Can I Survive The New Minecraft Update..?!

my new Minecraft world is coming on pretty nicely we’ve got a house which we borrowed a suspicious villager friend and now a nether portal surrounded by lava which is completely 100% safe oh okay yeah yeah yeah this is bad this is bad this is bad no and today is a huge day the brand new Minecraft update tricky trials is here and I have just one mission to find a trial chamber can I survive let’s find out we got a lot of stuff to do today the first first thing actually involves these guys not these guys in particular I just spotted there’s one right here we need you actually no you don’t yes phone down is already needed because I’ve already messed up most of you will know that it’s a cartographer that you need not a librarian I don’t know why I got the two mixed up but I didn’t realize my mistake for ages so I thought this guy’s trades were too expensive because was supposed to level him up to get a map Librarians don’t give you Maps but long story short I wanted a new librarian so I needed a lecturn which needed a bookcase which needed three books I didn’t have the paper or the leather to make three books so I traveled hundreds of blocks to kill cows collect sugar cane and it was only when I got back and successfully crafted the lecturn that I realized my mistake here’s the moment don’t look at me like that please don’t I’m going to put this back in the chest and uh forget that even happened we need a cartography table which is you know way easier to craft jeez man am I I’m that dense I’m very dense I was getting all happy with myself I was like I am killing it today turns out I was doing the opposite anyway we got our table and now it’s night time okay we’re going to bed this has not started well has it okay morning new day let’s go find oursel a villager who’s this what are you oh there’s my guy up here too I kind of want to keep it oh wait wait wait right cartographer we need to level you up we need 24 paper for one Emerald which is Wild by the way but I think we might be able bble to do it can’t believe I did that I cannot believe actually I can you know what if if you’re coming to me for a Minecraft Let’s Play that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m going to do so welcome back let’s make how much paper can we make how much is that 34 oh Lord okay we’re going to need a lot more sugar canes so we need to start planting this WOW luckily there is some sand out here so let’s start growing this I don’t tell them I’m going to the other Village real quick I’m cheating on my Village just to see just by chance if they’ve got different trades because I’m not looking it up I’m being good just using the resources that I have been given all right hello oh where are you well no I’m not going to do it actually this is not my village now it’s in my Village give me it’s still a limited resource Y where is everyone did everyone die oh oh I was just about to say I think everyone’s died no they are all trapped H indeed any of you cartographers out here I know there’s another one down here too look you’re all idiots there’s so many weapon Smiths here right there you go get out oh no the fox is trapped as well I’m going to keep that there just in case right can you get out I don’t think they can this is the perfect villager trap y get out what you there you go jeez they didn’t even want to leave oh look at his little face this beginning has been so scuffed y did the other ones Escape yet I need cartography deals come on there’s got to be a cartographer somewhere just get out technically I’ve saved the village now so you guys owe me you owe me big time oh hold up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this guy has been in there so long he’s just forgotten how to do his job there you go go to the cartography Studio I remember you give me the best deal ever don’t close the door on me I’m coming in it’s the same okay never mind just going to yoink your your your coal real quick don’t mind if I do and your iron right let’s get back No Nonsense now oh he’s gone back in for goodness sake there’s no there’s no saving them there is this though I will leave you some but I’m going to need most just putting that out there there you go I’ll take I’ll just trim the tops for you I’m actually doing you a favor oh there’s more yes okay going to need a lot of this knock knock he’s not even here where’d you go ah here you are okay I have not enough for you oh man seven for an empty map how many more do I need so I’m going to need 48 I probably need like 80 something paper to get him up to the next level right you’re locked in okay well at least we got this oh there’s some over here as well okay I need to start growing this it’s just got to happen take this as well thank you grow grow grow grow give me paper how much does this give me every a it’s just not enough it’s not enough at all I stole these I mean borrowed these maps for nothing so once again I set sale to try and find as much sugar cane as possible luckily I’m near lots of rivers so it didn’t take too long I’ve got 66 it’s just a one for one trade right let me I was going to go back to the village and borrow a table but I’ve actually got one so let’s do this so how many is that 2 4 6 at 63 can’t do the mess I just can’t do it 64 + 19 I said I’d need about 80 this might be okay let’s go see if we can level him up hopefully he’s got an easy trade we can do afterwards otherwise this is going to be rough wait what the what are you doing there are you going to come back with me or what almost lost another dog or already these dogs are fragile he where you been you just been floating in that River for ages interesting where is my main man there he is yes successfully leveled up let me see the Sparkles let me see them give me something good I like your new metal okay what is this Ocean Explorer map or 11 panes of glass for an emerald so I’m worried now that this could have been a trial chamber map H let’s do the glass panes that one’s super easy but I bet it is not worth a lot so let me grab my trusty shovel mine up some sand and hope that we don’t have to find those of sugar cane again oh we’re going to need so much