e e e e e e e e [Music] hello greetings welcome hi hello howdy hey how are you welcome hi there hello my key light won’t turn on hello key light hello Okie doie are you okay um let’s see hi everybody Welcome hi I’m a little bit in the dark cuz well my my main light isn’t on H how are all of you today how’s everyone you doing okay uh got control center open up no accessories found I love that it says that and then underneath it says no accessories found and then underneath it no accessories found it says here’s the accessories found you know um I don’t I don’t know how that that works but it’s what they do so does this button work ready to install okay okay that install then do it stop talking to me about it do it you know you’re still sick I’m sorry hi Chris don’t thank the 400 bits uh I didn’t feel great today I was I was kind of doubted out and about 4 o’clock I was like finally caught a stream yipp what’s up Prince uh uh I but I I wasn’t feeling great about 4:00 I laid down and then drugg myself up into the living um just uh a few moments ago so uh we are like you know I’m like 20% here you know um and uh that’s what’s happening so let’s see if we can get like going on see if we can get started and have me stop being a groggy stupid son of a [ __ ] so uh but hello hi and how are you all what’s up Gluk like you’re doing great I’m glad to hear it hi soft labor hi seren bites hi Foxy Angel and Eco and Maddie um but we have we have Max coming up so that’s pretty cool always appreciate a good maxing maximum effort I don’t let’s see uh let’s see yes yes do that you got your cats back I bet you’re happy to have your cats back I bet you’re thrilled of your cats um High Kai star mostly son Katarina mermaid uh py water [Music] Desi uh let’s see what what stop stop talking to me a new firmware uh it would like it would like me to update the firmware of my light I don’t suppose we could hold off on my light’s firmware updating and just have it to where the light turns on again that would be my preference is you know we could talk about updating the firmware of the light after hey there’s the light you know um I have seen the light and it is about this bright okay where is Max he does not have the lobby up yet okay anyway hi Crystal how you doing um hi ILY Natasha those eyes uh what’s going on hi hi chor I at this point I I was I was so angry at the light I I don’t know who I said hi and who I haven’t said hi to but I know I said hi to Cynthia and she only gets one for for stream so uh you know we can’t go there again but everybody else hello again that checks out hello tiger hello tiger hello tiger he can’t hear me that’s fine I heard you and I’m cringing I was talking to you oh hell Max hello tiger so happy to see you I was talking to Max be right back we send a picture of your setup to JP to now J wake up Le send this picture of your setup to JP right now okay sorry about that he’s so immedately some days he okay I know he Lo okay okay okay I’m not even at my okay okay okay listen here listen here you know so many of you I just sit there and and I I’m I’m koi and and uh you know all that we’re just playful we just have a good but but no no mostly son’s here and I’m like oh hey you are fantastic and she looks at me and she goes nah and then the rest of the time she sits around just reminding me that she went nah and and and and mocking me so this is this is not about me being mean to her it’s about her maintaining her reminder of how how little I I uh uh was interesting not very very little of that’s true but still it’s a funny story I know I got get come on Hi C how you do it know trust me I hear it from Arland all the time hi Colton can you join nope it’s a private lobby sorry picks up so much desk space away it’s too much Hi D face my friend said you’re awesome so I’m here hello I I’m not awesome I’m Z but uh I I’m glad you’re here all the same hopefully I can make it up to you uh let’s see that’s okay he never says hi to me softly God damn it okay I’m I’m being I’m being harassed by my own chat I’m being attacked I’m under attack I’m awesome darn it oh well thank you um the slow and silent Gathering of people whose setup is this what is this dryads all watching JP’s stream oh hi hi I wanted to see IED to see BS car you look weird you’re not in your red you’re [Music] Nikki there you go there you go thank you thank you TRS is pretty cool I sound kind of Stuffy I mean sometimes I’m a little British you know but too stuffy yeah try why does he have a live snake on his desk I think is that did you see I think he’s just naturally mean what the [ __ ] is going on he’s got that good angle anybody does anybody know how to trade your chat in for a different one I’m asking for a friend no okay I guess not wait what’s Brian’s twitch uh hope is feeling better from yesterday uh I think she’s feeling tired but I haven’t talked to her much they’re not live we’re watching JP watching JP we’re watching JP watch dryad watch dry apparently yeah what wait so is it good to have like your your webcam like at the bottom for V tubing I don’t know I guess it doesn’t matter right tracking your movement yeah face I don’t know he gave me a 9.5 just because it’s me otherwise it would have been a 10 I just checked to see if anything that JP is doing is interesting it is not have your webcam at the bottom of your PC monitor instead of the top of youtubing for V tubing honestly it’s better for the angle for me oh okay I dry I would never trade you it’s true mine’s also underneath my monitor okay I’m going to give it a go then yeah it probably you like how I can do voice impressions oh from me impersonating car is high fat [ __ ] [ __ ] you too many people talking my ears seven days to die I’m not familiar with it I feel like I’ve heard it voice say you card how you doing anybody oh it sounds like sinus are kicking my butt I’m okay massive [ __ ] bro thank you but yeah no I it’s true I Am Naturally just mean in general if there’s one thing everybody would they beat me they I know they uh you I will send you like mine cost there’s one thing that everyone says when they beat me it’s just man this guy hates everyone else I I will buy you one you’re not going to say it wuss hi River Marie how you doing I’ll buy it myself I’ll buy it myself I’ll buy it myself that’s amazing holy [ __ ] dude I’ve already started a GoFundMe okay what where’s Max I want to talk to Max Max no you don’t me yeah I was supposed to send you that voice clip and I was like I’m going do it tonight and I was like I’m too tired I’ll do it in the morning you never guys never did it yet [ __ ] forgot oh my God Max for [ __ ] sake follow through it’s true I also forgot I almost sent you something yesterday and I was like she doesn’t want to get it in the middle of everything and be like what the [ __ ] or did I did I forget can I send it anyway car can I just say that your friends love you and we’re all kind of pieces of [ __ ] it’s okay I have forgotten most of the yeah I I I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one like I think it’s just a tradition for all of us to ask each other and then they’re not deliver at this point I don’t think you ever asked me I asked you for a stream loots card so so originally sent me the message think of something right now and then I just sat there for like 40 minutes like I have no idea what I’m going to say I’ll do I’ll come back you can even say [ __ ] you Caro and that would be fine too no this is going to piss people off it would it would take me like I need a few more days of your your your vtuber model existing before I can say anything remotely appropriate true wait car V2 now hello yeah you haven’t seen it she she’s a vtuber you know but I I will occasionally V dude that’s such a thank the subs going to 3m7 you cut out there that was that’s such a high definition vtuber right there smart boy 69420 blaz it uh Angel gam Kazuma and the A og dog 1199 thank you Yi 100 bits uh good afternoon to you Crystal thank you for the 400 bits and Don 29 2005 follow was that the thing that you wanted I’m pretty sure it’s perfect you’ve heard that it’s massive no like I’m honestly I’m happy in a Moment of clarity I will say I have nothing to be ashamed of but I’m not like intimidating for whatever I I have some for bits some for Subs some for donos give me like five seconds thank you B and if you can make it MP3 CU for some reason stream Al does not like that wave all right it’s in they’re going to love it you you remove me after this car I don’t blame you okay also when oh you’re probably talking right now y hell yeah I now have your stream open and I’m listening to everything that’s [Music] happening I don’t want to listen to it anymore did you just record one for her yeah he did oh my goodness sounds like you’re the one who’s not stepping up I’ve always been the piece of [ __ ] of the group The Voice he line for his booby bird and he didn’t give didn’t give and he’s like where’s mine one I like you never did one I gave him a line he didn’t ask for before he didn’t ask for it and he never used that well I I forgot to add it for the drunk one do forg Max when can I buy your OS June 18th Max has a you cuz he’s important and cool get a on Tuesday for that my I’m cool emote I’m gonna get a cool Max you and put it next to my other Co things car when you sent me that message originally about the eyes I was like oh yeah I do have different eyes I actually don’t they Incorporated the you’s eyes into the eyes they’re the pupils oh oh it’s so [ __ ] smart I didn’t ask them to do that I was like that’s that’s really clever sorry about that just step away to I time to exist this week how to go I’m going to look at it um great look at her PE huh oh they know I just want to make sure that everything came out I didn’t even notice that myself I didn’t even Noti it it just looks like an eye shine what does you they incorpor you’s eyes into it and I didn’t even notice nice I just thought I had customized because that was special oh wait I love you was me be hi Olivia okay I got a shirt can’t wear that you can’t wear what am what am I wearing suits promin the same dress one of us what am I wear oh am I wearing red you could be the Luigi this time could be Luigi default or JP but if you be JP you’ll probably die a lot yeah what’s I was trying to wear the one with the green with the blue Lui yeah there you go that’s Luigi okay yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 we have 10 people here also never n for for mute and de M for mute ah brilliant I was testing the tole to me dude I’m so on everything I’m I’m going say this once cuz I’m not used to fil with a fat Lobby like this so try not to speak over everyone and be just courteous okay what was that you’re doing you’re doing great Z thank you am I going to wa what was she saying Jerry stop talking over people anytime someone else talks we just hear someone else we’re so insane I think we’re okay let’s uh let’s just do it you’re behind this whole time I would do it if you fuing I would do it if you just stop stop talking over the top of people Corner no I want go timeout corner oh no oh hi luminals hi Angelica hi crazy little Rebel we have apple yep I uh I got Apple into the group so she can join whenever she would like now nobody puts me in a corter I mean they absolutely can our stuff is here guys our stuff is here I the [ __ ] spray ants push Pooky [Music] off my go is I have too many torches so I was watching a Max recording that good right there of him playing with us and he had everything ordered and delivered and then everybody starts running out there and he grabs sey and says let the Nerds pick stuff up let’s just go inside and leaves it all behind for us to pick it up most the [ __ ] I bet he did that again I bet he did anyway oh I have to give compliments and I have to say meow I want compliments um there your voice is so pretty D I’ve never heard anyone more excited about eggs than you cute now I now it’s accurate can I punch Max damn it I don’t have the punch mod forgot to add the punch mod a man I wanted to punch Max no I can’t I’m upset with him punch bro I was you you didn’t listen when I was explaining what was going on and why bro I never listen to anyone because no one ever listens to me what was that it’s a mutual respect what wait where do we go what wait how is there no [ __ ] doors what do you mean here and why is this marked as an X what line I’m confused like there’s plent of doors oh did Max go up and then come back down and it was X some someone oh okay I was thinking Max turned around because there was a dead end but no so we going this way what the heck