We BEAT The Squid Island ENDER DRAGON In Minecraft!

today is actually a really big day in Squid Island we are going to be defeating the Ender dragen but that’s not the only thing we’re going to be doing some of the decisions made at the end of this video could change the future of this island forever welcome back to Squid Island guys to get yourself checked that was not on tone hey remember who you’re speaking to guys I will Smite you with the presidential St not that’s not presidential us okay you guys to chill all right we’ve got a bunch of to chill okay maybe listen to the president JY we’ve got a bunch of stuff to do today this guy was actually in prison the last time we saw him what is up oh you guys handcuffed me and we got all crazy man but yeah I ended up in prison it was pretty pretty pretty bad out there I got to see if you’ve learned your lesson though can can we review everything you did essay about my stay in prison and things learned yeah’s up okay all right that’s good right so you so clearly you let yourself out of prison right jelly yeah he he must have he must like when you when you finish your sentence I mean yeah uh okay so let’s go in here why is he like laughing why you being weird this was it guys this was the prison okay the trees have regrown all right I did should we start this way I mean Mr President you’re in charge here so you do this I’ll look fill this chest with wood from chopping trees in is filled with sticks but I guess that does count as wood maybe wait what do you what do you make a crafting table out of wood okay so can you make a crafting table out of sticks no but it’s jelly and he’ll always try to be like a little bit what are ladders made of sticks yeah no wood no no what all right all right you know what JY such thing as a wooden block in Minecraft it’s Oak that was I I was chopping all right and can we just leave to the president jelly you I’m going to say listen I’m going to say I’m going to accept it jelly because I know it’s you and I know you do things well let’s see what the next one’s like before we do that uh where do we go the Quarry or yeah we could go to this one convert this stack of gravel into flint and put it in the chest good job did this one was really painful after I finished doing it I realized maybe I could have just made a torch and like no you can’t you can’t that just gives you gra has to be broken by by a shovel no no yeah shovel gets yeah good job jelly you actually did this one this one was like actually painful what about the qu wa look at this dude it goes all the way resources from the Quarry boys yeah there a lot of water down there that’s not that far down it was like how much is in the chest but there is a lot of stuff in there so I guess mostly uh dirt and Cobblestone Some Coal you got you got all of this from that yeah dang good job that’s another one you did right I guess what what is he missing does that wait hang on let me just check where about how far did you get down to get the Deep slate uh so the water connects and I went down the mine yeah why it it does go pretty far down I guess CU you’re just supposed to dig here I I did dig there yeah okay all right well that’s a bit oh oh oh sorry you know what there was a boys I’m going to take your word for good job say you got to make sure you stayed within the confines of you like the ladder by the way yeah yeah I stayed within I stayed within so yeah it’s ladder it’s just a staircase what are you talking about oh it’s a ladder dude fish fish oh yeah yeah yeah this one might hurt for you to look at this chest with fish from fishing no I think I’m pretty much over the whole floppy thing jelly oh really I mean that you you pretty I mean I I probably I even cooked some for you crer I wouldn’t wait where I’m not going to eat it I’m I’m like a where did you where did you cook all of this furnace where where do you have the furnace F where the furnace I broke is it in the house no I broke it I made I made it out of cobone Josh it’s literally like eight blocks all right I mean I mean you did that of wood and there was I would say this is full though good job J yeah good job now the most important part in my opinion was that you should show with text how you’ve actually learned from this do you want me to read it no yeah holy crap six pages six total Pages man all I’ll read it I’ll read it hi there my name is jelly however some of you might know me as jelly is cool 2.0 or jelly with a small belly key points please yeah yeah what are the key points here uh the key points is that I’ve learned a lot about my experience in prison and it really opened my eyes and I’ve been able to think a lot about what happened and the new law Banning TNT it was a really good idea wait wait wait wait go back it’s not like he has all the resources in his own Vault right now and claims that they’re safer there I hope that the president reads this book and sees that i’ that I regret being so naive about the explosives and I believe law he created are you just yapping about other people he’s complimenting me it’s