sand by the way so much sand actually that just isn’t true I didn’t need loads but I went and got loads because it didn’t take as long long as getting all that sugar cane twice right we’re going to use our nether fuel to smelt half of this half of this we’re definitely not going to need that much because the panes are made of glass blocks so this should be all right I just think it’s going to put up the tiniest bit of level on this cartographer and the other one is a compass and 11 diamonds which we’re just not going to be able to do we’ve got eight but I bet that bumps up the level a lot let’s grabb these so this makes I going to say 12 12 16 let’s go see how much it while that’s smelting how much it puts the level up oh actually that ain’t too bad we’re probably going to need uh 10 20 30 40 like 60 maybe 60 panes that’s not too bad and then just hope and pray that we get the map cuz if not we’re going to have to try and find another one see we’re up to 37 already that was hardly any glass 60 yeah this might be enough actually let’s see there he is he’s just waiting for me or you spying on someone that’s weird right let’s grab this this this this this easy and we got more emeralds upgrade yourself sir to Gold nice Woodland Explorer map I mean obviously that’s not the one we want but can you go further to get more maps or is it like random between these two I actually have no idea man I might have to make another cartographer right who’s it going to be who’s going to be the next cartographer we need a nitwit nitwit what are you doing in there looking for NWI I guess hey buddy what’s up how you doing start reading them books start drawing maps from a young age you’re going to need to be a cartographer soon sir I’m actually going to switch your job this is not abuse because I am not rrolling it I am just I’m going to put you in here get a job you’re too young to work get out oh no he’s going for another job he’s going for another job what’s he going for what’s he going for you’re destined to be a cartographer no no no no no no no come back here right now you are not a cleric that’s just not your job you’re going to be a cartographer in here okay so we need oh my God we need so much more paper again I know you’ve got emeralds bro but I just don’t have enough paper oh man you can’t bone meal sugar cane either which is such a pain I’ve got three three I’m going to go this way in search of sugar canane cuz I don’t think I’ve been this way before I’ve been to here to get the horses that’s as far as I’ve gone so hopefully if I go up the river I can find enough sugar cane to get this next guy up I think it’s going to be it’s random each time man it’s going to suck if I get the same Maps again but it’ll be worth it we be trial chambering maybe it’s because he already was a cartographer before the update that could be it actually I didn’t think of that yeah this is what I like to see give me give me give me all this that’s right final sugar cane hunt of the episode or was it I didn’t know whether this was going to work or not well I am up to 53 how much does that give us we could be close we could be close I can see more over here though while we’re out here I’m going to grab more head back and start trading let’s have a look 19 more yeah that’s got to be enough right almost 80 ooh cheeky surprise or have I been here before I don’t think I have got a clock I think that’s all I’m going to take the clock is interesting oh actually I will take I don’t want it to go in the lava I’m going to take the gold block for sure give me that this is just not my day I’m going home here he is I got paper for you buddy I thought I had enough H what do you mean huh are you trolling me you’re definitely trolling me 53 more paper here we go oh I need 19 more this is craziness you know how much paper I fueled for your Maps too much it’s growing but it’s slow this will get me 11 I need uh 13 more paper we have not been over here yet but but I’m pretty sure there’s not going to be any here it’s not looking great this is crazy terrain though this is like Extreme Hills with ice this is fast this is fast this is so fast yes we got sugarcane as well okay it was worth wo what is this wa okay so this is spawned on the surface that’s actually really cool yeah you guys ain’t getting me I’m going to get your loot though what could be in here oh this is a decent amount of sugarcane this might be enough how much is this going to get me I don’t want to make too much cuz I want to make sure I need a little bit more I want to make sure that I can grow some still as well so let’s take this yeah that’s enough that’s almost the perfect amount right where are these chests at look they’re just like ready for the Tak in Unbreaking fishing rod yes please and you guys can’t do anything about it that’s crazy okay maybe you can can’t use the brush here as well some of these are like suspicious blocks or something right let’s get this as well what we got buried treasure map I will take gladly this is super cool to find like this I’ve never seen anything like this before little sea lantern too right there is this as well cheeky extra Emerald I will take right where is this treasure map wait what oh you have to activate it wait I’m not I’m not seeing any treasure on this have these changed this is just turned into a regular map um yeah this wasn’t a Buri treasure map at all that was weird all right we got what we needed let’s go this better satisfy where are you buddy oh they’re growing yes okay actually I’m going to grab some of this and grow more more just in case we need another one if we need another cartographer we’re going to be in trouble because I’m going to run out of villagers oh where is he here he is hello sir right I’ve got more paper for you right give me the map that I require please yeah yeah yeah little level up Ocean Explorer again okay there is another map roll I guess I’m I’m I’m just guessing at this point I’m going to take all this glass and I’m going to make a lot of pains that’s definitely too many take all these off my hands please there we go that was a bit confusing but we got there please give me the map please please please oh I was right