this actually is a dead end uh oh thank you oh this way I’m so confused oh hi hi this way do me yeah pretty good pretty good anything interesting down those passageway I mean this is where we came from this this is oh it’s where you came from yeah where did you guys come from the W original We Came From This Way H Max side Max side ma side I Avenged him I Avenged him who did that who took the [Music] apparatus I think it was every how did you know oh that’s huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] byebye that’s probably going to kill a lot of people Jester everybody leave jstar everybody leave so cting out last night I really want to spend more time with you guys and it just oh no no no a coil H I hear a lot of Bing stuff is NE was that H anything in there we have to take bets on how many people di to the G just him he’s the only dead there’s a Jester two thers I think two people have died of the jest is this his leg green for you guys is this L green is this legs like spray panted Green Oh his leg is green yeah that’s the game green he died and then they tagged his body up that’s [ __ ] up I like the way said Jester Charlie hopped on the computer took an hour and then didn’t transmit I I you type transmit space and then the message space whatever you want like this like Che this one out he’s going to send arar I just took your thunder [Laughter] didn’t oh my God you going to type arar I’m going to go in there you guys okay there they go is the jester fine are we chilling who all is alive okay we’re leaving oh I’m twerking with Max oh wait no this is flossing what his body is wiggling thanks oh oh oh no you saved my life thank you a snare just got me oh really that’s funny whoa press me against the wall and try to kiss me what the [ __ ] hey was creepy always nice being able to still dance with your homies even if they’ve passed he was right there with us let’s do this and spaghetti thought it was a fish in peace hey guys son of a [ __ ] what the the off to life wasable them P pull the ABY oh you’re dead you’re [ __ ] dead I thought you said we we were killing Thumpers through a door that was closed and the moment you RI the AY they charged [Laughter] [Music] through it’s true you did say it didn’t matter we’re all having a t it matter it doesn’t matter only affect me oh oh well you know what glad to know that now after you said it doesn’t matter Wile Wile be one of those [Music] record having a time I love my friends got hit with the shovel do anybody know how to get a new friend group asking for a friend 1 2 3 for a friend group please oh we’re not starting that [Music] early that’s animals animal okay so in that room I think I didn’t see a different way to go why am I dumb where the F dead end yeah we go this this way I think probably going to get teleported yeah I [ __ ] knew it I’m going to kill her hi that he’s gone oh thank God he’s gone how’s everyone doing that’s you shov imposter is this the real exit yes a real Fire EX okay we go this way that’s crazy sorry app know where to go Apple does anyone have a key this room’s dead anyone have a key okay I’m going to I’ll teleport you I’ll teleport you any second are we all stuck is there is is there a is there no exit there is an exit oh where well of course there’s I mean I mean like the the the locked door right so this is scary let’s have a look momy okay now I lost well what’s up Noob oh name pet wild oh deer um there’s some stuff over there titties titties YY good sorry we friend okay oh P toar someone’s haunted thank you’s haunted hey you guys found a way out uh yeah we left the exit and then came in the front door what is the purple oh purple X means someone’s using purple instead of red Nutcracker hey Fizzy’s dead you stay back stay back stay back why are you leading it this way ah nuts oh no I was close I got at least three hits on it no Cara watch out damn it Z don’t blame me I warned you I got kicked I I think it’s only one hit away from being dead I wait you guys controls it’s a it’s only one one hit away like come on guys do it it’s R [ __ ] did you see I killed it yeah good job you’re welcome there floating head here those are other people can see the other people floating around absolutely [ __ ] not hi Max how you doing yep there’s another one I did not stay in St well I didn’t think it was going to come over that’s another one not it’s so eily quiet how is it we’re one room in and no one can find our stuff and save it possibly all our friends are potentially dead and we are being hunted by enemies that don’t like to reveal themselves until they slaughter us average I mean that’s my best guess yeah average Tuesday oh dear I think I think that’s just been proven correct that seems bra oh oh okay and they found us there we go or is it the I hear I hear a nutcracker good job picking stuff up Charlie detec Charlie is on the case let hit Dusty [Music] what trial was that was that Apple that just read that as trial why are we hitting him gu myself oh now there’s four there’s five there’s five of them there’s just five guys all in the same [Music] room this map is ready to have us leave big old party it’s a pig old FY don’t where Jerry is oh just in time to not be in time I got you I save you yeah we got the worst uh sh I see think it was a bumper o here comes a m die is that everything breathing is every top sounds good things we’re leaving okay we’re leaving just in time I’m not familiar with the Hunter MOD off the top of my head I’m sorry though hey there’s Bonnie po Jerry Kine thank you for subbing I appreciate it imature avocado thank you for the three months pogs you me why you TP me after I died uh I thought it was a thumper so I was like you got this and then I real and then I started the TP it was a fake Pooky of Thum and hi Hollow sko [Music] I’m so glad anyone else concerned with hear the giant walking oh he is still here he’s just having a good time no need to be concerned it’s all under controls okay I like it you big as [ __ ] [Music] bro chilling you need that the Poltergeist Mod Poltergeist mod is a great way to irritate friends like Walmart does hello oh an early turet whoa who wa wa whoa whoa um there’s so many [ __ ] turrets oh my God don’t come back there’s so many turrets don’t come back here after cry I think in the 2 years they’re around every quarter Jesus Jesus they’re [ __ ] everywhere oh my God oh my God oh my god dude oh my God they are everywhere I can’t see that direction so I’m not annoy I got the valve I have dodged at least 12 turrets holy [ __ ] dod you didn’t coming the MVP no no I do not I don’t want to go back in yeah I know it’s it’s just death man there were so many corners where I do turn a corner and then just immediately see another turret and then just another and then I’m like oh my god oh think those our two they’re dead oh no one else is dead yep yep yep yep we’re all Dr oh yeah bag never oh Jerry was like I don’t want to go in there’s just turrets I’ll just die Dam it I hate that all many body there’s so many turrets there are the cor I kept turning a corner and then just having another one and I just run around a corner and I’d have another one I was like ah and like like I hit a point where my voice couldn’t go any higher but I kept encountering more turrets you know and then I’m just like squeaking inaudibly I was like so I brought back a cube and a dream a cube I think I know where Cara and Jerry died okay should do the is that are promoting pizza and making you hungry are you hungry sounds like you’re hungry hi mared thank you for the 29 months wrong way but also the fact that he’s focused on all the turrets oh [ __ ] I realize that Dude Looks Like hacker man h I’m out here I’m so r [Music] look out look out oh [ __ ] there’s also ones down that way oh maybe not in here I haven’t been in here uh nothing someone’s dead there’s a lot of dead people it’s been dead it’s okay the way out it’s over this way this way way out this way follow me don’t follow me just Pon things yeah this way this way this way it’s right here is fizzy has been R thank you this way hi holding bug no wonder I see that it’s over here it’s by the it’s by the uh thing you can hear the yippies by the way come on the light I found okay finally unfuck mute yeah that’s what I figured what was happening after you didn’t answer I couldn’t talk cuz I was [ __ ] muted on the console yeah thous [ __ ] there is so many turrets then the ghost decide to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s what the ghosts do it’s probably Charlie it’s fing Charlie it’s always Charlie I hate that guy who was doing the yipp wasn’t me wonder what the heck it wasn’t Charlie I didn’t do anything hope we met the quota I got Cara and Jerry’s stuff back and I got uh uh Ross and fizzy out so I’m feeling okay right we might let’s see all right we got to be careful or we got to kill him let’s all say something nice what oh that is so funny we should be oh I don’t think he’ll come at us oh but we just got to be careful I love him he’s our friend now us he’s part of the team he follows us from planet to planet so cute here forever now yeah you’ll be forever likeing in space you can hear him too I’ve seen an anime about this before we still [Music] got I love how we’re just all watching him we give him a name hey massive If he if he’s that if I love it get stomped on incoming oh oh I my D oh they probably did ow please don’t squish me he’s not moving guys he should be fairly fairly avoidable does he squash us when he yeah yeah don’t don’t get he’s literally not going anywhere you guys you guys I believe in you you can figure this out how how did that that just got to do a big I get stepped on but not like look when I say when I say A I was just about to say that I I I I need a mommy to step on me me I lost my frontal lobe never had much of a load to begin with so she got it a lot of flashlights oh yeah oh yeah getting stepped on is my dream and now it’s a reality oh yeah we heard our friend nothing left we’re ready to leave MVP medal what the [ __ ] man let’s have a team bonding experience let’s all say something nice me at twitchcon to step on them there you don’t got but did you but did you that’s the question I don’t know we’ll see once I get there oh they asked you to to for coming up I see oh for the twitch Con coming know now there that’s not happening at the Airbnb oh no not Airbnb just in front of like 5,000 people that’ll be fine oh that’s fine yeah yeah yeah yeah to each their own at the Airbnb is when I’m in my heck everybody but this group wait at the Airbnb what I say heck everybody but this group here the only person getting St stepped on at the Airbnb is JP and that’s probably accident that’s just CU are making him sleep on the floor hi boie [Music] away yeah like I know the joke of stepping on someone but I don’t actually know like what like as someone who’s fairly familiar with most Kinks and things I really don’t know what being septon is supposed to be from a sexual gratification sort of perspective so it’s just code for being dominated everybody welcome back to the company uh this doesn’t feel [Music] right this feels awkward one guy on my channel constant for us to play on this map and I was like [ __ ] it fine here we go I do like it though well how do you know we haven’t been through it yet what you like the staircase I love this staircase oh I didn’t have to [Music] ow this is new watch the step and don’t make sure you’re not out of stamina when you try and jump like me cuz I’m an idiot here we go okay and then what was I what am I trying to do hold on y’all oh my gosh okay I’m dying oh man Zan you don’t want to go check out the uh inside uh I can sh mom if you want I mean I just fell and so I needed to heal up a little bit but I can go I think I’m good now there’s there there’s literally the only turn I saw was the one that I was turning off for you yeah you’re off crutches and walking again and but you’re limp I mean it’s fine it happens to all of us how’s it go with Scott uh is this door open yet I want to try there’s a ship over there that’s like broken I actually went inside it and they had nothing inside it was terrible exit security can be control next to the oh any quality I got it hold on we can go through that other door but there’s a very scary turret so I ran away C oh look aha oh God I don’t know how you do that you’re saying you got to be smarter than the switch and I press it twice this one’s much better than the other Fire EX I hear a baby crying I don’t like that this kind of weird button call elevator doesn’t work a calator if you will yeah won wait how do we we do oh it’s this one