We Survived 100 Days on DUO ONE BLOCK in Minecraft

for the next 100 days I’m gonna be limiting myself to this singular block but the worst part is I have to share it with this guy not only am I about to get every resource taken away from me I’m gonna have to share what I can get my only goals are to beat the game and be the better Builder among the two of us and without hinting too much it gets very hectic so watch to the end to see what we can create alrighty welcome back to one block I’m sure the intro explained enough so let’s get right into it first off Duos we have to pray to God literally that the server won’t lag one of us off thus ending the video quicker than the shortest divorce believe it or not that’s a real thing I looked it up thankfully Maggie’s got fast hands and he granted us the use of our first dirt block which I snagged and placed down for safety from there the block went through its tutorial phase giving us dirt wood and a chest this gave us our first sapling so we can hopefully not have to rely on the Block for wood the next plan of action was expansion as he broke the block I started our smallest of expansions with slabs in doing so the block eventually summoned a large slab of bacon well to be determined as bacon I guess then we were gifted a bucket with a job of going under the block to place a block thus catching the falling blocks like gravel and sand or just possibly us speaking of falling once I was done with this task I started a water safety net something Maggie suggested from his Skyblock series I mean it might help him but a pro like myself I don’t fall much less die as they seem aim to start its closing the one block gave us our gift signaling that it was time for the next phase but to be honest it’s kind of just phase one at this point this was the tutorial and while that’s going on consider subscribing all you have to do is boot the Subscribe button and you’ll be a much cooler person oh and you know the Bell no not the one for villagers yes that one ring it so you know when I upload another Banger like this one anyway back to the real content stage one of the block starting off day two I have and you have no idea how much I wanted to hit them off the map maybe like I did a little one at night but we we don’t need to talk about him with the chicken safe and sound with the other animals we cage throughout the night we return to slaving over a single block until it gave us a gift once again signaling it’s time to speed things up stage two the cave phase this one gives us access to Stone ores and mobs which all can be helpful in their own way first thing I did was steal the stone for myself and craft the first stone tool of pickaxe and promptly threw off the dreaded wooden yuck ax I can’t believe I had to use that thing honestly I’ma say it would pickaxes started coven anyway back to double mining the one block which happened to reward infinite food a mushroom this man in my book is royalty deserving of his own pen away from the other goofy looking resource lacking worthless pieces of then the unthinkable happened a chest awarded its young Padawan with its first Spruce sapling which then I proceeded to twerk on it hoping for its righteous growth we also got the first mob spawn who I absolutely wrecked by the way who told you you could spawn here this island isn’t rent free we charge a hundred dollars a second to stay here almost as bad as New York City Apartments holy cow some time later Maggie figured out our best use of the limited resources we got was to make a smoker so I did this that’s that’s called spawn killing however my best use of resources to date was getting four Spruce saplings and making a separate platform for An Almighty tree one who could fund our mission for generations to come anyway the day ended out pretty calm with our first green bean loaded with gunpowder however I was very manly and handled the situation without breaking a sweat day three opened with a bang specifically the next phase icy Tundra this means we now have access to Strays wolves and snow I know cool right we took this upgrade as a chance to grind the block for new materials including Spruce let’s go stop judging me and hit the like button if we have 15 000 likes I’ll drag this man back into a world for 200 days any who something big happened to us Strays with this Maggie had a big brain planned to double our water but we needed bones which we each got two of he’s somehow managed to duplicate the water with bone meal spawning in seagrass thus making a source block I was utterly amazed I didn’t know you could do this however in his attempts to impress me I realized I could grow my tree I spent my bone meal on it to get the best true rap you’re kidding me right I don’t even get my treat is this this is what depression feels like I think thankfully by the end of the day imagine had blessed me with this bone meal growing the tree for me I finally knew my purpose my friend the tree the only thing keeping me from jumping into the unknown was this thing which I proceeded to chop down as if all the work we had just gone through was for nothing but I’m getting stressed with so who’s the real winner here as the moon set and the sun blessed us the block was like not today buds you’re not making it past day three and spawned