The Perfect Starter House! Let’s Play Minecraft 1.21 – #1

the new Minecraft update tricky Trails has officially been released which means it’s a perfect time to start a new let’s play world today we’re going to spend a bunch of time exploring around collecting up goodies and even building a starter house although I didn’t start with these iron tools or iron armor or even a chest full of goodies so we’re going to have to go back 5 days first things first we’re going to need to start a new world which we’re just going to call 1.21 let’s play also here’s the seed if you want to play along with me and once we find a location to build our base I will also share the coordinates anyways rather than wasting a bunch of time at the beginning of the video just showing the basic stuff that you guys probably see on every single let’s play series we’re just going to kind of scurry through it showing the highlights and the important parts of it starting off with spawn yeah I know extremely extremely special I really didn’t have a need to stay nearby here cuz there wasn’t any terrain that was interesting to me so I pretty much just collected up a little bit of wood to make some pickaxes and then some Stone to make some Stone pickaxes and then tried to collect up copper but there was only one piece of it so then I moved on to a nearby Village that I saw in the distance luckily this Village did have a blacksmith within it so I made my way over there raided the chest which had some iron and some iron boots these Villages are also full of hay bills so I decided to craft a hoe collect all the hay bills up so I have plenty of food for the first episode oh my goodness it’s already night time luckily we did find this Village so we can get a bed but let’s sleep through this they’re all gone now but for some reason like every single villager in this Village was right next to the bell and I did did not ring the bell they were just all right next to it anyways maybe it’s just to do with the game mechanics but I don’t know oh my goodness there’s a cat right there but I don’t have any fish on me I wonder if there’s any salmon spawning In this River down here because then I could kill them and actually maybe tame that cat wait why in the heck would I do that there’s no way that cat’s going to survive a journey to find where we’re going to build our base once I pretty much had the entire Village raided I decided to move on and start collecting up some wood and saplings from the nearby trees one of those being ACAA and also jungle I don’t know the next time I’m going to come across these biomes so I rather have them with me for now along with trying to get bamboo because Bamboo’s awesome and it it can be used for everything bamboo Acquired and I’m going to take all of it because I can but as of right now my inventory is pretty much completely full there’s a few things I could throw out along the way if we run into any other biomes or items that I want to collect but for the most part I do want to keep a lot of it anyways we have hit a river and I want to travel by boat because it might be a little bit quicker and I’ll just throw that down o you know what I can actually turn this into a a boat chest which I think just requires making a chest and then combining it with a boat and we now have a boat chest which is not a part of the new update but it’s something I’m still getting used to anyways it is time to sleep real quick as I contined to travel on I did end up coming across a desert village which was also full of a ton of hay bills like three or four times as many as the first Village we found which is awesome because that means we’re going to have plenty of food for probably the next two episodes I always forget how big the llamas actually are not llal not lamels I mean camels yeah I think it’s a camel that’s just oh look at you you’re laying down you look so cute laying down okay I might be wrong here but try and tell me that doesn’t look like a camel’s head and there happens to be a camel right down there I mean am I wrong here or or does it look like one it could also look like a chicken head am I losing my mind yeah that’s that’s a maybe but am I okay with it definitely anyways let’s get back to exploring okay I am now definitely losing my mind that looks like a camel sitting down or laying down if I can find this guy I I can show you guys what I mean I just have absolutely no idea where he went there he is okay please lay down please just stop stop right there stop right there just stop no lay down okay even standing up just just look at that look at that I am not going crazy and I know it oh here he goes look look see that and then that and yeah oh my goodness I almost completely looked over that that’s a desert temple I think that’s completely buried which was just right here this whole time yep it definitely is one so I’m just going to dig down and kind of be careful cuz it might be some mobs maybe in here any any mobs no none that I see so I’ll just dig all the way down to the bottom and remove said pressure plate and oh my goodness we got some diamonds and we got some Diamond horse armor don’t really care about anything else I’ll take the gold and the bones and gunpowder two enchanted books one being mending and one being sharpness and a saddle okay and even more diamonds which brings us up to a total of six Diamonds oh my goodness it’s what what day is it right now it’s only uh day three day two I don’t know yeah it’s day two and we already have six diamonds it’s all right you can go ahead and call me the best Minecraft player [Music] ever with the horse armor and saddle that I collected at the desert temple I decided to keep on traveling and tame myself a horse to speed this process up now is he fast he is