How Fast Can my Friends Find Me in Minecraft?

welcome to build and seek today me and my four friends are going to be building a build each in our plots and then we are going to hide in each of our plots and I’m going to time everyone to see who can find me the quickest but before we get started you’ve got to subscribe do it do it why have you not done it yet you have done it thank you that’s very nice you haven’t what okay let’s get started so we started out by collecting ourselves a random theme and I got the theme of alien so aliens a what are we going to do for that well I’ve had a few ideas come to mind and I’ve decided to think a little bit out of the box as I’m going to build my thing around a theme and to start off this theme we need to build some stuff so I could have built you know boring old green aliens or whatever but instead I decided to think outside the box like I said and we are going to build some aliens from the movies Avatar and Avatar 2 and the future movies Avatar 1 2 3 4 5 so yeah we’re building a bit of Pandora or or trying to at least we’ve got a very small space here to do so and you’re probably thinking Joel you must be a big fan of Avatar no don’t even like the movies that much to be honest thought they were both pretty bad we’ll still go and watch the third one though but yeah here you go you got some stuff going on here why why are you escaping don’t escape we got some floating islands as you can see we’ve also added in a background with some like floating islands off in the distance or trying to make them look like they’re off in the distance and then we got a bit of ground down here uh so not sure where I’m going to hide yet because cuz people have to be able to find me and we’re in adventure mode so like I could hide here is that good no that’s not good okay we’re going to have to build some more stuff let’s build a little cabin here or like a base sort of thing maybe we could build an underwater portion as well you could hide underwater ooh okay instead I decided to work on a cave with a sort of river going through it I thought that’d be quite fun and you can see here I’m just you know adding in lots of like Pandora esque details some sort of like world tree type tree things I can’t remember the movies like I said I’m not a big fan but I thought this looked cool I really like the decor to be honest of here more than anything I’m just having a really fun time building this I’m going to leave this boat here so people can ride their boat into here see if they can find me we’ve got this tree here with like some hanging lights on it we’ve used like a load of weird stuff on here like you know just random stuff to make it look a bit more alien I guess and then through here we’ve got another sort of tree kind of tricky to find me in here oh what’s that oh I’m going to put a head on that it’s me to have a head we’ll get back to that later but yeah I’m really happy with this cave I think it looks really cool let’s work on a you know base now I think that could look cool in here sort of left a space I’m really just enjoying building in Creative at the moment because it’s just quite fun it’s been a while since I’ve done this so yeah let’s add some more stuff in so we got build building the sort of Main Attraction of the build here by building this sort of cybery Base futuristic thing I don’t really know it it looked like something from a picture and the great thing is world edit means I can make it look really overgrown here’s a fun little fact SL tip for those who use world edit want to use world edit in the future you can place like random stuff like amethist blocks down like I’ve done here and then you can replace them with the replace command into something like a fern meaning you can place ferns on blocks that normally can’t be placed look I can’t place this on this Leaf block here but look magic but here is the base I’ve tried to make it look like this of like tracks coming up to the base here we’ve also got you know the cave still but the base itself and this has been built with purpose okay look we have this bit here we can go up into and we’ll probably you know put some stuff in here in a second and I might even like add like a hidden door or something we might be able to like go down here and then you know down there that could be quite fun but that’s not where I’m going to be hiding I found my hiding spot or the beginnings of it at least I just need to check can you yes you can do that in adventure mode right so this is where we’re going to hide I’m going to make a secret place down here for us to hide and there’s a way to get back as well I don’t know why I’ve done that maybe just in case they don’t find me and they’re like how do we get out of here but that’s going to be where we hide all right we’re going to add in more red herrings down here I’m not adding a head in yet because we’ll be adding that in a bit later as I want to turn my face blue and I’ve given some hints here with like this dirt SL rooted dirt to make sure like people know that this is trodden ground hopefully they’ll find me but there’s so much to explore first that hopefully it’ll take them some time it’s they’re going to be competing against each other right some people might get lucky some might not let’s find out ladies and gentlemen meat Avatar Joel it’s terrible I know I made it myself but if we look at our hidden entities now kind of hard to tell that it’s not me there’s another one as well where is he you see under here they’re like o blue it’s not me it’s not me and we’re going to pop a couple more in here and we’re going to number these like so then put a broken one like this showing that it’s escaped ooh crazy we’re going to make this a restricted area and let’s add in some just other decorations in here there we go that kind of looks kind of loud like I guess added a little Greenhouse in here plus like more access to the restricted area there let keep all the doors closed and it also says access