Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 89 – Out to the Island

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is day nine of fall even if we uh didn’t get as deep as we might have wanted we did get quite a few things we’ll look at that in a moment let’s check our weather report first welcome to kosu 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day and our special forecast for the for the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future well you’ve come to the right place the spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune all right so it is a lucky day uh let’s see eight crops are ready 16 crops ready in the greenhouse 85 machines are ready none of those Andrea you’re lucky I found you last night you were unconscious and someone was searching your pockets I have no idea how much money they took they ran away as soon as I approached be more careful dear alad you’re such a good neighbor I thought I’d send you over some animal feed to make your life easier keep it up not that I oh right I’ll pick it up in a moment all right so let’s go ahead and leave that there leave that there see I should have taken the life Elixir that would have been good oh well that is okay uh we still do have lucky lunches yeah it’s life Elixir that I want wanted ah whatever uh 83 aridium ore is pretty fantastic let’s go ahead and put these in here because I need to go uh take those around band should go inside the house make that ancient seed dear elreda one week from today we are holding the stardew Valley Fair in the Town Square it’s the biggest event of the Year join people from all across the country to our humble town if you’d like you can set up a grange display for the event just bring bring up to nine items that best showcase your talents you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display Fair star start at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss it oh oh I wouldn’t I wouldn’t miss that dang it I can’t do that I have to do it from inside my inventory all right get those in there get that in there that one in there that there for now okay you know what I don’t know that I’ve made dried purple mushrooms stop trying to eat them fine I’ll grab you okay got all that not seeing what other crops are ready just yet nothing down there take you oh look at all of the uh anything in here yes all right let’s get the uh the Blobfish Row in down here just going to sell all that say hi to our animals I should check this see uh how our animal happiness is doing as well now I don’t have a whole lot of uh oh well all right what do I not need in here um I don’t need regular milk that’s what I don’t need in there okay could try for the just get milk in here for that for now could try again for the uh Cave level 100 um it’s a little bit later than I kind of wanted but um I don’t know now let’s go out to the island I haven’t been out there in a little while let’s take all the tools I think I need the um do on how am I doing on those things those are good cuz I need to find more gold golden walnuts so I can start uh getting some things done out there think I need my um slingshot wait don’t I have a master slingshot somewhere what do I do with it I don’t know whatever doesn’t matter oh well little bit of a late start I could have used I think I have an island warp totem somewhere but probably should have taken my uh tent kits car population I don’t care write the book seller see if the book seller has anything that I care about I think I might have gotten everything but never no no I have gotten everything he doesn’t have anything new all right so that’s it all right PR about that Prismatic jelly appears Prime produce For an upcoming promotion you’re thinking of offering some high quality vegetables sure I will get enough of those in the 20 days that is perfectly fine take those I’m not going to bother Gathering most of the other stuff at the moment let’s head on out to the island I’m just going to fall asleep as well like it’s it’s perfectly fine I won’t lose that much money caps out at a thousand So and I’ve already gotten more than that selling stuff [Music] hi parrots and take [Music] that there we go I’ve already gotten that one should chop you down there we [Music] go okay I need to get up there somehow one of these days [Music] money find golden walnuts uh 1.26 million [Music] [Music] no there we go that’s how I get over here I need to remember how to get to that uh that cave there we have a joa parrot apparently wonder if that’s just like pay him and get all of the walnuts or something go there we go I can’t remember if there are any others yes that’s like the the one use of my uh slingshot go trying to think of what else I got to get up there and I’m trying to remember how we do that I think there’s a way is there that cave there you know what I think I’m going to go look because I don’t remember exactly where the uh um the routes are and I would like to get there uh let’s see I’ve gotten some of these uh right all right we do need to get over to the uh Little Island the the little uh area that I don’t have access to yet already do ah okay I will I have not uh found the journal entry so I can’t get that one yet all right fair enough um right I do okay I remember it now I mean obviously I looked it up but there’s this little way over [Music] here pineapple seeds oo nice [Music] that gets us access to these twoo all [Music] right might as well fill this back up as long as I’m out here so I’m not going to try for that one yet I can’t get up to there until I can get over here we don’t have our friendly neighborhood parrot on the thing so need to get some others taken care of first think there’s one here yep all right that one’s not there AR 10 walnuts Ro wake Turtle yes please poor turtle all right 20 wallnuts AR repair sleep Hut okay we got a note Journal scrap day 14 after half a month on this island I’ve learned to think or two about a thing or two about finding these golden walnuts one must keep their eyes peeled for subtle Clues if something looks unusual there may be a hidden nut nearby I’ve noticed signs in the sand and signs in the leaves I saw a nut up in a tree near the volcano if only I had a way of shooting it down whenever I’ve spotted a nut plant I’ve always found a way to reach it okay omod all right well there should be some that we can get around here can’t get to that one yet from here at least that I think has one yep arc 10 walnuts Arc parot Express got that one T tubers all right we can get over here Frozen Geo there we go okay another golden Walnut might as well chop down these trees there we go so that’s six but I need 20 to repair the hug and I definitely need to look at um right I have to do that need to do some fishing for others as well well hello oh a visitor come closer child I’m an adult I’m actually thinking about getting married now I haven’t had a visitor in many moons I almost forgot what other people looked like you know there’s a little kid want running around this island right well I suppose now that you’re here I may as well ask you for a favor come have you seen that wrecked ship on the Southshore my husband was the captain a pirate he was he set sail one day never to return took me 3 years sailing the high seas to find his remains I’ve been here ever since dear guarding his bones ah my child if I could only find a Keepsake of his it would bring me such peace wait here all right I’m waiting here take this it’s an old photograph that washed up on shore old old photograph that washed up on shore huh it’s all I have to offer but somehow I think it will help you find what I seek all right War momento it’s a faded photograph of a soldier I think I have to give that to Kenneth find a Keepsake that belonged to Birdie’s husband an old lady living on Ginger island is asking you to find a Keepsake of her husbands she gave you an old photograph of a soldier that washed up on shore hoping it would help in some way so we got to do a bunch of fetch quests there we go know that you could get that uh dialogue also I don’t think I care about slimes right I need to put something down on top of that I think all right let’s see all right there’s a few that I do not have let’s see okay so the muscles will have some but I don’t have any inventory space at the moment suppose I don’t need those NOP all right so it’s not guaranteed but until you reach the uh the number that you can get from these they have a chance of giving you one there’s one all right so we got eight actually let me check something up here think we can go down here yeah there we go there