What Happens if you Mix Stardew Valley and The Sims?? – To Pixelia

hello everybody and welcome to T pixelia now this is a game by Pixie Joo Studios and it’s published by crytivo and it’s like if the Sims got AC cross with stard Valley it’s like the stard valley like Graphics but like The Sims gameplay I think with maybe a bit more story and a bigger map and things like that more outside space definitely so I’m actually super excited because I’ve never quite played anything like this before it seems to be very different to anything else out there really um like I see other than Sims but like I say I want to see what the differences are obviously other than the graphics so let’s go in and play a new game be all sorts of buildings and things though departure office okay so this is our first place we’re going to visit and I’m hoping this is where we’re going to make our character sorry for making you wait a little welcome to the departure office I’m officer Leroy and today I am going to help you I believe you’re one of those that have recently become a citizen of pixelia is that right let’s get it started then it’s going to be a very quick procedure don’t worry I’ll just check some documents and ask you questions but first let me see your new passport please so the passport is the character creator very well so so let’s go with a female body type I am a sheab obviously always am than me right we got that right now lovely I just woke up have a look at my hairstyles I can have that’s cute that’s also cute that’s also they’re all super cute hairstyles I like it let’s get it in a purple I actually really like that one all right so what else have we got beards and makeup so I can recolor my lips a bit oh let’s go with some like sultry purple lips that looks pretty nice uh okay let’s go for some clothing so unlike in Sims we only have seemingly one set of clothing at the moment whether there are more that we can change into later we will have to see do my top in a different color definitely do purple top and how about we do like blue jeans or something blue eyes it’s starting to look good now do we want glasses or not I don’t think so I think it looks a bit teachery there’s anything wrong with teachers but you know it’s not the look I’m going for today I’m thinking more like a musician or something okay so now we have personality traits so this is a little bit more simple than something like the Sims I think but like I say I it’s going to have it’s going to be scaled down and some respect also obviously this is only a demo at the moment so it be probably scal down in certain uh respects and it will have more of other things so this one is one of the is slightly scaled down so uh do we want to be romantic I think I want to be social creative and ambitious cuz ambitious will get me going with making some money and then creative I could maybe do I could do like a musician path or something maybe or an artist path that’ be quite nice let’s finalize that yeah I am pretty happy with sheab it seems like we’re done here congratulations wow it’s only four minutes in and I’ve done character creation go me I have no doubt you’ll achieve amazing things in your time in pixelia take this next bus it’ll take you to pixelia good luck with your new life okay let’s go I was considering not making all the comparisons to Sims but I don’t see how you can’t in a game like this like I think you kind of do have to understand that there’s deep inspiration being taken from the Sim too okay so first day in pixelia so this is the first thing that I’m noticing is that there’s a lot more outdoor space a lot more people a lot more buildings it’s developed by Pixie P oh it’s pix Duo not pixie Juro Studios and C Evo loads of stuff going on Outdoors which is lovely to see that’s something that I think is really missing in The Sims except maybe Sims 3 but this is even better than Sims 3 by the looks of it it’s got more buildings more places to go more places to explore you’ve got a whole town okay so pixelan times a little guide for the new citizens welcome to pixelia newcomers here are a few steps to make your first days easier let’s find you a comfortable place to settle in open the map to locate where the real estate office is okay let’s open the map this is a map of pixelia as you enter into buildings for the first time you’ll discover what they are ooh explore mode and look look how many places there are to explore that’s incredible Okay so you’ll discover what they are and the icon for that location will pop up here here’s our real estate office it seems like the real estate office is not that far from where you are let’s click on its icon on the map and see what will happen so you got the real estate office we like rename it or anything no enable a waypoint towards the location you want to go to help you with navigation click activate Waypoint below okay activate Waypoint there 100 did you just see that four locations that you can explore that is incredible okay so here are our needs [Music] hunger energy very standard toilet unfinished toilet needs can cause uncomfortable problems for you hi jeene take a shower regularly or it will affect your social interactions and general mood and the more your mood is filled up the faster you will do things okay so thank you for being part of our demo welcome dear pix alen happy to see you playing our demo okay as you delve into this early stage please keep in mind that the game is not feature complete Fair many new features are being actively added along the way to stay updated on the ongoing development we invite you to check our Discord page regularly note demo will are 60 pixelion hours enjoy your stay let me explore I guess we’ll go to to the real estate office I can Sprint but that I expect that will take hunger and mood away from me sorry probably hunger and energy ooh I need to go run over oops you don’t get run over in The Sims okay rent or buy so let’s go and buy ourselves a house or rent ourselves a house don’t know how much money I have right now guess Ethan will help me out hi there welcome I just saw you getting off the bus while taking a look out of my window I take it you’re one of the newcomers am I right allow me to introduce myself I’m the guy who’s going to help you find your new home at your service I have a flat that might be very ideal for you the previous tenant was also an outsider same as you but there a tricky situation the uh flat is how to say it it’s um honestly there isn’t much demand for renting