Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths

Herobrine stole my soul and turned me into a ghost now in order to get my body back I need to hire the scariest myths in Minecraft come on come on please oh no no no no come it’s got to be around here somewhere what’s the problem well Guido in order to hire the scary myths I need a currency called Essence it’s supposed to drop from blocks but as you can see there isn’t any I need 1 million Essence to buy my SVC and I have absolutely no idea I’m going to get it I might be able to help with that Steve I’m detecting some strange energy secret portal wao now Guido I don’t think we should go in that who am I kidding let’s move wao we seem to be in some kind of old Manion yeah and look all of the scariest myths in Minecraft are here waiting for us the Headless villager the black guest oh and I know who can deal with Herobrine no h wait I I can’t get in that’s because you can’t afford in oh looks like there’s only one of the myths that I can afford and that’s the screaming sheep he’s free and something is better than nothing now guo as you can see the screaming sheep is going to let me collect Essence so let’s put down the screaming sheep and let’s get ourselves some Essence uh Steve that’s Builder I can see that Guido it’s just not working it still basic drops wait I think I know what’s going on here we need to wait until the screaming sheep [Applause] screams all right let’s see if this works I’ll Miner block yes dark Essence so if it all works out every single one of these blocks from the grass blocks to the grass sitting on top of the grass blocks so yeah there we go is going to give me Essence the exact thing I need to buy my soulb but this is going to take a while I wonder if any of the other myths were more effective aha check it out Guido the necr fish available for only 25 Essence but for the next few myths there’s a pretty big big jump up in price let’s just hope that the little necro fish is effective then there’s only one way to find out Guido let’s deploy the necro fish oh my gosh it’s flopping around everywhere and every time it lands it destroys the area around it creating more Essence for us to pick up Guido I think it’s safe to say that it was very effective there we go Guido look how many stacks of essence I’ve got now holy moly let’s find this guy first Steve The Headless villager oh dude this guy looks so scary even in miniature farm 100 Ence what a bargain and we still have some Essence left over and it looks like we can afford the blood Warden too now we’ve only got four Essence remaining I hope that was worth it oh here we go Guido headless villager activate uh well that was pretty lame um maybe I just did it incorrectly let me try again here we go and the Headless villager is totally lame oh that is so lame please tell me I haven’t wasted my money maybe we missed something yeah you’re right quido I’ll check it out let’s see here headless villager oh destroys blocks above itself so maybe as it rises up its spine whips the blocks and gives us more Essence we need a cave okay Guido this one looks like it’s going to be perfect as you can see we got a pretty sizable Mountain which means if the Villager Rises up it’s going to destroy all of those blocks above it just got to find the perfect spot okay here seems good please let this work W what the Multiverse look at him down yep Guido this is actually insane that guy is just propelling ing himself straight upwards he’s like a scary helicopter of some kind and he’s going all the way to the top of the mountain and now all of that wonderful Essence is mine give me give me give me that was so awesome and hey check it out I got some as well thanks buddy but it’s not enough go necro fish W he’s out of control which is exactly what we need Guido we need Essence and we need it fast now that was a lot of dark Essence and it’s not over just yet Steve what does the blood Warden do let me check Guido it defends the user from enemy mobs uh that’s slightly disappointing huh how come well Guido we haven’t been attacked by anything just yet maybe it’s actually a useless ability oh no no no this can’t be happening we’re tra that might be the least of our problems seed huh you see to think this is some sort of Game Boy my forces will shred what remains of your existence and your soul will remain mine for eternities to come forces what forces [Applause] dude Guido there’s so many zombies for bad speed use the pl waren not just yet Guido I need to get some space let’s go for the Headless villager and now that we’re safe and sound it’s time to unleash the blood water W look at you go that’s right guo this Blood water is just slaughtering all of them check it out quido now the zombies Dro dark Essence too so this is actually worked out in our favor ah I could stay up here all day I don’t think that’s going to be an option go thanks buddy thanks for your help blood Warden dark force is repelled Essence stored non physically no no no no where’s my Essence quo I’ve got no Essence relax Steve look it’s down there oh that’s what it means by non-physically and what the heck buddy we’ve got a lot of essence look at that 10,000 big ones okay back to the store now we can afford to hire the next two minuts we’ve got the White Enderman spooky and also a really cool myth known as the black guest there we go two more scary myths brought on board and we got a pretty big price jump to the next one on that thing and holy moly how much does 303 cost yeah we better get back out there and our more Essence all right let’s do things in order we’ll spawn in the white Ender oh hey how’s it going hey it’s pulling something out of