Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 90 – Time to Burgle

hello again everyone welcome back to stardew Valley all right it is Jody’s birthday it is the 11th of fall year 2 let’s see our weather report welcome to kzu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with gusts of wind throughout the day and our special forecast for the fern Islands it’s going to rain all day tomorrow might be a good good day to go out to the fern islands and just start getting some stuff planted fortune teller I sense that a new viewer has joined us young lady from stardew Valley welcome welcome the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another Tiff of y’all now listen up looking to get married you’re going to need a mermaid’s pendant everyone this side of the gymc knows what it means when you give them a mermaid’s pendant getting your hands on such a pendant can be tricky every region seems to have their own custom but it always has something to do with the beach or ocean what about places that don’t have a beach or an ocean uh 98 crops ready 16 crops ready in the greenhouse 64 machines are ready all right so it is Sundays that the um desert Merchant has uh things that I want the um you know what let’s go over here the uh stairs so I will need to keep that in mind no don’t eat corn oh yeah all right so I can go uh deliver our vegetables [Music] wrong [Music] thing stop [Music] it go and put that in there for the moment [Music] all right um take those for the jam what do I want for wine should make some wine [Music] Strawberry Wine tends to be good but I also have you guys [Music] [Music] I’ll make cranberry wine is the uh the [Music] rest just so that we get that all done all right [Music] [Music] oops miss that corn hope I didn’t miss any others doesn’t look like it all right all right so we do want to head into town to drop off the corn [Music] okay so I need to get something planted in [Music] there done a whole lot with [Music] artichokes I forgot to uh get you guys in there I need to I do need to get some more dehydrators but uh let’s [Music] see guess I’ll do one beat we go also there probably some things uh ready over here get set oh yeah there we go well I should have gone in there first but oh well it’s not that big of a deal so what do I want to upgrade tool wise first probably the pickaxe I think that’s going to be the most important let’s also get a diamond should probably sell some of these get you there get you there all right let’s go down here and check you guys out oh Pearl nice that’s pretty fantastic all right get that uh get that get that and we’ll grab [Music] you grab you grab you grab you grab you I don’t remember if it said that the farm cave was ready but I’m here and it was excuse me animals okay put you away you away about it you in there as well so it’s a very low chance that you’ll get a prismatic Shard out of a rainbow trout fish pen but it is a chance it’s like less than 1% but it is a chance so I might as well right that’s the main reason I have them they don’t make a super duper valuable um row but there is a chance all right so I need to go find jod I need to clean up those trees as well get you in there put the Pearl away all right let’s go see about visiting Jodie deposit these um wow lots of plums now we got some more blackberries over here [Music] can’t remember if Jody is anywhere in particular on a Something Free catfish I will probably not do that [Music] Jody you home well I think she’s home I think that’s what that means hi Elman tra I’m just making some popcorn a that sound you should have known that sound would remind me of the war lost a lot of good friend those bloody [Music] trenches but dear popcorn was always your favorite before you left things have changed Ela can you say something to [Music] him say something to Kent Jody’s to blame she should have known better I know you’re hurting but don’t blame your wife lie blame me I asked for popcorn I know you’re hurting but don’t blame your wife you’re absolutely right Al [Music] andretta I’m sorry honey you couldn’t you couldn’t have known the sound of popcorn would make me [Music] upset it’s okay dear the last thing I want to do is make you upset I’ll do my best to keep your spirits up from now on maybe I I’ve spoiled the boys a bit they’ve never had to do any chores I guess I want them to be able to enjoy their childhood while they still can well Sam’s basically a man now though hope he hasn’t grown up to be lazy that won’t do you’re not as boring as most grown-ups didn’t mean to uh hop out of that all right first of all I believe where did you find this this man we fought together in the war elreda he was like a brother to me but only one of us made it back never lost his courage though even in the face of death true hero I’ll never forget him thanks for bringing me this it means a lot to me here take this it’s been sitting in the back of our cupboard for years and we’ve never used it Gourmet tomato salt he rare delicious and savory salt I do like salt you remembered my birthday thank you this is great being a parent isn’t very easy hope you don’t mind me giving your wife a diamond all right uh let’s go ahead and deposit the Cor I had a good time at the saloon the other day though my liver is not quite so enthusiastic you should probably not do that then it’s starting to get cold outside that means more people come to the shop to warm up all right 2400 G all right so next up what do I want to do um well there was a lot of stuff down on the beach that I didn’t pick up could go do that I do not remember who wants the