okay we got wait this is this guy is good look he’s got Ocean Explorer Woodland and trial I think those are all the correct ones oh this is good right now we need emeralds and another Compass to get a trial Explorer map I’m excited let’s go okay we definitely going be able to do a trial chamber today but where is it going to be I guess we’re about to find out it better not bug out my map like it just did a minute ago cuz that was uncooled for um what am I doing oh yeah panes and glass go away got some random aelia stone cutter can be replaced back there right I need 1 2 3 4 and one of these to make a compass thank you very much we’ve got the emeralds we need and then we’re going to activate this and yes I am going to bring a dog with me yeah this guy is awesome with all of these oh we’re about to do it trial Explorer map there it is and it shows us that it’s like underground as well so it is North West what do we need okay we need to I’m going to keep this on my left side just because I feel Fancy with it I’m going to need some supplies I need food I need a shield I think my armor will be fine what do we need we don’t need a fishing rod that’s for sure let’s put that in there sticks I don’t even think we’ll need sticks we might need a new Shield though so let’s grab a shield we need oak wood planks and an iron ingot again I always forget how to make those right Shield back up Shield what else do I need I actually don’t know I’m going to take a bed I’m going to take some torches I don’t think we’ll really need torches oh actually we might do cuz we might be going through caves sword uh extra wheat I’m going to make into bread Golden Apple uh I feel like I should take can you craft golden apples you can right you can okay I’m taking me some golden apples oh my gosh how have I got to this stage of my life already where I’m crafting golden apples that’s crazy yeah you know I’m going to go for the five the big five golden apps oh my goodness and one spare just in case what else do I need this in case I get like a crossbow or something I think that might be it the bread is looking low we got steak we take some potatoes might as well what else can we cook up in here more potatoes I’m taking spuds all right now we just wait for the the spuds to cook and then which way are we heading so we need Northwest and I’m not going to use F3 I’m going to use a compass the way the game was designed I don’t know this is this is crazy talk here we go so Northwest is oh we going this way okay see this is the way the game is meant to be played everyone and we’re going to take our horse with us too which means I should probably grab a fence post I know random but in case we need to just you know lock him up somewhere what the everything okay over there oh he’s looking kind of damaged what do you get slapped up by are you stuck oh you’re stuck wao dog okay that was dangerous yeah that’s why you’re getting smacked you’re stuck sorry bud that’s my bad here you go a yeah just be careful on there all right can you get out yet oh the dog pushed him in the lava bro this is definitely going to be a problem he’s fine he’s he’s fine you go fence post just in case the 16th potato has been potatoed um let’s get out of here bro we don’t have a name for you yet hopefully we can Farm some name tags do we have to go that way I love horses man but they just get stuck in the worst places I think I just run over a child let’s go Yonder to the trial Chambers I genuinely have no idea how far this is going to be and if we hit an ocean yeah we just got to we just got to leave the horse behind sad but true oh come on why are the trees or horses worst enemy that’s it oh yeah is this quick of them running I think it might still be you know this way unnamed horse you got this wait how are we getting further away this is the right way no Northeast South West am I I got it right hold on on a second yo what is my compass doing where are you pointing me are you pointing me to my respawn point that makes no sense look at the compass what is happened hold on what is the compass doing is it pointing to 0 0 that’s the problem wait why the compasses work that way so I’m definitely going the wrong way then that’s fantastic okay now we’re a Big Dot again this is good that’s my it’s pointing to my spawn point why don’t the compasses just point to North like a normal Compass I’m going to have to Google compasses not the Minecraft ones like the legit human ones and see how they work because this one ain’t I’m going to have to get some help I’m just going to have to do this Northwest is that way look at my compass it’s going the wrong way we got this horse for nothing we need a boat well you know what buddy I tried okay I tried my best but it just wasn’t meant to be right we need to head this direction let’s go to new territory I should have known that to the trial chamers oh wait the blob is moving the blob is moving we might actually not be too far away ooh snowy biome I can’t remember the last time I was in a well this is the this is the smallest snowy biome I’ve ever been in but still it’s snowing oh God you think it’s down there oh we need to look for the deep dark as well I forgot they even existed oh that’s going to have to happen at some point oh another thunderstorm great I’m actually going to sleep through this one I don’t with my luck today I’m not getting struck by lightning that’s not happening that’s better H now this oh god oh oh oh oh oh I forgot I forgot oh no no no no no no no no no no no no this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening did you see the Panic on my my face oh I forgot this was a thing oh I’m in trouble yo I hate the snow I don’t want to see a snowy Bome what the how do I how do I stop that from happening is it all snow no I don’t like that that’s unfortunate I have never come across that before Oh my God you need like I remember covering it at some point is it the blue stuff that you can’t go in oh just gets worse I think you need a certain Enchanted boot to be able to get over that with no problems genuinely thought I was dead though just putting that out there okay now we just need to go north but it’s all through the