a good made a goodw thanks J I love Squid Island it’s such a great world well you know what I am ready to give you my forgiveness step out here jelly step out here real quick come here I hereby forgive jelly with the small belly for any infractions he has imposed above or beyond the laws so and you are now forgiven and you will never bring it up again well mean you’re pushing I’m not going to promise that all right how do you feel about it Josh you happy with got mixed feelings about it but uh hey me too a little bit but it’s Jilly you know we got to give him a break guys all right what’s up next Mr President what’s up next get in the bat cuz we’ve got a lot to do speaking of the TNT jelly we’ve got to see how much you guys have actually uh confiscated from your old land yeah yeah oh yeah yeah and also look at that Jelly’s buil a was this I had struggles getting through it oh so my brand new company beanie Co all right has received yeah yeah oh yeah he changed the name yes jelly I told him to shut down uh his company if he didn’t change his name to something that suited our Island a little bit better to do with Josh to be honest right I actually to be honest with you I kind of prefer cuz now it’s All About Pets and I pets are great yeah good idea right Co gate for Mr President you made him name his company after his dead pet well I I thought B2 Co would be like too long yeah no beanie Co is fine it’s you know I still have the real beanie statue you know he does so we talking about the TNT here by the way yeah so this was where ooh has put 303 this to do with the law right the law was that um excuse me we banned TNT last time yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so so all TNT has to be confiscated by the next week JY you don’t have any TNT no so I just got to believe that you don’t have any TNT yeah I don’t I swear I don’t have any TNT okay well uh this is what I am going to do with the T what are you going to do with the TNT are you going to put it in the vault please take this time no no oh I thought that could blow how would that blow up are you stupid I thought he was going to place it this is why he shouldn’t be in charge of redstone devices way but hey okay well that’s that’s that’s good we going to do I’m going to trust that jelly actually doesn’t have TNT even though I find it hard there a lot of trust going on here but I used all of it anyway Mr President what’s next well we got to look at the taxes that you guys have been paying so let’s go take a look and there it is everybody paid taxes oh you paid 25 diamonds yeah that’s to that’s that’s for the vault later 25 H it’s because I forgot to give myself a Tex that everybody mad at me so I why 25 how many blocks how many blocks do you make out of 25 diamonds I didn’t do the math but hey hey I did something guys I did something okay and thank you for the ender pearls jaw and also thank you for the blaze rods can I ask a quick question as a as a humble citizen yes D what happened to the pickaxe that used to be netherite yeah good point what I oh my God he’s holding it wait am I it’s glitching out oh there it is yes it’s mine now I took it back cuz it was mine before and I’m the president so I can do that I’m not sure you can take a community item and claim it for president there’s no law so if it’s not a law it’s up to the president I guess yeah and I am the President jelly anyway do you guys actually want to know why you even donated these random items oh yeah I I think I know I have a sneaky suspicion okay today we are go yeah okay don’t ruin it sorry I had the whole thing do do your thing do you think no that’s not the say no you do it you go you go buddy today under my rain we will defeat the Ender Dragon clear sky scer under my anyway Dragon what dragon these nuts across your face okay can you get us back on track please so here’s what we’re going to do jelly uh you needed to rebuild the Vault right yeah yeah I did that show me wait sorry so wait so we are defeating the Ender Dragon today yes but I mean to to do it we need to we need to go down here anyway Vault uh so cool we’re going to go to the Ender Dragon boys but first show you what done yeah yeah we’ll we’ll fix the Vault first I still got a bunch of things fix the vault is fixed we got to see that it’s fixed though we got to see look at this boys okay oh wait you didn’t even try to cheat I wait why he why is this iron as good as jelly I made it a slight bit better um okay well you know what that means Josh I’m going to have to send you back to your Vault and get the stuff that rightfully belongs in this Vault and take it over here okay that’s fine are you guys going to stay here and I’ll go get it yeah yeah everything all right I’ll be right back I’ve counted them just so you know is it just me guys or is The Vibes today just like weird what is going on I can’t really look away look away I can’t quite put my finger on this but yeah I don’t know but hey we’re just going to go with it I think a lot of the things that I said recently in my most recent solo I I’m starting to