Gourmet tomato salt that would probably be Gus though wouldn’t it yeah let’s try that let’s try him oh boy what do you got today strange buns for how much 450 never mind hey you look like you could use a beverage you look like you might want Gourmet tomato salt that sharp smell that’s zesty taste that gritty texture it can only be Gourmet tomato salt I’ll trade you for it you received a stardew valley Rose is that Elliot wrong person nope all right I’ll give it some more thought prize ticket let’s go see what we get oo the rock cand is coming up next pretty good Treasure Chest I guess since I have all these I might as well go uh crack them all open see what we get oh boy 10 mixed seeds Mountain warp totem a mystery shirt I think I have one already bride calamari pepper poppers nothing super great like theoretically anything can be inside them but I don’t know that that actually means literally [Applause] anything right I should probably empty out the the uh crab pots even though I have probably very little space for [Applause] it okay made from The Leftovers of a mystery box huh get that stuff later well I need to head back and uh empty out my inventory now I should head up to the mines and try to get our last uh few Sprites taken care of I feel the urge to go shopping I heard you water I would do something about that but I can’t all right get you in there you in there for now all right I should also look about look for what fish we need I do not remember what fish we need for this season all right m [Music] time I’ll take the quartz though yep heard him there you are helps if I use the right tool does grinding for stone could be useful too [Music] I don’t see any 55 there we go got a bomb that’s good monster Slayer goal complete all right all right I got a little bit of time so let me go ahead and do that just pop down the next level see what we see gotcha all right burglar’s ring monsters have a greater chance of dropping loot yes please all right 818 out of 1, slime 79 out of 150 void Spirits we have done the bats the skeletons the cave insects 19 out of 30 duggies all we get is a a helmet for that one or a hat uh I do not remember what we get for void Spirits 39 out of 60 rock crabs 19 out of 100 mummies 7 out of 50 pepper rexes 56 out of 250 serpents and three out of 150 magma Sprites I have not been out here for a little bit so let’s see if there’s any goodies not seeing any goodies unfortunately I don’t want trees growing here get rid of that tree that sapling there we go all right let’s collect up uh anything else that we see around here some coal definitely grab some more blackberries as well there a lot of moss on these trees too is getting late but uh we’ll be done soon all right let’s grab that uh let’s peek up here real fast yeah of course there’s something up above there there we go got all well almost all now we’ve got all okay that goes in there those go in there got an officer uniform pick up that up at some point does not go in there grab that put those away and let’s crawl into bed get stuck on the wall as you do go to sleep for the night all right so we got our burglar ring that will increase the chances of getting some uh item drops which well was thinking I could go back to the uh the ca the uh skull Cavern but I don’t have a whole lot of uh uh stairs I used a lot up see cranberry jelly pale ale duck mayonnaise cheese what do I want to do let’s think for a second um it is going to rain on the fern Island so that’s a good time to go plant some things over there don’t have a whole lot of uh ancient fruit seeds which is one thing that I would like to plant there um I’ll wait I’ll wait if I do go out there I might just like beine for the um the volcano dungeon see if I can get up to the top of that at least all right day 12 of fall year two is a Friday I do want to pay a visit to um kobus Abigail’s birthday is tomorrow welcome to kou 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with gusts of wind throughout the day going to be clear and sunny all day on the island I sense that a new viewer has joined us a young lady from stardew Valley welcome welcome the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck all right 21 crops ready 32 crops ready in the greenhouse 29 machines are [Music] ready Elman Drea this recipe of mine won first place in a cooking competition I hope you like it thanks for being a friend ice cream [Music] let’s put that in there for the moment should really buy a [Music] better Rod one of these days [Music] [Music] [Music] not seeing which crops already ah those crops got [Music] yams we go collect up our [Music] [Music] yams toss that in there toss that in there and I need to take the slingshot out put that in there okay [Music] um I was looking for something and I completely forgot [Music] I think I want 2 one of these okay apparently there’s some other crops oh maybe it’s the uh might be referring into flowers I got space long as I’m in here there we go not going to worry about the crab pots at the moment there we go get that in there okay take that I should move that uh Pond as well it’s not in the best place get you out of my inventory it’s just the one uh flower that’s ready I don’t know okay let’s see I will take you out do some more duck mayonnaise there’s a lot of eggs in there have I pay you I have [Music] not oh also uh I need that and that [Music] so kobus and then out to the island I think all right uh I will take the slingshot it’s raining I could plant some things plant star fruit that takes a long time to uh grow but I think I’ll wait I think I’ll wait that I I think I