snow am I going to have to do this to get through it am I good here it’s that stuff it’s like powdered snow right it’s really hard to see Oh wait we’re on the map we’re on the map okay we just got to be careful thank God we had a shovel if we didn’t have a shovel I think we might have been dead wow though I oh my God this looks incredible look at this Minecraft is Just Next Level now from when I started playing this game to this are you kidding me this looks phenomenal we’re close to dying to freezing oh no oh no oh yeah we might be dead here this is bad this is very bad look how deep this is oh my god oh this is like this is just the worst really um how am I supposed to know if it’s oh I’ve got to dig it yeah look this is all super deep snow couldn’t have picked a worse biome to be honest can I make snow block yes I’m a genius I am a genius look at me look at me go since when has been Minecraft oh God oh God oh God since when has Minecraft been this hard so can you just yeah there’s definitely some kind of secret to this that I’m just not getting this is so stupid that I even have to do this look at this is how you Traverse the snow biome now right good news is oh wait it might be in an exposed cave already yeah this is good okay we are here and apparently right on top of it is there an opening down here or are we being trolled we are being trolled I’m going to do what the haters say not to I am going to dig myself down in a smart way I’m going to do it this way oh there we go here we go where’s this trial chamber then okay creeper could do without you could do without you oh god oh jeez that could have gone so badly wrong what kind of cave is this okay well we don’t need this now so we’re going to go over to the shield which I know blocks my screen like crazy but has to be done then we can just switch to the map if we need to oh I don’t like this this is just a horrible cave because I like to live life on the edge I decided to dig down I like breaking the rof and it took me way longer than expected I went down to like minus something blocks so I thought this map was going to be a scam but we finally made some progress I’m hearing zombies we’re really low though surely it’s not down here I mean it could be is it here I don’t see it I don’t see any sign of it have we been scammed it’s a map we got a scam map oh oh oh oh oh yeah I thought we had been scammed but here it is that’s the floor of a trial chamber I don’t believe it we came down so far is there a better way in I don’t want to bust through the floor just in case we go into chaos I’d rather go through the top let me see if I can locate it let’s just go up the wall let’s see yeah yes I’m so excited for this you have no idea this is the best update Minecraft trials Edition step for the trial chamber I didn’t even look at the new achievements oh God we’re here oh we’re here we’re in like a water one oh my God we’re here so the annoying thing is with a shield up you can’t make these up for some reason but I will take those free achievements thank you hey man the trial Map works perfectly and we’re about to get uh we’re about to get straight into this there’s cave is that cave spider oh my God we’ve got a cave spider one that is so mean why did you do that to me a cave spider one that’s some kind of sick joke so you know how the trial Chambers work maybe you don’t oh we get emeralds Galore here too yeah this could be the end of me a cave spider one is so mean I’m going to have to play this super safe for the beginning yeah the way this works you cannot put torches on the spawners you can’t put wait this is this is stacked hold on oh my word yes so many emeralds and iron and stuff this is great we got shards I got too much stuff on me wow I vote we go up never mind they’re already here they’re already here but yeah as I was saying you cannot put torches on the spawners you’ve just got to kill everything that comes out of the spawner pretty much that’s how this works but every time you empty out one of the spawners you get loot so we are going to be stacked up for loot where are they over there I don’t know how many ah oh you just got one shot you just got one shot that’s crazy I also want to make sure I don’t activate too many of these cuz otherwise I’m going be fighting cave spiders I’m going be fighting loads of stuff at the same time right let’s wax these up here we go okay a chest to drop our stuff in that’s quite handy I don’t want the spider eyes I might want the string actually you know what no no snow blocks either don’t want to see another one of those again we got bricks as well I need to get rid of this one I have to get rid of this one let’s get rid of this one goodbye scaffolding why we got Scaffolding in there oh yeah we got cooked chicken right give me all this loot give me give me yes yes yes okay as long as we don’t get another cave spider one I think we’ll be fine cave spider is really mean for a first one oh we just got a key I didn’t know you could get Tri keys from there that’s good so the tri Keys as well we need those cuz that means we’re going to be able to open some of these vaults and get some loot a little breeze one as well silk touch iron axe is very good what’s that one going to be skele bones I could deal with skele bones not if they’re going to shoot me like that shoot each other they’ve got Enchanted bows okay this might be bad actually okay they’re fighting each other perfect that’s how we do [Applause] this oh my word okay this is tough than I thought it was going to be I haven’t set my um spawn actually I need to do that let’s go up here and set our spawn let’s do it a safe space we’re going to sleep it off chill and make sure we respawn here otherwise I would have been respawned all the way back to the beginning man they need to fix that that’s one thing they need to fix I want to wax on wax off in safety right where are they oh we got a disc we got a disc they killed each other yes I thought it was only when you killed a creeper what is that noise oh my okay yeah yep yep yep this is bad this is bad this is bad I’m going to have to eat I think I’m going to have to Gap up and head down there cuz they have got Enchanted