Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 88 – Down Down to Skull Cave Town

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley so we fell asleep trying to get all of our uh things done yesterday all of our uh um kegs emptied and we did not succeed got the book seller coming up got a lot of money so that might be worth uh worth checking out let’s check our weather report welcome to kzu 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with gusts of wind throughout the day and a special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day welcome back to wellwick Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future well you’ve come to the right place the spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands greetings it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you a new mouthwatering recipe from my secret cookbook this week’s dish fruits salad here’s a healthy and delicious treat to brighten up your day the most important thing to remember is that you need ripe fruit forget the Bland stuff they sell at the supermarket I’m talking freshly picked juicy bursting with flavor fruit okay now watch closely you learned how to cook a fruit salad yes cook fruit salad all right let’s see 67 crops are ready 40 unwatered crops eight crops ready in the greenhouse 26 machines are ready and the farm cave is ready all right nothing down there I do need to make some more of those uh yeah 1,00 g for passing out hello my friend mountain lake has been kind to me lady I’d like to share my good fortune with you and he’s given me a mocky roll where did he get the seaweed that’s a really good question all right let’s go ahead and do [Music] that go ahead and sell all of those also sell that smoked albore [Music] all right and we got lots and lots of corn ready [Music] nope did not mean to do that I do need toh water our crops as well looks like we have some vok Choy done need to decide what I want to put in there as well [Music] [Music] dang it dang it I’ll get it eventually fill up more with uh salt water of course all right uh I think there was also some Bok Joy over here oops wrong thing go yep all right so let’s go ahead and put this away I’m trying to think of what I wanted to do today and I accidentally put that away and I didn’t mean to do have a lot of iron I could definitely make some uh things with that uh it’s been a little bit of a break for me so I’m I’m a little bit uh blanking on on things that I had intended to do uh so you know it happens what am I doing with my other bait going over here just going in there for now I guess also go ahead and put those in there so it’s Sunday I do have some cranberry seeds it’s not great Sunday the 7th I guess I’ll go in and buy some things we will have a [Music] um just uh sell those [Music] just pet all of our [Music] animals got some caviar going to get something else done soon oh don’t know oh boy whole whopp and pair of salmon berries [Music] no no all right wrong thing I’m dumb all right let’s go uh actually get our [Music] harvests should probably have done the goat milk but it’s fine excuse me get those in there let me go grab this that in there as well okay uh let’s see Clint wants some ore give the sand dragon his final meal I do need to still do that I need to reach level 100 in the mines I need to bring Willie a squid and that’s not happening anytime soon the uh the shorts all right well uh let’s go ahead and get that in there well I can crack these open as well so let’s go ahead and do that okay to town I don’t think I have anything that needs to be upgraded or that I can upgrade at the moment let’s actually do this first brought the ores I requested excellent H seems these ores don’t have any rare gems hidden inside that’s okay there’s your ORS back thanks for your payment as promised all right process geod let’s go with this one first [Music] oh wow nice ancient seed it’s pretty good lucky lunch it’s okay go ahead and hold on to that obviously not going to plant it but that will be uh useful when I decide to redo uh the [Music] the greenhouse I’m going to redo the greenhouse eventually i’ like to put a copper bar above the mantle all [Music] right let’s get some pumpkin seeds we got time to plant those and get those done [Music] so I should probably run out to the desert and do the uh that thing I don’t remember what the reward is for it so definitely be a uh good thing to uh refresh my memory on by uh actually doing it I keep doing that [Music] could run into the uh Cave again uh the mines I do [Music] like there are things to do could make a lot of uh bombs where are my bombs I mean it’s a little bit on the late side to be perfectly honest I got 30 bombs that’s spicy eel be good I could just uh see how far down I get how much stone do I have right now oh that’s where my uh my bait is all right so I could could make a lot of ladders that would would work to get us down there some ways if I also bring the bombs bring a lot of food could make an attempt it’s not a lucky day though and I am getting a later start was it neutral today yeah it’s not great let’s wait until we have a better day and I do need to actually go visit the um traveling Merchant and there was something over here done yeah So eventually I’m going to redo this uh and have fewer crops in there I just like to you know get a bunch of stuff early on I like variety all right and I really do need to redo all of uh this area as well there’s some things that I want to uh change up in there that oh actually you know what since we have this all done go that and