too please this one not work where’s the actual elevator um huh wait I just got a little something something scanned over here oh that’s fire exit over that way okay through the door might have to go in the yeah this is this is this was uh unimpressive what the heck is this place well at least I can clack the keys men sucks just wasn’t sure if maybe it’s like a puzzle thing where that activates this but it does not appear to be so you’re real real that’s an awkward turret rakers did you make it through that other Exel or did you go a different uh no I couldn’t get out cringe [Applause] I hear a Jester but I don’t know where the exit was there a Jester yes I hear it at jester uhoh uh I think it was down this way I okay I think there’s a Jester guys I thought I heard that too oh it’s not a Jester it’s just a sound bite way okay thank you hurry it’s just a sound bite it’s not an actual gesture what the [ __ ] die I’m going to die oh oh hi how did there’s there’s a uh there’s a brutal ass turret right there that I got brutal ass on that’s how I died yeah [Applause] holy [ __ ] there oh I’m good I bet it looked pretty epic for Pon I’m going to die how did everybody else die spiky they 58 months gunot they’re allun ah well I think we’re if no one else is inside I guess we can just leave it’s not too the work team stop yeah was that where the hell is she invent what why guys can find so much stuff because I can I found a of would be funny too that’s they’re about to leave [Music] her she’s on the main as a team bonding experience let’s save P oh I know where she is she’s almost out so I can see ghost go I see oh there’s where I can go I’ll watch the turret everybody who went through fire exit that was a brutal fire exit what can we say why do they like they like you’re so cute ghosts we just got see once I’ll disable theine believe your vulture guys that’s good guys can youall open the door for us PS thank you they got it well you poge are a meanie you do that hello there’s ail head name scared there’s a thumper outside for Dron how you doing thank 54 months I appreciate it just going to grab on out [Music] yesterday oh sh okay that should what the heck at we’re good stop staring at him I don’t I want to hear I don’t want to hear that face you you stop giving me that face what I’m not interested leave me alone stop giving me that face gra I got speed you’re fine that’s another one over [Laughter] [Music] there 6 miles to 100° we weather o I think we did okay that was fun Whole New World a whole new world that was a hell of a fire exit just want to say they all wanted to leave you I refused it’s true I saw it Bouch no no one wanted to lead you he the turet K he he means just Jerry oh Jerry was I can show you the world shining shimmery Splendid that’s all did tell me Princess when did you left your heart I love this map actually Whole New World for the begin open is it because we flick both of the switches or was there something else uh you flip the switch up and down you do it both ways and then it’ll pop open oh okay it’s an In-N-Out situation A Whole New World a deadling place for you and me I can show you the world sh Hing shimmering splendid tell me when says when you ask S your heart decide I’ll show you the world of my magic mustache r A Whole New [Music] [Music] World got Cara hey we got no keys wow oh this oh we hit full vtuber did we hit hot ones yet you’ve been singing musicals all day set Apple calmly we got the keys we got the keys the keys the cheese yeah hey rcky uh was that oh that was the real you that said that the real [Music] you there are coil heads and brackens in the fire escape but there is also stuff and a lot to explore thank you it looks as though Fizzy’s being chased by the coil head indeed going try and help him those coil heads open doors by the way croe heads have always opened doors okay never mind I got distracted I found a kettle we can have tea who has tea in this day at age I got a 40 HP me what do you right now py needs a bandage he her he needs a bandage me G here I’ll teleport you back thanks want to make sure you on the next episode get you some medical mind yeah yeah yeah whatever that’s funny they’re in the back it’s actually the room you missed I know I eating a pizza help why is it after me where they go kind of hate everything about that unbelievable sides Indescribable feelings soaring writhing and kneeling on my magic mustache ride H What the fu you oh that’s probably going to kill a lot of people that’s probably going to kill a lot of people are there jesta no that’s just Pooky being recorded as a coil head oh there’s a coil head down there but it apparently can’t come up the stairs it seems that’s good yeah but there the only way to go too so here we are I what’s up bab why is that always are you real oh you are real you are real you are marking things and dropping things s for allai a time exhausted oh [ __ ] my bad believe we actually got out down Jerry’s kind of looks dead Jerry is dead um who went to who went to kill the brass um I don’t know the ghost found the cash register oh god oh Charlie looks as though he’s in trouble he’s here yay yay oh I mean whated the Brack oh wow I think we’re good I don’t know where Pokey is but otherwise can I be let we jumped off just Pooky things I guess um okay really r fell in a hole you dead that seems like a Ross thing to do I’m profitable you man I hold a lot of stuff back you made you made a vant jumping over that slot I tripped uh it’s foggy I don’t think it’ll matter I can’t see anywhere this is so catchy I love it I’m getting pushed oh no he pushed it does matter I can’t see [ __ ] this oh yeah oh yeah that’s a lot of things P I have a gold Barn oo you rich I like that oh I liked it I liked it real good lick it lick it real good correct that [Music] whip the hell submer where did you go submerged iow didn’t die [Music] so hello Max is my favorite person there’s they’re not yet theill glad chose I choose Max let’s with better tits comes along but he understands what was that sound going up and down there ain’t fuk call down here no I thought I just heard someone transform Transformers more that meets the eye The Masks are below us I thought I heard someone put ah because ah well yeah there there’s the answer you guys have a weapon nope oh [ __ ] Max Z’s bad pan bad crazy crazy Dad what’s this do F the switch and we go down you got to flip it twice though yeah what the hell is this thing oh it’s MK so cool I was born in one of those I didn’t even know you were I lied were you lying for attention are you a Tik tocker uh no I do YouTube shorts make I me YouTube shorts otherwise known as not making any money why is there [ __ ] all to do is there anything else down here hello no I don’t think so this entire thing is just blur blur what does that mean it’s just blurle blurle down there CER not CRA I’ll stop Whispering I don’t have a shovel I don’t have a shovel it’s right right here right here right here thank you get that before Charlie does all cool cool is stop Whispering it’s if you go down there’s a there’s a thing of masks and The Masks are Whispering bought something maybe there’s a doggy dog to do a couple of them as mean as that sounds did you buy something just want to talk about it that was Ross oh okay yeah that makes sense Ross what did you buy boom bo boom but I don’t want to play it around you oh there’s a slime here I bought it specifically for this guy but I don’t want the audio all goofy I don’t think he’ll get into the ship but even if he does it’s very easy to dodge unless you’re Jerry unless you’re Jerry he tripped he tripped that’s right that’s right leave for the little so wece we go I don’t know why P put on a mask but you know whenever floats what he did why he literally just said he didn’t know why he did just say he doesn’t know why he doesn’t know why but why I’m sorry you’re right you’re right my bad Che you out I’m just saying yeah yeah n z z was but it’s fine I deserve it I no cracker watch out no cracker no cracker out oh no he’s painful Boos are going to hit me with he dead he dead wow nice just grazed me that’s greed greed will get you greed will get you kill not he’s not dancing he is dancing us he hates us who is it that died it’s like a pool oh did Max die oh it was Cara okay oh I think I’m getting sniffed at I heard I the gun inside the flashlight I’m fizzy is like lost and just wondering what’s going on in her life thanks oh it’s inside coming be coming right now you said it wouldn’t you said it wouldn’t get on top of a thing you’re fine I should teleport fizzy right now so she just steps into the Slime do it do it do it oh my fizzy hey fizzy you’re chilling right now F I’m good I’m on I’m on no we’re it’s this is all of us I’m on the roof and I’m FY you lied to me there what Pooky we look like we’re guarding like a container of misc when the the Slime could have just easily SL I got it though it was a rubber ducky teleported you to save you but it was actually to kill you oh Rober ducky you’re the one hello so disappointed I jumped because I didn’t know that was a slime there was missing I thought it was just of the ground you know I appreciate the effort P but all it did was confuse me yeah I’m sorry I want listen I’ve been struggling lately and I just wanted to do something on brand that’s fair whatever makes you happy struggling with brand recognition that incredibly cool yeah except for when the fire exit just gets you killed but otherwise oh this is selling okay this is sewing yes do we we don’t need to run the stuff up right you may sometimes they just don’t the big stuff doesn’t sell but otherwise so cool I Tried reading it but it was too [ __ ] long so I said [ __ ] it if they wanted to read it and I just kind of shoved it in my face a bunch and said they could pause the video oh what the hell I some of the monster I let some of the good boy today oh I’ve been a good boy I can be a better boy if you want I don’t I I could be better by getting on your knees for me all right if you you go pick up shells just drop them I’ll swort them probably buy me a whistle please Bab by the whistle no do not byy that [ __ ] whistle I’ll whistle all no you won’t you literally will not whist 4 3 2 1 it’s not my fight it’s not my fight had a gun on everything gave this guy a you saw everything I’m not dealing with a [ __ ] whistle in this goddamn recording whistle baby whistle baby should have disabled it but I forgot shovel I need my shovel where’s my not how do I throw how do you throw there’s still stuff there [Music] yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah oh [Music] yeah there still stuff out there yes there’s lots out there you bought 4 billion shells [Music] is it wrong with me Max to contemplate coming in and shooting everybody doing emotes while I haul [ __ ] around I don’t blame you there’s like one pile left it might be like a few or like one or two I got it the last one while how would you have the music turned off all right so shoot fizzy Pooky Cara apple and got it I don’t blame you well uh that’s okay if you me hey got real quick [Music] here thank you got the other one I’ve got the other one this will be stuck in my head for days it’s so good better it’s part of my it’s part of my recourse [Music] okay I I feel they want us to keep playing under fear of death it’s good that it’s really good that we lose money if they die there you know what I mean did you really do that to GP my gun thep that’s a very I know that’s a very Pooky response I said that jeral time okay okay okay what the [ __ ] hit him with a [Music] threel all right clear day we’re at D let’s do it I’m dying to meet you from shooting you right now [ __ ] tell me right now what the [Music] H what fizzy do in is it new oh that’s it’s okay I I probably did body in the Sky What’s oh wait so so I body in the Sky with Diamonds I don’t have a spray paint or a thing good good wonderful Wonder [ __ ] full where did Charlie go I get shot I love Ross am I getting shot I hate stamina in games I think it’s really really lame we give you some motion so you can move with the ocean then after a quarter of a second you have to stop boop boop not fake bro what the [ __ ] I think I heard a he [ __ ] I thought I heard a BL like I said that yeah got me huh snug Splash man thank you the 13 months Crystal thank the gifted sub to quy Max is dead max if you die you don’t get to play only about 200 more points until I have to do the hot ones cars got a good idea should I have to do the hot ones as a as a streamon goal bring it back he bringing sexy back Funk show brother bringing sexy back [Applause] yeah g I don’t