today I hit every bedw Wars trick shot with the help of my subscribers these trick shots get more difficult as the video goes on requiring more items and more skill to hit each one stick around to see if I can hit every bedwars trick shot and enjoy this video all right team we’re on playground my favorite map and we are hitting bedw War trick shots today I asked you for your best bedwar trick shots and we put them on a list and we’re going to hit them all the first one on our list is the double Fireball into ladder clutch okay I will approach the white base oh wait white team’s not even in the game so I’m going to approach um the Yellow base and then I will Fireball jump into the air and as I’m falling I will throw down another onto the yellow defense exposing the bed and then ladder clutch to save my fall hopefully I hit this on the first try because it would be awkward if I didn’t and it would be even more Awkward if yellow had uh endstone we’re going to try to hit this on green uh Green Team hey man I’m going to just do this so you can uh respawn back at your base here all right beautiful Green’s going to come green is lagging so bad Fireball ladder break the bed oh my gosh your Cooks buddy I’m on fire got him let’s go okay uh yellow’s about to be here Bank everything can I win this fight no way I can win that fight we hit that first try baby that was easy clap uh let me buy iron armor the next trick shot we have on the list is the fireball jump into the void bow shot wait a minute Fireball jump into the void so I’m going to die is that what you’re saying okay bro I like the idea I’m going to strike a deal with you watching this right now if you scroll down and subscribe to the Wally bear Channel I’m going to add a 360 into this trick shot so while Fireball jump into the air 360 hit them with the bow they fall on the void and so do I it’s free and I will do it for you and I will know if you didn’t subscribe I’m buying the punch bow and the arrows to go along with it I should just bring nothing else with me because I’m going to end up dying like I’m going to fall in the void so I shouldn’t bring anything with me oh there’s a great dude great guy great guy wait this is perfect what are you serious oh no that is so bad bro that is so bad okay why not okay normal bow that stinks I don’t have my punch bow anymore look at this red guy hey red guy nope oh uh this is awkward I going to run away they both just fell what I will do though is run onto the Red Bridge oh gosh oh he has a fireball 360 oh did I get him yes oh my gosh oh my gosh I got got him no way I did not think I got him cuz I used a normal bow that’s second trick shot done baby let’s go trick shot number three let’s keep it moving shall we we have the cross map Fireball snipe ooh okay so I got to hit a fireball snipe across the entire map so like end to end bro that’s tough I’m going to take some beds while contemplating how to do this let’s go over here to Yellow base oh what in the world yellow team what is this they have a bow as well they’re not a trick shotter though like me we get hit in the void let’s go like this put a tnt down on top of their bed TNT gos die jump oh oh my gosh hit got them we to bed all right and we oue let’s go oh wait pause I’m going to get them I see the line look at this right here I have a line to that Red Bridge right there on the edge of their base I’m just going to do it I’m just going to start hurling Fireballs oh oh and I have a gray Bridge right here wait what if I went like this thre it downward oh my oh gray Gray’s going oh I can see them I can see them wait a minute wait is there wait is there barrier blocks under that oh no that makes this even harder okay right there surely something happens right like this is impossible this is the third trick shot and it’s this hard like no way this is so hard I did learn that I can see them that’s good information wait I I think I just saw gray Gray’s right here you have your sword out I see you what you’re kidding this guy can’t be serious oh my gosh bro surely I can hit this and knock out three trick shots in this one game surely right this is red red team oh my gosh I I nail this too I nail this I nailed this come on get him get him get him oh my gosh I got him yes let’s go oh oh my gosh dude this video is crazy we already have three out of 10 done bro oh my B got broken um guys I might have to actually win now these players have suffered enough of my Shenanigans it is time to lock in his bed’s exposed knocked him off it that’s one red red the bed’s already gone bro I’m running to your base now voided Gap what’s up B uh TNT we’re moving quick we’re moving quick oh that’s bad that’s final and last is pink team oh my gosh pink space is what so thick oh Pink’s meeting me here I’m still running this oh I’m still running this I need to block up the water come on go go go water blocked oh ah that scared me yeah oh they fell go oh wait what I didn’t do like any damage I got the bed you’re done for you’re lucky I didn’t hit a trick shot on you pink you’re lucky you know what I am going to hit a trick shot on you a new trick shot the Wy bear 360 bed bug 360 oh well that’s not where I meant that to go okay on to trick shot number four let’s get it all right team we are on yo this map is cool bro and we are trying to hit trick shots four and five at least trick shot number four is the backwards Fireball into bow shot okay oh I like that trick shot I’m moving over to the aqua team it just processed in my brain that they have endstone and I do not have a pick or TNT uh okay let’s run into their base they don’t see me quite yet now they do silverfish silverfish lock in good hit nice TNT Fireball oh hit them off the map easy clap okay now I need to go mid instantly cuz I need my bow for this trick shot okay I need a punch bow it’s essential okay all the emeralds are here okay I have all DS let’s buy bow and let’s buy two Bridge eggs cuz we can get people onto Bridge