepover all righty y stream don’t worry we can get this done we need to get sofas one light blue one and one red one for Fire Light perfect we already have an orange one and a dark blue one for us now we just need to make sure we grab beds one for Fire Light One For Milo one for me and of course one for you all right we’ll place these down just like this this is going to be so good perfect now I can also add fences here to make sure that there’s a little bit of privacy here I know you definitely would want to keep a barrier between you and Milo all right perfect we’ll make sure these fences go really high up into the ceiling this is so epic this area is looking so good now we just have to make the roof for this section and we’re almost done all right come on this is going to go so well wow great job placing the stairs let’s make sure we place even more just like this oh boy this is about to go so good I can just feel it now let’s place the slabs down like this oh wow there is only one more level we have to make and then we’ll have completed this entire bus wow this next level needs to be the most epic one we have made yet I think this is the perfect place to have a ladder up to the next section what do you think e um ey oh no what’s going on why is there an explosion on Milo’s bus what was that oh no e is blowing up Milo’s bus uh-oh this is bad oh my gosh what just happened oh Milo please don’t worry E I was just uh messing around how dare you you know what I vow Revenge to you when you BOS are getting eaten by the zombies I’m going to leave you behind I am not a fan of you anymore e why stream if that’s even your real name it’s not Milo but oh no this is really bad e stream come on we need to make sure our bus can survive because Milo’s just promised Revenge it now needs to not only be zombie proof but Milo proof in case Milo decides to play a counter prank D speaking of which wait a minute I don’t see the sun anymore uh-oh this is bad e the sun is about to set we do not have a lot of time to make the final defenses on our bus come on we got to get going on the final level before the zombie attack at Sunset we need to add some drills to the very top section of our bus look e these drills are going to go so quickly we need to speed them up to make sure that there is no risk of anyone getting close this way if there’s a really tall zombie bus we can Ram into the side of them and Destroy them without drills we also will need to place drills on these other bottom sides just like this hey this looks so intense I think we definitely need to have some on the front too wo this is so epic I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bus this crazy before Oh no I see Milo around the area Milo you better stay away from our bus I don’t want to see you pranking us yeah I won’t be pranking you because I don’t want anything to do with you hey that’s so mean but uh I guess if it means you’re not pranking us I’m okay with it I’m going to add some drills to the backend sides of our bus so you better make sure you do not drive your bus into ours at least if your bus even can drive that is yeah it can drive and also it’s not my fault if one of my swords accidentally stabs your boss what Milo are you saying your not going to be careful around our bus with your giant golden swords well not off to what he wanted to me oh my goodness Milo come on that’s crazy and why is your bus smoking M that’s my engine Milo your engine should not be smoking well fire did it and he’s smart because he says Fire Light is smart Milo his name has fire in it you can’t trust him around an engine those can blow up I trust Fire Light with my life oh my goodness Milo’s lost his mind if he doesn’t trust you and trusts fight instead oh boy we really going to need to build something great all right come on let’s make the final area of our bus this is going to need to be an open section I think up the front we’ll need to have some sort of big barrier this way we can have a super strong area against any oncoming forces yep that’s looking very good now we’ll need to make sure we add a little bit of a barrier around the side otherwise we might fall off especially if we’re trying to rescue Milo I don’t want to see him falling off the side like he very often does that would be terrible all right now that we made a huge barrier around the side this bus is looking incredible I’ll also need to make sure we add one last glass pain to the front oh boy this top area has nothing we need to make something up here quickly before the sun sets I think we need to add trampolines in our favorite colors this way we can at least have some fun in the apocalypse hey look at that they’re totally bouncy I like the orange one and look you’re having so much fun on the blue one I’m going to grab magenta terra cotta and then we can go over here and build one of my favorite machines this is going to be Dance Dance Revolution we can have such a fun time playing with this game now we’ll need to make a bunch of note blocks like this and we’ll also need to make sure we tune them to different sounds oh it’s important to have a bunch of different ones otherwise they’ll all sound the same and it’ll be really boring all right perfect now we’ll need to grab a little bit of gold and a nice pressure plate as well W what is that noise wait what there’s a noise Milo what’s happening I had a really faky noise in my ears like the music or something oh um Milo did the noise happen to sound anything like this yes that’s it uh Milo I’m making Dance Dance Revolution it’s like a dancing game it’s to make sure that we can still have fun up here it’s not fair I want to play Dance Dance Revolution what Milo yeah you can totally play but you need to make sure our bus isn’t destroyed first well I don’t care Milo you need to care we all need to care H you know what I’m going to make sure that we survive I’m going to add a little bit of lime green because zombies do not like the color lime green they prefer the color dark green just like the real zombie color I’m also going to grab some Spruce fences and some Target blocks we’re going to need to have a lot of fun up here so maybe we can add a target practice Zone this way the targets will also fly off the back side of the bus if we miss them basically hitting any zombies on the way this will be perfect and I’m even going to add a little chest up the front with some custom bows and arrows this way we just need a bow and we can make sure that we never run out of arrows this will be totally perfect we’ll have bows in this chest and I think we’ll need about this many this is looking great there needs to be something else we can add in oh I totally know I’m going to grab these fences that we use for these Target blocks and put one just up here we can add a little raise section I think this part is perfect and then oh boy this is about to be so fun we can add some Mangrove stairs to the side ey stream I have a feeling you are definitely going to like this one and I’m really going to like this one too now Above This fence we’ll need to grab something I think a gray candle is absolutely perfect we to put the gray candle just like this and does this thing work hey this is going to be a microphone we’ll be able to use this to