24 Must-Have Mods For Stardew Valley 1.6

with the release of the 1.6 update stardo morning Community has gone through a complete shakeup with a massive overhaul of the game’s backend modders now have more freed in than M to make their dreams a reality making the 1.6 update the perfect time to start your first modded playthrough but if you’re just starting out and feel overwhelmed with the world of modding then don’t panic because I’ve compiled a list of mods to get you started and if you’re a modding veteran like me then I’ve thrown in a few mods that they think you all like as well this video will be separated into three categories the first will go over quality of life mods these mods help with your general day-to-day playing of the game to make things easier or more streamlined the second is aesthetic mods for if you want to freshen up the look of your farm pelicant town or maybe even your favorite spouse and the third is expansion mods these mods add more gameplay mechanics challenges or expand on the world of stardo Valley and the characters inside of it so with all that said let’s get into it and here are the 24 mods I think you need for stardo Valley 1.6 but before we begin just a quick message from the sponsor of today’s video life makeover life makeover is a dress up and life simulation game that you can download for free in the App Store using the link in the description below unlike other simulation games Life makeover has endless customization and gameplay options to make the world feel truly like your own you have the freedom to choose between literally thousands of fashion styles ranging from elegant dresses to Modern Street Wear you can design your own unique dream hone invite friends over for dinner and even raise digital pits and with life makeovers new and improved Home Design system you have all the freedom in the world to make your very own dream house it could be a luxury Penthouse a tranquil Farm or heck maybe even a floating waterhous if that’s where your design skills really take you personalize the house for furniture and decorations that fit your style and since there’s no grid system in life makeover the only limitation is your imagination and if your dream housee ends up feeling a little lonely in life may coov you can now customize and own your very own unique pit with over 50 different customization features you have the freedom to make your dream best friend a reality and with the new AI driven interaction system looking after your pit genuinely feels just like real life you can feed bath and even clean up their poop if you really want to experience the joys of owning a Fuzzy Friend I even had the chance to make my own avatar and was genuinely Blown Away by the amount of freedom I had there was so much Variety in body types skin tones makeup and fashion styles and with the new limited version of Life makeover dance and vanity releasing from June 12th to July 2nd there’s no bit of time to start as you guys know I absolutely adore unique looks like fairy cor and with the release of dance of vanity life makeover now has a snow clad butterfly and curtain banquet outfits and I love them they were so elegant and seriously jaw-dropping that I was sad that they were only available for a limited time so if you want them get in quick once again thank you so much to life makeover for sponsoring today’s video if you want to make your own character it’s free to download in the description down below and now back to the video the first mod we’re looking at today is UI info Suite 2 if you watch any stardo YouTuber or streamer there’s a good chance you’ve seen this mod before it is a main stay in any proper modded playthrough this mod revamps the UI of stardo Valley to include more information so you don’t have to use that pretty headit of yours on remembering anything so let’s go through and have a look at what the mod actually adds to the UI the UI infosu mod adds and will Now display the luck you have for the day whose birthday it is if the traveling Merchant is in town the skill level you’re currently at and your progress to level up when holding a tool the amount of XP you get when mining or killing mobs how long crops have left to go the name of the crop that is growing how much items sell for both individually and with the amount you’re holding in your inventory if you’ve spoken to a villager that day if you’ve given a villager a gift if you’re a soulless Tyrant who doesn’t pet their farm animals and you can even check the billboard and calendar right from your inventory which I embarrassingly only discovered when recording this footage if you’re looking to streamline and simplify your stardo playthroughs in my opinion this is one of the most useful mods you can pick up from this list I have this in every modded playthrough I run and honestly at this point I I can’t really play without it the next mod is the look up anything mod this is for those of you who don’t want to constantly have the stardo wiki uh up on your second monitor as with this mod all that information is readily available in the game just hold down shift and press F1 and you can search up anything in the game at your heart’s content or if you want an easier way to find out more information about something you can just hover your mouse over an object and click F1 for more info I specifically found this mod really useful when I’ve forgotten like a villager’s favorite gifts or birthday is you can pretty much just look those up super easily however this mod could be used to search up practically anything forgot if you filled your bars feed slots for the day screw running all the way back to your farm just look it up while I don’t use this mod a whole lot I find it simply saves a lot of time from switching to the next screen and having to look things up and then coming back to the game it’s just a small addition that saves a lot of time and speaking of Saving Time this next one is for those of you who are super impatient just like me