The Only TRUE Tier List for how FUN Every Boss is in Terraria

this is the only true tier list for how fun each boss fight is supp we got moonlord Moon Lord’s pretty fun but I would put him in B tier BR culu not so fun C tier Golem is boring as hell Skeletron Skeletron is probably in the same tier as Moon Lord King Slime boring as hell IU I is pretty fun cuz it’s like the first boss you fight the Destroyer it’s all right same with planta either of Worlds it’s all right as well Queen B is pretty fun as well but I put it in B tier W of Flesh I put it in B tier as well Queen slime Yu this boss is just annoying to fight same with Skeletron Prime the twins however is a fun boss fight to do emess light that’s super fun antic cultist n it’s all right it’s pretty easy though Juke fish Ron I’d put it in B tier it’s an all right boss

This tier list provides accurate information on how fun the bosses are in Terraria. This is professional information, you are going to struggle to find better opinions than this. Now go swim to Korea or something.

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  1. I should do the same with calamity…PLAGUEBRINGER F TIER, one of the best designs but the whole fight is just projectile spam, even worse, your whole screen is green, you can't see shit, tankier than duke and empress is just bullcrap.

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