the furthest thing from being fast he is extremely slow so we have really big ocean and we have horse that’s not very fast and probably also isn’t a very good swimmer which I think means it’s time we abandon this guy and just make ourselves a boat one boat please oh my inventory is so full it’s so annoying trying to deal with this yeah we can just place that down and I’ll just leave this stuff behind and here’s a crafting table for you buddy in case you ever need to use it to the Sea we shall go and as tempted as I am to stop at that sunken ship I have a feeling I might die trying to get anything from it come on I obviously had to try and do this oh my God it’s so hard to control I want to go that way what about going this way can can I get over here okay I kind of got the hang of it oh there’s water right there swerve out of the way swerve out of the way okay is there a way to oh I skitted right over that okay oh no no not into the wall this is so much harder than you guys could ever imagine it to be I don’t want to fall into any of this water because then I have to break the boat again but I think I’m completely surrounded unless I can manage to skin over the top of the no no no not not going to happen we can go this way this way oh that’s a bear I don’t think that’s supposed to be happening and and they’re just watching their House burn down it’s just completely gone it’s it’s it’s gone forever you guys not have any firefighters in this town I mean we got the Iron Golem but I I don’t know what he’s going to do after another thousand or so blocks of travel I did end up coming across this place which is full of mountain which is exactly what I’m looking for it doesn’t just have the snowy slopes it also has the jagged Peaks which adds a nice color variation to the terrain which puts us at just about x1000 and Z 5,000 yep I really just traveled 6,000 blocks to find a place to build don’t worry though it’s all going to be worth it oh hey and look at that you’re now all caught up besides the cool Mountain I saw the zombie I killed the pumpkins I harvested the many many cows I also massacred the sugar cane I collected the trees I collected and a a whole bunch of other stuff yep all caught up now that I found a place that I want to build in I actually want to head down into the mines and luckily earlier I did get six diamonds from that desert temple so I am going to take three of them so I can make myself a diamond pickaxe I’ve already crafted up a bunch of torches and also a good amount more of food so now I just need to find a cave which there is a lot of them but I do want to try finding one of the ones that just kind of goes all the way down to deep slate since I’m going to need a good amount of deep slate and also tough to build this starter house along with with copper since it is 1.21 I do want to start using copper a lot more since they’ve added new blocks yep I think that is going to work exactly what I had in mind I just need to find a safe way to get down oh I should have brought a water bucket you know I could just bridge out to this little floating island and then jump down onto it and then break my way all the way down to the bottom of the cave and the mobs are starting to spawn [Music] luckily since this was a pretty big cave there was a lot of coal and copper showing in the walls which made collecting it up a whole lot easier besides that I also spent a little while collecting up some Granite because I’m also going to use this in our starter house build I eventually came across a pretty massive portion of this cave but before I wanted to dive into it I decided to craft myself a crafting table and a furnace so I could smelt up some iron craft myself a shield and also craft myself a water bucket okay um I I may have died luckily this this isn’t hardcore uh and it’s still night time can I sleep real quick yeah that was a good old death by creeper sort of incident luckily I should be able to get my items back pretty easily I just got to watch out for that guy oh oh move move move move that was a dumb idea dumb idea being chased by a zomb ibie and also a skeleton but I think my stuff is right over here yep I can see the XP and all the items are spawning in awesome the guy snuck up out of nowhere I was killing a skeleton didn’t see the creeper and then he must have just come up from behind and exploded anyways I’m going to get back to mining cuz I still got a lot of deep slate and also a lot of tough to harvest and maybe just maybe we might get some diamonds [Music] I’m almost positive that I just found myself a copper vein which is super cool because copper is going to be really handy and the reason I think this is a copper vein is that if I just start digging around Copper just starts to appear pretty much everywhere I mean yeah I just I keep going and there’s more and more copper anyways I don’t think I’m going to collect up any more just cuz I already have 64 raw copper blocks and I am going to turn those into cut copper so that gives me four times as many so about four Stacks which means I need to make my way down here and try to collect up those Diamonds oh yeah I almost forgot to add uh and try not to get killed I’m just bridging my way over there and I also noticed there’s a little bit more diamonds down there too this is why I am super glad I crafted that water bucket cuz I can just place that in and then just make my way down there is a zombie coming so let me take care of this guy and also light up the cave okay oh my goodness oh I didn’t see them both oh and the creepers right there oh my goodness oh my goodness and now on fire this is going terribly okay just got to take one of these guys out at a time and where did that creeper go okay okay there he is let him explode