I Built a CONFUSING Minecraft Base…

[Music] today we’re building the most confusing base in Minecraft with Illusions moving houses and never ending rooms also that my 200 IQ friend kingt can’t rate it and gives up and so we’re starting with this dirt Shack I know it’s not much but don’t worry I’m prepared with this special wand right here I’m going to make the first confusing part but first we’re moving the door and let’s do a point here Point here and a point here and this is going to be portal one then let’s go to another area of already set up set up point one 2 and three again and there we go it’s connected and as you can see now this normal base it has a whole brand new room inside which is way bigger than the original and this is only illusion number one guys we now we’re in a NeverEnding hallway hey that’s me over there wait what are you telling me over there subscribe to the illusion ends guys go do it but to actually Escape you got a F5 at the right moment right here and that’s the exit where it only appears in one side so then kingdong has to go through here if he makes it this far or you can just choose to give up with this guy right here look at this goofy guy but this is just a normal dinner area where it’s pretty easy at first all you have to do is go down here and then realize this is now a NeverEnding staircase guys where you can keep going in circles go down the ladder keep going in circles and it never ends unless easy enough you open this door and then it reveals a really open weird room where right here I’m just going to grab a sign put it down and say great job it’s going to get harder now got to encourage him with the nice ride but once they read the sign they just have to go through this door which will actually take them up there let me show you guys you open up the door and guess what now I’m going at the top and there’s a sign I just put down yep pretty goofy and again it’s not harder yet cuz they just got to go through this little trap door here and crawl in to what is the ocean area here’s the thing though they have limited breath as you can see and not much time to actually figure out this puzzle which is hard where you got to actually find this little opening behind the portal you came through and just jump in there and then your else yep that’s a little confusing finally we have the lava parkour room where you might be thinking how do you get up there well we have the crafting table but you’re not supposed to craft with it you’re supposed to jump on it and you see this little portal right here it’s hidden but all you got to do is jump and then it flips the room let me show you guys how this work if I right click this stick you can now see the side of the world where there’s actually two portals replicated that’s the aquarium right there let’s go back and so really the only goal now is complete the parkour where they’ll go all the way through this and it finally leads them to the store which leads them to the very beginning guys yep it’s all Loop which is why they should give up but I’ll let you guys into the secret of how to actually beat level one so we’re back at the Loop and there’s only two options go through the door or notice that there’s a portal up here where if they jump through they can just Crouch here not go back inside and this is the winning pressure plate where all we got to do is put the word teleport right here and say go to level two of Base it gets harder I mean it can’t get easier let’s color that red and now let me take you guys to level two here we go and now we’re here we’re welcome to level two which is featuring drum roll police confusing parkour which I’ve already set up so to make this actually not empty I have this pace build command block item let me show you guys what happens when we right click it we get the build with old stuff and let’s real quick fill this in so it feels like a never- ending thing and first up in level two King Tong is going to have to do some invisible barrier parkour literally this which is a lot harder than it looks oh gosh okay I’m making it look easy but I made this I’m kind of really good at that but pretty much they’ll be going through all this and getting to the end of just part one now on to part two where as you can see it’s upside down themed a little goofy but that bedw walk isn’t going to be there for long that’s why we have this egg where all I got to do is place it right here and watch this oh it disappeared and now it’s going to come back and it’s back so they got to do the quick parkour with the timer and if they time it wrong well they’ll fall in void and they had to go back to the very beginning so let’s say they make it all the way through here now this is part three this is a very special one well first we get a sign and say final part featuring me where I’m not going to help him and he needs to convince me to actually play with them where there’s going to be two rows obviously I’ll be doing this side and he’s going to be doing this side where the only thing we’re going to add is really item frame and an ender pearl which we’ll put right there so he’s going to be making his way over there I can just easily cross and I’m going to be opening up the door where he can get a bow from that chest and shoot that Target let me show you guys how it works simply aim and shoot and that actually unlocks a path from left only for a little bit let’s put this in here and let’s say make it all the way over here I’m going to have two options he decides which one I click but pretty much if I click this it opens up the path for him if I click this it opens the path for him on that side too and finally he opens the door for me let’s go through do some final puzzles and that would complete level two and of course we