100 Days, But It’s a RANDOM Layer One Chunk

this one chunk has over 300 random layers of blocks yeah you heard me right even the Nether and the end are random layers and it can range from lava to diamond blocks all the way to TNT traps so I have no idea if it’s even possible to survive on this insane one chunk but let’s start by fisting a tree all right tree has been fisted let’s turn that into planks and it seems like we have spawned inside the plains biome well I guess not a biome because if I look below me there are layers everywhere there’s it goes on forever I can’t see the bottom but there’s a ton of animals on this top part we got Drew and Margaret I got a bunch of animals with uh very very cool names and a chest what’s inside of here ooh some more wood some food and some tools all right good start but let’s continue fisting all of these trees down and let’s hope I get some saplings because without saplings I’m done for so I got three right here okay let’s clear up this land too cuz I need some seeds to make some food cuz one of my goals is I want to like thrive in this world I want to accomplish everything you can accomplish in a normal Minecraft world but this time in one chunk with random blocks so this is going to be fun okay I got some Birch saplings and 15 seeds I don’t have any water though so I can’t make wheat for these animals but let’s mine down and see what’s next uh we got oh copper blocks can I mine it with a stone pickaxe oh my God I can all right that’s a unique start oh my God oh my God oh my God wait whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait why there powder why is it powder snow what the heck that kind of scared me let’s continue mining let’s see what I can get here oh my God you got to be kidding me there’s netherite why is there ancient debris right here here I can’t even mine it I got nothing what am I supposed to do oh my god I’ve been baited so hard even the Sheep wants to get out of my way bro yeah that’s where I get out of there you know what let’s be a little smart and craft some trap doors and block this off so I don’t lose any of the animals but yeah I guess I just need to go through the pain and mine up this ancient debris cuz I need to get to the other layers waiting below me so this is going to hurt but eventually later on in the video we’re going to upgrade enough to where we can mine this ancient debris there we go that actually hurt my heart okay but the next layer is Cobblestone that’s going to be very helpful that way I can craft some better tools wait yes this is great I can get a bunch of food here but I’m more focused on this Cobblestone cuz I want new tools oh my God but since there were scary Phantoms outside I spent the rest of the night ring away all these poopy wart blocks and getting all the carrots all right it is day two and I got a ton of carrots I’m literally never going to starve anymore but I don’t want to be a vegetarian I want to eat you guys so I make some babies pigs let’s craft another chest and make this a little bigger so I can store all of my items and so far we’ve only gone down like five layers I think 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh my God eight but that means we still have a total of 339 more layers to go which means we’re only 2.3% through and we still have the Nether and the end which is insane this is going to be a journey but it probably would be smart to replant my trees huh so I’ve I’ve would like waiting for me when I’m done mining there we go let’s also steal these torches and sort of place them around the island so no mob spawn let’s continue mining here what’s underneath this ooh Some redstone blocks I can make some cool Contraptions with this later on some cool Farms there’s some more wood right here oh my God I thought that was the void it’s so bright it looks like my future what is this a pray lescent Frog Light frogs have lights now hello how does that make sense and I just realized I can probably craft some tools now let’s make an axe and a shovel and let’s continue mining we have hit an ocean block what is this called again prismarine and here is some Sandstone we’re hitting a bunch of random blocks not sure if any of it is going to be useful but for now let’s Harvest some of these items and using this hopefully I can build a farm above my Island oh my shovel oh my God a tree already grew oh no a sheep died oh my the the tree killed the Sheep this birch tree is a murderer nah you’re in death row now you’re you’re getting chopped down boy you can’t do that around here what the heck I’m I’m throwing you in the void nobody deserves you okay let’s try to trap them inside a little square so they just don’t get away and die I’m trying to save you guys come on follow me no don’t leave no let’s block them in and build a little staircase so now they’ll get trapped no chill bro oh no the fat all right see you guys good luck I tried to save you guys my animals are dead let’s spend the night again collecting even more materials from this layer so in the morning I can start building more stuff and start progressing in this world but I forgot to mention the very last layer of this one chunk is the end portal frame and our goal is to get there defeat the Ender Dragon check out the later end Dimension and get the only original Block in this entire world which is the dragon egg all right rise and shine are my animals still alive where what wait did they all go hiding what did I tell you guys huh I knew you guys would be scared of the Phantoms since these animals were being so nice let’s feed them well I guess only the pigs cuz I I got nothing else for the rest I did notice that there is a layer of wood right here though what is this jungle strip jungle oh my God I’m a Minecrafter I’m a gamer dude let’s collect all of this game wood why did I say that and these shroom lights which will give me a really nice source of light and wood I I I really didn’t have to explain that but while I collect these materials I realized that I’m pretty close to the spawner layer and who knows what type of spawners those are it could be good with cows and chickens or it could be terrible with like charged creepers or something I guess we’ll find out soon okay after mining out this entire layer I got this much blocks but we’re already filling up this entire double chest and that’s how many items we have collected already which is pretty insane still no luck with iron though cuz I I really need iron ooh emeralds wait why is there a Gap right here oh wo wo woah those are spawners wait wait wait wait wait oh that’s a fish that’s a puffer fish wait wait that’s a sheep and a pig oh yeah it seems like this layer of spawners is all peaceful I spent some time mining away all these honeycomb blocks and Sandstone so there’s enough room for these spawners to work okay there we go that took a very long time with just a stone pickaxe let’s grab some dirt and let’s just Place some dirt around some of these spawners like what is this that’s a puffer fish I do not want that fish I don’t have water yet sheep I’ll place down some dirt here Pig of course okay there’s a mushroom cow hopefully with this dirt it’ll make these spawners uh actually spawn their mobs you know maybe I need to mine out this layer as well oh man you save me the mining also finding some water and some lava would be really nice so then I can make a cobblestone generator cuz right now I’m on a very limited supply of cobblestone and once I start expanding the island I’m going to run out of cobblestone so fast okay I’ve removed the persine layer and there’s a bunch of space but nothing is spawning still maybe they need to spawn on grass oh man how much supposed to get grass down there I don’t even own a silk touch I I could try to make like a little staircase down I’ve tried that before and it takes so long for the grass to go down or just to grow but I’m going to try it anyways cuz there’s nothing I can really do that was a little risky but it is night time again and there’s no Phantoms today so that’s kind of nice anyways let’s grab some wood and craft some more chests cuz we’re running out of space very fast but at least we have a ton of materials anyways let’s Harvest all these trees now [Music] okay it’s the very next day in real life and I just woke up and I realized maybe these spawners aren’t working because they’re not lit up you know cuz this area could be like super dark I just have full brightness on so let’s grab some shroom lights and potentially light up this area I don’t even know if this if shroom lights even really give off light maybe this will change something I don’t know man I just I just want some free food but soon I want to expand and build a little home up here cuz cuz right now it’s just a chest that’s not even facing the right way it it just bothers me and I want to find some iron cuz mining with these tools really suck like I can’t even get this these emeralds it’s look at this I’m still in the Stone Age hold up is this a whole layer of water underneath me oh and and black stone I guess but that’s not important yes we have found water I can finally shower and take a bath that means I can finally make a farm but uh I don’t have iron to make a bucket dude I’m actually poor and what did this block underneath the water why does it look like there’s like veins in it is it alive is it wood oh my God there’s chests down there okay this is Crimson H it’s the nethery thing the Netherwood let’s just turn this into planks and cover up some of this water even though it’s so precious it’s kind of in the way there we go and let’s see if there’s anything inside these chests please redstone dust and nothing okay well I can’t even open these chests cuz all of these blocks are in the way and then water’s on top of it it makes my life so difficult why oh my god oh wo we Sentry armor trims bunch of carrots XP oh yeah these chests actually might have some good stuff in it I feel like I’m playing Lucky Blocks right now come on iron please why is there nothing ooh Some Coal okay chest later is pretty cool it gave me access to a bunch of new materials and since I don’t really need bread right now cuz I have like unlimited carrots to eat for now I’m going to breed my cows with this and my sheep so then I can craft a bed and actually sleep through the night