eggs I think okay let’s Bridge egg like this towards green base oh Gap okay oh there’s a red dude behind me wait what um let’s go like this oh my gosh it worked it worked oh my gosh it worked give me that bed okay I need to live this yo why are you coming after me too get off b b b let’s go no that trick shot was sick I can’t believe that worked okay wow next on the list is the fireball jump off the map into egg throw then ender pearl clutch okay so I have to ender pearl clutch after the egg throw that’s you know what I’m okay with that I don’t know who our Target is I’m going to say that it’s red team hey red no he lived red team I’m here to stop you reject pearl easy clap no he’s going for my base go go go go go wait a minute he’s in like perfect position for this I don’t know where red is to be honest now put TNT down on this guy’s bed blow it up so now he has to come out here right he is he not going to come outside what are you doing guy nope yes yes come out come out yes okay egg clutch no I hit him but I missed the clutch oh no dude oh my gosh he’s already here wao chill chill okay yeah you can run oh Noah what what I can’t clutch right there you’re kidding all right team we on skyrise and last game’s clutch was a little bit questionable okay I hit the clutch but the blog disappeared so we’re going to do it correctly so I need to go mid quickly grab my ender pearl and my bridge egg but before that I will take out our first Rush the white team oh they’re putting Clay on their bed are you serious no stop doing that no B clutch be in here I need to win this got him Fireball open the bed up yoink oh what there’s no wait is there a way for me to get back up wait what if one of these fall No Rest In Pieces now I need to go M and grab my materials I think I just there’s a red dude no no no no no there’s a red guy I have to get this dude yes he had all of them let’s go he came here without any blocks I think I think he was trapped but I get all eight emeralds let’s buy our ender pearl bridge egg and our Fireball and we’re good to go we’re Golden Green player green that’s not working here bro that’s not working here Red Team B destroyed by gray they’re fighting on this bridge here he fire almost into the void it’sit the clutch wait did I miss I missed oh my gosh of course I did Red Team oh oh hey really what is even happening this game this game is so odd why is this clutch so hard like I hit people off with brid EGS all the time I keep missing what bro what the great team you’re lagging bro okay get all my stuff out of my chest oh my gosh it’s green team again fight you two fight oh okay clutch oh my gosh did I did I hit him off I I don’t know if I hit him off or not wait what wait huh wait what is going on on did I get him or not I’m so confused I swear I heard the egg hit before I had to clutch I’m not sure what’s going on I’m marking that as completed clutch number six is a trick I have not done in a very long time it is the Pearl up into the sky bed explosion trick what is this guy doing what is this guy doing bro he has a bow okay I need to plug up that water I don’t think blue team even sees me stupid okay I’m going up yes boost me boost me W how is he going faster than me wa wait I can just build from here now oh wait I can do this jump yes yo how is he faster than me swimming I don’t get it I’m so confused okay I need to plug up that water then I can do the trick prob jump up that didn’t take me like anywhere okay blocked it up oh my gosh dude dude this guy is crazy got him where’s gray guy going here huh where do you think you’re going nah yeah you’re a final rest in peace guy okay here we go I have six TNTs hopefully that’s enough if it’s not then I’m bad wait is he he put another piece of water down are you serious you’re joking yep I’m building over here you’re trying to do this again not allowed jump down he runs [Music] out he where is he yes rest in peace let’s go just like that the beted is ours and we have won the game now we’re getting into insane trick shot territory bro all right team we’re on Slumber trick shot number what what which one are we on seven the double TNT jump fireball shot okay so I have to double TNT jump into the void and then hit someone with a fireball and kill them I need to store my gold I’m going to need to take out my first rush cuz I need more gold right now I’m broke who’s right here it’s gray team gray you’re base is mine friend you’ve gone middle oh no you fell in the void oh no you fell in the void and you’re about to respawn right in front of me this is the worst fate you could have friend oh Rest In Pieces he almost got me on that bridge not going to lie I have all of the stuff we need already hopefully I can pull it off I don’t even know who to go after like who to hit with this I’m going to go back to my base Shar po heal okay let’s trick shot somebody oh oh my gosh this is perfect but fell are you serious okay I can take one out of my e chest okay well we have enough but what the heck he fell I’m going to get out of his view so he feels safer I’m going to stand up here jump snipe yes let’s go oh yeah let’s go oh my gosh that’s awesome moving on to trick shot number eight shall we the double Fireball wall push bow shot oh my gosh this trick shot is actually nuts I’ve never done this one before there’s a lot of things I’ve never done oh why did you build up like that I was going to jump onto your bridge and then get your bed but you built upwards oh no there’s an aqua guy coming exit exit exit oh my gosh get clapped go go I’m at White base what is under this oh of course it’s endstone uh okay no he’s going for my bed really Fireball no of course man man of course okay let’s grab these diamonds I need to get more emeralds to get my bow and then I need a pearl oh my gosh I need so many things I need a billion emeralds a fireball wall push is like actually insane so I’ll Fireball jump into the air I’ll turn towards this pillar I’ll Fireball