a monster party on us now this can only be described in one word infernal regions thankfully my smart thinking gave us a separation from the protein-induced creatures and we were able to kill them all normally I start my morning by vpning shows on Netflix not fighting off Undead hordes although that was really all that could happen on day four cause I was getting hungry and went AFK to order food in real life yep instead of being a good YouTuber creating amazing content I figured burgers are more important and let me tell you this I was right I ended up ordering Five Guys which in fact does help burgers and not men however that led my day 4 into the night when we unlocked the ocean stage okay yeah now you can shake in your boots the ocean stage now allows the creatures of a guardian Temple to rise up breathe on land and she lasered at us all while we watch without any armor fun thankfully like the smart Men We Are we decided to expand the platform on day five the idea was that the one block Island would Separate Myself And magic we would each branch off onto our own island starting a building war with one another the night after gathering this Spruce I needed I started work on a bridge to my area I wanted to do a covered bridge mostly made of spruce cause duh I got decently far in the project when my food from earlier arrived so enjoy this lovely time lapse that took up almost all of day six [Music] just kidding I’m not gonna show you that whole thing so now building this covered bridge took a little while because I’m now eating burgers however once I added the walls trapdoors and the final roof I can start my own platform to counter Maggie’s build as for some reason like I mentioned before we’re just competitive and won’t build peacefully at the end of day seven magic weren’t about Phantoms they normally take about seven days to spawn which is something I didn’t know about but with only one bed we were kind of stuck so I made the Big Marine play and logged off the server I just left he was able to sleep and start off day eight which is the day I can start off on my platform however I have some huge plans for this place I really want to make a large house for chest but sell it off as a hallway so he thinks that I’m not building like to my full potential because it’s just a hallway then I can have multiple platforms leading to Farms trees villagers Etc although I need wood for my build so basically I spent the entire day cutting down trees but mark my words the base will look epic now the next few days are kind of a blur I was filled up on burgers and mostly just existing however what I do remember is working on my hallway I mean look at this it’s huge very large I’m telling you anyway at one point I remember finding all the anime Universe okay maybe not that but Elder Guardians well we mind the one block the ocean phase figured we needed a boss fight so it spawned another monster party this time it was the strongest bosses possible however being the men we are ready to take them on we ran ran like little children going towards the ice cream truck however in our bravery we were able to elude the monsters until they took themselves out I don’t want to do that again tree grew I’ll be back kind of my saying throughout these 100 days as you know I just love spruce trees then I broke my ax on it so I upgraded it stealing valuable resources so Maggie won’t be able to get any and master plan after that nothing amazing happened I just worked on oak trees as my base can’t all be spruced that’s just silly no that was silly who why am I saying no one says it anymore the next day I finally figured I should add a water safety net under my base as it might come in handy one day I’m not admitting to defeat but it could be useful I guess and let me tell you I may have hand-eye coordination from gaming but not when it comes to slabs and water I am terrible at this I went to imagine side of the Void to check out his water wall and then a tree tried to kill me I actually thought I would die to this as I was mid-jump Landing looking at the water but once again I was unscathed after a near-death experience like that I figured why not give Maggie a gift so I threw an egg at him it did nothing but sentence a chicken to death by me and not the void of course thankfully the water wall was there and caught me after slicing and dicing tomorrow night’s kung pao chicken but before the day ended we mined the one block until it spawned Satan on us which knocked me down to three hearts however this man wanted a taste of the ocean so he jumped off but didn’t fully leave us so I big brained a plan made a bow and arrow to shoot him off which worked thankfully because that guy hurt me more than my mom with a belt as morning arose we are now on the jungle phase phase five the one with vexes I honestly want the Guardians back now these things even did more damage to me than the guardian and neglected to inflict such harm on my teammate I’m pretty sure that’s racist but just go with that guy not me although we did survive I’m upset I had to eat more mushroom soup than he did further depleting our infinite food supply the one block was quite kind to us for a while and just gave us resources we needed but with the mob threat looming we figured it best to fence in the