his chest a white ender pearl E I don’t really want to pick that up so you don’t want your body back okay okay fine this is it Guido this is the thing that’s going to get me to 1 million Essence uh Guido it’s just a normal ender pearl wait what that makes no sense yeah it’s got to do more than just this let me try this again if I throw it pretty close no I mean it seems like it’s unlimited which is awesome but it doesn’t really seem that different maybe you should throw it over something come this way oh yeah I guess so uh we’ll see uh wait hold on slow down I’m not as fast as you Guido I have to keep up oh this robot doesn’t listen to anyone but himself wait oh I see a desert temple so if I throw the ender pearl over this then maybe something will happen okay stay right here Guido yeah come on come on come on wa what the heck was that uh Ste woo what in the Multiverse it looks like if I throw the ender pearl over something then when I teleport it forms a trail behind me and just cut straight through and of course it leaves me with all of the delicious dark [Music] Essence let’s keep going [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye Steve bye Steve well quido that power was it was pretty lame I’m not going to lie I mean it’s fun and everything but you have to throw it over something and it’s just yeah it’s a lot of effort so uh let’s try the black guess now because I noticed it says earn two times Essence for a limited time wait what we get to a million Ence in all time that’s the plan let’s give this a shot wo wo hey easy oh stop you’re supposed to be working for me quo where the heck are we I think we are inside of the black gas oh I think you’re right those are like its internal organs but wait what’s all that stuff it’s some kind of infection you probably shouldn’t go near it huh what did you say ow Guido why did you warn me ah um guo was that you oh parides and that feasting on the distorted goop I think we’re going to have a fight on our hand come on quo let’s take them down look for every kill we get inside of the r gas we get two times EV wait what oh dude that is insane we’ve got to take down as many of these guys as we can before the black gas kicks us out come on show me what she got wait wao what is that I think the black guest is trying to get rid of US ah then we’ve got to keep going come on get down here you oh Guido it’s it’s leaking blood the guest is trying to get rid of us all right we got to keep going W Guido so much Essence 34,000 then then means we can afforded that thing 15,000 Essence for just you I sure hope you’re worth it little guy because if you’re not we’ve got plenty of other myths to replace you giant Alex for 100 12,000 uh no it’s 700,000 Essence oh I can’t wait to see what they do all right let’s wait am I still in the like gas actually Steve we’re in a flushy maze what no no no this can’t be happening oh Herobrine is just trying to slow us down need of Herobrine look UPS to you you just don’t get it do you mortal your efforts are futile don’t let him Escape my maze Min quido what in the Multiverse was there we need to get out of his ma right now what the heck are those things quido seems like Herobrine has upgraded his forces oh not that way either Guido we’re never going to get out of here I need to I need to fight back with that thing hey big guy you think you can help me get out of here you’re tall right you can definitely see over the edges of the maze um Guido he doesn’t seem to be interested wa hey put me down oh no no no wait what hey it’s actually kind of cozy in here it’s like being in a giant onesie or something and just look how strong I am now let’s Farm some essence wao that’s a lot of dark Essence hey check it out h a Herobrine’s domain revealed wait so we can actually get to Herobrine now we’ve got to find the exit to this maze uh let’s see uh maybe this aha look Guido that’s got to be the path it’s leading straight into that cave we might not have enough Essence yet but at least we know where we’re going exactly buddy oh what the heck is this than Herobrine’s infection the same one from the GL gas yep and if I remember correctly I don’t think I can touch this Stu yeah nope you can’t touch it ah there’s no way through it’s blocking this entire route unless we use giant Al okay we can’t afford her then maybe we have to use S 303 I guess so maybe he could hack his way through the infection I don’t know but we’ve got enough Essence so let’s see if it’s worth the investment all right here we go Entity 303 do your thing I said do your thing Guido it’s not working what does this guy actually do hack a robotic being no I’m out of here see you hey no Guido don’t leave me here oh Guido so if 303 hex a robotic being then what exactly does that mean I mean there are no robots in Minecraft apart from Guido unless how about an iron golem First Step use the Headless villager to find a village gotcha oh step two nail an ender pearl come on come on come on no step three find an iron golem there’s one right over there and for the final step use Entity 303 to hack the Iron Golem to hack the iron golem this is awkward what in the multi pass Iron Golem must be in weakened State oh that makes sense okay blood Warden you’re up that’s it come on let’s get in there now we don’t want to kill the Iron Golem so make sure you oh oh my gosh okay this is actually a battle of the Titans okay slow down slow down that’s enough that’s enough now that the Iron Golem is weakened 303 heck that Iron Golem wao a Naila the Iron Golem has been totally hijacked by 303 and now he destroys anything in his path in a straight line but the problem is we’re not really maximizing how much