off of it over the void take the bow shot I have to clutch afterwards like bro I need to get this Aqua guy out of here that’s what I got to do wait the Iron Golem killed me no way I got hit by the Iron Golem and then died all right team we’re going down the list we have three trick shots left and these three are the hardest the hardest trick shots to hit we’re on Cita and we’re still on the fireball wall push so I need to get my bow and I need to get a bridge egg I need a lot of things I’m going mid about to fight the aqua team here wait is this this guy’s hacking wait wait wait I get his bed wait is this guy cheating we have to examine this oh my gosh he is yes let’s go oh my gosh I don’t know what just happened but we got him what just happened okay sorry my bad guys apologies for that quick distraction but we’re moving forward now whoo whoo whoo pink team chill yeah that’s right back up these are mine I need all of them they’re all mine yo yo okay I have all eight I need my bow and I need my bridge eggs okay bow and then I need two Fireballs oh my gosh two fireballs and a bridge egg this is the most expensive trick shot by far it’s not even close the reason I have a bridge egg is cuz I can create a wall with the bridge egg I can make one myself Team Pink team where are you I’m going to throw this like that to create a wall wait where is pink team at oh my gosh there’s a guy right here yo chill one off the wall nope well that didn’t work out blue team coming to my base ow did he just bro really there’s two players left red and gray look at red team on top of that Tower oh oh my days and then great team gets the kill let’s go how has he done that what a shot I love how he was just standing at the top of the tower just like okay next trick shot oh wait this one’s a banger wait this one’s a banger it’s kind of like the TNT one but it’s a lot more advanced so what I will do is put down the TNT per usual to get the enemy player off of the defense but as the TNT is about to explode I will throw an ender pearl up into the sky and then throw a fireball at the ender pearl when the fireball hits the ender pearl it will teleport me way up into the sky and then I have to water bucket clutch [Applause] what dude they oh my God I wasn’t fast enough man okay team we on Apollo looking to knock the last two trick shots off the list we’re doing Fireball Pearl upwards water clutch that’s the next one we weren’t able to do it last game because we got clapped we’re going to try to knock both of them out this game it’d be insane I’m moving towards the white team my team I have a TNT and a fireball you’re actually cooked buddy they’re hacking of course they are what did he just type in chat nope what that’s insane he left we went against a hacker last time and this time this time I didn’t even fight the dude but this game is so cooked I need a TNT an ender pearl a water bucket and a fireball I didn’t realize there was that many things I have six of the M’s and the first person I pull up on I’m going to hit this shot on I hit it easy clap it’s going to be a oneandone type thing I got my water bucket TNT my Fireball my Pearl oh my gosh what a stacked load out we have here and the aqua bed is looking juicy for it well Aqua I’m going to need you back at your base buddy wait what why did they stop wait a minute hey I see you right there yellow team stop trying to hide okay bro what in the world man please give me the final bro I just have to remember Pearl first Pearl first about to be here let’s go wait did I miss wait what wait what wait what just happened did I miss wait I’m bad I need to get this red guy though yo this guy takes no knock back why why is this game so hard all the time sharp Pro two I need to catch this guy hit him once oh come on dude no way Fireball yes I got him nice huge nine emeralds beautiful okay let’s run this back aqua’s making the bridge for me get in there oh he’s doing half of the work for me hey what’s up man uh I’m going just do this and then this and that here we go blocked off two three sus B let’s go okay we hit that dude we hit that the last trick shot is the hardest one it’s the max height so I have to go up to the maximum height jump off 360 bow shot Water clutch that’s that’s the trick shot it’s actually in so hard bro but that’s the last one I’m going to avoid to get my generator I’m going to go mid I think I’m going to go to his base and then build up to Max height are you really trying to bypass me no go back what are you doing don’t you try it again okay he fell dude where is this guy going stop I need to trick shot you where is hi High Li on this map oh my gosh it’s so high up oh bro this guy he doesn’t get it like I said I’m trying to hit a trick shot so you need to let me hit the trick shot you know what I mean go oh my gosh I hit it where did he go he’s gone yes he said that was cool thanks should I give this guy the win you deserve the win no you deserve it no no no no no no wait did I did I win he won yes he won yes we hit all the trick shots oh my gosh if you were impressed by any of the trick shots in this video be sure to scroll down and subscribe they were all for you I’ll see you in the next one peace out


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TO DAY! I HIt Every bedwars Trickshot… I did Minecraft IMPOSSIBLE Trick Shots in bedwars! Alongt he line of Impossible Minecraft Skills, and Minecraft IMPOSSIBLE Plays! But I did them all in Bedwars Minecraft… I hope you enjoy this bedwars gameplay video
IP: mc.hypixel.net In this video We played on minecraft bedwars, not roblox bedwars
#Minecraft #Bedwars #Hypixel


  1. Fun fact: dOuBle CliXking oN ComMenT lIKes iT
    Btw another fun fact: the last trickshot was also done by some small youtuber called @noobdaxdgaming7469
    But he just excluded the 360, also if u wanna find it go watch his 'That guy got trickshotted' video.

    Thank me Later!

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