can finally come out and walk straight to level number three where as you can see it’s a whole lot of dirt let’s like this area set set dirt we need it to fully be dirt and this egg is why cuz this is the ground trap where if we just place it down here as you can see it looks like normal dirt now imagine me placing them all over the place like here here here pretty much everywhere all over this area where it looks like normal dirt but let me show you guys where it sends you so king Tom will think this is normal walk up to it and fall all the way two here we go and here we are ow well this is now going to be the confusing create mod parkour with even a moving house shut up my friend for helping me with this so as you can see now they’re going to have to go through a bunch of platforms for level three so for example they’ll go from here to here then they got to go backwards oh gosh this is way harder than it looks but if you get it right you can get to the other side yep it’s hard but their goal now is to go from here all the way through these sections including the spinning area right here which isn’t too hard there we go and finally onto this blow area where pretty much it’s going to blow them to the side but they can go up here and if they fall they’ll get all the way down there but simply they can just make it all the way over here and finally make it to the main event the moving house very happy with this one it’s very confusing where again they can just give up if they want to love that guy right there but everything in this house moves and their goal is to just get all the way to the end and if I wanted to I can grab this wrench right here and make it a little harder for example let’s right click this and set it all the way to 27 speed yeah okay maybe a little bit too much let’s set it to uh 10 that’s a lot better and it keeps moving where this one’s even harder they got to go around each little corner at the right time and if they get it right they can make it to the staircase which uh right now I think it’s stuck oh gosh why did it get stuck there we go I fix it and after the house they get to the tubes but right now it’s kind of blocked off they just got to twist this thing and really make their way through if they get too excited though they’ll fall in the void right in front and of course you don’t want to get hit by these chainsaws so they’ll jump through the pipe area definitely don’t want to get turned through that and if they finally make it this is my favorite puzzle right here where they’re going to have to get the right code cuz now we have a working lock with 1 2 3 4 on every single one and if I twist the wheel I can choose a number here’s the thing the code is going to be very easy it’s going to be 1 2 3 and finally four and that’s what’s going to make the door open where finally they can step on this pressure plate which again will be a Teleport to level four out of five oh and if they die any moment they got to restart again now let me just reset this let’s put that door back and let me show you guys where this pressure blade takes you let’s go on top and we’re back and right in front now of level four so we just came back from falling right there but now it’s time for the second to last level before he logs on so yet again we got the build pter let’s right click this which is going to be a village oh and they’re going to be trapped in we’re level four right now might be empty and you see those alls right there watch this in 3 2 1 that’s a lot better Welcome to the Real level four which is the infinite Village reminder they can give up any point but the gold simple for this one they’ll start right here I’m going to put a simple sign right here which is going to say find the button to reveal the exit level four this is all they’re going to have to do that being said though the exit can be anywhere and a button can’t just be a normal button like that picture right there instead I’m going to give you guys 3 seconds to find the exit 1 2 3 can you guys find it it’s right there yep that is not a real grass block where their goal is going to be to just simply walk over this and reveal this hidden area here that being said it won’t be that easy that’s why we have a fake Nester so first let’s put a normal grass block there and now we can just put fake Neer right here and as you can see he has a black tie and doesn’t look fully normal and right under this guy I’m going to go ahead and put the fake grass block and the normal grass block so you might be wondering can he just walk through he can’t fall as long as fake Neer is there to get rid of him he simply right clicks and the guy splits in half it’s it’s kind of goofy but now to make this puzzle a little harder that’s where this Village populator comes in where we’re just going to place this down and it’s going to spawn so many mobs right there right there right there right there I’m throwing these everywhere and with all this population he you will have no idea what to do and and then they’re going crazy they’re they’re going really crazy yeah I like this a lot and now for one more layer of difficulty right here in the middle I’m going to do this Command right here and look at this we have a destruction in 60 minutes obviously this won’t start until he comes in but he needs to find his way out of here to get to the final part of my confusing Minecraft base so that’s all of level four and let’s say they actually beat it in time they’ll be going down here and at the end I put a special end portal just now this is how he’s going to get to the final level versus me all right let’s jump down and out we come in the end this is the final level and to make even more curs this is a let end portal without any eyes don’t ask me about it I have no