cuz I you guys know me I hate Knights I’m just a little scaredy cat let’s craft a butt ton of more axes and let’s spend some time opening these chests I I really want to find some iron before I destroy all this water though I do want to save three blocks just in case so let me uh contain it in there let’s see what I can get after opening a bunch of these oh okay oh iron yes it’s only two it’s not it’s not enough for anything I can make a hoe though all right let’s let’s keep digging oh my God Diamonds oh a chest plade too holy moly guacamole oh look at this sword is actually op oh I got an iron pickaxe oh yeah oh my God this one’s loaded lapis oh wow we goly why did I just say that I said golly hillbilly and then like what’s up man all at the same time I’m actually the weirdest guy ever oh enchantment ooh oh another oh wow we goly cheepers creepers man this is awesome I’m literally playing a game oh I guess I’m on Minecraft but okay after 2 days of mining those chests it did take a pretty long time this is all I got yeah it’s it’s some it’s all right name tags some bottles a horn let’s let’s hear oh yeah it’s all right you know those chests were psych yeah look at everything I got from those chests I got diamonds I got the iron that I was looking for a bunch of gold and all this stuff so let’s take my chest plate that has protection four my helmet and let’s suit up yeah that feels good so let’s Harvest these trees and don’t ask why I put the the chest in side of the tree I was just feeling it I don’t know so now with all this extra space I can finally build a home let’s grab some wood and since I have a bunch of jungle wood from that one layer let’s try to incorporate that into the build actually before do that let’s craft some slabs and expand the [Music] island like so oh my God I did not hear those guys come here boy oh how did I miss that I literally swung right through them you ugly mosquito but yeah I’m going to build my house right on this platform here and I know what you guys are thinking cookie you’re cheating you’re You’re Building outside of the chunk well yeah I was kind of debating if I should keep all my builds inside of the chunk but I feel like it’s kind of more boring I did that in my last one chunk video where it surved 50 hours on it it’s more fun expanding outwards and just building a giant civilization with the limited materials that you have inside the chunk so let’s put some some logs here let’s mix them into some jungle wood so let’s turn some of these into some planks let’s put the door right schmack in the middle like that and let’s just mix all this jungle wood until it looks somewhat decent that looks horrible but that’s the best I can do for now let’s cut out some windows right here let’s extend it just a little on the sides and I’m not really sure what to do for the ceiling uh or the roof I don’t have many blocks to work with how about I take this dark oak wood and that in the planks and then to stairs and place it down just across like this let’s build a second floor right on top of this roof and another roof right on top of this there we go I got my house it’s it’s not really finished but this is the G General shape I want to go with and you might have noticed that it’s 2D I don’t have enough materials or space to extend it well I guess I do but I don’t want to use it all just yet I I’ll fix it up later but I basically built like a Disneyland house we’ll worry about the actual house later on cuz I’m more worried about the layers all right I grabbed all my items and moved it into my half house it’s not even a half but I even organized everything so this is my wood stuff Stone stuff semi ugly stuff or like you know what I mean God that was legit stuff um that was almost legius stuff so it’s like not as legius but semi this one this one is semi actually this one’s like almost bad but over here is the ugly ah junk and and stuff there’s nothing in here except like the the junk you know all right but before we go this is how much of the layer we have explored yeah not a lot I counted and we only gone through 21 layers there is still over 300 to explore not including the Nether and the end this is going to be exciting let’s go oh let’s go I’m actually an apee um let’s continue mining down here what’s underneath it oh we got some some end blocks oh that’s where all the pigs noises are coming from okay it’s back oh my God maybe that’s why nothing is spawning in my spawners there Mo there’s so many pigs there they might be taking him off the entities how many pigs are down here okay I might out the entire layer of these perple blocks and there’s a lot of pigs in here let’s kill a bunch of these guys I really don’t want them around well I broke all my tools and there’s still so many pigs left I look how many pigs I have in my inventory I can’t even mine out of here I got to use my fist okay and there we go and you know what I’ll be nice and keep two alive I’m sorry this guy looking around like dang where where did all my boys go where did everybody go I’m sorry bro all it wasn’t me it definitely wasn’t me but this layer is literally full of turds like it’s so Brown what do they do oh wao wao wao okay we got lava wait wait wait wait that means if there’s lava here and there’s water right on this above here I can build a stone generator let’s see if I have any iron to make a bucket I don’t remember where’s my uh oh that was that was legit this stuff here we go oh yeah three iron okay I’m wasting it for a bucket I think it’s worth it let’s open this and we can grab some water oh yeah and now we can set up an unlimited water pool oh yeah unlimited water let’s go yeah we got some lava but now I can finally make a cobblestone generator oh yeah we’re playing Sky Block now so let’s grind a bunch of cobblestone so that way we can start upgrading our one chunk and making it huge bro I just realized why did I build such a poopy cobblestone generator let’s craft some more slabs let’s go ahead and extend this all the way out all right I’ll Focus this side of the area on the farms and animals but over here on this side I’ll build the the generators and all that stuff so I don’t quite remember how to build this but um I think it’s like this the water will sit right here on this sliver and lava will be on top of it so uh just put it right here let’s put down some water let’s place down some more blocks and now for the lava so if I break this I oh I already got Stone oh yeah my stone pickaxe is so bad I can’t even mind the other Stone layers behind it like I get so close look at that okay but I’m supposed to have like Hoppers and a chest here so it collects all the stone of mine it doesn’t even matter at all though cuz I I can’t mind it but I put a slab here so it stops the water there we go Perfect all my Cobblestone is burning in the lava bro okay well yo leave me alone oh my God my house isn’t even protection I forgot it’s just the wall I’m hiding again and I’m going to spend the night mining some more uh some more layers here let’s go down to the lava area let’s cover up a little section so I can continue mining down all right we got melons underneath some food oh we got brick it’s my friend brick only OG fans know who brick is or the ones that watch my Roblox videos all right let’s keep going down the layers there’s some glazed terracotta and it seems like we got observers below us which would be helpful to build some Redstone from Trap chins but for now let’s spend the night just harvesting materials that we found inside these layers There Goes My Axe and my pickaxe all right but now that we have all this extra real estate and space right here let’s start giving these animals some room this is going to be the ugliest combo ever of wood I got to use what I have so what if I just built the dirt pods in these little Corners kind of like this it’s uh oh my God it’s even smaller than their current home I’m downgrading them oh this is so sad but it won’t look too bad if I like surround it with some more Pathways with the acacia wood like that there we go now I’ll just need to build some fences around here which um I’m probably just going to use some wood like this so I can walk over the animals and they’ll know I’m their dad and their King oh I’m done with these Phantom oh my God I hate these guys I’m going see you elevator music cuz I’m just going to sit here and wait till the day the sun rises oh yeah yeah are the Phantoms dead yes nice let’s continue building this like that and now let’s set them free yeah okay that was a little overhyped it takes so long to break these blocks come out to the Free World for enjoy your last few seconds of it cuz you’re going to be sent to another oh my God there’s actually a lot of them in there before I get them trapped though I do want to have some grass in there so like they can actually eat something not that I care it just looks better I’m going to connect all of these Corners up that way eventually they’ll all be grass all right I’ll put you guys over on this side come on come on in yes and I forgot they both eat wheat so I’m not sure how to even separate them um I might just put them in one of these pods here and I can separate them when they’re inside so it’s a little easier okay these guys are a little smarter than the pigs they know how to avoid the hole here we go I think that’s all the animals rounded up now we can finally get rid of this ugly wart stuff and the island just looks a lot cleaner now nice also guys this is so random but thank you guys so much for the report on my last video um with my mom’s update you guys were all so nice and you guys left so many nice comments and I just want to thank you guys for that I really don’t know how I got so lucky to have such an amazing Community to support me and my family and just love what I do so yeah thank you guys is this even possible to separate these guys all right I’ll see you guys when I figure this out cuz I’m about to lose brain cells okay the sun is literally Rising I spent all night trying to separate these guys and they they all just go to this corner there’s only one sheep over here what is so special about this corner guys what do you guys smell they could just mingle together I’m going to feed them all here mainly the Sheep actually now that we have all of these animals I need to