sing karaoke now we’ll also need to have some note blocks in the back for the speakers we’ll place two like that and then we’ll add some trap doors on the front we’ll use bamboo trap doors because they look like real gold gold things are the fanciest so by making our speakers look like they’re made out of gold we make them look so fancy this will help us have a lot of fun in the apocalypse against the zombies then we’ll have a bunch of Juke boxes and wo you already practicing your singing that’s so cool you’re definitely a very good singer next we’ll also need to have a chest with a bunch of different music discs inside we’ll need to grab as many as we can wo I like the ones with different colors as well they’re so cool and wait a minute ey I’m trying to grab these music discs but why do I hear some sort of arrow in my ear oh no wait do you hear that too hey what’s going on oh you’re practicing the target that’s such a relief I was getting pretty worried for a second I even thought Milo might be aning us that would be terrible Milo’s probably plotting something really devious who knows what sort of stuff he could be doing it’s probably crazy the one thing we need to know is this chest is now full of music discs and oh no e the Sun is going down even further hey are you guys having a snowball fight no Milo violight and E are throwing snowballs at each other hey guys stop it we can’t do this right now it’s an emergency Milo why is there a bird house on top of your bus it’s not a bird house it’s a clock oh okay that makes more sense but why do you need a cuckoo clock on your bus because I need to tell the time well Milo I can tell you something about the time it is almost night time we need to check out each other’s buses quickly to make sure that there is nothing wrong with them before the zombies attack okay fine I guess I can show you around the bus all right I think you should give us a tour of your bus first yeah well come over to the front place all right let’s get this Tour on well here you can see that we have the swords Milo these are just gold slabs I don’t know if these will work as swords trust me they’re going to stop the zombies while we’re driving okay uh sure I believe you and um what are these well those the mechanical arms that are going to smack the little zombies Milo these mechanical arms are for grabbing things and pulling them closer it’s just going to bring the zombies towards you I don’t care what you say I know more than you oh my gosh Milo that is not true but all right wait I totally broke that window uh-oh that could have gone really bad let me fix that right now okay um what about these wheels they’re still Square Milo yeah and they’re going to drive us really fast now come inside please okay oh my goodness you still have the treasure map and hey there are seats here now yeah they’re really comfortable let me show you the snow room over here oh okay Milo I was going to ask this before but you said it wasn’t ready but what is the snow room it’s for us to hide in and also it’s going to freeze the zombie so they can’t get back here Milo I can barely see anything in here it’s too snowy and oh boy it’s really cold chip why you shaking like that because it’s freezing Milo I just walked through a wall of snow well it’s not my fault you stayed in there forever and Milo what is this why is there a cactus room this is the cactus room to hurt the zombies if they try to get through again myo I’m trying to walk through and I can’t even not hit this Cactus this is going to be so painful and wait a minute Milo there’s a whole side of the bus you can’t even reach thanks to these cacti there was the bedroom over here oh okay um wao Milo these beds are very cramped yeah and this is the toilet down the bottom that’s there’s a bird B for me and then up the top there’s a little toilet for everyone else wait let me see I can’t even fit in here me and e w stream can barely fit inside this is terrible and Milo why do you have a custom toilet just for you because it’s funny and awesome Milo that’s crazy and what is this area hey is this the burning engine this is the engine Milo this isn’t an engine this is a fire pit well it’s good I like it oh my goodness Milo I do not know if this is going to work this pipe isn’t even connected to anything that’s enough of that I want to show you the upstairs and this pipe is way too small for that one and you know what I’m not even going to go into it let’s check out upstairs how do we get upstairs again back for the snow room and up the ladder oh my goodness this freezing cold snow room and okay uh this lad is nice I guess yeah and now we have to do a really awesome and difficult parkour what Milo this parkour is insane why would you have parkour on a bus and hey it’s actually really easy no it’s not it’s meant to be difficult I did it in 1 second and so did everybody else and then this is our defense system what Milo your defense system is snowballs uhhuh they’re really awesome Milo snowballs can only stack up to 16 you’re going to run out of snowballs so quickly n i just refill them right before we start driving with what where are you going to get snow in the middle of a desert um well I didn’t really think about that oh my goodness Milo this is insane I’m getting very nervous right now oh I want to see your bus cuz I bet it’s not that much better oh Milo you’ll find it is way better welcome everybody to me an ey stream super cool probs we’ve modeled it like a double deer so it’s very big and here you’ll see the entrance room well you know what I think what do you think Mila I think if it looks like a school bus it would be better no Milo it definitely wouldn’t because this is the best kind of bus look here’s the driving room it’s where I’m going to Pilot this thing and it has a very good engine it also has a very good kitchen and dining room all the way back here where we can cook anything we want and look we even have a library wow this is actually really crazy I can’t believe how much you fit in here yeah neither can I and look we even have a nice bathroom with a toilet and we have toilet paper which your bathroom did not have oh I actually forgot about that oh my goodness Milo that’s crazy and did your bathroom even have sinks well it had a bath B Milo you said that was your toilet ew I can’t believe you wanted people to wash their hands in your toilet oh yeah let’s not talk about it yeah okay we won’t because instead we can talk about how epic our engine is if you come right up here you’ll see the engine in full force wow this is like an actual real moving engine yeah it’s got a bunch of super complicated machine processes and look you can even walk right up the front and get a great view of everywhere around fire right why couldn’t you have built something like this hey Milo be nice to Fire Light come on look this is the armor and weapon equipping section make sure you don’t use these lever because they’ll activate the armor and we don’t want to activate it just yet use them no don’t use them because Milo over here is the Redstone TNT Arrow Fireball launching room what this place is crazy this room will launch explosive Fireballs powered by TNT and arrows anywhere we want them to which will destroy the zombies wow this is