know why he named him that oh dude I’m slow I’m just a poor boy nobody loves me a boy a family sparing his life to his monstrosity easy come easy go will you let me go EST still no we will not let go let him go we will not let him go let him go we will not let you go let him go we will not let you go let it go [Music] thank you Chris I want to get the sub at the ghost plag oh Mama Mia Mama Mia Mama Mia let me go be above as a devil set aside for me for me for me hi hello oh the entrance indeed oh I know where the fire is how far any more things I can grab grab oh there’s a rod I need somebody to grab grab me gently what you have a gun right I do you want to shoot this Ross every day of my life uh he’s over here all right I lock it behind the door did you get the uh knife I got the knife okay uh I’m looking for a door now someone died right here until they were dead Max real oh there’s Pon thanks ghost oh no you suck ghost oh you guys sound like you’re on the other side of the W ah CH help Ross’s toties I’m Ross we’re near the exit maybe I shouldn’t have gone I think you’re below here now exit’s this way turn it back now a funk show brother turn it back now I was talking to you but I yeah oh god um the button to make oh there it is make you want three items worth zero I feel like somebody just died yeah she just killed someone oh Charlie she just killed Charlie Charlie got little girl are we here the little girl uh apples not but oh no she’s the only one so was it you the whole time Z what no Z just got back here I managed to pick up my my four shovels that I what what the [ __ ] were four shovels I got I kept getting teleported back and then going back in and then getting teleported back again and then back shovels just get the other one I was then I was being dropped the body in the sky it was turns out it was uh it was Pooky me it was py Pooky in the Sky with Diamonds that was youash hi read mod this baby you’re again right there your work he is guy there I go in very proud of hey I brought a uh flashlight with me the first run this [Music] time cash register man some big Le you got a spade secret cast register man who doesn’t bring a [ __ ] flashlight know I just Tred to get teleport really fast you guys call me what did you say to my wife you guys real you are real there’s a nutcracker I need help are you up [ __ ] crack your I don’t have a weapon it’s through this door I ran by him and I thought it was talking with you guys but it was actually you guys who H all right Charlie Charlie it’s the test come over come back come back you pass yeah what’s that I’m not I’m not going to do it on you all right Z all right Z you got to do the test ready you pass okayu it do it on me all your turn over there me yeah go over there get a different spot how did we get in here oh you pass oh right [Music] here I can trust you with this can I kill can I kill you Charlie on the entrance I’ve already pass the [ __ ] F man I think I have the only chat in twitch that would have been like nah I can do spaty stuff though I’ve had plenty of spxy stuff well that joke didn’t work I’m the Oneil what happened so I moved the teleporter and I was like I’m going to teleport Pooky back and then teleport him back in his dead body came back and I teleported his dead body back in his poor body he wasn’t dead when I looked oh who who sorry careful they’re shooting people in there Charlie has a gun oh man did we kill Charlie uh no um I accidentally killed fizzy and I killed Pooky because he killed P okay hello hello hello hello hello I know that’s not fizzy yeah I was going to say I I just was told that Fizzy’s dead so that’s questionable wait you gave him the gun but you didn’t give me one here go got three of them thought you already had one N I dropped it so that I could haul that’s why you dropped a gun so you could haul yeah I left it at the front so that I could bring stuff back cuz you know that’s what’s useful to the crew oh that’s the one Charlie picked up then yeah probably so that was well it’s not my fault you can’t control Charlie it’s not your fault what you can’t troll Charlie dude that’s like the equivalent of leaving an unopened pill bottle next to an infant well next time I’ll just shoot Charlie and then I’ll hul stuff that would be SM I found another gun both of us you hear both of us just our safety off just boom slime as soon as you go in that go no it was a it was an egg it was an egg you know if there’s anything that will stop me from being crazy it’s a sight I like sights there’s a SL inside I already have a gun oh [ __ ] dude don’t get too many guns you can you please stop tempting me that was and the fart’s coming oh yeah move move did you shoot the fart no the bees can’t be hurt can we lock it somewhere what is that that would be a fart cloud what does that do it’s like bees but farts ow [ __ ] you to go off the farts the fart yeah I was annoyed at them they were hurting me what do you want from me actually if there were any chance of farts being C they would be Ross Fs in hey here’s a good spot to drop him in bring him over here bring him over here D don’t bother the ghosts are just going to let him out well that’s true with the farts he told you I told you I know because I was doing that when I was dead I’m the one built so you’re the one that taught him to be [ __ ] ow God damn it I’m at 40 Health from the this damn thing following me around there’s only n left or 300 let’s [ __ ] dip let’s dip you make me want to dip dip a dip dip my wi dick di clb up the stairs and look out it’s pic I’m almost out of life so maybe they died maybe there’s a dog oh oh oh oh oh Ry giant killed the Little Giant good so yeah got got a jar I got AAR hello boys is also pretty good oh can have the jar well thank you for the egg I guess I don’t know know you got it up here holy [ __ ] I don’t know either didn’t shoot anybody right no no hey you’re growing as a we come in Charlie literally just give me a s I’m a good boy I got a knife did Apple die no okay yay Apple’s alive yeah uh oh my God she leaves shovels everywhere I don’t know who keeps doing that leing shovels everywhere man for [ __ ] sake the shovels going to take it out on everybody but don’t [ __ ] up my [ __ ] man don’t don’t let her that [ __ ] up that I Y stoping everywhere oh Nows oh gu oh don’t be blood [Music] cleaning I swear to God he’s a he’s a my on the edge oh God that just went off accidentally I did yeah ow oh my go here now f can see our giant friend hello are you what you doing busy for once in my life I actually didn’t mean to kill you I it’s okay I’m not apologizing oh okay no worries man the disappointment there like like the I’ve always looked up to you but that’s okay I guess I’ll just be hurt I was pissing if it I’m cleaning around here I’m cleaning around here Fair I’ll piss over here you already clean over here fight a quarter fight a quarter yeah I just almost put on a mask accidentally that was crazy a little more give me one second I’ll be right back I got to vacuum up something real quick here you go nice little PE stand on the wall this looks like a Glo glove oh it’s yeah you don’t want to go that way you’ll drown I got I’m he’s doing something he’s drowning that’s what he’s doing no my god did it which one of you did it which one of you which one was my God originally it was Cara do we need to have this conversation don’t Port me again it’s been like nine times I am not kidding [Music] what did you say I didn’t hear you Dad D dad friends friends friendly friend Tye friendly friend type friendly friend type you just tell fizzy what the [ __ ] oh sorry I was trying to teleport Z you are you just teleported Jerry what the [ __ ] no I didn’t Z what are you doing Z I know what you’re doing what are you doing sorry he deserve that my man how much of that has been you how much of that has been you the best part was every time you’d got to teleport me and I just changed to someone else well you kept pressing the button so it kept doing somebody else yeah I know no [ __ ] I’m standing next to you I’m like I don’t want to get teleported so you teleport me and I just hit the button cuz it’s whoever it’s on it last how many times over the last few games has it been you not letting why would I teleport you why on Earth would I do that is do you think I’d want to drive you insane like this yes oh well then probably a fair few I don’t know how to punish you I want punish you for this you know that I’ll enjoy any punishment you give so what are you going to do uh a pizzeria I mean I’ll enjoy it too but in a different way because I’ll be causing you some form of discomfort so I can discomfort is what I enjoy though I can hear her I’m okay with this it’s a compromise compromise you got your hi py we don’t play that [ __ ] yeah we don’t play that [ __ ] around here man protect our friends we protect our friends oh I see I see I am not I am not a friend I see like I mean your friend is just he came back he saw you shoot me and he’s going to shoot you for shooting me like we don’t hurt each other right was I mean was it I don’t know about that after you teleport you’re all mad at me but I saw I literally saw you teleport fizzy and Jerry I saw you teleport fizzy and Jerry I didn’t press like stra I didn’t press no [ __ ] teleport button you did you deserved every shovel H [ __ ] you kill the giant oh wow you can take those out yes you can you can tell by the way they just did not that one wait what do it do terrifying but we killed it oh now he’s just sad oh um uhoh I would like to come into the in please I’d like to go into the out now oh someone I did get your reference who’s the one what you shooting at are you shooting at the big guy yeah I yeah I killed the other one I killed the one that was glitched with my knife KN get with your knife man what are you doing I it owie I keep Che I don’t know if this is working or not I don’t know s [Laughter] deserve that how much of that has been you see what the [ __ ] [Music] didn’t what are you doing Z you Dad Dad Dad dadad friends friends friendly friend Tye friendly friend type friendly friend type you just teleported fizzy what the [ __ ] oh sorry I was trying to teleport you are you just teleported Jerry what the [ __ ] no I didn’t Z what are you doing Z I know you [ __ ] no I just what are you you the the the Paw D friends I know you friends what are you doing Z I know you Dad Dad Z what are you doing Z you Dad Dad Dad D friends friends friendly friend time friendly friend what are you you Dad 35.1 friends friends friendly friend time friend what are you doing [Laughter] you friends friends dad dad dadad friends friends friendly friend timee friendly friend friend time something what hi I’m back huh Z when I start again I have to ask you what you did because no no no I said we’ll find out next time so now I can’t know until I start recording again okay but like I’m making a clip for you oh oh the video off that way that’s perfect that’s what I that’s what I was that’s this is this is so like this clip I I don’t it’s pretty great cuz the there is a point where Apple just stops in confusion and it makes the whole thing so awesome all there it is it is man ding so I just immediately shot Apple that he does not deserve to be called your man with his AC my man’s not perfect but he’s still my man that’s right you I think they killed it trans what the giant thing I got this one though we killed it I stabed his butt my heart hi we all back we all good yeah yeah Z is Apple going to get to play yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I’m just making sure as in am I going to murder him it depends if he does anything again I haven’t done anything to her that’s wrong yes on my clip all you see is me running from her screaming and also seeing her teleport the wrong people that is oh that’s what your clip I think I need a clip I think I need to get clip for you uh I’m here she’s here oh you’re here okay you can’t hear me you have me turn down if you can’t hear me you I didn’t oh Sho my bad how did I mute you you’re like one of the funny you’re one of the funny ones car is trying to get me in trouble that’s like the 17th time I think that’s like the easiest thing to like do to be honest what me get in trouble can you see in the floor trouble [Music] yeah yeah I would never do that I would no I trust Cara I don’t think she that’s like she’s not mean do you need me to just hand you a clip of her doing that no I don’t I’m making Clips do you need another clip no that would have been edited I do not believe I also Trust car to be a little [ __ ] and you know do I snitch for the third time because I’ve snitch but