idea but as you can see the original base got a little bit bigger this time it won’t be an over ending base cuz it really is nestor’s base or is it here’s the thing this is going to be a base and a base and a base and a base and a base I’m not even kidding we’re the way to the next base is going to be through here but I have this crafting table with legs to hide it right here yep it literally legs this one’s going to be crazy and to get through the hole we’re going to need this Oak trap door but real quick he’s going to look around probably right click the furnace figure out if it’s under the bed but it’s really just behind this guy oh if we hit he’s going to make sure we can uh get through then he can put a trap door go through here I hit the guy all the way down and make his way to nestor’s real base or is it again so yet again looks like a standard base maybe there’s something behind the paintings maybe it’s out of the furnaces maybe it’s the creeper head but in reality it has to do with this area here as you can see there’s paintings there’s a door right here nothing really going on here but these paintings are the way out you can just walk through here and get to the next area I’m going to make it a lot harder though just so they can give up but in my hand is a squishy chest and if we right click it right here we now have big chest where if they right click it it’s going to give them a bunch of stuff including the world’s biggest sword it literally stabs the screen they’ll need it very soon but let’s say they get through this and get all the way down here which is going to be the next area which is neer’s real real base is this the final one nope cuz yet again it looks like an even better base we got the enchant station all the loot in the world reality it’s pretty empty they’re not going to get my real loot yet and as you can see a whole lot of lava and maybe a fake lava obviously if they go in lava they’re supposed to die but they don’t know that it’s actually fake lava and to make things even goofier this lava right here we can just straight up break it yep it’s all fake and it leads to another base don’t worry guys it’s almost done because this right here is neer’s real real real base and yes it is my real base with some crumbling Bedrock which we might get to that if needed but the only thing we’re going to need to hear is simply one bed in this miniature Steve get ready for how goofy this guy looks because when we place him down like right here he’s just chilling this is the last step until he can finally fight me I’m not going to reveal what happens when you wake up Steve stay tuned to watch that but if defeated I’m going to be the final opponent and he’ll also be getting all my diamonds and maybe a mystery prize and all that’s left to do now let see if he can survive here we go okay will do you have the map H neest I have the map yes all right all you got to do is move forward I’m watching you and see if you can get into level five of my confusing base you want me to go into this box right here yes it’s it’s it’s a nice base it’s a nice little grass thing all right put a lot of time into it oh I see wait what happened everything okay well I I’m confused already so success but is this like a solid wall and like a mirror or can I oh I can keep going and reminder you do have the item in your hot bar where you can give up at any moment n this is this is not happening ever you will never get me to give up okay well I mean it’s all up to you now how do you get out of the NeverEnding hallway wait this is just wait wait wait wait oh he’s trying the quadron okay hold on there’s got to be like an invisible wall or something right oh he has no idea what if I close the door ooh that that’s a smart way of going about it if you can’t get past this one this is like the easiest part oh wait wait I just tpd no no you’re still in the same spot am I losing my mind you’re losing your mind right now can you find your way out oh congratulations I thought I saw something what is this you’re now on to part two of level one wait there’s a reason this bush is here is that a pressure plate under there maybe or maybe you just got to go down up to you oh and by the way if you die you restart from the beginning oh okay same old same old okay okay okay yeah it looks like you’re going down it’s going down for a bit okay wait and I’m back all right okay let’s try that again here we go down oh I’m loving this right now buddy is so lost okay oh he found the door oh and now on to the next room see that room above you this one yes just keep in mind how it looks that being said I put a sign in there for you just so you know uh you know what’s coming for you find how it looks is that a door great job it’s going to get harder now yes sir and here I’ll give you a hint all you got to do is go through that door this one yes yes that door right there no worries oh oh now I’m really up here now you’ve gone all the way up this is now where it’s going to get very difficult yeah I don’t trust the glass get me through here wait hold on and okay he he knows the tricks now you have littleit in time as soon as you run out of air you got to get out of here very soon oh wait do you see something already oh gosh oh no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait let me get back in here get some air okay okay big moves can you find the exit though going oh I’m drowning okay oh okay come on this is not good hey this looks weird what is going on here oh oh wait I think he’s on to something oh gosh is this oh I see well done now do you know how to do this next area where it might look a little bit weird to do some parkour lava’s under you be careful what is this he’s eying something what is this oh is he going to go for it oh dude I’m