block we even made it look okay like decent less than pretty but working you get it now nothing can get to us something got to us a monster party spawned ruining the fences we just made 5 minutes and 12 seconds ago thankfully we handled it and rebuilt the fence ugly because he wanted to be safe and all afterward we just mined the one block till morning and pretty much all throughout that day until the block finally upgraded to its next phase the red desert this gives us uh sand so that’s good technically oh hey it also gives us villagers finally these are the only way for us to get diamond gear well other than end cities and bastions but I can’t beat a Bastion naked and cities are easy but Fashions those at least take underwear I made a dead coral house for these guys as we got multiple and let them rest for a long day of birth From the Block they they didn’t do the baby thing yet also the house I made for them is not ugly I swear we also don’t keep it for like 40 days we probably take it down we totally don’t day 17 I went back to my hallway house okay really it’s just kind of gonna be for chests it still needs a roof though which was kind of finished later in the day I say kinda since I still want to do a lot to the top of the base I started to work on a clock tower section of the build which later had no clock and no Tower however I put a lot of design into this bad boy making it pass off as a decent build halfway through my work magic needed help on the mob farm and since I’ve done this tons of times in the past and have even done a one block on it I figured I’d help him out upon being put to work I immediately showed off my building skill by Plumbing into my death just kidding there’s water down here thankfully I later passed this off as me just taking a break from the work because like I I wasn’t gonna die anyway this was totally fine we had zero reaction to this whatsoever go watch Magic’s video If you really want to see the reaction and by the morning of day 19 we had a working mob farm so now I can actually finally finish my house to be fair this was mostly built for bone meals so we can get more trees to further expand the base worth it also my base was blown up by a creeper when I got back to working on it so uh the fun day adding on the Final Touch of Windows to this place made the difference and now I have a shell of the hallway chest system I’m gonna make but it looks good so day 21 let me tell you about day 21 it was aimless I think I did a few things but it really never amounted anywhere so day 22 is where it’s at let me show you I worked on the interior so cool right in all honesty it was just the inside roof so I can map out the chest locations however it ends up looking super cool I even added in a long wooden beam I decorated with leaves and trap doors I loved it so much that I did another one doesn’t the place just look really nice however after my house tour Maggie wanted to show off his place which in my opinion is only good because of the rock now I’m kidding I do love this place the colors are great I do wish that I didn’t use so much Spruce but as it is it’s the best block in the game you can’t even argue day 24 when I logged in it was raining which is dumb because water am I right I brought back legal deforestation by declaring myself a long mirror Jack in another video and cutting down a mass amount of trees to finish off the chest room worth it vegans I used that wood to make a platform for trees and other Farm stuff it hopefully will allow me to become rich with villagers which is my goal I basically just want to be the richest one block guy I may have also been on the phone during this day so much progress was made maybe but I did end up getting the platform done along with the water wall that goes underneath it so I don’t fall to my death we also went back to mining the one block and since it was a seamless task I didn’t even have my hands on the keyboard when a Vindicator spawned thankfully Maggie had it handled although the game figured why not test him again while I was eating in the spawned at monster party thankfully again Maggie was around to take care of it while I was running around like madman hey yo what up Arnold he’s my new villager friend I’ll be stealing from him a lot later a bit of wandering Trader with Arnold and friends because why not it’ll be fine also one block so fun yay I mean to be honest this is how we’ve made our livelihood so I guess this thing is fine although if it keeps spawning these things I I might never touch you again I swear but the real reason we mined this thing was to get to the stage here the nether stage this this place will open up so much for us including lava for constant Cobblestone the nether stuff which can get us netherrite and bastions which has a chance to have diamonds or diamond armor which is a big thing for us real quick I want to mention that I found shaky ball sack yes he’s back in the video I went ahead and made him a house inside of my house and he is now the central structure of my very own chest hallway every single time I walk in here I get to say hello to shaky ball sack and of course I name him later on when I remember that we have a name tag but for now enjoy his glorious Beauty and of course all of that comes from the actual nether so