THIS FESTIVAL CHANGED?? ๐Ÿ” [28] | Stardew Valley 1.6 (Streamed 6/5/24)

there we go I forgot to put this TV in my Ginger Island House goofball alert oh my stardy Valley app I still have it up I believe I upload this uploaded this save after we played last time I’ll upload it again right now we’re at 34% so it could be better but maybe I’ll write that on the screen maybe we’ll put like 3 for but it went up a percent so you know that looks terrible e it didn’t do the percentage what the heck I got to find a good [Music] this is such a YouTuber font I use it a lot [Music] actually okay yeah I know sometimes when you get fonts they like don’t come with like um like they just do the letters they don’t do like symbols or numbers so those will just like default to a different font like aerial or something are you feeling 34% yeah oh good morning what a beautiful day huh you know as the saloon owner I hear about everything that’s going on in town I remember when you first moved here everyone was a bit unsure of what to expect a stranger from the city an unknown personality one [Music] sec sorry I had to stir this pot every 5 minutes he brought the pot with [Music] him can you convince my husband to order me pizza hey uh Misa pizza’s husband can you please order them some pizza it’s literally in their name you know what I mean like I feel like it’s only right also I had pizza last night so if I have it like I think they should too thank you I rest my case anyway what was I saying oh yeah you know it’s like when you’re making a sauce if you put it wait maybe say perent to Perfection X to 34 I just don’t want it to be like a lot like a lot of stuff going on if anyone asks just tell them it’s Perfection if you put in a new spice you could ruin everything oh hold he’s going to stir his oh but then again there’s always a chance you’ll create something new and delicious right what I’m trying to what is he yapping about it’s been great having you in town and I’ve come to think of you as one of my good friends oh that’s sweet anyway I came to give you something I was cleaning out the back room and I found this old Mini juke box I want you to have it Gus that means so much to me thank you so much oh my God yes that rocks It’s actually an old do-it-yourself project of mine they’re pretty easy to make oh blueprint let’s go I’m going to head home I got to get this mea back on the stove yep legalize marinara okay where am I going to put this bad boy it’s so pretty put it here and I might the song’s so pretty it’s really quiet though it’s actually it’s so quiet I can barely hear [Music] it oh I like that one let’s do this that’s nice oh I have ma thanks Pam oh that’s right okay so I think I have a screenshot of this no yes um I wanted to sort of recreate this layout in here I forgot about that so we’ll definitely work on that I think it’s pretty and functional I know it’s maybe not as practical as if you just like fill this whole thing with you know preserve jars or whatever but um I do like things to be a little little petty okay I’m just a girl after all oh yeah we’re still going to upgrade this though this one’s just going to be a pain but I have enough money I don’t have enough wood though okay so we need to go get some wood let me write that down get wood was I doing anything anything oh I was giving oh is that even possible dude can I give that many gifts H I think I can still gift literally everyone so oh my God I want to end it all whenever that happens I’m just going to be honest The Wiz loves this how many hearts do you have with Penny um over eight I think I have to look I know I literally just looked but I was paying attention oh kobis loves that anybody like a beat Evelyn okay I I don’t have many of those though I can give her something else does anybody love something that I have like an abundance of oh Pam loves that Mario and Demetrius love strawberries okay Gus loves an orange that’s one two three four five six [Music] oo we’ll knock out three right there we can give an emerald to Penny Sebastian loves that I’m not going to give away my Prismatic Shard that would be crazy [Music] um Leo likes notilus shells I don’t know if we’ll see him though well let’s go maybe give these out I’ll um I’ll tend to my animals in a little bit pixel plans thank you for the 30 months and fairy Pascal thank you for the 19 I did not mean to come to the mines you know what that’s actually fine we got to talk to some people up here anyways hi glue on good morning um I woke up so late today also I apologize for hijacking your stream I feel a bit [Music] bad people said that they had fun but I still feel [Music] bad got to wait for this to open don’t be sorry was fun I’m going to keep saying sorry I feel bad GL had fun though I don’t oh oh my God he’s still in bed he’s just like me today I don’t think I brought anything for Robin what does she even like go cheese oh she like spaghetti oh my God I can just go buy that we’ll play some more Minecraft today though glan said I inspired him to play Minecraft I no I didn’t destroy your stream did I stop I feel bad no okay so last night I like called glue on on Discord to tell him about the like twitch Rivals drama while he was on stream and then it got derailed and I I was on the way back machine we were going through old Sims 2 profiles and like reading through them and laughing it was really funny but I totally hijack the stream it it wasn’t on purpose though that wasn’t my intention but everyone said we really need to do a podcast for real Kenzie thank you for the seven months oh yeah I did I popped into Julian’s stream yesterday I haven’t been in there in a while I used to go in there a lot is she in here what was that what was the name of the podcast we were going to do the um the incomp completionist it’s a such a fire name though it’s a fire name that’s really good this the incomp completionist we already have a name it’s a good name where’s Emily how are we doing oh my God we are slacking there’s not enough people in the world to finish this Quest on time even if we don’t finish the quest though we still um this helps us you know finish all of this stuff which we need to befriend everyone anyways oh should I buy a bouquet who do I have gifts for still Gus Maru Pam oh kobis let’s go do kobis okay I’ll go back in there and get it in a second hi crob what do you got for sale I want that wizard catalog more than anything on Earth just so everyone’s aware I’m trying to think of what me and glan would even talk about we would just go on way back machine and look at random stuff every episode of the podcast should just end without finishing it wait that’s so funny we like start a sentence with then just don’t finish it okay Robin loves spaghetti Sam loves pizza Leah loves a salad Shane loves a beer where we can do this oh my God wait yeah look he sells everything everything now I totally forgot about that cool I can afford the catalog oh my God wait how much is the thing 200 I’m getting a catalog what do you like Duck feather Lobster oh he likes pomegranate okay I might I think I have pomegranate we have pomegranate at home okay uh where did Penny go I just saw her she maybe she went to our house you want to get more serious I feel the same way I don’t know what