it it’s not in the greatest shape it needs to receive some love you know and you could potentially be the perfect fit for this place now here’s the part that can get you interested see this is definitely um leaning more towards the sort of star you valy the sort of move into the dilapidated place that you do up I’ll not get a rent from you for a week and in return you’ll clean the mess and make sure it’s livable again how does that sound let’s get my voice back shall we let me show it in the map so we can formalize a contract okay so I have 300 money and these are worth quite a lot so everything except for clove apartment is locked so clove apartment and these show like uh they’re unavailable I think they show a rent and a buy option so let’s rent it for now until we can save a 132,000 I don’t know if there might be a mortgage lender somewhere so we might be able to do that so it’s got It’s in a good location but the property size is very small all right let’s rent it yes Quest completed a place to call home so we got 25 money and pro so so we’ve got quests in this which is certainly something you don’t have in The Sims so it’s got like this combination of the RPG elements of something like stari Valley or you know one of the farming games cuz it feels like a farming game cross with the Sims it’s so weird but it’s so cool and fun you got your first home for free inspect the condition of the flat and clean the mess to make it feel like home so did you know open profile and click on housing on the top buttons to see every detail about your property all right then profile it said top buttons I expected them to be on the top they were not uh so we got a an inventory housing this is clove apartment a map quests meeting the epx aliens make sure you uh meet some new friends and you want to meet 15 pixelion we’ll pin that as well then creativity these are all the recipes songs and books that we know or have created your published Books and Music Al albums generate royalties every Sunday popularity of your work will determine how much royalty you receive again very Sims that is my active diseases you do not have this in Sims active diseases slimy Tim this is a social virus which means you can get infected by interacting with other pixelion it’s a common but also the weakest virus that can threaten your health slacker hunts tired people down pink I swear these viruses have their own little personalities and Bobby the blue you can catch it if you use pills or chemical injections that boost your energy and mood that’s really cool and then settings which we don’t need to really go into okay um oh it said profile for my my house so my stats my traits my talents my relationships with people how my career is going what my work addresses when I go to work my dream um my goals to accomplish again very Sims like in that regard wow this is just so full of stuff haven’t chosen your dream yet you’ll see details once you figured out what your dream is completing goals will give you prestige points okay yeah again very Sims so I really like this menu actually I think it’s really cool uh but it did say I could find out all the things about my house so where’s that that’s in housing and profile so my rent duration the rent price is 800 and then when I’m going to get evicted I can my lease from here I can see all the properties I rent and own so I wonder if I can start being a bit of a property magnate and renting properties out cuz it looks like you can own more than one property by the looks of that which is really cool going to be a landlord okay it’s trying to show me where my house is let’s head over there they interact with a lot of things I could probably find a lot of things you need to befriend this person to enter Joe okay just keep walking or running run I think I do have to keep a bit more of an eye on the uh pedestrian crossing lights and things I need to really go when they’re red for the so the town is in little bits and we have to load but that’s fine by me uh this is why we need a car So eventually I’ll have a like a really cool car and I’ll have a really cool flat and la la la probably not within this demo but I’m really hoping that I can play this on on in a more full way way cuz it looks really cool oh we got some people doing some stuff could I have gone on the oh we’re nearly there now I was going to say could I have gone on the bus should I gone on the bus here so one thing that that this isn’t is very Central miles away but I’ll I’ll start off by learning my local neighborhood I imagine so this one is clove apartment let’s see what kind of state it’s in I know the basic layout uh home sweet home welcome to your first home in pixelia it’s quite messy but you can turn it into a cozy little Haven decorate your home to increase your Home Comfort which will increase your pixelion mood you can invite other pixelion to your home if you’re close friends with them right then interact let’s clean that up hold the buttons clean don’t know how I’m going to get the stains off the floor let’s just go for the trash first maybe we can paint or something so I have 325 coins at the moment until I can find some kind of job not sure how the job hunting works my home is chaotic that’s not entirely surprising okay you stumbled upon an unopened letter with an intact seal while cleaning the trash just like me aren’t you nobody but an outsider would live in this trash sorry I don’t know if I can trust you only time may tell if I ever decide that you are trustworthy I will let you know how you can find me there are things where your skills can prove valuable ah oh it’s got a bit of a mystery going on better mystery better story love it okay I have a new Quest Cozy home makeover all right then let’s have a look at that Quest so uh you can begin personalizing living space Rich options of carpets wallpapers tiles and Furnitures that are waiting your Creative Touch to Breathe new life into your home take aoll around town to discover shops all right let’s go to the furniture shop I already have a bed so I’ll have to see what things I need for you know with my limited means Jane oh hi there you must be the new tenant living in this flat I’m Jane your neighbor from next door it’s so nice to meet you I also knew the previous tenant she seemed like a nice person but she had this awkwardness in her personality who am I to judge right in any case I’m confident that I’ll get along with you just fine you’ve just moved in haven’t you I guess there’s no furniture yet