Terraria, but everytime I Die I Spin a Wheel…

hello hello or as people sometimes also say aloha so us terrar players I feel like we share something very evident in common whenever we play the game it’s something that happens so often but it’s never really bothered to be discussed in a sort of Life altering way and that thing is dying I mean in any regular scenario meeing the end in the game is primarily just time consumption but hear me out what if I took the punishment of death in a video game and twisted it around to add I may say some spice in real life dude dude I’m going to Bro oh my goding bird so bad yes my beautiful viewer I’ve constructed a wheel that’ll have any white person such as myself doing cartwheels either straight into any dairy farm or straight into any mental institute the wheels components consist of three things and two of those things revolve around making the chance on landing on Reaper powder which is the main thing all the more greater this video was questionably fun to make and it really showed me just how bad my spice tolerance really is so I hope you get a kick see what I did there weird buddy you’re weird out of watching me fail not only at a video game but also real life very exclusive so we hop into this journey humble but also terrifi at the fact that we didn’t hop into just any regular world that’s right I’ve been keeping a little secret from you we were actually doing this on the fur the worthy seed also known as legendary mode cuz apparently normal ter just isn’t hard enough or something and not only was this going to be my first time playing on this seed but I also didn’t bother doing any prior research about it which made the first few hours of progression very and I mean very haunting no no no no and okay well that’s the first one trash hot bar that’s okay that’s such a shame that we got that so early oh no yeah why is my gold in the hot bar come on wait that was my bombs as well I don’t wait I can’t oh man I’m so screwed I’m so screwed your pickaxe I have a pickaxe yeah I don’t have anything oh my God that is so unlucky wait I can make an anvil can I make a can I make a cactus pick hold on oh my God I can make a cactus pick we don’t have a weapon we don’t have maybe I shouldn’t go exploring yet oh what how does that even happen you know what just just spin it just spin it I deserve whatever comes to me no armor for the next boss okay you know what I’m okay with that I I’ve done that plenty of times okay that’s not the worst thing that could happen dude I forgot I didn’t have a sword I forgot I oh we’re so cooked we’re so cooked we’re so cooked we’re so cooked no for some reason I I thought I still had my sword I forgot I trashed my hot bar no armor for okay well we already got that I really do want to find an underground uh house or something hermy boots would be oh my gosh just oh my god dude I should become a fortune teller I’m so I’m just so I have so much wisdom within me who the [ __ ] Eric bro is that Euro did you really just donate 50 [ __ ] wait do I have the okay so okay now it’s on I I was basically going to do like donations I’m going to spin the wheel for you this is you this is for you man this could be Reaper powder it is not Reaper powder it is safe I do want to I do want to come back for the go you know what man please oh my gosh dude it was that much no why do I do this why do I do this to myself there’s just no way there’s just no way kind of regretting kind of regretting going live right now um I’m going to try to go 5 minutes without milk so here it’s literally Reaper powder I’m too white for this sorry had to go what happened uh tragedy happened that’s what happened here I don’t know if you could see it it it’s a lot in person it looks small on camera I’m sorry I need to like prepare myself mentally cheers okay wait sweit it’s not bad it’s not bad that was way too much oh my God egg still oh it’s bad it’s really bad okay I need milk I’m sorry oh my Lord oh my god dude I’m look I’m literally crying okay it’s not it’s not the it’s not the mouth that’s the problem it’s in my throat oh my God that was that was atrocious bro oh [ __ ] dude my god dude if I had to describe it it feels like someone just hit me in the face with a [ __ ] frying pan that was covered in red ants okay I’m good I’m good you have to take this a little bit more seriously cuz I actually might die in real life if I keep dying in game bro it was it wasn’t even that bad I didn’t even feel any pain they’re falling from the sky bro leave me alone no oh my god dude what am I doing what am I doing just spin it what do I what’s my punishment no punishment thank you wait don’t I have you know what I have I have a tombstone I just need Life Crystals I just need Life Crystals please oh my gosh thank you thank you oh God Jesus Christ thank you dude I really can’t be messing up like that but eventually after getting tossed around like a Michelin star Cesar salad I finally started pulling it together and making decent progress but in my situation decent progress came with the Everlasting price of high risk ler I believe we can make a tendon Bon nice I’m actually going to kill myself but after grabbing some suitable weapons and a ton of Health it was time to take my first sip