This Update BREAKS Minecraft…

well it happened again Minecraft broke everything because why not you see if you go to your inventory and you shift click on an item it goes the items should bolt across your inventory because why not and you know maybe that’s pretty cool the issue is that if you put on like any texture pack at all and try and do the same thing the item just disappears for a second and then like Quantum tunnels to the other side of your inventory it’s terrible now this really isn’t that big of an issue by itself but it’s getting really annoying that literally every single time this game updates they break something without even realizing it like why oh I just don’t have a first Rush well that’s kind of helpful actually cuz I’m really terrible at this game but yeah updates before have literally made it so you can’t see name tags at all if they’re behind a wall which like ruins game they made it so when you go in third person there’s a chance that it just breaks and shows you a frame of like yourself like zoomed out by 300 trillion blocks and that actually killed me before like whenever this game updates it just breaks also every team around me is just dead so I don’t get to play the actual game what the heck you I’m going to take my rage out on you you probably you work for Mojang how dare you let this bug happen get in the void I’m actually assuming that that that guy does not that does not work for Mojang but you know what my point still SS oh this dude has better armor than me and deep slate how fun I got to you got to love bedw Wars okay bedw warss is great and speaking of things that are great moang also decided to like remove some weird I don’t even know what it is there’s like some weird abbreviation like feature they removed a file in 1.21 that like makes every single server just not work anymore except for like the featured ones which really interesting I don’t know anything about that so I I don’t know uh okay well that’s also probably not a good thing that they did and everyone has deep slate why I just want to play the game you haven’t upgraded your gen yet but you have deep slate cuz of course you do dude get out of here I’m beating you up with an iron pickaxe somehow okay they’re probably just going to leave the game before you even get their bed no yeah you don’t get a li sir Leo Leo Leo Leo bye also can I say every single time I go in my inventory I forget that this stupid bug exists and I think I’m just like lagging out because my internet just cannot be trusted and it like jump scares me every time especially if I’m like streaming it’s like oh no is my internet gone did the stream just crashed for the 14th time but no it turns out Minecraft Bedrock is just bad so that’s fun also this person has stuff when did that happen who permitted this who per get off the map goodbye dories don’t do anything okay I should I should have known that what okay my punishment for losing that last game is I now have to play on Igloo everyone knows Igloo is just the best map of all time don’t you like how there’s just ice in the floor so you can just slip around on accident it’s great at least it’s pretty easy to rush the diamond island on this map I don’t know what this dude’s doing but I would prefer if you did it in the void hear me out yeah yeah oh they left the game I just actually thought of this now but does anyone remember when you would just click on snow and it would eat the item you’re holding like why did that happen there’s so many weird bugs that no one can explain in this game they just appear and then go away a week later I don’t actually have enough blocks to rush someone because this map is weird so I’m going to go to Mid and the mid layout’s also weird cuz you have to run like four marathons to get all the generators cuz they’re like in a house how many Subs four Chad help me hit five subscribers by subscri in and liking this video I’m going to start rushing teams and just hoping they don’t have deep slate I realize now that I can already see they have deep slate and that’s going to be a problem but you know what we’re just going to have to deal with it when we get to it do you have diamonds for me sir your head is Diamond door no time to mine away M away please don’t come near me just just stay over there keep on Dilly dallying yeah wait I got it you bought chain armor but didn’t buy a sword what a genius uhoh uhoh okay as we’ve learned last game iron armor is pretty powerful so let me just like roll you quickly and I don’t have enough stuff because this game is terrible I got to run oh they they opened the Ender Chest they have something oh no I don’t have a pickaxe dude leave me alone oh off the map and we wait on the Gen there we go now I can buy a pickaxe okay they I bought a pickaxe and everything they don’t seem to care though they just they’re they’re doing their own thing anyways cheat US Spirit or whatever your name is I would beat you up except the ice is so annoying