is there no oh you know what I was just heading inside to cook how about you join me as my guest with your place still lacking Furniture you might not have anything you need everything you need sorry to cook a meal so let me show some pixelan Hospitality come on in I bet James Place is lovely of course it is please make yourself at home my cat whiskers seems to be quite curious about you I was thinking about cooking a classic pixelan dish I’m not sure if you had the chance to try it before a dice and veget vegetables and start setting up the meal on the table in the meantime would you mind handling the dessert there’s a list of recipes on the drawer you may want to check it out you can find anything you need in the fridge feel free to take what you need from there so let’s start cooking shall we good luck okay so I have a new Quest the welcome banquet all right so this is the drawer with a loads of recipes uh your neighbor next door has extended a warm invitation for a delightful meal together help her prepare one [Music] okay so recipe for strawberry cake in order to bake a cake you’d first need to prepare some dough okay take water and flour from the fridge and start kneading on the table so we are needing dough I think water and a bag of flour I needed to start kneading kneading it’s happening do is ready oh I see it’s like uh EOS of the plum gr if you click on it to retrieve it okay cool [Music] need to get out of here tap cancel okay there we are so then we need read this these are all the necessary ingredients to bake strawberry cake you can find all of them in the fridge take them and put them inside the oven to start baking so I’m guessing it’s like maybe condensed milk egg butter our dough strawberry and maybe some sugar or that much might be [Music] sugar so oh baking powder okay sugar butter strawberry egg okay lovely let’s take all of those and put them in the oven wow so the cooking in this is certainly not like Sims it’s very much like you click on the oven and you choose what to make and you just make it whereas this has got a lot more steps involved so again this is leaning more towards the farming genre again the farming cooking making things uh for some people it’s better than the chocolate version not people like me though it’s not too ridiculously over complicated either um I would say that the Immortal Life cooking is more complicated than this one great job you’ve made it take the item above to continue crafting okay uh thank you for joining me I hope you’ll enjoy your meal I’ve always believed in having good relations with our neighbors it makes living here so much more enjoyable by the way you haven’t had an opportunity to decorate your home have you not sure if you’d be interested but my mother runs a store where she often gets her hand on spare things that she’s willing to give away she might be able to assist you in getting started with Furnishing I’ll inform her about you before your visit I have to warn you though she’s lately been a little bit Moody so I apologize in advance if she says something mean you’re wonderful Kate got me thinking that you might not need this much but I’d off I’d like to offer you this book as a gift it has lots of recipes you could introduce you to some pixelan flavors perhaps you can try one in the future the next time we get together I shouldn’t keep you any longer I’m sure you have lots to do goodbye for now okay introduction to traits your traits determine the way your character wants to spend its time random activities related to your traits will pop up every day and upon completion your mood will increase and you’ll gain Prestige points unlocking traits of other pixelion will also increase your Chemistry with them got it so what we want to do complete activities before they expire your mood will decrease if you ignore them we want to gossip on the phone I don’t have a phone uh learn music theory spend 150 mood for practicing guitar and spend 200 mood while practicing so I need to get my hands on a guitar secondhand favor I think this would be the next place to go your neighbor Jane has donated World Furniture as a gesture talk to Sara at the storage shop to claim them I am a level one pixelion I don’t don’t know what that means yet credit card unlocked oh yeah unlock new location Bank okay so let’s have a look we’ve got buses that go everywhere so I really should have took the bus over here um let me just see so the furniture Shop’s all the way down there so let’s go to the bus and see if we can bus down there hey um [Music] sure Prestige for that that’s cool so where’s the bus stop I missed it oh it’s around the corner there okay fine I want to talk to too many people yet I do kind of just need to get my place a bit sorted out um we go down here will cost us 15 the furniture stor was oh the next one along I think so home decor I can go in here so Thomas’s house or there might be shops I might have to be friends with people to even go in there shops I don’t really know let’s go and have a chat to Nikki social factors influence your Chemistry which will play a huge role in the outcome of your conversation each heart in a relationship will unlock a new Option with the pixelion interactual blurt joke gift questions okay fing each relationship heart blue will unlock new things so this is much more like a heart relationship from a farming game again so like there’s so many different things that I can see pulled from different genres I’m very excited by that actually I think they put it together really nicely as well hover your mouse to check them out okay phone number invite them more desire to talk each successful action will increase plus 10 mood more desire to talk ask private questions use kiss more desire to talk extra chemistry and you can propose nice so we’re not going to want everybody to be up at 10 really we don’t need them to be but Nikki is thrilled to meet you so that’s wonderful Nikki is clean uh oh no these are my social factors so if I’m I’m liking the way I look it’s a lovely day I’ve had a satisfied hunger and I’m crisp and clean at the moment so you get extra points for that nice I want to talk to someone on the phone but maybe just talking to someone might help but anyway let’s um interact okay let’s go back let’s talk instead I’m sure this was the furniture shop I needed to go to right chitchat that was cool relationship increased a little tiny bit oh half a heart that’s not too bad Nikki is finding your talk enjoyable have I gone to the wrong place