I should also grab some of the [Music] cloth there we go that’s good enough for now uh I did learn something very interesting that I am going to do in a second let close that thank you hi Jess Chain’s gone a lot notmy is allit is busy all the time so I have to invent my own games I’m thankful for all my toys I would be too you’re a good friend Bobo now we can have another to wait for them to have another baby what you got uh uh anything that I care about not really all right bye-bye a little disappointing but I did forget to put those in the container I guess I’ll just sell them cloth is good for cash all right there is a pretty neat thing that you can do with uh torches now that I did not know about you can put them on sprinklers I have more torches no I think I’ve been selling them all right well I’ll just as I get them I’ll put more on actually you know what I’ve got enough time I think let’s go ahead and run out to the desert so we can do the do this we’ll see what uh Sandy has for sale I probably should have brought a flower so I could give it to her oh well I’m pretty awful about that we’ll see what uh we can gather from around here as well you place the essence in the dragon’s Mall only then do you notice a note hidden in the eye socket proving yourself kid check out the pile of lumber next to your house okay what do I get uh iron and coal wonder if Andy closes I don’t know where she lives I don’t know if I’ve done many beats grab some beets [Music] haven’t done many uh rhub Barba either do want that [Music] mannequin all right that’s fine might as well chop down these trees as long as I’m out here get some Cy nuts not a whole lot of forage out here actually oh boy Stone such good forage hello all right so I want to get a lot of Jade for the staircases here um I should double check to see if those are only sold on a specific day CU I am not positive about that that would be good oh hello got some broccoli seeds all right I think that’s all the trees all right let’s return to stardew Valley have to check out our um our wood pile maybe I’ll run up to the mines again should see how far I am on the monster Slayer goals I’m getting a lot of uh iron that’s for sure s that that is fall that gets in there coconuts get in there also fall there we go and I’m going to put the uh mannequin here for the moment okay let’s head into the uh wait wait wait wait I need some food I goofed that up too there we go all right so how are we doing on the dust Sprite goal by aome well [Music] hello do I have space boots I do have space boots okay good uh let’s see oh 481 out of 500 dust Sprites excellent okay that is very good just need 19 more is it 40 I think it’s 40 I do want Stone as well so [Music] continue to take iron some more Jade very [Music] nice all right not a whole lot else [Music] unfortunately so let’s go to [Music] 45 no dust Sprites no ore either 50 I’ll take that okay nothing really else we go to 55 do I have in here right now ah nothing much nothing let’s go to 60 as well take the AA as long as I’m here oh Ruby guess I’ll take the that ladder down face the right way please you gotcha got a little bit of coal no more dust Sprites though the feels like a different layout I don’t know that I’ve seen that one before okay I don’t think we’re going to get our dust Sprite uh goal uh today unfortunately but maybe [Music] tomorrow go to 65 just to see if there’s anything else we got a few minutes Okay I lied 70 ah whatever let’s just go all right well back to the bus stop should have ridden my horse if I can still give it to him I’ll give it to him tomorrow need to remember to not do that all right I’ll deal with the there we go deal with the rest uh tomorrow oh thanks Kitty for the green Aly yay let’s go to sleep for the night all right day seven of fall year 2 pretty good amount of cash 20,000 pale ale of course uh bringing in the majority there mayonnaise and cheese uh some fishing it’s just all the smoked albor yeah all right day eight Monday don’t think it’s anyone’s birthday today but book seller tomorrow also how are we doing on friendship okay still haven’t decided who I want to marry let’s check the weather report welcome to kzu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be it’s going to rain all day tomorrow and our special forecast for the fern Islands it’s going to be clear and sunny all day might go out to the uh Island might go to the um it’ll depend if we if if the uh um if it’s a lucky day probably go to the uh skull Cavern I’ll try to make a lot of stairs if it is not a particularly lucky day then I will probably go to the fern Islands Spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune all right well maybe I’ll go to the skull Cavern today welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up it’s Blackberry season bushes across the countryside are overflowing with ripe fruit just go out outside and see for yourself 28 crops [Music] ready 24 crops are ready in the greenhouse 35 machines are ready and the farm cave is ready all [Music] right I have one unused uh thing in there but I’m waiting on that a little bit [Music] yeah I’m not going to bring him in a copper bar it’s fine [Music] [Music] wrong thing [Music] [Music] all right I need some fruit let’s get uh let’s actually get cranberries all right sell all of that [Music] off why do I keep doing that actually let me grab that that’ll make as many stairs as possible we go 20 it’s not a huge number but we might still at least get down low enough that um we find some good things I have you guys over here all right let me