to say I’m so happy yay we have a girlfriend let’s go girlfriend new girlfriend just dropped okay let’s give her this I love Leah like this portrait are you kidding me everyone looks so hot hi Ellie oh wait he’s not in there anymore where does he go during the day oh my God wait we he’s out of the job I didn’t even think about that we ruined his life okay let’s think here let’s think oh I forgot about Kent I forgot he existed where is everyone oh Shane I’ve come to enable you goodbye see you oh yeah where is Abigail oh Abigail Alex and LS are all at the uh in ginger Island okay so I’m looking for I need to go see The Wizard of Oz I would love a beer or three about now oh you okay are you just in the mood I can’t use that yet can I I just zoned out and you saying my name Snappy back to reality Abigail Abigail are you locked in now what happened to the wizard everyone’s hot that’s the end of the that’s the end of the story I’m very awake now this is my percentage or this is my this is my oh my god this is my perfection percentage holy cow I glitched dude it’s my peeee use your words that was crazy um Sebastian’s up here we got to give him the Frozen tiar who else did I have a gift for Pam Maru I don’t know where Maru is she’s not in her room she’s not in the kitchen she’s probably in town somewhere I did gift Robin no I didn’t maybe Mario’s over here I know I can literally see it on the map but sometimes it’s kind of hard to tell oh Mario was hiding how many have I done now hey 21 that’s not bad the problem is a lot of people have already been gifted twice so I’m gonna have to focus on specific people tomorrow oh wait wait Pam’s probably by the bus or she’s at least walking back probably oh there she is right there bam there you go who else um oh wait no Sam’s not there where’s Sam oh he’s over there we’ll focus on the other people tomorrow imagine someone chasing you through town square holding out a parsnip So Random is he down here somewhere there he is pizza time I love that he says Pizza time that’s cute you know what’s funny this might be telling on myself when this game first came out I was really into Sam cuz I had a thing for Ross Lynch still and he’s the only blonde guy lore lore unlocked no Dino D I’m sorry who likes stck feathers Elliot and Leo okay I’m glad you guys understand at the very least here let’s let’s take some of these yeah you know you sort of see where I’m coming from he’s blonde Moross is blonde I’m pretty much the same person Peppa no me earlier I’ll tend to my animals in a moment she never tended to her animals she did in fact lie wait eggs didn’t I pick up a truffle oh I did so dark in here wait a minute get back in there I know it’s dark [Music] okay this is going to be freaking awesome oh this is awesome this is so freaking fun okay I love to decorate oh my God these are so cute oh we have so many options what’s this what the it’s giving jojamart I love to De I love that I’m doing it in the dark classic wow w we wow [Music] ooh oh actually that kind of hurts my eyes for real this is the one that I saw on that other thing oh my gosh it’s so dark the grass is actually really cute for some reason the grass looks cute in like Pink Carpet Pink Carpet oh that’s kind of nice okay maybe we should do this during the day when it’s not Pitch Black in this place ooh how do I how do there we go well y’all I can barely even see what I was doing in there it was so dark we’ll do it tomorrow at least in here there’s a fireplace you can kind of see what’s going on love how offc centered it is that’s so great this is obviously a work in progress It’s not going to stay like that if it wasn’t obvious okay let’s get rid of some stuff let’s sell a couple of cheeses vixella is so preppy oh what does that mean can’t tell if I should be insulted by that y’all know guys I’m scared oh wait what does this look like oh my God I love it no look at these guys oh my God oh my God I love that first one what’s this looks like freaking Nether wart yeah it does I love I love love love love love what would be a good flooring for that that looks nice that also looks nice preppy is good unless it’s Maya mortal oh my God are you guys speaking English I have no idea what you’re on about with peace and love I don’t understand that’s a little bit Overkill May Immortal are we talking about Evan Essence like what’s going on ooh a beige carpet hello that is stunning My Immortal is a really bad fanfic oh the carpets make me laugh for some reason wait there are so many floors in this game I’ve never seen none of these are modded by the way in case you’re wondering I don’t have any mod wallpapers flooring Furniture anything like that I only have exteriors modded so all of this is regular good old vanilla content I think I might just do a regular wood floor but I where’s that one that I was just using oh I was one of these let’s go down you’re coming with me oh man I can’t wait to do this tomorrow Perfection run out the window I’m so excited ooh what give me so much money the nine cheeses I sold Shannon thank you for for the 6 months Sensational thank you for the 18 cly octopus thank you for the 16 rage thank you for the 38 Molly thank you for the two jez thank you for the 51 um Kenzie thank you for the seven I think I’m caught up as well thank you everyone oh don’t drink that you don’t need it right now wait can I still get the question mark wallpaper in here not that I really want it but it is funny no it’s not in here you know what that’s okay it was funny for a while we have to let it go um I’m going to try one of these I also want to where’s that other one the cute like pastel ones yeah these would be good for the nursery Maybe yeah they’re giving Nursery hi MAV how are you yeah is there a um maybe there’s like a furniture set that has it I don’t even know what I want my room to look like this one’s cute though the little Ro sorry little roses a but my bed is blue so I feel like we should tie into that a little bit what do the solid ones look like hardly ever use those ooh oh my God I know I’m going to love that green one we could either do something blue or just like more uh neutral which doesn’t seem to really be a thing here except for maybe that n no no no I mean that’s fine it’s just a little bit boring I don’t know what to do in here about the clouds I don’t love them I think the furniture sets might have better ones should I just I love this wallpaper so much it’s so cute it’s so whimsical oh God not the quotes again you guys need to put those away I embarrass myself what’s this one ooh aquarium these quotes are cursed yeah I knowless I try to look away from them would you guys keep putting them in my chat does nothing go with this bed am I crazy I don’t love any of them really you say so many iconic things cuz it’s iconic and I love to do iconic [ __ ] I didn’t mind the Ombre one actually didn’t think I’d like it that much but I actually did oh I want to look at this one I went sat down in the Disney Channel building and I said I want to make history and that’s exactly what this is she is truly ahead of her time oh my God shut up okay I’m keeping that I’m keeping it you can’t change my mind sorry I want to use one of those one of those wooden floors I saw down here yeah like I like I