think winter might be a better time for that won’t need staircases I will take spicy eel take the bom BS and I think I should make some more bombs you want the life Elixir as well so swing by kobus to grab another idium sprinkler I suppose as long as I’m doing that I could just plant some which does mean that I am going to need a rarecrow I think I actually don’t remember if you need rarecrows out there hold on it’s a little bit of a waste of time but get that triple shot espresso in there there we go all right all right so let’s also visit the traveling Merchant I’ll pick up those uh truffles tomorrow we’re happy for now Bobo oh so adorable that might have been the last one I know that there is a last thing for them might as well get that SP get another spicy eel geez all that’s it probably should have picked up a warp totem but I guess I can just like fall asleep it’s fine [Music] if I can open up some of the uh area that would be good there’s your radium sprinkler do not have enough for the return scepter so I don’t think that I actually have enough time to do a run through the volcano but I might might be able to do it I was thinking about buying the other Rock but it’s fine sorry if I smell like fish I kind of figured you always smell like fish and off we go didn’t actually bring any fertilizer I got a snake vertebrae [Music] actually I should do it down here dang it there we go all right and then right in the center and then rare Crow and starf fruit seeds there we go so when they’re done they’re done kind of thing I I don’t need to worry too much about how long they actually take to complete I see that also n can’t do anything with this snake tail yet all right fair enough oh wow not expecting those guys to be at down here do want those shards I think that’s all copper but given that there’s so much right there yeah whatever up we [Music] go yeah I’ll take that screw you guys nice okay got 10 uh ooh ridium haven’t had to do many puzzles so far five wall nut exit shortcut that’s probably worth it let’s go ahead and do that I’m not going to use the exit shortcut right now but the diamond Hunter all stones have a chance to drop a diamond when mined by hand requires 10 diamonds okay so I still have to get through to him but I mean I got 10 diamonds back at uh oh 100 Cinder shards I do not have pink [Music] bow uh let’s definitely buy that let’s definitely buy those recipes you will buy some stuff off of me but I don’t really care just in case I find more things just going to eat these cave carrots is getting lots of uh okay got some Cinder shards Mega bombs good nope off that all right up we go oh God rude I want to get down there for a second should be more Cinder shards yep it’s only two but we do need 100 for the those boots so [Music] got another [Music] hello don’t care not doing so hot on uh hit points here more Center shards good all right let’s go ahead and Nom on some uh blackberries at least get up to uh maybe half hit points or so all right anything else that I don’t care about those up in a second all right not seeing an obvious way oh can I just walk through there yes I can oh oh God oh God I’m on fire thank you get up oh [Music] God where’s my there we go let’s drink the life Elixir just to be on the safe side cuz I’ve got a few okay [Music] oh wow Prismatic Shard nice I had forgotten that you got a prismatic Shard for coming up here okay that is our first Prismatic Shard finally uh normally I get them from uh a monster drop within the first year but um I don’t know if I want to use that for the Lost bundle I don’t think I do I think I want to use that for uh getting the weapon okay Place weapon or tool in the left slot Place gemstone in the right slot you can also combine two rings aridium band and burglar’s ring 20 as sinder shards I just hit the button inventory full right oops let’s go over here all right combined ring glows attracts items and increases attack damage by 10% monsters have a greater chance of dropping loot pretty nice nice uh I do not remember what the tool upgrade to do right now but for now can’t go that way all right this will allow us to get back up there very easily oh boy AR five walnuts Arc build Bridge uh no that’s okay would like to find one more Walnut let me see do I have time I’m still fast got those already want to build the bridge so I can get some more uh golden walnuts over there as well there we go figure out how to get out of there I don’t know how you know are supposed to find that one also you know what let’s be safe put things that are not dangerous there hurry hurry don’t fall asleep don’t fall asleep 10 wallnut prepare Bridge yes obviously I won’t make be able to make use of it right now but I will be able to make use of it next time I come here and I fall oh excellent oh man that feels so good feels so good to have gotten that okay dried mushrooms mayonnaise and cheese uh aged blobfish row 5551 and that is going to bring us to an episode close so when we come back next time we do still have um the the level 100 in the mines to get to not the mines the Skull Cave um I do I am going to want another Prismatic Shard um at least one more um can’t remember exactly what else it’s used for but I guess you know like if I can’t get a uh um a dino egg before another Prismatic Shard then I’ll use a prismatic shard in the Lost bundle but oh boy I am definitely going to going to get the weapon though I think all right that will be for next time see you then everyone

It’s finally mine!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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