from the mug of entropy and challenge the first boss of this playr and it went pretty well why is there a sandstorm oh my are you joking there’s no way why is there a sandstorm oh my gosh that just ruined everything that just ruined everything oh dead wait get out the way oh my gosh drink a healing potion man Aira leave me alone holy [ __ ] okay nurse nurse nurse nurse nurse heal me thank you okay we’re good we’re good we’re good just calm down just calm down we’re not good we’re not good look how many servants there are there’s no way I wish I brought the gester arrows I really wish I brought the gester arrows dude there’s so many there’s so many oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God heal heal heal heal I can’t see I I really can’t oh my God we did it there’s no way we actually did it and apparently winning this fight was just the confidence booster I needed to Sprint into the jungle and do this awesome thing called exploring because of the giant tortoise giant taurise is actually going to be such a pain to deal with dude oh my God I saw the I saw the light I Saw The Light really good actually bro I’m getting Kur fuff right now there you go I’m taking the mod back I’m taking you don’t deserve the if this is Reaper powder you’re banned you got so lucky you got so lucky there we go something please give me something good CL what CL huh flare gun this game Boomstick thank you it’s literally the only thing in here just a Boomstick youing kidding me wild bro are you serious give it a spin wow wow all right here’s your spin bro here’s your spin let’s see see what I get let’s see I’m done I’m done I’m so done I’m so done oh actually I didn’t really have anything good in my hot bar oh okay okay holy [ __ ] everything good is in my inventory and I didn’t even notice that yep there we go cool light blade of grass even better and though the excavation of the Jungle was a success for the most part I can’t really say this same success came from the brain there he is there he is gesture arrows Gest arrow for the first phase works out beautifully just piercing through all of them holy [ __ ] dude how much damage did he do whoa whoa whoa holy sh oh yeah we’re so cooked yeah we’re so cooked wow what but fear not this only encouraged me to F the current blood moon for future summons and start a goblin army to be able to have access to the workshop and you know re forges but as there was also a slime Rin I managed to maybe accidentally just kill enough slimes to spawn the king and man oh man I was so cocky at the beginning of this fight but little did I know this Cockiness would lead straight into my horrendous downfall in just m moment [ __ ] what kind of game am I playing move [Music] Mo I got to go I got to go cheers [Music] oh [ __ ] I’m good ah I swallowed it oh [ __ ] oh it’s starting to burn starting to burn real bad so yeah we were still in need of just a bit more power just a bit and what better way to improve my chances of going anywhere forward in life than to actually construct somewhat viable [ __ ] preparation and I’m saying this now cuz the more deeper we dig into the game the more requirement of knowledge will need and uh if you’ve been paying attention this far I don’t really have that and a perfect example of this is when I reattempted the brain okay there we go brain get right here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay no no no no no no that was a little bit too close for comfort okay we’re half Health We’re Half Health but we’re we’re going strong we’re good we’re good don’t panic come on easy money easy money look at this is this really legendary Mode come on there we go whoa whoo whoa whoo What the okay wait this is bad wait wait what oh yeah that’s over it’s so over keep your cool we’re good we’re good just dodge the Dodge the right one dude I’m on a sky island and wow bro we’re playing legendary he flips you upside down how do you forget the most simplest of facts please safe thank you also I added an extra Reaper powder on here just cuz why not yeah we had amazing prep just amazing but the lack of experience with the new attacks was something I kind of had no control over and believe it or not this was a very frequent reoccurrence that would happen with future bosses so pretty much we’re [ __ ] but anyway thankfully I obtained enough tissue samples from the creepers to be able to afford a marvelous pick that allowed me to mine hellstone and man call me greedy but I mind so much of this stuff like a lot of it and with actual foreset of the brains moves and better gear I was able to take it down pretty easily this time same goes for Skeletron bounces right off whoa what bro how please can someone just enlighten me why I’m so terrible at this damn game Spin the Wheel what what tragedy you going to bestow upon me today none none I’ll take it out of my damn way and easy there we go and with access being granted to the dungeon it also applied to Sky chest cuz apparently they needed keys from the dungeon to be unlocked or something now fast forwarding a bit one thing I told myself not to do is like make or R off of any weapon that had a lot of value or time put into it and if I did I should just store it in my inventory for when it was needed most because