check the uh the greenhouse I’m not too concerned about other things uh animal products can survive there we go all right I had the bream here for the uh the smoker probably uh get at least one in all right let’s go ahead and leave you guys behind don’t really need [Music] those anything in here that I actually want to take with me no I don’t think so okay and here um lucky lunch would be good I do want the bombs spicy eel I don’t really have I mean I guess I have [Music] the actually I’ll take the spicy eel but we’ll start with a lucky lunch and a triple shot espresso uh because you can have a drink and a food at the same time so then we can do spicy eel when that runs out if we need also under a piece of wood you found a club card you’re not sure what it’s for but it seems important it’s been added to your wallet all right horsey let’s go see how badly we do please return when the bus driver is present dang it hurry up hurry up [Music] all right there we go off we go all right I don’t expect to get super duper deep oh wow gold diamond aquamarine and coal yes please this area is infested [Applause] perfect let’s jump in you fell f levels ow probably should have taken some uh defensive stuff of course down we go nope please click on it [Applause] there we go another hole well Seven Levels well that’s disappointing there we go go ahead and jump in 15 levels ouch ouch indeed let’s eat lots of blackberries it is BlackBerry season so I can get more relatively easily tomorrow or something well probably not tomorrow but CU I was thinking about going to the fern Islands it’s around 33 take that I’ll take that yes ow down we go all right oh there was some diamonds down there four levels oh well eat some more I don’t know if you can like die from uh jumping down those holes uh let’s take all of this nothing there okay oh God hate those guys so [Music] [Music] much eat lots of blackberries for the healing [Music] up all of that oh God oh God don’t leave me alone leave me alone yes please speed’s about to go out all right you know what I do want that uh do want that o there’s another Diamond over there that I just noticed too I want that well trick trixy little thing anything down there no all right oh God get out of there all right I do want to get a um a prehistoric level too arguably I should be uh leaving as soon as I see a set of stairs but we’re okay I if I don’t get to um 100 this time it’s okay well we’ll get there eventually but no ghosty leave me alone all right stairs down I did just see those stairs I want the idium oh God oh [Music] God hoping to find some more uh some more shoots to fall [Music] down I should have gotten some uh some of the healing medicine so I have energy ones but that’s about it I should have take I mean the take the life Elixir is what I should have done get out of here you guys so much let hoping for a shoot I did see an emerald there but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this uh layout before either all right let’s take that you’re taking a lot of hits I just haven’t killed one of you before so I was curious if you’d have anything and that’s unfortunate yes okay oh wow all right uh right what do I not care about don’t care about sap don’t care about slime okay what else don’t I care about um bone fragments yeah I have not gotten a prehistoric ver I want a dinosaur inventory full all right what is it prehistoric rib all right I’ve gotten the tail the tail can be useful but you know what let’s get rid of Fire Quartz I don’t care about that [Music] kind of want to keep the crystal Footwear I don’t think I care about the void Essence care about the red mushrooms oh God s raid oh God I did it again all right I don’t care about uh I do care about the solar Essence I don’t care about quartz all right so there’s a way down but I want an [Music] egg well that’s really crummy what is that ring immunity ban plus four immunity [Music] um all right I’ve already gotten the skeletal tail so eat the cave carrots oh good we got another uh another pit Seven Levels just want to sell that oh I need void Essence for that I thought I only needed solar Essence okay I don’t think I care about the solar Essence then I can make some more stairs but I’d rather make some more bombs not that they’re mutually exclusive well now it’s fine all right there is a hole but I did see a dinosaur that I would like to go kill and see if we can get something from it NOP all right I really do want the uh Seven Levels areas infested eat the spicy eel eat the triple shot espresso and I don’t care what’s here we oh nice nope I’m jumping in eight levels ouch I should have left my uh pan at home too all right I do want those there is getting late I don’t know that I’m going to be able to get down all of the levels that I want I W take that don’t really have time to fight you do want that don’t care all right all right I want the Ruby okay there’s a hole jump in seven levels no so close 96 oh man so close so close there’s uh I would have gotten there if I hadn’t gone after uh uh resources as much as I did but it’s fine it’s fine I do need to check to see if there is if the uh um stairs are only available on specific days of the desert Trader so I’m going to look at that in between episodes um but we shall see all right so peach jelly got us quite a bit one more smoked albore 6776 and that is going to wrap us up for this episode when we come back next time maybe we’ll have another uh attempt maybe I’ll go out to the um Fern Islands I don’t know yet we’ll see but that will be for next time see you then everyone