don’t know which one of these I like more I like this one too no maybe the darker one there’s one that’s like a just like a smidge on the darker side I think that’s good for now I need a wallpaper in the living room too what the hell am I going to do in there this is so fun I never even get this far in this freaking game to like be able to decorate my house I’m just so excited I know this is just wallpaper and flooring but still it’s fun oh my God wait kitchen flooring they have such cute ones like this one’s probably the best well let’s have a look we could also make it wood floor too we could just blend it what the hell is that what is that hold on oh my God yeah like that’s so cute come on oh my God shut up oh my God so cute maybe not for the kitchen but um what is that oh okay medicine break that was so that scared me wee you like that to put a little anim on that all right usually I have to set an alarm cuz I can’t take medicine like after my um thyroid stuff for a while so I have to set of timer but usually it goes off before stream but because I’ve been waking up so damn late it’s happening on stream it’s my own fault this what this what I get for St up till 4:00 a.m. going through the way back machine Sims 2 website with glue on you know I pay the price oh was the 34 still there oops hold on I didn’t put it in there with me my bad okay so now if I go okay what if I actually grabbed hold on I’m going to try something if I get where did it go if I grab the flooring that I currently have versus um we could just well I don’t know I kind of like the separation a little bit what do you guys think I think I like it better like that need different wallpaper though I just love a good tropical wallpaper you know what styles is houseg giving I don’t know once I have all of the um wallpap or not wallpaper the furniture sets it’ll be a little bit easier cuz then I can theme it up but as as of right now I literally have no idea well this is kind of pink right so maybe we go for a pinkish pinkish wallpaper ah I need Windows no no hopefully this doesn’t break your stream this time VI snif are we still on we’re still good thank you H for the 400 bits I’m scared my lights are flickering earlier today I have literally no clue why I think a gust of wind came by and my whole house was like ah but I’m still here yeah yeah uncrustable collab win oh my God I don’t know hopefully soon wait a cute wallpaper I didn’t see that one before this house is a mess I’ve just like thrown random stuff in here is this fruit it’s giving Animal Crossing a little that’s my favorite wallpaper can you tell I love it what if I just continued this one I think that makes more sense actually okay you stay there all right let’s finally leave the house the mini jukebox cannot be played in the rain what the freak [Music] so only the ones that have hands on them are not at Max friendship I think good to know good to know it’s like I put this shed in dark mode L requires your attention check your DMs oh my God hold on let me see if I can show the chat how do I show the chat oh no what did I do look at that that is art that’s our logo actually the idea is pretty good got to admit wait all of you need to be pet is the design manager graphic design is her passion perfect okay Do my inventory is it’s crazy right now okay let’s go grab some gifts for everyone that we can still do let’s see um we can still do Emily what is Louis like oh Louis you’re pissing me off okay maybe I have pearls or maybe I don’t I thought I did I thought I did did I did I not have pearls oh I do I have two I don’t want to give them to him oh a hot pepper got it we’ll give her the amethyst Evelyn Diamond we’ll get her a spaghetti Caroline O Okay Caroline’s tough Caroline’s tough oh man I don’t think I can really give her anything I can’t make green tea yet I do oh I don’t have any rabbits summer spangle Maybe nope w w well Caroline’s out of the she’s out of the picture lonus oh cactus fruit okay Marney can also have a diamond Jody can have a diamond how many do I need left this is even possible how do you get the green tea recipe good up how do you get it oh an artisan good oh tea leaves I need tea leaves tea bushes where the hell do he get tea bushes oh my God you have to make them oh tea sapling I should have that right right what do I not me Caroline are friends have I not gone into her Greenhouse okay we we’ll have to do that um let’s move on what is well like you also like diamonds gold bars he likes pumpkins I don’t know how many I got I don’t want to give him that I’d rather give him a diamond oh we can give Clint one we can give him an amethyst another strawberry oh we never gave her one one Vincent a grape you got it Kint Kint you’re pissing me off Pierre also pissing me off a little bit uh Jazz weird things for kids to like Sam we can get a pizza we get some food for them Harvey can have coffee Haley a coconut okay let’s head out love your hair thank you uh Brandy thank you for giting a sub an E4 learning thank you for the two years welcome back okay there’s Caroline oh hello do not accidentally gift her that I’m going to try to go in there [ __ ] oh is it cuz it’s raining she’s in there reading a book maybe I got to go tomorrow grab the teal Leaf steal her leaves wait what cutie Kawaii thank you for the 35 months hello dang it are there any more I can steal only got one okay who next I hate this man we’re running a little too slow for my liking speed it up are the kiddos in here nobody is w w you know what I might as well do you like Diamonds oh my God she doesn’t no what does he like again hot pepp no I didn’t get the orange for Gus I’m so dumb with it raining it’s a little like can be a little difficult is Sam in here oh you are no grape for Vincent Jodie diamond for you um um um um um um um salad for Leah who who wanted this lonus Pam Sam where is Sam genuine question where is he here oh it’s Friday oh wait that might help me dude Harvey’s going to be like just in his house oh my God he’s so annoying okay let’s go up here who else can I give this to oh kobis Marney oh yeah oh Willie Willie oh Sebastian I forgot about you that’s my bad I think I think we need to go back up cuz we need to see like Robin and her family he emerged I’ve already gifted her everything I didn’t think he was going to come out to be honest dude espresso is always stuck in my head I can’t [Music] stop we’re about to get a lot of cut scenes I [Music] think yeah this is the key Quest I’m trying I might [Music] fail that was beautiful why are you out here in the rain I could ask you the same question that’s true I came here to spend some time alone but I don’t mind your company you’re getting soaked come stand under the tree it’s impossible to describe this feeling watching the curtains of rain whisper above a silent Lake what is that a harp a mini harp you’re full of surprises I’m impressed was I going to play it or just like show it off [Music] hello [Music] you every time I listen to this or have this cut scene The Sounds never on so I never heard this it’s actually really beautiful I want to hear that again that was really pretty I really liked that that was Gorge where the hell is everybody oh hello Maru okay Maru Maru Maru she likes pain dinner’s on me oh yeah lonus