there was still that pretty decent possibility of me landing on trash hotb bar in future spins which would just pretty much destroy all the time and effort I put into it now other weapons that weren’t as intricate to get was all right you know it wasn’t the end of the world I could probably just obtain it again without too much hassle but of course I just had to disregard the good advice I told myself and would have to pay the ultimate price yo T thank you for the two I’m going to spin the wheel yeah right right right right you going to make my day worse let’s see [Music] [Applause] thank you guys for tuning in on the stream um I’m going to be streaming tomorrow same time thank you thank you guys for tuning in to the stream dude that was everything that was literally everything the Nights Edge the Phoenix Blaster the hellwing bow that was everything it was even The Last Shadow key I had bro give me Reaper powder five times in a row I’d rather have that so yeah as soon as we were ready to face the wall the sooner we weren’t but instead of hiding under the blanket and paranoid like my 7-year-old self I head back to the dungeon to try and recover any of the previous items I had and I was met with I might say some of the most outrageous look I’ve ever had yes and a mama really okay okay I’ll take it holy we are so back we are so unbelievably undeniably back and in one swift motion I was back to a good no a great position ready to Pummel the wall and finally move on to hard mode but uh you know the wheel just doesn’t show any remorse nor Mercy in the slightest down for you count down dude nice car hold on guys I think I just heard Jesus Christ I think he’s trying to blow my house down why did I get trash hot bar what’s going on what’s Happening what why is it always trash hot bar why couldn’t I just fight the wall so I started getting desperate I started going after the wall with very questionable and half-ass strategies for a while oh we are so cooked whose idea was this oh wait it was mine I was too blinded by my own arrogance to even Supply myself with the most simplest of preparations and even when I did you remember about that lack of knowledge thing I was talking about earlier yeah I severely underestimated just how resistant the wall was to most of the weapons I would usually use on it take me just take me give me a big hug take me take me please [Music] please what the [ __ ] kind of oh man come on what you got to do this to me why you got to do this to me what did I do okay cheers oh I forgot to show youall okay whatever okay I’m crying I’m actually starting to cry it’s at my throat again dude dude I’m not I’m not even like joking look I’m actually crying like really really crying no joke I probably spent around 4 hours in total just farming queen bees to either be able to afford stars for the star cannon which didn’t work by the way bro they’re being deflected I’m sorry what no they’re being deflected what the [ __ ] yeah that’s it the dude why were the stars bouncing off of the wall or B nades which yeah you know it it didn’t work it just did didn’t work but eventually after many many hours of nothing but fails the powder finally made me dude I’m going to die what the [ __ ] bro how on God’s green earth did I manage to slit my way into there no no bro Reaper powder sure I I don’t care I’ll take it just let me keep my hot bar please [ __ ] cheers [Music] okay yeah I need a sec bro oh my God I don’t have much time this [ __ ] burn so bad all right guys I’m going to be real with you I kind of want to stop this stream the reaper powder is really getting to me right now so tomorrow we’re going to we’re going to beat the Wall I need to stop for now yeah I took way too much Reaper powder dude way too much I need to go like lay down drink some milk but with failure comes an understanding and what I realized was the Night’s Edge was the perfect solution to our fat hardship it was strong it was potent it was just what I needed all this time but I somehow overlooked it for Miles I made another one a while back when I got the mama so I was set on the main ingredient and it allowed me to finally go through proper trial and error also I got ridiculously lucky with the wheel during this time so I’m very thankful that the wheel kind of like you know gave me a chance to move on cuz I was fine everything’s not fine okay that was my fault that was my fault oh my god dude I don’t want Reaper power this is yeah this is exactly what I get for not preparing you know what you know what’s happening dude I was just I was taking this stuff with ease like for 4 days in a row and now it’s just like so [Music] hard oh my God tastes like SH now like complete man excuse me okay it’s not I was about to say it’s not that bad but it is noing shot dude forgot a little bit I got ridiculously lucky with the ridiculous lucky I I I really just want to delete my whole Channel I’m not going to lie listen I’m I’m breaking the rules a little bit I’m breaking the rules a little bit I’m keeping the Night’s Edge I don’t give a [ __ ] I I don’t give a without the knight’s Edge we can’t we can’t beat it please oh my god dude I I’m really I’m losing over here I’m losing my mind I’m going to put your whole family in the guillotine leave