build a farm cuz uh they they got nothing to eat oh you made it out get back in now so let’s work on a giant crop farm right over here so let’s continue building out this giant platform and oh my God just looking at this layer chunk is insane look how deep it goes I’ve only explored like up to there so we we got a lot more to explore okay there we go and the reason why I built this layer first is so I don’t lose on dirt you know dirt is is always pretty scarce let’s build a little border of acacia wood this is so ugly we got jungle wood here acacia wood oak wood Spruce Wood dark oak it’s it’s a it’s a mess now just split it down the middle right here oh and I’m out of wood please tell me I have more AAA wood in my chest come on bro well it looks like I’m continuing it with jungle wood right when I thought it couldn’t get uglier it does oh man all right but I don’t have a ton of dirt to work with here so I’m just going to fill in this one or fill in whatever I can with all the dirt that I have like this and a little bit over here there we go that’s all the dirt let’s grab some water and place one right here and one right here let’s craft a hoe and turn all this dirt to hose or farming yeah so I’m just going to grab whatever I got and plant them I mainly need wheat seeds so let’s focus on that here and also need carrots for the pig so let’s put it on this side I do have potatoes which is really helpful for food and beetroot seeds and melon seeds they’re kind of pointless so I’m just going to plant the beetro seeds here I don’t really know what to do with them and the Pumpkin and melon seeds I guess we’ll plant them here like that all right we got ourself a farm let’s just grab some torches and light it up so no mob spawn see you guys I remembered I’m I’m smart now all right let’s continue digging down and see what we got oh what is this wait I got a layer of levers are you kidding me this is so troll a layer of levers what am I supposed to do with all of these levers these are like stacks on stacks of them underneath it we got some yellow concrete and is this C Stone wait no this is diorite what is this Sher boxes oh yes we got oh we got iron oh we hit jackpot we hit gold let’s go okay let let’s spend some time mining all of this up it’s going to be kind of tough though cuz every single time I mine one of these shulker boxes it just fills up my inventory oh my God it’s worth it though cuz we finally got iron and I ended up mining over a stack of iron so let’s grab some Cobblestone build my first ever furnaces I think yeah do I have any coal anywhere ooh I do and let’s start smelting these let’s go there we go oh let’s uh steal the crafting table quickly and run oh there’s a liter a crafting table here all right but with all this iron I can finally make my pants and some shoes I’ve been pantsless for years let’s go and let’s craft a pickaxe an Axe and a shovel oh yeah finally what we on day like 18 I then spent the next few days just moding materials with my brand new iron pickaxe cuz I just want to load up on materials and I can finally get like emeralds and just gather everything up and after all of that mining I got just under four stacks of emeralds the rest of the iron some bricks and some quartz for building and all of these chests are filled with Sher boxes I got the rainbow in here and while I was mining the spawner started working we got chickens oh we also got a frog what up man nice to meet you yeah he he’s going to be falling for a while yo tell me tell me what layers you see bro I need to know but yeah I don’t know why it started working I’m not sure why only frogs and chickens but with these guys I can finally start making a chicken farm oh wait maybe that’s why the grass finally grew all the way to the bottom cuz the chicken is here and the Frog is oh oh yeah so Mobs Can Only spawn on grass that’s good to know let’s grab a seed and let’s try to lure up these chickens up to my base just don’t fall off the edge please oh no oh it was so nice knowing you for the the 5 Seconds at least we got these guys come meet your friends we got two faced villagers and your home can be right in here oh yeah but since all of my crops are basically grown let’s Harvest them all right let’s take these seeds and plant them let’s breed up these Chans let’s try to breed these sheep first cuz I really want a bed now that I have unlimited iron I can finally craft a shear and the rest of the cows oh there goes all my wheat and all the piggies all right but let’s craft some shears uh uh uh and finally get some wool please give me your hair craft the bed yes I can finally sleep so I literally sat on my bed and waited for the sun to set yes the Phantoms can’t get me anymore yes I’m sleeping a yeah so let’s go continue exploring this one chunk layer thingy we got some sponges this might be helpful not sure got some cauldrons right underneath we got some wool oh my God I ler could have use this to build a bed and we have some Mossy oh oh oh oh my God these are silverfish infested which I forgot to mention there actually is an End Portal at the very bottom of this one chunk after all the 347 layers the last one is the end portal frame which allows us to go to the end but uh let’s keep going down here we got some oh my God we got some copper rods That’s Unique oh and some fish a fish layer and they’re all named tropical fish okay I’m not sure what to do with all these materials here they’re so Random which is this entire layer but oh my God forgot they’re Sil fish in all of these now they’re actually real silverfish they’re in water okay but let’s continue going down what is this oh wait this is hay bales oh my God I don’t even need a farm anymore I can just turn this into wheat and have unlimited wheat now I do need to clear all this water to collect the hay though what wo I don’t want to kill all of these fish um okay I have an idea let’s run all the way up to my base which takes me forever now cuz there’s so many layers and let’s craft a bunch of buckets since I have a lot of iron now I don’t know like eight buckets uh let’s fill them all up with some water let’s run all the way back down and before I drain all of this ocean water let’s try to save some of these fish so I can like build a aquarium later on in the video I’m sorry I can’t save you all let’s save a pink one the last fish I’ll save will be uh you and for the rest of you I’m so sorry but uh we’re going to have they’re they’re all dying over there I’m so sorry but I have to do it let’s grab even more sponges up here and let’s drain out all this water I’m so sorry fish but this is going to be like a massacre now wait this is actually not working cuz it just it just respawns okay you know what let let’s let’s just be nice let’s let’s put these fish back in the water and let’s come up with a new way let’s go ahead and remove all of these copper rods there we go and now let’s head back up I’m not sure why all the fish are crowning around the corners let’s grab my hose and also craft an iron hoe just cuz I can and my idea is just to mine these hay blocks and let the water pour down so like now I’ll get the hay blocks and the fish has more place to live in you know I don’t know why I’ve resorted to killing fish to start I literally could have just done this and just mine all the hay bales on the inside there we go that got me just under three stacks of hay bales but with all of these hay bales I’m can turn them into a ton of Wheat and breed up all of these animals this is this is pretty awesome okay and now let’s put back these fish into the water yeah welcome home but now let’s continue exploring the other layers underneath here so there’s some smokers right here I just need to clear all this water and place down a sponge there we go now erase all the water and let’s continue going down we got some calite which comes from amethyst geodes I’m pretty sure and some cactuses down here we could build another farm and some sand oh wait this is all suspicious sand we should definitely get a brush and try to get a sniffer egg from here let’s clear all these cactuses and Cal from this layer so give me a room to go archaeologist thing you know what I mean all right now I just need to craft a brush so luckily I have copper and some sticks I just need a feather which I don’t think I have yet so I’m going to have to hunt down the chicken I’m so sorry his friend just witnessed his death right in front of him he doesn’t even care well here you go buddy I woke up and chose violence let’s now craft myself a brush I have no idea how to craft it what kind of orientation oh there we go and let’s start brushing for some sniffer eggs imagine get a first try and this one is a wheat seed bro well there’s like four stacks of blocks to get through here and I got a wooden hoe or a stick I got 10 sticks wait I got 10 of everything all right I can’t complain there’s some uh rotten flesh here it probably just makes it easier for the layer just so I can get some new materials that’ be that’s pretty interesting what is here oh this is something new and it’s a gold ingot okay oh my god there another one I’m a gold digger wait this is a golden apple oh yeah yo please give me 10 oh my God I got 10 and some Ron flesh okay that’s where that’s where my luck ends but let’s spend the next entire day just brushing all the suspicious sand in hopes to find a sniffer egg and some cool [Music] loot okay it’s been a few days and I think I brushed over half of the suspicious sand and this is all I got I got a bunch of iron some lapis a stack of wooden hose and a bunch of golden apples actually three netherite ingots as well which is very lucky but still no luck of of a sniffer egg I I don’t know if we’re going to get this lucky guys like we’re getting sticks a bunch of Hose rotten flashh I actually got totems which is actually really cool but no luck of a sniffer egg I really hope we can get a sniffer egg I just want one oh and there goes my second brush onto the third come on ooh more totems oh my God we got an egg oh my God wait we we got 10 eggs 10 sniffer eggs no way all right Mission successful we did it all right I’ll put it in here that was a long long process that took me hours since we’re up here and we got a ton of seeds from those suspicious sand let’s breed up these chickens let’s get a bunch of