likes this right where’s lius there he is lus lius wait am I cooking who else can to give this to oh Gus likes Diamonds oh oh I’m going back down I totally missed that I want to hear that song again that was really pretty it’s the first time I’ve literally ever heard it since I’ve started playing this game the day it released how have I never heard it before I’m back no dang it Jody loves this I think I’ve already gifted her twice though I’m running out of people um oh wait I haven’t gifted Emily but I don’t have anything she’d like right now I totally borked on that one Evelyn I don’t think they’ll let me in their house right now I already gave Willie a diamond damn it just missed it I think everyone else is asleep the wizard we can do Mary is in her house I think I need to do this tomorrow oh George we can give him Mal leik Kent these two are going to be tough I have nothing I really have nothing for these people Sand’s easy I just got to travel Elliot I have duck feathers and pomegranates Leo duck feather Alex what the hell Alex I don’t want to give away my prizy that was an incredible room oops if you guys want to see any of my mods um exclamation point stardo you can download them all there also this is a public service announcement if you have not gotten my merch already and you want to do so there is only 5 days left to get it and then it’s gone forever and ever and ever it’s never coming back so if you want it make sure you um you get it before then shop you can do XM Point merch as well just a heads up um um okay I need to sell this Tea Leaf but you know what since I can just get one from her house every day I’ll just go back um wood copper iron Oak copper iron Wood Oak I’m just going to smack one down in here real quick oh it only takes 3 hours oh that’s fast beautiful we might as well go ahead and cook up some more of this stuff babes this TV is massive I don’t know what I was expecting but it was is not that big in my head holy cow 20,000 oh my God I sold 20 mayonnaise that’s crazy average football loving dad TV that’s even 50 months I do not want to let that sink in what wallpaper did I get in here actually that would not be bad for like a like um the um I can do it the animal products shed my music’s on again how much is that worth decent amount sunflowers look so cute I think we need to go into the greenhouse yeah we’re going to be rich is there trouble there I can’t get to it they’re all on the [Music] way thank you I like the little animation when the truckles go I need to cut down these other trees they’re in my way I got to give my Dino some love okay so we’re going to want a couple of these no just two right just two just for Elliot and Leo [Music] oh wait hold on I’m a goofball let going grab some eggs uh six one two 3 four 5 [Music] six oh where’s my eggs what’s on the chest one trael oh I didn’t see these okay me [Music] youve already sold it no biggie [Music] bye oh yeah oh yeah okay I know I need to sell it but I’m going to give it to Caroline that’s all I really got and then I’m going to steal from her again oh my God I’m running really low on iron I need to go mining at some point put those in there I am actually just going to go ahead and throw this in there too cuz I don’t really need it right now um let’s grab some more gifts real quick so who do I who can I gift Emily so let’s grab an amethyst Lewis uh we’ll get him a another hot [Music] pepper which is a fruit apparently um Evelyn also loves a diamond which I grabbed a couple of lonus I’ll give him a coconut oh my God sorry who else Caroline we’re going to gift her a Willie we’ll give him a diamond as well Marney bro also a diamond I’m just going to let you guys enjoy your quotes in the chat I’m just going to ignore you Abigail also an amethyst um George Georgie where’s Georgie’s little leaks [Music] where the hell are his leaks am I crazy am I looking right at him and I’m not I’m just not seeing him oh my God I oh there we go um Kent I can’t I don’t have anything for him Pierre I also don’t have anything Jazz we can get him a coffee sebast sebast can have Frozen Here Sand’s just kind of out of the way Alex I got nothing for you did that say Jack be thick Oh I thought I might have that I guess I don’t know why I have these bones I don’t think I need them I can sell them okay dude Alex well one I hate him and two he’s so annoying thank you for listening hello tit how are you what do you mean [Music] no not the festival that lasts all day are you kidding me are you kidding I mean I do still have another day but I don’t even know if I can do this I don’t know if I oh hello I don’t know if I’ll have time now I don’t know these guys still haven’t had another baby well now I don’t know what the hell to do wait there’s a new maze ooh okay well that’s kind of exciting a silver lining perhaps Minecraft’s later I don’t know when when I’m done with this um that’s cool I like he added a little bit of um a little bit of a difference from year 1 to year 2 in the um festivals that’s kind of cool best one still though is that desert Festival I don’t know how you’re going to top that it’s so cool there’s just so much going on I just realized I can afford another pet if I didn’t need that money for other stuff I totally spend it on [Music] [Music] that Alex just reminds me of like every man I’ve ever hated so I don’t like it’s bit personal for me babes I’ve always said that he reminds me of men who get mad when they see women at the gym yeah he’s certainly that kind of guy oh man yeah do you think he’s secretly compensating for something Sophie thank you for the prime welcome in listen my ex was really nice to his grandparents but that didn’t make him a good person so oh I got woody secret the secret is he’s been in love with Buzz this whole time happy Pride I love the little song I have playing on here it’s so nice maybe I should keep it and then when the book seller comes I can do a little trade oh yeah that’s good stuff now I can upgrade a shed finally um no wait what are you what are you you’re a forage wait where the hell did I get this where did I get this house plant where did I get it did it come out of a tree you oh my god excuse me thank you for the bless you oh my gosh that hurt I like bit my tongue oh puppy hi honey baby did you want something she just looks so cute over there what am I doing you I was about to say you’re telling me I can’t go to the mines wait can I still give people gifts up here well not him what about Sebastian oh perfect hey look I actually have this I can actually do this wow is your son in there you’re kidding he’s oh my God he’s at Sam’s house why do men you know and that’s a question I ask myself every day hey we’re back to normal I need iron figured I might as well just come Farm it while I’m waiting around wait I’m still looking [ __ ] shella thank you so much for the raid how was your stream hi guys we’re star doing I’m on 34% um Perfection so doing really good really good hi guys hi hi hi so what we’ve been doing today it’s been driving me crazy we’re doing this key quest for the 50 gifts and like I’m so close but today just so happened to be the uh Harvest Festival or whatever or no wait the the Halloween one is that what it’s called Hallow’s Eve whatever I beat mayor