we go okay so that’s [Music] nine it is late but like I said I’m just going to let myself fall asleep because uh oh there no real point in uh not doing that not seeing any obvious signs of anything here do we have the uh the parrots up here now yes how many do I need AR 10 walnuts AR repair Bridge so that’s what I want next are you in here nope all right now I have fallen asleep there’s a few others that I probably did Miss as well but we got another 20 2,160 not too shabby all right day 10 of fall maybe when I finish up up stuff I’ll go back out to the island I don’t [Music] know okay Jody’s birthday is tomorrow so I will want to get her some stuff welcome to kosu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with gusts of wind throughout the day and our special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day oh I see a glimmer within my scry or bashard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck and rerun of queen of sauce lucky lunch already know how to make that anything that I want to put in here not at the moment I can’t pick that up at the moment [Music] there we go so my old outfit there we go I like that all right uh there’s also something else that I wanted to do that I had forgotten what hat what other hats do I have all right go got our uh our witchy uh witchy horse all right get that there [Music] uh Elman Drea you never showed up at the boat so I went looking for you found you sprawled out in the dirt with a couple of parrots pulling gold out of your pockets had to drag you all the way down to the boat me legs feel like two freshwater shrimp sorry um sorry I’m not good at writing letters I made one met metal bar too many and I thought you might need it right I’ll take that all [Music] right let’s get those in there I took everything because I wasn’t sure what I was going to end up using out [Music] there warm weather so that will be a summer [Music] thing also warm weather okay so get our ginger in there okay dried purple mushrooms oh yeah it’s Blackberry season so I should go looking for blackberries [Music] that’s a lot of energy and health it’s also worth a lot of money too [Music] one two three four five never did check my um dwarf scroll get you over here my farm computer actually let’s go ahead and leave those in there for the moment should probably bring some of these over to Gunther especially since today is BlackBerry season I should go collect up more blackberries right I also need to water can’t forget to do that nope dang it just likes to uh annoy me with that doesn’t it all right I’ll plant some new things there in a moment as well I could get some more pumpkins so yes that’s probably what we’ll do 15 out of 25 so far so that’s pretty good yeah I didn’t really have enough space for more stuff I do want to get through the um eventually at least through the volcano cave but that’s that could be a bit of a pain I find since it’s not just as straightforward as uh no right I don’t need that I need these a brain works trust me does all right let’s go ahead and plant some more pumpkins there we go how are my animals all right so gy and chocolate need some pets everything else is pretty good why those two came in earlier did I something up there I don’t know oh well sell off all of that also that you in there all right let’s do this Row [Music] first all right do need to have one caviar so I think that’s that finishes at a different time so I might have put those in first or something I don’t know doesn’t much matter at this point [Music] wow a small milk I’ll figure out what I want to put in the stuff in a moment once I get all of the things probably do duck [Music] Mayo all right first of all you you you you you but yeah I really should get some more uh machines because better to have idle machine like especially with as much as I’m producing it’s better to have idle machines than uh have excess supp Supply I think some wormies over here somewhere I think yep grab those mystery boxes and a chicken statue love to see it do you love to see it I don’t know I don’t actually [Music] and I need to redo this maybe in [Music] Winter there we go how much space do I have probably not yes I do actually have enough so we’ll go looking for blackberries after this do like Blackberry season all right get you in there pull you out let’s go inside for a moment Diamond I’ll take that diamond thank you anything that I want to put in here not at the moment get that milk in there there we go we’ll get two more eventually all right no I know I don’t have any mail get those in there don’t think I okay uh it’s a little late I guess I could crack some things open go and leave the Omni geod because we do need those for other things need those for [Music] depositing come along horsey let’s go then we’ll go looking for some uh blackberries oh nice all right process geod okay that’s okay eight corn seeds I think I haven’t had neptunite yet can’t remember if I’ve had Hite oh boy copper and three stone quality sprinkler a an apricot sapling and broccoli seeds all right well it’s okay could be better but let’s donate to the [Music] museum oh I have had that one all right got a new reward I guess I have had the neptunite all right fair [Music] enough hey sloth skeleton M I got to go uh drop stuff off back at the uh Farm [Music] as long as I’m over here yeah I thought so back B uh back berry BlackBerry collection time that can go in there that’s fine I’ll get the uh get those back out in a bit some of those things I can sell you’re fishy there we go all right um apricot sapling I think I will sell there we go and I should also sell the smoked bream did here the sound of I don’t have it on me so never mind it’s in one of my chests I’ll get it later a pan oh got baby see what you guys want now get on the horse please oh look at little baby Bobo I need gift for the M four coral and 10 Moss oh you know what we can do that we can do that right now let’s go do that why not right not going to bother with the fish right now then again all of that’s done uh I’ll do it later [Music] um can’t remember if it was 10 Moss or 20 Moss what was the other thing jeez my brain coral that’s right four Coral get that later can’t believe I got so close to uh 100 and I didn’t get there the skull Caverns all right it was 10 it’s fine [Music] there we go thanks Bobo take this a jungle tank raccoon shop has expanded you received a jungle tank can’t be placed Outdoors that’s fine okay now we can buy jungle tank I guess well let’s head into the secret Woods collect up more goodies said collect up more goodies stupid slimes got you get dead please jeez so I did not know but there is a way through there did not know about that unless you Dismount as soon as you come in uh I would still probably tend to go back out the way that I came in just because my horse is going to be closer and I think it’s faster to get onto your horse than to um like walk back to your horse kind of thing but I don’t actually know I say having done exactly that that’s a lot of stuff that needs clearing up there’s some Moss out here that I’m ignoring but it’s fine yay BlackBerry now we are definitely hitting a point where it is not that efficient to um eat blackberries for energy like just because it takes so long to uh like the buttons on them and stuff like that and it probably would be better if I switched to more I value food stuffs hello how am I doing okay two-thirds of the way is getting late now I am still very close to getting the dust Sprites uh killed as well so it might be good idea for me to uh um focus on that tomorrow and then on sy’s birthday head back out make another attempt at the uh the cave or something I was going to look to see when the um oh boy Stone uh when the merchant sells staircases for Jade I’ll get all that stuff in the morning [Music] okay not sure exactly what I want to do with the uh the jungle tank just yet but I do want to put you guys in there for a second there I thought that was a person I was like wait who’s in my house all right uh before I go to sleep okay Jody’s birthday is tomorrow so we will want to get her a gift all right 500 for that tree sapling not a whole lot but 2 660 for the dried purple mushrooms is pretty good so mayonnaise caviar cheese we got our five smoked bream our apricot sapling not too shabby 16,000 all right but when we come back next time uh Jody’s birthday going to try for more dust Sprites I think and we will uh see when I can next get back out to the island and and try to get more more of the uh golden walnuts we’ll see about that anyway that will be for next time see you then everyone