cooking all right congratulations now let’s see if we can make it to the end of the parkour the confusing base is just giving you sprinkles of confusion right now but this last part is the hardest all right open the door and see what’s waiting for you it’s the beginning welcome back to the start buddy you got to do it all over again and see if you can find the real exit what is that a joke hey keep going okay double F5 I’m going I’m speed running up here in here into the parkour I’m no longer confused Neer this is it okay well do you know what to do here or do you want to give up I can’t keep going through that door if I go through that door I know exactly what happens there got to be something here it’s got to be something what if I keep spamming get oh there it is no no no I think you found it I think you found it there right there and then yes oh my goodness there you go welcome to the level two teleporter are you ready I’ve never said no yet and I’m not giving up so let’s go here we go wo welcome buddy to level two good to see you now all you need for level two is another give up button just so you’re double sure you can give up here’s the theme though it is going to be parkour I’m going to be watching you like always and if you want to give up any point give up that would be great where’ you you gone I’m just on my own now uh yeah you know you’re just vibing I’m not really vibing NE I just got a parkour you just got a parkour okay so I’m not going to give you any hints the borders there’s no borders what am I going to do just jump hey if this is a mirror then I’m jumping this way yeah yes I I got to say this is probably one of the easier challenges throughout this thing so you know what you can probably book it all right I’m going to cook I’m cooking he’s crazy he’s crazy he’s just going for it this is like a zigzag five blocks long so I go here I’m just going to be safe at this bit four five all right I’m at the end just think of it like the Cal before the storm what do you mean I’m just saying we have a lot of stuff prepared and some of it you know um it might be worthwhile all right right here that right here Crouch don’t fall down the hole a simple one two here we go nice okay okay nicely done am I going this way or this way come straight onto this next room I see me right here oh yeah I see you time for the next room where you can see nice Bedrock very simple but it can’t be that easy this right here is going to change everything look over there I’m looking and all right why do you keep doing this I love a nice time to parkour have fun fight okay 3 2 1 here I go quick quick quick quick quick nice two one nice Okay can make this I can make this oh a little risky okay ooh this one’s going to be risky though can you do this one come on come on come on come on come on too easy nicely done okay and here’s the last one here I go all right that was a lot better area three wait but that’s say featuring me oh you joining me featuring me all right buddy I’m right here and here’s the rules there’s no breaking blocks at any point and you have one attempt to convince me to help you or else you get a bot so uh go one attempt huh why should I join your team um I’ll make a trade you’ll make a trade well what is this make a trade if you join me just for this one level I will like and I will subscribe but you you’re already subscribed you know what honestly that’s a pretty good deal I’m in let’s do it all right going and game mod survival and here’s the thing your goal is to get to the end I am no longer part of your team when we get to the end but as you can tell it’s a call parkour I will only do what you told me to do so what should I do well I’m going to take this ender pearl and I want you to walk and stand on that pressure plate please understood going to the pressure plate now nice please stay stood on that pressure plate okay I got one shot do not miss do not miss wait hold on I might go big brain watch this you ready oh that was big brain nice that was actually bigger brain than I thought it would be all right do your thing okay let me get this bow and arrow wait right there wait wait wait wait wait nice okay now I’m locked in huh oh Target I see here we go all right buddy shot me first oh oh oh uh what do you want me to do with this uh so obviously when I shoot the target I want you to parkour are you ready ready 3 2 1 go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I did it we’re good okay what would you like me to do now uh what what have you got a over there click me or click me I have two click mes would you like me to click either uh go light blue first please here we go light blue oh okay now dark blue dark blue nice oh bad idea bad idea get the path okay I see I see the path what would you like me to do okay hold on click it again but give me a countdown three 2 1 nice nice that’s it that’s it teamwork teamwork yo you did it dude how that is crazy who set this up all right now light blue let me see this path okay you ready three would you like me to count down once more please once more oh he he’s strategizing okay I got it you ready Count Me Down 3 2 1 I’m late I’m late I’m late I’m late oh he’s late he’s late he’s late dude this timer is crazy I might give up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah click that click that that’s a good idea no no no no no okay okay okay you ready three 2 1 you want okay for real this time okay don’t send me into the void please sorry you had to do that all over again but three 2 1 no no no I’m going to up I’m holding give up if I don’t do it this time I’m giving up all right 3 2 1 one one not giving up not giving up he did it I’m never giving up Neer I told you uh what about me now all right now if I do this oh I have a click me here