Lewis and junar junor Kart take his ass down beat his ass spirit’s Eve thank you wait in less than an hour that’s actually really impressive I destroyed him die wait nope what was that no open no death death to all of them we’ve got Clips to prove oh sorry I was still still in Reverb mode what if I was like guys I just moved in it’s not echoey is it I just moved in I don’t have any furniture um but it should sound fine I think it sounds fine no Echo perfect yeah we’re just killing time until this Festival cuz my chat said it was a little different in your too and I needed some iron I also need the dwarf scroll which I can get from killing things in here so you know we’re trying to do a little bit of everything I just have my graduation oh my God congrats we are in a cave that’s true graduation is so exciting the only graduation I’ve ever experienced was my high school one however one of the best days of my life and I’m not even being [Music] traumatic monster Slayer 2 oh that’s true I literally forget about that every time dude I don’t want to have to do junor cart that’s scary I’m going to have to like actually turn on my gamer jeans I’m going to have to go in like X Games mode Juna no cart oh now it wants to start is that needed for Perfection is it an achievement cuz I also want to get all the achievements okay I’m going to go to the Festival just a second prairie king is oh Juno cart isn’t oh so it’s just for fun then it’s a Mr key cast key cast key Quest okay okay okay got it got it got it whoa that’s it do I already own this my inventory is full dude good evening once again with we’ve been graced with a haunted maze constructed in secret by the Ecentric who lives out in the forest I’ve heard it’s larger this year good luck if you dare a venture inside what I’d watch your back miss something Terrible’s in that maze what do you mean am I going to die I already made it through the maze now it’s time to kick back with a pumpkin ale I’m trying my best to ignore the spider infestation behind me oh my god wow if I wasn’t in this blasted chair I’d be running circles around everyone in that maze dear can you pass the zucchini fritters please wait cool oh there’s a spider up here too carving pumpkins is a talent of mine I usually do most of the Jacko Lantern for everyone in town all I ask in return is to keep the seeds sprinkle a little cinnamon sugar on those puppies and you got yourself a golden snack cinnamon sugar on pumpkin seeds that sounds so good that sounds so good that’s my we always used to do that we would like well I would always be the one to rip the guts out of the pumpkins cuz I really love it for some reason everyone’s always grossed out but I’m just like I just love the way it feels it’s like playing with slime I pull out the guts we we put him in the oven not the guts but the seeds ew imagine we put all the little strings in the oven Sam took Vincent into the maze I hope they’re okay I think they might be dead after I finish this food I’m going to head I’m going head first into the maze pass another bottle of pumpkin ale over here I was in the maze for a while but then I got hungry my mom seems to be enjoying herself are you looking forward to things slowing down soon winter is around the corner actually no I’m not Robin cuz it’s super boring did you know a study in the blah blah blah blah Did you see the decorations on our house I don’t like it I caught more monsters as here mind your distance near the cages oh pitiful wretch in what FedEd Grotto lies your kingdom what is this Avatar sometimes one must stare into the abyss to stir a languid Muse I don’t know what you’re saying these things don’t look so tough okay he’s like yeah when I was in Vietnam I didn’t see any skeletons out there I didn’t see any zombies rolling around I can’t go anywhere else over here can I all right let’s see what else we got let’s go check out this maze you got to stay close to me chz don’t run off let’s go this way okay okay is it this way or maybe over here I’m hoping I can find some seets hey you guys wait wait wait wait wait look Two Bros chilling in a Halloween maze I want to talk to them this is cool I’m afraid to say I’m quite puzzled on this one ooh what the hell’s blocking my path a hedge have you seen my sister Emily can you hear me Emily Emily huh ooh you found the secret entrance too sneaky Emily what the hell do I do now wait a minute my cursor changed a second ago oh was that where’s my where’s my [Music] destination Chad hold on let me let me figure this out [Music] well it’s got to be something to do with this wait no oh wait wait what the hell oh okay okay okay this is my spot okay okay well can I like get out of it bro what the hell oh my go my brain hold on wait I want to go talk to Alex I think I heard a girl screaming she needs my help ooh oh my God did we beat the maze where’s my prize am I Sam well [ __ ] Sam I don’t [Music] know he’s a ghost [Music] what the hell ew are these eggs yay get it woo let’s freaking go everybody let’s freaking go oh hi Chief how are you did you get eliminated [Music] [Music] today I think I’ve talked to everyone those aren’t as exciting in your too yeah I think I’ve done it though and bye bye everyone bye losers we’re out oh the sweet sound of my farm it’s beautiful so nice thank God my inventory wasn’t full the maze was fun that was really cool I did like that a lot that was cool magenta thank you for the prime uh Rihanna Lee thank you for the 10 months as [Music] well look at his vanilla portrait for that oh my God wait he looks scrum diddly umptious that’s what it was supposed to look like [Music] [ __ ] damn hello hello looks like my you know the ideal man not a wuga wait where was I putting all of the scarecrows Oh yay I actually I really like this one it gives me Wizard of OA energy I think it’s really cute okay well let’s see if I can finish this tomorrow I don’t think I can though oh but maybe when this resets maybe I will oh I might just be able to finish it actually [Music] what achievement did I just get I haven’t married anyone yet but I’m dating Penny Penny networking yeah whatever I’m popular I guess purle witch thank you for the 10 months fiddlehead risoto me I think you the three months as well oops wrong one can I make a thing yes thank God okay M ooh okay here’s the plan we are going to do the tiniest bit of animal things and then we are going to finish this stupid Quest if I can and I may have to wait till tomorrow oh no today’s the final day everyone reset oh my God oh my God I for some reason I thought they reset on Monday oh my God we’re so in no we’re so in we’re fine we’ve got this we’ve got this we’ve got this we’ve got it I got the pizza ordered yes let’s go Misa I’m happy for you I’m glad I could be of service I’m going to eat pizza later too i’ got leftovers you know I’m so glad that my influence works on husbands too oh oh my inventory is full oopsies um didn’t get a lot of milk today that’s okay I find so I find this so confusing as a first- time player it is there’s a lot to take in for sure [Music] um obviously I’m doing like Perfection which there’s so much that goes into that I wouldn’t even worry about that if you’re a first- time player like Just Vibe have a good time do stuff that you want to do