me alone okay it’s at a point where it’s literally making me gag dude dude I’m going to I’m I’m so done I’m so done I’m so done I can’t I can’t do it anymore I really can’t please please thank you thank you thank you thank you Lord thank you Jesus Christ oh my what yes yes oh my fing god dude oh my God strawberry wake up I killed the that was that was so bad no like it was that was terrible I don’t want to go through something like that again I really don’t yeah look at that health I was as fragile as a newborn seriously would kick it I would have been sent straight beyond the afterlife now after this I did take a little 3-day break just to give my stomach a bit of relaxation time from all the torment cuz I honestly didn’t know if this could somehow hospitalize me so just just making sure just making sure but uh anyway when I came back I started mining in hell to get another molten pick cuz I sold all the hellstone and I also made the battlecry so I can increase the spawn rates whenever I needed just to make it a bit easier whenever I need to farm for things cuz I’m very lazy and for armor terms instead of going for something like Adamantite I actually went with spider armor my goal was to go for a Summoner ranges build since it seemed the most secure in terms of distance and protection in general and cuz there was really no great range sets that caught my attention until after planta so yeah and I also did farm for the data dorbo cuz I figured it paired with my summons would be absolute perfection to destroy the Destroyer blood moon is rising oh we got the bow let’s [ __ ] go dude and speaking of the Destroyer fight W summ it in wa look at the damage what the whoa holy okay I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to drink the potion but whatever move out the way oh my God the probes are so aids to deal with move out the fcking way oh my Lord oh my Lord go down go down go down go down there we go he’s going down kill it just kill it just kill it just kill it and we did it that was a little bit stressful just a little bit stressful that was way easier than I thought it’d be actually yeah for the most part super easy didn’t even break a sweat really I mean I feel like it’s very unusual to not have died this far and hard mode given my skill is very questionable but hey not complaining not complaining at all I’ll get my first death soon come on let’s be real and for a slight upgrade I got the sine stuff cuz I honestly didn’t think the spiders were really doing anything when I was fighting the Destroyer since I was Airborne for most the fight I don’t really know why I didn’t take that into consideration before I fought him but you know it it is what it is anyway after getting it I challenged the rest of the mechs and it went splendidly whoa I wait hold on a damn minute oh my Lord bro as soon as I why are they so all okay wait hold on a minute I need to get rid of this wyvern get rid of the green guy just get rid of the green guy wait where are my sanguin okay wait hold on I forgot I forgot hold on come on get rid of them get rid of them they’re doing crazy damage though okay he’s transitioning he’s transitioning holy that did 152 damage get away get away get away there we go spazmatism is down there wow that was it’s actually way easier than I thought it’ be okay well there we go second Mech down nice easy easy fast smooth I’m very tempted to do Skeletron Prime I’m not going to lie like I’m very very tempted you know what just give it a shot let’s just give it a damn shot what’s going on why is this guy kamakazi my platforms it’s like 911 all over again what the [ __ ] the twin platforms okay I need to chill dude the bombs are very scary the bombs are very scary take the laser hand out Laser’s down Laser’s down uh wait wait wait wait wait let me get the mega shark out let me get the mega shark out now we just go for his head holy sh we did it we actually did it look everything is in tatters right now look at my desert look at my desert it looks like it got hit by a nuke I’m going to be real with you I feel like killing all the mechs was 100 times easier than re-up dating the Night’s Edge I don’t know how or why that’s possible but it really did seem that way and man I was [ __ ] I was feeling super cocky not even having one death since hard mode started and I was just oh my god dude I was feeling Invincible it’s like this wasn’t even a challenge anymore like these bosses should be scared of me in fact I felt so confident that I made it this far with drawback I decided to challenge Duke about 20 minutes later and man oh man you never would have guessed what happened okay place that right there whoa what the [ __ ] that was crazy what the fu okay okay so we’re not doing Duke again we’re not doing Duke at all again no yeah I take back what I said about feeling Invincible also I got abnormally lucky with the wheel I considered it a fair warning telling me to know my play so instead I just get out of La of plara since I was a lot more suited for that than an oceanic farm animal apparently I also farmed the wall a few times to get the goat skull mount so I can move around a bit better and also while I Was preparing or something in the arena a hornet dropped me a jungle key so you know