I Beat Terraria’s Mod of Redemption [FULL MOVIE]

so I installed the mod of redemption to Terraria which adds radiation a moral compass sentient robots and some of the coolest weapons that I’ve ever seen my goal is to beat this mod since the last time I played was a handful of years back and go to one of my all-time favorite boss fights nebulus but the thing is before we get to all the cool and fun editions well we got to start up a quick base and look at all the smaller editions hey I don’t judge all right we’re going to play our Master mode okay so the last time I played mod of redemption I think it was like I want to say 2 years ago but they changed a lot of stuff so I’m actually really excited oh yeah look at all these now something that I’m really looking for to in moded Redemption is that they have a new it’s like a goodness system you can be good or evil depending on the actions that you do in the world so what I’m actually talking about here is something called the alignment system which basically in mod Redemption if you kill or spare some NPCs or bosses in your run it actually changes a few interactions that you have with future bosses so you can basically be a good person or a bad person and specifically for this run we’re going to go for a negative alignment specifically because there is an armor set that is exclusive to being a bad guy but to access that that is later down the line and until we get that point we still need to gather some armor we need to get some accessories we just need to level up but luckily there’s still a few more things that we can do in Pre hard mode like finding a brand new NPC okay I’m going to try to find the NPCs that are scattered around the world there are two of them that I want to meet that are specifically added from the moded Redemption and I think one of them is on the all the way to the right or all the way to the oh never mind I found one of them already Blossom would the tree bark of dryad are you friend or fo as long as you don’t use your axe on me I don’t care he’s actually kind of cool because you actually can kill him and if you kill him you get the negative I forgot what it’s called but I think there’s like a chicken boss I know chippy fought it before we need the egg Crown we need chicken eggs how do we get chicken eggs dude okay I’m going to buy a 100 of these Living Wood body Living Wood helmet and Living Wood legs I look I I I’m a literal tree log stack I just put down a Plants versus Zombies plant a portal rumbles check map location oh we’re at the we’re at the portal hey wa ow my head hurts so actually depending on the world evil I think you get a different character or different NPC oh we got the Forbidden ritual uh scroll can I talk to you hey child fragments oh yeah this leads to like a special ruin that we can go to dude oh the chickens there’s chickens how do I get eggs do I have to kill you two eggs oh he’s back all right hold on what’s up brother feel free to stay here all right you could rering your bow to get an archery buff or you can get a poison weapon buff it’s really cool oh we have enough HP to do the uh forbidden scroll fight W I found the temple by accident grave steel alloy yes so as I’m exploring the world I can explain some of the additions that mod of redemption adds one as you can see these underground ruins some of these ruins have ghosts which you can access through the dead ringer item this L that’s peered into the spirit realm which I don’t know if it’s finished yet but some of these dead bodies will eventually be turning into NPCs and when you approach them with something called a Crux card they’ll give you something similar to a spirit summon like Elder ring but this ruin specifically doesn’t have a ghost instead has a portal to a future boss fight but we’re going to revisit here later and so I go back home and continue to flatten my Arena gather some more gear and things from the crimson and all of the boring vanilla stuff and before we fight the first official mod Redemption boss which is actually one of my favorite pre hard mode bosses of all time let me introduce you to today’s sponsor we mod thank you to WOD for sponsoring today’s video we mod offers thousands of free mods for your favorite single player PC games all in one place with over 3,000 games and thousands of mod wiod detects all of your available games that are downloaded on your desktop we mod is fantastic because it is super customizable and if you’re like me and you replay bangers like Hollow night or Elden ring but you really don’t want to grind through everything again or you got a new pc and you lost your save file like me you can use M mod to skip tons of hours of grinding so you can enjoy the parts that you really want to or if you want to get a cool screenshot for your thumbnail without dying 20 times bam wiod is free but if you want to get the best experience you should get wiod Pro features such as activating the mod using a mobile app so it’s super easy and convenient and also having an overlay to see all of the active mods wiod Pro is fantastic the pro version even lets you save configured mods and puts them on automatically when you launch your game wiod is incredibly valuable and it gives you access to 1,000 mods at no extra cost I personally downloaded WOD and it was fantastic and fun and it personally really helped me when I had to take screenshots from my second Channel where night for Elden ring for Dark Souls it was super nice so yeah click the link in my description to download weon for free and let’s get back to the video all right let’s do this this summons the pale bat look that guy right there oh ye great Heavens DOL Dy brain be stuck in a well dude I love Iran the sumon of demon so close to my land to heresy repent okay let’s do this enonic high priest oh my God what is that what is that holy crap oh god huzzah oh my god dude he has the shield oh The Shield is useless against a blade wait what oh my God wait I didn’t bring my grappling hook I didn’t make it yet what is that oh my god dude I wish I had a grappling hook no no dude I can’t see the projectiles through the big big holy screen get away from me [Applause] up oh come on I’m sorry Oran it’s over I foresee my defeat creeping up on me well if all else fail grenade um I’m going to walk away how the one use this oh and he’s dead so you can choose to kill him or save him depending on uh what type of you know you want to be good or bad I want to be bad I think it’s more interesting if you’re a bad guy a bad boy like me at least I’m gonna use this treasure bag oh we got the what is this the bindle King vindo kinge critical strikes release homing light mass and then Hon’s crotch summons a holy cross holy Shield to orbit around the user damn I was hoping to get his uh his hand grenade so after our first fight with ran I farmed him some more until I got a magnifying glass weapon which the insane DPS of the goblin evasion and then I also found our first Crux card summon when I went mining in exchange for an item you have to give this ghost a like Axe and after that we had our first Spirit summon just like Elden ring this was all on the way to mining some hellstone ore because I fought the braul earlier and died unfortunately so I was thinking I could just get some hellstone or in the process but then by that point a brand new mod of redemption event occurred the skeletons are partying oh what the raveyard until do you guys see that what the epatan skeleton oh they give you Souls sorry guys kind of need some Souls dude there’s wait this is like an actual event I think I have the Holy magnifying class oh why are you so strong Dam I’m getting hella grave steel Shar this is a really good way to get it but I don’t need anymore cuz I’m about to get like hellstone armor sorry little one Brave steel alloy let’s make the common guard bing bang bang 23 defense dude that look cool I got a bird on my head but yeah I look cool dude I want to try out these skeletons on the uh brand cthulu summon our ghost Elder ring soldiers and the holy magnifying glass look at that Tower baby I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die holy moly dude this is such a good weapon bro okay yep nope come on it just needs to go into the bottom right it just needs to go to the bottom right okay I’m going to die nope this isn’t funny anymore okay okay so right now we have a t a a tiny problem technically technically the next bosses are all mod of redemption bosses but these bosses specifically bring up our alignment they’re they’re good cuz these are evil bosses but when we kill them you know we want to be bad guys so we have to keep our alignment negative the reason being is because after you kill Skeletron it checks your alignment if it’s positive or negative and depending on what it is it triggers that specific ore and since we want the evil ore to spawn we we have to skip basically everything in between Skeletron to fight him now dude King the Slime rain bro are you kidding me we can honestly kill it really fast we have fire Elemental damage with this bow but this is actually perfect cuz then we can use the King Slime out for the uh Skeletron fight and then I’ll work backwards and then fight the Eagle Crest Golem and the seed of infection this guy looks terrifying there we go oh look at that dam look at that fire damage please give me the King Slime out when I do this come on baby oh I need this mountain man for Skeletron please please how streaks echo through the night no we can’t do that fight there’s it’s going to be a boss fight it’s the keeper boss fight but we can’t do it if we do it we’re going to get positive alignment and that’s not going to get me the item that I want yes finally it only I can’t fight you keeper I’m sorry dude there are living trees in the way of the Skeletron Arena are you kidding me all right I got to speedrun this if I can’t even speedrun this okay yep 100 damage already how much damage does this do o it’s not bad o okay that’s pretty hot I got to get rid of the hands first though oh my God yes yes yes the Moon is setting I must hurry the city need needs me come on you fat no jawline dumb ass looking [ __ ] yep oh my God okay oh my God I’m going to die please 1,000 damage it’s easy okay the cabins are heated with dragon bone that is what I wanted to do that is the ore that I wanted to get a portal Rumble rumbles check the map for location I think the portal is here yeah we’ve already found this the Ganan portal there’s basically going to be a boss that comes out of here that we’re going to have to fight it’s a really cool boss but before that we’re going to go get this new ore it’s called I think Dragon lead oh damn it grows like really weird it doesn’t ore excavate properly look I’m going to or excavate this it’s like it breaks in pieces of three okay how much do I need I need 10 20 15 45 and then all of the weapons damn I need a lot of this ore I also need a bunch of bones for it dude this you cannot tell me this armor set does not look sick maybe I’ll get a mamasa actually no I already I can get a dude this St tell me this stuff doesn’t look sick dragon