Let’s make an attempt to get to level 100!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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  1. Ahh yes , youve found the trick to grinding monsters in the mines, accessing as many levels as possible. However, when you leave the mines via the ladder (as opposed to the elevator) the mines reset. My personal strategy for dust mite grinding is elevator to 45 then 55 then 65, then 60, down to 61 to 63, leave and repeat. Also, no mine level accessible by the elevator will have ore nodes; if you get lucky, you might get a diamond node.
    Ahh, didnt know you could put torches on sprinklers, but that does make sense.

    And umm, Auld . . you have the iridium scythe now . . . .use it! 😀 (to harvest crops)

  2. He got the seaweed from a trash can of course. You mean you don't go back and rewatch your own episode to remember what you were going to do next? I'm surprised. 😛 That large thing contained a tiny tiny ancient seed. Even in Stardew do people not know how to choose the appropriate size box for a package. 😛 Not a good day to attempt the 100 floors Auld. Okay good, you decided against it. You could go get some staircases from the trader today though. FEWER crops? Gasp. No real point in the traveling merchant anymore unless you want the catalogues. Oh interesting. I knew about on fences but I did not know about on sprinklers. Nom nom nom. Sandy doesn't sleep. Yes, Jade is only on Sundays. 777 Slimes? Should've gone to the casino. 😛

    Spirits happy, skull cavern won the coin flip. I moved my smoker to be right next to my fish chest so I stop forgetting about it. Same with the dehydrator and my mushrooms. You got real lucky in not dying there. How do you keep doing that? Yay, dinosaur level! Boo… no egg. You made it a lot further than I was expecting you too. Good job. Too bad about not making it.

    After taking care of the mussels, I gathered up as much stuff from my chests into my backpack that I could, stopped by the trader to buy a recipe, and then headed back to the mainland. I went straight to the farm and cleared up my inventory. Then it was time to take care of the animals and make coffee. After that I headed to Clint to break some stuff open. And then back to the farm again to smoke fish, convert seeds, and make coffee for the rest of the day.

    Blackberry season! I'm actually not sure if I'm going to collect any or not. Cranberries are ready today, so I'm able to do my weekly task from last week now. I took care of the animals, made coffee, gathered gifts into my bag, and headed to town. Ran around handing out gifts to people who still need them. I'm now dating all of the bachelorettes. The guys are still kind of low in hearts. Both weekly quests require me going back to the island, so I'll probably do that next "episode". I headed to the forest and collected blackberries after the gifts then headed back to the farm for the rest of the day.

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