this is the selfs serve mod this mod lets you serve yourself at stores when shop Kats such as man and Clint are away from their stand this mod can be configured to work with almost every store but I mostly use it for when man decides to just stand by the microwave instead of actually running her own business that she has the audacity can complain to me that she has no more money becoming familiar is the next modern out list and is a great addition for preventing friendship Decay with any of the villages in Stu Valley if you can’t be bothered feeding Shane his addiction every day or you can’t be asked talking to Elliot but you really can’t handle the thought of anyone disliking you then this mod makes it so simply being in the same area as the Villager stops you from losing hearts with them it also gives you these really cute notifications saying things like Shane grins in your direction that I just I think that makes the world feel more live and if you’re looking to make more friends in the valley then why not try out the better friendship mod this mod is a simple one and just adds bubbles over the villager’s head indicating their favorite gifts when you have them in your inventory this is slightly different to the look up anything mod is the bubble only appears when you have a loved gift already with you so if you ever forget why you have that coconut in your back pocket then Haley will be there to remind you herself it’s time to wake up as really simple mod uh probably not in the coding I’m sure that took a lot of work but in the game it’s a small addition this mod lets you configure the usual time restraint that the base game has so you can wake up whenever you want so if you want to be an extra early riser you can now wake up at 5: 4: or hell even even 3:00 a.m. if you’re really on that Sigma grind set it’s kind of like being an actual farmer in real life uh they don’t get the privilege of waking up at 6:00 a.m. every morning the next mod is the return of the immersive scarecrows mod if you like me and if ever felt that the placement of scarecrows in stardo Valley is kind of ugly since they need their own tile then this mod is for you this mod adds the scarecrows between the crops instead of next to them so they take up no space and fit way better into making an aesthetic Farm meaning you have more tiles for your capitalist housescape wine Factory okay so I tried to avoid mods that could sort of kind of be considered cheating but I’m going to turn a blind eye to this next mod if it means it helps people out this is the Skull Cave elevator mod some of you will have been disgusted with me putting those uh words together and some of you would have just leted out the bigger sigh of relief yes this mod adds an elevator that unlocks as you reach different floors to the skull caves just like the nor Minds no more getting down to level 87 wasting all your staircases and then getting docked by a stupid serpent meaning you have to start all the way over again now you can just restart from level 85 one of my favorite parts of this mod however is how configurable the Creator made it as you can change how often the elevator appears so you can make it every five levels like the traditional mind or if you wanted a bit more of a challenge you can make it every 10 Lev levels which I would actually probably do cuz I think the skull caves should at least be slightly harder than the mines for the next section of the video we’re going to be going over aesthetic mods which are personally my favorite these mods overhaul the look of characters buildings and the general world of stardo Valley adding a Fresh coat of paint that make it feel like you’re moving back into pelicant town for the very first time and the first mod we’re going to be looking at is called Mono portrait mod this mod changes every Village’s portraits in stard Valley to be more detailed while keeping in line with the game’s General art style I have a lot of love for this mod and I was so glad to see it was updated to include the 1.6 winter styles a lot of portrait mods can take the looks of the villagers to the extreme going into this either like super realistic look or making them look like K-pop stars or turning them into this like 2000s Chibi Anime look and while I love the fresh directions a lot of portrait mods take hell I’ve shown off a lot of some of my favorites in previous videos there’s something to be said about the way the Creator mono has been able to capture the villagers in their own style while keeping in line with the original portraits of the game the characters still feel and look like themselves or having a more human appeal and I love that they they don’t feel out of place but they feel new okay so I’m going to cheat and count the next three as separate mods but cover them all in one because the next mods we’re looking at used to be known as the vanilla tweak mod set but have now been split up to make them more specific and today I’m going to cover the vanilla tweaks farming producer caves and interface mods these were all separate mods however they were made by the same Creator and that’s why we’re going to be covering them together these mods are pretty much just a texture pack for stardo Valley and each of these mods go through and change all the items crops and you want to fit a I guess you could say rounder more unique art style can you tell from my descriptions that I’m not an artist I wanted to include these mods because I love the art style of these I think the producer mod makes the food look more vibrant and appetizing the cave mod gives each Rock and artifact life the diamonds look shinier the skulls look scarier and the new aridium texture reminds me of the blurpleberry Supreme from code name kids next door I I don’t know if any of you will understand what I’m talking about here but I want to eat the idium in this mod I think the farming mod makes the crops and seeds look less rigid too the bag of seeds actually looks like a bag of seeds and