we go oh now it’s my turn count it down 3 2 1 that’s what I thought that is what I thought NE okay real quick let me see it 3 2 one there it is wait I don’t think that’s possible I don’t think that’s possible either I don’t think I made this possible you know what I made this so uh if it’s not possible I’ll just get to the next place all right click it here we go ready 3 2 1 go go go I’m crazy I’m crazy I’m crazy no that is impossible that was so close you know what I made it it doesn’t matter open the door we’re good we’re good okay the gamees master I see yep yep yep yep here we go on to the next area and it looks like the only thing left for me to do is to open the door for you all right I want to confirm did you like the video and did you subscribe to the channel before I open this open the door you know I did open the door all right I’m going to trust you come on in and congratulations you made it to level three okay well for this next level all you got to do is come to me and hit me once I don’t trust this NE I don’t TR no by and there he goes what is this welcome to level three no you already know what the deal is this is a create mod moving parkour you’re good at parkour let’s see if you can figure out this confusing part if I go around this and I hate this I’m going to get pushed off I mean you can do whatever you want and reminder you do have three give up buttons wait is this possible this is very much possible all right here we go three give up buttons does that mean I have three opportunities to give up or I I just click it once and that’s it it’s over you click it once and it’s over all right I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this no small jumps small jumps small jumps small jumps small jumps small jumps go oh yes how did you do that what oh my gosh okay this one it gets harder there ain’t no way there is no way oh gosh oh gosh can you get get the diagonal what okay can I jump this this this I can go nice that’s one oh nicely done two oh oh nicely done that counts right that counts he’s he’s literally one-shotting all this this is crazy okay I got to jump through that Gap and Y oh that was close oh my gosh all right can you now get through the win Parts it’s very straightforward it launches right then Neer is that one of those launchers again you might want to get on it just saying okay oh oh he’s going through it all going stronger than the wind I’m stronger than the wind oh he’s crazy nice that’s it what what is this this is the moving house no I recommend starting from the right this side yep yep yep everything is moving in this house and if you fall you lose oh I see get me in there oh okay oh he’s crazy okay nicely done now what about this part where you can fall into the void let picking me up oh be ready be ready oh he’s crazy you got to go for it oh oh he got saved would have killed you that was so saved on to the next part get me on here and get me up okay so see that little uh circle thing not that one the wooden one there’s a lever there move it for whatever you need it’s more of a tutorial this part ah I see oh oh oh that almost got you I knew that was going to almost get you okay jump over these okay okay now just some simple parkour three four okay oh you don’t want to go in that yep yep yep one two nice I’m out oh nicely done and now this is the passcode thing can you guess the code and open up the lock oh I know the code watch this one no way two no three really this way four no I know way it’s one two three dude that that that was okay you know what y on the pressure plates see you in level four level four that’s W welcome buddy to level four before anything here you go a fourth give up Buton for level four and as you can see around me this is the infinite Village well as infinite as it gets this is a small village Nessa this is not infinite oh well I I guess you might not call it small in a bit but if you look at the sign your mission is to find the button to reveal the exit come with me my friend straight this way okay all right you see that big level four right there yeah all right if you get a little bit more forward do you see that right there destruction in 55 minutes that time is ticking Nesta we are going to nuclear bomb this entire area you got to find the exit bye-bye have fun where’s the button anything can be a button you’re supposed to tell me where the button is n where is the button it could be anywhere it can be anything anywhere you have 55 minutes am I allowed to break and build no no breaking no building and to help you out with your journey there are lots of entities running around and they could all be buttons too these could be buttons anything can be a button oh okay buddy is just right clicking away okay there’s so many yep oh look at him go and there’s so many okay he can’t hear me right now but he is already getting closer to the button it’s right about there uh well where you at right now I don’t even know where you’re at where’s this button I don’t know buddy this place is infinite oh okay wait wait wait you are so lost can’t break and build but I can parkour you’re parkouring all right oh my this is ridiculous I’m just saying a minute has passed so uh time is taken let means I got 54 minutes left I’ll take my time he can’t hear me right now but he is kind of getting closer oo got some food that’s good that’ll keep me going for another couple minutes I’m convinced it’s not an entity the a this is bait right I don’t know I mean all of them can be leading you somewhere maybe okay that’s way way way more over here than anywhere else oh looks like you’re doing good they have to be near the button they’re all looking for the button too right I’m convinced that none of these are the button what are you doing here are you just