a bit worried now cuz I was supposed to go to got the bank CL apartment and the furniture shop check my quests again sorry at the storage shop [Music] oh I’m at the wrong place I knew this would happen I spent money to take the bus as well I’m so annoyed I think we need to do a bit more like checking places out and [Music] stuff okay there a Compu it’s an electronic shop let’s go and have a look in there that’s a new place that will be added new location discovered I probably don’t want Electronics yet but when I want a phone or a computer or something then that will be the place to go pizza [Music] shop cuz why not learn where things are on the way back to my house um um let’s have a quick look so my mood is starting to decrease my hygiene is start I I need a music shop really as well I’m just going to wind my way back to my house or bookstore bookstore will be very useful store haven’t met many pixelion yet I’m going to try and meet some more but ow oh they do hit me for like damage as well look you get hit by the cars for damage the gas [Music] station Walter’s Market I’m imagining that Sara storage is probably close to my house like I I spent all that money taking the bus [Music] [Music] this place the casino we found the casino we can go gambling with our no money hi in Casino it’s good just to go in all these places because like slowly but surely that means that I’m sort of of unlocking them I can I know what what’s at certain places slightly irritated I missed sar’s storage though okay we’re going up like a little Alleyway here this is fascinating though like i’ like I say I’ve never played a game quite like it it’s got combinations of other of other games that I have played that are like various parts of it but never anything quite like it right let’s see if so we’ve got a cafe here the Jazz Cafe wow Cafe jazz in the West District at the moment oh do I need the toilet at all my hygiene is good I kind of do you can use a public toilet if you need to I don’t get why many people prefer living here rather than pixville I don’t think they prefer it I think it’s cheap here it’s pixville the Posh bit then I’m getting a bit sleepy though now so I found the cafe um so thing down there the TV studio okay that’s interesting I I’m not doing very well at finding my furniture but we’re finding all sorts of other interesting things real estate office oh it’s 700 p.m. oh the street lamps just came on rental buy where am I now oh I’ve just changed areas ah I didn’t know if I meant to do that really but [Music] e the short BS is Market oh there’s the storage shop oh man okay let’s activate a waypoint to it and go that was me being silly however we did get to find lots of other interesting places while we were doing that so let’s try not to get run over I can maybe quickly run down there and watching out for these cars now cuz I’ve already been run over once kind of had to for science though right we’ve used a public toilet we’ve we need to sleep desperately though I’m hoping that I can just quickly get across here [Music] there we go oh yeah I’ve got to go around okay that’s fine and I hope I’ve got enough energy to run home and collapse in bed oh no it’s only open till 8:00 p.m. spent all day trying to find it now okay let’s just go back home and go to sleep and check it out in the morning I’m very sad now that I messed that up music store is right next door as well so we could get a guitar tomorrow morning too I don’t know how long I’ve got oh we got 40 hours left for our that’s fine but our moodlets CLS don’t go very fast as much as I was like oh maybe I’ll get a car I run almost as fast but I imagine it would be a huge energy saver I really want to play this fully now I’m like I’ve got no time to progress right now all right let’s get back to OH police station okay good to know so we found the police station we found a uh TV studio we found a cafe we found um like various eating places restaurants that sort of thing oh this way okay I need to get in my bed cuz my poor energy is like very very low and my mood my mood is not great either at the moment not seeing any dream my dreams will affect my mood when I wake up my dream is full of vibrant colors hey my home is still chaotic though right so it’s now 3:00 in the morning which is a great time to go to the shop that’s not open till 7 or 8 or something probably by the time I get down there I might be though and I can talk to pixelion that I found on the way let’s go into the map and go to the storage place and we’ll just talk to people until it’s open and then I’ll go to the music shop as well which is right next door to it I don’t know how I managed to miss that it’s like proper blue and everything but it just for some reason it looked like it was some kind of bridge or something with like water to either side in my mind even though there’s nothing like that on the whole rest of the map so my brain my brain did the thing where I thought a hat was cheese and undertale like sometimes with pixel Graphics you get a little bit confused as to what you’re seeing if your name is me um did I properly activate a waypoint I don’t think I did so we’re at 4:00 a.m. now I think it opens at it’s either 7 or 8 it will give me time to just like wander around I’ll make my way down there to the general area and then I’ll just sort of wand around chatting to people so I can get my 15 pixelion Quest done pixelan College wow can I go in there oh I’m not allowed the lock pick the door maybe I can come back later though looking for models ooh didn’t know that’s is that a career choice I can do wonderful so we’re starting to learn I’ve like as much as I didn’t manage to get to the storage shop I learned all of these different locations so we’ve learned 14 out of the 104 locations now I feel like Crossing this road could be a bit dangerous yeah quickly nipped across there’s a hotel there okay so this is the storage place and that’s open at 7 Okay so we’ve got 2 hours and let’s have a look at music store that’s also open at 7 so there’s reasonably long um opening hours on things I just took too long working out the map uh [Music] bookstore so of course I’m like oh yes well I’ll totally go and talk to people around here and there’s no one pizza shop already went in there printing house maybe if you’re a book seller you have to do that like it does seem like everything is so much more involved and I am here for it I’m like wow there’s a person hello Scarlet let’s just do a chitchat with Scarlet my social