you want to make friends do that if you cuz you can have babies and stuff too if you want to like just decorate your farm you can do that and there’s no time limit it really is at your own pace so this you’re not an any hurry or anything either you can literally play this game forever and ever oh let me Harvest these they’re dying tomorrow oh my God wait I just realized something if I need more of a certain crop I can plant in my greenhouse because Pierre now sells everything all the time a very very nice Revelation to make I’m actually going to keep most of these cuz I feel like I’ll need them eventually maybe not these okay well since everyone reset let’s grab a couple things we me two stobs orange for Gus grape for jazz oh wait no Vincent Vincent um pomegranate for Elliot I also have a duck well I have a duck feather I’ll give him that [Music] um just grab a [ __ ] ton of diamonds and then we can grab some food when we’re out there oh let’s also get two amethysts no three three of those um what does kobis like again he likes Wild Horse radishes okay here we go yes normally I am a chronic restarter I have never gotten this far in any game ever so I’m cooking right now we can also go to the um the saloon and get a bunch of food and stuff for people like Pam who just passed me stupid Alex he’s the only one can I get her her cut scene yet there we there we go we got it I thought I had to come in here but I guess I didn’t it is beautiful it really is beautiful I work very hard this is My Sanctuary it’s a perfect place to drink my hom grown tea grown tea hom grow delicious I love to come in here for a fresh cup of tea every day it’s my little ritual let me try to [Music] explain what when I’m alone with relaxing tea my mind is empty and free to wander who knows what might appear what the [ __ ] is that I hope that makes sense life can be pretty hectic so having a hobby like this is nice I don’t know what she’s putting in that tea feel free to come in here and relax anytime you want thanks I’ll be stealing a tea leaf what how often can I do that I thought it was every day open the door oh no I don’t have any leaks I’m sorry I forgot oh is it once per week oh well it’s okay cuz now actually no wait tomorrow tomorrow she should give me the recipe Evelyn you love a diamond Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend after all I have a leak oh shoot I read my own mind come back he’s going to church I did not know I had one in my inventory excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me okay eight more we can do this hello my darling suddenly the world looks a lot more beautiful don’t you think why with me in it oh Haley hates me cool got it that checks out okay their house is cute I like their house I think it looks really cozy oh hi squasha Sebastian and I were just having a little jam session mhm we’re trying to start a band but we still don’t know what kind of music to make there’s too many possibilities what kind of music do you like ooh oh my God I want this does affect something later on I kind of want to do one of these should I do honky Tony it’s so like that’s so not their Vibe we got we got to do the the country let’s do that Honky Tonk bonon that’s exactly the kind of style I’ve been thinking about for the band uh MRT thank you for the 11 months what do you say should we do this Sebastian’s got to hate that idea okay with my guitar skills and Sebastian’s Wizardry on the synthesizer we’re going to be a screaming success I’m convinced of it you know in all my favorite country songs there is so much synthesizer though Aspen thank you for the Prime oh um for you already ran into your mom somewhere else I don’t have a pizza though wait a minute guys where did where did I get this Tea Leaf did she give me one I’m so confused where did I get that oh well that was nice of her or hold on I’ll Gift Gus in a second but I just saw Harvey and I don’t want to lose him no I should have got a damn salad I wish the music played more in this game how many more three is Elliot down here what the freak Elliott have I unlocked any more of these o what is that this just gold little nobody thank you for the 31 months well come back is he in there good Lord why is my freaking head so big [Music] um actually I don’t know probably had to binge all the vods for the past week to see the live streams oh my God are you caught up oh I actually you’re actually not caught up if you’re only watching the vods because I’m I uploaded like every single VOD that was missing yesterday so I’ve got like I don’t know six videos scheduled a lot they’re going to they only post one a day I don’t want to spam on YouTube I can’t stop watching the tiny M Clips they’re pretty funny does anybody love a sunflow Haley loves a sunflower I should have known is she even in there where is this check okay let’s go give Gus’s orange oh I did it oh my God I did it oh my god well I need to get to level 10 with everyone anyway so there we go yay yippee I did it now I don’t have to panic anymore thank God let’s give kobis something okay is Sam Still rocking out in there where did he go why can’t this man just stay still for like one second where is he now oh my all the way over here I hate him but I can’t wait to hear his honky Tong Tony bka donkey music it’s so hard to have fun on Sunday I keep thinking about having to go to work tomorrow Sam I don’t know how to tell you this I set your your place of Works building on fire it doesn’t exist anymore so take a load off kick your feet up relax there is no work your work died sorry sweet niblet music oh oh please we already have that how many times have I seen that I’ve never shipped a pale ale did you guys have another baby yet Sam works at the Museum now does he actually is that real [Music] you know what hold on I don’t want to sell that yet I didn’t even look at what green tea like does what does it do for me you know okay I’m going to like slowly put everything away well we’re married to Penny so I just need to get that thing on a rainy day are these watered nope oh I don’t have the sapling thing yet I’m just going to sell those sell you sell you bye-bye oh I have one what oh I never gave it to her oh wait what this is plus one speed this is is plus5 [Music] speed who likes them Caroline and LS [Music] oh is there really a good point for making these then well I could have sold the freaking Leaf I’m so dumb [Music] oh you know what how about we do this why we have some time I need to figure out what’s going on over here oh my God it’s so dark we need some lights in here hold up [Music] nice now I’ll have extras I think I already have extras I do oh yeah I’m accumulating quite a lot of this stuff which is good turning them into wine would probably even better but going to take me a minute to get there okay oh I was going to put this wallpaper in here it’s going to look really uggo though probably oh hello there we go okay beautiful now I can put some of this in here make a couple of these bad boys I think we should go to Ginger Island tomorrow oh my garlic is probably ready I didn’t even think about that hello wolf girl thank you oh it’s [Music] winter happy winter what do I have in here an interesting collection of things for sure my wife and I grow garlic IRL oh