slayer Cleaver a great bow magma stat bro I’m getting turned on okay well this holy uh Holy Light thing isn’t really working for us anymore okay we need a ton of Bones so four five okay I think 50 would be a good amount whoa what the heck mechanic and Goblin Tinker together all right sir all right brother I ain’t judging you I respect it okayy well I’m here I’m going to quickly upgrade my boots oh damn it I don’t I don’t want this stuff I was hoping to get morasa damn this magic missiles kicking ass I think the first this is the first time I’ve ever enjoyed uh Magic okay we have a lot of bones we have a lot of dragon lead Dragon lead alloy we can make 82 Dragon lead skull helmet Dragon Le ribit plate and a dragon leg Greaves we’re going from 33 defense to 27 obviously we have increased damage give to most ice related debuffs 33% chance for weapons to inflict Dragon blades 100% chance for all Dragon Le weapons to inflict dragon blades’s got the dragon Cleaver oh dude this this looks hot I’m going to make the dragon leg dragon dragon Le great bow and the magma staff you know what I’m going top it off with the dragon slayer staff too cuz we’ve been using some magic this entire time okay is that is that dragon dragon arrows it replaces it with Hellfire arrows that’s pretty hot what about the magic weapon what does this do what what huh okay what about my uh dragon cleaver I’m so sorry Ranger class but every other weapon seems so much better what about the uh summon is that a magma slime it’s kind of lame what what is this omega’s gift tabbot armor uh that’s creepy oh we can also make the anomaly detector for the boss so tonight we’re going to fight The Forbidden the seed of infection and we’re also going to fight the keeper dude we’re so ready streaks echo through the night I’m just summon you keeper has awoken Octavia Von galon whoa whoa oh sperm attack um hey sword uh can you aim at the right direction wait hold on let me um use the magic weapon ooh look at that damage dude that’s so cool oh why you mad bro it’s enraged she’s enraged she’s enraged I don’t know what’s going on she’s shooting skulls out oh damage oh oh come on keeper die another one ah [ __ ] did it die it died and Undead something tells me she isn’t out of her misery just yet did I okay wait no wait so my my my thingy didn’t go down but why I thought my alignment was supposed to go down because I killed this bad Spirit actually know it’s supposed to go up Sor full Essence oh okay so the way that this works is there’s a second boss that you have to kill underground and when you kill it that’s when you get positive alignment I think because it’s like you’re freeing the spirit anomaly what the hell portal to another world has opened oh okay wait this fan of shibs is insane here the flamethrower flamethrower seems to be doing extra damage I don’t know why Elemental something dude I love this magic weapon I don’t know why but every single magic weapon that I’ve used in this playthrough has been fantastic DN this boss is really easy I guess I’m just really overpowered with this gear I think this is a pre- Skeletron fight okay so I think after you kill the seed of infection no alignment is changed but I think you do get a new NPC Adam ah I I thought you were someone else sorry about that sorry ooh we got a cool suit this a developer set all right Mr uh Adam you uh selling anything cool no it’s okay all right we’re at the portal Goron oh she speaks a different language I forgot it’s cavia hello um she’s going to fight us let’s do it okay we have the disadvantage I think it’s because she has holy uh holy damage or something I don’t know yeah she’s kind of beating her ass right now she’s barely taking any damage and she’s really scary we also cannot leave this Arena she like puts up an arena oh my God ooh yes dude this magic weapon is so good okay okay okay okay okay I just got to loop around icicle attack walk away walk away walk away no no no no no stop st stop stop stop stop stop hey please hey hey dude my slimes please please stunner stunner stunner stunner stunner please please move okay okay okay heat up heat up heat up oh my God oh my God oh w w w w get away from me cavia pidia get away from me get away from me so the thing is if you choose a positive alignment you’ll get a different ore The Ore you get is like her ore so she has the opposite ore Tori Tori I yield I yield do I want to do I do I what do I do what do I do do I do I do it I think I’m not going to do it I don’t think it’ll give me positive alignment but I I I don’t care if it gives me positive alignment then I will just I’ll just get rid of it later I’m in need of assistance I’ll explain more by the portal sure I apologize for attacking you I asked for your purpose but clearly you aren’t gathic what is gathic put down a gathic cryo furnace near me and I will Forge equipment for you gathic cryo dude how I don’t I can’t get elderwood oh yes I can oh we found the spaceship too can I go inside I don’t think I can mine any of this stuff here this trigger a quest line by the way if you’ve never seen this before the Fallen came oot why is he in the [ __ ] snow B the Fallen what’s up brother you sell equipment to other Fallen however Destiny has brought me into the outside world I hope my junk can be repaired can be of use to you damn I should have brought my um my Zander here but I do have a snow pylon so I’m going to do that Rusty Zander blade Rusty Zander Hilt and then we need um ancient door rolles which is the currency that he uses okay boom hurtful Zander oh yeah dude why am I just holding it that’s it all right wait why did I come over here hold on wait can I use the spirit Bell on this hey Spirit stranger what’s up baby wait let me go get a different spare C now boom gathic cryo furnace gathic cryo furnace here and then before I talk to her I’m going to try and get this guy’s Spirit card boom request Crux bone Duo summons two of them versus my two Wanderers and du isn’t mine oh this one has less uh spirit cop we’re just collecting them like Spirit ashes dude okay hello you’re ready to leave right wait what wait wait don’t leave yet don’t leave yet don’t let don’t leave I can make an ice fall I can make a pure iron crossbow I can make a blade of the mountain with my I’m going to make a blade of a mountain with my Zander what does this do oh it’s pretty cool is that it that’s it that’s so I don’t know like I feel like I don’t know I’m kind of let down mistfall oh I want a mistfall wait I can get the mistfall hold up hold up I want to get everything before she leaves I don’t know what she’s talking about leaving for though like just stay here man just stay here okay ice fall what does this do this is actually seems really useful for like backing off and then just like attacking okay I’m going to do I I think magic is the way to go all right you’re ready to go byebye are they ever going to come back please come back so she actually just leaves damn all right I’m going to go get some Ferro Claws and maybe fight the queen bee I don’t know I feel like this this sword’s not bad but I have to get so close I feel like it’s just not worth it like why don’t I just want to use my ice ice attack yeah dude like my ice attack I can just put it down there do uh okay it’s not really doing that much damage I actually like it no I’m going to use this over my dragon Cleaver but the thing is all of my dragon Le armor does dragon Blaze I don’t know what dragon Blaze is but it sounds hot oh it just like turn it just puts them on fire finally feral claws dude some chickens finally I want to I want to do the uh chicken fight okay we’re going to fight the eagle crust Golem again should go well this time we have a bunch of cool weapons I just don’t know if fire will be effective please be effective I don’t think it’s it looks like there’s no multiplier on fire oh my God but it’s still why does he do so much damage oh we do a lot of damage too though I’m going to use the ice attack on him I wish it spawned dude if the ice attack spawned faster it would be op jeez oh I’m going to die oh [ __ ] oh my God okay I have potions down things are different oh my god dude this guy is insane actually insane he has minions crazy attack I like this guy you’re funny you’re cool oh my god dude that attack oh my God it does so much damage dude that laser attack okay I mean I have my own laser attack but I’m the main character come on come on Johnny laser boom Living Stones never seen that before so this thing talks to me got an Eagle Crest cowl Eagle Crest glove throws a border which in Boulder which inherits your forward momentum if thrown fast enough lightning strikes the ground oh I just got a dash right throw it damn this kind of fire eagle crush Javelin that’s kind of cute I also got the lightning Stone summons a lightning charged Pebble what I’m telling you dude this this mod has some the craziest weapons dude I feel like I just went dumpster diving and I just picked up whatever and then I gave it a magical ability wait look the double obsidian inster Bridge gives you a highlight of what it does now that’s so nice so now you can Target it to like the second upper half I want to go um this looks pretty good wait that’s so cool and everything that I have in my Arsenal doesn’t work in hell because oh we are in Hell wait this the pebble’s kind of cool it’s like slicing them up I’m going to get two of these guys dude they’re kind of cool look at them go I have a feeling this is going to be one of the worst swallow flesh fights ever wait I got the boulder wait this might be one of the best ones ever what the Keeper’s first creation skull Digger hey this is what we’re supposed to fight I Finally Found You Vermin okay let’s see how this goes I don’t think this fight should be too hard oh it’s definitely not too hard dude the Pebbles go through the walls why is every weapon so cool dude if I played Summoner and had that weapon I would like be so happy oh chiaki mushrooms I’m so sorry but we’re so overpowered it doesn’t even matter I’m sorry my brother goodbye my dear mistress I have failed you he’s talking about the previous boss the keeper saddening conclusion now you actually get the skull diggers skull Digger which isn’t bad I’m actually going to probably hold on to this for the wall flush fight just in case but what you can do is you have negative alignment you can actually use this to um I think you can like give them peace I forgot how to do it but I don’t want to do it cuz then I’ll have I’ll have good alignment and I’m not trying to have good alignment I’m trying to be a bad boy okay let’s buff up all right let’s try this all right the flamethrower is kind of kicking ass obviously why am I even surprise about that what about this skull Digger weapon actually I can totally rely on this it’s pretty fast dude the laser does 0.5 less damage it does half as much damage cuz we’re all in hell should I use the ice actually like let me try the ice one let me try the ice one cuz since we’re in a wall flesh Arena all the ice can just go down okay pretty decent ice ice lay to them yep yep I love that multiplier see at 1.25 