I got hit like four times snitch oh so okay but here’s the thing I was deafened and while I was Deen making the clip there was something saying something in some weird Spanish what was the what the hell what what scrap is that oh Luigi where’s it at it’s right here okay okay all right well I’m not cultured okay but but I’m just sitting there trying to make a clip and I just hear that repeatedly in the background I’m like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s like it’s Charles putting on an Italian accent oh by the way we’re back at the company and it’s eclipsed oh there we go chat’s taking bets on whether this begins Apple’s villain Arc this is not if you push anyone too Farine uh good kill good kill whatever grab me like don’t you ever grab me like that again I feel like the layout’s the same every time though okay okay Lo we rolling money right now [Music] baby money rolling money rolling balls are swollen money rolling nothing nothing nothing can kill aggressive inside now I made that mistake once not again I recall you finding that out and it was awkward yep it was very bad but butol butol you found your butol but listening this what my head sounds like yeah this is this is this is what I hear in my head all the time this is a peek into my mind you think do you think you can break it I I saw this you like get the app or something maybe it would open but I’m not sure probably not I don’t know if there’s an app on this map either we killed a [ __ ] dog Max happy but I don’t know the way out did uh I don’t know I didn’t mark my way just over here we’re just over here which way right here holy [ __ ] dude there’s so much [ __ ] loot in here there is got a cash register right here we got a [ __ ] Nutcracker body we got an axle miss that can grab one of the two handers you want to grab the other one I’ve got a two-hander right here for you to grab don’t lie to me bro it’s rough it hurts it hurts I’m doing the best with what I’ve got okay I’m not saying you’re not you want to do a bad decision apparently she does not okay was a bad decision I have two of these you want one it’s a Quil head I’ll not be careful yeah I I was looking that way toward why are you carrying it in instead of out oh my God close who there my balls oh [ __ ] oh there’s [ __ ] two of them dude oh [Music] B they don’t Target properly out here though so you’re fine who’s dead let’s see [Music] rossed no Apple’s dead and Z was with me the whole time I can vouch for hey there was a gun outside who left their gun outside dead Ry inside still oh car just died never mind the co yeah she has a coil for a head she’s got springy face syndrome SC the ship dude I think we did well AR can’t open doors you’re going to die Jesus I found and saved the shovel it’s good I got the gun back from P oh P my I accidentally put my gun away and then you picked it up and now I don’t have a gun Su let’s go Le leaving I I found another poop nice I found another toue thank you I’m trying my best company we back company that day one ow the [ __ ] wait what happened I think a gun was placed down without turning it in on safety mode B his safety odd what the [ __ ] the only person who put a gun down was Max I hit the I turn all the safeties on you didn’t my safety is on is it on now Sorry Charlie it was impulsive I won’t do it again no it was me you’re right caught right-handed it was me oh why did I die for it I don’t know I admitted I was wrong over here how did I die I’m not perfect I will I’m saying how did I die I don’t understand how I don’t happens if I shoot your all right grumpy doctor think the follow shoot the one guy who’s British I wasn’t planning on doing it anymore work ganol a lot of guns I feel Apple I have a side Apple do you need do you need a a a a a dungeon buddy you want to be my dungeon buddy I’ll be your dungeon buddy actually okay all right okay after you I don’t know what that means what does that mean okay sure going the other way watch that [Music] dead well this doesn’t look good ow Apple no you try and you try and you know have a dungeon buddy and she walks under her foot and gets stepped on yeah nearly a year what a great community [Music] damn it my gun was on safety I tried to shoot that that was that was definitely not you that was very sweet of you coming with me to be my dungeon buddy I just I got up there and I couldn’t see I didn’t know what that was yeah it was the big guy walking around I swear to God not be able to be up there yeah I’m telling you never T gesture again that’s very interesting there was a gesture inside you just sounded at your limit so I was like let’s go have a nice good run and then you get stepped on I’m like well okay never mind outside is your rain check rain check I spawned a dog and then tried to shoot it because I spot a dog but then I couldn’t because it was uh uh my gun was safety and I didn’t get it turned off in time go back she died just she did to go back in yeah I’m going back in we got to go to the fire I’m going to fire and it’s my fault we know that already no it was your fault oh good Max will find my a gun character development hopefully he doesn’t get killed by the dog but you know he’ll fight my gun let see cool they already did it is he that’s not real you oh you’re fake there’s the dog he got it oh [ __ ] Max Max Max ma ma spe spe no another one just going to Sho I uh I opened a present and got ate by that dog I saw I was cheering for you and then I heard the gester and I was like oh no oh no Max oh no’s not much I can do yeah yeah but the funny thing is is that when you died and dropped the shotgun it shot me and I died to that yeah my body is literally right there he still oh my God I died I think you got shot Ross I Think I think fizzy shot you okay because I had 90 Health yeah I think fizzy was trying to shoot him and shot you oh maybe not fizzy maybe it’s Pooky I got him but I’m dead there’s also a manoil in it heart if you look at the gi’s heart there’s a manoil a manoil have no idea what you what what why is that there it’s a bird in it heart is healing everyone I think there there’s still three I ain’t Rec clicking another one spun Fizzy’s doing great is now dead oh yeah now it’s side to right clicky boyy you I’m just GNA okay I’m closing the door hello the gun is on the ground my gun I I mean we lost it three this round we have guns don’t wor oh I see two more go my my gun the less the better oh no we didn’t get much though that’s o my gun that was aw I didn’t I should have looked if it I was gunshot oh well we were doing that was foggy we’ve done great that round yeah all right oh actually we did terrible that round oh yeah we we just all died we did we didn’t do [ __ ] we had a good we had a good first round that round we didn’t do so good [Music] yeah sup King Azrael hi Fanboy enjoy your boy kisser all right gang we got this boy I want to go [ __ ] Goofy on the stairs never mind I was about to go up I got to go ring the bell I got to go ring the bell and I didn’t grab anybody [ __ ] again the F just faster than your friend [Laughter] Sweet Caroline touched my balls Good Times never seems so [Music] good holy [ __ ] dude did I kill you I know but my [ __ ] [ __ ] just my ass I got him P sounds good that’s not P that’s a thumb I’ll that was your scream coming from a Thum like more guns than people in this Lobby that was Jesus that was Jesus no it was just P he to a gunshot somewhere maybe I accidentally killed fizzy when I killed it I don’t think so but maybe it’s possible I didn’t think that I killed fizzy fizzy if I killed you honk twice [Music] aab fizzy so max that’s my name Fizzy’s body and stuff was all right here I don’t remember her when I shot shot but I I’m wondering if we act if she was she was an ex we just didn’t see what the thing but I don’t remember might because I saw I saw a knife on the ground F normally has a knife yeah it was defin it was definitely Fizzy’s body right there but I don’t know whether I I don’t know whether we got her I didn’t see her there that’s the way out why is there blood here uh someone died is blood why is there so much blood why is there so much blood why is there blood I’m a vampire where is this Blood delicious what just went down that way there was nothing I’m over on this side [Music] hi all right fizzy if you’re watching fizzy and I killed you hit the tube all right I killed you hit the tube all right we’re we’re good we’re good we did not kill them yeah look look out sounded like me Jesus Christ this place is laggy AF though that’s for damn sure bagle oh good job another stair bagle what is this this bagle bagle bagle bagle bagle bagle bag I hear it I will shoot oh that was just us doing it we don’t actually have one oh yeah that’s us talking it’s in my head voice say good I think we got it I think we did good gang I brought another gun back bagle I’m not trying to push I’m trying to switch the monitor back back Beast there got shot I’m going assume by Z what fell in a hole I’m going to assume Z pushed whated I’m of a dog that spawn what alone probably going to leave her behind just so I can blame it on Z what trying to look really ominous my knife that SL coming pretty fast okay yeah you push me into it my someone’s going to die to it someone did die to it no apple apple apple Jerry just died to the Slime Jerry just died to the Slime how the [ __ ] are people dying to the Slime that’s so ridiculous it’s right here anybody else these double how the Slime the Slime oh you got shot by The Nutcracker through the wall I see here let me get you uh VIP fizzy hello it climbed up when I was turned around man I walked into it on purpose I not going to lie is there another oh whatever where’s my gun I KN my gun my keep the haven’t kept them already we both y oh this is is this the last is this is this the into the line oh no I still got I still got a little bit more I got to film I mean if you got to go that’s okay oh no I I’m I’m good sometimes you got to go I’m just making sure we actually keep them this time and not sell them because we usually sell them p on a [Music] wall I’ve got no life it’s fine what the [ __ ] treat yourself nicer no it’s Charlie trust me he deserves this you should know this that Charlie deserves this going to full AFK everybody just deserves to be nice too I was going to say I trust you’ll keep me safe but before get to fizzy congratulations fizzy keep me I have purchased shells if you guys do not mind picking them up I Ross is AFK apparently fizzy got shot through a wall so oh yeah wasn’t either of us sorry sorry to hear that we we were very concerned dude they keep advertising big gulps from 71 and I want them oh I’ve got a big gulp right here what does that Z what nothing nothing z z I heard that Z what [Laughter] Z all right all right it’s an average Goa best gra I think it was car you did it’s fine no worries I’m so sorry she’s a flesh wound his butter flesh wound his butter flesh wound his butter flesh wound it’s more of a sip really I need water hello everybody coming over fromon welcome big goat Peach lemon slushy I haven’t had a big goat for a long time good for you man signy here says Bottoms Up I wish that was me I’m burnt out from just existing honestly at this point I need a wife this is just out of nowhere I need a wife you hear py said hi fancy potato hi Jester po needs a dip I don’t know what’s going on with her but she has not seemed terly great sayy something sexist I assume no I don’t remember he needs a wench he said he needs a rope whoa I don’t think I said that I don’t think I said that I heard it I think I said this I heard it kill Pooky me he knows where I actually am about that any moons we’re feeling anything P you got to look at the mod [ __ ] last [ __ ] [ __ ] show I had to deal with with recordings I’m not having Peter for like at least two weeks Peter should just be at the basement mod pack it is not for a reason B should be the base mod pack absolutely not base mod everybody something real quick look at this that’s your P oh what wait hold on hold on nicely done Bravo I can do it too I’ve got a moon you can visit sometime Max after recording the first thing I pause to what the [ __ ] is happening oh what is [ __ ] need a flashlight balls right from still is yeah I guess anything we outside just stays for some reason broken the uh the the frame hit from Escape company has been brutal too yeah that’s we don’t have Escape oh well something’s obviously spawning the bad guys out it’s the new moon it was the new moon that did that ah New Moon ooh yeah that’s a bit of a trap right there you know you’re not going to want to die there brother okay good got some