this wheat and breed up these cows oh my God I got a I got a hoard now holy cow literally and I can’t forget the piggies oh yeah but for now let’s continue exploring these layers cuz I have a lot of more layers to go cuz we’ve only explored 51 layers and there’s still you know you know how many we still 300 left basically so let’s continue here oh I I might have just broke some more sniffer eggs oh wait I can actually use this as sand cuz it is sand which means I can turn into glass and upgrade my house all right and let’s continue going down we got some bone blocks this which will make some bone meal wait hello what is this why is it just an empty layer what the heck it’s just empty is it a layer of air thank thanks Minecraft but uh underneath us is tinted glass I’m guessing wait I can mine tinted glass with a pickaxe wait how is this possible oh damn all right I’ll take it we ran into some more dirt that’s really nice I do need more dirt this is exactly what I need cuz I need to expand my farm and like I got to expand my Animal Farm cuz they’re kind of crammed up okay we got some glazed terracotta but underneath it we got some hanging ACAA signs which is very specific we got some shroom lights yes this is going to be really nice to have as lighting okay let’s continue mining down I don’t know what block this is I don’t think I’ve ever seen this block in Minecraft before hello could I even break this thing oh my God that took a while what is this hello somebody tell me in the comments I don’t even know what this is like a obsidian portal or some I don’t know this gave me 5 minutes to mine out a hole so I can dig underneath this layer cuz I have no clue what this is I mined up whatever that is and let’s continue going down we got some oak wood here oh this is bookshelves oh this is huge I can start enchanting this is actually unlimited books oh coal yes I don’t really need anymore cuz I got a layer of shroom lights but uh I could use it to smelt stuff which is very helpful and we are getting very close to that that sound that magical sound listen it’s right below me so I’m actually going to wait for for that and explore it later because I’m kind of scared I don’t know what exactly it is it does sound like alyss using all these new materials that I got from the layers I think I can finally start upgrading my base and just finish up my house first of all though I do need to make a way easier way to get up here cuz it takes a very long time to to climb up my my world oh my God I’m finally up here okay let’s focus on that first [Music] there we go I can finally walk up these stairs without taking 25 years off of my life oh yeah it’s a little bit faster but for now let’s focus on working on my base and where I live cuz it’s looking a little outdated I still need to finish my house and just make this feel like a nice place to live so let’s spend some time harvesting all of these trees and also going to the Bone layer and collecting a bunch of bone blocks okay after harvesting a bunch of trees I have a little bit of logs to work with and uh let’s turn some of these into slabs and let’s start expanding this platform where my house is it give me more room to actually finish this house okay now let’s start working on actually building this house and finishing it I did use jungle wood and jungle logs to build the wall so I’m actually just going to continue that and make the frame of the house a lot bigger just so I have a big mansion to live in kind of like this so there’s a bunch of squares footage to work with so let’s around this entire house which is actually pretty perfect it ended up right here I don’t have enough for the top part of the house but I’ll deal with that another time um it’s looking pretty good so far but let’s continue building everything else and make it feel like an actual home all right so I ran out of materials to finish building this I don’t have any more jungle logs so I was pretty scarce on placing them like literally one block on every single wall this wall only this entire wall only has one and I don’t even have enough dark oak wood to finish the roof so uh yeah I you don’t really know what to do now it it looks pretty good but to think I have all of these layers in the world and I don’t have the right materials but I have an idea I figured the only way to get a sapling to finish this is to go to this chest layer and test out my luck with these chests and pray for a dark oak sapling or a jungle sapling oh dark o sapling let’s go and that is OB the chest is open and for some reason this llama is uh is being dangled right now should I should I try to save you like try to try to get on ground here okay so this is everything that I got from all of these chests and I actually got what I needed I got um Acacia saplings a ton of like armor trims diamond armor a diamond shovel with mending oh my God I didn’t know there’s mending on it sharpness four but most importantly the dark oak sapling and the jungle sapling oh my God there’s so many animals here now holy cow it must be from the grass for now let’s go to bed oh my God how did you even spawn there’s torches everywhere oh my god there no my villagers Drew Margaret oh my God if I sleep marg’s going to die okay stop stupid how do I get him out of there okay how about I just break a hole jump through yes come on you got this come on push through push it like you’re pushing a baby go okay there we go and let me just trap you in here oh my God this guy’s a genius I’m trying to save your life right now you’re you’re making it difficult I need you yes okay I got him okay I’m going to trap him in there okay we saved the Villager we we lost Drew though rip Drew in the comments but now we can go to bed and I have pigs as Windows what the heck is going on okay but now let’s take all of my bone meal and let’s start grinding for some wood let’s plant this down get some dark oak trees go wait oh why won’t it grow wait what why won’t my boy grow my jungle sapling grow huh Minecraft are you broken okay but a change of plans I guess let’s grab some wood and let’s go ahead and expand my Island and make a little special area for the podel [Applause] okay that still isn’t enough potel what the heck that’s kind of a big circle okay and there we go I’m going to be honest I haven’t even tested if the dark oak does grow on this so I kind of made this for no reason but let’s pray let’s grab some bow meal come on please grow it still won’t grow hello what what do you need to do to satisfy this dark oak sapling what do I need to do do I need to kiss it make it love like make it dinner take it out on a date what just grow I’m searching this up have to grow dark oak sapling requires four oh my God they don’t grow individually let’s just continue grinding jungle wood I’m sick of it that literally makes no sense at all and using this now I can add it to the walls just to change up the texture a little bit I guess kind of like this I don’t even have Spruce Wood to make the roof so yeah I’m kind of stumped here but let’s just do what I can next which is make some glass but while I was waiting for the glass to smell I kind of just did nothing I ran around like a bot and harassed some pigs yep all right let’s take all my glass and turn it into paines because I just get way more and let’s fill her in and now I finally got myself some windows inside the house with still no roof so all the ranking just pour right in but uh this this is an improvement now let’s actually work on a chest room and like organize this a little bit better let’s grab all of my chests and kind of lay it out here I think this this is pretty good so all my valuable stuff will go inside the middle chest and then I’ll just throw all the dump items in the corners so let’s start organizing it all and also build myself a nice little room with a bed in it so I have a nice cozy place to sleep and there we go I’m sleeping beside two giant pieces of meat how I like it just some nice red raw meat but uh yeah that is my house so far it’s not fully complete yet but we have an upgraded house and a bed and I even came up some new names epic valuables normal me I got gray stuff for stone and Cobblestone which I don’t have a lot I got got Drake for the wood and the other blocks that I kind of like but yeah and then some some junk here and some actual straight up garbage so yeah but that is the house basically half complete but now let’s continue exploring the layers cuz I haven’t even gotten through a hundred of the layers and we still have so much to explore so let’s go all the way down and I’m pretty sure could you please move and I’m pretty sure the last layer that I was at I heard a bunch of scary noises oh my my God I still hear it there the magical noises I’m kind of curious on what this is what is below me there’s nothing hello oh wait oh they’re alleys oh my God there’s so many of them oh wow there’s a lot of them okay um I don’t oh no they’re escaping I don’t know what alleys are really good for yet I haven’t even really used them but uh I’m going to contain them right here oh okay I have a cool view of the alleys right here let’s continue going down we got some slabs of mossy cobblestone and some bamboo this does open up more dirt for me which is really nice so I’m just going to mine all of this it’s funny that dirt is like the most hated thing in normal Minecraft but when you play challenges like Sky Block or one block or one chunk dirt is the most valuable thing all right what’s below me we got some iron bar oh what is this oh stripped jungle wood why do we get more jungle wood get me some more like dark oak wood man I got to finish my house oh we got some iron bars this would be good for decoration as well yo there’s leaves yes oh wait do I see cookies underneath as well oh my God we got banners of cookies a whole layer of them and also a layer of leaves this is literally my dream oh yeah yes this is actually my happy place I’m I’m I’mma steal oh what just hit me oh wait wait who is hiding inside these banners wait what wait what oh my it’s a skeleton of course yeah that’s right fall off okay but let’s collect all of these banners okay but the layer underneath me is Obsidian which means we can finally head to the nether I did get a flint and steel too from opening those chests earlier in the video so uh