multiply we’re doing extra damage for using the same attack I’m really glad I forged it with the uh I’m I’m glad I kept that woman alive what was her name I forgot I cavia camia Ice Ice Baby Ice Ice Baby oh oh okay okay okay come on come on there we go simple Wall of Flesh fight I knew every single weapon was going to be useful and it was except for the boulder one beautiful demon heart we got a ranger emblem I’m liking that we can use every single class weapon though I didn’t not expect to to enjoy magic as much as I did I think this is the only time in my entire life where I have enjoyed magic as depressing as that sounds all right we’re going to pop this by the way okay I’m kind of deciding what armor to pick Titanium or should I do magic because I feel like dude my magic ising insane right now I kind of want to get something called the hydra’s mall let me get that first before I make my decision dude I still love this armor set so I’m going to probably keep some of it on so can I go in this ship now what all right tbot oh wait we can make the nuclear Wasteland biome okay I’m going to put this nuclear warhead all the way over here by the dungeon or the Crimson area I don’t really need this Crimson okay put this here to manually arm the dination switch A and B to up position uh check the lights underneath the red button lift the safety cover what close to unexplorable tiles what explo are you talking about the dungeon bro what about here boom I pressed it there’s a countdown okay yep I forgot there’s a countdown we got to go I’m going to put on my flying carpet and get the well goodbye hollowed biome it was nice snowing here 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 make a shelter oh my God hey they lived how did I die look hollowed and then the radiation we got Hazmat zombies with have 16 80 HP bro 1680 look how strong they are yeah we’re on the radiation biome now dude isn’t it cool that some of the sand evaporated turning into glass what the a bloated swarmer it’s a grasshopper dragonfly okay I need to get toxic bile which is I think what these guys Dro okay they’re not dropping it how do I get toxic bile I seems to be doing more damage so I’m going to use eyes I have a headache sudden and pounding pain fatigue what is it cuz I’ve been in the radiation to oh I got some toxic bio I got one dude I think I’m dying I’m mutating I feel sick um uh what’s going on I I cannot move okay there’s a lot of um oh yeah wo wo wao all right I need I think 12 toxic bio I think I have a bunch of piercing weapons I feel like I’m going to mutate until like a zombie at this point I’ve been in this radiation for a while what is this Bob The Blob what all right Bob you do your thing man you do your thing I got a gas mask immunity to the radioactive fallout is this all the bile I need oh my God I got hell of stuff 36 bile I can make the hydra’s Maul it’s a magic weapon does it Pierce I think it pierces not bad D we use this hella mag green Mana wait right click to shoot an or launch with acid ah I guess it’s a really bad idea to use it in the very specific anti- radioactive place where everyone has you know is just molded by the radiation I got a double rifle what is this converts normal bullets into high that’s pretty good that’s actually really good well I guess we’re going to go with a magic build dude I really like this double rifle though I’m going to keep it in my back pocket why am I radiated is it cuz I’m in the Underworld what is going on all right I’m just farming some Souls of light right now I’m going to try and get ready for the mechanical bosses I think that’s what’s next Advanced laboratory is also part of yeah I think right now we’re in basically vanilla bosses okay we have enough Souls of Night I think I think we have decent gear for a destroyer fight ult rout what I got nothing I needed bro I feel like all of the weapons that I have from pre hard mode are already good enough I don’t know oh my God wait I got a I if I pierce it right it’s pretty decent damn the Destroyer is so tanky I feel like this was easier when I did this on Inferno what oh my God the nurse died why do I take insane amount of damage do I not have enough defense should I get more defense dude like what the [ __ ] I don’t want to use vanilla weapons dude but it feels like I have to okay so I got new weapons I got this TA casava from no it basically has a multiple of spells that it uses so as you can see I can just Spam it bubble spell pink bubble spell saw blade um it just changes every single time and I think it would be pretty decent I mean like the Mana usage isn’t that bad it’s only like 10 I’m restoring a bunch of Mana as I use it I also got some ter Park boots I got some Celestial cuffs and I got a sorcerer emblem as well so I think we should be fine and then we also have the magic crystal ball I really want to kill the Destroyer first ideally if we can even get like a nimbus Rod I I wish I could get a nimus rod there we go this feels like a good run just don’t over summon the probes Adrien just don’t over summon him playing as Mage for the first time ever is hitting me rough right now when I kill my first mechanical boss I’m going to cream my pants oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no my butt itches my butt dude my left ass cheek needs a freaking scratching no dude my rumpus isn’t listening to me and it’s bothering me no wait we’re almost done this is the closest we ever gotten come on let’s go come on on 2,000 HP come on please yes an infection grows in the Wasteland what the hell does that mean dude oh whatever man I’m I’m finally that took so many tries can I mind plutonium yet no I cannot so what’s here they said there’s like some new new stuff here no wait they’re dropping zenomite what is that I think I’ve had some of this material before but I don’t remember what it means murderous Dan okay bro zenomite zenomite armor what the I can make a helix scepter I think Helix scepter this would have been really nice for the Destroyer do I want to make xenom my armor Skeletron primer T I’m feeling I’m feeling Skeletron Prime nah 75% less damage oh or 75% damage it’s actually pretty decent though it’s hitting kind of hard about the tyava some of the attacks don’t work but overall I mean damage isn’t consist wait what why is there a Lightning effect on them is this a lightning weapon it is I think I feel like this is the best weapon for the situation it definitely is 75% less damage but dude it’s still kicking ass all spasm is almost down got take the slow I don’t want to enrange both of them okay twins is always easy damn this weon is so good there we go that’s one boom oh yeah so what can I craft with this okay let’s try to do skele while we while we’re here let me uh try Hydra Hydra just m does this do any extra damage look like it’s doing all right oh my God what is this damage check it out dude these arms are so annoying but I can’t see the arms also my foot’s fall honestly those weapon’s really good I don’t know why but the damage is so high I I whoa okay oh okay okay okay okay okay yep one one misstep skeleton Prime bazingas you look at that damage overdrive oh woo Skeletron Prime is dead no I think before we fight Skeletron we can fight the I think his name is the the king Slayer yeah we can fight the king Slayer a cyber radio Okay so first let me uh what can I make I want to make the sunshard great staff that sounds really cool okay hollowed headgear what is this infected Thorn Shield it’s like a shield of cthulu replacement oh it’s now actually it’s a shield of cthulu upgrade oh crap ah it’s pretty nice what’s the difference it’s green I can Dash more inflicts in infection upon dashing into an enemy releases acid like Sparks As you move valid dude pickax sacks of course I can make the synthesizer I can play music what the okay dude I’m all right okay I need to go get some damn dude the desert’s actually completely corrupted I need two light shards let me try this out dude this weapon is sick this one does so much more damage though dude this is so cool you could use this to grind cuz it it the damage comes from the bottom of the ground or on the floor so if you go in a roof of platforms I assume it doesn’t go on the platform dude dude this is so good oh I got all my light shards we’re going to get Souls of light and then we’re going to craft the sky fracture and then hopefully get the sunshard great stab oh my God I forgot Red Devils are annoying as wait what I got a hollow key What the fu oh my God I hate you okay Sky fracture I’ve never used this weapon it’s pretty solid yeah I never used magic weapons this is pretty cool but now we can combine it and make the sunshard great staff what does this look like it’s a little too spread out for me in my opinion pass a holy ray of light every three consecutive valid a wobble swarm has arrived what the oh my God they do 63 damage oh sorry guys sorry everyone goodbye I I don’t know where they came from there’s a bunch of slimes coming out of nowhere dude money money money they give me 50 gold that’s pretty good okay next boss we got to fight the king Slayer oh we can go in the abandon oh we could also go to the abanded laboratory you can go into the first layer do we need anything from the first layer King slayer 3 what do we need to spawn prator plating circuits and the souls I think I have everything except for a circuit but you can buy the circuit this is I think going to be a really good boss fight I think this is one of my FV O A DPS meter I need that you know I should probably get like Steampunk Wings but dude I’m kind of impatient they should be non-c consumable yep only useable day transmits a signal towards a colossal spaceship let’s try this out ooh ah this little flush bag decided to save me the trouble of finding it is it cuz we have negative alignment you’re on my hit list so let’s skip the small talk and get on with it all right brother actually you were the one that fought the keeper yeah I killed it that was my job w w let’s do this brother why is it oh my God I forgot how hard this boss is oh my God I forgot how hard this boss is this weapon sucks it’s not versatile at all God damn the Sun is bright oh this does so much more damage what a nuisance he has three fa you can tell by his health bar it’s really cool might as well blow you to pieces with a few missiles I like to see you try little man dude I can’t even see his attacks cuz of the sun okay if I can swerve him up and down the he gets hit twice by my projectiles oh my uh that’s honestly not even fair I couldn’t see the [ __ ] Sun okay I took off the shaders for a little bit I just got to finish this fight come back brother come back to get your ass whooped dude he has melee attacks and they are insane please get away from me please don’t touch me oh my my god dude man dude ah so sad I don’t know why I can’t kill him I’m probably going to get a uh maybe get a philosopher stone for a charm of myths and then upgrade our wings yeah no we should totally upgrade our wings oh look I found the lab I can totally go in the lab I think before going into the lab Let’s uh let’s go farm