believe more and more that something isn’t quite right but anyway we’re going to grab all of the resources we’re not going to mess about today and we’re going to put this all in the vault luckily we’ve been looking after it nothing has been lost or damaged while this has all been our in our care whether it uh stays undamaged in the new Vault we’ll see we’ll see anyway that is everything 623 2 and 20 let’s get it over to the Vault guys I’m back okay well let’s see Josh let’s see Josh I remember how many diamonds well he put all of them down all right where do we want it all to go should we put the diamonds at the back I think you should give them to the president Josh oh okay fine yeah all right I think I think it’s going to look good if the diamonds wait why is there so much torches hold on wait a second actually you’re right Jilly okay so he gave me 23 diamond blocks think he’s calculating oh okay good look at how rich we are guys it’s back baby it’s a good thing I looked after it right guys yeah see a netherite block one day and then the block of emeralds look at these oh guys I haven’t checked before just saying what are you serious did you just say what I think you just said is there TNT down he just said he’s not sure if there’s more TNT are you kidding me Jilly how much gold did you give me Josh because I do have a lot of gold myself so I might be donating a little bit here to the uh to the good old Vault but that’s you just hold gold in your inventory I have a lot of it bro I’m I’m very rich very very rich that’s what a president is here for and that is what here to get rich no what did you say that’s not I’m talking okay anyway so uh this is text that I’m going to pay now from the last time andit what are you going to do with the left cuz you can’t make I’m going to add my own diamonds and now it’s three blocks of diamonds all right so he just upped his own t boom baby all right wow are you guys ready for the next thing we’re going to do what’s next well step in here guys cuz it’s time for you to equip your good old armor everybody let’s go oh look at that can I put it on already yes put it on come on go ahead go ahead okay like this is technically breaking no it’s allowed if the president allows it it’s fine I am allowing it all right okay so I’ll take this here I’ll take borrow your armor once saying why if it if it’s a little sweaty yeah stinks can I ask for a favor Josh I have to get those Blaze Rod if you’re going to be asking for arrows I could do with some arrows I can do nobody has arrows we can get I think I have arrows at my place but okay go just go get the arrows I’ll prepare the Eye of Ender wait should we meet at the portal wait are we taking Jelly’s portal portal what no never mind I’m thinking of the uh the wrong place never mind yeah oh my God think the nether so let’s just pretend I didn’t say that all right hello before we go do you by chance still have any gold in your inventory of course how much would you like buddy well how much will a diamond get me uh it’ll get you this ready what are we doing there you go buddy nine sure for a diamond you want more than nine blocks of gold for a diamond I I guess all right F so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make us some food from my new farm factory wait where’s the crafting table crafting table um I forgot it down there golden carrots yeah golden carrots crafting table kind does anybody have a crafting table dude I can make one okay make one please good [Music] all right here you go golden carrots for you golden carrots for you why did I get a gold net dude you’re going to have that was kind of leftovers okay okay can I get arrows oh yeah yeah arrows okay are you guys ready this is a momentum I think so are you ready I’m going to throw the Pearl dude throw it I have literally no idea where it is that way off we go hey that Turtle took my boat dude kill it why are you killing the turtle I was getting the boat all right let’s Go’s going to have to swim so which direction do we go in from here I I love swimming anyway let’s land here on the on the on the island of turtles okay I’m going to take the boat with me water then I’ll throw another Pearl here I guess uh all right in this Direction all right uh okay this way still did it just go into the tree it did it went slightly left that time okay okay so maybe like throw it here what do you guys think that way yeah yeah it was going that way oh it’s going down wait it went down it went down it went down it went down all right let’s go I don’t have any tools just be a bit careful straight down it’s going to be Lava right here no it’s going to be fine I’m going to be okay I I need to like dig down as well then I think we need to go further down or maybe it’s to the side or something could be around us uh you can just throw another Pearl yeah I’ll try to well make sure we’ve got guys don’t it went down it went down again okay let’s just keep going I’ll help you I’ll let’s get rid of this guy there we go get out no this is we share hey I’m digging sideways all right okay I’m