just let him explode oh my goodness he came out of nowhere and more no I think those are the diamonds I already saw oh my goodness and more right there okay we’re we’re going to have a lot of diamonds I [Music] think oh my goodness oh my goodness I found a spawner I found a spawner and it’s a skeleton spawner try to light this thing up Noe no no no no just light it up just light it up not open chest any goodies in the chest oh we have a name tag definitely going to take that and another saddle and some horse armor I’m going to leave most of this stuff for now just cuz my inventory is pretty full and I’ll come back down to grab that at a later time since my inventory was getting pretty full I decided to spend a little while collecting up about three stacks of tough along with another three stacks of deep slate because I am going to be using this stuff on the starter house and I have to make sure I leave space in my inventory to take these back up to the surface I have just about everything I’m going to need which is Three Stacks of Cobble deep slate three stacks of tough and about two and a half stacks of granite along with 10 diamonds speaking of diamonds there was some down there and there actually is a little bit right over there but I’m going to leave them for now oh and obviously those ones right there the reason for me leaving them is just cuz I don’t really think I need them quite yet i’ rather save them so when I get Fortune I can actually come back down into this cave and use the fortune on them while I smelt up most of the copper I collected I decided use three of the diamonds I just got to make myself a diamond axe I’m going to need some Spruce logs and also some oak logs to build the starter house so I thought the diamond axe was a good idea I didn’t care too much about the logs for the spruce I mainly wanted the saplings so I can make a 2 by two spruce tree which will make collecting the spruce logs a whole lot easier when it came to the oak logs I just kind of found an area a little bit far away from base and took out a massive chunk of the forest and obviously I placed the saplings back down because I am going to need to chop these trees again at some point and it’s also kind of ugly to leave a massive chunk out of your for for about another hour later and I pretty much have every material together that I’m going to need to build this starter house when it comes to the block palette I think I’m just going to mainly use Spruce and oak logs which are obviously going to be stripped down since it does look a little better in my opinion and then we’re also going to be using some of the brand new tough blocks which I think look amazing what’s nice about these two is they have a very similar texture to stone brick just obviously a little bit of a different color and not so much depth so we’re going to be able to use that when it comes to texturing out this build building and then we can also use some andesite which is a little bit of a brighter gray but I think if I use it sparsely it should work pretty well and obviously I can also mix in some of the normal tff which has not been crafted into anything and the walls are going to be the stripped Oak log and then texturing this is just going to be using some Oak planks a little bit here and there I’m going to go ahead and get this thing built and we’ll talk about it more once it’s completely finished [Music] SL [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is a finished starter house that I think turned out perfect it’s not very big but I think it’s going to work for the first episode and I do have a plan to kind of expand off this throughout the episodes you know I’m actually going to grab some dirt real quick so we can build up up and I can get a bird’s eyee [Applause] view so right now it’s just this little starter house but I think we can actually do another building off to the side and then do a wall in between the two and the same thing applies for the opposite side and then maybe we can do like a really big windmill up against the snow right there it’s all just thoughts right now but I do think it could be a great idea and also look really really cool besides that I did try to incorporate some of the new blocks being the tough and then also using a copper trap door I mean normal door I did use copper trap doors which are right here and I used them for an infinite water source I set this up because while I was building this house I decided to start planting in some sugar canes so I can get prepared to build an enchantment table along with breeding cows but that that’s not going super well yet now for those of you guys who have watched me before you know that I suck at doing Interiors or at least I’m really lazy and never do them so I decided just to go straight into it and get this all finished up now once again it is quite small in here so it’s pretty packed full but I I think it works just fine I have four furnaces two barrels I have six single chest which I almost did double chest but it took up a decent amount of room and then I tried to add in a lot of decorations throughout I did want to do some banners but I didn’t have enough wool and then we have the campfire or fireplace right here and that’s why I did the chimney I wanted it to seem a little bit realistic and then if we actually go up the ladder we have a loft right here which just has our bed and also a barrel and if we continue all the way to the top we have this Lookout which is the top of the tower let me know if you guys want want me to do a tutorial on how to build this starter house I think it turned out perfect and I think it would work for a lot of you guys along with being super easy to build and not very resource heavy I realized that I didn’t add a