farm some mimics dude I love these these radioactive weapon mobbers they’re so fun I got a star cloak I need that I need that I need that I need that I need that for my God I’m to I’m confused I’m confused I’m I’m confused I have a debu I was going I was going the opposite direction I got a dual hook and I got star cloak you know I’ll take the dual hook what is this Artisan Lo consumes a permanently increased crafting station range damn this weapon sucks I feel like the sky fracture is so much better than this like I feel like if maybe this I don’t know like the the the weapon projectile is homed and did less damage I feel like it’d be more useful but it sucks it’s so slow like even if you land all of the hits why would I use that over over my radioactive weapons I don’t know I just I just don’t get it maybe it’s cuz I got I didn’t reforge it here I’ll reforge it okay masterful snail speed versus fast speed and also this has less Mana like all I can put my hard flower in here my Mana flow and get the Mana cloak this looks hot or Magnet or magnet flow I think the cloak is better cloak looks cooler oh I look cool you know this is definitely not as bad when you use the piercing right I just wish it was more like I don’t know I you just can’t aim it cuz by the time you’re aiming or you’re shooting it you just can’t move where are these mimics at man mimic come on philosopher stone I think I can buy it wait can I just buy a philosopher sound oh my God charm of myths yummies can I get buy Steampunk Wings I think they’re going to cost me a pretty P wait what where are they yeah I’ll make something else I can make that Jetpack from the zenomite stuff I think damn this does actually a lot of damage to these guys oh my God yeah it does insane damage xenite jetpack all right let’s try this out oh it’s actually not bad it’s definitely better than my heartbeat I’m also blinded bro I got I got all the I got all the radiation going on all right let me try this out again oh there you go you pack more of a punch than I thought for a small flush bag I might even have to take you seriously wait what try shooting me now why oh my God I don’t remember this come on this this the last fate there you go this is getting ridiculous shouldn’t you be getting tired your persistence is admirable I’ll give you that but you better realize I’m hardly trying I ain’t bluffing either all right there’s missiles following me I just got to walk around he’s trying to melee me he’s trying to fist me no he’s trying to meley me no come on get in get in the thingy all right all right all right we’ll call it a draw then I think I can choose I’m too tired to get mad about this nonsense if you agree to stop I’ll go back to more important business but if you choose we can continue but I won’t be happy if I lose um I think I’m going to fight him I see how it is I think this gives me more negative alignment what the Oh I thought he healed completely let’s begin let’s go bro and we are done there we go I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid yep ne4 alignment we got a cyber loot box let’s open that up ooh what is this Vanishing pocket Shield generator summons a bubble Shield that can protect the user from a high amount of damage before breaking 1 minute cool down okay hold on let’s go to the Cyber ship he’s in here right now look at him all Moody got some cyber scrap we can open up all these chests now cyber chakum what’s in here Global discharge hey man um I will help you later so I got some Hypertech revolvers which I think do range damage we got a whip summon damage cyber ooh damn this is sick what about the global discharge waa oh this is sick I want to try this Nano swarmer out what I reforged it and got the same thing oh what oh it’s homing wait it’s kind of crazy it kind of does die though after oh my God this is really good against like really weak enemies I still think the synthesizer is the best option though for AOE I think this uh Nano storm is really good for killing bosses that are flying like in insane inan going nowhere dude I can’t this is actually my favorite favorite magic experience I’ve never enjoyed playing maid so much okay what the side plating we should be able to make a new set of armor I don’t know if I have enough though no I I crafted two of them bro I just restarted my game I wanted to see if I could actually just make it again please oh I think I can okay since we’re playing Magic where is the hard light cowl bing bang bong o you can’t really tell cuz this graveyard biome in a blood moon but it looks sick we’re going from 56 or we’re going from 43 to 56 defense press M3 to get the support from the ship of the Slayer so if you have the other ones I’m pretty sure they give you like a weapon attack or like a nuke attack but I guess this one they give you Mana it’s not that useful but I’ll take it okay I think I’m going to go to the uh Undead the abandoned laboratory I think we found it already over here yep it’s right there so the abandoned laboratory is broken up into I think three or four parts and they progressively open up more and more parts as you beat the bosses we have the first part active right now there’s too many bosses inside we have to beat all the mechanical bosses and after that we can’t get to the next part of the lab until after I believe Golem oh no I guess I guess it’s at the very end oh man okay so the entrance is over there I guess I just got to mine over I think the water is toxic though cuz we’re near the radioactive oh I got to CL this out then oh I just leaked the water into the Bro all right well I guess I got to just burn a little bit I can mine this I’m pretty sure yep and well all the water is going to go inside the lab well there we go so in the lab you can’t mine anything obviously but you can walk around walk around through these Vents and I think this is the first boss it’s the janitor oy don’t go there the floor’s wet why am I giving you an accent yeah eat my nuts bro actually nmer does damn nmer does a lot of damage very easy boss he’s just a mini boss okay okay all right fine I don’t get paid enough you can probably handle yourself here so the way that you open up these areas is that these Gates here you can’t open them but you get these lab access panels that when you use them they open them up now you have access to the next part I’m just going to keep torches down so I know where to go these are all chests they give you gas masks and also parts and anti cryster crystallizer serums there’s also these radiation pills where if you get radiated you can just nom them just going take a few of them you just can’t yeah there’s there’s a lot of reasons on how you use them I don’t ever pay attention CU I just don’t ever get radiated cuz I’m awesome okay so there’s these chests that we can’t open cuz we need a lab card so we’re probably going to have to go find that damn our weapon has 0.26 you only do 0.26 that’s insane I’m just going to use the global discharge actually Global discharge is like a little bit ah it’s not that good actually I believe this is ore oh Zen my shards let’s open up this I think right there is a boss oh oh no it’s not a boss it’s just a person I can put this in my uh my house yeah I can’t open these chests I need the lab thing I can’t go to the left part it’s all blocked off of security access codes can I go over here though I think I can yeah nice there’s a vent and then there’s this part down here let me check down here more zenomite and there’s a vent this hollow Shield I can’t M this it’s like a more concentrated zenomite I guess oh it’s a haat suit can I take it I can I I think I’ll I’ll keep this on I just don’t like wearing it that’s the problem I don’t like the skin Oh I think there’s a boss fight it’s a very it’s a it’s a very vertical boss fight I’m pretty sure it’s like the opposite of wall flush why am I stuck there go oh no I guess it’s just a b big glob mess there’s like nothing down here nope there is something down no it’s opposite it goes from the top down irradiated Behemoth can I just like cheese him like this if I can get the right angle oh dude you do so much damage keep damaging him just got to dodge left and right for the projectiles he radiated behem if you’re cutting a little close and you’re dead I think the synthesizer is one of my favorite weapons right now for the Mage it’s so good okay so we got the lab access open this up this opens up all the gates over here and now there’s someone talking to us hello I don’t believe we you’ve met you don’t know anything about me but I know a lot about you that’s kind of weird dude some stalkers right there back up let’s keep it that way for now oh I got the gyrus cropter oh I’ve sent a drone to offer you a gift please accept it Omega transmitter oh yes this summons bosses so this summons the Omega prototype bosses which are going to be a set of fun little fun is a is an interesting word but fun bosses I’m glad we found the uh the uh gyrus corruptor it’s a crafting station which is why I picked it up I don’t know if I can walk through this part but the janitor’s over here so I’m going to go talk to this guy he’s an NPC hey what’s up baby oh my God wait the juice too much I got to walk oh okay so the tasmat set works I don’t take damage look like there’s penas down here hold up I don’t know if I can go all the way through here because I I think this ore I can’t mine it we might have just finished the entire yeah I think we finished the first two mini bosses and I think we have all the loot that we can get oh God I’m getting corrupted yeah I can’t go through here okay I think that’s all the lab that we can go through so let’s put this gyrus corruptor inside boom new re Rees hopefully why am I still irradiated bro I had the suit on I really like our helmet and Cape combination it looks so cool I guess we got to fe uh planta now and then after we beat planta we have access to the first Omega prototype boss so let’s go up okay now we got to find a planta fight um I’m going to make the arena real quick this shouldn’t be too bad I think our weapons are pretty decent I I think I could just Spam a nano swarmer why do I still have radiation bro can this radiation go away I can’t see anything why am I radiated is it cuz of the thing I brought home with me the crystallized corpse hold on Adam look look at this guer Muller go go down faster why is it not going down faster yeah it’s going down I just don’t know why it it took a while for it to go down have tooc Chrome issued pills on hand by accident okay there we go now it’s gone oh we have a bulb here okay I’m going to heal up and then we can probably do this fight in one try if I can’t do it in one try I will delete my YouTube channel because I’m just doged out this game I have a 0.75 multiplier on this weapon what about Nanos swarmer uh that damage ain’t so bad I’m trying to get into that sweet spot for the synthesizer what about the sunar great staff all right let me kill the queen bee before all right dude okay I have two bosses that I’m fighting right now one significantly packed more of a punch than the other oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no