what that’s pretty cool but anyway about plara she wasn’t super duper hard I mean my massive space carried the whole thing really like I don’t even think I got hit that many times cuz of the literal highway I had behind me whoa who who whoa back up back up back up just flamethrower just flamethrower just flamethrower come on she’s almost dead just kill it just kill it just kill it there we go wasn’t stressed at all wasn’t stressed at all did I almost piss myself maybe just a little bit nothing too stressful you know light work now the next boss which is Golem was and has been on my mind this whole playthrough mainly as a concern I don’t know what it is about Golem but I’m just especially bad with him like I don’t know if it’s a curse or what but I swear I’ve seen this guy in some of my nightmares and it doesn’t help those nightmares are soon going to become a reality so we needed to prepare now first off I’m not participating in any of the events and that’s all thanks to the jungle key I got earlier cuz with it I didn’t need to fret over getting a weapon from the pumpkin or Frost Moon that dealt could damage towards Golem so my weapon status was a okay but the next thing I needed to worry about was armor for my final set which is the set I’ll be fighting moonlord in was going to be shroomite but it was going to take a little while to get a mushroom biome growing so as a placeholder I just went ahead and bought a full TIY set from the witch doctor since it helped out my minions and yeah helping out minions is good very good so yeah so far everything was set in perfect motion for the most part and when I had finally crafted my armor I didn’t really take into consideration that my accessories might have been a little outdated and ended up spawning goloman and despite having all the space I could ever need in this fight just just watch what happens why is he so small oh Lord dude what the [ __ ] is going on dude the Torches it’s like the Torches like lost their effect I took down his fist I somehow took down his fist though oh the the panas aren’t attached to him anymore okay I have to wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait oh this is bad this is bad this is bad okay just use the florify ‘s the flight I’m going to try to reattach my piranhas as soon as he gets into his uh second base dude get away from the fireball no I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck no bro no way oh my god dude if oh oh my Lord if only we had the Piranhas attached to him oh my God the chlorified bullets were doing nothing no shot no shot okay we’re done that’s the end of the Run that’s the end of the Run we there’s no way we can’t do this without armor wait wait wait wait I think I found a loophole I I think I found a loophole what if my next boss was Queen slime we didn’t do her yet did we wait wait wait wait we’re doing we’re doing Queen slime I’m sorry yeah yeah throw your tomatoes and throw me out of the village listen I’m no way in hell doing Golem without armor if I can help it as scummy as this was even with me altering the temple space with quality of life I honestly couldn’t see myself winning against him in this situation hey I mean I technically didn’t break the rules even though there was no rules set in the first place but you know what what can I say really but anyway I just chilled at the dungeon for a while farming bone these so I can craft the master ninja gear but in the middle of it I got another donation from this tea guy and I don’t know what it is about this guy but he just has some type of Magic Touch to always make the wheel land on something just despicable and that’s exactly what happened t t bro D you going to do this again to me come on man I thought we were buddies why you got to do this to me quick spin please nothing too tragic that’s very tragic oh [ __ ] oh my God I didn’t eat anything today too so it’s going to be just 10 times worse t stop donating please stop donating I don’t think I’ll ever say that sentence in my again in my life but just please stop donating dude the smell is making me like cry I don’t think I’m getting more resistant to it I’m getting I think I’m getting more vulnerable to it here I’m going to grab a nice Spoonful for you it’s a lot it’s a lot I promise you it’s a lot I don’t know why it look so tiny on camera cheers [ __ ] oh my God it it tastes so bad it’s all on my tongue oh this is bad thought I was getting somewhat resistant to it oh my God bro I’m actually going to throw up I need get more water hold on a sec you know what I got something even better it’s milk oh sh it doesn’t help it doesn’t help oh my God it’s as bad as the first time I really I feel like I want to throw up it’s bad it’s really bad oh [ __ ] and after I finally secured the ninja gear I managed to take down gold barely easily surprisingly oh oh my God we did it oh mying God we did it honestly I thought I thought we couldn’t do that I I was going to be real with you I I I honestly didn’t think we were going to be able to do that after that I immediately upgraded a few more of my accessories then ran over to the dungeon to summon in and kill the cultist without even having a beat of sweat formulate on my 2D character oh oh sh okay we’re right next to the