I’m really curious to see what the nether looks like cuz the nether is also one chunk and what’s underneath oh my God it’s Diamonds oh wait is this a whole layer of Diamonds oh my god oh and there goes my pickax I can’t mind anymore but yes we can upgrade everything to Diamonds finally okay first things first let’s place these banners on my house yeah this is the cookie Dojo put one here and here also some on the corners like this and it just adds some nice decoration oh even beside my bed this is awesome okay but I already have three diamonds in here I’m just going to use that and craft a diamond pickaxe oh yeah dude my brain is Flowing with like happiness right now look at all these diamonds guys this is awesome so yeah I got a little carried away and Min the entire layer I have four stacks of diamonds I have five pieces of obsidian which is enough to make an enchantment table but I want a little bit more so I can craft a Nether Portal soon and then explore the layered one chunk inside the nether all right so with all of these diamonds let’s craft up the armor that I’m missing let’s craft the helmet the boot and the leggings oh yeah look at me let’s craft an axe a shovel and you cannot forget the hoe wait I already have a shovel I’m stupid there we go we have completely upgraded and now since we went through that bookshelf layer let’s grab some books and craft ourselves an enchantment table there we go and let’s make a bunch of bookshelves and let’s just place this right in front of my bedroom is it level 30 oh I’m just under let’s craft two more bookshelves yeah level 30 and our first enchantment efficiency 4 okay I do have lapis let’s enchant that please have Unbreaking a it doesn’t but there we go let’s also enchant my axe with fortune 3 that’s it and also my other armor I don’t really care what I get cuz enchantments are enchantments protection four protection three and protection three I’m happy with that oh yeah oh wait I just remembered when we first started the world we ran right into this netherite layer and I couldn’t mind it but now we can yes okay I don’t really remember what to do with this do I need a smel I think I do I only have one piece of coal left though which is kind of sad but does it get me the netherite Ingot oh it gets me netherite scraps I forgot okay let’s go grab some coal I remember we ran into a coal layer all the way at the bottom but it’s a lot easier to mind this with efficiency 4 and Diamond so this is going great we’re advancing pretty quickly now all right I got about a stack of coal let’s throw it in here and wait for all this ancient debr to smelt oh yeah okay if I combine these it gets me eight pieces of ingots and that’s actually perfect there we go let’s place this uh right here below my cookie and let’s turn this all into nether oh my God I forgot Minecraft changes to to where you need a netherite template do I have that please tell me I do netherite template please I don’t have it oh my God okay maybe the nether has it cuz you do get that in bastions I’m pretty sure so it looks like we’re going to be heading to the nether soon but before we head there I want to upgrade just a little bit more like get a fully enchanted bow upgrade my food to some some meat all right the sun is rising and I think I’m ready all right but let’s grab some more wood and expand the island even more so I can build Nether Portal right over here and kachow we got ourselves the nether portal and let’s go in okay looks like we loaded into the W forest byome and yeah we are on a one chunk with a ton of other layers I see shers down there maybe or some type of mob the main thing we’re looking for is netherite templates I don’t really need anything else here so let’s just mine out from here oh my God it is layer underneath is some Soul Sand this would be really cool this is actually Soul soil we got some black stone some mushrooms down here with the Crimson biome Forest thingy okay there’s some more Enderman here too let’s uh let’s kill them oh my God there’s so many spawning die yes I got six oh looting three is so op 13 oh yeah okay let’s continue going down um there’s a layer of lava let’s cover up these walls here and block that off there we go and let’s continue mining down we got some normal oh my God there’s more lava down here wait oh I just burned the striders oh wait they don’t burn that’s their home there’s a lot of shers what’s up guys they all look pretty cold you know what here I’ll give you guys a home I didn’t mean to burn myself okay but let’s continue digging down what else can we find OOH some more nether quartz okay I can use that to build oh and gravel okay wait this gravel is actually really good cuz I do have a ton of stacks of coar dirt and home I can combine coarse dirt and gravel to make dirt or something like that I forgot okay underneath this there we got um oh oh oh we got some some signs okay oh and some weird oh my this is kind of trippy some weird Vines and stairs on under it this is the weirdest combination of blocks and items ever but uh let’s continue going down cuz I really need to find myself the netherite template I’m praying that it’s here and there’s like a Bastion layer oh here we go here we go we’re hitting the we’re hitting the Blackstone maybe this is the Bastion and it’s lava let’s get rid of all of this okay we got fences underneath which I don’t really need either let’s just clear that out it just makes it pretty annoying to navigate but underneath me sounds like a bunch of piglin brutes or whatever they are those ugly dudes so oh my God there is oh my God they got bows pointed at me already dude how many are there holy cow I’m I’m going to go crowd surfing like a rock star if I jump in there let’s use my bow for once oh they got nothing on me you know what I’m going to hop in there yo oh my God there’s spawners down here oh my God I did not expect that am might die in here I’m might die in here let’s eat my golden apple just in case oh my God my Thorns killed them that’s how weak they are never mind these guys are poo go away I’ll make I’ll I’ll make a I’ll make a Mau farm for you guys later okay what’s underneath me we got some more Soul Sand um what is this layer oh slabs ooh we got some glow stone I do have a silk touch shovel so let’s uh mine this with the shovel and I’m actually going to head home and put some stuff away cuz right now my stuff my inventory is a little too messy take all of my junk I don’t want it I’m too lazy to even organize it right now okay we’re back in oh my God there’s magma cubes now I just knocked knocked him off sorry about your dad bro all right see you later man please get off my path and let’s continue searching my staircase here is so messed up but oh well the last layer was the the Crimson high right here so let’s mine this away and this is some more Basalt stuff I think oh my what just face through the floor was that a Magma Cube oh my God it was oh I almost died that piglin almost knocked me off bro came out of nowhere okay but it seems like there’s a wither skeleton layer which is not good they do a lot of damage oh my God there’s so many holy cow let’s kill a few of these guys let’s see what we can get maybe we get lucky here and oh I actually got a head oh yeah oh okay I’m sorry we got one we just need two more but uh kind of scared of these guys so I’m actually just going to go on the outside here over here we got some more black stone and some of these Nether wart blocks which is useless we’re getting a lot of repeating things right now yes okay there is a layer of chests I really hope there’s items inside of it is there oh there is oh we already found it oh there’s another one right here oh this is so nice these chests are actually loaded okay let’s mine out these two layers so I have room to explore all of these chests all right let’s start opening some chests this feels like Lucky Blocks again let’s see what I can get oh my God this place is loaded oh my god let’s put a few chests up here so I can just unload all of my stuff in here and let’s dig through all of this and after searching through all of these chests like a little porcupine or a raccoon looking for Junk this is everything that I got I in fact did not get junk these chests are actually op all of them are just fill of diamond tools and armor I got three fully enchanted golden apples a bunch of armor that I don’t even know like I didn’t really look at them like this is mending on it I got 26 netherite upgrades diamonds iron tons of blocks and like I there’s so much stuff so the main things I took home are these armor pieces that have a lot of mending on it actually wait they all have mending my golden apples and some some goodies but the main thing I was looking for is this netherite so let’s finally craft them together yeah netherite everything let’s go yippe yes and now I can take all this mending stuff too and combine it with this armor I hope oh maybe I should have left it as Diamond huh if only I had basically unlimited more netherite I can just maybe craft these into netherite as well and then now I can combine it literally the most expensive thing I’ve ever done but you know what it it’s so worth it there we go all my armor has mending on it now but let’s actually head back to the NE because there are still a few more layers that I want to explore all the way to the very bottom uh-oh there’s a layer of fire oh my God okay that’s very unique oh we got blazes too oh no these guys are going to cause me some trouble I’m going to quickly jump down and oh they already hit me that’s a let’s actually just build on the outside and hope they can’t shoot me through this trap door oh my God there’s a lot of blazes in there look at them oh yep that was not ideal I shouldn’t have done that okay this layer we have a bunch of these wart thingies again um I don’t really need Netherrack like whoever does we got some more nether blocks and we hit Bedrock okay we have fully explored the nether chunk with all of its layers which is pretty surprising but it actually gave us some pretty op things but since we just finished raiding the entire Nether and it’s one chunk I realized that we’re going pretty slowly here I’ve only explored 88 of the 347 layers inside the Overworld we we really need to get going here I’m hearing something below me you guys