okay it’s not hitting the right part it’s hitting all the tentacles because it’s Auto homing oh no dude [ __ ] okay I’m going to see if I have any other weapon because okay I can try to get another weapon from the abandoned lab it’s called like the lightning rod or something I could also try to use the global discharge but the problem is it’s like you need to hold it and use momentum to swing around the thing it’s like a whip or like a flail I guess I should say the only problem is it’s like a flail see it’s like that I don’t know it’s just not consistent enough definitely does a lot of damage though but I feel like nanoor would just do more damage from just existing what is it oh my God I’m getting radiated where’s my suit I left it at home oh I got a Tesla peel generator I’m going to use that it’s a summon item you can just pop it down and it does damage yeah I’m totally going to use that why wouldn’t I I’m a mage but I use magic to I use Mana to summon down the thingy so oh I found it here’s a Tesla coil or uh the lightning rod how does it work huh okay what I’ll try it out but um I don’t even know what I just did also I’m not really sure what accessories to use for a mage I never never had a mage load out like this it’s saying that it arcs to nearby enemies so I’m assuming it’s going to Arc to the the hooks hopefully question not really Aran nearby enemies really also short yeah we’re not going to use this we also got the Tesla field generator which going to do some passive damage give me the Mana give me the Mana I really like that ability I love like armor abilities like that’s so cool all right Adrian uh Adrian Nanos swarmers my Nano swarmers my children please attack PL Terra and not the hooks thank you I appreciate you oh god oh no oh no oh no oh no okay I kind of I might have to get a shield that has zero knockback cuz that’s what’s killing me holy [ __ ] all right here’s the thing I have Cobalt Shield so I don’t take knockback but I can’t Dash Why do the hooks do so much damage why do I just take so much damage is this just Mage there a bucket load of damage come on we’re doing really good this run I don’t think we’re going to die unless we get ping pong by okay nice there we go new omega prototype can be called using the Omega transmitter love to hear that that means you have a new boss to fight so I can either go to the dungeon to get a like upgrade with my armor I could probably get like Spectre Armor or I can just fight this boss only usable at night though so I guess we got to go to the dungeon I really don’t want to use Spectre Armor though I I I like this hard light armor it’s really cool I don’t want to wait till night time but I don’t know what else to do I could try to fight Golem actually and I hate how uneven this arena is I don’t even have actuators and I don’t want to use actuators okay my load out is pretty mid um like I know I can turn this sorcerer emblem into a Celestial Avengers emblem this thing right here what is this called Celestial emblem yeah I don’t know if I want to though I don’t think it’s necessary I do want to upgrade my wings though maybe I’ll get Steampunk Wings I do want to have a charm of mys on I feel like I should have more magic damage Let’s uh try this out our Nanos swarmer is going to try to hit everything else other than the boss but it does so much damage that I can’t I think I’ll just have to let it slide wait can I actually 0.75 I can’t but I see the 1.1 at the same time as well oh it’s probably from the Tesla weapon ooh look at that Tesla weapon nanor is definitely doing the most damage I think he has a lightning damage weakness yeah he definitely does doing 10% more damage ow ow ow ow okay okay okay ow what the [ __ ] is hitting me well folks I think we’re going to die because this is the tightest freaking Arena ever oh nice I thought I was going to die I’m not going to lie oh beautiful pixa can I use this Beetle husk or anything Divinity oh what is this I need the Holy Bible drops from hhan I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the Holy Bible oh it’s night time wait I can I can fight the boss I think this is the yeah first Omega prototype the Omega Cleaver it’s this little ass kid with this big ass sword wait have two separate health bars one has 75,000 and one has 28,000 a oh my God yep clip Wings all right synthesizer time all right synthesizer is doing real good oh my God synthesizer does a lot of damage synthesizer does a lot of damage synthesizer D synthesizer does so much damage it’s a big ass sword he’s swinging his like a boomerang man it’s a sword oh my gosh [ __ ] okay I want to make that new weapon I got to fight hhan though I think you can only fight hhan during the daytime okay this guy is pretty possible we did a lot of damage we just didn’t know the moves and my wings kind of suck booty all right ran I need your Bible nice uh oh I got the holy hand uh holy hollowed hand grenade I thought it was a holy hand grenade yeah it’s really cool this is really really good I wish I got it earlier in my play through damn I cannot get it okay the nanor is definitely better though please oh I got it holy Bible what does this do that is actually really cool I need to make a bookcase first Divinity is what it’s called do I have enough Divinity mayhaps I need Souls of light Souls a sight solar tablet fragments son of a I need 10 solar tablet fragments I think I’m going to make a little hubby hut hut hut what the hell am I talking about that that means husband what’s really cool about the Nano swarmers is once they kill one enemy they home and find a different enemy so it’s not like you’re just having one set of Nanos swers per enemy look at the banners something’s killing me it’s like Tes there’s like a mod of redemption is in adding Tes that just do damage out of nowhere wait is there a solar eclipse there’s a solar eclipse what the hell oh I got the Divinity let’s see what this does I’m not going to read it what what is going on what hold left click to conjure a tiny sun and charging it Up release once large enough to to launch at a cursor position okay I respect it I respect it how on Earth am I going to use this though okay I can use it so the projectiles deal damage what about this like red cursor thing does this do damage oh no it’s where the sun flies to this is a valid weapon okay there’s another weapon called the rock slide h um we need earthbind I think I have Earth bind rock slide I thought I had it okay at least one of the NPCs can sell it to me Earth I’m broke oh no I need 15 antique deres boom I don’t even think I have enough Souls I do rock slide what does this do I’m a goddamn Earth Bender whoa dude this is sick but I feel like I don’t know I feel like the nanoor is just it would be better right or actually no I think the damage on the Rock is more better it’s definitely higher either way they they they do different types of damage this might be crazy on Duke fishron I’m just going to say that cuz then if we kill Duke fishron we can get Duke fishron wings and razor blade typhoon might be a project that I’m going to start on right now cuz I don’t want to deal with the solar eclipse I hate my life I really need these fish on wings dude with Nano swarmer we should be good but we could also lob an entire Sun if we need to dude I don’t want to use Spectre Armor I want to carry I want to get carried with whatever we have right now I think we should be able to and if we don’t we’ll make it you know like whatever I I just not I never make Spectre Armor try this out let’s make the sun the sun wait he takes less damage with the sun oh how much does Earth bending do 2,000 damage a second not bad but I think nanoor is easier to use and Dodge at the same time I have 200 hp so I’m going to just pop this down I feel really slow I might have to farm for the Wall of Flesh Mount the gold skull real quick oh wo okay I’m going to get the ghost skull we’re moving way too slow all right here’s the sun all right please I’m not seeing the goat skull damn it I don’t know if the Divinity really is worth it yeah it does a lot of damage and it’s really good standing still but I think it’s a very situational weapon does a lot of damage though Jesus Christ there we go oh yeah Nan storm is doing good damage all right I’m going to use the sun ability all right if you go too far from the Sun it just stops charging up interesting makes sense makes sense Nanos swarmer though with the goat scull is kind of insane oh my [ __ ] all right we’re close oh no no no holy sh no no no no no no no oh my God okay I was so focused right there if I one move our dashing wasn’t fast enough sometimes razor blade typhoon Duke your sh wings I got the goddamn bubble gun I got the goddamn bubble gun okay I think we have enough for like how many treasure bags I think two come on baby give it to me I got the same come on baby give it to me are you serious dude okay razor blade typhoon that’s what we want but I also want wait can I just buy a bag and then like compress it into Wings oh my God I [Music] can’t my God why dude I am so goddamn tired of this I don’t know why it’s taking so long imagine I actually farmed Duke fishron himself unless it drops drop from duke fishron and not from his treasure bag but that doesn’t make any sense n that doesn’t make any sense I’m talking jsh right now dude I might just make some Beetle wings at this point I don’t even know if this is worth it I’ve been farming for uh one more try and I’m going to move on I hate my life all right what time is it I don’t know but I definitely don’t know if I have enough time to actually fight the boss but let’s try it out first Omega prototype we have like everything honestly to do this yeah I don’t think I have enough daytime I mean night time I’m going to still try I’m going to still try I got 70,000 I got 50,000 to go through 1,000 second no I’m going to sleep and then I’m going to try the fight again okay instead of going to bed we’re going to make Spectre Armor we should have 56 Bars so we can either go for the damage you know damage set or we can go for the healing set I kind of want to go for the damage set yeah let’s go for the damage set oh l c is here oh man sorry you guys are a little later got a little few more things I got to do with these parts I’ll try to get the other helmet just in case just in case I need more healing I can just flip-flop it okay we are taking the damage that we are taking is kind of insane Mass mode I keep forgetting about that maybe we do want to use healing dude the guard is kind of insane they can just walk for o ribs I need to get a modify for this razor blade typhoon it’s way too slow right now oh no we’re going to die go home oh my God I have to debuff I can’t do I think we actually need more Chlor fight murderous lazy Adept manic I need mythical Mystic oh my God come on dude I need I need I need I need I need the one mythical there we go give you this one speed what’s this one put it on adep cool I feel like if I had wing Wings better Wings this fight would be okay SLA Cleaver you ready to [Music] lose holy we’re almost there I