1,000,000 Villagers Simulate CLASH OF CLANS

I’ve got 1 million villagers and we’re going to simulate Clash of Clans this game’s going to be light work I wonder how powerful these villagers are going to get yo is that the Archer Queen dang she kind of bad welcome to your Castle my lord it’s time to start building your Empire I bet hey yo everybody start building up the walls bro we’re so safe now this is lit let’s start upgrading you start making Elixir now over here Jamal I got that special dark elixir if you’re interested ref hey yo let me see that here you go I made it with my special sussy sauce wait what all right Elixir production is going good y’all training yes sir uh ref we got a problem what you mean oh my God bro everybody Battle Stations now they’re stealing my Elixir go go go go Bozo sound the alarm oh no guys we’re losing come on come on wait why you guys chasing me ah get away get away n they even got pekas for cooked wait Jamal yes sir take him out let’s go get him out of here we did it guys good job everybody W what the heck is this it’s a collection of trophies you’ve been awarded them for a successful base defense wo this is lit what can I do with these well collect enough trophies and you can basically do anything you want okay how much to bag a baddy like you you’ll need about 5,000 trophies to marry me say less I’m going get my money up so we can get our honey up you feel me we going to get lit all right villagers now it’s time to raid other bases upgrade our own village and get 5,000 trophies so who’s who’s with me bro how about now yes sir all right everybody be quiet I don’t want to hear a single H from anybody Jamal give me the report hog R you idiot I said covert my bad ref here hm all right looks like the south side is the weakest we can blow up that spot and raid this place for their trophies wait boo what are you doing bro wait guys chill all right I guess the attack starts now yeah look out h r we need reinforcements release the sigas ch let’s go guys Mission success everybody ooh more trophies yes sir drinks on me y’all hey boo what are you looking up at oh a hot air balloon that’s kind of cool actually is that ours oh my gosh bro sound the alarms they’re breaking into the walls bro my builds are too weak that’s it release big Henry yes sir Henry get him boy this is L defend the town hall a baby dragon oh hell no yo something’s underground what the miners hey yo no miners bro y’all need to leave Jamal status update bro are we winning sir a second balloon is hit the town hall what bro an enemy healer hey yo why she kind of oh you can hear me what’s up with you girl you’re looking fine out there and stuff Jamal now yes sir we won let’s go hey elixir on me for everybody hey Builders Hut upgrades easy a gold mine nice is that dude collecting taxes oh no bro not the children dog sick Bro a spell tower hey let’s cast some hot babes in here no no not like that dog hey yo somebody help them is that a rochet cannon hey yo Bozo hop in there and test it out 3 2 1 go bro yes sir upgrade those walls new flag I bet what’s it say subscribe to ref let’s get lit traps bro nice that’ll keep the enemy out hey yo watch where you step Jamal look out let’s get it this place is looking too fire but now it’s time to level up yes sir my base is too powerful now ain’t nobody stopping me sick a Town Hall upgrade what are y’all building a club fire this party is sick hey yo Jamal get your hands off my girl dog hey my bad Chief so Archer Queen how close am I to bagging you H well you’ve only got one successful defense in raid and you haven’t even reached Max toown Hall yet or slain the number one player what so who’s number one what the that would be the Supreme villager himself so this is the skeleton Bozo trying to steal all my glory and B who bro don’t come in here talking like that I’ll let you up homie H you think that gun will do anything let me show you what real power looks like L bro you did not just little bro me what the oh my God come here you’re with me now let me go breath help me yo bro let her go chill get back here how are we going to rescue the Archer Queen anybody got ideas oh solid idea boo yeah subscribe to ref but I asked for actual ideas see you now does anybody else have any suggestions I got an idea drf this is Clash of Clans right okay yeah it is then we should go recruit some stronger Troopers to fight Supreme I mean he had a super dragon we got to level up you’re right Jamal all right let’s hunt down some Super Troopers hog Jamal shut up bro for real you a going to scream hogra every 3 seconds bro all right everybody we got to recruit some Super Troopers if you want to take on the Supreme villager we’ll need the super Barbarian a super wizard and the super hog rider if we want to stand a chance so our first recruitment Target should be the Super Barbarian he’s extremely powerful so y’all better be careful and nobody say anything stupid let’s do this excuse me bro are you this super Barbarian yeah what do you want boo shut up but Mr Barbarian I’m just trying to recruit you to my army recruit me you think you can command me in battle bro come on I need your help to take out Supreme villager did I hear you correctly did you say you’re trying to defeat Supreme villager yeah bro what are you deaf nobody has defeated Supreme villager in the last 2,000 attempts he’s unkillable bet I’mma change that then I like him he’s got grit but fine then if you want me and the lads to join you you’ll have to prove your strength say less then then I challenge you to drink off apple juice of course the rules are simple mate first one to pass out loses if you win we join your team if you lose we use that villager there as a punching bag that’s a win-win really all right the challenge begins in three 2 1 go yes sir this