Essence we’re getting here I mean he’s just destroying a whole bunch of nothing right now but if I summon him somewhere where there’s a lot of stuff in front of him like these trees it’s going to have so much more stuff to destroy look how much Essence we’re getting now I’m just going to leave him to do his own thing earn all the essence in the background because now I can afford giant Alex she’s going to get me past that blockage in the cave although right now she isn’t so giant a all right let’s try this out hey giant Alex do you think you could help me out what in the Multiverse what is this I hired you you’re supposed to be helping me not trying to kill me oh my gosh she’s catching up on me got to watch out for those giant legs I can be crushed any second now ah she’s just too fast I got you see wait is that guo come on hop in all right let’s get to the cave she shouldn’t be able to fit inside I certainly hope not but that all begs the question how are we going to get her to this blockage yes you can’t get in the cave but if we let her know that we’re here she’s going to punch exactly where we are then we better get out the way well that was a big explosion but now the blockage is gone come on hop on let’s check it out yep into the crater we go no sign of Herobrine just yet wait I can see something down there looks like some kind of vault door Herobrine must be underneath come on let’s go wait it looks like I can’t actually get in Alpha 00 key required hey I saw one of them back at the MTH Mansion the alpha 00 key wait hey Alpha 0000 that’s like a really really early version of the Minecraft Dimension I wonder how it’s going to lur now that we’ve got the key we can see what’s underneath the Vault wo another one of those spooky portals well if it’s the only way to get to Herobrine then let’s do this um Guido something feels wrong everything looks so aw golden oh my gosh look at that tree what in the Multiverse is going on here I’m still in my ghostly form and we’ve still got all of our Essence but it just looks like we’ve been taken to a different version of the Minecraft Dimension okay let’s try figure out how to get out of here because I know that path led to Herobrine but so far no sign of him speaking of signs look oh someone’s left us a message dude maybe it’s fan mail or maybe someone is it maybe it could be a love letter you never know with me let’s go check it out it’s okay that is not what I was expecting oh this place is giving me the crebs the music it’s so strange Foolish Boy did you think it would be that simple my world resides in a plane beyond your mortal comprehension you will never Escape my Alpha 00 we won’t let you get away with this Herobrine come on Guido he’s got to be around here somewhere oh I’m going to take him out for good and that way he’ll never ruin the Minecraft Dimension ever again it might be a little too late for that this version of Minecraft is so old that the world just stops generating if the world stops generating that means there’s no Escape unless Guido I think I know what to do oh great I was sorting to think you didn’t have a plan Steve where are you going sorry Guido it’s the only [Music] [Applause] way whoa guo what is going on I don’t know St bu every time that b dies you get more Ence 900,000 Ence we just need 100,000 Mar to get your buy back actually quido there’s been a slight change of plan what do you mean that was the whole point in getting the essence yeah yeah yeah I know that but think about it so far Herobrine has shown no indication that he’s actually going to give our body back so we need a change of strategy instead of saving the essence up until we get to 1 million we’re going to risk it all to buy null that’s almost all of our Essence I really hope this is goinging to work work me too Guido null is the only myth strong enough to destroy Herobrine for good well Guido here we are this is Herobrine’s castle and Herobrine himself is there waiting for us it is time let us see if you collected enough Ence to retrieve your mortal shell hey mortal shell you can at least make my body sound cooler than that oh I see what’s happening here that’s right Herobrine the deal is off we both know you’d never give me my body back okay let’s just quickly activate this guy you know me too well it would be a shame for me to part away with us your lifeless body shall be resurrected and transformed into my own personal together we shall enslave the Minecraft Dimension and all Liv there’s the body Steve come on can’t it it’s back my body is back and all of the scary myths all the Ence we earned it’s gone now come on let’s wait quido what what’s happening wait no no no no this can’t be happening I’m trapped but getting my body back has turned me into a myth oh thank the Multiverse Guido is here he’ll Rescue Me hey Guido open this way no no he can’t see meido don’t leave me no Guido

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body back from evil Herobrine! Can Steve use all the scary Minecraft myths to get his soul back and become the scariest Scary Myth in the Dimension? This is MINECRAFT but you can HIRE SCARY MYTHS!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
‣ Check out our INSTAGRAM!: https://www.instagram.com/checkpoint.yt/
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‣ Join the Adventurer’s Guild on Discord: https://discord.gg/rzXUDvt

~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #ScaryMyths #Minecraft


  1. Wow that was awesome dude you guys are best video ever see you later Steve and guido from checkpoint multiverse 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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