bows and everything this is rough got you sweet and they’re just piling them out even the leather armor is kind of crazy I want that disc man I want the disc let’s get rid of this I want the disc got that going to go in and get the disc in a minute I don’t want to be shot down the hole though ah what did I just say give me the disc give me the disc give me the disc got it new disc this guy’s got some protection on oh my word and you can still hear them like adding more coming out of the spawners this is is tough what do we get we got Creator the music box Edition oh nice yeah so I think if you’re solo you’re going to need more than iron armor for this I’m definitely going to run out food as well cuz I’ve got steaks got my spuds but that’s pretty much it we haven’t finished that spawner yet there’s more out there somewhere where are they I hear them oh they’re underneath aren’t they oh God oh God okay yeah they’re going to shoot each other great you guys get on with that I’m going to go down I know you’re down here I know you’re down here oh yeah they’re just shooting each other up this is great did this guy has an enchanted bow I could sure do with a bow that’s the one thing I’m missing actually is a bow oh I’m hearing some loot let’s see what we got what we get from this one oh it’s not that one it is not that one which one is it this one more spuds bamboo hanging signs do I want these Pottery shards I actually don’t know I’m going to grab this grab all these this some good loots this is going to be tough with the breeze as well this going to be horrible speaking of which we have got ominous vaults and a normal one that’s what we’re looking for because I already have a key got one already oh there we go we can shift click these nice thing is there’s so many places to go Unbreaking oh we need the silk touch I’m going to grab this I’m going to grab the emerald and an extra Golden Apple Don’t Mind If I Do Right this one here still is active so we need to find where those skeletons went they must be down here somewhere oh there’s more this way um let me get rid of some more stuff tough bricks snowballs Granite I don’t even know if I want the signs but I’ve taken them right what’s in here oh here we go I love these man I love them so much all of the design for this is just so good oh yeah someone’s going to attack me more skeletons more skeletons I got too casual kill each other kill each other kill each other not me kill each other that’s it and I’ll take you down don’t mind if I do and then I’ll take down the winner oh no oh they all died at the same time that was so sick all by accident we also haven’t met the bogs yet which is good I don’t want to see them actually you know what if anyone gets flame on their bow I’m not down for it yes that’s going to be it right no more chicken oh so it does kind of give you food on the go which I can respect I like that it looks like there’s going to be breezes in this room cuz they’ve got activatable blocks right let’s unlock this what are we going to get wind charge and an axe what axe is this efficiency 2 and wind charge this is cool oh we got a bow as well nice okay these axes are proving to be quite good right this is what I needed bow and arrow shall we take on a breeze I’m just going to you know just drop those out so that doesn’t kill me we need some more vys where are the vys at they can drop you down here too right me versus Breeze let’s do this W okay oh they like really jump you up gotcha how much health do they have they’re kind of hard to keep track of too look at them go I kind of respect it yeah they got Health gotcha oh Breeze rods yeah we need those as well bones bye bones I saw him come around the side there he is he’s was he just running I saw Sprint lines coming off him oh that animation is great I know I’m supposed to be jumping but there is no point for me right now there we go more Breeze rods what we got potatoes I’ll take more potatoes is that all you’re giving me you just going to give me that there we go okay so key no keys I just got too much stuff for me uh I am going to keep the compass actually cuz the compass can be helpful we need more keys give me more I need to Mark where I’ve been really okay there’s a way up there I think oh this is just around the side nothing nothing in there either that’s crazy oh no I spawn something where’d that come from unless is upstairs could well be upstairs oh it’s there oh this is not good this is not good that was not good get you at your own game buddy that’s right okay you definitely need yes there’s so many skeletons here you need need your own bow and arrow woo hide behind this and eat a chicken I can play fortnite right now with all these builds come no Heal Me heal me why am I not getting healed oh god oh I just got I sniped you why am I not healing oh my God going to have to get the spuds out Spud me up yes got you first boy right I better get a key out of this one key oh oh yeah we got a key Okay cool so which one do I want to activate next there was one that’s an ominous one yeah here we go give me key oink that’s a potato take this what we got emeralds emeralds honey bottle enchanted book okay what book did we get we’re getting plenty of emeralds I need to Chu something it’s got to be the bamboo right the sword do I even need these shards I don’t need a boat channeling I do need a boat actually I do need a boat so we got something for our Trident in the future which is nice I’m going to put if I’ve been in a room and completed it that’s going in there this one’s still not done there’s some skeletons hiding out somewhere go down here let’s see what they got for us down here o spiders oh this one of the safe rooms no it’s not a safe room that though was a skeleton from before so does that give me stuff yes okay oh this is a potion I’m going to have to get rid of some of these Pottery shards I think bricks I’m get rid of the bricks potion of regen that’s good I’m going to swap that with a honey bottle yeah this is one of the safe rooms nice more potatoes they seem to love potatoes here and bamboo blocks for some reason and there’s another ominous SP is that what it’s called oh this a big room this