that’s where I headed next of course when I entered it was perfectly on a fortress however what I’m looking for are the bastions I mentioned earlier almost here I also made it my goal to gather some gravel we need it for more dirt and with an open world nether this is the best way to get it back on the hunt I was finally able to find my first Bastion it was a bit tucked away but it’s a square something that’s not natural in Minecraft so it was easy to find the hope with this thing is that it’s a treasure Bastion which of course it was what luck now all I had to do was safely get to the middle without being one tapped since I’m only wearing gold armor I was able to mine out a few brutes and make my way to the chest they had a half set of diamond armor and a nether eye Ingot I think I probably got some of the best chest loot pool I could have had now I can make fun of Maggie for being poor I did stay here for a little bit longer ended up finding another Bastion although this one was just for gold I wish I got another treasure one but no such luck I went under trading for leather arrows and Potions we do need enchants and a way to kill the flying things that the block seems to keep spitting out after that I went back to base to check on Maggie’s villager breeder and he’s a super slow Builder but I’m not here to glue I’m here to show off my better armor well okay that’s gloating back to my extra platform to finish it off I needed to multiply my dirt thankfully I had plenty of gravel to do so and if you don’t know you can actually take dirt and gravel make coaster then hold that in a real dirt and then so on and so forth now with all this I can make pads of areas for trees and Farms which I forced through to actually fill out the plots of land I added but it was also for villager breeding as I have the only source of crops at the moment then I added in my favorite trees as it’s the only reason I even built this place plus they look really good fully grown together and while it was hard at work Maggie basically did nothing I mean if you count building a villager breeder and trading Hall nothing then you’re right on the money but enough of him you’re here for one thing and one thing only trees yes me back on my grind ready to Deforest the one and only Forest we have access to then I traded in hard work and growth for a child as it’s done in modern day culture basically I want to be chilling here waiting for this baby to grow up into a weaponsmith I mean all of this literally I’m gonna sit here for a day or two and watch it is creepy maybe it’s debatable nope probably creepy once Linda was all grown up it was time to give her a job from here on out it’s my job to consistently trade with villagers specifically her all the way up to diamond tools I may have had an excess of Trades at one point that I gave to Maggie so that was funny to watch then I made the final trades up to expert for the first Diamond Tool which again I gifted the Magic in the best possible way then I realized that in my inventory I possess 5 five Enchanted axes you know what time it is hey yo what up my Arnold I got more branches for you I use those to then finally max out Linda to give me yick axes I’m not super interested in them since I’m more of just a regular ax guy but I think Maggie might want one the rest of the time was just me spent annoying him which to be fair was fun and you can’t even deny annoying someone to the brink of logging off is surely a great time now that Maggie’s breeder is done we have to get some villagers over to it the idea is that the villagers will do the deed and only the kid will be able to make it to an enclosed area for us to arrange their um homes that’s better than prisons my job was to get single villagers out of our Coral prison to travel to a new home it really wasn’t that hard however if they lack any brain cells they could end up just walking off because maybe it’d be fun well it’d be funny for me Maggie might throw a fit though well that’s cursed what in the world how does that even happen anyway back to my job controlling the Air Supply technically it’s a little bit more than that I am going for diamond gear but I like to think about it as I’m the only one who can control how much oxygen around here is that part of The Lorax I feel like that’s a thing in The Lorax I use stonks to trade my way up to armor until I got the first sets of diamond armor I know I just went to the Nether and got the stuff on my own but I can’t leave Maggie hanging for too long I even used my own cash to give Maggie his first real Armor gift half diamond armor but I’m not done it’s not like I have anything better to do the very next day I was able to get us gear up to full diamond armor we finally look like we know what we’re doing but we don’t I promise after that achievement completed I wanted to expand my land and start a massive project for these 100 days I want to transform my side into the Overworld the best that I can hey I was the one who said it was going to be a massive project turning this into this but we all have a goal I first had to make this giant platform and Surround it with water I don’t want to fall off and well die safety first but look how massive this thing is might be a little too large for me to handle at this point I don’t