I love the interface version of this mod because there’s 10 Styles you can choose from so you just have more customization at your fingertips there’s actually two other vanilla tweaks mods on top of these the warrior and Aquarium Edition but I found that the four I covered were probably the most important ones but if you like the look of these i’ definitely recommend checking out those other two as well simple foliage is a mod that does exactly what it sounds like this mod simplifies the looks of the trees in Stu Valley to give them a rounder more distinct look I really like this mod especially when used in combination with the vanilla tweaks mod set because I think the art styles of both of them really complement each other I also love how this mod makes each tree stand out there’s just no more forgetting which tree is an oak tree and which is a pine tree because God help me 3 years of playing this game and I still get confused this mod has also been updated to include the new mystic and fern trees that have been added in 1.6 and I really love the Unique Designs it’s given them especially the Mystic tree I think it just gives it that more otherworldly look that it was missing in the base game our next mod is the chess Deco mod which is the final texture redesign mod for this video this mod utilizes the alternative textures mod toolkit and allows you to turn any chests in the game into barrels crates and many other unique containers I try to actually count the amount of Unique Designs this mod has but genuinely lost count along the way I think it came out to around 80 different combinations depending on the product you wanted to display and the container you wanted that product in and that means you have the ability ility to design the look of your farm to your heart’s content and you get the opportunity to make some adorable choices I love that this mod let you show off your Farm’s products with the new chest designs and it also makes organization so much easier you can set up your own Gran display of Apple filled crates blossoming flowers and baskets of freshly laid eggs for the world to see a much better system than just making your chest yellow for your summer crops now all these item texture packs are nice but what if wanted an entirely new look to the valley well a next mod called fedu does exactly that this is a reshade preset that desaturates the colors of styu Valley while also giving the world a subtle Rose tinted warmth to really drive home that feeling of coziness I’m a big fan of how this mod looks with some of the new additions that came with 1.6 it seems to just make the waterfalls and cindersap Forest more relaxing or makes the Middleland Farms feel that little bit more enchanting but when playing with this reshade I found that the buildings of Pelican Town didn’t quite uh fit in so I had to find a mod to match my new fairy aesthetic if you’re a mod connoisseur like me I would be shocked if you haven’t seen this mod before but if you want pican town to match the fedu mod then your best bet would be the way back Pelican Town mod this mod takes all the buildings structures and Decor of Pelican town and turns it into a medieval town Township every single building in Pelican town has been changed the star drop has been turned into an old style Inn the spa has been turned into a medieval Hot Springs hell even the bus has been turned into an old old C thing I mean look at Pam’s trailer I I can’t tell if this is an upgrade or not but it’s cool all the festivals have had a revamp to fit in with the new design of the mod if there’s a festival that I think fits a medieval fairy tale aesthetic it’s the Night Market I highly recommend exploring this mod for yourself if you want to see every new part of Pelican town because truthfully there’s just too much for me to show in this like what minute minute and a half long segment of the video but if you do end up enjoying the mod and have a love for Ye Old Stu then there’s more where that came from because the next mod we’re looking at is the medieval buildings mod and is made by the same author this mod allows you to turn all your farming buildings into medieval buildings to fit in with the way back Pelican Town mod okay I said buildings a lot there damn each building has a unique design and uses the same white and black color palette of the way back mod all the buildings have these flowery overgrows like wild Untamed vines that are crawling up smaller buildings such as the silos stables and shipping bin have also been redesigned to fit in with the mod even the greenhouse has been changed to be aesthetic look how cool that is but easily my favorite part of this mod is that all the buildings change color depending on the season during Autumn the flowery overgrowth turns orange in summer brighter colors like purples and pinks shine through and my personal favorite is winter where the buildings get iced over with snow and frost it makes your farm feels still and as an a to it that’s just it’s so good but with that we’ve come to our final aesthetic mod for this section and I would argue this mod is that perfect little bow that ties all these other Mods together this this is the more grass mod it adds more grass makes you feel like you’re frolicking through a mle it’s I I I like it it’s cool for the final part of the video we’re going to be covering expansion mods these mods aim to add more life to stardo Valley expanding on characters gameplay and even the world of Pelican town so that even if if you have a, hours in the game you can still have something new and exciting to discover the first mode we’re going to be looking at is the Canon friendly dialogue expansion mod which adds 2,600 new lines of dialogue across all the villages in styu Valley yeah you heard that correct that’s 1,600 new day-to-day lines of dialogue for all 34 Villages that have heart events 600 new lines of dialogue for post marriage and 400 new lines of dialogue for the festivals including new lines