to sleeping quarters which are going to be down here all right and then the sleeping quarters themself and I kind of just went ahead and finished this we’ve got the Captain’s Quarters here which are private uh as you can see he loves fishes he’s got fishes on the wall he’s got a little fish lamp here uh and he’s also got a wardrobe with oh no it’s not me it’s not me I’m not in there and we’ve got some private quarters which are all identical no Joel in there and then there’s the store room and uh hopefully someone else goes in there so you see what’s in there let’s just say that but that’s enough red herrings for now I think it’s time we should actually probably get building where we are going to hide I really hope people spot that and get the red herring oh that’d be so good and now for the final boss which is basically just going to be lots of armor stands of me in the same room I’m going to hide somewhere in here as well except remember I I’ll have that skin on I’m going to hide here like this right next to like my skull oh wait you can’t actually walk through there oops I really hope people can actually find me and don’t take like 25 minutes this is this is creepy uh but I think this is perfect if people can find me hiding down here like so I’ll have this head on of course I I’ll probably just look like this then they’ve got me oh it’s done so stupid I’ll have that one there as well to greet people but there you have it my alien themed but there you have it my alien themed build let’s cover it up and we’re done let’s go reveal everyone else’s place they’re hiding and then let’s see if they can find me okay we’ve had some time and we’ve all done our builds and there’s very it looks like one a pie not a pie chart just a graph just oh yeah it does St rising up on mine and gems okay so gem if yours is on the left do you want to reveal yours that must be space that’s SI it’s aquatic so my theme was um movies um so I tried a few different things and eventually I settled on the ENC oh my God mamos my topic theme was um Enchanted Grove and this is mine it didn’t work it’s an enchanted Grove tree it is a tree my me next my theme was alien so I kind of use that and for you know most popular aliens movie in the world Avatar bam excuse I forgot to the things give me a second after you diing it jimy hey hi God hi God hi God I use the wrong block I use Jimmy I’m sorry what even is that oh oh cuz you typed out for Jimmy yeah yeah yeah uh give me a second guys bam I’ve replaced everything with magenta Terra I forgot to type air it’s right here we go hopefully this works this time UND UND um oh my gosh dude okay that’s sick that is going to be awful to try yeah yeah it’s going to be hell dud that that little at the bottom oh hey sorry oh you’ve got a skin on as well oh my God this is actually not a skin dude this is just a head at the moment that’s great I love that give me a second I’m back and I’m now an AV that is na’vi na’vi yeah okay my theme was uh TV set mhm okay so here is my was it not be show oh I threw the paper away no it was set it was TV set it was TV show but I like the set this is very cool like what you’ve done yet how are you going to hide in there all right now it’s time for me to hide in my build and everyone else to find me let’s see who’s the quickest now we’re using a mod that hides your username but unfortunately it wasn’t working for Scott so he saw my Hiding Place meaning we had to find a new one all right so we just got to shift now and hope that he doesn’t find us Jesus right um H I don’t even know how to start with a room he’s not in one of those cuz I need to be able to access it oh my goodness there’s a basement what do you mean there’s a basement he has no idea I don’t know why I’m whispering he can’t hear me what have hello okay there’s nothing in here we’re fine made a whole like underground bedroom area are you kidding me I’m going to need to check all because of things like this cuz it could just be St in one of these he’s going to be really high up in the sky isn’t he that would be crazy if I was and he’s a little blue person so I don’t even know like what I’m looking for am I going to die trying to do Jews why would he die cuz it’s feeling like that might happen are you kidding me Joel you built the entire underground B Joel he’s at the cave he’s at the cave Jan you wanted us to complain about Gem and you’ve put fake decoys of yourself that’s evil I would have feel fine the one Behavior I don’t feel bad anymore is the amount of time I’m going to waste uhoh he’s coming towards me where are you I hate the fact that it just doesn’t sound like you’re anywhere at the same time as being everywhere what was that noise just took me a minute for my brain to process that one hi oh hello oh I had to improvise I added these trap doors in at the last minute oh dear well done so a pretty good time of 2 minutes and 48 seconds from Scott can gem beat that though welcome gem to Pandora thank you it is me thank you one of the na’vi good luck try and find me yeah if you can let’s go wo those quick okay ready or not here I come we get to watch in free cam this time I really hope I don’t have to go all the way up there I really hope she does okay lot of trap doors already I’m going to go in the [Applause] water Joel you’ve done a lot of details here this is very uh very alien I think I could get lost here oh did she going to see the thing over there this is beautiful not a lot of hiding SP oh no it’s a fake one you’ve hidden fake ones of yourself horrible horrible horrible man the worst the absolute worst wait till she sees the other ones I hate him I hate him already and I’ve not even looked at much of his plot yet all right oh oh oh there’s like a leaf maze down under your build and there’s another trapo over here oh she found the matter taking me into a blue room with a whole bunch of you oh let me out of here wait yo where’s nightmare oh it isn’t it it is a nightmare it’s such a nightmare it’s this