actually really good chip I can’t believe you thought about this all on your own yeah I had some help me and E worked on this together and look here is a bed section and Milo you might notice a little something hang on a second who’s got the blue bed that’s my favorite color yeah and it’s right next to firelight’s favorite color and that’s because these beds are for you guys wait what you got something for us well yeah in case you guys need some help in a place that’s really safe to stay me and E stream thought you guys could totally crash here especially if your bus does not end up working well Fire Light and I need to talk about it for one second okay good luck guys me me me me me me me me me me Milo what do you mean what are you saying okay well we had a talk uh yeah what was the talk about we do not need your charity we don’t want to be on your bus we want to be on our bus cuz it’s better really Milo I don’t know if your bus will work and there’s no time to check uh-oh Milo I think it’s nighttime the zombies they’re about to start coming oh man fight we got to scram come on everybody get ready the zombies are about to make their way here we got to get ready to go oh no look there are zombies over there come on white we got to get this bus going oh no the zombies are getting closer come on Fire Light let’s Rive oh come on we totally got this I just got to start up the engine and we’ll be good to go I believe in us we’ve totally got this come on come on we can do this I just know it yeah we’re totally moving W what the chip you’re going so fast yeah and look I can put it in autopilot because we are leaving fire trails and Milo why aren you going is it not working Milo don’t worry I’ll reverse come on I’m coming back to get you the bus isn’t driving the engine’s broken don’t worry Milo me and ey stream are reversing to come and save you oh I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Birds to build buses hey by light that’s mean all right Milo me and E stream have parked the bus we are now on our way to get you do not worry oh no don’t worry come on E we need to go put on our armor quick we need to climb this ladder up here all right now that we’re at the top it is time to go grab our armor come on we go to equip the armor like this boom I should already have a bunch of it but now if I activate this other side I should have a lot more now I have full netherite what about you e why come on you got this a chip I’ve got something to tell you what is it Milo ah we kind of forgot to get armor and weapons so we’re kind of stuck here you didn’t get armor and weapons and you made a bus that doesn’t work and oh no Milo even more zombies are coming don’t worry we’re going to go get you I think we need to try using some of our machines here look we’ll use these Arrow machines I think they’re totally launching at the oncoming zombies come on fire let’s go do our snle machine oh my gosh your golden swords are blocking them this is bad come on ey we got to go down there we’ll just grab some extra equipment from this super cool storage room we made all right luckily we can grab some spectral arrows and bouncing arrows from here all right I think I’m also going to get a crossbow water and a shield I am now fully ready to save you guys a sh the snall machine’s not doing anything yeah I knew it wouldn’t Milo I even told you all right come on ey we need to go down and save them but oh wow there were so many zombies coming from that cave oh man this is horrible we’re going to die no you’re not going to die Milo not if I can help it wo our tires burned so fast we went so quickly we left fire in our path wow there are so many zombies here and they’re all coming towards you please help us oh my goodness Milo arrows of freezing a slowing zombies down and ow I just got hit by one of the arrows oh boy I think I need to use some other ones let’s try the arrow of bouncing maybe oh boy I really hope this actually bounces and what why is it not bouncing oh that’s what it does it launches the zombies up in the air wo this is really helpful although wait a minute I think it’s just making the zombies able to jump really high yeah that’s not a lot of time they’re fighting us oh no don’t worry I’m not going to let them get you all right come on I need to use my sweeping attack from my sword wait a wait a minute hey I don’t think I can handle these zombies on my own I need some help Milo I’m going to grab weapons and armor and bring them over to you good idea big Qui all right do I have any no I don’t have any other than the ones I’m wearing all right ey stream you need to hold off these zombies while I get some more Armor All Right these armors and weapons should totally do I’m just going to grab some more this way we can give some to fight and to Milo as well all right this should totally work don’t worry I’m coming oh there’s no time to go down the ladder I need to jump out the side and hey it looks like you guys are handling this zombies a lot but not all of them don’t worry I’m here how do we get inside why here way oh you’re right Milo where did your stairs go ah we got rid of them so the zombies couldn’t get inside oh my goodness Milo there are so many zombies here don’t worry I’ll help you defeat them but wow there are so many oh my goodness this is bad they’re really hurting me chip do you have anything to give us oh yeah I do I totally forgot wait let me go around the front but oh no there were so many zombies oh man okay I’m on one and a half Hots I made so many defenses I forgot food but here you go here has a sword and I can even give you armor and a pickaxe as well Milo you can totally survive this and here you go Fire Light here is some for you as well we need to fight these zombies off properly because there are so many okay let’s do it I’m going to be really powerful yeah me too wow there are so many we totally got this though hey zombies get a piece of my SW yeah and mine too oh man but they’re still pretty strong yeah they totally are oh no I’m on such low Health this could go really bad I’m going to use my crossbow now hey zombies take this a chip your crossbow is great but I actually think we need to retreat Retreat Oh no you’re right there are so many and oh boy I do not want our tools to run out of durability come on my bus still has a place for everybody come on let’s go to the bus we got to find our way through the zombies yeah hold them back everybody oh no there were so many over there quick we need to go around the front but wow there are lots of fire Trails here don’t worry I will clear a way through them so we can get around a chip there’s even zombies in your B what how did they get there oh boy stand back everyone I’m going to shoot them out of the way using my brand new arrows of bouncing but you guys need to hold up the zombies coming from that direction hey get out of here this is our place all right come on everybody we’ve held up the zombies inside everyone get inside quickly quickly fire this is our chance all right I’m going to start up the bus come on this has to work hold on everybody let’s go take that you brain eating bozos arrows for days yeah get him e this is amazing look we’re almost at the end hooray we did it you guys we saved the day we did it