a big room yes okay I’m going to take these guys out for sure spiders aren’t too bad cave spiders can not be alive what am I talking about I’m panicking I know I should be jumping but here we are oh I got another key nice let me just grab that real quick I don’t have enough space going have to make some space I think a breeze do be coming here we go potatoes are coming in clutch here I need to make some more space it’s got to be the sugarcan sorry another key beautiful there’s so much stuff that you want to keep here it’s kind of crazy yes get chopped another one that’s going really far away this is actually really exciting you get so much loot go on spawn something else I dare you I’ll take it out we got anything in here these were like storage chests which is really mean there we go around the side this is a breeze oh things are about to get crazy right there’s lots of stuff in here yep yep yep yep I hearing spawning oh I’m hearing spawning the skeletons at the minute are causing me the most problems the skeletons are so difficult hey yoink now we’re going to be getting loot do easy build up to here can [Music] we oh they just Absol I shot an arrow at it it deflected and it hit me square in the face wow wow right you’re going to have to go down for that that was not cool stop it oh he set off the water who do you think you are oh my gosh oh my word okay yeah this is not good this is not good this is not good oh this is not good oh no oh no oh no oh no Golden Apple Golden Apple okay we’re good it’s cuz I’ve got my bow bound to four which I don’t normally do see you later sir bye this is emergency we’re in emergency Dire Straits right now oh my word thank God we’ve got the golden apples wow really oh got you just in time bro okay at least we’re getting loads of oh oh oh at least we’re getting loads of um arrows okay they’re fighting each other that’s it okay the skeletons are the worst easily the worst I’d rather fight breezes to be honest with you oh my God there’s loads up there I don’t think this is even one of the main rooms is it ah we go yeah this is tough oh my word oh they’re in this room there’s like a little room in here which has a vault in it that’s where they’re coming from they’re dropping down from there my Hunger is going down ridiculously fast do that again buddy do that again okay don’t do it again don’t bring a friend that’s cheating gotcha yeah my hunger’s going down so fast wow that’s what I get for being on hard mode yes okay we got another key sweet we got three keys now so all we’ve got left is I think breezes so let’s do that no okay there’s more there’s more I heard them there so many empty chests oh there’s another trial key over there I need to go and get that there we go look at me look at me I’m traversing just going to kill these breezes I think oh easy okay that one that one got hit real quick I definitely could be doing my combat better is not my strong point but that’s why we’re here I guess okay we got another one here perfect well we got all vys from that right I think we did okay we got five vys let’s see what this one’s bringing what we got inside oh we got disc enchanted bow iron yeah let’s open that up oh there’s a trim let’s get the trim golden carrots nice okay I’m just not going to be able to keep a l of this stuff get rid of that we got the bolt armor trim now armor trims is something I’ve actually never used before because I took a break from playing Minecraft when they were introduced what else don’t I need I want to kind of combine maybe I don’t need these I don’t need this that’s sucks right golden carrots perfect what else is in here let’s go find another one that was an intense room though but we made it just we only have to use one golden apple right this this room is done oh my helmet broke yeah we’re getting pummeled that is why I can craft a new one or should I wait cuz I can craft a new chest plate oh that’s tricky that’s tricky okay let’s just see how far we can get I don’t even think we’re going to be able to finish this one there’re so big oh wait that’s oh that’s an ominous one we can’t do that one not yet anyway what that’s a cool that’s a cool little Easter egg I like that right we’ve got a diamond again I don’t know how I’m going to pick all this stuff up I’m going to split that up wait that didn’t work yeah make that into iron perfect got to take the cake I might have to leave some of these shards behind and then come back so let’s grab those now we can craft a helmet that’s probably why we’re getting beaten so bad it’s just because we’ve got like so many arrows coming at us it just destroys our armor we’ve done this one but we might be able to grab a couple more of these yeah here we go launch it emeralds wind charge arrows spare Shield I will take the spare Shield thank you oh is there anything down here oh there might be okay we need to go down there what’s down here then oh yeah here it is here it is this is what I thinking of here we go so you can only use these once per time I completely forgot diamonds nice emeralds okay we are we’re going home Rich baby yeah I forgot you’re only allowed to activate them once per player so I need to remember that going forwards oh wait we have this room this is a fresh room in here let’s see what we can do in here these seem to just go nowhere I just want the iron from this cuz remember we’re not doing Farms so any iron we can grab is is fantastic actually oh what’s that in the middle it’s like a breeze block that’s cool oh look here we go these the murals so that’s a spider face and there’s oh there’s the bogs we haven’t actually seen any bogs yet so I wonder if that’s hinting as to what’s the what hold on hold on a second we just found a block of diamond in here excuse me is that is that supposed to happen I’m not complaining that is supposed to happen wow I would say we’re fairly early game too so this this is working out nicely kind of want that let me see what it is real quick chisel tough yeah we can make that ourselves never mind that is an ominous one cuz it’s got red candles either side oh this is one of these random treasure rooms let me show you so this oh look at this tree which tree is this