don’t know what I was thinking alright task one fill this large man in I’m going to need so much to film this giant Circle but since my entire life has been devoted to tree population control I think I can handle it fast number two light this bad boy up no one wants to see the overcrowding creepers and spiders on their Island especially me I’m terrified of spiders want to know something even more terrifying the largest spider ever recorded was over a foot long even a Subway sandwich is smaller than that it has three convince magic to go Bastion hunting with you because the large pizza Island project is taking way too much head space and you want to risk both your lives in a pursuit of dark gray iron then during the nether with Maggie was actually really fun he said he’s played many bedwares games before which is how I started so the parkour skill we acquired was similar unlike winter whose entire goal in the nether is to end my video by Falling in Basalt the first Bastion we found was a solid hour and a recording but that didn’t stop us as we never stopped looking over some friends on top really didn’t like that we had stopped in and could have easily knocked us down into the treasure room oh did I forget to mention that this one is once again the best fashion to exist welcome to my luck so before we went to the main room we figured it best to kill all the piggies and steal from the other half of the Bastion since this place is the uncooler half I didn’t expect much correct in assuming because the stuff here was hot garbage even for people who only have access to clouds now on to the real stuff the main room had two more Diamond pieces in it of course it happened to be the helmet and the boots if I found this place earlier I could have had a full diamond set without using villagers and the chance of that in this kind of world is only 0.04 no I didn’t make that up I swear back to real stats did you know that bastions have a 60 chance to spawn instead of a fortress well that must have even been higher for us because not four minutes later we mind our way into another treasure Bastion however this one wasn’t a piece of cake not only did Maggie fall into the lava right off the bat but I had to jump down and clear my way through brutes not a fun time especially while being chased by two Undead men while my shield was disabled thankfully we were able to grab the loot and peace out of there I got a few more Diamond pieces as well as six diamonds and he got netherite pieces lucky son of a that has been more than enough fun for these few days so we headed back home with our gear and closed a lovely chapter on the nether I’m going to regret saying that I know it you know why I regret saying that I took seven stacks of gold in another to trade with piglens my second guess even my narrator self although I know why I did this iron we had such a lack of iron on the island that we couldn’t even get an anvil if we tried so I used the gold that we got to trade it in for Pearl’s iron potions and leather the basic best gear you can get from here alright back to the grueling process of finishing off my larger platform I had to Deforest a bit for the oath then turn that into slabs and finish the exterior Ridge speaking of the lack of forest time to spend my day doing exactly that well what will I do I want to mention how I cut down over 6 000 logs which is 99 more than Maggie here so who’s doing the real work and then use the pillar of creation pen pending a creation by Yours Truly Maggie I had no input on this thing but spits out a heck ton of cobblestone which is what I need so I’m fine with it let’s sat here long enough to attend college and realize I hated it so about 20 minutes okay that’s a lot of Cobble oh I just realized you have no idea why I’m doing this so the goal is to make the overall right well what better way to do that than to make a gigantic waterfall Archway just making Hills out of grass no I like to torture myself with work smile I’m not AFK you are someone calculate the percent of this video I spent chopping trees here’s an extra five seconds just for you one two three four five so once again while I’m working Maggie was just building a hill for his main base I feel like there’s an uneven sense of work ethic I’m always doing what I want to do and he’s always further advancing the island what a nerd so dirt right well I need some meeting I’m headed back to the nether yay exciting but this trip needs talked about I think I stepped in The Matrix as soon as I arrived here I was obviously looking for gravel but what what I didn’t know was that I would be sent into a constant shock about how many times I didn’t find gravel and how many times I made it back to the portal it’s impossible for you to experience this pain because you’re the viewer but as the runner in the video I felt like I was in a loop like how did I end up above the portal when looking for gravel and how did I somehow make it to my old gravel mine what I I don’t know what’s happening it may not seem like it but at this point I was actually screaming in game and Maggie was having the time of his life laughing at me because I didn’t know what the heck was going on but to spare you some pain the rest of these days were just coaster conversion I needed a heck ton of dirt and