know you can actually kill that little kid and then you get a different drop I’m pretty sure but I’m just trying to kill the sword I don’t know if we need that yep there we go well see you later bro nah um oh mini Cleaver waa wait that’s so cool I suppose that’s what’s from okay they’re they’re talking to me dude wait this pet is so cool come again later I have another machine ready for you to test so we should be able to use the second one let me try it out right click yeah second Omega prototype we’re going to try this one now can we make uh we can make the Omega finger gun I definitely don’t have all of these gilp pelli contractor I can’t make that I need an Omega Power Cell all right I guess we’re going to try this out this is the second one is a nail gun oh it’s a worm gigap por so how do I damage it am I hitting that I don’t understand what I’m trying to hit I guess I’m supposed to hit the shield I’m supposed to EIT The Shield core that makes totally sense there’s the tip is open now okay I got to kill the shield core that means I don’t think I can use the sun the sun weapon is not really killing this enough and then not letting me charge it and hit the worm in time oh god oh that’s one of the coolest attacks I’ve ever seen a oh my what’s he doing huh hello okay dude a giga beam I think what I’m supposed to do is hug it let me try that again okay I’m going to try and stay close to him cuz of that laser attack I think after these are done he’s going going to use the laser I got to get close to him I think he’s using it he’s using it why did he die not bad I didn’t mean to kill him that was a mistake my brother I’ll take it I’ll also take the Omega Power Cell baby I guess it glitched out maybe because it turned daytime or maybe it just didn’t want to use the laser attack okay bro I mean I’ll take it we got the gilp contractor okay not bad right click to call a stationary drone bolt hitting the Drone will reflect them with longer range oh that’s sick all right I’ll hold on to this why did I do 999,000 damage per second I think it did glitch I think the fight glitched out all right let’s try the Lun CST now I’m pretty sure there’s three Omega prototypes so we don’t really got to worry about that all right uh-oh the lunatic cultist is nowhere to be found oh I think I despawned it oh that’s cool I guess I’ll just go to sleep Let’s uh try this out how does this work oh it reflects it up okay it’s a very interesting concept not used to it all right dude I’m excited I love this pet I think it’s one of my favorite pets in any mod dude it’s insane one th000 is damage I think it HS on him oh it does it kind of like reflects back at the guy yeah it does that’s cool hold on let me use the sun attack boom 7,000 damage wait why did that do so much damage I think did 3,000 damage oh my God wait it does so much damage when it homs all the projectiles okay that might be my weapon of choice right now dude look yeah it reflects it on the enemy that’s sick there we go nice all right lunatic uh Luna who tablet fragment ah no I’m okay lunar event baby let’s do this let’s go ourselves some magic weapons I want to try to the beat the nebula p with the uh what’s it called we try this out with the sun oh never mind it’s okay yeah the sun’s pretty it’s very situational but when it does work it works but I think the uh cleav weapon that we got the uh the the contactors actually just better it just homes on enemies or it just reflects it to where we need to go anyway we got the nebula fragments I don’t actually know which nebula weapon is the best one cuz I never use um I’m assuming the uh the blaze is better I think the blaze is better it does home what does the Arcanum do does it home oh it does oh wait this might be way better right now all right hopefully after this event I can just get rid of these weapons cuz I really want to use modded magic weapons those are where the hype is at baby 3,000 damage not that bad there we go perf pillar is now down I don’t even know if we’re ready for Moon Lord we definitely do a lot of damage but survivability and Mobility our wings aren’t necessarily the best they’re pretty shight actually wo wao wo wo wo wo okay oh man the solar pillar hold on do I have any potions that I can just life force would be nice permanent life force oh 600 hp that’s so hot wait it’s in the expiration biome oh no dude I’m my gerer gerer counter is going off I also just realized that um when we get the lunar pickaxes we can start mining that blue ore that’s on the screen right there where the meteorite hit that’s going to give us um I believe pluton all right Moon Lord’s on this way I cannot move cuz I am radiating all right damn I hope this goes down fast enough okay it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not pills pills pills pills pills it’s going up it’s going up it’s going up it’s going up it’s going up it’s going up it’s going up it’s okay that’s going to reset us and we’re not going to have any more deos I heal before I go home 15 gold and what goddamn economy Lisa what the f okay let’s go up I didn’t really build an arena for this but should be good to go I’ve never used magic before so this is very interesting yeah yeah yep yeah what what did I bounce into I’m like dead ass maybe it’s cuz I’m using the shield maybe I shouldn’t be using the shield it’s like really funky all right I think I got to use the nebula Blaze for this fight okay okay okay he’s going to laser he’s going to laser he’s going to laser he’s going to laser I got to update my potions actually I’m only doing 150 see what I mean I bounc out of I don’t even know what I bounced off of nothing Johnny it was nothing oh my God dude I cannot fly for Jack as soon as I kill Moon Lord I’m going to farm for some money to um get some Duke fish on wings this is unbearable this is the run I don’t even know if I a flight to fly over this yeah I don’t damn dude magic really is really good Moon learn hand oh they tell you now need heal I need to heal I need heal I don’t have a platform Ashley ah move my God I need better wings oh Master mode Moon Lord my bane of my existence so handsome yet so dead wait I ran out of potions think I can buy some right now I bought one on we’re almost there my handsome baby moon Lord please oh no we’re in radiation do it before we get cancer yes woo there we go baby moon Lord down and now we start post Moon Lord all post Moon Lord is going to be so fun all right so I think now we can go back into the abandoned lab I believe we get the key card if we no we don’t man I got everything that I needed except for a magic oh wait we got the celestial starboard I’m terribly sorry for the impromptu contact as for our chat your next trial is a machine of my own making oh is this the Omega Prototype 3 I guess so you know I actually don’t know what to oh oh the key card yes thank you sir imperian blind what is this uh what does this do cast orbs of Light which bind onto nearby Targets I will try that out at the uh at the lab okay so he’s inviting us to go to his laboratory which is where we just were but he gave us a key card to have access to everything maybe I should brought a hazmat suit n too late now I also believe I need to make a new pickaxe sometimes oh god oh it’s actually pretty good it like homes on the enemies hey all right I could probably like pop down a few of these and then like just use a different weapon oh I can open these chests now hacksaw oh that’s hot I got plutonium plutonium is used for I believe space parts and a magic weapon oh my God I can totally make this P2 Warhead receiver calls plutonium nukes from the sky yeah all right dude okay got a hazmat suit this is nice I got uh empty mutagen oh you can use mutagen to make um this we can put our sorcerer emblem in here oh no we need an Avengers emblem or Destroyer emblem but then we can get more magic damage and more Critical Strike chance very nice what’s that little zenomite that’s kind of cute I think the moon Lord is more practical though very handsome looking though I will give you that yeah we can’t mine this we need a new pickaxe I don’t know what the pickaxe is called though I can M this uranium you can make a uranium rain Ray Gun there’s a bunch of loot here let’s keep going through if there’s a boss fight coming up sometime soon we are not ready yeah we need a pickaxe raw zenium raw zenium zenium alloy we can make zenium armor maybe we should make some zenium armor that looks really cool zenium staff dude there’s so many things to craft I’m excited wao wao wa calm down all right calm down I can’t mind this okay okay okay we’re getting cancer oh my God oh my God I’m dying I have I’m dying of radiation I need pills all right I need to get the eye the Golem for this Avengers emblem so just pop few of these down wait I think I found a glitch I can pop out to if I hit two if I hit okay if I hit my left and right Mouse it pops out to or does it just pop out too if I just keep casting it oh it just pops out too if I keep casting it I’m sorry I thought I was cool all right okay so what we have to do now is we have to go into the lab there’s more bosses in the lab and then after we do the lab we’re going to have to fight the third Omega prototype as you can see this one is letting us fight it right now actually it has to be night time though third Omega prototype that’s going to be really fun come on I didn’t get it dude why am I not getting the eye of the Golem every time you need something they just don’t give it to you a yes yes I think I can just make it right Avengers emblem no don’t tell me I can’t make it dude come on brother oh no it’s not the event it’s the Destroyer emblem boom all right now I have the Destroyer emblem we should be able to make the mutagen mass for no I need nebul fragments thank you Sorcerers mutagen more critical I’m sorry more magic damage and more Critical Strike chance bam oh that’s going to be so good actually let’s put menacing if that’s even possible I don’t know if I have enough money warding I’ll take warding what to do oh make these weapons what am I talking about the P2 Warhead come on dude that sounds so cool we need more plutonium I don’t know if I can make more we need to get a nano pickaxe I don’t think I can get it anytime soon though um I need to make more zenium alloy we need molten scrap how the hell oh okay so we need a zenium smelter let’s go back into the uh Cave and then walk around and craft I’m assuming there going to be a bunch of crafting stations that we haven’t picked up yet oh I think I kind of need this the card me the data card let me try it out yep I need it I got a Tesla coil whoa what the hell all right I’ll try I’ll try this out dude wa that’s kind of crazy that’s crazy it just homes on them okay I need to get that that’s the smelter oh I know what I need I need a lunar pick that’s what they want me to do let me try to sell 5,000 damage it’s not bad dude testic coil is pretty fun to use H I think I’m probably going to have to okay I need to buy the potions right now now I keep forgetting about it I can’t mine it how about I talk to um janitor real quick actually I don’t think