watching me from him wait why are you not moving that’s what what do you mean I’m I’m I’m just no you may have found the button no no got to go go go go all right well congratulations you made it to the tunnel all you got to do is follow now and if you dare go into the portal this will be the final level you want me to go in here this is it yes can I bring these guys with me uh nope you’re wasting time here you go have fun oh welcome will to level five where again you know what’s coming reminder give up buttons are plentiful and you can give up any point but as you can see this is the end this is my final confusing base where I’ll be waiting for you at the very bottom and uh now it’s for you to figure out at the very bottom that’s all you got to know have fun okay got some chest okay got a trapo makes me think the bed nothing here okay so if I put the trapo right here go down here there’s got to be a secret right there right oh well you’re you’re looking somewhere no oh wait oh no how about okay before anything right click Mr crafting table it’s the Walking Table all right you can continue what is that yeah yeah you don’t you don’t want to know Welcome To My Real base are you sure this this is your real base I mean hey you can figure out remember no breaking blocks hey paintings you can rightclick stuff though oh right click the dispenses check the chest he’s looking at every single chest okay lots of stuff for you to look at this might be my real base you might finally did it you you you can Loop my stuff everything like I don’t believe that this is your real base n what you mean it’s great designs oh oh oh wait that that makes a noise I don’t think that’s the solution but it makes a noise it does make a noise okay oh wait wait you might want to go back real quick congratulations you figured that out but right click the chest you’ll see what happens right click it oh there you go buddy you’re going to need that sword weird sword that is the longest sword possible in Minecraft now move forward and welcome to my real real base what do you mean your real base this is the real real base now how do you get to me that’s the real question oh is he going to go back to right clicking no I’m not right clicking I’m just just going to hug the walls at this point maybe I could sleep in the bed sleep in the bed okay okay no any weird crafting benches I mean honestly this is going to take you a while I recommend giving up you can give up is okay you made it this far you’ve done great job will like it’s okay to give up I’m not giving up what is that something in there it’s me what yep you’re there’s nothing over here that’s it it’s just a hole it’s just a hole I I’m just saying man you’ve looked everywhere will you can just give up man uh I feel like I need to take a dip in the lava wait wait oh no I hear that oh no what is this look okay you found me out what is this oh gosh yep yep he’s got it right click this you you can break one block and it’s this one go ahead and break lava in Minecraft oh yep okay I have a lava block now now look around it’s actually very much closer than you think oh I’m going oh and there he goes welcome buddy all right this is my real real real base where I have a present for you what is that oh you you’ll see you’ll see buddy come come on down Okay so this right here is Steve you’ve come to rescue Steve but uh the real thing is you got to battle him he might look a little puny and uh kind right now but if you do defeat him I will take you on on a 1 V1 and if you beat me in the 1 V one you will win the challenge and your prize which I haven’t mentioned yet so I’ll be right over here just just chilling and uh you uh you can uh now uh awaken my friend Steve there with a diamond oh get him yo what is that what what is that weird Steve get him wacky waving inflatable un flailing Tube Man what is this go go go go go I hate it I hate it I hate it he’s crazy I hate it I hate it well done you got Steve now it’s time will look I’m going to be having a lot of stuff and when I mean a lot of stuff I am going to be having 10,000 diamonds in my inventory that’s a lot of diamonds not only that but now you have to defeat me in full diamond you just have your long sword okay if you beat me you’ll get a prize which you don’t know about yet ready I I mean yes yes all right I’m ready three 2 1 I’m coming for you I just got to get three hits on how long is this sword oh yeah this sword is long oh gosh wait okay it’s actually doing not that much damage if I can just get to you what do you mean not that much damage you’re not getting to me Neer it’s not happening bro I just got to move forward I’m sorry buddy the final confusing part is even confusing oh wait that’s actually doing damage now why did I not give myself food this is a bad idea just get a little bit closer now so just get a little bit closer wait that hit hurt that hurt yep yep yep yep okay I got to dodge this I got to dodge this I can use this this apple really quick here we go here we go this is it this is it this is it this is it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I just need one hits I’ve got this you can’t touch me why did I give you such an OP item oh gosh oh gosh there we go there we go okay wait that hurts that hurts I got a stre I got a stre I got a stre surely it’s close to done oh he’s juking one more hit no no well look man no like a Wither I got to say you have been a formidable opponent but come on no yes well congratulations you’ll be winning the pinned comment of this video you can say anything you want anything yes and anything you want in the pin comments go ahead and check it out guys hope you guys all enjoyed of a great one and it is video just like this one oh you’re not going to like the comment oh gosh bye