even that is an understatement onto the archway build this was one of the hardest things I ever had to do and obviously you’re seeing a much shorter version because it took me an hour to do the issue was my visualization of the curve your brain tells you you can make a curve when you try to do it flops it’s never right however by the end of the three days we managed to make the intended goal a mob spawner because this thing’s completely Hollow and there’s no torches on the interior so we’re gonna have mobs in there for all of eternity but I think that the archway turned out a lot better than my original design so I can’t complain now to just dirt I spent the day laying out most of the dirt on the island I want to have a River run through the land as well so I planned that in I also put a small island in the middle for an enchant table it’s all a really cool idea until you have to place all of these blocks no one ever warns me that I do too big a builds until I’m doing the build okay that’s a lie everyone warns me I just don’t listen and all that time Maggie finally finished his house on day 66. I uh he’s his soul Builder although it did look really good just needs an interior which you can see him do in 200 days 15 000 likes and we’ll do another 100 days in this world so go smash the like button right now and comment 200 days also subscribe okay bye over the course of like the last 20 to 40 days I have finally grown enough sugar cane to make the full enchant table and since the small island on my side was kind of done we placed it there with over 50 levels you can imagine how happy I am that we can finally get to enchant our stuff working with the crappy villager and chance has not been fun Linda I got plain P4 on the chest plate Unbreaking three protection 4 on the leggings which was actually good I’m breaking three firepro on the boots and firepro 3 on the helmet that started off so well just to be screwed by the game although the pick and ax kind of made up for it a little bit at least the silk touch will help me get grass spreading over here I redid a chest plate and got oh okay wow making up for some stuff in chat table I see thank you the boots I re-rolled as well and got Unbreaking 3 Pro 3 and the helmet followed with plain prop 4. that’s good enough for me now I’m really swagged out with the gear oh back to the real stuff fine fine fine I know it needs done but why is work so much work is this really entertaining you could just like skip it and go to the final product I get how bad that can sound but it will look cool fine I sped the day finishing off the Island’s dirt blanket as well as the arch then I went back to the patent pending machine which in all fairness can you patent something in Minecraft anyway I was back here reminding cobblestone the bottom layer of the river I gotta make it look half decent it’s wood right now so I’ll add in a little bit of stone and I say half because I don’t actually fully cover the river’s bottom and it still looks fine see have trust in the dream people trust in the dream then I had to add in water which was an adventure since I had the river two blocks tall in some areas although it does tie into the area really nicely I think I outdid myself on this one I was even making Maggie jealous but how could I not look at this place our very own Zen Garden in a way however it’s been a minute since I have done the real objective of the video one block I wonder how many days it’s been since I mined this thing but we are at a point in the video where we should have really already fought the dragon so I’m in endgame mode right now we need to finish off the block and get to Stage 10 ASAP otherwise the entire video’s goal is ruined oh and do I need to mention while I was mining this thing for more than three days magic helped a total of zero blocks I had to do the entire thing by myself but I was able to solo it all the way to the end portal yes I solo the one by for like 5 000 blocks heck you Maggie why do you always do productive things like building an iron farm when I need to make fun of you weirdo so since we have to fight a dragon or whatever we had to gear up for the fight I grab blocks water pearls fireworks food Etc then I wanted to get a mending book for my elytra but we also needed a breaking and I didn’t think about that ahead of time instead I added mending to like everything I had because that’s needed to fight a dragon well to be fair the dragon only hits me like one time every blue moon so I mean I probably didn’t need mending but I like it also during v-day attack of the vindicators I switched my ax over to netherrike cause damage now back to present time where I pointlessly changed my leggings in the netherite I could have gone for the chest plate yes but hear me out they look like jeans so I kind of like it alright fine enough joking around it is time to beat the dragon but now before I trick share you first even I’m shocked I hit that I have like a four percent chance to even remember what slot my bows in and this was a trick shot time to make the dragon feel the same wrath I just forced onto my teammate the fight itself like normal is so intense not that I just instantly take all the crystals then stabby stab the dragon cool now onto the fun stuff elytra hunting I found a