is horrible this is horrible you sound so close though you must be you must be in oh my god did you not know it was me at first you came in and you were like you must be close somewhere oh well done well done that was pretty quick I can’t believe you found that trap door so quickly what the heck sorry y annoying gem annoying I was looking forward to exploring the rest of your build as well you even see the other decoy in here we’ve got some stuff down here that’s the captain’s I missed the whole build I know this is where you going to come first Jen before you like struggled and you even go in the storage room look in the storage room so gem was a full minute quicker than Scott God maybe that other hiding space was a bit better than my actual hiding space hello Shelby welcome to Pandora should I be oh wait hold on let me get in my outfit wait oh okay cool nice welcome to the na’vi training whatever um I’ll go hide you good good luck okay I’ll say ready when I’m ready easy Gem’s lying she just got lucky ready okay um I am going to flip every trapo she flipped it but she didn’t go in okay good good good good these I would hide something in these stairs oh nope okay the water I’m going to check all the outside cuz every time I didn’t someone was hiding out here ooh this is pretty nice everyone’s admiring it which is what I was hoping for are you it’s dark are you in here oh I see a decoy okay there’s decoy Joels all right I see the game we’re playing what are you laughing about I don’t want to go up yet I want to go on this oh she’s really exploring o I just can you even you can climb all the way to the top I don’t know that you’ll be all the way at the top but as soon as I go up there I know I’m going to regret it okay I’m going up you can’t I should go up there floating surely you wouldn’t build these and then not sit on them oh you can’t even climb this [Music] uh-oh I’m okay what do you mean okay all right you have so many leaves down here maybe you’re in a corner she’s really struggling at the moment you love to see it go in the building go inside I’m going inside this all right you want a painting secret no she’s going in the basement ooh Captain’s Quarter uh oh Captain’s Quarters private quarters what the heck why is all of your build in the ground I would have thought you’d be at the top nothing in here oh decoy oh my God one of these is one of these going to be you are you at the end are any of these you none of these are you no I’m not this was unnecessary this is so many of you unnecessary all hilarious okay all right I found Captain’s Quarters surely you’ll be in here you’re the captain Oh NOP what this how is this so big it feels like it’s so big on the inside bigger than the outside more decoys yeah are you creating more of you in these tubes yeah look I’m one is escape Shelby I wonder which one that is oh oh there’s a bunch of red exclamation points this man is a hazard he wasn’t supposed to be let out you were I you know what I’ll give you a little hint you were close pretty early on re really yeah oh and inv Bs a trap door that’s all I’ll say oh there are oh there’s lots of trap oh dear God what is this you’re definitely you have to be I can’t even see where to go you’re in this right you’re in this mess so oh hello there Shelby I love I could even see I love how you had to wait till you on top of me till you actually found me what the heck I literally so the slowest time yet for Shelby but we’ve still got Jimmy to go can he beat Jim’s time welcome to Pandora is that Joel Su uh okay welcome uh to Pandora gym please hide in this little box here all right I’ll put my head down uh Adventure Mode have some steak if you want cuz you’re going to need it you’re not going to find me I’ll say ready all right I bet you I’m going to find you the fastest I bet you won’t find me at all and I’ll have to help you out n not a chance right right let’s do this oh it’s a big world out here he’s definitely down here right under his little pod oh no he’s found it instantly oh dude why am I crawling for this long this is insane what why is there a blue oh my gosh there’s tons there’s tons of him oh my gosh oh gosh who’s the real Joel Sully who is it clear out the condensation he didn’t see me oh my gosh he didn’t see me are you down here I don’t like this I don’t like this there’s too many of you oh you’re probably down here as well aren’t you you fool but what if I look at the feet cuz I know you like feet and you’ve got normal ones let me get some of those apples oh I can’t believe you found it that quickly you went straight for the trap door you loser why would you go straight for the trap door after the T you put me through I was hoping you wouldn’t find me so we have our winner Jimmy found me ridiculously quickly with a 1 minute and seven time gem pretty close behind Scot behind her and shubble in last place wow I really thought people going to struggle to find me turns out I’m not very good at this go watch everyone else’s videos to see how I did seeking goodbye

Today we build ourselves a fun alien themed build and of course I take it too far… Then I hide from my friends.. Subscribe if you’re new 😀



  1. This is such a fun game idea! I love how this combines collaborative elements like in Guess the build with more purposeful, artistic building.

  2. "You've put fake decoys of yourself?! That's evil!"
    Love how Scott says this when in one of these build and seek games he made his entire build a Scott themed hotel filled to the brim with armor stand decoys of himself.

  3. Lol, I find it funny that Joel made this awesome Avatar build while also turning himself into an Avatar even though he doesn't like Avatar

  4. 1:07 I was coming down here to comment how good you did(rly good) then I heard this. I’m offended for Disney. Avatar the movies and Flight of passage (at animal kingdom) are the best. 🤣

    1:57 it’s giving way of water. (The other ride)

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