it’s a mangrove tree so this will have the most random loot in it’s usually honey based for some reason I don’t know why but it is there’s this ominous door and you’ve also got the little where is it here it is the vent we can vent in Minecraft that’s right look at me so what have we done and what have we not I think we can go a bit higher yeah here we are next level so that’s that’s the ominous some cool terra cotta behind it oh here we go is that oh is that cave spiders again oh man come on now I’m going to have to deal with you from up here cuz I can’t handle you otherwise oh you can yeah yeah yeah yeah I forgot you can do that I’m just going to Golden Apple up and go in there I haven’t got time for you stop it I haven’t got time I just want to kill you or are you going to kill me you might kill me that’s right I won’t golden apple on you but there’s one left I think they really hurt man cave spiders are one of the hardest to fight oh little chest cheeky chest more golden stuff okay look out for these rooms actually I thought they were useless but they’re not and these pots as well I still can’t believe we just got that diamond block out of there where are you there you are you idiot stay back no that’s it there we go there’s the noise we wanted to hear what’ you give me though oh more keys right we definitely need to find some more vaults we have got four keys so we need to try and get some I’m sure there was another room we missed oh wait oh what oh this is where it’s merged in with the the cave that’s cool let’s head back this way is the safe room that one’s been done this one’s the first one we did oh wait oh wait where we haven’t been down here have we I don’t think so this is where the zombies are talking what is that oh we’re in another one wait what is oh that’s a vault isn’t it okay we need to kind of help ourselves out here right I’ll take on zombies zombies will be fine looks like we got breezes to fight more skeletons which is great great news oh he got me this is like a Cod map for sure feels like I’m playing Cod a little bit oh there’s so many places to fall down but we need to do this room just because I want to get the loot from it spiders are fine it’s just the skeletons to be honest that are causing me the most issues whoa okay he spit up quick and my food my food is going down at a ridiculous rate like all I’m doing is eating food all I got are berries all I’ve got are berries is that two loads of skeletons in the middle okay that’s a breeze oh oh this one’s a tough one this is very parkour this one wao easier to dodge those though yeah the skeletons got to go look how much they’re pinging me these berries are not hitting the spot I’m going to have the cake give me the cake this feels like a big room oh no no no no no k k k k C cake cake cake go follow me I dare you can’t believe I’m out of food what else can I do for food down here can’t just munch on golden apples all right I’m pretty much regen there’s a crazy skeleton in there though two skeletons my God which are much better than me that’s shooting I don’t know what the guy’s got on his bow but it hurts I’m going to Golden Apple and just go in I think it’s my time get you out of here I go around this way that’s it oh my God there’s so many skeletons man cake cake cake berries berries berries see even my um wait how long does this last 45 seconds drinking that okay let’s do this we’re going in that’s right that’s right that’s right got you stuck somehow okay sweet I don’t know where all the skeletons have gone but I’m kind of okay with it more spider is that wao wao whoo what’s that doing here the deep dark in here there’s deep dark in here that’s not okay honestly what that’s what that is right oh booted up skeletons as well there we go there’s not many places to hide down here it looks like they’re stuck down there though so if you can knock them off it’s actually not bad yeah this looks like deep dark to me right is that what that is I see you hiding under there buddy I see you you’re dead now there can’t be many mobs left oh there’s stairs okay here we go right I see you gotcha oh my God he’s a good shot yes is that the last one though did any of these po okay it did it did it did I got another key sweet these vaults I can use this might be the last room actually oh there’s ladders missing from here that’s cheeky yes gotcha You’re All Hiding down here you Chums oh this is a master class get out of here wo wo wo woah okay never mind I won’t say that ever again it seems quiet that’s my last piece of food oh no I hear more skeletons that’s not what I wanted to hear sounds like there’s one more skeleton this is a skeleton yeah skeleton spawner oh golden carrots they’re the best food actually we are good I’m going to go down and kill this guy if I can find him I’m hearing a spider too oh he was camping unbelievable yes okay that is the sound we want to hear that’s all three in the middle done what was that that like a hamburger what was that was that a key I thought it like a burger for a sec right there is still one spider left oh it’s up there Y what are you doing up there and another key okay this is uh inconvenient we did it oh yeah the whole thing we came close to dying a few times but we made it out alive we got PL of experience too right let’s get these Kraken open and see what we can get iron o yes hold up what’s this going to be let’s get rid of that for now Protection One Don’t Mind If I Do I could have used that earlier actually that would have been great okay honey balls arrows diamond and an enchanted bow what you got for me power two oh yeah I definitely should have looted this earlier oh yeah I’ll take those as well don’t mind if I do 34 left any more vaults though oh okay this could have got oh oh yeah this could have got real bad I’m so pleased that they got stuck wow this is deep dark so we are actually close to that as well so at least we’ve located that and we know where to get some weakness potions if we really want them them too wow so I’ve got five extra keys which is a little bit frustrating okay that is done as well so let’s mark that off I’m still hearing zombies but I don’t know if there’s like a zombie room