city within 48.6259413 seconds of entering the outer end that was a lot of numbers that was a fake number by the way but this is no fake elytra I was able to use this thing to find other entities while I let Maggie loot this city I found another one pretty close and took the elytra right away I also stole the stuff from the city itself as extra gear sometimes I forget we only have one block to work with so all of this armor is either expensive with villagers or just super hard to craft From the Block on my way back to Magi I even found another end City this time I had to make a shulker box to fit all of the gear from this place oh and at this point Maggie was still looting his first Tower what a loser back with Maggie I showed him all of my loot he wasn’t jealous at all who would be he got his elytra and we flew home finally ready to conquer the void and its failed promise of death also he made a dragon lamp I don’t know why it’s just it’s a thing that he does in his videos he uses the egg to make a lamp I can kind of see it but I don’t know it’s just his thing all right so I mentioned Maggie made an iron farm right well there is not even a collection system for this thing and after fixing up my gear with some fresh mending books I headed back in another to collect some black Stones so I can make a proper collection system fun fact Blackstone is slow to mind so I was here for a little while another fun fact crafting table yes I’m already back at base building in the collection cauldron one of my patented builds Maggie has the Cobblestone thing that actually helps and I have this one I don’t know what’s cooler the Practical functioning product or the fancy bowl at least it works time to check back in on Maggie who has been complaining about the storage system right in front of his house I don’t see a problem with it looks fine to me but he forced me to spend the rest of my time organizing all of our random stuff into the portal he made a special area just for this and oh my this took a ton of time to do I lack brain cells when it comes to spotting the right items in the category I’m sorting to which probably made it 10 times harder 378 trees and that into your list Carl because I know you’re the one counting how many times I cut these things down I also had the best netherrite luck ever well we did imagine I dove in the depths to upgrade our gear which only required about 24 netherite and I may or may not have left with around 39. I don’t know if you know but that’s actually more than 24. I think I skipped counting class so you decide major Flex time Maggie you may have your armor but I have an entire block of netherrite which means I’m better in the practical sense aha trees Carl so you see this water thing we’ve made over the course of the last 82 days well now that we have elytra’s we don’t need to worry about the void anymore to remove the water wall I had to block off all of the waterways connected to it and let me tell you this thing was connected from the edge of my River to the end of magi’s Utopia but once it was all falling it looked so amazing probably the coolest thing I think I’ve ever seen in Minecraft just perfect circles slowly dissipating okay let’s talk I finished my project a while ago but we still have some day days left and I’m itching to build something so I took away my old Island the tree one Carl in pursuit of making six separate Islands to surround the Overworld each with the dimensional purpose I went to build all three dimensions on my side obviously the large overall that you see here and then three islands highlighting the Nether and three more highlighting the end the hard part about the entire thing was building all the platforms perfectly symmetrical I hate having poor spacing so I made sure each one of these were in the exact same spot on each side of the island symmetry Carl so together what I need for the islands I made a few shulker boxes and headed off my first stop the end I’m gonna need a ton of endstone for the islands and by a ton I just mean a lot I don’t think a ton is really needed maybe like a half ton also a ton of End Zone would only be one third of a block of end zone so I don’t know what I’m on about I gathered like 3 000 tons of n Stone but enough talk and yes I actually did the math next I needed some obsidian not a ton this time but enough to recreate a small end I’m Island wait I never told you the goal of each island well I guess you know now one version will be a smaller version of what I’m sitting on now but the next one we do is an entity Island which means I’ll need to gather a bit of this one is what I’m doing here Gathering or taking stealing yeah that’s it the last Island we will work on is just the normal end so I shot down chorus flowers so I can plant them myself then I went to the nether to get the materials I needed there of course the inside of the nether fortress first if I’m to recreate it I need the main material I also got some Oddities like quartz purely decoration but a good thing to still have next up was crimson and the Soul Valley biomes then I tore down a bit of a Bastion for a tiny Recreation later after that I moved on a little warm forest and the basalt biome which is my least favorite but still needed for this and with all this Gathering it was time to