toothpast oh God I don’t want the robot take the robot but what if you hello hello I felt that push pan I’m right over here what the [ __ ] I saw it I felt it and I have a gun so back it up okay well I didn’t do it I have a gun too [ __ ] off Jesus scared I’ll do it there is no reason to go fire exit another I’ll s on me Mom I’ll do it a magnified glass hey you can finally see my wait what what hello okay okay more work okay that sounds like World of Warcraft work complete ready to work Warcraft got the brain nuh okay well [Laughter] hello hello no hello wor egg egg if you go down these stairs there’s a lot of stuff egg theg I don’t know how to get out this way where this way there’s a green line that disappeared it’s this way wasn’t magic green line said up here and then I went up some St [Music] I fit line line Jesus Christ [Laughter] guys I think that one is one of the funniest [ __ ] Green Line Green Line The Cult of the green line who has a cult apparently I do B end bell end did you just call me a bell end no I said dead end I can’t believe you call me a bell end that’s so rude that very rude Z Apple he’s he’s a cinnamon roll what I don’t even know what that means a cinnamon roll How could a person be a cinnamon roll okay good you’re I was very worried I don’t know the terminology of someone being you you made I’m so happy you made it look I got your toothpaste would you like your toothpaste than you it’s like as I tell like oh by the way this might exp okay I was far enough away okay okay this has been a lovely moment turn out right so many items yeah there’s A’s a dogo between here the ship yeah probably not a good idea toing that okay go says hi hi hiy with us who are we saying hi to Sparkles [ __ ] uh but it it’s like sheave 10 people okay you come play anyway I say too many F words that’s [Music] true why am I taking this egg oh just B things I killed the dog good [Laughter] up big boy big giant boy big giant boy he don’t help all of my stuff is right up there so thank you you mean doly painting busy I can’t save everybody at once oh my God ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow man you’re supposed to save me what happened what the [ __ ] do you want from me I want you to save me me they saved Pan’s gun P tried to kill a dog conso they set it on fire oh my God looks like there’s something just slightly outside over right here robot was shooting us consist being chased you’re being chased by what [ __ ] babo baboon more of us are there are more of us than there are of you my loot bro I risk my life for that [ __ ] the [ __ ] wow oh he never told me not to shoot Jerry so he died oh I found Jerry’s body and brought well he stepped out of mine to threaten us and then me and P just shot him yeah he’s kind of see here that’s crazy I guess we’re leaving that’s cool we are I did the best that I could but I didn’t say fizzy and they’re mad at me hi Nick it’s okay it’s like a little Aunt being mad at you it’s fine I respect fizzy and think they’re great okay I didn’t I didn’t ask that who asked hey they call me the laziest employee for getting shot what the [ __ ] dude thinking guess what I didn’t shoot Pooky who’s making yeah I won’t make that mistake it’s CLE what doing what a only like 200 out there though that’s that’s don’t don’t uh shut up don’t shut up keep talking [Music] oh I know what you mean it I jump nipple I heard the teleporter go off and right as it hit the climax I heard a fart died in 1989 who Salvador Dolly Oh Oh I thought you like one of us don’t think anyone here oh [ __ ] I died in 199 think huh I found duck Z was alive you I am Buy It Now fizzy I think this video does come out like around the 18 so maybe my plushy is out of [ __ ] am I doing why am I doing this if I shoot this gun it’ll go upwards you want me to try it yes fizzy I found your Miata it’s right there you want get up can I test something yeah stand on top of the stairs like right right oh I see yeah watch this guys watch this watch this I got to see if this works okay wait where am I right right there yeah like right there all you ready yeah oh oh this again Dam it here wait let me try this’s over here I’m out of ammo now you’re a kitchen over here get am kitchen kitchen ma there a flashlight Max how did somebody die Max okay well I guess Max left my name okay thank [Music] you I can help out fizzy is what we call carbonated drinks in New Zealand I’ll have a fizzy well you know fizzy is from New Zealand right that’s where she got the name what yeah confirm balls bouncing bouncing balls bouncing my balls balls I wear my ball glasses at night so I can I wear my balls on my sleeve just like my heart he left his balls in San Francisco everyone’s alive I would almost bet $5 that because I type that someone will get killed what fart we got to deal with a fart I don’t know what is doing stop it stop it D what the oh that’s you bagle I saw the little guy climb up the hill what the hell what the hell good thing that dude [ __ ] off hi Shadow blue hey yo oh so it is it’s it doesn’t fire from your like chest it actually from the yeah I do like my favoritee which is this one bagle egg egg bagle egg bagle egg bag egg egg egg egg bagle see wait what was this ass one it’s lunar party whoa check got crazy we’re good yeah apple is that you you chasing me little yes I’m lost just politely talking hello you’re lost we’re not very far away all you got to do is go right here oh yeah okay that’s a big area in there and there’s a locked door why is there [ __ ] all to do he said calmly yipp yippe what was that oh I’m alive Jesus this is problematic honestly couldn’t tell you Zan was fine I am fine yeah don’t know what happened to the others what are you giggling about Cara what did you do I didn’t do what did you do car I I was outside yelling at the robot come and everyone is dead what did you do car I didn’t do anything well I know Apple did it and everyone’s dead and they’re mad they’re voting at you so I think Apple I think Cara knows what where she’s letting on did we make sure everyone was back before we leaving they voted they voted well I know I just you want to make sure that everyone’s in you know like teleport him maybe we just need to kill Cara because she killed everyone else I think I think she did you listen to that giggle oh uh oh yeah oh yeah a little to the left [Laughter] [Music] yeah people that can attest to this we were all waiting for you to come back car comes back and stabs Fu stabs what can I KN CRA car Cara not that’s my knife you can ask anyone said that is exactly what happened where’ you get it all of us I got it off the Ross Inside Man what the heck my BL you man sorry that must have felt great bless you no it’s just at my age they’re all dad sneezes and so they’re just like explosive I just walk killed all of us car like what I can’t believe K did that your [ __ ] beef dude I can’t killed us I can’t believe you would do that Cara that just seem can’t believe I’ve done that I thought I knew you but now I don’t you know I know the real car now all right you hiding in the [ __ ] I’m got to get another get get get [ __ ] I need you in post when Zen is singing The Chicken Dance song to do the chicken dance on screen thank you [ __ ] I who put on a mask mask I didn’t want to waste a mask put on a mask I’m being haunted already put on a Mas you’re next py I jeez what happened murder Maximus murder no murderous Maximus dead oh man an accident what who’s Garling balls what the [ __ ] no I mean more power like enjoy them but we out I a’t babysitting my God there’s so many things in here I’m haunted by the girl just so you know if you say on the computer she won’t get you but then you have to St on the computer here uh she could definitely get you up there if I stay on the computer I’m okay basically you just can’t look at her you just need to stay in the front of the ship looking the way and then you’re fine oh I get you as long as she’s not running to you you’re fine well Ross I got to see that happen I just saw Ross drop an egg and pop his body 20 foot into the [Laughter] air so Ros could be teleported the hell is that oh it’s grown to okay that’s much less interesting than I was thinking [ __ ] look like a wand I wouldn’t mind playing with my wand the right amount of money I’d play with my wand on stream bagle bagle bagle bye bye $7 is not the right amount of money to the ship yep yep yep yep yep no no no not every door in the world poopy the B Jesus Christ there’s a pile of [ __ ] bodies here poy Apple Jerry fizzy Ross pan and Charlie so we have Max and Pokey still missing who else there’s Pooky right there I think this Pooky is I don’t know what this Pooky is I’m going to kill it wrong with you wrong with you I was wondering what the [ __ ] I thought you were in something else I is my is my wall protecting me [Applause] from treaty I think of the 25 months what’s up man I’m going to Bo a CO Rober ducky you’re the one I like the stick you in my is that a nut cracker thank you you’re welcome the [ __ ] there we go oh oh where’d you go you little [ __ ] creepy little monster hang on I don’t think this gun has its safety on yeah okay crying on the inside Jesus [ __ ] Christ hey why not mermaid wuss there I just killed four baboon Hawks there’s four baboon Hawks it’s okay we’re have to get them come with me what am I going to do am I going to die we’re going to end off with a mouette championship okay don’t sound too [ __ ] disappointed Jesus Christ okay all right okay yay wo first oh uhoh you and it’s you versus [Laughter] Cara you Ked I win witness to mer I win this has been the most team we’ve ever done I win I win I brought back your all right did everybody hear in dead chat what we’re going to be doing I’m dying put it away here yeah can you explain it again just in case yeah I will just everybody just go wait by the lobby do not put on any masks Charlie go damn man take one with me just take them all this this one’s feeling lucky probably not I don’t have one they’re all God I’ve gotten crushed so many times that I’m not drop all the masks over here we got everything we got all the mask yeah see okay all right first up is far versus Z make sure sure you both grab the same type of mask uh this is yeah that’s right that’s right 3 2 one go instant all right next is py versus what is that comedy that is a hell of a pose car TR that is a hell of a pose Dean you’ve done that before I I you know like only for people I really [Laughter] like they’re both out I was going to say I think Jerry Jerry won of that but yeah they’re both out yeah all right P versus Charlie you’re going [Music] down hippi dipp all right all right three two 1 go oh before Charlie even put his odd really made a messus here’s here’s two tragedies grab tragedy tragedy when you grab that mask and you die real Quest it’s tragedy 3 2 1 go so uh you mask here off all right Ross versus dare yeah yeah is there is there the a tragedy this is a comedy wait comedy com got two comedies comedy oh yeah I had a comedy got it ready two one go you then the knife we haven’t seen the Cleveland takedown in years all right Z versus Charlie all right uh what was that comedy I guess three two one go so uh you bang here often Charlie versus Apple I dropped all my stuff I think those are the last couple aren’t they uh maybe know okay luck good luck 3 2 1 go all right Rest In Peace So I think uh comedy has does comedy have a more chance to trigger which one’s the other one I don’t red the gay thank you the follow the mood that I’m in what a mood you got to promise something though last person alive you got you got to add bodies to the window they’re it’s funny okay that’s all I asked over there oh my God look at the gelatin someone’s grabbing my ass that pile one go did he put it on right away or did he wait you hesitated man you can take your for a second and put it back on should did it again please please man add us to the pile the one who wins wait wait wait then I’m going to get ready to ring the bell [Laughter] [Music] got him got him you were set up Max thank you all for playing tonight gas bye eat a day not take it me I never kill anyone hope the the lobby doesn’t close before we get sh [Music] out ah my ear itches oh my goodness gracious guys [ __ ] um give me just a couple minutes we’ll get going on our next thing but in the meantime I’m going to step away for a moment and uh use the bathroom and all of those things as well as my ear itching and it’s like you can’t touch your ear but it itches so it’s like how do you do you know uh I’m sorry about that Lacy you got them you got it this next time right okay good that worked that time good