factors are a bit rubbish relationship decreased Scarlet isn’t interested in what you speak all right let’s try [Music] again no effect so annoying cuz I’m so like did that still count as like joke that’s joke tell funny story [Music] success mini game you need five comedy okay debate you need three speech okay that’s fine let’s end the dialogue with scet uh I have still met you though even if it didn’t go too well video shop carpet shop nice okay let me head back cuz uh it’s going to be 7:00 soon pretty sad that I wasted a whole day I only got like two and a half three days of of playing the game so I I can’t really afford to waste time but never mind Demi mat you pixelion Demi oh gosh let’s just end the dialogue there cuz everything seems to be really low chances of me actually making a good impression on people right now do you need something Sara you look so much like how to describe and your neighbor am I accurate in my observation ain’t that delightful you must consider yourself lucky to have a kind neighbor like Jane anyway let’s put some small talk aside you’re doing me a great favor by clearing out these useless stuff you know I was planning to throw them out anyway I do hope you won’t develop a habit of constantly depending on others for something free there’s a job office in the Upper East pixelon oh okay they might help you learn how to stand on your own feet well we’ll go to the job office uper East pixelon okay anyway take what you can and leave [Music] thank you a little bit of money a little bit of prestige very nice I still need to try and get uh entering the workforce I want to try and get a guitar if I can pay a visit to the job office and talk to Bruce to see available jobs for yourself lovely let’s go to the music store though uh maybe I could chat to some of these people apparently not uh I’ve unlocked three new decoration stores locations very nice so you good you’re best off [Music] like interactor let’s have a little look at the guitars and stuff uh [Music] 1,700 oh wow okay they’re all Mega pricey okay let’s get up to the job office then cuz I’m never going to be able to buy anything like that if I don’t make some money I guess I’m going to run across there cuz I have like no money for a bus getting to hang a bit more now though definitely and I can go and decorate my apartment a little bit now as well I’m surprised I’m not hungry right now though my mood is terrible I am starting to get hungry as well so I might end up having to spend money on uh stuff to eat [Music] Southeast District you can invest in stocks and shares or get a credit card from the bank of pixelia oh wow so you can be a stock market Trader in this and I think a landlord as well which things you can’t do in The Sims at all Financial flexibility you may not always have the financial power to buy what you want acquiring credit card will will help with this problem don’t forget to pay your bills when it’s due I don’t know how how bills work in this either but we’ll go to the job Office and then I’ll maybe go get a credit card then we can maybe go back to the music store and see if I could get myself a guitar cuz I think that’s going to help me make money that’s probably how I’ll sound to start with um I think this is a cafe it’s not exactly where I wanted to go there’s a lot of food trops around though which says that they probably don’t expect me to okay it’s up here is it butchers through the park job office woohoo we found the job center right I really need a job okay like anything welcome I’m Bruce I’ll be happy to help you find the most suitable job for you today okay let’s see what we have here we have job openings suited to a variety of skill sets and interests I encourage you to try out any of the jobs to find the perfect fit for yourself you can always resign and apply for a new job anytime here’s the list of available jobs that unfortunately some of the positions were already taken by others though I see an opening at Russell’s restaurant they’re looking a waiter would you be interested that’s actually the only opening we have right now why didn’t you try it out if you don’t like it come back later so we can find another job for you so I’m going to be a waiter uh there’s also a cleaner and a butcher a Baker’s apprentice and a programmer honestly none of those really kind of suit so I’m going to take this job while I launch my way to my musical stardom yeah 400 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 700 plus tips [Music] okay let the chef know what the customers want salary might look a little but you’ll be paid tips each serving your income mostly depend on your hard work apply for this job yes okay so 4:00 I’m going to need to go to work do I need to take myself to work the first impression okay it’s time for you to make a great first impression visit your work and meet the person that will give you your paycheck hey open your profile career Page’s Restaurant um let me see so can I can’t see that on the map see if I open my map if I can find Russell’s restaurant yeah let’s run over there and and take a look at it I may need to buy something to eat as well honestly I’m I’m not fancying like meeting too many people right now cuz I feel like kind of like I’m a bit gross and my mood’s bad and I kind of need the toilet and stuff and my Hunger a bit bad too on way photo studio Pet Shop oh my goodness there’s so many places this is so full of stuff to do okay so there’s Russell’s next to the gas station so it’s the diner next to the gas station and I am a waitress there okay oh look my favorite customer is here hey aren’t you the fresh meat Bruce found for me I’m not sure if you’re cut out for this job but well you’re here that’s something oh don’t worry is just fine it’s not rocket science I don’t need to explain uh how being a waiter Works do I thank God for a second I thought you were waiting for an explanation but let me give you a quick tip the happier the customers are the more tip you’ll receive simple as that kiddo and make sure you serve them what they want you can do it can’t you great use the punch clock over there to start working when it’s time for your shift good luck [Music] kiddo bit of money for that which is nice so when it’s time for my shift so the debut I don’t think it’s time for my shift or 4:00 is it congratulations on your new job now it’s time for you to get your hands dirty go to your new workplace and complete your first day at work but it’s not time yet 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. so