Minecart Basics + Compact Vertical Rails (Terraria) (Fastest Clock in the game?)

hello and welcome back to terraria yeah it’s been a long time since I’ve posted a video or done anything on here but they’ve had a little bit of an update the last big update was the big 1.2 update and that I did a sort of refreshed my series and did all kinds of fun stuff and I’m in that world because hey I’ve done a lot in this world like a tonnes built in year and I’ve got resources to play around with the new stuff and there’s been a lot of new stuff and you can probably tell by the title of this thing this is gonna be about minecarts this is an amazing thing that has been added to the 1.24 I believe it is update its these mind kart tracks and I’ll show you how to make them in a second but basically you put them down they’re kind of like a background wall they’re not quite like platforms but they sort of function like platforms you just put them down like this and they go like that I’ve been playing around with these for a while and they’re a lot of fun and I have a lot to show you guys as you can see if you hit things while you’re moving in them you damage them that’s not just my turtle armor but you’re sort of stuck in here jumping you can jump off of things but once you fall off you you can’t move your self-propelled for the most part and you can’t get out of here unless you swing something or use a tool or anything you can grapple out of it I believe see and that’s just how you get out of it but I did a lot of testing because these things looked like fun and first thing I figured out was that momentum isn’t sort of calculated like downhill like see like I’m going at a certain speed I’m going up and down the hills at the same speed it doesn’t matter that it’s an incline I don’t lose inertia or anything like that so speed is sort of constant whether you’re up and down and that’s just sort of an interesting tidbit I found out there are also these booster tracks and these can be bought from the engineer believer I think that’s her name but it doesn’t make you go to incredibly fast cuz um we jump up here no no okay let’s let’s just get a baseline speed this is how fast you can go without the Boosters I think the boosters are kind of only useful like that’s all without the boosters right there so they’re they’re kind of only useful for getting up to speed and this is just another example of the inertia my hands are off the keyboard right there so yeah the other thing that you can do is you can create these if you can see if they’re sure like a pressure plate on there and you can create pressure plate where they pressure plate where’d they go come on where are you hiding from me there we go pressure plate tracks and that you need a pressure plate and a track so if you have a couple pressure plates you can make them also the way you make normal minecart tracks is just with one iron and one type of wood so it’s really cheap for thirty of them and what those are pressure plates let you do is they let you sort of control things I just sort of tested to see if you cannot eliminate like I make those kind of disappear cuz I’ve got um actuators there and you can so you saying can sort of do like a one-way system and I would have attached that second pressure plate but I kind of got my teleporter wire going through here so couldn’t really do that so yeah just a little bit of a test here you know me I’m the vertical guy I like doing stupid stuff so I figured you guys are gonna ask me how to do vertical stuff and we’ll get to that in a second but this is just sort of my first test you can just go straight up vertical but there’s no way to go down you can just sort of jump however high you want you can start here and jump that was one jump that’s the second jump so pretty interesting stuff this test up here you can grapple these that’s another thing this test right here I was trying to make sort of a one-way booster but it didn’t quite work just because of how things worked I then discovered that you can hit these and the ends of a track and what this does is this just gently stops you let’s let’s show with this one the wooden type kind of just gently stops you like that it’s sort of like a breaker the the metal one what it does is it bounces you back but the same speed you have going in so I I got an idea but I’m like ooh that’s fun I did similar thing to that I was like I’m gonna do something silly I’m gonna do this and it’s it’s crazy what this can do you just sort of bounce around and you get really fast and the fun thing is if you jump you sort of go fly which was really fun and I sort of played around with that a little bit more later on I have a lot to show you but I thought this would make an amazing clock wasn’t it because I go I go over that spot really fast so this is her the first design of the clock and I just sort of set up that just visually indicate how fast this thing goes I mean look at that that is that is really fast on its own also launches you but then I thought does it have to be inclined like that am i losing any bit of speed and over here if we come up here I tried putting in boosters to see if that would make anything faster but no I guess it does make it a little bit faster but then I thought more experiments these are all my experience and I thought well if I decrease the distance down to like this and this guy I think this might be the fastest clock you can make in this game right now I’m not a math person I don’t know all the math to it but this is ridiculously fast based on how visually indicating and like sound because occasionally the torch and stuff will stay in view I think it’s faster than 60 times a second because I’m going at 60 frames per second so if it’s not showing a frame where it’s turned off I’m thinking that’s how fast it goes which is kind of crazy I think this is the fastest clock you can make in the game but I’m not making any calls and not saying I’ve broken any records but then we jump and you catch yourself like that sort of inspired by that a little bit later this is just more experiments I’m trying to make I was trying to make a one-way passage I still haven’t really figured this out because boosters only boost you in one direction unlike boosters and say minecraft or something like that so I tried making a thing where you can easily do that because of course you could jump and do stuff like manually but I kind of wanted to do it automatically but unfortunately you really don’t get launched that far without doing like a jump I’m just doing an open-ended track like this like that kind of just sends you flying but not vertically flying a lot like we add one more track up there then it really kind of doesn’t send us flying that far and it’s not a lot to work with I guess it does maybe I just didn’t do it right down here I don’t know oh wait a minute I kind of figured this out later if you hit it again well that’d work yeah it