Milo and Chip are going head to head in a NOOB vs PRO: BUS HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!! Who will win?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. Xx and also you will play with me on the door is locked and also you will play a kid i was in a way that I have any questions please feel got a call at the red moon and also you will be happy to hear from roblox and minecraft sword of the country flags and also you can you please send the money is not feeling happy to hear from roblox and also you can you please give me a boombox t the door 🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪 the country flags e the country for a kid i just want you to the eiffel the bed to the door is open to the door is locked 🔒 you

  2. Xx and also you 😂can i have to be green keep the door it's not a white background stock photography and the country flags of the door it's a good time to sleep on it is not feeling happy to hear that you are my name is riley potpot you have any other questions please let me know what you think you are you doing today I am your friend right now this time let's do you want that to me a boombox please let us know if somebody else is a boombox please let us know if I will be happy at all possible I will play a game 🎮 the door is open the door is open 😺 the bed 🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️🛏️😂😂 you have any other person is strictly prohibited

  3. You guys are the best players in the world ❣️❣️❣️ So lm going to LIKE this video for great players like chip ey firelight THERE good players they make really videos 📷📷📷📷📷📸📸 you are great Firelight and Eystream and Milo And Chip you are goooooo oooooooo d

  4. Omg guys I really love your videos can you please keep on making more videos because they are fun to watch and are educational for me because I learn how to build crazy stuff in minecraft

  5. 😀😃😄😁😁😁🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  6. Which Minecraft are you playing life please tell me very very very very very very very very very very very very very please can you make a video for me For me are you playing money Minecraft for free Minecraft

  7. Thank you for the 100m sub 😢😭😢😭😭😢😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😭😭😢😢😭😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😭😢😭 3:24

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