when Terraria Servers become their own game

so in may terraria is going to turn 10 years old and according to steam in those 10 years i’ve had over 3 000 hours of game time now i can confidently say that at least 98 of those 3 000 hours have been spent in single player multiplayer terraria is an aspect of the game that i’ve always neglected but this year i really want to change that so in today’s video we’re going to be checking out the pedwin mini game servers since it’s been so long since i’ve actually played there i want to see how it’s adapted to 1.4 and also just see are there any new games that we can check out and like what is it like in 2021 so before we get into it remember if you liked today’s video go down there and hit the subscribe button we’re trying to become the first ferrari channel to hit the big 1 million and with your support i think we can do it so help me out and put a gold play button back here all right without the way let’s get into it all right so here we are in terraria now to play on the server i’m gonna need a brand new character usually i would play as this one here chippy but the truth is i don’t really remember the password and i don’t want to bother anybody and be like hi can i have my password to the server so i’m going to make a new character and we’re going to go incognito here all right i don’t want any of the attention we’re going to call it not chippy and uh and i’ll just make it look like me right it will it will honestly it’ll throw everyone off right now i’ve spoken about this many times having every single character look the same is actually a bit of a nightmare it’s really hard to to organize all my characters so i’ve just gotten the routine recently of basically deleting them the ones i don’t need or just like backing them up somewhere so it’s just always a a bit of a mess most of these are just for like thumbnails and stuff like that ooh we’re joining let’s have a little look let’s see how different it is oh my god oh wait no wait so i was about to say this looks like completely different but i have actually been spoilt for this uh i saw this in a penguin video a couple of months ago where he was showing like duncan and raff’s at the server but it’s really different to how it used to look it used to have like a big penguin in the middle now they’ve kind of toned it down look at that but there’s still like penguin server icons there so um all around we have all the different mini games there’s there’s a lot of them how many is there oh does that show the players no oh my god christ this multiplayer terraria will blow you away if you’ve never played it it blows me away every single time i have no idea how any of this works that is amazing so you can see that 19 people are playing um fortify 15 are playing classic ctg oh that makes me happy that does make me happy i don’t think i’ll have enough time to do a full game of capture the gem though to capture the gem as a as 11. nine people are playing class wars and 10 tenor playing the the penguin party that’s really cool nobody wants to play um king of the hill maybe we should start a king of the hill lobby nobody wants to play hunger games so back in the day i covered the server a lot playing uh hunger games and it was like some of the most fun i’ve had in terraria parkour as well only four okay this is nifty i want to explore i want to see everything that’s new here because this looks amazing so this is kind of cool it seems like they have their own like community uh notice boards so it says that moro has rejoined the staff team as a junior developer welcome back moro all right round of applause clearly talented people make this it’s also got credit special thank you to the following builders for the 1.4 lobby all right okay i can see chaos i was about to say if chaos’s name isn’t on there i’d be very surprised a lot of this looks um very chaos inspired you know but all the master builders they’re all amazing in their own right hey look at that it’s the it’s the chippy’s couch it’s made it onto the to the penguin mini game server oh that’s really cool should we sit on it oh it feels good it feels good i feel like my time here has already been well spent and i’ve got a brew i got a cup of coffee as well you do not have permission to build in this region all right that makes a lot of sense i just i just want to swing please don’t ban me so i’ve hit a a bit of a dead end here this is apparently called staff boulevard oh there’s a sign why are you peeking i’m not finished yet touch this sign to earn all of raid max’s ped points i want them all what is this going to be is it just for staff that’s kind of cool like a little a little lobby i guess i don’t know why you do that in terraria but very nifty so just to really check it all out i also want to like go left and just admire some stuff it’s just nice to see good builds every once in a while do you know what i mean oh there’s another player hello what’s going on do you think he knows we’re following him do you think he’s curious what if we dance do you think he’ll dance ah he’s doing it should we so we say hello hello i’m like actually like i’m on the edge of my seat i wanna know what derpus is gonna write to me he left the game all right so all i can really say right now is i am stupidly impressed with this server lobby it’s so nice like all i’ve done for the past few minutes is just kind of walk around look how much i’ve covered it’s so good i really want to see what this is going to be i’m actually really curious i think we should probably play some games though i feel like that would be good all right let’s go back to uh spawn so i didn’t realize just like how many people work on this like if you take a look at the developers and the admins look at this list it goes on forever uh so i think i would like to play class wars that’s the one that i think i would probably enjoy the most pick one of a dozen classes and try and kill as many people as possible i personally really like pvp if i ever play anything like multiplayer that’s why like when we did the uh collaboration with elper it was so much fun oh my god there’s so many classes is there any glasses that look like me i would like that a lot this one kind of looks like me which one’s this called what’s it called duck hunter it’s a marksman veteran he now spent his time hunting ducks and other people wow server has walked you to red eleven server has buffed you with shine you got class 112 from picking brandon the game has begun all right so i’m a ghost i’m a skeleton ghost wow i’ve also got a whoopee cushion christ what was that oh my god what the actual hell is happening here get him get him oh my god all right oh i actually got someone amazing i’m gonna definitely die to this sword though please stay away stay away here we go there we go who do we kill we killed connected cat nice bloody rick over here he’s getting all the kills come on come on oh my god no i’m not dying to you again i’m guessing this person is sonic because of how quickly they move wow look at me who’s winning oh that was it the high score on the winning team was free kills reached by not chippy hey well done to me all right i want to pick a class this time slash class one uh four five you picked class one four five all right is this ash oh is this called jacket came all the way from the 1980s miami after destroying the russian mafia and now oh god christ also in a um a temple so i can’t really see what i’m firing at but i’m assuming that there are baddies over here oh my god oh my god i had the champs they were caught in the web get him hey here we go are those ducks actually painful there’s my ducks all right i’m gonna go for connected cat come on i don’t know what they’re gonna do oh they’re not doing anything every time i hit there’s a duck i don’t know why oh god christ we died that’s not good so real quick if you like the attire that i’m wearing right now you may not know that this is actually official re-logic merchandise and what’s cool is they’ve set all of you up with a special discount code so if you use the code small chippy you’ll actually save 15 on anything on their website which is like quite good and you’ll actually be supporting the channel that way so i’ll leave a link to it down below it’s www.terraria.shop and you can check out what they have to offer and also support me and re-logic so i think we’re going to check out peddwin party see what that’s all about this one is a rotation of mini games i’m pretty sure i’ve played a lot of these mini games like back in the day but not really in this mode i don’t think my knowledge is very poor i’m trying to learn all right penguin party is starting please wait all right we’ll wait we’ll wait around it’s not like i’ve got anything to do peds he could just put me in a game mate i love all the uh the little previews of like all the little mini games and such like i’m pretty sure that’s like a slap hand into the lava kind of deal i don’t know what this one is i don’t really know what this one is either right so my idea of this one because i’m pretty sure i played this like two years ago is you have to to basically run away from the lava as quickly as possible which is already going to an awful start come on please i’m so bad at stuff like this all right come on just just keep going keep going we’re slowly oh god christ it tricks you i’m trying it like catch up please all right let’s go let’s go come on here we go here we go all right down the middle oh we’re making good speed honestly honestly i’ve got no idea how long this goes down for oh no i was i was tricked all right down the middle of the lava out the honey oh my god this is the most unsatisfying way to play terraria why am i stuck come on come on let me out of here oh my god christ why is this so tense i feel like i did i feel like i did pretty well on that one i’m actually pretty proud of that we made it through so now we’ve got a new game which is it’s the color one color flash i actually quite like this all right this one says uh go to the color stated in the chat each level watch out some messages might trick you obstacles might appear okay right let’s go i’ve got no idea why we have these okay the winner of this round will receive all right go to the color of this text all right that’s green all right no trick in me hedging party i’m good to go now i remember playing this with uh with ped on one of the jingle gems a couple of years ago i was terrible at it i’m terrible at all many games since terraria for being honest but like i say it’s because i don’t really practice i don’t really play these very often but i do think it for like for this year i do want to add it to like a bit of a new year’s resolution to play this part of terraria a little bit more because it is an area of the game that’s so good and the thing with servers is that you know at the end of the day they’re only finite they’ll only be around for a certain number of years so i really want to enjoy this while it’s while it’s around new grid oh i died i’m going to be honest i followed mob mentality it was like what was the thing go to the color of blue and yellow and i just went to blue i i don’t know what’s going on here i followed the crowd that’s me right so what’s this one this one is free free-for-all okay right i don’t know can i not fight this person are they too close all right oh my god christ oh my god all right let’s just go for it let’s go for it let’s get these shuriken are flying i like a good i like a good little mini game players honestly pvp is my favorite whenever i play any multiplayer game it’s because i just kind of like trying to kill people oh god oh god oh no all right we’re dead um we’re dead i don’t think we survived very long all right well we tried i don’t even think i could get my way around this little mini course look you’re meant to like get up and then get off and ah no idea no idea so that was really cool i really enjoyed taking a look at this mini game server it’s been so long since i’ve actually been here now we only ended up checking out class wars and penguins pie so if you would like to see more maybe in the future we could come back if ted quinn server would have us not chippy might just be banned straight after this we don’t want you here um no it was a lot of fun to to check this out so i think that’ll do it for today’s episode guys give it a big fat thumbs up if you enjoyed it and like i said at the start subscribe if you’re new we’re trying to hit the one million mark which is a lot of subscribers but i think if we work really hard and do it together we’ll we’ll get there all right see you in the next one guys peace [Music] you