Rather than make another run down through the Skull Cavern, how about we head out to our island instead.


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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  1. Uh huh, I believe that someone else took the money. I'm on to you Linus. Island day! Time to go hunting. Curse the slingshot… Yeah, without the farm unlocked, you probably should've brought tent kit going this late in the day. Noooo…. jelly is needed. Yay for the wiki! Time for some turtle soup. Dig site next? Hmm… I guess if you want to keep passing out that's fine. 😛

    Horsey finally has a hat! Those darn parrots… I don't think you need any more blackberries, Auld. It's time to upgrade your food source. 😛 Huh…. interesting. That must've just been added because that pathway in the secret woods was not there in the last version. I'm sure I checked that. Yes! No more blackberries!

    Today I plan on heading back to the island for fishing for the weekly quest, but first I need to take care of things here. Animals and coffee done, I head up to the mountain lake to get 3 largemouth bass for Demetrius. Once that's done I waste about 2 hours trying to find Demetrius only to give up and head to the island to find that he's there (wiki doesn't even mention him going there when the resort is fixed). Got my prize ticket and then got to work on fishing. Annnnd I just realized that I forgot my flute blocks for the mermaid again and my banana tree sapling too. I also need a melon and garlic to grow. I went for the stingray first since they're harder to catch. Afterwards I went to the farm and planted some ancient seeds until time for bed.

    Back to fishing. I caught the octopus I still needed to catch. Now just the mission fish and then I can head back to the mainland again. I finished catching the fish, collected everything I could carry, and headed back at 11. Back home I cleared up my inventory then went over to Clint to break open coconuts, mystery boxes, and geodes. Then I went up and bought another fish pond so I could make caviar for the other bundle. Turned in my prize tickets and then went home to make coffee the rest of the day. I sold another full stack of triple shot espresso today and I'm over 1 million gold currently. Halfway there to that return scepter.

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