I don’t think there is oh my god oh it’s reactivated it’s reactivated it’s been 30 minutes oh no fight each other fight each other fight each other I got power bow though yes okay we’re going to need to get out of here I think cuz I forgot that you can redo them you can’t redo the vaults but you can redo the trials dead dead dead fully dead oh I sent him across what has he got on that bow oh chain mail as well you joking yes oh got can get his pants can get his pants have to no scope this guy yes give me your pants immediately oh they’re they’re almost dead I can’t do it what do we get from that one another key so how are we going to redo the keys though oh no they’re all reactivating I need to get out of here cuz I have no food left I need to go I need to go desperately everything’s reactivating and I’m not okay about it so if we want to get out of here we need to head kind of towards that way oh God if I get caught I’m in big trouble I didn’t mark where I came in and we’re really low below the surface as well yeah we got to go we have got to go I definitely need to take this with me but now I don’t have a respawn point oh no oh no no no no no no no no this is not happening we might have to go up might just have to do the old classic and get out of here cuz with these all reactivating we’re just going to be in serious trouble let’s try and get out of here this is going to be rough as long as it took me to dig down it took me twice as long to dig back up and when I reached the surface I should have been happy but I wasn’t we had the surface yet it’s been a while a I forgot about this we made it oh my God we made it right where are we in relation to this we’re like pretty far off right we need to make I’m make a pillar to see if I can find my way back in so let’s do this this is really like old school but it’s going to work for what we need so we’re like bottom left of the trial chamber that should be pretty handy now you know what this Compass is actually going to be kind of is going to be kind of handy because now we’re actually going to be able to see where zero is which is right near our house I just got to hope not to sink really and I have no food no food whatsoever I never ever want to see Minecraft snow again I’m not looking anything up in this series so I’m just living off my common sense and your comment so how do I get through this without sinking and freezing to death go I walked and I walked and I walked and finally oh I can see the sea and we’re going to bring another dog friend home it’s actually a perfect replacement let’s go I don’t know if he’s going to make it back to be honest not because of death but because I’m going on a boat I haven’t got the hunger to keep up see you later buddy I’ll meet you there okay probably not he’s going to get lost I’m so happy to be going home that was rough but we did it is that it in the distance I hope so I think it is oh look there’s my old dog the other dog is just uh disappeared is that a chicken why are you out there oh my word I’m exhausted you look so tasty right now but I’m not going to kill you oh I never thought I would see this again that was quite a trip I feel like I’ve ran a marathon while also being like killed by skeletons and stuff I cook this pork up baby cook it so the spoilers what did we get we got ourselves 12 more diamonds which is good because we need to get working on some better armor we got 48 oh yeah we’re rich look at that 70 diamonds we’ve got trial is yet to be used we got a new smithing template we got wind charges to mess around with the trial Explorer map which we need channeling we got Breeze rods we got iron ingots we got ion coal oh man we are just we had extra golden apples which was good cuz we were almost dying that smells good give me this give me this oh I need this pork please here we go oh yeah there we go much better I do still need food though you’re excitable jeez you’re happy that I’m home we also got the Creator music box disc let’s play that in celebration let’s go listen to it cuz I think this oh you’re in trouble there buddy I’m just going to help you get out don’t fall in you need to get out look come over here what are you doing this is the guy this is my neighbor I may not like you but I don’t want to see you die especially right in front of my face please just move I’m not even going to push him cuz I know I’m going to cause more damage or will I how are you even surviving that buddy come on come on now get out get out how did you even get in there wow right let’s play this oh there’s more love going on as well here we [Music] go this is this is a bit weird now [Applause] actually why do we get all the creepy Tunes why does that [Music] happen it’s going to send me to sleep it’s been 3 hours I’m exhausted wow that was a long one I did not mean it to be that long I’m I’m sorry unless it was good then I don’t apologize at all thank you so much for watching I’m going to have another one out very very soon we still got loads of tricky trial stuff left to do ominous trials the Crafter loads of other stuff so make sure you subscribe leave a like that’d be awesome if you enjoyed the video and I’ll see you in the next one bye

In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I’m playing the NEW Minecraft Tricky Trials Update which is out now!

Edited by: Me, DanTDM

00:00 Intro
00:28 Finding a Trial Chamber Map
25:59 Exploring a Trial Chamber



  1. I didn’t mean for this episode to be so long! 😮
    I hope you enjoy it, there’s also timestamps in the description if you want to skip some parts, but I’d recommend watching the whole thing. There’s some funny stuff and danfails of course 😅

  2. This is the second time Dan has made that mistake with the compass. In the hardcore world, he did the same thing while trying to find a woodland mansion. I can't believe he would think that minecraft compasses work the same as real compasses. Supremely preposterous.

  3. You can use leather boots to navigate through powdered snow without sinking. Thank you for being a really entertaining youtuber since I was 6 years old (I'm 15). Keep up the amazing content!

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