I think what I need to do I think I’m going to talk to some of the customers if I can [Music] no all right that’s fine I guess I can’t talk to customer so I’m going to see if I can talk to a few people outside uh and maybe see if I can go and grab something to eat before my shift starts I don’t think I’ll do very well if I’m hungry and tired and my mood’s bad but I need to practice guitar and I need to get a credit card for that which means I need to go to the bank the bank is isn’t too far away let’s go to the bank and get a credit card I feel like I need that to start start myself off I need I need to bank roll myself a [Music] bit not a lot but a [Music] bit I’m going to get run over again aren’t I so I need to be at work by 4 so I got to just keep an eye on the time there cuz you’ve got to actually get to your workplace and punch in and start working and you probably have to do the work day as well if you’re here to invest your money you’re in the right place hello I extend my sincere greetings on behalf of our bank bank of pixelia when Money Matters arise you’ll find us there ready to support and guide okay so I assume that you are here to take advantage of our bank’s credit card is that right right don’t worry that’s what I’m here to help for after all but before providing you with your need let me explain a couple of things you can use your credit card whenever you don’t have enough cash with you that’s quite a convenience don’t you think your card debt will be taken from your account automatically as long as you have enough money there’s a specific limit assigned to your credit card but you can increase your car’s limit at our bank whenever you desire okay here’s your credit card now if you don’t mind I have more customers to attend to you byy [Music] now right so your card’s maximum limit is a th000 you you can increase your limit with Prestige points and you’re expected to pay card debts every Sunday okay [Music] proceed so I have a credit card now this is so full of stuff this game oh my goodness time is money so now do I want to go back to work or do I want to try life expensive here to make your each and every second count it doesn’t matter how you earn your 10,000 P you can check your lifetime earnings on your profile so am I supposed to be earning a certain amount then aolia success chance low on everything so I’m just going to like talk like find them and then just not talk to them I’m going to just like wave at them okay so let’s just make sure that we know where Russell’s restaurant is I think I know anyway but there’s the car shop should we go and have a quick look in the car shop we could do some window shopping right I was saying like my lifetime earnings you can see it in your your info maybe yeah lifetime earnings 215 pixelion level oh I see so you can unlock pets and then you can unlock fighting and you can unlock farming Cinema modeling available at 6 tattoos Museum unlocked driving unlocked at 9 and you need you can travel to pixville okay I was in prison I was leftt beaten pixelion what I’m going to go look at [Music] cars have a look at how much cars cost I met Lauren cool so um 132,000 for a Sereno A6 in various different colors you can buy only one unit of of the each vehicle so you can buy one vehicle I think it means owned Vehicles can be spawned from any parking lot in pixelia you can upgrade and modify them at the mechanic shop wow amazing [Music] to [Music] Gary this guy I can dance I want to stop dancing ah running out of time for getting this guitar though so I think I need to do a day’s work I would probably do all of this stuff a lot faster I would do all this stuff in the first day I got 2 hours left until my shift starts at work or we’re kind of opposite the restaurant anyway I don’t want to get run over before I start my shift to work [Music] they I do not have tip money I’m sorry I just want to know if I can talk talk to you a few people here I can interact with so talk to officer head burn try and talk to as many people as I can talk to Evelyn or Evelyn uh we’re at 2:40 so I could cross the road and see if I can talk to these people but they’re already having a chat so it seems like when they’re already having a conversation you can’t really talk to them Judy getting there so we’re on 11 to 15 I need four more but I think I should probably probably go to work now I don’t know if you can log in a bit early go to the kitchen let the chef what to prepare then deliver customers their orders you’ll get a tip if you deliver them quickly okay art work right now you have a message what I had a phone this whole time what how did that happen store notifications plans and contacts Jane oh let’s just talk let’s just chitchat hey so I that was one of my things I wanted to do today was to talk to someone on the phone gossip on a phone call oh man I need to call her again and gossip this the dirt didn’t have any effect on our relationship thankfully and dialogue so we’ve got to level two and unlocked pets uh 3:30 still can’t work yet unlocked the Pet Shop oh wonderful I still haven’t gotten to go back to my oh my toilet needs and my energy are really low this is going to be a bad day at work I think I don’t know if I pass out I’ve been up for 12 hours at this point okay well let’s start working and let’s try it out wait to over here please oh that’s great okay I need to interact with [Music] you you need a whatever okay let’s go to the chef oh right a red wine that’s on the counter there get that back to the customer and if I do it quickly I get a tip okay that customer wants something yellow with red bits on it I have no idea what that is um okay uh okay so you want a coffee it’s the yellow thing with red bits on it oh tomato pizza and a cheese pizza and someone wants a chicken kebab okay actually does help you by telling you what you need to do [Music] didn’t get any tip for that I need another red wine and another chicken [Music] kebab performance is up to a d which is much better than it was uh couple more red [Music] wines I got a good tip for that chicken kebab [Music] another red wine over there and that is I don’t even know I didn’t even know if that’s the right thing uh wrong order okay I’ll go get some more wine I’m struggling with some other things to see what they are can I put more than one red wine on a tree no okay good to know so someone wants coffee actually ruing my day oh no sorry can I put it back all right okay so what I need to do is order the coffee apparently