and then we need to hit here I’ll be right back everybody [Music] scaming [Music] this [Music] n [Music] here [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey he heyy hey [Music] [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey he hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] the breeze from the heat wav stole my emotions I left my doubts when I was swep by the ocean and every PST from the tide was a finished line a wave we were make to ride you and I were first in line and we took them by surprise I was with you all the time you may not realiz but I here I hear love declare when we get in all our mind you be keeping me near [Music] there is in the take a deep breath [Music] step out amongs let feeling of realiz in that I’m here I hear you love declare when we get lost in our keep me [Music] keep [Music] hello our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the been a b [Applause] [Music] e play thank you the 10 gifted Subs that pushes us over the five to get this the the push-ups [Music] done puts this at eight can we hit 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] e play with gifted Subs going to nerd MD Christine 85 goldfish gamer Cammy sassy J 1230 the jamam ru haaro Master beta 343 and low life fancy potato chip congratulations Master beta feel like there’s slightly better ways to go about masturbating but I mean you know that works uh but congratulations gifted subs thank you [Music] Eve let me check my times [Music] here will always One Love [Music] Alexa VR lights on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how am I liking the piercings they’re great other than the Itchy [Music] ear other than the itch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry just uh feeling things in and getting stuff [Music] going all the paperwork you have to do in order to change games I tell you [Music] [Music] where is that IRL that is from Google Images beach background uh and that’s the information I’ve got [Music] [Music] okay what am I doing this coming weekend why this uh this next Saturday I plan on being here almost all day long cuz it’s my stream anniversary you like potato good good good I always appreciate a good intellectual conversation [Music] let’s get this started Let’s Get It Started in [Music] Here There we go all right where’s my wife ah there’s my wife what I what am I holding oh that’s the picture I acent picked up the picture Hello dog hello mutter hello doger do I expect the truly intellectual conversation in twitch chat I mean I’ve certainly had more intellectual than that I hope you’ve been practicing your moves tomorrow’s a flower dance oh do I have to dance with her can I dance with someone else I hope you have a good training [Laughter] quack quack quack quack we got rub arbs if you want to rub my Barb let me know if you want to rub Barb let me know I had rhubarb outside when I grew up and honestly it was never that good I never understood why people were excited about rhubarb Crow control is on I clicked the button Why didn’t it click there it goes your mom made a Delicious rhar Pie you miss it thank you I don’t think I ever had rhubarb pie I just literally had rhubarb stock and it was certainly an interesting flavor but I wouldn’t say it was like woohoo rarb you know whoop whoop whoop get ourselves a little honeysuckle oh that’s me for not hurry but still I like the suckle all right we we were working pretty good what the hell is that over there we were working pretty good on our foraging uh and have it well along the way the hell is this besides truffle qua I’m being attacked by aliens aren’t I apple and rhubarb crumble good night Tweetie they want to probe me I mean I want to be probed so it all works out right wait I think I planted that I think that’s a one of the hardwood Woods Alec no you silly Sidewinder I mean same ah ah ah no no [Music] Gary chy doy doy do do Papa doy doy doy doy do Papa doy doy do doy do doy do [Music] doy just looking around for that necklace we Scout I’ve been given Stone I’m stoned I’ve chopped all the trees I’ve plucked all the plucks we’ve done everything and we’re running out of thanks I think we need daddy lights if I recall chips and vodka it’s a pearl one it would have washed away in the raid that’s a seen joke I don’t know much but I know my seen excuse me part me I’m pretty sure the game won’t let me but in my heart I I wanted to I I wondered if I could push uh Petty off the wall because she rejected our cookies let us never forget Penny unnecessarily rejected our cookies didn’t we get a puffer fish did I turn it in did we finish the we must have so we need need the red cabage and then we need the uh tomate the tomato and red Tage or red kabage so am I done with the bundles I feel like we just went through this but you probably asked before I went through it so now you feel like I answered then I was like well now let me read your question now that I’ve answered I pre-answer your question was it Leah the rejector or cookies I thought it was Penny honestly I can’t think of much difference between the two of them which one’s Leah I genuinely can’t think of a damn difference between the two of them besides apparently that W rejected our cookies and the other didn’t but [ __ ] you Leah Penny you’re all right sorry I pushed you into the river red cabbage makes your stuff go purple wait you’re saying that red cabbage has a Dye comp opponent to it that’s weird Leah is Artsy and does what I can think of Penny but Leah is like coming up a full blank right now I’m just [Laughter] old Penny Cuts wood Leah looks like Penny but does nothing she does nothing she brings nothing to table I kind of do think it’d be fun to insell the PO mod and just go ham but that’d be an awkward conversation I have to talk to uh uh guys I am not doing well how did I just forget my wife’s name Haley aha I’d have to talk to Haley about opening the thing up and stuff that’s always a difficult conversation he m how did this all grow we’ve definitely been down here all right we’re on our last nugget our last nougat you want to marry Sebastian as long as it’s not Shan I didn’t see any sparkly in the river did you guys ow Bronco this kills me Bronco the rain comes down like the tumbling tumble weeds way up nor to Alaska we’re going north the rush is on I mean different people like different things decks you see a Ramstein ana ana an RoR aha excuse me turning into a monkey always been a monkey swiy swiy Swooty swiy swiy Swooty got to show me that big biggy booty the little dance I did you he’s so cute that’s definitely vodka V delra you think if I do two of the uh um iridium bands do they do the effects stock do you think [Music] it’s your way he’s trying to eat me nothing’s going to stop us [Music] [Music] now normally I would make these but I don’t have enough time to grow I I don’t think so we we’ll just we sell and we sell Hello Nurse 15K we made 5,000 off of or 6,000 off of four truffle oils that truffle oil that’s a seller right there that’s how you get the monies the Truffle it Stacks with another aridium band a glow ring a glowstone a magnet ring or ruby ring I be so another ridium bed basically someone annoyed Hello Nurse I got up early and fed all the farm animals I hope that makes your job a little easier today hell yeah hell yeah girl hell yeah wait I have a basement now I can base on my m in it what the [ __ ] what do I do with these can I can I Barrel something or these just here are these decorative or can I do something with them Liquid Gold is what I call my uh I don’t call anything Liquid Gold like make wine in it or put wine in [Music] it ah I see [Music] how many animals can this one support 3 6 9 I’ve got nine I don’t know how many one this one holds I also don’t know what to do with that or if I can move it safely [Music] see tree fertilizer fiber fiber and Stow that’s too damn expensive I can’t afford this [ __ ] dizzy my wife is here my wife ow I wish I had more coconuts for my wife’s coconuts [Music] see and then I needed Stone Stone Back fiber back I want my fiber back fiber back chees fiber back ribs barbecue Souls 1 2 3 four five grow big and strong like my stickers put you in there put you in there put you in there and then as a finale take me teps or my par Snips put them away and then off to the dance as we go you almost spit I’m sorry hello dare like your what what what what are you talking about dare hi how you doing it’s good to see you had fun it’s good to see you [Music] again I think it’d be kind of funny to ask someone if uh else if I could uh D with that inside of my wife [Music] I these Watchers be teaming with big fish shame I didn’t bring me Rod you could always use my rod it can be a little nerve-wracking to ask someone to dance with you if you spend some time pondering the hardships alive it can put things into perspective suddenly dance in front of the whole town isn’t an ill fitting suit doesn’t seem so bad have you tried the dandelion salad I prepared it fresh right here a red jelly wafting in this wind looks like it’s dancing Gatherings like this give a sense of identity to our community or as my wife says it makes the town Lively do you ever wonder why do we find flowers beautiful I thought I saw something moving across the water I’d asked my husband to Dan but he doesn’t really know how I have special earrings I only wear once a year for this event is that the smell of flowers or is it Caroline’s perfume giggly [ __ ] the key to dance seems to have confidence today’s a big day we’ll be the centerpiece of the whole dance good night brono if there’s your flower King that means there a flower queen that means we be a flower King am I doing it right I’m a [ __ ] this open field is perfect crazing land for livestock wouldn’t you agree good afternoon Zane wish for today’s festivities couldn’t be more perfect come talk to me when ready start the ceremony why do I get to choose well should we start dancing now yes let’s startop plop plop beepop [Music] why am I not [Music] dancing I didn’t ask haly to dance I it was assume when she said that we were what the hell said we’re going to be the centerpiece I felt like that was assumed oh well I can get by with not dancing as long as Haley’s not mad at me honey you’re not mad oh she’s going to be mad at me for like 3 weeks isn’t she it’s raining again my radium watering K the book seller all these good things hello oh I’m not bored I’m just enjoying what we have here it’s a simple life but I like it I’m sorry my life is so simple I’m a simple man and not mechanically inclined Good Humor we got Julie little rhubarb jam wait Rod Pig we jamming to the rhubarb she’ll be mad at you for 3 weeks but only make you sleep on the couch or two damn it my blue Jazz oh that was just a tulip never mind I enjoy tulips particularly when they’re on my garden it was a big day for me when I realized you could just hold it down you know Buffy what you doing two in the hands worth one in your bush here we go and then this goes here this goes here May anything else no now we continue our faring oh we got strawberries it’s strawberry day bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye wait a minut it honey bunny for me thank you anything for you sugar plum puffy why must you lick my toies that’s my toies I had to show my boyfriend who Haley was and why you liked her L her titties what she’s got a huge personality don’t you remember the time she helped the bull I mean that’s wifey material right there I don’t like that you’re reject you’re you’re you’re objectifying her down to uh uh one part of her she doesn’t have those in the base game yes she does she just wears slightly different clothes here so it’s a little bit more noticeable we don’t need to be jealous all titties are beautiful titties haly’s are just more beautiful say the day the book sell in town or was that last time but I completely forgot and and missed it that day feel like it was last time but I missed it tities must be a day back on the top of that tree a b of the B byy books foring experience 5,000 let’s do it hey we did it see horse the book I kind of didn’t I already get that though can I if I’ve already bought it does it sell it still or can I assume that I mean I can still get experienced woods but for the woods that are like uh a power up or whatever the [ __ ] that is special powers crabbing dwarves jewels of the sea Jack be nimble Jack be thick Jack slid me in on top of his stick uh run a bit faster Val you items you are r with the forest well obviously we don’t have that 25k is expensive but I bought it faster H is faster of course there are grasses Greer of course they’ve