is light work one down 2 three I’m killing this I want to how bro’s doing oh my God chill oh man I’m going to need some help hey yo Jamal help your brother out I got you ref hey yo bartender bring out the heny again apple juice hey Jamal slow down bro chill time’s up ref wins let’s go good job kid we’ll join you yes sir bro we did it Jamal so I’m me to get the keys to my hog right now hey no Jamal hey yo chill get off the hog hands up stop resisting he’s reaching punch him are those giants no all right everybody our next Target is the super wizard I heard this guy’s a straight tweaker so watch your backs when we go in for real H we may not be so alone after all little dragon okay everybody keep an eye out the super wizard we’re looking for was a big red robe uh like that yeah exactly actually so you think you could just trespass on private property do you nah bro chill we’re just trying to recruit you did did you just say chill uh-oh I knew he was a tweaker chill in my fire tower that’s it Inferno dragon didn’t raise the lava levels hey yo the lava’s rising everybody move move move climb up parkour oh no Bozo don’t step on that wood it’s too weak we just got to get to the top not on my watch Fireball hey yo look out yeah finally some cover Jamal you’re alive we just got to get to the top platform bro and then we’re good but how do we deal with the dragon and the tweaker casting spells ha Fireball Fireball H ooh I’ve got a plan okay that seems to be most of them but where did the leader go cabanga bozos booya no gr let go of me nah bro you’re too dangerous I wasn’t even here to fight then what do you want I need you that little dragon and this ice Hound to join my Army okay fine but only on one condition sure what you want you don’t recruit the super Miner I’m not allowed within 300 yard of him or any miners for that matter say less wait what all right who’s our last Target we got the super Barbarian super wizard the super giant super bowler who else do we need I think we’re just missing the super hog rider super hog rider where do we find one of those ref I know where one is I bet let’s go then yo is this the place yes sir this is wild bro solid gold mansion is that pool full of dark elixir hey yo boo don’t swim in that n now he’s stuck bro this place is lit but where’s the Super Hog Rider at yo did somebody call for me yes sir that’s me we’re trying to recruit you for our army dog huh can’t be too strong with that guy in it who Jamal nah bro that’s my main man right Jamal oh yeah wait bro The Vibes are feeling a little bit less lit right now how do you two know each other the super hog rider is my dad and I ran from home like 20 years ago bro oh damn that’s awkward so uh you trying to like squat up sure sure but only if my son could beat me in a race easy bro Jamal’s the fastest hog rider in class dude’s hog drives like a Hellcat right Jamal Jamal where you going going Jamal why’ you run bro what’s wrong you don’t understand ref my dad’s always been faster he’s always been better than me at everything Jamal bro I really don’t care dog I’m trying to beg a baddie get back in there and race your dad or I’m going to blow this whole place up with you in it all right fine I’ll do it all right you twoo I want a good clean race on three okay 3 2 1 go they’re neck and neck come on Jamal Jamal what are you doing oh he’s going to win Jamal Jamal are you okay did I win you smoked him bro please bro get up we need you Jamal I’m so sorry I should have never made you use the nitrous bro promise me rev promise me that you’ll bag that bad bro I promise dog but not without you you can’t die on me I need you you’re my best friend my Pooky bear H I love you too bro no Diddy but I think I think I’m going to rest here a while Jamal Jamal somebody call A Healer please no wake up wake up I’m going to B the Archer Queen and kill Supreme Jamal for you all right everybody right over this hill of supreme villagers Base today we raid the base not only to put an end to this loser’s infinite streak and to bag me a baddie but to also avenge Jamal didn’t Jamal like die on his own though now like I was saying bring it your all this won’t be easy on my signal we go in ready charge come on let’s go go go go go holy crap yo Fireball Fireball fire no not my super wizard take that you bum ah get off me you little Devils my Barbarian head off my chain hey yo give that back Jamal’s dad no Supreme give me the queen back I knew you idiots would come and try me what level even is your town hall 10 12 maybe but so what bro I said give me back the queen don’t you get it ref you can’t demand anything from me you’ve already lost look around you huh oh shoot yikes surrender and maybe I’ll turn you into a nice rug for me to wet my shoes off on I guess I wait what is it boo h r Jamal you’re alive and you brought your cousins yes sir this isn’t over damn what’s wrong with you bro any is you’re cooked any last words Supreme don’t subscribe we did it yo let’s get lit 10,000 trophies this is crazy thank you ref for saving me so does this mean we can like get married yeah I bet after a long journey ref could finally marry this baddy any objections yeah I like the gr all cool ref do you take this 10 on 10 goth Badd to be your lawfully wetted wife I do and Goth baddy do you take ref to be your hubby I do then the audience may now subscribe wait ref I guess now it’s time to tell you my secret secret what do you like in the candles because I promise I don’t mind for real nah I’m the Barbarian cake brother hey yo nah somebody help Jamal thank you bro no problem ref if any guy’s going to marry you it’s going to be me hey yo but I bet bro let’s get lit [Music]

1,000,000 Villagers Simulate Clash of Clans but it didn’t go as planned…

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