pathway in front of the house so I just went ahead and did that and before I started building this I actually went over to that nearby Mountain which had a tall Spruce biome or old growth I never know the name of them but it did also have some Lush caves so I was able to get my hands on some Moss which I am going to be using a bunch in this area moving on from this house we have this tree right here which is just a naturally generated oak tree but I’m kind of thinking of building a custom tree right here and having it put up on like a big foundation I’m stuck in between doing like a really tall like cypress tree or really tall spruce tree or doing more of a umbrella tree which is where the trunk goes up and then the leaves kind of come out pretty far on every direction sort of giving it the appearance of an umbrella after a little bit more thought I jump straight into working on this Foundation I still haven’t decided the tree but I can kind of decide that once the found foundation’s finished I ended up just using tough and tough bricks for this because I am obsessed with these blocks right now and I also had extra lying around so might as well put them to use you know that’s that’s not a bad start I think that actually turned out pretty good it even makes the the naturally generated tree look even better like I said I did just go with tough and tough bricks but I also tried to add in a little bit of moss and some texturing so just like how that Tower is it starts off with tough bricks and slowly makes its way up to being pretty much all normal tough blocks something I’m trying to do a lot better in this world than I have in previous worlds is sight lines and you might be wondering what exactly is a sight line have to do with Minecraft well for someone like me who loves to build it’s really important to make sure that when you look at something from all angles it looks good for example I think this looks amazing right now with the starter house the tree and then the massive mountains behind it which means I don’t want to add something in that’s too obtrusive and ruins this entire view which brings up the tree I want the tree to be pretty big but I also want to make sure it’s not going to cover up the starter house especially when I’m looking at it from this angle cuz I think it would be a cool idea to maybe build some sort of house overlooking this entire lake so at some point it is definitely going to be a sight line you know enough talking and I’m just going to get to building and see what ends up happening [Music] that is dead on how I wanted it to look it took a few tries to get the canopy just right but I think it looks pretty good right now I just have lanterns hanging off the branches but in the future once we do get some end rods I will more than likely change those out to give the tree sort of a mystical look I was breeding up the cows as much as possible while I was building that let’s see are they ready to breed again yes they are and this should be plenty of enough cows to get enough leather since I already have 15 the only downside is that I’m not level 30 yet never mind I guess that wasn’t enough cows cuz I only have 35 leather and I need a total of 45 so I’m just going to kill two birds with one stone here and go on a killing Montage of anything I can pretty much find mainly cows so I can get that leather but I also get XP from killing all the animals so hopefully that gets Us close enough to level 30 or even level 30 I started out by just killing the nearby sheep and pigs and there really wasn’t any cows around so instead I just waited for night time to come and contined to breed up all the cows till I can get enough leather I wanted to kill the mobs at night time because I’m pretty sure Hostile Mobs give you a lot more XP than passive mobs I could also use a little bit of Bones string and some Gunpowder from the mobs too you guys know I love to use my bone meal and I don’t have a skeleton spawner hooked up yet so I need to get bones somehow I am up to level 30 now but I’m one piece of leather short and there is a horse behind me which gives leather but I won’t kill a horse you saw absolutely nothing I got all 15 bookshelves crafted up and now I just need to get some obsidian so I can actually craft the enchantment table I’m pretty sure there is a lava pool somewhere around here so I’m just going to look for that and it is right here I think I just need four pieces of obsidian make sure to cover all of this up so I uh don’t die I’m just going to leave the water there and get to mining this very very boring obsidian I could just enchant this completely broken pickaxe and throw The Mending on it but I kind of want to save The Mending so I ended up crafting a brand new one mainly because the enchantment is already showing fortune 3 and hopefully we get some efficiency or Unbreaking okay we got efficiency I’d love some Unbreaking but that does mean I can actually head back down into that cave and mine all those diamonds we left behind and it’s going to be worth it we’re definitely going to have to do something about this setup because it’s um it’s not going to work we need to build a structure for it but that is going to have to wait for next episode since I’m all out of time thank you guys so much for watching don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe if you’re not already and I will see you in the next one and also as I’m editing this video we just hit 50,000 subscribers thank you guys so much it means the absolute world to me I never imagined when I started YouTube that I would actually go this far and have a Channel with half a 100,000 subscribers Next Step let’s try hitting 100,000 before the end of 2024 thank you guys again love you all see you next time