got a bunch of problems realities but no you know what everybody loves is when and rather than just having fun and playing along we always have to sit there and stop and be like well I don’t like the problems that come with this as if we’re being serious definitely makes the conversation more fun and everyone more engaged I can get the best book from Mar Marine now oh my God Angelica here with the big Revelations I don’t think anyone realized but now You’ said it the cat’s out of the bag wipe your feet eat my what uh supply shop animal catalog way you can access Marty shop when she’s not around that sounds nice since she’s never [ __ ] here how much was it 5K yeah Cynthia g707 coming in cluch good for guy bad for back so how do I access her store from anywhere now that I know how how is it just I go there and uh I can get to it anyway even if she’s not there gotcha Tipsy jokes on you musing my I’m riding oh God I had to get off my horse okay okay boss okay okay I don’t think I have much to do today like we’re kind of Tomorrow we should hopefully have something but right now we’re just kind of killing the rest of the season until it’s dead I don’t know what the [ __ ] these grow H I found that coincidentally you made me laugh you son of a [ __ ] I can’t how dare how dare you know what I’m gonna give this bin a rock Bin’s Love Rocks summer summer summer summer all right and then here we’ve got um we have 17 aridian bars how many bars does it take to make the nice sprinklers just one and a battery pack we should probably make a couple more lightning strike things for nights like mama said there’d be days like this there’d be days like this my mama said and she was [ __ ] dut and so I say we should do what she said wasn’t rined like that yeah uh one two and then one two well got that one no this is the wrong spot this spot is the wrong spot you came to the wrong town [ __ ] oh boo I don’t know if this fur fatal head fur is good for much good for much you will Mama said there be days like this there be days like this my mama said sorry that guy was a creep I wish I could teach dudes to [ __ ] understand that all of our lives would be better and we would be more free and open with all the things that we enjoy them being free open with if guys would stop being [ __ ] [ __ ] and creeps but instead you still have guys that are creeps then you have guys that are not only creeps but are happy about being a creep and and like proudly I’m creepy [ __ ] you eat a dick I don’t think it’s a matter of learning boundaries I think it’s a matter of learning how to [ __ ] not be a creepy ass piece of [ __ ] human but that’s just me I mean I’m going to be honest and I don’t want to shock anyone here but I’m a big tick guy but I sort of you know try and do my best not to say I’m perfect but I try and do my very best to you know not make it the creepy as [ __ ] for people that I am hey I saw that you took it away from me you [ __ ] I’m looking for places to stick my pan and I saw a place but then they took it away they were like nah fam I see that right there oh fishy like sorry horse I just pickaxed you but you seem fine I Dida egg I hear that makes great mayonnaise [ __ ] you horse I’m out all right good good looking out I just want to hit a point where you know at some point in our cultural Evolution we figure out a way to not you know [ __ ] have idiots regress everything and make things worse for everybody but nope oh Haley I’m home honey oh God this [ __ ] goes to sleep before I do every time can’t stay up Lumberjack Lumberjack oh L Lumberjack all trees have a chance to draw I can make all trees hard I feel like I don’t get that many listen here’s the thing I don’t get that much syrup right but if I need hardwood then we have sources of hardwood we don’t get that much syrup the syrup include honey if it includes honey this might be worth more if syrup does not include honey and is literally only the tree gops than uh then I feel like Lumberjack’s the better way to go a lady told me when I got to uh got to do work shirt oh I’m happy you’re getting a baggy shirt because the way you’re we is too too tight R Ving that’s the other thing that’s the problem though is not only I mean I guess it’s just all humans or or you know any TY but [ __ ] will say things to uh other women that I’m just like what the hell and I say [ __ ] specifically like what a [ __ ] you know like [ __ ] let people exist how they want to exist and stop making it about you you sense that a new way is open ah Haley’s open to Aiden okay uh Hey God good morning I got up early and baked you something sweet for you I’m Maple bar dude no but seriously guys you know understand maple bars are like they are they are everything Mel bars are so good I love may bar S I failed to think my cutting plan through there you go it’s Dino Mayo we’re TNT we’re Dino Mayo anyway I’m just saying we do a lot of damage to ourselves by sitting here constantly [ __ ] making other people feel uncomfortable for being however it is they want to be I can appreciate a what I can appreciate a what done up nicely I can appreciate a what it clothes but whether she chooses to do so or not is up to her and I don’t have a say in it cuz at the end of the day she’s got to live with it so she should probably just dress how she [ __ ] wants to dress and I can be like cool she dresses the way I enjoy or okay she doesn’t but you know what that’s her choice all right the spirits were in good humor carrots there but oh and we got our beans we got beans and carrots hi reie good night Lacy enjoy your massage I mean we picked Lumberjack about an hour ago hipo so it could be that you’re once again behind Neolithic table the fun part is hypn is an hour beide that it would take him an hour before he realizes that I’ve told him that he’s an hour behind my dear Zen if you’re reading the this note you found the secret room I’ve prepared for you within these walls are tips receipts and even some of my most cherished tools all of the very bests from the many happy years I spent in the valley by coming this far you’ve proven you possess the skill and wisdom to make use these Powerful Secrets I hope my discoveries help you in your journey make B lovers Farm a shining star the whole world make me proud the final path 299 of 10,000 uh I mean which one do I wa what mini Forge now you can use a dwarfish forge for the convenience of your hoe do I just claim this do I need to pick one what am I doing how long has the door been here since it got since we started Mystic tree seed can plant to grow a special tree treasure totem uh use UND diable terrain to summon a ring of treasure spots you now find golden mystery boxes which caign uh Superior items H iridium Skyy also excellent Gathering statue of Bings golden animal crackers apparently doubles a firm’s animal produce doesn’t work on pigs use in the water to catch fish use up to two Bobbers challenge bait perfect catch yields triple the fish however each time a fish escapes fishing bar the catch reduced you can now encounter golden fishing chests choose from two mining related Powers every day it’s more efficient than regular furnace requires 25 pieces of or and three coal per use so that’s a receip gem bearing rocks Now Grant twice the G GS H hope your massage dirty brings you many Happy Endings wait a minute you have to guess get the mystery points first then you can choose one doesn’t give me a whole lot of information there just keep Skilling up your skills I’m a skill Billy then go get a massage I’ve had one of those like vibrating massage things like not a vibrator but like the the gun things the pound uh was it good d a sexual toy well it could anyway uh but I was mostly just concerned it was going to snap some sort of nerve inside me as I rotated back and forth a golden mosque gter I don’t want to give a golden mosque to gter does gter deserve my golden mosques I say nay all right this time I’m going to find the hole and I’m going to go deep inside of it immediately see six levels boom shaft as deep as can be although I didn’t bring any bombs so you know [Applause] whatever sir what’s up Randy I I help what can I do for you boom spiral [Music] suck are you requesting or offering sigm hi uh White Dad how you doing I had hoped for a bit more in that shaft but I guess that’s just the way it goes also it be nice if we found a little uh silver or iron there we are no okay bye never mind oh God we got dragons serpentes ha didn’t touch me and blow me right there baby there we are see there’s my exit I should get this though gloop got to go spiral suck have I mentioned that I feel like I mentioned that hi John Franklin how you doing I deserve what now hypnia scor and mocking you’re playing dbd I hope you’re having a good time with it so if you’re not why are you playing back it [Music] [Applause] up meow I leave this gift for you run ah I found the hole again let’s put that let’s jump at that shaft eight levels oh yeah feels good that’s what I’m talking about that’s the kind of shaft we enjoy wasn’t I supposed to collect Jade for some [ __ ] I feel like someone was like oh you should be collecting Jade if you were smart and I’m not smart so I wasn’t collecting Jade [Laughter] thank you can I make a regular bomb I can [Applause] run all right Jade for staircases for the desert Trader that’s right hi Buffy why you got to be annoying hm hi girl it’s correct what you do in your home is up to you if someone has a problem with what you’re doing in your home that’s problem maybe they should stay the [ __ ] out of your home have mentioned spiral suck cuz spiral suck my hair looks very petable I mean pretty much everything about me is pedable how’s dare tonight everything I’m very flexible that way first radium of the night boys at least it didn’t turn out to be a crab oh my is anyone clutching their Pearls do we have Pearl CL clutchers in the chat tonight I can’t I would never re is a little bit of a clar puncher a pearl clutcher clar puncher she’s so uh dainty and innocent you know we say things and she’s just like I didn’t know that was a thing trying to look out for your honor reie well that wasn’t very useful now was it [Music] nor that everything’s coming up [ __ ] house I do have Parable here oh [Music] good I’m glad I rate high on the pability scale I’ve always liked heavy petting for immunity band have fun nerd Fred we can make it an event this son of a [ __ ] right here whoop hi buff boop boop ow take that slimy bastard I was like don’t be a don’t be a crab it was a crab [Applause] hi pazur where’s me stairs Buffy is literally biting at my toes who can die mate time to go you have import an question okay I have mediocre answer s my toes at twitchcon yes if you would like sure would you side my toes at twitch got it uh you’re just going to assume it’s a hell yes fair enough I in general I’m willing to sign whatever you should have seen what reie had me do when she was in town it was quite frankly staggering and not many people could go further you know so the things that that woman asked me to do I was frankly startling thank you uh let me take care of buffy I’ll be right back Rey you saw my ears didn’t you my new my new not that big of a deal look so what now I got my ears pierced on Monday so now I’m just an old man trying to cling to my youth but I’ve always wanted a pierced like a long time so um I’ll be right back got to take care of and uh wait come here first I got I need to pay puppy tax come here buff come on come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’ll be right back [Music] guys well let’s see I’m looking at the time here let’s just uh let’s just call this it the day um because it’s just about time to wrap up anyway so we’ll save there and we’ll just call it a night I didn’t realize what time it was but it’s late and you are all beautiful people beautiful beautiful people but it’s time to go but don’t forget tomorrow is Sunday that means have our special Sunday show so I hope to see you guys there you’re not going to want to miss it uh we’ve got a lot going on so I hope that you will make it hopefully you enjoyed stardo and lethal it was a good time with lethal and uh you’re all very very very pretty and uh have yourselves a good one I will catch you guys you know later all right talk to you later guys bye [Music] [Music] you carry the world upon your [Music] shoulders for I’m not the only one how good you look behind now when everything is done no you carry the world is on your shoulders [Music] oh I’m not the only one how could you look behind now when everything is [Music] a for

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