getting away from as brothers we share yeah we share hoes all of us hey what’s this that sounds gross okay bit more progress but still not where we need to be yeah I’ll get rid of him dly don’t you worry there we go there we go and he’s dead all right okay I feel like we could be I hear zombies this way do hear should still be underneath us right I just feel like this is it’s just really deep then I don’t get it I’ve never been this okay there’s zombies here but it’s not nothing crazy where is the stronghold I don’t know and I forgot to bring torches I think Tores oh turn around crina let me look around guys cuz we should see something right no this guy ah why is he not attacking me I thought it was jelly he’s a little bit in those caves yeah we might have to go to the side now guys hey I found it ah you actually look at this that’s the weirdest instance I’ve ever seen to the the cave H clearly that’s not the way to go we need to find the Portal now which should be I me probably pretty easy right guys yeah just see oh two diamonds always worth checking to see if there’s anything useful for the tax man crer that’s for the tax I am the tax man and you don’t tell me what’s for me I tell you what’s for me all right okay any other anything else in here or is that oh chest I I’m still looking for the for the for the portal I’m kind of far away from you guys I think oh I see I see someone in in diamond armor that’s one of you guys come this way okay actually you know what is it here you guys can go that way oh no no no no wait there’s a creeper dude you got it got precent you got it buddy the bottle the bottle is here theot I was hoping it it’s right here it’s right here I would have definitely blown it up got to get rid of that silver spawner look at this it’s entirely empty wait 12 my goodness I have exactly enough wait really that’s good that’s kind of forer there we go end the dragon time all right we’re in a box I hate it when it doesn’t load guys you got to like this is so this is exciting we’re at Squid Island and we’re defeating the this actually a big deal it’s a giant deal dude but where are we why we to go to the end City by the way ooh that’s going to be fun oh yeah there’s got to be so much content Dragon Only Hell My friend yeah we’re just got to kill the dragon oh we’re already here all right well we need to take out the towers guys where’s the dragon I don’t see it yeah I haven’t seen it two towers now okay be very careful guys be very careful there yeah you going to do that fence one yeah take the fence down jelly look at him go sometimes you can shoot it oh there’s still you can shoot under them jelly by the way okay got that one be careful JY if you get hit maybe like there jelly it can give you full damage remember wait he’s Landing a water bucket uh Josh so we’re good what are you going to MLG it it is there one still on this Tower over here I think there might be one on the big tower that I haven’t been able to hit yet way oh yeah there’s one up all the way up there Josh going to put down a couple of tactical water buckets I can’t for some reason hit that where is it I guess I need to shoot way higher all right guys I’m just spreading tactical water to help us out a bit okay so all we need to do now boys remember tactical area we need to kill him all right okay this this is a big moment take it all in I am taking it in but I’m also hitting him with my with my really good bow dude it does so much I’m going to hit him it’s so so hard hit there he is there he is I think he’s going to land soon though guys I think he’s getting ready I yeah he’s getting ready he’s getting ready okay don’t shoot him I I think it’s going to stop him if we shoot him too much is that how it works I think so there it is guys there it is it’s coming down it’s coming down all right guys I got hit it fight fight fight come on ow ow ow come on look look at help we’re doing good we’re doing good he’s almost dead yeah oh it just flew away shoot him shoot him finish him off oh god oh I’m almost a dead man oh oh oh oh eat the golden carrots JY eat the golden carrots come on it’s we’ve n got him get out of here dude an end again okay come on come yes cou more couple more come on Die end the dragon I’m going to get the final shot on him all right Mr President he’s kind of out of out of distance I’m going to try Mr President oh so close dude he’s got like a Slither of Health there he is I got him yes dude yes de I’m going to die yeah you need to be careful die J he’s dead let’s go we did it we jelly died too I’m sorry guys I wouldn’t get back to up to health I that is such a typical Jilly thing to die right when we kill the Ender Dragon dude ah yay J’s back I still my bow yay wait so do we just jump through this P well that’s how we like officially end the game any XP I I got this I I do have an XP form so it doesn’t really matter I guess disclaimer this doesn’t mean that sill island is over at all right we just want to the right good to know you Mr President I can’t wait to go to the end we did it oh thanks Josh you’re welcome wow I