works perfectly okay so I did kind of figure it out that’s fun so you can do all kinds of jumps and stuff and like I said I played around with this a little bit and this isn’t quite as precise it’s really hard to judge how far to put these but um if you make those sort of three by three with one up and you jump you can sort of make these rungs where you can jump back and forth from one to the other but it’s not always perfect this is the way you build these is um one in the middle one like that and then one up like that and then you turn these to the metal and that’s a make them and the spacing I found out works best for at least these ones is 25 blocks in between so this is not a block and this is not a block but this these are that part of the 25 and lastly I told you you guys know me I’m the elevator guy I’m the guy that goes up and so I was trying to figure out how I could go up and I at first I thought the best way would just be a straight up track but that’s boring isn’t it that is really boring I kind of wanted originally do something like this but this doesn’t work more continuing you can’t you can’t just jump up like that but it’s kind of silly but then also you can I sort of was fiddling with this is why I figured out that you could hit this and it sort of changes the property this one it will go up and then over like that like if you see it can let me up but it’ll keep me on that level and that’s the thing we really want is something that will let us go vertical but not let us come back so this is my first design right there from there I kind of had to figure out why that was working and this was my original build I I wanted to make this thing as skinny as possible so it’s just vertically distanced and not horizontal cuz like I said doing just a straight up it would be kind of boring the first thing I tried was a5 length that’s what this is and I believe this is the smallest you can make it this is a three length and it’s too small you just can’t get the right connections with this like even no matter how many times you hit this it’s just not going kick to connect up again correctly even if we can get that which is it’s going upwards and if we hit this guy care about if you see how it should work like this like see it’s going up and then the top track is what’s track you’re going down it goes up again but it’s this is a three-wide and it just doesn’t work it doesn’t have enough stop you so that doesn’t work this is a 4 wide I believe one two three four yeah but it also doesn’t work it’s really weird how these blocks through how the tracks fit together because you can’t do anything symmetrical it’s kind of weird but here’s the elevator for real OOP hands off the keyboard launches me yeah that was that is the I think this is the smallest vertical track you can do and it’s kinda interesting it’s pretty fast too I mean maybe not quite as fast in my elevator I mean but the way you build this because that’s probably what you’d like to know like I said it’s a five wide thing so this is our first starter thing and then you want to go 1 2 flat then turn this into a metal then you put one like that not like this not on the same level but one plane up and I think it’s two blocks like so the very middle block because this won’t work because that is the problems we were having over here it has to be this middle block and then you can put one more up and then another flat let me stay think so no I just have I think I just have one flat like that and then you can do nope not that it’s kind of tricky to get these but then yes you want to do one vertical and then flat like that and that is the pattern you want to do like that just like that and then what you got to do is you have to come around with the ax change that to the metal flip this one so that the the going up track is on top at least closer to you and then the going this track is underneath and you have to make sure it connects and then here the mix I think I built this wrong I think I’m showing you wrong yeah I think this isn’t this is only for ride right yeah yeah ok so I was right I was right I messed up there’s it’s really my new changes I think you can do one and then like that and then you do yeah there we go so you have to have sort of three blocks in between like that and then you do that yeah and this is another flat and then like that that before so it is very attention to detail but like I said this is the smallest I I’m sure that I could figure out a night toyed around them this for a while and then see these small loops you can always make these into launchers but yeah that is what I’ve been playing around with minecarts I had a lot of fun experimenting with these I can’t wait to see what other people come up with with these things and have fun but yeah really nifty addition to this game not quite as fast as teleporters because uh let’s just see this is not quite as fast that you’re even when you have really long tracks you can’t quite get the same speed as a teleport because I have my teleporter system that gets me to and from the rest of my map and as you can see boom I’m instantly 2,000 blocks away see so they’re not quite as fast as it’s helped words but it’s I think you can get them as an early game and it’s very easy and fast then also in hard mode it’s kind of hard to have tracks like these because lots of flying things and things are evil and try to kill you and eating your face off so not exactly the best things to have but they are such a cool and addition to this game let’s see how far we can go anyway I think that is going to be it for this video so thank you guys for watching I will see you maybe next time I don’t know might be a while for another terraria video this is sort of a one-off thing I really wanted to try these out when I saw that they had updated the game but yeah that’s gonna be it thank you guys for watching see you next time bye bye

The most recent update to Terraria had something that REALLY interested me enough to check out the game again for a lil. Minecarts! In this video I show you all the things I fiddle and tinkered with :D.

All done in Terraria version

Terraria – http://www.terraria.org/


  1. to make a one way booster make a strait going one way and one that goes over top of it the other like this


  2. because the end you are passing through (right side) is going through the up ramp it doesn't go up but if you go the other direction it goes up but falls into the other side you can make it so they are both connected but its hard to explain that so I will post a video here at a later time

  3. I couldn't make a compact vertical rail until I watched this and now I learned how to build a working vertical rail with 4 blocks wide

  4. you can make a 4 wide elevator just by doing this: (x is minecart track) (o is air)
    hammer things untill u get it connected and u have a 4 wide elevator

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