MINECRAFT 1.21 (Tricky Trials) IS OFFICIALLY HERE!!! Which means it is the PERFECT time to start a NEW let’s play series. Today Tobe jumps straight into this empty world and begins to transform it into the perfect survival world. Along with exploring many of the brand NEW features such as copper block variants, new tuff block variants and MUCH MORE!!!


House inspiration @Neatcraft

Don’t Forget To Like And Subscribe
Thanks For Watching!!!

Seed – [5966741473199032738]
Base Cords – X 1000, Y -5000


Usernames for social media
Twitter – @TobefoxyGaming
Instagram – @TobefoxyGaming
Twitch – @Tobefoxy50

Links Below

Invisible – Vibe Tracks
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios
Pooka – Kevin Macleod

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


  1. recently found your channel on yt and im glad I did. Awesome videos with a chill vibe and someone who knows Minecraft better than I do, so I learn something in every video

  2. lmao stop dissing this guy for making new series every 3 eps. ye its annoying but its his channel and he has this magical thing called free will. if a new series stops him burning out and quitting ytb, so be it haha

  3. Tobefoxy, I only write this because I see your potential. Your videos are really entertaining and you have an eye for designs. The actual content of these videos are up to par with the giant Minecraft channels.

    As a viewer it is really hard to get invested into a series and have it switch up all the time. Most of us don’t have the time to get reinvested into another series. And we want to see what else you will add to the world we are invested in.

    I really think you can make this your full time job (if that is even your goal) IF you keep it more consistent with your upload dates and series.

    I like your content, I like your personality. I never comment on any Youtube videos but I have to bring this to your attention because your potential in this space is high. Best of luck no matter what you do.

  4. dude i usually dont comment on videos but I cannot get invested in anything u do because u just start a new survival series every 5 episodes. I get the view boosts for newer series but no audeince that consistently watches ur videos will ever stick around. How am i going to get invested in something thats bound to end after a few episodes. Not tryna hate cuz u got potential but seems like theres a new episode 1 on ur channel every month or so. No reason u couldnt have checked out these features on ur existing world

  5. I was just enjoying the last lets play tho… Just when im already invested and now i guess that's all in the drain now lol, What a waste of potential.

  6. For those complaining don't blame Tobe. He's still technically a baby channel by subscriptions. Unfortunately the Youtube alg is brutal. And if you don't stream whether preference or some barrier (example youtube won't let you start streams til you reach a set of prereqs) that makes it tougher. Be nice, Tobe is doing what he can.

  7. Man, this guy is way more creative than me when it comes to building your starter home! Very nice looking! I usually just go with a pretty standard oak, spruce, and birch cabin type. I'm mainly a farmer and miner 🙂

  8. damn brooo i actually really loved the last series, the cave base was awsome and he never rushed anything taking his time instead of other people

  9. 17:10 making a custom tree with the roots reaching under the little hill that it’s at would look good, and adding like a little hobbit hole under the tree would look so good

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