I can even make it I think I actually need to kill Omega obliterator before I make anything actually know that wouldn’t make any sense very confused um gerer counter okay I mind the plutonium though that’s nice no no no please don’t kill me don’t kill me ah oh I’m dead Goodbye World damn it oh it’s night time let me try the fight might be a bad idea cuz you’re probably make nebula armor first but [ __ ] it try this kind of scary yeah he looks terrifying dude yo no yeah he does that undertale so much for a surprise attack hang on got a call from gyrus I wasted too much energy too quickly I’m an idiot dude I love the dialogue in this game ready for obliteration nah bro shooting out swords at me not bad shooting out lasers at me not bad how about my Tesla coil attack how does this work oh that damage is insane and he does a lot of damage too he’s really fast this weapon only works if I’m close to him Emily goodbye Emily okay okay good damage electricity does 10% more damage I’m liking that oh my God no no no no no no no no damn he like paralyzed me oh my God oh my God oh my God damn we need lunar armor can I make a new oh I can make this the Warhead receiver how does this even work well it doesn’t really it doesn’t home and I got to aim no dude how how am I dying to the Moon Lord bro I go take a lunch break eat some Popeyes and I can’t even kill a single squid there we go all right this is going to be enough luminite I wish this T2 Warhead reive oh it’s like the same skin as the Omega I guess I Reus it plutonium nukes I feel like this would be really good on like round or maybe in the lab DEA helmet press plate boom magic damage has a chance to spawn buff booster okay we got to wait till it’s night time to fight the Omega Proto but till then I guess we can fight the uh the abandoned lab fights there should be two more bosses that we can do wait there’s a door here I didn’t wait I did have it back off there we go oh my God it’s the water puzzle I can change the firing mode single Target no way I didn’t know that hold up I got to navigate my way through or else I die an instant death wait this is so much easier when you’re underwater wow that usually kills me I think this is a boss it is all right let’s single Target is bad boy single Target is really good how about multi- Target wait multi Target’s so much better am I tripping it’s so much better why would you use single Target oh I’m going try the NES oh my God sorry blister face it’s rough out here I get it you know if I were you I would be upset too I got a special key card oh we can unlock more chest and we got the sigma access panel meaning we can open up more of the area all right I’m going open these up and these are nothing all right that means I can open up this chest please give me the pickaxe yes Nano pickaxe so now we can mine through technically anything we should be able to mine through the uh the black sludge yes oh my God thank God okay so this black sludge was blocking us access from most of the parts as you can see right here now we can get this thing the zenium smelter to make the uh what is it called molten scrap to then make better armor not better armor better stuffff yeah I think this is a boss fight hey man halt you aren’t supposed to be here protect your Vault okay man I still got to heal up oh my God this Tesla coil is actually insane look how much damage it does this 10% multiplier okay I can kill him I can kill him he’s easy easy he’s so easy I could do it zium smelter okay I want to try to get these new weapons okay molten scrap boom okay and then we can make I think zenium I need a zenium Refinery I thought I had one oh I don’t I need to kill the protector Vault brother I got to kill the guy that just killed me well since we got time since you know the moon will come up let’s keep on going all right let’s do this again hello my brother D oh my God I love this Tesla coil it’s so stand still okay what are you going to do nothing is what you’re going to do are you allow through let me check he doesn’t even want to continue oh you’re allow through this was mildly embarrassing apologies don’t worry about it buddy thank you man Omron let’s go through okay I don’t know what is here Eh this loot shouldn’t be too helpful we don’t really need it okay I think this is another boss I think it’s called the mace project if I’m not mistaken what is that crane operator oh I guess he’s the boss hey man my nukes aren’t doing anything why is he taking no damage why why is he taking no damage how do I make him take damage I forgot wait I actually forgot how to make him take damage oh he has a shield there we go a man okay this guy’s kind of strong is it night time though if it’s night time I don’t got to fight him yet oh it’s night time all right let’s try this out third Omega prototype magic really is broken it’s kind of crazy I’m really happy about it I’m glad that the first time I played magic I’m having a good time ready for obliteration nah bro oh my God damn it how did I do so good on the first try what weapon did I use I really want to use the Tesla coil but it’s not I don’t think there’s enough range to use it oh my god dude this is an insane robot bro wait single Target actually is really good for long range I lied oh my God Dodge down Dodge down I got to no did I not have like 600 hp please please don’t rush into me come on come on come on yes okay there we go there we go one HP system overload is that it overload damn right I’m overload my circus are burning with energy I think he has a second phase um overheating oh [ __ ] the power of the Sun in my very core I’m just going to walk away oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no leave me oh oh we surviv critical condition there’s a goblin army approaching from the East self destructed is it getting hot here or is it just me that was crazy yeah I remember he had a second phase well done if you’re wondering about the AI put it elsewhere for safekeeping I’d rather not discard something on ages that I’ve been creating research has been fantastic I’m getting excited from thinking about putting into full use you’re welcome dude all right the last test is coming up not far from now and I got something amazing to show you but it has to be a secret until then okay I don’t think it’s added yet whatever he’s talking about it’s a collaborative project between me and a mutual friend of ours who are you talking about all right let’s open this up we got the strong son and pal which is a melee weapon oh my God obliteration drone double tach a Direction while Airborne to dash a it’s so cool we got the obliterator brain uh it can make the Omega finger gun hold on let me uh let me just solve this issue real quick there we go Omega finger gun what the it’s just like a regular gun how fast is this going to get okay it’s all right 438 damage though that’s a lot of damage I’ll try it out I don’t know how to feel about it well time to do the lab I think we’re almost done the lab and then we got to do end game bosses all right let’s go all right we got to fight this guy again let’s try this finger gun guess it’s better really fast this is basically a ranged magic weapon what an interesting ass weapon bro he shoots out balls and then he does his fire attack which I can just walk around y pop a heal squishy as hell all right we do about 3,000 damage what about the Tesla coil we do more damage with the we do more if not the same amount what is going on holy [ __ ] oh ping pong ball Holy balls all right I’m going to go back in there try it again that is rough though all right let’s try this again come on okay oh my God I got an electro grenade thanks man but that I had to clench my ass man what did I get nothing good why did I even do that what was that for dude oh I got more doors unlocked damn okay all right next part I think this is the last room yep that’s the final boss right there patient zero that’s the labs final magnum opus boss but before we go in there we’re going to go take a furnace or we’re going to go buy a furnace or we’re we’re buy a smelter I know what it’s called oh my God that was so scary I was looking at my HP I almost died is it these zenium Refinery awesome bam zenium alloy we can make 20 of these guys zenium staff what does this look like Mayo my I don’t think I’m going to be using this anytime soon well that’s everything we can graft we can make the armor set but we’re not going to use it I’m pretty sure we have I like our I like our nebula set wow that was a waste of time okay the final boss for mod Redemption is a little bit hard if you guys don’t know it’s basically a gigantic eyeball that shoots insane lasers at you and you have to try to kill it but oh man I’m kind of worried about this this might take a while wait what this is a different attack oh what if you shoot out the bubbles and you shoot it with your laser aha interesting so you shoot out bubble mines and whatever you you hit with your laser kaboy very nice very nice unfortunately this thing is like a radiation weapon so it’s not like it’s going to help me it’s doing a four for the damage hello patient zero I didn’t mean to wake you up okay hold on I need to clean up the arena first hey I just placed the block down hey calm down sir sir sir uh-oh okay I guess we’re we’re fighting one hit just did all of my HP okay okay on directional movement oh yeah yeah oh [Applause] wow okay okay all right all right all right we need to clean up the arena and put down a platform and try it out one more time we please do not wake up please do not wake up I’m just doing some cleaning routine I’m the local janitor cleaning up literally that’s all I’m doing God damn it Ki Johanson oh car went out car’s out car’s out it’s the the real patient zero I’m sorry okay as this is shooting out shooting out smaller how [Applause] you oh my gosh the water is thin enough where I’m not going to get radiated when I milk it if I Tred the Omega finger gun oh wait it’s a lot of damage 6,000 damage I think oh oh my God my HP why did I stand still bro why am I stuck there’s like juice that I’m stuck on okay this is really good damage oh oh oh no no no what am I stuck on oh my God there’s still goo on the wall man okay I got to delete this as fast as possible there we go get this out too this to okay okay okay come on come on come on I don’t know how to do this dude I don’t know how to do this I keep getting hit Midway I might have to get like an anti knockback something I can just stand still cuz the attacks on hit me from here it’s going to accelerate it’s going to accelerate it’s going to accelerate okay youal incoming oh no over there no no no no wait what car got a new attack she got new attack I’m really low HP I’m low HP did I do it I got it oh my God it said that she had more HP than she actually did oh man nice okay that was actually so lucky I don’t even know how I love that all laser security has been deactivated we have patient zero Relic and boom what is this hologram projectile it’s a chicken lucky heart of infection emits a life draining force that seals life from debuffed enemies I don’t need that and there that’s the abandoned