hear that that sounds very familiar I think you guys know what that is but yep they Iron Golems we also got layers of Mangrove trap doors bamboo trap doors and these Crimson ones or warped ones but luckily I’m pretty set on iron now so I don’t really need these guys let’s go down we got some ter oh wao we got some zombie heads below us oh my it’s just heads it’s just an army of zombie heads let’s just move on and below me what are these oh we got furnaces that’s that’s a little late wi furnaces like 95 layers down this could have been helpful when I first started we got some some gray concrete here and some more slabs okay some quartz slabs this would be nice to build with as well we got some more chiseled uh oh wo we got rails oh wait we can make a oh my God I thought that was a ghast we have reached the clouds that’s how high up we’ve been oh my God the layer of just straight up foxes oh look at them swarm me what why wait why do they want me so bad oh wait they want the blocks never mind I thought I thought they wanted me oh that’s a bummer I really don’t want them going up my Island though so I’m going to block them off oh and they’re already coming in okay okay okay when do you guys stop it’s a train it’s an actual train oh my God stop stop stop get back in there I think it’s uncontrollable now I I have lost it I’ve lost it all right this is enough oh wa what just happened why did a bunch of these skulker veins spread everywhere there’s too many foxes around here what is this are these Nether Portals oh my God there’s a whole nether portal layer what the heck okay I wasn’t expecting that ooh more chests there’s no way this compares to the nether though there’s no chance wait oh maybe it does maybe it does look at all of these items I broke all the chests and this is everything I got I can’t even pick it up right now so I got to I got to quickly move it all inside these chests before it despawns maybe it was a bad idea to do this [Applause] [Music] oo the best thing I got are probably these enchanted golden apples I got five and some pretty good enchantments as well ooh honey blocks corals okay and some more water some Spore blossoms a layer of comparators nice oh we got wheat gives you more dirt though which is nice a layer of sea cucumbers perfect that that’s my dream bamboo oh my God a layer of doors I’m done oh my god there wither skeleton heads here yo wait I can just spawn in like oh and there goes my pickaxe but this whole layer is withered skeleton head I can just spawn in like a gazillion Withers but for now let’s put everything away and start working on my base cuz I’m ready to start upgrading this entire thing and make like a giant world but let’s craft myself another pickaxe cuz I I broke my other one and the first enchantment will be the most OP I don’t even have enough levels oh my God I’m poor dude all right let’s head into The Nether and start grinding for some XP cuz luckily there’s a bunch of mobs over there oh efficiency 4 right here mending another efficiency 4 I can combine those two and Unbreaking that’s everything I need so now let’s take my pickaxe and let’s first do the efficiencies to make efficiency five uh let’s put Unbreaking on it let’s put mending on it and now let’s just turn that into a netherite pickaxe oh yeah this is the most OP pickaxe I’ve ever had let’s go all right now I’m ready to start working on my island or my one chunk world so let’s first start working on expanding this Farm cuz now we are a lot richer and we could definitely expand this so let’s first start by expanding the platform so I built two more areas of Farmland over here and I already ran out of AAA wood W I’m kind of struggling here let’s now expand my Island a little bit this way to give myself a little area to farm these trees and let’s get grinding AAA wood oh yeah honestly this wood is a little underrated it’s not that bad but you guys know me I still prefer my spruce wood all right let’s turn all this AA wood into planks what and let’s finish up this Farm expansion there we go that adds two more full PODS of farming land now we just got to place down all of this dirt here let’s grab a hoe my 10 stocked hes which doesn’t make any sense and hold that into some farmland and now I can just mine this and I get dirt back oh yeah and I’m probably never going to use gravel anyway so let’s just keep doing this until I have a bunch of more dirt all right turned all of this into normal dirt and now let’s build the platform for another farming layer this one will probably be like potatoes while that could all be wheat we also put another one right beside it here that will be something else with some water but let’s start planting [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go I got a pretty nice Farm going now of the crops here got some pumpkins and melons some grow berries growing and some bamboo at the back oh yeah I also got a nice little tree farm over here and a pretty insane Stone generator wait now I can actually mine it all oh yeah I still need some Hoppers and some chests though there we go yeah let’s continue expanding my world I I don’t really have much here cuz there’s so many lays to explore it’s hard to balance my time let’s expand this way I want to have a little pod for every single tree let’s grab some more oak wood uh uh uh also some dirt and let’s build a few more pods for my Oak saplings and all the other saplings I’ll probably get all right so over here I have the oak sapling and I have two more pods here just in case I find other saplings when I explore this giant layer let’s slap down a chest somewhere maybe just like right here I don’t really care and let’s throw a bunch of bone meal in there and some saplings okay now I want to upgrade my Animal Farm cuz I feel kind of bad having them all trapped with like 1 cm of air to breathe in all of my other things got pretty spacious nice looking like areas and the animals are just crammed up but uh yeah let’s let’s get building all right I got the platform built out and now I just need to fill it all in with dirt and I actually got way further than I thought I just need like less than a stack left wow that was that pretty good let’s actually take some of this dirt wait never mind I just remembered I have a silk touch shovel I can just grab some of this grass here and replace random blocks with it so it grows around oh yeah it’s nice being rich and let’s surround this entire perimeter now there’s no way they’re escaping let’s put down some fence gates some random lighting here and there all right now let’s somehow move all of these guys over there I’m probably just going to build a staircase on the back side right here and prey no animals fall off into the void that would kind of suck and then have it go right over this new land right here for them and you know what let’s be nice and add some fences so they just don’t die and I think we’re ready let’s let’s break this down oh yeah come with oh my God look at all their heads turn oh my God look at this I have a whole parade with me come on in oh my God I have a way more cows than I thought and lastly the piggies there we go I have so many animals I did not realize I breeded this many holy cow literally but all the other anims that didn’t make it and won’t listen I’m sorry but uh it’s it’s your time okay but now let’s collect all of this grass here and let’s use this grass to finish up this new Farm the entire Farm is filled up and done and now we just need to get rid of all of this and the island is so much cleaner now without this ugly box right here we still need to save Margaret Margaret where did Margaret go she just turned into Ash and disappeared no our only villager I was just about to revive her and bring her back from the dead and now she’s she’s been dead oh no rip Margaret in the comments guys that’s so sad all right but I think that’s enough work for my Island right now like I keep saying we have so many layers to explore and so many different blocks to find okay but let’s continue going downwards we got some Pistons oh my God TNT wait a second this is kind of crazy just a whole layer of TNT yo let me collect all of this what is this some beehives oh it is oh my I just broke down like three layers by accident got some composters and I’m hearing a lot of dogs you guys hear that oh my god there a layer of dogs no way ooh Some emeralds I hear fire as well there are dogs y wait there’s so many we can have a whole Army of dogs we’re going to somehow have to come up with the name for every single one of these guys oh wait I didn’t mean to punch you I didn’t mean oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn’t mean to punch you you’re in the way get him get oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m actually dead wait why did these wolves do more damage than other mobs go go go go go I can’t there’s too many I’m dead I’m actually going to die I’m getting swarmed how do I get out what do I do go go go go go oh my God just made it up okay maybe maybe the dog Army was a bad idea um they’re probably going to be mad at me forever now what if I walk all the way up back to my base which would take like 5 minutes all right so I’ve been waiting up here for a few minutes hoping the dogs kind of for get about me kind of like all of my friends and family but let’s grab some bones actually I need a lot of it where all my bone blocks at is it over here oh yeah here we go oh wait that g that gives me bone meal can’t get bone blocks back in the bones that that makes zero sense okay I have an idea let’s grab my looting three sword and kill a bunch of wither skeletons again and collect their bones pause and now let’s head back down to the dog layer and pray they’re not mad at me let’s see oh they’re not mad at me anymore what’s up friends since you’re not mad at me anymore I got a bunch of bones for you guys yeah you guys going to all be my friends oh yeah finally I’m paying for friends with food but there we go I think I got most of them a few of these guys were being a little difficult and didn’t want to be my friend but look I have a whole dog Army okay let’s make sure all of them are standing up and not sitting and let’s take them to the top of my world honestly I feel like a few of them will die in the process cuz uh there’s the void right next to me but