Minecraft but Can You Raid My Confusing Base? w/ @Kiingtong

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🎉 What was your favorite Illegal Admin Confusing Base Moment in todays Minecraft, But Can You Raid My Confusing Base?

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#Minecraft #But


  1. ……………,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return. The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc..😍

  2. ……………,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return. The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc..😍

  3. ……………,love seeing Principal Steinbeck return. The fact that Cody being in kindergarten is an arc reminds me of Junior going to summer school which was also an arc..😍

  4. You should make a 2 hour video of this maze parkor challenge, based off of the fitness gram pacer test, everything is timed to 10 minutes per level and every level infinitely and exponentially multiplies in difficulty until it becomes virtually impossible to complete, and there wont be an6 assistance or hints 😈😈😈

  5. Hi guys I am so sorry I am so not going to the right now but I am so sorry thankful for 🥲 and your family family that you are have 😢 and your family are and are are welcome to 🤗 so much love love ❤️ so good 😊 I I

  6. I have a lot to say about the big one ☝️ and and we are are i and and I I am so sorry proud to 🥲 you that and that you are will be be v😅😅 and and riep I I v do do you that you need need money 😂 just need a ride big box time and for to be a safe and one big reason 😊

  7. Sorry I have a big red shirt 👚 shirt black black white head red black red black white white red black red black red white white black black red red white hood white black black head white black head wi the I am am so sorry so sorry so late late much so so love you so guys good 😊 night 😊😘 love you you are so so 🐄🌚🌙🌛 I I have have you you guys have have so good many good many many good r

  8. Sorry I have a big eye eye on it so so I can do it later later on I have a big head on the head head e and the head head to do a so😂please let me me so I can am I so 😅 big time for with a a big head big big head hug 🤗🫂 hi guys 💿 big hi sissy happy Christmas birthday to to you you have have a fun day day at and we I have love to to you ie trirkm forget forget about about the camera woeoldldlddlelleeiei I so so much sorry I nnqaeddododoodod do it that this week so so foo

  9. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

  10. I see that Nestor did this with a little bit of the Create mod, y'know, the steam punk like mod that lets you go above and beyond and stretch minecrafts limits. I know this because RagePlaysGames used the create mod for his vids

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