In today’s Terraria 1.4 video we’re checking out the Terraria Pedguin Minigame server to see how it’s adapted to Terraria 1.4 and what minigames it has to offer.

Check out the Pedguin minigame server here:

also check out ped because he’s a champ https://www.twitch.tv/pedguin

ChippysCouch/ChippyGaming’s Setup (affiliate links) 🎮

Save 15% on OFFICIAL Terraria merch with code SMALLCHIPPY (affiliate link)

👍 Follow Me on Social:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chippygamingyt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chippygamingyt

🌳 About Terraria: Terraria is a 2D action-adventure sandbox video game developed by Re-Logic. The game was initially released for Microsoft Windows in May 2011, and has since been released for various consoles, handhelds, and mobile devices. Gameplay of Terraria features exploration, crafting, building, and combat with a variety of creatures in a procedurally generated 2D world.


  1. Little spoiler, there's actually a lot of secrets in the Pedguin Minigame Server Hub.
    In there, you can actually find the old 1.3 server spawn, but it's a graveyard and underground so you can't see all of the colours.

  2. I’m coming up on five years! I started on the wii u. (Remember the wii u? No? Okay.) I remember 1.3 console was being released and the day it came out I went on my wii u, only to realize that it didn’t exist for wii u. “Good” times… :’)

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