of dialogue that only appear in year 3 and year 4 as it’s said in the name all the dialogue in this mod is Canon friendly so you don’t have any like weird offbeat out of character law drops from anyone if you’re like me you’ve probably seen so much of the character’s base game dialogue already that you start to know most of it off by heart which is why this mod feels like the perfect chance to freshen things up I play through some of the dialogue with Haley because of course I would and the new addition really felt like a breath of fresh air Haley would insult me more make me jealous of Alex talk about the joys of motherhood when we had a child and what it meant to her and even had some uh new fun dialogue the additional lines to Haley already made her feel like a more fleshed out character so the fact that this mod adds this much depth to all the villages in stardo Valley really makes this mod the perfect char expansion for the players that are already villager experts and if you’re looking for more character dep when you’ve married your chosen spouse then you might enjoy the immersive spouses schedules mod it’s a common complaint within the stardo community that spouses often become boring when you marry them they usually only leave the farm twice a week and some even drop their life goals after marriage completely well this mod aims to fix that issue by changing the schedules for your spouse by increasing the days they leave the farm to 4 days a week and most importantly giving them unique schedules for each day they leave now on a Thursday Haley will take photos near Leah’s house and head back to her old home to process the photos in her dark room even giving you new dialogue along with it Elliot hangs around the town reading poetry that he will recite to you Shane works at man’s store Leah Paints in the Town Square Sam looks after Vince and Harvey yeah Harvey just stands at the clinic but these are just a few of the changes that have been made from this mod some of the spouses will even change schedule depending on the season or if the community center has been completed this mod is still a work in progress too as I know the Creator is looking to add in more dialogue in the future so if this mod interests you make sure to keep an eye out for any future updates and if you’re spous and you have a child and you’re sick of that child just becoming a rotting sack of meat that you can throw then you need the child age up mod this mod actually gives your children some life in game adding portraits and Sprites for the children that match your spouse and your child will also have new schedules and daily routines where they go to school with Jess and Vince actually go to the festivals and even change outfits depending on the season this isn’t the biggest mod to add to the game but it’s definitely a step up from when your child is just becomes a toddler and then sits there doing nothing while also being slightly creepy the next next mod is the machine progression System Mod which adds teared upgrades to all the machines in the game similar to how you upgrade tools in the base game you can now use ore to upgrade the machines on your farm starting with an iron upgrade and progressing all the way to a prismatic upgrade I literally cannot go into every new function that this mod adds because the list is so long it would actually add another like 20 minutes to this video but the general premise is that each upgrade improves the machines in multiple ways such as increasing the amount of top quality items they produce lowering processing times making the machines produce iridium items making machines produce items with the quality input so a gold ancient fruit will produce gold ancient fruit wine when put into a keg giving them a chance to double produce and even gives machines completely new functions for example Le an upgraded CK can now increase the quality of gems and minerals why does a CK get to do that I don’t know but I think it’s pretty cool this mod is is huge and completely revamps the way you can make money in Stu Valley if you ever fall into the Trap of just setting up an ancient fruit wine Factory and won a new challenge then I’d absolutely look into this mod for a new way to play the game and become the capitalist Overlord of pelicant town if if we’re talking about mods that expand the world of stardo Valley mods that make the game feel fresh and exciting then I would be doing an injustice to not talk about of course stardo Valley expanded this is the Stu Valley mod if you’re looking to recapture that magic of entering the valley for the very first time again how amazing it was to figure out quest lines find the love of your life unlock new areas all for the the very first time then this is the mod you need stardo Valley expanded adds over 20 fully fledged NPCs with dialogue schedules Back stories new animations and events six new marriage candidates 260 new events across the entire Valley a completely new jojamart storyline 50 new locations for you to un lock and explore 23 new fish new immersive foraging and 900 new location messages to find throughout the world this is by far the biggest mod you can include in your new 1.6 stard Valley playthrough this mod is in fact so impressive the Creator literally worked on the stardo valley 1.6 update if you’re a veteran of stardo Valley and you’re looking for an entirely new feel then this is the mod for you and that’s it that is all of them 25 mods I’d recommend for stard Valley 1.6 for beginners and experts alike obviously don’t feel like you need to try all of them this could be quite an overwhelming video for beginners but I just wanted to give you a little mix of different mods you can try to revamp the game if I missed any or you have your own recommendations please let me know down in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video how why not subscribe like and and I I don’t know let me know what you think of these mods I’ll see you on the next one bye-bye