let let’s see if this works no we already lost one the sacrifice must be made a few of them Must Die oh no we got creepers here too no doggies oh my my God they’re falling from the guy you guys got them dogs I’m sorry no my dogs I think most of them are good so far let’s slowly make it up I I really need to make a water elevator or something oh no there’s some dogs burning okay we made it up oh yeah okay we got a bunch of wolves up here we did lose some during the journey but at least majority of them are here all right but let’s finally expand this way into the one chunk and over on this side is where all the dogs will be living and where I’m going to be building the dog house and now let’s start building the dog house so it’s basically just going to be an overhand where the dogs can all live freely underneath it so like they’re protected from rain and I build a nice brick roof on top of it there we go we got a little dog house right here it’s kind of like a a little Shack but I think it looks pretty good I can’t believe this is finished before my actual house though it’s kind of it’s kind of disappointing let’s grab some more bone blocks and just place it around their home so they got unlimited food to eat all right William George Arnold Osborne Mac monk Alysa Liz Ashley fart monster all of you guys come with me yeah come with me please do not fall off the edge it’s a very tight oh oh okay there all right okay you guys you guys saw nothing come inside this is your new home there we go the dog house is done all right but enough dogging around we got to we got to go all the way down to the bottom of this layer cuz the end portal is down there and we’re running low on days so we really need to go explore that it’s G me 10 years to run down all right oh I totally forgot there’s even more dogs down here well sorry guys I can’t give you guys a home but let’s continue going down okay what is this some snow ooh Some amethyst I still hear that fire oh my God we’re on Sawmills our Feet’s being chopped up right now all these Stone Cutters oh my God we’re getting like ancient here we got the warden block we got some load stone that looks like mythical almost got campfires like cavemen used to use and we got some ancient pots oh my God it gives you bricks when you break it and it’s so satisfying listen oh my God are those heads I feel kind of wrong mining their heads e it’s so gross they even have their their ears still attached dude wait why do I look more attract acve now okay this is messed up is this melons oh wait this is more sponges they’re wet sponges ooh oh some more chests y please have some insane loot again it was so fun opening these chests oh yeah oh yeah enchanted golden apples so let’s throw all my items inside of here just so have an empty inventory and let’s start breaking all these chests let’s see what I can get and I got all of these items a ton of more Diamond armors some more enchanted golden apples I haven’t even really looked through all of this I remember seeing one thing that was super op though I don’t remember where it went um oh this the diamond ho with efficiency five so yeah I’m definitely keeping that but let’s continue exploring these layers I still have a lot more to go I don’t think I’m even halfway through I need to start hurrying let’s mine okay we got some ice oh we got some Brewing stands and some bamboo blocks got some flower pots a bunch of decorations and this is the first ever crops we’ve gotten in a while the most useless plant ever but at least it gives us more dirt oh yeah and diamonds underneath it let’s go no I also don’t really need diamonds anymore so all of this can go into the void just casually throwing away diamonds let’s go through even more blocks what we got here oh I think this is our first sugar cane we got a new crop to farm some mushroom blocks ooh Some More glowstone inside the overall that’s cool we don’t need to go to the nether for that and a layer of just straight sunflowers some ugly leaves looks like things are oh my wait wait wao wo why why is this sheep changing colors they’re all changing colors or am I just like high as a kite I guess you named sheep jab they change colors I didn’t even know that what happens if you shear a color changing sheep I’m guessing I’m just going to get white wool what are you going to get me yep yep just white wool and let’s continue going down we got some anvils oh some more dirt oh yeah oh my what the heck I forgot anvils fall no my shovel oh bro you got to be kidding me time to run all the way back up oh my give me 5 days okay ended up finding this shovel inside one of those chests so let’s just turn this into a netherite shovel name it subscribe and we’re back in business now give me another lifetime to get back [Music] down wait oh my God there’s TNT wait wait what why did one TNT block just blow up hold up this is so troll oh my God I thought I thought everything was about to get destroyed got TNT and oh there’s water oh my God that is so troll well I’m going to collect all this TNT cuz that scares me oh I’m dead I’m de I’m de I’m de I’m de I’m dead I’m dead oh my God I didn’t know what to do I was too scared to stand here cuz I thought it knocked me off well we got some ender chests below me I haven’t even touched an Ender Chest in years of Minecraft now that Sher boxes existed these basically became like useless what block is this is this a netherite template thingy oh it is oh my God we got we’re walking on ender dragon heads ooh there’s there’s a whole layer of them oh oh okay we’re getting close to the end I think we’re getting close to the end portal I did did not expect these guys to come out of the ground okay since we ran into a giant layer of Ender dragon heads and also piglin brute heads and wither skeleton heads let’s Harvest all of them and make a giant wall of heads cuz why not I feel like it’ll be funny to look at okay I’m finally out of the dumps I spent days in there days in the coal mine mining these heads I wish it was a faster way to mine them it took so long all rest of my plan for this giant wall of heads is going to be right behind all of these animals just to scare them I don’t know like to make grow fatter or something let’s uh expand out this platform this way and a little bit higher like this so all we got to do now is just place down a bunch of these blocks and mix in a bunch of these heads I don’t even know why I’m doing this okay this is going to be absolutely massive okay I finished up this giant wall of heads I haven’t taken a look at it yet but I had to stop because I hit the build limit it’s 319 I’m really excited to see how this wall of head looks you guys probably already know what it looks like cuz of the replay mod but I haven’t seen it yet and the Moment of Truth oh my I can’t even tell their heads they just look like a bunch of black boxes honestly especially up there with the with the Note Blocks but I could definitely see the piglin brute that was 12 stacks of heads basically all right but let’s get right back into mining this layer it’s getting a little repetitive we’re get running into a lot of blocks that are kind of pointless but it’s always pretty exciting to see what’s coming next we have 116 layers to go well 115 now but what was the point of this layer oh there must have been snow golems in here right they must have died somehow maybe they melted to death but yeah that means we’re just about 2/3 the way there meaning we are about 67% through this entire one chunk with 20 days left so let’s continue exploring oh we ran into more heads skeleton heads we got some prismarine stairs which is kind of pointless what is this got just a layer of of mold oh oh my this looks like my fridge and all the cheese inside of it I don’t like remember to throw out okay but I we got some gravel oh my God we got dragon eggs wait I don’t even need to go to the the end anymore we just got a bunch of these oh my God wait where where are they all going to go if I right click them oh my God they’re probably everywhere right now we got a layer of oh we got some heads we can add this to the wall we got spawners we got Guardian silverfish there’s a phantom spawner down here there’s a piglin spawner for some reason they’re not attacking me they’re kind of just confused and lost in the sauce right now but yeah we can make a pretty op M Farm here if you wanted to but do I really want to that’s the real question yes wait wait wait we found dark oak wood oh my God this is huge guys yes finally after like 230 layers or something we ran into dark oak wood we can finally finish our house let’s mine up all of this dark oak wood and all this gravel and head back up to our base all right let’s turn this wood into some stairs oh yeah and also some slabs and now I can finally finish on this house finally oh this feels so good okay let’s put down some slabs to cover up this first layer let’s finish up this backside like so let’s add a little bit more of a a hump right here I guess so it looks more natural let’s get onto the second layer and I can finally finish up this roof now we just need to light it up so no mobs spawn and there we go our house is finally done well I don’t have doors but that’s just a hassle to be honest yes that was like what 81 82 days in the making just to have this finished Little Shack speaking about homes I kind of want to build a house out of every single block that I can get inside this giant one chunk layer cuz I feel like that would be fun just a mix of every random block to build up a cool little house so let’s build a little platform right across of my dogghouse that is big enough to hold 350 random blocks for a house all right there’s another platform I just need to build a house on top of it so I do have a bunch of the blocks that I collected inside these chests which is kind of hard to uh hard to organize you know like I don’t really know where they came from so what I’m going to do is I’m literally just going to mine like from this corner all the way [Music] down oh that was a bad idea I could have lost everything right [Music] there this is so much work all these stairs I’ve done more stairs in this video than my entire life and that’s not even a joke [Music] oh I forgot there’s TNT down [Music] there dang silverfish the silverfish yeah that’s right oh wait I