love this look at that Minecraft oh the credits all right well I don’t really want to read them can me neither well why don’t you know want to read them guys I’m on Squid Island oh hey JY how are you doing buddy okay I I’ll skip it as well can you please come back here cuz I feel like we need to we need to celebrate it now how do we celebrate this great moment yeah what what is the celebration we the End Dragon of course we celebrate it by pling allegiance to the flag guys all right you lead it crina all right I pledge allegiance flag to the flag of the United States States United States for which it stands stand and Nation Under King glow third Nation Under King with what are you prosperity for all peace and prosperity for all bu it all well we did it guyses for all before we get to the next important part uh we all need to actually hand over our armor again so true true true um I do have an important announcement to make by an announcement an important announcement so this is new to Jor but it’s not new to jelly introducing yeah the citizen dude on my stage this time it hasn’t been used yet I don’t want to walk all the way over there D what are you talking about to do it oh but I want to be on my stage introducing citizen can we wait the week can we put notices on the notice okay whatever no this is a permanent thing okay for every week and the citizen of the week is J y w and crer why did you choose me as citizen of the week because you are a great citizen that follows rules and actually completes the task unlike Josh speech speech speech fine guys I’ll do a speech you’re doing a speech for yourself yeah yeah you’re allowed to do a speech I am so honored and grateful to be the citizen of the week and because of that I want to thank first of all my mother oh not me okay what the heck thanks for me on this beautiful Earth I was the one that appointed him but sure second of all I want to thank my friends uh third of all I want to thank the president yeah that’s me and last but not least I want to thank the lose the the other guy yeah that guy I didn’t even know this was a thing as the citizen of the week which will be appointed every week you get to help me come up with the law no way yeah yeah long time long time yeah so me and jelly are going to go over here now Josh and we’re going to come up with la come with a law before I haven’t been PR you want me to leave yeah just kind of like go do your thing right now I’ll tell you when to come back together buddy we’re doing it together best present ever well then um what is going on all right some of you might have noticed but I did in fact manage to get the dragon egg which is good I just didn’t mention it to because I had a feeling that if if it did something terrible would happen to it so we’re going to be looking after it I I’m bit worried about placing it in the museum right now though because I feel like something could happen to it so for the moment I’m going to hide it basically just down here no never mind I forget that Jed’s dug holes under everything I’ll hide it actually I’ll hide it just in front of the beacon okay let me grab a chest in an Ideal World we would place it in the museum but I’m just kind of worried about what could happen so let’s put that there and put it in we also got these smithing templates which I’m pretty sure that’s the only place you can get them so we can um we can put that up here that’s quite a good addition for the museum so that is the eye armor trim pretty happy about that it’s really cool that we’ve now got this space to actually look after all of this like history and cool stuff for this island also we did grab this book which was was me returning the lter cranum so we can add this to our collection of books I don’t think we’ll display this one we’ll just put this in our bookshelf right there all right let’s go see if they’re done Josh we’re done we’re done Josh you can com in so after a lot of uh deliberation and talking with jelly we’ve come up with the next perfect law uh uh yeah it’s law number eight so just go there and you can read it Josh you can read it uh any farms abusing villagers in or around it to produce any product of any kind is hereby illegal Farms using Villages currently have been officially currently have officially been shut down as of today mhm penalty for not following company shutdown yes so that means your iron farm is illegal your food farm is illegal any farm with any villagers being abused is illegal what do you mean abused well they’re being scared for their life to produce those things and also for your food farm the poor villager in the middle is starving and that’s why that’s why you get food but wasn’t jelly he’s been making a thing with villagers what are you talking about my Emerald Farm it didn’t work anyway no it didn’t work anyway Jilly so you didn’t really care too much no it’s it’s also shut down yeah you’re right it’s sh it’s shut down yeah so his is also being shut down Josh yeah yeah so I I Josh this is not a Target you at all it’s just trying to make Squid Island better place