What is the BIGGEST Terraria Boss?

so what is the biggest boss in all of modded Terraria that is the question that we are trying to answer today in this video will we find something bigger than the moon Lord will we find something even bigger than that let’s hop in game and find out so we are trying to figure out who is the biggest boss in all of Terraria and moded Terraria now obviously in the vanilla game if we’re just talking about Pier size of course Moon Lord is that guy look how big he is compared to me he’s gigantic but if we’re more of talking about length then it’s probably going to be the Destroyer or meusa obviously but we’ll stick to just pure massive size so I actually want to bring up the tweet that kind of inspired this mod or Reddit post I guess this is the original person that posted the Reddit post yeah I saw this tweet and I was like dang this thing looks sick Infinity zero and I don’t know what mod it’s from it might be ancients awaken as you can see the Tweet says a size comparison of what would have been one of the biggest bosses inter modding if it wasn’t for the dev of this mod being a weird and bad person hate to see it but clearly this dude in the comments is bigger and the first mod we’re going to check out for bosses that are massive is the Calamity mod cuz obviously the Calamity mod has some Titans in it some big boys even long boys like the devour of gods pause I don’t know a long boy sounded weird but one boss that does come to mind in terms of massive size right away is Providence doesn’t look as massive as I remember Providence you’re embarrassing I swear Providence was way bigger speak about bosses that used to be way bigger the love Leviathan do you guys remember how massive the OG Leviathan was like he kind of looks a a little adorable at this size but I remember he used to fill up the whole entire screen I think another big boss is yarn giant jungle Dragon see none of these are really compared to now I see here and look at it another pretty massive boss from the Calamity mod might be the Dron Trio cuz of course they got Thanos again another longw worm and then they got Apollo along with Artemis and then of of course the big boy himself Aries at the top you combine these dudes together they’re pretty massive there’s also the promodal worm and other long fella pause but then we move on to the juice mod here the juice mod has one boss that I know for sure is pretty big the rest of them are kind of ADD and that one boss is our boy jumbo cattoire look at him he’s pretty he’s pretty up there he might be bigger than a majority of the Calamity bosses but now that we got kind of the mods that I had installed already out of the way let’s start hopping into some lesser known terar mods I guess you could say and see some massive bosses from them let’s get straight into these other mods started with the spirit mod the first boss that came to mind from the spe mod is a little dude well not that little a big dude named Atlas let’s bring him in look at that absolutely massive I think he was actually bigger than this way back in the day but he is not only a fairly big dude but he’s a pretty bulky one at that too moving on from that we have a boss from the cord’s mod and this is lowkey one of my favorite bosses from the mod because it was just very different when if I first saw it and it first came out it’s a little thing that goes by the name of oversized laser emitting obliteration radiation emitting Destroyer or oh Lord let’s bring in oh Lord come on oh my God this might be the one this thing covers up the whole screen and then look at that it even puts down the walls on the side and this is what I mean about this being one of my favorite bosses from this mod look how unique it is it’s so different it reminds me of like those Old School shooters something like metal slug I don’t know this seems like something you’d fight from there I’m not that old though so don’t call me well I am pretty old but this dude he’s definitely up there he might be our top three so far after that we have the mod Redemption which let’s just kind of Breeze through some of the bosses there cuz I don’t really remember all of their sizes specifically so it might be better to Breeze through them real quick uh I don’t remember if this Omega gigap por that’s a weird name I don’t remember how big it is or the Omega Cleaver okay that’s kind of small let’s see the giga por okay it’s a giant worm that might be like the giri worm I don’t like using girthy as a word we come down here into this little laboratory where I’m being assaulted from the mod Redemption and there is some very fun bosses in here can you stop all the racket God damn but down here the final area oh my God look at this Behemoth down here what is this thing stop shooting at me yeah this thing is massive I don’t think I can wake it up because you need to oh wait maybe I didn’t wake it up I did just move it my bad let me put you back a little bit but this is like a whole entire room boss F oh there we go he’s way not as big as old Lord but definitely way cooler in terms of feing after that we have the Metroid mod I checked out this mod a couple couple months ago at this point a good couple months ago and one boss I do remember from it is Craig I actually really mess with Craig oh my God he’s so cool looking and look how big he is big boy and look at this he does actually slowly move towards you in the fight it’s kind of sick it’s kind of like a lighter Wall of Flesh scarier Wall of Flesh he he’s very intimidating I don’t remember if there’s another boss from this mod that’s really big or not I might just have to click on some things and see what spawns in terms of size like what is this is this thing going to be massive or is he going to be tiny let’s see man little ass what the heck and of course the other boss that comes to mind in terms of size we talked about him a lot recently good old e death what’s up e oh grab him what is going on I was definitely clicking the whole time we’ll just sit here though since I did grab him oh I didn’t I didn’t kill him