really here we go t something I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen what it looks like to grow to grow garlic o dark sign wait oh oh my God wait that’s so cool let the record show I hate winter in this game no offense but I do I’ve seen videos where people like make a lot of green tea like they’ll have like sheds of it why it’s not as good as is it just easier to make than coffee I’m confused cuz coffee makes you faster is there something I’m missing with that [Music] I stick with coffee cuz you can buy with diamonds too oh my God yeah I should make more um crystalarium but I’ll need to go do some more um skull Cavern runs which I haven’t done in a while but I probably should [Music] okay yeah I guess that’s true it might be a little bit easier to make I want to make this real quick just see what it looks like batwing and Bone fragment we have tons of those wait so I can like oh my God that’s so cute what the frick can I want to replace this and see what it looks like if I do that instead oh my God it’s really fun I love the little swirl on the top I still technically want to want to um want to use in tables oh my Lord [Music] um help me God I’m going to give this to kobis cuz it’s their birthday we’ll go into town for like a second so I can open up some GEOS and stuff and then we’ll go to Ginger Island we’ve got some stuff to do there so do we not get any truffles for the entire season of [Music] winter that [Music] sucks no it’s tragic that is tragic why would they do that I hate winter in this game I love winter in real life though but I swear to you it’s because I live in a Southern state if I live somewhere that snows like crazy I probably wouldn’t snow is like it’s like a strange Enigma in the South you know nobody really knows what it is we’ve never really seen it before what the hell am I doing back in this Barn you looked so deep in thought when you said that I was cuz when it snows here we celebrate you know I actually still really really really want to go somewhere for winter that has a lot of snow just to experience it for once I’m actually going to put this back I know it’s kind of crazy but I’m going to put it back in [Music] here as a New Yorker I love snow and winter hey we found a rare person I feel like they never say that that’s cool I think it’s like sometimes it’s hard to know like if you’ve ever lived in a place that doesn’t really have like physical seasons and what I mean by that is like when you look outside you can’t tell what season it is like you know in Fall everything’s [Music] very I feel like spring everything’s In Bloom summer everything’s very green fall everything is like orange red yellow and then winter everything snows when you live in a place like Texas that like just doesn’t have seasons um it just is like sort of sad it’s almost like it’s like nothing ever changes okay whoa almost maxed her friendship holy cow should I drink this tea how am I such good friends with Caroline no maybe should give it to her I have coffee I I’ll give it to Caroline now I have two of those books oh my God a huge win oh my God massive win okay yeah wow those are really good all of those were good that was kind of crazy oh yeah we still need to do the um the skeletons for BLS down there and then we also need to harvest the garlic which I think should be done o I needed one of these yes look at s so in case you’re wondering what happened to the portraits this mod that I have that does the anime portraits um I don’t think it’s been updated to show the winter outfits so it just results back to the vanilla portraits which is fine not a biggie cuz um in the new update during winter they have like winter outfits have you guys got a new baby yet H look how cute that is tiny little guy in there he’s so cute he is really like BLS what the hell’s his real name Professor Snape something like that snail [Music] what did I say oh save I was like I got it I got it I know what it [Music] is you know what yeah the the winter music never stops playing cuz it plays in [Music] here it’s playing inside my shed which is crazy that’s his name now oh my God my house has Christmas lights on it [Music] dude hold on [Music] hold on either there okay I’m like kicking my little feet right now no my cheese my cheese I was going to give that to Caroline the way I just didn’t where am I going Focus my brain man okay we are going to whoa put that right [Music] there if I randomly drop out of this stream it’s cuz my power went out just let it go [Music] now yall ever hear Transformers before they explode they go like and then they go boom and then all the power goes out in the whole city that happens so often they just burst into flames um it keeps making that noise I’m just waiting for it to [Music] explode all cuz my power was like flickering like crazy today I don’t know what happened a gust of wind went by I guess and then um it was like and I was just waiting for it to die but it never [Music] did where the hell is she Caroline Oh my God where the hell you been Loca here okay I’m going to go to Ginger isy now are my sound effects incredible trash they used to explode all the time next to my mom’s house the whole house would shake at one time no we are not going to oh that’s Shane I thought that was Alex that’s right I’m not wearing any shoes or socks she looks so cute ew the chair’s wet I bet the trees around here would make for an interesting medium to work with though Willie probably wouldn’t be happy with me if I dragged a bunch of logs onto a ship it’s not winter here oh my God somebody l a freaking a naked Chicken on the beach [Music] [Music] hey banana banana I sound like a damn Minion Minions be like I’m probably going to replant these trees later on so don’t har harest the garlic don’t harvest the garlic don’t harvest the garlic whatever you do okay let’s go talk to the Frog yes I ate this once long ago it gave me a pungent Aroma for days reminds me of Papa when I was just a tadpole you are like Papa I could take a bite and produce that poignant odor once more I don’t know if that’s how you say that but I won’t yes you have done me a great service you’ve given an Old Toad one last trip down memory lane here’s one last reward for you friend yay you have my blessing to cultivate these fields May the rains be with you thanks okay cool let’s go put this TV in this house finally that is huge oh my god do that thing is HD HD okay couple things left on the agend for today I’m going to first go into this room and see what’s going on just out of curiosity what can I buy oh key to the town key of the Town sounds good heavy Tapper also sounds good key to the town is awesome I think I might do that one I kind of want the heavy Tapper recipe you know what I’m eventually going to get everything so it’s fine let’s just get it keep it up kid I think you’re going to be a star new percentage percent just dropped let’s go what did I do I wonder oh maybe the walnuts I found more I’m so close to finishing this oh it might have been the friendships the friendships we made along the way family members of the legendary fish have returned to the valley you have 3 Days To Catch Miss angler glacier fish son of crimson fish radioactive carp in The Legend 2 Jesus or I can try to make it to