Download Life Makeover now: https://yslzm-seareal.onelink.me/wcP9/v45by2kk
Raise digital pets, customize virtual image and build your dream house!
Dance of Vanity is available for a limited time from June 12 to July 02 !

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Edit by: meow meow

Q.O.L Mods:
UI Info Suite 2:
Look Up Anything:
Self Serve:
Becoming familiar:
Better Friendship
It’s Time to wake up
Immersive Scarecrows:
Skull Cave Elevator:

Mono’s Portraits:
Vanilla Tweaks Modset:
Simple Foliage:
Chest Deco:
Wayback Pelican Town:
Medieval Buildings
More Grass:

Canon-Friendly Dialouge:
Immersive Spouses Schedules:
Child Age Up:
Machine Progression System:


  1. I watch your videos in the background when im doing something but then I get distracted and i don’t end up finishing what i’m doing

  2. Love all the mods recommended here except for one. I honest to the Gods don't think SVE needs to be suggested anymore, you can't miss it whenever you go on Nexus alongside everybody and their Mother suggesting it.

    I would offer up Ridgeside with it's far more diverse town and story that somewhat slides alongside Pelican Town's without outright stating itself as canon. Adding on bits not told in game like your Grandmother, or your Grandfather's reputation, things like that! It's incredibly well done and deserves as much hype as SVE, if not, in my opinion, more.

    As for portrait mods, cannot recommend Diverse Stardew Valley enough! Even just using the vanilla portraits and addons adds so much to the game, like shoe racks for a lil insight to people's personalities.

    Oh, also try East Scarp and the people addons. Mateo and Sen are some of my favorites 😀

  3. Two mods I absolutely adore and would recommend to people wanting to get into modding stardew would have to be Nyapu's Portraits and Ridgeside Village!

    Nyapu's Portraits are a adorable set of portraits that give villagers a Harvestmoon-esc chibi look! Whats great is that there are numerous addons for other modded NPCs such as for Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village!

    Ridgeside Village, similar to Stardew Valley Expanded, is a mod which adds a whole new slew of characters, regions to visit, quest to go on, food, ores, and much more to collect! There are a ton of diverse and lovable characters (and potential love intrests!) And the mod is still being activly worked on! Its also compatible with Stardew Valley Expanded and makes the whole valley feel so so much bigger!

    Happy Modding! 🎉

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