lab fun fight can I get this this o I got the mitosis weapon oh my God wait are those chickens wait my chickens are kind of insane and mitosis is also insane too it’s like homing like cells medit permanently increases Life by 50 okay wa that’s a cool weapon this is the melee weapon dude it’s sick all right so now that we’re done that we have two more bosses to do it is the final two endgame bosses I want to even I don’t even know if I can actually summon it I think I need there it is eye of the Eagle Crest Golem let’s try this out so you place it down and I think you got to surround it with dirt is it dirt no it’s not dirt it’s definitely not dirt it’s something else I forgot what it is Eagle Crest Golem what is the stone of its Origins is it ancient gathic gathic stone we can try the gaic blade stone I have it oh yeah it is nice it’s just the DLC uh I mean mod of redemption uh Stone okay they should summon the boss why is it working what the [ __ ] man only usable at day okay well I got wait till daytime look at these chickens they’re digital chickens dude they shoot lasers and they can turn into swords depending on how far they are dude that’s so cool all right we got to wait till daytime actually I can just go to sleep okay right so we should have two more bosses to do and then I can find my favorite boss or one more boss and then my favorite boss but I actually like these last two bosses they’re like my favorite boss fights in a game they’re so good ancient sigil reawakens an ancient power Eagle CR Golem you guys are probably asking like hey you got even fought this already Adan what do you what lame lame he’s so aggressive though now right oh my Lord there he goes second phase it’s going to happen [Music] oh a storm is brewing and nature trembles the God’s Wrath is upon you oh sh uko I don’t know what he does but he’s scary I’m going to use mitosis he’s shooting clouds he’s Elemental man myosis do do damage 2,000 9,000 9,000 damage and there goes uko and then he summons aka the ancient goddess of nature so it’s a dual wheel not dual wield but dual boss fight and he’s a horse dude he’s a horse walk on down over here mushrooms attacks use lightning lightning has less attack or lightning has less ability obviously the god of lightning no [ __ ] sh L nukes do a lot of damage taking damage okay it goes horon they’re going to throw a sky island on me they’re going to throw a sky island on me I’m stuck I’m stuck [ __ ] oh no no dude I got stuck it’s okay it’s okay yeah it is one of my favorite fights it’s so cool sucks that I took so much damage though yeah the problem is we got to fight that ugle crust Golem every time oh maybe I can use the zenium Lance this time I’ll try out I’ll try it out I’ll try it out but I think mitosis is much more better the mitosis isn’t really hitting him that’s the problem and it does less damage to AA there’s like an elemental debuff on it dude they’re going to throw Sky Island on me one day I know oh right now it’s going to happen right now why did I I ran into the last moment he’s starting lighning at me Lightning mushrooms away UK’s dead I don’t know how 25k got a heal coming up in 50 seconds come on more mitosis almost dead there we go woo oh man that’s a fun fight it is such a fun fight it’s so fast your skulls will be headed in memorium look at that beautiful so it gives us the ukan basara whoa Hammer mode axe mode whoa who and then sword mode which we just used vasara pendant what is this taking damage builds oh is it equipable oh no it’s it is equipable taking damage stirs up uko within you once built up UK’s IR conjures smashing rocks and lightning to strike your foes all around you not bad water foul egg stars from the celestial bonus appear less but are immediate absorbed consuming healing potions grants additional healing for 5 seconds decrease resistance to all Elemental damage the amount of healing is 40% of the consumed potion I don’t quite understand that effect we also got the poem of Il matar it’s a goddamn tornado does it do damage I guess okay now we can fight the final boss the thing is though the final boss has multiple phases and you can only access the second phase I believe if you are in the dark like path like negative alignment so we should be able to do that I cannot make it I need Galaxy Stars oh I think you I know how to farm these so we need hollowed bars hollowed bars I can buy it but Galaxy bars they drop from these wyvern looking enemies in the sky so let me just check that’s what we need yeah we need Galaxy Stars so I think if we just go all the way into the space I’m really hyped to fight this is my favorite boss in like any mod I’m pretty sure it’s just so I love it I love also what is this portal what is this yeah the mitosis is really op I don’t know why one more there we go boom shakalaka Galaxy Stone only usable at night this is the final boss boss babies neb NE nebulus nebulus let’s go to bed okay it’s night time Galaxy Stone watch [Music] this tell me that’s not fire you brought me here yourself I’m I got to turn up my eyes have loomed upon thee long enough it is time to take action the daring hunt of all that threatens you brings a chill through my body thy presence is all consuming and I sh run from opportunity gift it to me prove to me your resolve and I will show you my own if you Len me you may be spared from Watchers far greater than I there’s a reason why this boss is insane you’re sing nebula so what’s really cool about this boss is that they actually tell you what attacks it’s going to do okay none of my attacks are hitting I got to use a different attack Tesla’s working really well well purpose drives you what is your goal a lot of main character talk going on around here okay put this down what about the tornado does it do a lot of damage it does okay damage oh [ __ ] that hurt I got to make sure I don’t get hit cuz nebulus hurts a lot do you even have a motive for your actions you just kind of have to like cancel where you’re going last minute and it’s really going to have the celestial starboard because you can use your arrow keys to cancel your momentum except for that part I got to heal in 20 seconds no if you get hit by that you get tons of damage taken still fighting not done yet I know you’re not done trust me okay that hurts I got to heal out hit me for 148 there we go I would appear to be fighting a hopeless battle ever since this island appeared I have been watching I’ve seen you die countless times but you never truly die it seems most or cannot simply comprehend this but I do whether it be intelligence power or something else I still remember so basically nebulus knows that we’re a player we can save we can die come back to life whatever the case may be I no longer wish to fight you not like I could do anything to stop you I hope you find it in your heart to stop your Rampage if you don’t wish to fight me I’ll leave you be we’re going to fight and you know what happens when you fight you still want to fight I knew it wouldn’t be that easy you’ve had your chance at Redemption they said the mod when you die a thousand times I still have this hope in my mind that you’re mortal so even if I can’t figure out how to get rid of you there’s still many foes greater than I I don’t know yeah that they’re probably going to add that and that too they’re probably going to add that into the mod but enough talk I’m your opponent I remember this is a rough fight this is a very rough fight oh my god oh [ __ ] I don’t know how to dodge that I got to run I got to run but I can’t run cuz it she I think what I’m going to try to do is I’m going to try to kill or spare her and then when I fight her again I think I can go immediately into second phase unless they don’t give me I’m going to spare her I think I can get her treasure bag yes okay so you can get her treasure bag now Galaxy heart more HP okay fragment of virtue ham sandwich okay so that’s beating her but since we’re doing the negative route or we’re doing the uh the the evil route we can get more stuff so we can make all the magic stuff okay I want to make all these magic weapons real quick and then we’re going to fight her again and because we have all this stuff it should be much more easier I forgot that you could like spare her and then kill her with the with her with her stuff constellations oh yeah give me that how does this work okay let’s do this again it should be different now let’s do this you still want to fight yeah I think it’s doing less damage it does less damage than my Tesla coil that’s insane how the Tesla coil does more damage than a constellation book from the gods makes sense though like why would I be able to use your own weapon against you huh HP boost is nice though when you die A Thousand Times Holy balls holy balls holy balls holy balls oh that hurts I don’t know how to dodge that I don’t know how to dodge that I don’t know how to dodge that okay I got the um I got the celestial emblem instead of using the celestial Club so I have I’m basically changing up getting more damage in exchange for Less Mana I think this might work cuz I’m going for an all damage build right now dude I just realized if you right click the stone it summons the final form immediately I am so dumb no I got grabed oh oh my God I dodged that no way damn it you fat oh God I’m at the bottom of my goddamn Arena no no I’m in an awkward State no yes I have – 10 alignment now dude I’m a bad boy that was all I had and yet I still lost fighting you and that traitor have confirmed my susp I’m weak I don’t know who you’re talking about I don’t deserve being part of their posy if the demig God ever comes for you don’t let them ever know that I’m alive I fear what you might think of me I don’t want to face it I don’t expect sympathy from you but I’ll be gone for now bye-bye woo and I think that is it that should be the entire mod of redemption I’m sure I you know missed a few things but we’re mini nebulous now we’re so cute look at all this magic around us there we go that is the mod of redemption folks I hope you guys enjoyed that was a super fun play through that was one of my favorite bosses and I think that’s every single U modded boss yeah I think that’s it so yeah thank you guys for watching I’m so tired it is like 12 a.m. right now I’m so tired yeah hope you guys enjoy and uh uh it’s been aing guys bye-bye

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I Beat Terraria Mod of Redemption [FULL MOVIE]

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tModloader Mods Used:
– Mod of Redemption
– Ore Excavator
– Weapon Display
– Lights and Shadow
– Alchemist NPC Lite
– Recipe Browser
– Boss Checklist

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This is not Terraria Calamity Infernum Full Movie ft. WaffleTime, at least not yet, if you guys want us to release more Calamity Infernum Episodes, let us know in the comments! We’re not playing Revengeance or Death Mode on Infernum, we’re playing on Infernum! We Beat Terraria Infernum Mode [FULL MOVIE]

#adrian #adrianrage #terraria #modofredemption #calamity


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