haven’t even been here yet I I just ran into all these pandas oh wait I just went down a few layers without even realizing and what is hitting me know what hit me what oh was that guy you tried kid and there we go we got three double chests of random blocks and a little bit more to build a house with which is is about 200 items I think let’s just build a little frame for this house so I kind of know what shape and size to work [Music] with okay there we go I built a little McDonald’s Shack it’s pretty simple and I’m just going to replace every single wood block with one of these blocks so let’s just get started I don’t even care what the order is it would make sense to put like diamond blocks and ores and stuff right in the middle here but we’re just going to go with the most random order here and that is one wall it actually looks pretty cool we got some ancient debris some restone blocks hay sponges and we still have all of these to go through so let’s start placing them all down oh my my axe broke craft that combine these together turn this into netherite and Bam but the house is looking pretty good so far I already used up all of my blocks though I only have these ones left in my inventory so let’s break all this add these blocks and the creeper head and a chain and there we go that is our partially finished house with all of the blocks that have mine so far but now we’re pushing to day 90 so we really got to get going here we still have about 80 layers to get through so let’s get mine in here I want to run into like a beacon or something like a Wither phase what is it Oh I thought this was floating water got some more glass some leaves I love my leaves ooh Some Cherrywood finally some more mushroom blocks I don’t have silk touch unfortunately oh there’s the beacons I knew it was coming I don’t know why I just had a gut feeling oh my God I could literally get every enchantment not enchantment every effect that I want hold up this is awesome okay let’s mine a bunch of these all right I got 21 beacons yeah um I want to have a giant pyramid like right here that will hold a bunch of beacons and just have them shine around that would be so cool with all the effects I don’t know if I have enough blocks for it though I need a ton of diamond blocks and gold blocks and everything that I can get so let’s grab all of this let’s turn everything that I own into blocks I don’t think this is going to be enough though because I do want to make a giant fat Beacon pyramid so let’s go down and collect even more Ores that I have around I hope I have more Ores around like I have two right here laying around some iron eight gold ingots two emeralds oh wait I’m literally standing on a layer of iron blocks what am I doing I L could M this there we go I got all the iron blocks let’s go searching for some more Ores there are a bunch of gold ores right here that I don’t really want to mine and smelt ooh there’s a diamond ore layer if I have Fortune three this will get me a a ton and I swear there’s a gold layer oh there is yes okay let’s mine all of this now all right I got all the gold and the iron which adds another eight stacks of blocks that’s got to be enough to make like the biggest Beacon ever with the 21 beacons that I own right I hope so but let’s also turn the ores that I got into blocks let’s throw Fortune 2 on my oh I do I do not have enough levels BR let’s go to the nether grind some levels enchant for fortune 3 wow that was actually first try that is insane and M all the emeralds and diamond ores let’s turn all of these into blocks and see what we get wait raw gold do I need to smelt this oh I do that got me 61 blocks of emeralds and diamonds which is pretty good and I also have some more iron turn that into 14 blocks and let’s craft a bunch of more furnaces uh uh uh uh uh place them anywhere let melt up all of this gold all right let’s grab all of this gold and turn all of this into blocks which will get me 56 so with all the blocks that I got and crafted in mind that gets me a total of this many blocks okay we’re going to actually build this over here I think it’s going to be it’s going to look so cool let’s now extend this path out a little bit so I’m not in the way of any of these houses that I have cuz this is going to be the fattest pyramid ever so let’s just start off with the boring iron I have no idea how big I can even build this thing but uh let’s just start in the pyramid and see how it goes and how big it gets and this is is my giant pyramid honestly I thought it would be a lot bigger but it’s pretty chunky it’s it’s pretty wide um I ran out of blocks to fully complete it here so I just added some diamond blocks like as a little layer to make it look cool I guess and let’s place them all down oh yeah 21 didn’t even fit halfway through it I still need mine more but that looks so awesome all right the Sun is setting I have 34 beacons let’s place them all down oh yeah we got junus be Beacon pyramid right here all right let’s grab my diamonds emeralds and whatever else I got and just start giving myself every single effect possible there we go all six effects and it sounds pretty insane right here all these beacons oh yeah okay but let’s go to bed and tomorrow is a pretty big day because it’s day 99 and we need to get through like 60 layers to get to the end portal frame oh my God there’s camels in here their heads are sticking through the roof oh my God I would save you guys but I don’t have time sorry I got to go we got some mushrooms some amethyst oh we found diamond blocks we could have added this to the whole Beacon setup oh my God we got bees I got to be careful not to hit them or they’ll go crazy at me we got a some fences a layer of cakes some bamboo ooh Some sea lanterns there’s a lot of layers we haven’t explored holy cow oh my God there’s netherite blocks here and we got a whole thing of Enchantment tables of frogs on it I didn’t even realize there were frogs for a second some wood oh my God how many more layers do I have here holy okay some dude boxes I’m I’m is Ming straight down here oh I wish I could explore this at normal speed we got some wait I think I found it oh I got to be careful here hold up okay there’s a a layer of flowers and and grass but there’s end crystals right here okay I’m going to I’m going to build up a little bit take my bone arrow and shoot it oh my God it blew up the entire layer of end crystals but there it is the end portal frame let’s blow that up just in case oh my God all right let’s clear out my inventory here and I even brought some blaze powder and some ender pearls you get the Eye of Ender here and let’s hop right in the middle and light up this portal it’s time let’s go oh my God I totally forgot the end is layers as well let’s head up onto the island here oh my God this looks so trippy the pillars are also layers as well let’s just go ahead and break off these end crystals here that’s two I can’t remember the last time I even did this go away yeah if you attack me my Thorns attacks back let’s get this one there we go oh my God even the fence up there is layer do you see that here we go Bam Bam these ones are pretty high up so I’m going to place down a water bucket and just build all the way up let’s destroy all of these other end crystals and I think that is all of them sorry Dragon but your time is over and let’s shoot up this dragon with a ton of arrows oh he’s going down I’m coming down with you oh my Thorns is doing some work oh okay let me get underneath him and slap his head his big KSI forehead might as well just eat my enchanted golden apples cuz I got it I haven’t ate a single one yet you can’t run from me he’s getting pretty low right now he only has a sliver left and these layers are getting kind of annoying I I literally got to jump over with blocks let’s eat another enchanted golden apple cuz why not and the dragon’s scared he’s flying so high right now he doesn’t want this smoke and then I can finish him off look how high he is he’s so scared okay here he goes he’s coming down sorry man that’s your mistake you’re you’re not even going to be able to touch the ground yet yeah look at look at how he died he’s like sideways yes nice and we got the dragon egg the original dragon egg not the fake ones in the layers this is the real one let’s grab a torch where did it go here ah oh I fell through okay I’m back here I need to run all the way back down it’s almost the end of day 100 I need to get down quick let me just jump down please don’t die let me just eat these golden apples here um maybe I’ll live oh this is the fastest way down oh Pig came down with me I need to get the original dragon egg that’s the goal oh my God I’m not taking any damage with this I got the resistance from the beacons I got the regen I got golden apples I’m literally op right now I just make sure to not fall into the void come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my god oh oh that was so close I literally almost fell into the void L just two more blocks okay let’s go into The Nether or the end stupid layers in the way let’s mine this oh my god let’s take a torch underneath it and take the dragon egg yeah the only original Block in this entire game in this entire one chunk world is the dragon egg everything was pretty much altered except this oh my God but thank you guys so much for watching this video was a lot of fun and it took me like 40 hours to do if you guys want more cookie content go check out my Rox Channel I post almost every single day of my friend brick and it’s just a lot of fun go subscribe and uh I’ll see you guys later please go stop oh

I Survived 100 Days in a RANDOM LAYER ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore
buy limited hand-signed posters: https://creatormerch.com/products/acookiegod5million

• I Survived 50 HOURS in a ONE CHUNK: https://youtu.be/UYMVN-VIOD4


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This MINECRAFT 100 DAYS HARDCORE CHALLENGE is inspired by @niftysmith , Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this CHALLENGE is similar to my HARDCORE MINECRAFT SERIES video because its still HARDCORE MINECRAFT! And instead of ONE BLOCK we are on a RANDOM LAYER CHUNK!

100 Days, But It’s a RANDOM Layer One Chunk


#minecraft #hardcore #but


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