I almost died there cuz I’m just sliding around what is this okay but actually the best feature in bedwars is that they drop the armor when they get final killed I kind of already ran out of things to talk about but I’m recording this on the day that parkour worlds is going to come out and I already know before it comes out everyone’s going to say it sucks um and get mad at the hive for no reason um guys if you don’t like parkour don’t don’t play parkour worlds incredible strategy I know and this dude is just AFK he’s given up on life for some reason my hits just don’t there’s no hit sound anymore but yeah okay cool but yeah parkour worlds is going to come out today and people are going to realize it doesn’t have levels and they can’t grind it for 300 hours and they’re immediately going to get mad at Hive this dude is he James Bond has the strats oh my gosh and get bullied oh let’s let’s One V one James Bond let’s One V one see how it goes a GG so people are probably going to hate parkour worlds um because it’s they’re going to realize it’s literally just parkour uh but then again I’ve said it was literally just going to be parkour and I I don’t know what you guys expected but then again maybe it’ll be the best game mode ever maybe it’ll have 7,000 players oh and right before I started recording this hi have announced something much cooler than parkour worlds okay they actually told us something about their Sky Block game mode it’s going to be called like Sky Block Horizons or something which sounds super lame but I don’t care because it it means that that the server is actually going to come out in 2024 which means oh that’s cool I like that anyways this guy NE has diamonds and I don’t know why he’s rushing someone that doesn’t exist but you know what well we accept that we we accepting of this man uh except we I’m going to stab him in every single game you got to buy a pickaxe because the stupid deep slate Strat guys in season two can we make deep slate a little bit more expensive that’d be great okay hey and I’m not holding the pickaxe I just tried to punch deep slate with a diamond please don’t have a sword please just yeah please fight me it does a lot of damage when I have iron armor on except I’m going to Miss every hit there we go you know this entire inventory bug that I was like complaining about as like the entire point of the video is not something you notice a lot in bedw Wars I guess you just don’t open your inventory and organize stuff nearly as much you know and in Skywars I definitely notice and I feel like I’m lagging out every two seconds because of the stupid inventory thing but I keep forgetting it even exists in this game this dude also forgot that like logic exists I can go over that block trap bud uhoh what you’re going to the wrong base dude that that’s not where you live he forgot his own address let me let me y that bed you know what I’m saying little little he’s still in the shop I don’t know what you’re doing dude let’s PVP it’ll be a great time this was a close fight I’m also going to do a daily challenge or daily Quest or whatever they’re called um by doing this um it’s a stupid Quest but you know what it’s 100 free XP so let’s use it uh-oh this dude’s rushing oh I missed I’m bad oh okay let’s have a fair battle I don’t don’t I don’t think that’s actually going to happen a goodbye a goodbye none of those are going to hit oh my gosh anyways where is this dude going you you do I thought he learned his lesson about bridging yeah yeah yeah that’s what I thought as long as they don’t buy like diamond armor I should be fine what are they doing oh well they’re not doing it anymore I’m just going to repeatedly bow them I don’t think they’re going to fall oh okay stand corrected he ran out of blocks that’s pretty funny anyways that was probably a shorter video but I got to go stream some Parkour world you know it’s not out yet it’s probably going to be like seven hours late anyways but you know like and sub I don’t I don’t know

truly a minecraft bedrock moment. most of the time the hive can fix minecraft bedrocks bugs but not this one



  1. Deffectt "Oh I don't I don't have a first rush, well that's kinda helpful actually, because I'm terrible at this game"
    Yes. This Is The Most Truest Statement Ever Made By This Man.

    Jk, I love your content.

  2. In one of my vshort videos I messed around with the mace and wind burst when I clutched with a water bucket the water disappeared and reappeared

  3. the inventory thing is only because that texture pack makes the inventory like java it works fine for any other pack

  4. they also removed the thingy where when you click on someones profile, it doesnt show their skin anytmore. very bad when it comes to murd mystery LOL

  5. This is why playtesting is important before releasing a product. It seems like the bedrock team doesn't do this and is why the game has so many problems.

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