a level 100 in the skull Cavern let’s do that that fishing one sounds like a damn nightmare my God what is I love that that oh my God what the hell is his name that emote that man Kevin the hell’s his name did you not see what it said at the the bottom you can’t eat or drink oh you know what and challenge accepted babes Kevin James thank you a squirrel does their inventory change each day or like on certain days I mean because um I have no idea I assume it does oh it doesn’t Oh I thought it did just stare it down oh yeah we’ll need tons of stairs h I may not be able to do this one right away cuz what do you need for staircases is it Jade like if you want to use the desert Trader Jade Jade’s on Sundays oh [ __ ] well I just missed it well I may not be able to do this one but that’s okay if I lose it’s fine I just want to be prepared what do I need that and like some random thing up here I just don’t want to waste all my I mean I just don’t have enough Stone like if we’re being honest you can eat before you go in oh and I certainly will be doing that oh that’s the panning one did I not have any more taro oh I I have a couple I didn’t sell any of my animal products no this is yeah this is part of the game like this island I mean what can I do with a banana Island Obelisk love that banana pudding banana wine banana fruit oh my God wait I want to see how much that cost or how much it’s worth okay okay banana jelly is 490 that’s pretty good and the wine is 12260 oh ridium of course but normal 630 very nice okay I’ll go look at the um the little the hell is it called the place with the bones I’ll go look at the bone Zone and then I guess head back cuz I don’t know if there’s anything else I can do right now is there anything I can like pan up usually there is I’m not seeing any God I love the music on this freaking Island oo oh my God I forgot about the Shady dude that guyy is so goofy oh my God you guys are right there’s a banana thing I have to do I forgot about that it’s we found it so long ago I’ve completely forgotten I can’t walk this slow it’s driv me crazy oh there’s a banana thing I have no idea what it does I think it probably would just give me walnuts I forgot about that thank you bye that was fun how many wets do I have left what could I even unlock with it what’s left to unlock with these walnuts oh wait I know it’s in the volcano right I love the music on Ginger Island it’s so good very [Applause] nice what did I just what did I just get a trinket a trinket my first trinket I’m immune to debuffs guys I got a trinket very exciting I was like ew that thing dropped a freaking hand drink it let’s go it’s my first one ever I’m so excited a [ __ ] don’t be shy y’all drop some more I want I want to see what else there’s out or what else is out there hey you Dro Ginger remember when I was like why is there so much ginger on this island you you guys were like well what’s the name of the island babe I was like oh not My Brightest moment Emerald the Emerald City be don’t be shy drop more trinkets I want to see all of them it I dropped the bomb Oh my God no concerned ape is like you know he’s my hero got it I’m feeling very wizard of Aussie today trying to get to that like middle ground so I can use well hopefully I can use these walnuts hopefully I didn’t use too many a bomb oh God my thing’s almost out of water you’re seeing Wicked tomorrow fun loving the hat thank you I also really love this hat it’s so cute I don’t ever want to take it off oh suddenly it’s quiet so what happens if my my watering can Runs Out of Water while I’m in here I just got to go back the other way dude I can’t hit these what the hell is going on with me yay oh thank God a hole I still can’t talk to him trag [Music] Jack I can’t believe my sword has hay maker on it that makes me so upset who just got a shark oh Marlin youit what the hell was that this is the best song in the game there’s also another song that plays in a cut scene with Emily it’s called like Emily’s dance or something she does like a little dance for you and the song that plays is so fire but I would say this is pretty good too volcano music is good Ginger Island music is really good oh my God so good could always use more coal not going to complain about that what I really need that was iron like so bad where is the damn door out of here did I miss it he was by the entrance you’re kidding no stop it I don’t like when you do that are you joking me stop it stop it stop it stop oh my God I hate you okay die die die die die die I’ll turn you into hay [ __ ] there we go la make that a quote that’s all my sword can do she’s a little Limited don’t touch me I’m sterile ew why is it so quiet now I hate it oh my God a robot do like when they die they do like a little fart fun so quiet why who turned the sound off button ooh aium I want that o he’s going to blow and I’m going to die ow [ __ ] it just we’re running that was [Music] fun listen I mean oh I I can’t I can’t do anything plus six speed what does it have right now plus four speed that could be kind of cool yeah but whatever wait I can upgrade these can I actually what what what can you do with prizes I got to go to the freaking School Caverns I can only do it after their aridium quality what that’s cool though I’m so slow I just don’t want to waste my last coffee cuz I’m literally going to bed he I didn’t know I could I didn’t know I could like enchant those oh my God speak of the devil topaz is defense Emerald is speed Jade is Critical Strike power aquamarine is Critical Strike chance amethyst is knock back Ruby is damage presmatic Shard is an enchantment weapons can be forged up to three times with gems and can also be enchanted once with a prismatic Shard note two inate enchant enchantment wait can you get more than one Galaxy sword like if I go back to the desert with a prisy and sand in that spot will I get another one hi Wy bear when are you getting on Minecraft probably soon why do you have some obsidian that you need to get rid of oh you can buy one sweet okay good cuz I was like well this one’s kind of [ __ ] no I’m just wondering my favorite person is getting on oh that’s so sweet thanks your favorite person to prank my chat calls you Mr obsidian kale thank you for the 100 Bitties no to spend time with you know you’re really selling me I got to get on there you can reenchant your sword it says it can only be enchanted once oh my God wait why is everyone here hi chap hi hi pickle guys all my Minecraft friends are here oh you can it’s just rerolls oh it can only be enchanted it only have one enchantment we miss you okay I’m actually starting to get a little scared I’m scared guys okay I feel like I need to get on yeah this is a little sus okay okay let me keep reading this um tools can also be enchanted not forged what happened to her house be honest is my house even still standing guys I modified it to make it to make it more pink I thought that chat would really like that she’s going to log in and immediately drop into a pit okay okay okay we’ll we’ll switch since everyone’s in my chat it’s kind of a good time anyways it’s also winter and stard you and I just hate it all right to the the vaud Watchers thank you for watching bye

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