vortex Bo I don’t know how I feel about that kind of want to back away a little bit oh [ __ ] watch out for these guys I hate these guys so much as soon as we get the vortex beer we’re good and luckily for me the vortex pillar spawned literally 10 ft away from me now me with the pillars is just a disaster waiting to happen it usually takes me dozens of attempts to take down just two of these things bro my goat was doing the rock out of there I always struggle more than necessary on them which is why for once in my life I kind of had to play it sort of safe and try to take advantage of the pillars flaws now you might not believe it but this turned out to be as easy as grabbing your favorite ice cream flavor off the Public’s freezers no seriously just look grabbing go really but before I actually some Moon Lord in I tried to make like a platform across the whole world kind of like a Runway and while I was clearing out a sky that was over top of a pillar I somehow died hey that’s the fourth time that’s the fourth time good job Teraria good job Teraria that’s the fourth time killing me in all of hard wheel oh how sweet terar how was sweet you just got to give me one final goodbye and [ __ ] me again I didn’t eat anything today so this is going to be 10 times worse you know I’ll put I’ll put a little extra I’ll put a little extra since this might be my last time taking the reap powder I’ll take just a little extra oh my God I could smell it and it’s making me sick okay I put a lot in here maybe I shouldn’t have put that much I don’t know if y’all can see it but that’s a lot more than usual uh I actually want to cry I actually want to cry and I haven’t even taken it yet I know I’m stalling but I I just listen you got to listen to me this is way harder than like it looks like mentally cuz I know it’s about to happen when I take this stuff and my body’s like denying it it doesn’t want to do it oh oh I got it [Music] I oh sh dude it’s like in my teeth oh that’s really bad oh my God my stomach that’s too much it was way too much it’s like the worst time this is worse this is worse than the first time yeah that’s really bad holy it’s like way way worse than the first time it’s like it’s like gradually getting worse dude honestly I can’t even speak it it just hurts so bad oh my God leave me alone get me out of here get me out of here but after recovering just a any tiny bit I decided to just wing it and take down the last pillar and see if I could finally take down the final boss of Terraria resulting in the completion and ending of this challenge need to let moon Lord know who’s already won and that’s me come on this is for everything this is everything we’ve been through this is it this is our chance to finally end the playthrough and finally free myself from this torture from this wheel we’re ready we’re ready wyvern bro get the [ __ ] out of here okay there is full concentration I don’t know if I’m going to be able to talk I really don’t I’m really just going to be concentrating dash dash dash dash no no no no no no oh my God bro I was on my Mount that was that was impending doom right there holy [ __ ] the game the game blessed me the the game blessed me that would have been very very bad yes take it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes middle eye he’s middle eye he middle eye go down motherucker oh and that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good that’s not good no no no no no no no no no okay take his other hand out oh oh Lord have mercy oh Lord have mercy oh Lord have oh Lord have mercy oh Lord have mercy run just run just run just run just run what the bro my white board just fell off the wall oh my God there we go it’s only his core it’s only his core back up back up he’s doing his laser yep there we go just keep distance just keep the distance keep the distance going holy [ __ ] don’t get hit come on he’s almost there he’s almost there there we go there we [ __ ] go we did it let’s oh my god dude we don’t have to play anymore oh my God we did it let’s go we beat the game did it we don’t have to do this anymore we don’t have to do this anymore and cuz why not I also beat him with no armor cuz I felt like it oh my God holy F just too easy too easy see this Crown was say on it Burger King I’m the king bro I died a total of 30 times during this whole thing and if you ask me that’s not too bad I mean come on it’s for the worthy I think I did pretty well and hey if you stuck around this long you should consider subscribing I’m saying this cuz I see other people say it and I don’t know if it actually works so I’m giving it a shot anyway thanks for sticking around and I’ll see you soon

Not gonna lie this made playing the game way more fun for some reason
Hope you enjoyed watching this wacky idea i formed into a video and yeah

ALSO the spectacular thumbnail art was made by this wonderful person right here :

| her channel |

| Discord |

sub pls im desperate


  1. "And a murasama!? Okay!"
    "I made another one a while back when I got the murasama."
    I can't tell if that's Calamity brain rot or Metal Gear Rising brainrot, but it's definitely at least one of the two.
    I can only hope it's the latter though.

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