that’s what people want Che who wants a cheese pizza I can’t even see who wants that I’ll just go and do the coffee I mean considering it’s my first day that’s not too bad right we’ve got a performance of a b so that’s not so awful I earned 706 got tax 70 and earned some waiter experience lovely not bad for the first day eh Don’t Worry kiddo if you stick to it you’ll eventually get better at it there’s something I want to ask though it’s just out of curiosity I heard You’ just moved to pixelia from well I don’t even know where and it’s a really Brave thing to start a new life in a strange place you have my respect for that but what do you want to accomplish in pixelia do you have any Big Dreams you want to Chase business Guru Rockstar your dream of becoming a popular musician that everyone will adore first you need to learn an instrument Master it compose songs and the rest will be history choose this dream yeah can’t be changed later it’s quite an interesting dream but impossible I’d say not anyhow while working your way towards stream you should always have a backup plan something solid you know you see what I’m getting at maybe something like obtaining a diploma could open new doors for you consider paying a visit to the pixelion academy their Headmaster is quite a friendly man he should be able to help you get started good luck kiddo congratulations for completing your first day at your work there are plenty of jobs you can discover pick job application on your phone you can find your freance jobs let’s take a look at your phone okay open the app store download pick job app to check out what kind of jobs are aail ailable Lans dating app I love it okay so let’s uh you can open your pix job app now and start applying for jobs whenever you want uh sealed box oh like some delivery things okay I do a little cleaning job maybe I think though that I need to get back to my apartment use the toilet and get some energy and stuff like that uh also maybe purchase something to eat academic Pursuit your bus Russell has suggested you start studying at the pixelion Academy if you want to have access to jobs that pay a better salary other jobs are available in the job office now you can res and apply for a new if you want I think what I need to do is go to sleep I better go to the toilet soon I better stop getting hit by cars all the time I thought I could like squidge across the road there but clearly not so I need to go to the L and sleep in my apartment and then we can try and decorate it a bit in the [Music] morning I’m scared I’m going to get like beaten up by a car again [Music] play some basketball I I like I feel like I’m I’m I’m barely starting my life here and it’s going to be the end of the demo and and I feel like I want to continue my life here 100% picking this up like when it comes out whether it gets played on the channel or not depends on the interest in it but like I’ll be playing it epic gym got to be a gym bro and it’s so replayable because obviously each time you play you can do a different career path and things like that so [Music] okay I have been to the toilet wonderful um and I really need to rest and I really need to also eat I have some cake still so let’s eat my cake that’s helped a fair bit with that um I’m going to put down some of my well at least I hope I can some of my nice new Furnitures it’s my light switch nice um kitchen counter table oh I don’t know where I can’t place I think I really do need to get to [Music] sleep and we’ll decorate a bit more in the morning not see a dream wake up right it’s 8:30 in the morning that’s decent actually CU that’ll be good for my very nice okay let’s just Place some furniture why can’t I place these things ah there we are poogy coffee table classic wooden table table lamp Decor plant and a book of cooking recipes which I can read practic practicing skills is very important part of your pixelion development however will lower your pixelion m mood and they can only practice while they’re in the right mood which means no mood no practice keep your pixelion happy to make sure you maintain a good amount of mood before practicing any skill I don’t think my mood is terrible at the moment my hygiene’s pretty bad I need to go and have a bath I think so I’m reading a cooking book which is probably quite useful I’m not sure why I can’t like place my placeables as a creative person I imagine cooking is quite useful mood’s going right down though you need mood for everything I’m so bored well we’ll go and have a bath in just a minute okay so I leveled up cooking so let’s let’s stop cooking if I can uh shift to stop and let’s go and have a bath Pi a box I don’t know what the Q and the E is for okay it seem you got to do that to wash yourself okay okay so let remove wallpaper and ground tiles and um interact place it white table lamp ah so we put those things on top of other [Music] things place a decorative plant on there that’s quite nice then my home’s still very chaotic I still want my guitar though I am determined to get that so at the moment um if I have a look at my profile and my money and stuff I don’t have any debt music band boxing basketball politics pets and family on my [Music] interests where do I see my money though is that my inventory I have a credit card my credit card debt is nothing I’ve got a limit of 100 and I have 1,176 in the bank at the moment so I think I could afford to put a bit of the guitar on credit so I’m going to head to the music shop and get me a guitar [Music] yeah I know that I failed my learning music theory but I needed to go to the Bookshop for that don’t I I need to tell five funny stories how am I supposed to do that with my mood so low man spend a thousand mood for any instrument I will try I will get an instrument and I will try I don’t know if there’s like quite often in things like The Sims like once you’re practiced at playing you know all the little tricks and tips like oh you just go to the music uh Academy and you they’ll let you play a guitar there or something like that but at the moment the only place I know I’m a bit lost now just around the corner okay please don’t run me over right so let’s get to the music shop oh we were meant to go to the college weren’t we I really need to furnish my home as well the Academy of pixelia and I’ve got to go to work by 4: I don’t think it’s a day off today I think it’s Thursday and Friday I get off fukes are you one of those students came to complain about the cafeteria food if I hear one