though oh my God if I kill him he goes into a second phase where he grows pretty much infinitely and because I died and the TOA manipulation doesn’t do as good a damage as it used to against egg death I can’t see the full potential of them okay let’s try this again against e death I’m a little bit more prepared okay e death is about to die phase two here we come and as you can see he is infinitely growing he might cover the whole screen I don’t even know am I holding him I can’t tell I got to be holding him to some extent I have a feeling he might clip me in a second though because of just his pure size well I don’t know does it okay never mind just kind of getting to the point where it’s like I don’t even know what mods to show off in this but I have gathered a couple more obviously I’m going to miss a couple of that’s for you guys in the comments get to leave suggestions for other giant bosses but the one I have pulled out here of course we can’t forget about noxus and obviously the nameless ded2 can I just bring him in how do how do I just bring him in oh yeah noox is honestly kind of small looking in this form does it get bigger I don’t remember but it attacks are definitely up there in terms of size like it’s whole presentation is insane there we go he gets a little bit bigger in this second form and then of course the nameless DD go ahead bring them in bring him in let’s get this crazy cut scene going my headphones are kind of loud too hopefully this boss doesn’t blow my ears out oh my God come on this is literally a de a Godly being is in the background that’s how big it is you know when a boss is able to go into the background that far away it’s gigantic cuz look at this he this might be a top three in terms of size he’s definitely up there he at least his Bigg as moood Lord if not bigger all right this next one is going to be kind of sick as I’m entering this new difficulty from the Forgotten evils mod the curse mode difficulty I checked out this mod recently and if you guys remember the Eater of Worlds from it was crazy all right I brought in the eer of Worlds curse mode version and as you can see oh my God he literally takes up the whole entire screen I really wonder what happens if it just goes all the way up and I don’t stop it at all actual eater worlds are the things on the bottom like his teeth that’s disgusting like the little King Slime Cameo yeah he won’t leave so I guess he gets to chill out for a little bit but we are literally getting pushed to the top of our world we are at a sky I think honestly I might sit here and see what happens if it goes all the way to the top I’m assuming we just die you know what I’m too lazy to see that we still got like 10 minutes at least of it flying up what if I drop down into it oh my God it’s just an abyss underneath it you can get underneath it it’s just an abyss underneath it the game looks a little bit different that’s because we are on Old Terraria team mod load or whatever because the last bosses I want to show off here are older mods the first one is from the pinkies mod shout out the pinkies mod I love that mod and that boss from this mod is sick let me see if I could find it you think it’s a giant gigant enormous biggest boss up there why am I having troubl finding it this guy’s pretty big too I just random randomly summoned his ass oh here you go I found it heart of the cavern can I spawn it oh don’t tell me I can’t spawn it don’t tell me I can’t spawn it I got to actually like go where it is to spawn it no they would do me dirty I’ll just put a screenshot of the heart of the cabin because it’s kind of hard to get to but we come to the ancient awaken mod and this mod has some Big Boys in it bring them in oh my God Yamada no Orochi look how big this dude is he covers so much area is just legit a giant Hydra something like kadora I love this boss this boss is sick in terms of visuals in terms of the theme like come on bro it’s amazing now after this guy I have no idea who else this dude also mix it so I can’t even like fly around or anything I can’t even insta kill him that’s how threatening he is okay I guess we just got to would you be in here unless I could teleport away oh thank you but there might be some other like long SL giant bosses worm King greed the light of the surface is too bright all these bosses are scared of the sunlight they just like me lowy worm King okay he’s not that crazy he’s pretty long but he he’s not no big boy any more big boys from this mod I don’t think so that that really might be it that might be it in terms of the Giants I think we’ve seen them all there’s obviously more out there that I’m probably missing oh on Akuma isn’t this like a long Dragon no it’s just a sick looking Dragon not a long one music is bumping but yeah in the comments I want you guys to let me know what are some giant bosses that I missed out on cuz there’s probably a good bit of bosses I missed out on just didn’t remember or something like that my bad if it’s like getting so loud you can’t hear me yeah let me know in the comments shout out everyone who made all these mods there’s probably some stuff from like Calamity fan mods I missed yeah make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you guys don’t miss future videos CU I will be seeing y’all next time see you later what is going on

Who are the TITANS of Terraria? Let’s find out!

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  1. The thing shooting you in Mod of Redemption's lab is the defense system designed to prevent you from entering until the mech bosses are defeated. It will always one-shot you, unless you're in God mode that is.

  2. I think technically (if we just mash all the worm bosses into a ball for proper size count)
    O. L. O. R. D
    Might be the biggest?
    Cursed eater od worlds is literally glorified wall of flesh, and you only fight the eyeball and mouth.

  3. Wall of Moonlord from Fargo’s Mod is a secret boss that covers the entire sky, it’s also very funny looking. You should check it out it!

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