get to work on the final product I laid out the End Stone on all three and islands and realized I still didn’t even have enough did you know that the End Stone texture is just Cobblestone but inverse spoilers fact but it’s cool the first and Island I worked on was the outer end Highlands Island this is to be modeled after the ogn just some coarse flowers on some Stone then I wanted to recreate the end island with the dragon so I first remade the portal out of Blackstone and I think it looks really good I also remade the pillars which are just obsidian and the coolest part a dragon when I made this I easily agreed that this is probably the best part of it I think it looks super cool for being so small and this island is surely my favorite of all of them the last Island for my end is the end city which is almost a perfect representation of the other city but I completely did it differently wait that’s a complete contradiction this one’s much smaller and is broken down but I think it works for such a small island and I really really like it the nether Islands were a bit different I added in the floor of the Crimson warped mixed Island then flooded it with trees Carl it looks exactly like the overgrown biomes themselves okay overgrown’s an understatement this is an absolute mess it still looks good though then I moved on to a mixed island with the nether fortress on it and of assault frame I show you these super quickly but they actually take me quite a bit of time so subscribe for more awesome videos like this one lastly I worked on the soul Valley Bastion mix now this island in mind didn’t turn out great but it still looks good in my opinion plus fashion themselves aren’t even that cool looking overall so I guess I did kind of well while I did all of this Maggie was working on his own floating islands around the top of his base I used them to look at my own area and wow this place looks so good however Maggie might beat me out for these islands once they’re finished next on my list of assignments was the Wither we did a beacon in this world to look cool so I was back to grind now another item for us to succeed in y’all’s eyes while Maggie was just building up his own area what is that all about again I’m stuck doing all the hard work what a flake after that I stole Maggie’s egg and put it on my end Island to make it just that much better on to the winner Manji has done this before but still shakes in his boots finding this thing but it wasn’t like that hard but it was super easy and I can’t help but laugh that Maggie actually is a chest plate for this however we now have a beacon to display on our Island proudly one of the last things I want to do is get an Unbreaking book we still don’t even have maxed out elytra so that was my goal and let me tell you it took a while to do however with it I can finally rest easy or fly easy Max delightras are so much better than you think and I swear I use too much durability on this thing anyway after that I did a small little thing an Enderman Farm cool so you’ve seen it before then I’ll just roll the replay of it and tell you that this thing is super slow I don’t know why but this time when I made it it just didn’t work as well as I expected and I think it takes doubly as long to get 30 levels and I mean it works it works don’t get me wrong but it just takes a lot more time and that could be the fact like there’s a server setting that I have to like enable or disable for this to work better but I don’t know any ideas in the comments anyway time to do the coolest thing I will ever do max out a netherite health which starts my greatest project yet the whole undertaking I make and enchant six separate hoes and then turn them into netherite reason I’m rich honestly why not seven another eye hoes in my name that’s a goal I want to have with these I want to hide them around the island in random locations so we find them in 200 days and get a good laugh plus if I hide them on Maggie’s side I want to see how long it takes for him to find him and with all these hidden the 100 is coming to a close I wished around the island to view our success and this is the last day to do so because the sun is now Rising which means day 100 so if you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to me and Maggie also check out my beach party merch line down below a week from now it will not be there and most likely won’t come back so get it while you can thanks for watching and check out these other videos on my channel while you have time you might just like them and until the next time I see you peace Carl

In this video Myself and Magicov took on the Challenge of One Block. This is one of Minecrafts hardests Challenges, and our only goal was survival. However we did do some awesome stuff like rebuilding the overworld… and taking down a wither with half armor. Crazy stuff!

👍 Can we get 15000 likes for 200 days?👍

Partner in Crime: https://youtu.be/WHeAnjnW9nE

#OneBlock #100days #minecraft
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This video took a month of my life so at least 🔴subscribe🔴 my mans!
100 days Hardcore Minecraft
100 days Hardcore Minecraft Modded
100 days Hardcore Duos
100 Days Hardcore Minecraft One Block
100 Days on One Block Duos
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