so you’re saying that you’re shutting down the only means of me producing iron we’re literally standing in a building we’re standing in a building that was built by the bco iron Factory and you know what like shout out to bco stuff great great job guys but it’s time to pick up uh you can’t do this anymore man yeah it does it does quart is better you literally built the Vault out of my iron okay well listen Josh I wanted to as it was okay LW a law and that’s the law Josh okay anyway should we get on to the tax and task yes I yes please Mr President all right citizen of the week of course does not get any T I feel like can I can I say something Mr President what my tax was pretty heavy this week oh yeah because I was still in prison so please take that into account I I I do get it so task for Josh will be oh and he’s going to get the only task by the way wait I’m not getting a task build a wait why why am I only getting a task cre statue I’ll Happ take a task h m or something uh some sort of citizen of the week thing that he doesn’t have to do a task yeah yeah he he’s except from the task president maybe you should say slogo dot build a GI it’s like little bit it’s it’s a little bit uh slowo SL what does it say anyway build a giant Craner statue on board game yes so I wanted on top of the roof I want it to look very nice don’t make me look dumb or stupid build a oneto one no not a one to one build a big statue of me my skin what even what sort of task is that that’s my task buddy hey I’m I’m you agree with this jelly I didn’t make this up he I’m not listen he got elected man I hey remember who just made us defeat the End Dragon right guys right all right and once tax and then I died okay the tax will be jelly you have to pay I’m trying to figure out how to do the keyboard thing okay jelly what trying figure out how to type let me think real quick jelly will have to pay the 10 gold um blocks blocks that’s quite a lot crer sloo will have to pay 15 Gold Blocks wait why do I have to pay more because you’re not citizen of the week have you been following here dude and crater will have to payx cuts for citizens of the week 30 gold blocks there we go cuz I am a good president and I pay more than my citizens you have a you have a gold Factory no it’s not it’s not a factory it’s a farm all right well can I get a task no you he just said that the citizen the week doesn’t get a task you you want me to do you want me to come up with one mow the lawn or something um jelly make Squid Island Middle prettier so this part this you can do you can do the gardening around here jelly if you want thank you thank you yeah I I’ll add a path to your new gate oh that sounds good that sounds good yeah okay good good yeah I just want to have something to do well uh I can’t wait to see the changes around here Josh we’re all very excited yep and um yeah great good job jelly good job high five crer yes you may hit the president for a high five I’m going to I’m going to leave so I’ll see you guys later yeah I can’t wait for next week dude this is going to be so good dude [Music]

In this episode of Squid Island, our #minecraft survival series, we beat the Ender Dragon! We also get to see President Crainer’s true colours, crowning a citizen of the week…

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  1. If I was Josh I would grab all my items and leave squid island jelly and Crainer are ruining it there won’t be a island soon I’m just saying Josh needs to go and survive because soon I’m guessing Crainer and jelly are going to take all his stuff they are going to take stuff

  2. If he moves his iron farm he could also remove every iron block on squid island as villagers were “harmed” according to crainer and jelly and he also owns every iron block on squid island.

  3. Josh, when they were thinking of this new law, Jelly said he is building a emerald farm with villagers and Crainer said: If villagers are not scarred and not getting harmed and if they're happy and chilling then its fine. So think of a way you make it so it "Doesn't harm or scare the villagers".

  4. Slogo tranfer all your villager factories in far away place because they wont agree for your farm being on botk island and also go destroy crainers gold farm which is in the nether

  5. For everyone saying Slogo doesn't deserve this, remember all the things he did, he put crainer in prison, he made the prison harder for Crainer to manipulate him to add Jelly to an even harder prison for something Slogo triggered, he destroyed Crainers Camel and jellys pyramid, and gave himself land while none to Jelly and Crainer when they asked for it. Slogo has always had to coming

  6. Josh remember you can always shift your food and iron farm to bork island temporarily because crainer did say that he would support local businesses so technically he is shutting your factory down and also remember crainer said that he would help bork co if you promote to vote crainer so you can maybe do a court trial next recording exposing him

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