more complaint oh I swear are you still here can’t you see I’m busy hold on you don’t study here do you well um you should know there’s nothing wrong with the food we have here he well welcome I apologize for not creating a the first impression let me give you a brief explanation of how we operate here you pay for classes you attend until you complete your studies and graduate however to leave our somewhat awkward introduction behind feel free to attend to one class for free at least you can see the quality of our education firsthand after that come here to discuss your further education plans it may be costly but it surely is worth it as it will open New Paths for career okay get one lesson for free is there like a m music a music One orientation day it’s like it’s a sort of potions class you have one free credit in the pixelan academy and you can spend this credit attending an available class when you sit an open read book option you’ll see homework before each class do them to increase your chance to pass 1:40 right now I don’t want to be late for work let me just double check my job at the moment I need to really go and change my job but I do it right now so the rent is 800 I need to remember that as well so it’s about one day’s worth of work maybe a little less a little more sorry right so uh [Music] profile career my job at the moment on a Wednesday we do have to go oh was it’s a Tuesday today okay no it’s Wednesday today how [Music] weird but it’s um showing my job performance each day as well yeah I got to get to work I’m glad I went to the AC Academy and checked it out though I don’t think I’m going to be able to do much towards my career in the time I’ve been given I think that’s going to obviously be a much longer process so I’m kind of feeling the time crunch here let’s go to work for another [Music] day I’ve managed to find quite a lot of different places now like uh we we still have only found about 20% of all the places that we can go to but I have found quite a [Music] [Music] few yeah I think we’ll do another work day and then I’ll see if I can buy my guitar we see we went right past the academy so I’m bored maybe I should do something fun [Music] like tell funny [Music] jokes or practice an instrument that I don’t have yet that this is the problem I’m having with the mood is I can’t practice my instrument because my mood’s terrible it’s a problem a bit faster I won’t make it to work on time I love that there’s little car parks and things as well so like when I do finally get a car I’ll be able to like drive around I’m going park my car places oh no got hit by two cars in a row oh my goodness it’s a hard life being me run before the cars get me I didn’t realize it was so far away I’m going to be late at this rate come on it’s already four quick in there he it’s not working I can’t work right now my performance was F oh okay okay okay okay I can work right now so you need like a steak or something I think it is oh it’s a salami sandwich I will start to learn the orders a tomato pizza someone wants wine somewhere so we’ll do that as well come on Chef I hope they don’t expect a big tip well I won’t be serving you then mate I think someone else somewhere wants a salami sandwich so I’ll just get him to make that I serve the wine so we just we want to talk to the chef the chef seems to have some sort of preent knowledge about what people want ride fish Pizza um I’m going to go with cheese pizza again I’m losing track a little bit of Who Wants What it might be more deep fried fish someone wants a cup of coffee let me deliver my order deep fried fish cheese pe oh no it’s not it’s a cheese and tomato pizza coffee and a couple of deep fried fish okay that just have to stay there I think that was not a correct order uh where’s the people wanting Pizza some good tips today I’m getting better at this coffee that was you and then there’s two like deep fried whatever sandwiches sorry Chef I got one of the orders wrong today did a lot better than yesterday though got some big tips too performance detail I got an A today 75 bonus total earning 1,143 and they taxed me basically all of my tips yay and we did great as a waiter [Music] perfect oh and we’re done I think think that’s my 60 hours over thank you so much for checking out the demo version we hope you had a wonderful time playing it I’m I’m sad I never got my guitar but maybe when we come back to it it’s still at an early stage of development there’s still a lot of features we’re planning to add but with your feedback and support we’ll deliver the best version of this game I think honestly there’s loads of stuff to do in it um I think a little bit of uh spelling and grammar checks over the dialogue could be done but other than that absolutely solid game really really really fun I had so much fun doing it felt I felt like I barely did anything in that 3 days I felt like there’s so much more to do and so many more hours to play of it so yeah super super impressed with it really really impressed keep going guys you’re doing a great job so uh hope you enjoyed the video if you did then please do leave me a like below if you’d like to see uh more demos and please subscribe I’ll let you know when the videos are out hope to see you next time in the meantime please look after yourselves and keep being awesome

Meet the Pixelians and discover the ultimate life simulator in To Pixelia. As you climb your career ladder of choice, step into the world of politics, art, sports, music, and even crime. Live your dream life in pixels!


To Pixelia website: https://www.topixelia.com/
To Pixelia on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1954160/To_Pixelia/
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  1. I think it’s fair to start with a totem of return, because when you die , you have to get it back or suffer permadeath. If they make us wait until we get the uncommon workbench to make it ourselves, that would be a little harder to do.

  2. I downloaded this to try and for some reason it won’t start up on my steam deck, such a bummer, I’m glad I get to watch you play tho!
    Have you thought about checking out Little sim world? That’s also just like the sims but 2D
    Thanks for the video shelab!❤

  3. Wow Shelab, how many times did a car hit you? This game really does like it’s details for it’s character. Really you got to go to the bathroom or you need to take a shower 😅. It is a crazy game. And I like it 😂 💐

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