Terraria BIOME CHEST ITEM Tier List

Terraria biome chest item T list panagon fires three mechanical piranha projectiles that cost no ammunition at all and will stick onto the enemy doing continuous damage still up there scorge of the corruptor is really overpowered shooting a small eer of Souls and upon impact of a block or enemy it splits into even tinier eers God like vampire Knives auto fire a spread of vampire knife projectiles and when hit into an enemy you’re healed by a small amount and they shoot between 4 and eight fast knife projectiles at one time while doing quite a bit of damage God like rainbow gun launches a rainbow that travels in a straight line for only a short distance with 40 seconds before curving towards the ground still up there staff of the frost Hydra last 10 minutes and will shoot Ice Pets at enemies within 60 tires which is great while Frost Hydra Sentry summon Godlike desert tiger star summons a desert tiger that deals damage to enemies upon contact and has multiple tiar making it more overpowered The More Tears it gets still up there also right now I’m in a race of 10K Subs of Behemoth mikara and scal Lord so I need you to subscribe to me so I can win and I’m making a

Terraria BIOME CHEST ITEM Tier List

uhhRye or RyeIGuess does the unthinkable, finding the best weapon in Terraria and describing how useful it is! Terraria legendary mode is the bane of uhhRye existence, but he will conquer this difficult world. Additionally uhhRye does various NEW challenges like; Calamity, Fargo’s Souls, Thorium and many more!! A very unique Terraria video that you should watch and listen to (it may come in handy). #terraria #terrariagameplay #terrariamobile #gaming #games #shorts #short #youtubeshorts

uhhRye does more Terraria shorts coming soon! Subscribe, wait until they come out. Maybe weekly, who knows? This is fun. Different videos will come out and will be very entertaining (challenge, factual videos) and be sure to watch them all because you’ll gain 10 years of GOOD LUCK!

uhhRye has made a TikTok account (RyeIGuess) so go follow that for more Terraria shorts. They are very factual and entertaining to watch. Everyone should follow! 1 SUB = 1 COOKIE, so please subscribe.



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